Policy Title Policy of Making University Policies Policy Number 10-01 Functional Field Others Related Policies All Policies Responsibility of The Academic Council Issuing Office Status Quality Assurance Office Active Approved By In-revision Draft # Proposed Draft # 1 Academic Council and University Council Approved by AC on 21 May 2012 Ref/doc. no. No. AC/2011-12/5/7) Approval Date Approved by UC on 1st meeting 2014-15,19/10/2014 Resolution No. (46 / 2014-2015) Effective Date Revision History Number Revision # 1 Revision # 2 Revision # 3 Revision # 4 Contact Office Date By Curriculum and Academic 06/12/2011 Policies Committee 21/5/2012 Academic Council Main Changes Overall Title Policy of Making University Policies Sultan Qaboos University e-mail address Phone Number 1 POLICY TITLE The title is an informative heading describing the specific domain of the policy. The title has a domain descriptor. For easy reference, the title conventionally starts with the descriptor(s) followed by the word policy. Sample: Academic Program Review Policy 2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Provide in an alphabetical order the definition of unfamiliar terms or terms that have specialized meaning in the policy. 2.1 Policy: a formal University document that regulates, governs, guides and coordinates activities, processes and actions. It ensures compliance with standards and helps achieve university mission and goals in a systematic manner and with reduced risks. 2.2 Principle: an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct 2.3 Stakeholders: individuals and/or entities who should adhere to the policy or who may be affected or governed by this policy 2.4 Statement: a declaration 2.5 UCAPC: University Curriculum and Academic Policies Committee 3 POLICY STATEMENT Is a declaration that outlines core provisions of the policy. The statement must be clear, and concise to guide decision making within its scope of no more than one or two sentences. The statement must not get mixed up with or describe procedures: ‘operational issues’. Policy statement should conform to SQU Charter and its Executive Regulations and may be amended as needs change. Sample: All SQU policies must be developed, approved, revised, issued, withdrawn and maintained in accordance with the requirements outlined in this document. 4 PURPOSE/ REASONS FOR POLICY A statement that sums up the rationale for the policy; i.e. why it exists, why it is needed or what problem or conflict it will resolve. Identifies any legal or regulatory requirements the policy will address. Sample: This Policy is required for the effective communication of University Policies and for the ease of use and identification of approved University Policies. 5 GENERAL PRINCIPLES This section highlights the fundamental requirements and conditions necessary for the successful understanding and deployment of the policy. Sample: 5.1 All policies developed by any college, department, committee or a unit must use the official standard format and requirements outlined in this policy, otherwise these are considered unofficial. 5.2 It is the responsibility of line-managers to provide staff with guideline information on this policy 5.3 All colleges and university units are expected to adhere to this policy. 1 Policy of Making University Policies Sultan Qaboos University 6 SCOPE OF APPLICATION Scope of application is a statement indicating individuals and/or entities who should adhere to the policy or who may be affected or governed by this policy i.e. stakeholders. Sample: 6.1 All Departments and Service Units 6.2 All staff 7 POLICY OWNER The policy owner is a staff member(s) or body(s) within SQU responsible for developing, overseeing, reviewing and updating the policy under consideration. Sample: The Secretary of the Academic Council is the owner of this Policy. 8 APPROVAL BODY This section designates the body responsible for approving the policy. Sample: Academic Council 9 PROCEDURES The procedure should outline the steps and methods required to implement a policy. A procedure specifies who does what and when; indicates tasks. A procedure should conform to SQU Charter and its Executive Regulations. A flowchart depicting the main steps of the procedure for policy-making policy Originator Department* College* Policy Owner UCAPC** Academic Council University Council Vice Chancellor’s Qarar * or equivalent line of management **or the appropriate SQU committee 2 Stakeholders Policy of Making University Policies Sultan Qaboos University The following stages are to be followed in proposing or modifying policies: Stage 1– Any university staff member, committee or department, etc. (the Originator) may propose a new policy or suggest an amendment to an existing one. A Policy Proposal/Amendment Form (attached) must be duly completed. For amending an existing policy, this is adequate for initiating the procedure. However, for newly proposed policies, in addition to the duly completed form, the Originator should also provide all other relevant information appearing in this document. In both cases, the proposal is considered as Draft 1. Stage 2 – The Originator may forward Draft 1 to its own department board and then to college board (or equivalent line of management) for discussion/revision; or alternatively, the Originator may decide to send the proposal directly to the Policy Owner or Owner-to-be (this may be identified by the Quality Assurance Office) for sponsorship/adoption and annotation. After completing this step, the proposal is called Draft 2. Stage 3 – Draft 2 should be forwarded to the Academic Council. The Academic Council may (or may not) consult with the stakeholders, and the appropriate university committee and/or university office. Thereafter, the Academic Council should discuss the proposal and may recommend it (with or without further amendment) to the University Council or it may decide to withhold it. Both the Originator and Policy Owner should be informed with the reasoned Academic Council decision. If the Academic Council accepts the proposal, the Draft after this stage is called Final Draft. Stage 4 – The Final Draft should be forwarded to the University Council for approval or rejection. Stage 5 – After the approval of the Final Draft by the University Council, the Vice Chancellor should issue a “Qarar” with the effective date and the responsible body of implementation. Stage 6 – The final version should be deposited with the Quality Assurance Office which shall update the Standards and Quality Handbook in accordance. Notes: The Owner, the Academic Council or the University Council may require revision/amendment of the submitted draft once or more than once. In this case, the number of the draft in question should change in accordance to the number of completed revision/amendment cycles by adding a small alphabet as a parameter to its original number. For example, Draft 1 after first revision/amendment will be called 1.a, after second revision/amendment will be called Draft 1.b and Draft 2 after third revision/amendment will be called 2.c and so on. The procedure is reviewed whenever need arises by the concerned committee. 10 RELATED POLICIES List any other policy relevant to this policy, if any. Sample: Communication Policy 11 RESPONSIBILITY FOR IMPLEMENTATION This section outlines the university unit, department or section, executive positions and individuals responsible for implementing the University Policy. Sample: All academic Departments 12 ISSUING OFFICE Indicate the University office in charge of issuing and effectively communicating new or modified policies to university community. Sample: University Policies’ Office 3 Policy of Making University Policies Sultan Qaboos University 13 REVIEW This section should indicate the review cycle of the policy as decided by the Policy Owner. The date of last review/update should be indicated. Sample: The policy is reviewed every 3 years 14 KEY RISKS Identifying potential risks associated with the introduction of policies, in particular new ones, is considered a good practice. Line managers have the responsibility to embed risk management practices in their day-to-day operations. This may include taking the necessary measures to eliminate or control such risks. Main risks associated with this policy are listed below: Sample: 15.1 There is no university office in charge of issuing and effectively communicating new or modified policies to university community. 15.2 Possible inconsistent application of the policy by staff in the same department, different departments or in different colleges. 15 APPENDICES List of the appendices to the policy. Sample: Appendix I: Policy Proposal/Amendment Form. 16 STANDARD POLICY TEMPLATE To ensure consistency and full coverage of essential elements, university community is required to adhere to a standard policy template. The template contains fixed headings some of which are not applicable to all subject matters. If any section is not applicable to the policy under consideration a “N/A” is entered. All university policies must be written in a standard format. Sample: See the 20 headings of this policy 17 POLICY INDEXING A number is assigned to each policy; one (1) to ten (10) representing field areas by which University Polices are grouped followed by a hyphen and then two digits representing the document number. Fields: 1. Governance and Management 2. Student Learning by Coursework 3. Student Learning by Research Work 4. Staff Research and Consultancy 5. Industry and Community Engagement 6. Academic Support Services 7. Student and Student Support Services 8. Staff and Staff Support Services 9. General Support Services and Facilities 10. Others 4 Policy of Making University Policies Sultan Qaboos University Sample: Policy index 8-01 (number 8 indicates the field area, Staff and Staff Support Services, while 01 refers to the document number) 18 EFFECTIVE DATE The date is a formal indication that a Policy is official and in effect. This date must be noted in the box on the front page. Sample: Effective Date: 15 January 2010 19 AMENDMENT/REVISION HISTORY The revision history, date, people or body responsible and description of main changes, is a formal indication that a Policy has been amended/ revised, approved and in effect. This history must be noted in the box on the front page. Sample: Revision: # 1 Date: 15 December 2011 By: UCAPC Main Amendment/s: One more step was added to the procedure to account for risk management and impact of introducing the new policy. Also, the review cycle of policies is reduced to 2 years in response to feedback received from various colleges. 20 FRONT PAGE Each policy must have a front page following the format in this document front page. All relevant information must be entered. Sample: See front page 21 OTHER INFORMATION At any stage of the procedure, information in the form of preamble, introduction, background, appendix etc., may be inserted, as appropriate, into the draft to guide stakeholders on how to better implement the policy in question. 22 REFERENCES It is hereby acknowledged that it is useful while developing policies to consider policy documents and good practices of other higher education institutions. The development of this policy has, in a contextualized manner, benefited from the following documents or some ideas thereof: 1. Writing University Policy, Monash University, Australia, http://www.policy.monash.edu/processes/writing-policy.html 2. Formulation and Issuance of University Policies, Cornell University, USA, http://www.dfa.cornell.edu/treasurer/policyoffice/policies/volumes/governance/policies.cfm, 3. Auburn University’s “Policy on Policies” , USA, http://www.auburn.edu/administration/general_counsel/policiesPolicy.pdf, 4. University policy development and publication, Northwestern University, http://www.auburn.edu/administration/general_counsel/policiesPolicy.pdf 5. Policy template, university of California, USA, http://campuspol.chance.berkeley.edu/PolicyTemplate.dot, 5 Policy of Making University Policies 6. Sultan Qaboos University Purdue university system-wide policy template, http://www.purdue.edu/policies/documents/Policy_Template.docx, 7. Policy Template, The University of Adelaide, http://www.adelaide.edu.au/policies/604, 8. Purdue University System-Wide Policy Template, www.purdue.edu/policies/documents/Policy_Template.docx 9. Policy Document Development And Review Procedures, Central Queensland University, Australia, pdf http://policy.cqu.edu.au/Policy/policy_file.do?policyid=1166 10. Sample Policy Template, Cornell University, http://www.dfa.cornell.edu/cms/treasurer/policyoffice/development/upload/SamplePolicyTemplate.pdf 11. Policies And Policy Making, Portland State University, http://www.pdx.edu/fadm/policies-and-policy-making 12. Guide to Writing Policy and Procedure Documents, UC Santa Cruz, http://policy.ucsc.edu/pdf/guide.pdf 6 Policy of Making University Policies Sultan Qaboos University Appendix I. POLICY PROPOSAL/AMENDMENT FORM Please tick in the appropriate box: Newly proposed policy Amendment to an existing policy Body responsible for implementing the policy: Name of the staff/body submitting this form: A. Title of the Policy: B. Policy Statement OR proposed Amendment of Statement: C. List the reasons for the proposal/amendment: 1. 2. 3. D. Briefly outline the impacts of introducing or of modifying the policy: E. List of the University stakeholders to be consulted: 1. 2. 3. F. Decision by Academic Council: Proposal recommened Proposal withheld Justification for the decision: Name/Position of authorized signatory: Signature: Date: G. Decision by University Council: Proposal approved Proposal rejected H. Annotation by Policy Owner 7