AC/2014/15/4/11 University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy Policy Title Policy Number 1-05 Functional Field Governance and Management Related Policies Policy of Making University Policies Responsibility of The University/Academic Council Issuing Office Status Quality Assurance Office Active Approved By Academic Council Approval Date 17th March 2015 In-revision Draft # Proposed Draft # University Council Effective Date Revision History Number Revision # 1 Revision # 2 Revision # 3 Contact Office e-mail address Phone Number Date By Main Changes Academic 17/3/2015 Procedure # 9 and Appendix I, II, III Council Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy 1. POLICY TITLE University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy 2. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Not applicable. 3. POLICY STATEMENT SQU is committed to regularly assess the effectiveness of its University and Academic Councils. 4. PURPOSE/ REASONS FOR POLICY The main aims of this policy are: 4.1. To critically evaluate the effectiveness of the Council in discharging its responsibilities. 4.2. To assist the Council in continuously improving its operations and performance. 4.3. To ensure appropriateness of the Council’s structure and membership. 4.4. To ensure that the Council activities are leading and supporting the University in achieving its mission and objectives. 4.5. To assure the public on SQU’s standards and quality. 4.6. To assure stakeholders of the effectiveness of the Council. 4.7. To fulfil internal and external reference points. 5. GENERAL PRINCIPLES The following main principles constitute the basis of this policy: 5.1. Council effectiveness is measured against its: 5.1.1. 5.1.2. 5.1.3. 5.1.4. 5.1.5. leadership role constitutional responsibilities method of operation members’ contributions committees’ performance 5.2. Self-review should always be looked at as a developmental (not a threatening) activity. 5.3. The outcomes of self-review shall be reported. 5.4. Council and committees members shall objectively and critically contribute to the selfreview. 5.5. The Council shall take the needed actions according to review findings. 5.6. The Quality Assurance Office shall capture all good practices and recommendations in a database. 6. SCOPE OF APPLICATION This policy applies to both the University and Academic Councils. 7. POLICY OWNER (The policy owner is a staff member(s) or body(s) within SQU responsible for developing, overseeing, reviewing and updating the policy under consideration.) The Policy owner should be appointed by the 2 Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy Academic Council. Any development on the proposed policy will be communicated to the Quality Assurance Office. 8. APPROVAL BODY • The Academic Council • The University Council 9. PROCEDURE 9.1. General The Vice Chancellor appoints an ad hoc Committee of 5 members –of which 2 from Academic Council Members, 2 from University Council Members, and 1 outsider from Stakeholders to conduct a self-review of the Council effectiveness. The self-review methodology involves the following 4 approaches: 9.1.1 E-based Questionnaire to members: E-Based Questionnaire to be created and distributed among members of the 2 Councils and all the members of their Sub-Committees. The Council effectiveness will be measured by Questions designed to assess the following: 1) Leadership role 2) Council and Constitutional responsibilities 3) Method of operation 4) Members’ contribution 5) Committees’ performance 9.1.2 Review of Minutes and Effectiveness of Council’s decisions and Actions The Minutes of the Meetings of the two Councils to be reviewed, proposed decisions that were recorded, be summarized and the follow-up action be audited. 9.1.3 Interview of Present and Past Council Members: A Structured-Interview with Present and Past Council members (who were members of the Council in the last 4 years) to be carried out as part of the four yearly Self-Review Study. 9.1.4 Annual Mini-Survey of Members for Review of their Performance will be carried out using focused questions PS Review of effectiveness is regularly conducted every four years (9.1.1 to 9.1.3) with a focused Mini-Survey annually (9.1.4). 9.2 The sample Questions for the E-based Questionnaire are shown in Appendix I. 9.3 Review of Minutes and Effectiveness of Council’s decisions and Actions may be carried out using a Template as shown in Appendix II with sample Bench Analysis of the minutes. 9.4 Interview of Present and Past Council Members may be carried out as suggested in the Guidance Methodology section in Appendix III. The questions will be structured and written and will be repeated for all members. 9.5 Annual Mini-Survey of Members may be carried out using focused questions relevant to issues of that year. Further details as per Guidance in Appendix III. 3 Sultan Qaboos University 9.6 University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy Reporting The committee can benefit from a structured approach in writing its report, the following headings are suggested: 9.6.1 9.6.2 9.6.3 9.6.4 9.6.5 Council’s engagement with leadership issues Fulfillment of the Council’s role and responsibilities Council’s deliberations and method of operation Members’ engagement and contributions and views Committees’ performance 10 RELATED POLICIES • Policy of Making University Policies 11 RESPONSIBILITY FOR IMPLEMENTATION Vice Chancellor – Appoints a committee from its membership to conduct a self-review of the Council effectiveness. University or Academic Council –The Council is responsible for implementing any necessary actions, subject to University Council approval, resulting from the self-review findings. Quality Assurance Office – Documents and disseminates good practices emerging from self-review. 12 ISSUING OFFICE Quality Assurance Office 13 REVIEW 13.1. The Council will regularly, within no later than two years from the date of the most recent selfreview, review this policy and make the necessary modifications and changes as deemed appropriate. 13.2. The review shall be conducted by a committee of three members including one of the members who participated in the most recent self-review. 13.3. The committee mentioned in Article 9.1 above shall submit its findings to the Council within three months from the date of commencing the review. 14 KEY RISKS Identifying potential risks associated with the introduction of policies, in particular new ones, is considered a good practice. Line managers have the responsibility to embed risk management practices in their day-to-day operations. This may include taking the necessary measures to eliminate or control such risks. Main risks associated with this policy are listed below: 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 The committee may find itself writing a self-serving report. Not all members will respond to the surveys. Members may not give their critical opinions. Members may find it very sensitive to criticize the involvement of other members. Unavailability of minutes and other requested documentations. Members may not act upon Report resulting from Self-Review 15 REFERENCES It is hereby acknowledged that it is useful while developing policies to consider policy documents and good practices of other higher education institutions. The development of this policy has, in a contextualized manner, benefited from the following documents or some ideas thereof: 4 Sultan Qaboos University 1. University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy Guide for members of Higher Education Governing Bodies in the UK, Governance Code of Practice and General Principles, February 2009, 2009/02, Committee of University Chairs, pdf. 2. Guide for members of Higher Education Governing Bodies in the UK, Incorporates the Governance Code of Practice and General Principles, March 2009, 2009/14, Committee of University Chairs, pdf. Bodies_2009_14.pdf 3. Independent Review Group review of the effectiveness and efficiency of HEFCE, Final report, Higher Education Funding Council For England,March 2010/07, pdf. 4. 2000 Review of Committee Structures and Processes, University of Auckland, 5. Review of Academic Council and its Committees, University of Western Australia, H:\Academic Council Performance Review\Academic Policy Services - Review of Academic Council and its Committees.mht 6. Academic board and academic council information package for members of academic board and members of academic council, University of Western Australia, 7. Charter of Incorporation, University of York, April 2011, pdf. pr11.pdf 8. Council Effectiveness Review 2010,Durham University, 9. Council - Review of Council Effectiveness 2005 - University Committees - Academic Registry - Loughborough University, 10. University Council Monitoring and Self Review, Australian Universities Quality Agency Good Practice Database, 11. ACADEMIC SENATE GUIDELINES FOR THE SELF-REVIEW (Revised June 2007) +GUIDELINES+FOR+THE+SELF-REVIEW+(Revised+June+2007)&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=qa 12. HEFCE Publications 2001 01-24 - Risk management, 13. Report of the review of the effectiveness of council group, Keele University, pdf download%3Bjsessionid%3DD13FD8F6D3AD554556929A67B4ECE44B%3Fdoi%3D10. 5 Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy 26rep%3Drep1%26type%3Dpdf+C+1APR04+A4+Report+of+the+review+of+the+effectiveness+of+coun cil+group,+Keele+University&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=qa 14. Review of the Effectiveness of Council, the University of Nottingham Council, 12 May 2005, 15. The Charter of Sultan Qaboos University Chapter 2, The University Council, pdf 16. Terms of reference for Council, The University of York, 17. The University Council, University of Southampton 18. Academic board and the academy: seizing the moment, Hilary P. M. Winchester, pdf 19. Academic Council Terms of Reference, Code of Practice, Composition and Regulations, Waterford Institute of Technology, pdf, 20. Academic Board Handbook, the University of Sydney, pdf 21. The neglected role of a neglected body: academic boards’ role in assuring ‘equivalent’ standards, GAVIN MOODIE , Published in Australian Universities Review, (2004) vol 47, no 1, pp 35-41. ssuring_equivalent_standards 22. Standing Orders of the Academic Board, University of New England 23. Reviewing Annual Effectiveness of Committees, Leeds Metropolitan University H:\Academic Board Review\Academic Board - Reviewing Annual Effectiveness of Committees - Leeds Metropolitan University.mht 24. Academic Board Reviews, the University of Sydney 25. The University of Melbourne Academic board, Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance Committee, meeting 3/09 minutes, 26. Academic Review Guidelines, Monash University, 27. Academic board faculty reviews 2001 -2004 report on the strengths, weaknesses and areas of improvement, the University of Sydney, pdf 6 Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy 28. Academic Board ‘The Custodian of Academic Quality’ Presented by -Victor Korobacz, Manager Higher Education DFEEST,pdf, 29. University of Sydney (Academic Governance) Rule 2003 (as amended) 30. Academic Senate, Charles Sturt University, December 2008, pdf 31. Academic Board, Charles Darwin University, Meeting 01/09, pdf 32. Good practice guidelines for subcommittees of academic board, pdf 33. Implementation of Council Effectiveness Review es/council/Council_review05/Implementation%2520of%2520Council%2520Effectiveness%2520Review.d oc+Implementation+of+Council+Effectiveness+Review&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk 34. University guidelines on the review and evaluation of senior administrators, Doc. T93080, Passed by the BoT, 8/11/93 35. Nonprofit board effectiveness, funding source, and financial vulnerability, by Hodge, Matthew M., Ph.D., UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, 2006, 154 pages; 321035 36. Role and function of the Academic Board, APPENDIX C Page C1, AGENDA ITEM 8, Focus Topic 37. The Appointment of Vice-Chancellors in Australian Universities:A Study of Contemporary Recruitment and Selection Practices. Dr. Bernard O’Meara, School of Business, University of Ballarat, 8080/vital/access/services/Download/vital:664/SOURCE1+37.+The+Appointment+of+ViceChancellors+in+Australian+Universities:A+Study+of+Contemporary+Recruitment+and+Selection+Practi ces.+Dr.+Bernard+O%E2%80%99Meara,+School+of+Business,+University+of+Ballarat&cd=1&hl=en&c t=clnk&gl=qa 38. Thematic Analysis: The Role of Academic Boards in University Governance Anthony H. Dooley, AUSTRALIAN UNIVERSITIES QUALITY AGENCY, pdf 7 Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy 16 APPENDICES Appendix I: Sample Question for the E-Questionnaire Appendix II: - Template for Bench Analysis of the Minutes - Sample Bench Analysis of the Minutes Appendix III: Self-Review Guidance for University Council and Academic Council 8 Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy APPENDIX I. SAMPLE QUESTIONS FOR THE EQUESTIONNAIRE Note: Final Questions will be constructed by the ad hoc Joint Committee. No Review questions Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Agree 1 4 ***(E.g. presence of Induction Program) The Council drives culture of 2 standards and quality. *** (E.g. workshops and seminars, invited speaker’s) *** (Give examples) The Council conducts satisfaction survey amongst the academic 4 community concerning the leadership of the Council. *** (E.g. surveys of academicians) R O L E 3 Members are made familiar with the leadership role of the Council and 1 members. The Council makes itself systematically aware of the academic 3 areas needing attention or development. L E A D E R S H I P 2 Comments *** (Please explain how) The Council identifies, manages and 5 documents key risks linked with its activities and academic initiatives. The Council initiates, approves and implements policies and guidelines 6 across the institution. *** (Provide examples and frequency performed) The Council receives consistent quality reports from all academic units 7 and feedback on its actions. *** (Explain) The Council has implemented important changes that added value to 8 the University during the last four years. The Council acts on feedback from stakeholders 9 *** (Local, national or international) The Council directs benchmarking with comparable institutions and/or 10 with past trend. *** (Evidence of benchmarking) 9 Sultan Qaboos University No Review questions University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Agree 1 The Council ensures that the academic standards and research are 11 aligned with the University’s mission and goals. R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 12 3 4 *** (Any evidence that Council’s activities match with the University mission). Reporting mechanism is in place for Council oversight. The Council is involved in the upgrading of academic and quality Standards of the University, e.g. 13 Monitors and assesses academic programs, promotes Research Culture, etc. *** (E.g. Student Assessment and Graduate attributes). The Council encourages Omanization 14 of the academic faculty. 15 C O U N C I L 2 Comments The Council is involved effectively in the proper use of available funds. The Council considers various factors before ratifying Executive and 16 Financial Regulations and academic Byelaws. Internal and external stakeholders contribute to the development and 17 updating of standards. 18 The Council regularly reviews and reflects its own responsibilities and Performance. *** (Cite examples of KPIs used) 10 Sultan Qaboos University No Review questions University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Agree 1 2 3 Comments 4 Terms of reference of the Council and 19 Guidelines or handbook are available and made clear to members. ***e.g. is there a form to review a Chairperson and when was last time this was done. A mechanism is in place to conduct regular performance review of the 20 Chairperson. METHOD OF OPERATION A mechanism is in place for the Council to receive annual reports from 21 its committees, departments and colleges on relevant academic issues. Agendas and supporting materials always reach members in a timely 22 manner. The Council ensures appropriate contributions of relevant management 23 and staff when considering / debating issues. ***Give examples Council deliberations show adherence to relevant internal and external 24 reference points. Council’s decisions are always submitted through reports and statistics 25 and that stakeholders are informed as appropriate. 26 The Council effectively responds to and communicates with University community on relevant academic matters. ***Describe means and channels 11 Sultan Qaboos University No Review questions University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Agree 1 Membership of the Council ensures Universit- wide representation, 27 appropriate skills and competencies. M E M B E R S’ C O N T R I B U T I O N The members have sufficient knowledge and understanding on the 28 mission, goals and objectives of the University. Members carry out planned tasks 29 effectively. The members actively participate in 30 discussion and in decision-making. The confidentiality of the Council 31 business is served by all its members. The members declare potential 32 conflict of interests. Members’ contributions are appropriately contextualized (e.g. by 33 using targets, trends and benchmarks). The members are satisfied with the Council membership and their level of 34 understanding on how the Council assesses its own effectiveness. 12 2 3 4 Comments Sultan Qaboos University No Review questions University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Agree 1 35 The Council adopts KPIs to monitor and improve member’s contributions. 2 3 Comments 4 ***Give examples C O M M I T T E E S’ PERFORMANCE 36 Reporting pro-forma is in place. 37 Student representation is present while discussing relevant matters. ***Describe if in council or in committees 38 There are evidences on value - added by the committee. ***Give examples of evidence Committee’s proposals or reports are valid, reliable and efficient and 39 containing feedback and are thoroughly reviewed and reflected on. Action to be taken is approved by 40 majority of members prior to documentation in the minutes 41 Work plans are adhered to. Committees are annually reviewed with respect to its performance 42 effectiveness, structure and members contributions Stakeholders’ views on the 43 committee’s performance is sought, considered and acted upon ***Examples and frequency 13 Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy APPENDIX II. REVIEW OF MINUTES AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE COUNCIL’S DECISIONS: TEMPLATE FOR BENCH ANALYSIS OF THE MINUTES # Resolution Item, No. and Date Decision and Action 1 2 3 4 14 Follow-up on the Resolution Comment and Analysis Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy SAMPLE BENCH ANALYSIS OF THE MINUTES Analysis of 2013-2014 Minutes # 1 Resolution Item, No. and Date Decision and Action Report on academic staff promotions for the academic year 2012/13 Decision: AC endorsed recommendations submitted by the committee, assigned to discuss the UAPC’s report, (AC/201314/1/MA3), subject to: College Deans should spread the awareness with regard to the importance of following SQU Academic Staff Regulations. AC/2013-14/1/2 24th Sept. 2013 Follow-up on the Resolution Comment and Analysis No further comment on this matter as noted in the minutes up the end of Academic year. No follow-up on this matter was noted. AC at its 5th Meeting AC/2013-14/5/5 20th May 2014 Postponed further. AC/2014-15/2/1 – 2nd Meeting 18th November 2014. Action: The Chair of sub-committee should submit the recommendations to the committee responsible for reviewing the new promotion regulations. 2 Proposal for the Introduction of a New Track in Electrical and Computer Engineering/Biomedical Signals and Medical Devices, Leading to Degree of Bachelor of Engineering. AC/2013-14/1/3 24th Sept. 2013 3 Proposal for the Introduction of Doctoral Degree Program in Natural Resource Economics. AC/2012-13/1/4 24th Sept. 2013 Decision: AC postponed its decision as presented in document AC/201213/1/MA4, subject to several conditions recommended by AC members. Action: Dean of Engr. should modify the proposal and resubmit 27 copies for AC to rediscuss Decision: AC approved in principle the Proposal presented in document AC/201213/1/MA5, subject to AC members’ recommendations. Action: Dean should prepare 16 copies for submission to the University Council. 15 Decision (Resolution No. AC/2013-14/5/5) The AC agreed to approve the modified proposal presented in document (AC/2013-14/5/MA5), subject to some more recommendations by AC members. Action: Dean of the College of Engineering should modify the proposal according to the recommendations, and resubmit (28) copies to AC No follow-up comment about this subject from the University Council in AC minutes. Still not finalized by first two meetings of new AY (2014-2015). It is not clear whether University Council did or did not discuss this item. Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy APPENDIX III. SELF-REVIEW GUIDANCE FOR UNIVERSITY COUNCIL AND ACADEMIC COUNCIL SULTAN QABOOS UNIVERSITY SELF-REVIEW GUIDANCE UNIVERSITY and ACADEMIC COUNCILS Prepared by: Prof. Lamk Al-Lamki, VC Advisor The Office of the Vice Chancellor February 2015 Academic Council, SQU March 2015 16 Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy Contents INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................................................18 METHODOLOGY .........................................................................................................................................................19 i) Computer-Based Questionnaire of Members:............................................................................................................... 19 1. Leadership Role.................................................................................................................................................................... 19 2. Council Responsibility: ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 3. Method of Operation: ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 4. Members’ Contribution: ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 5. Committee’s Performance: ................................................................................................................................................. 20 ii) Review of Minutes and Effectiveness of Council’s Decisions:........................................................................................ 21 iii) Interview of Present and Past Council Members:.......................................................................................................... 21 iv) Annual Mini-Survey: ....................................................................................................................................................... 21 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS: ........................................................................................21 CONCLUDING REMARKS: .......................................................................................................................................22 ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS:...........................................................................................................................22 REFERENCES: ..............................................................................................................................................................22 17 Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy INTRODUCTION As dictated by SQU Policy # 01-05 (University and Academic Councils Self Review Policy, (See Attached Policy), it was decided that a Self-Review Study be conducted to evaluate the Performance and Effectiveness of the two Highest Councils at Sultan Qaboos University. It is proposed that this should be repeated every four years. The evaluation is composed of 3 major components. i) E-based questionnaire to members: Create an E-Based Questionnaire to be distributed among members of the two Councils and the members of their Sub-Committees – to be filled-out confidentially, objectively and critically. The Council effectiveness will be measured by Questions designed to assess the following: 1. Leadership role 2. Council and Constitutional responsibilities 3. Method of operation 4. Members’ contribution 5. Committees’ performance ii) Review of Minutes and Effectiveness of Council’s decisions and Actions: The Minutes of the Meetings of the two Councils to be reviewed, proposed decisions that were recorded, be summarized and the follow-up action be audited. iii) Interview of Present and Past Council Members: A Structured-Interview with Present and Past Council members (who were members of the Council in the last 4 years) to be carried out as part of the four yearly Self-Review Study. iv) In addition, an Annual Mini-Survey of Members for Review of their Performance will be carriedout. The above 4-Way evaluations will be undertaken by an ad hoc Committee of 5 Members – of which 2 are from the Academic Council Members, 2 from the University Council Members and 1 Outsider from amongst the Stakeholders but not from these two councils members. Results of all 3 studies and the annual mini survey - will be discussed by the ad hoc Committee with H.E. the Vice Chancellor prior to presentation to the respective Councils. Long term effectiveness of the 2 Councils decisions and actions with respect to their robustness in Decision making and the speed at which they work will all be reviewed and evaluated. Any results identified to be of possible enhancement to the Quality Improvement Program of the University, will be passed on to the Quality Assurance Office for study and possible implementation to the rest of the University. 18 Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy METHODOLOGY The guide presented here is meant to ilustrate the basis of which the self study is build upon for all diferent components. i) COMPUTER-BASED QUESTIONNAIRE MEMBERS: The Computer-based Questionnaire uses Console”( to collect and analyse the survey. The questions will be managed by an ad hoc Joint Committee of 5 Members – of which 2 are from the Academic Council Members, 2 from the University Council Members and 1 Outsider from amongst the Stakeholders but not from University Councils Staff. The Equestionnaire is designed and tailored to explore members’ feelings and their impression of the bulleted items of the following 5 categories: (Sample Questions in Appendix I) OF 1. Leadership Role: This refers as to how the Council and the members are carrying out the leadership role in the University academic and non academic activities. An induction session should have been given to a member when appointed. The respective council rapporteur should have explained the leadership role that the member is expected to play during his term in the council and the leadership of the Council. The members should apply their understanding in the following items: • Quality • Continuous Development • Policies • Standards • Council Actions Impacts • Risks • Satisfaction • Academic Units Feedbacks • Independence • Benchmarking • Equality • Fair treatments 2. Council Responsibility: This refers to, and aims at reviewing the way the Council is discharging its responsibilities as specified in the University Charter. Questions and corresponding evidences may be required to assist the Committee in its review. The members ensure the following items: • Standards are reviewed and upgraded constantly • The Council encourages Omanization of the academic faculty • The Council is involved effectively in the proper use of available funds • Proper Reporting mechanism is in place • The Council regularly reviews and reflects its own responsibilities and Performance • Internal and external stakeholders contribute to the development of SQU. • Academic and Research standards are aligned with the SQU mission/goals 3. Method of Operation: This refers to the Committee members reflecting on the effectiveness of the Council’s operation. The following issues are monitored: 19 Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy • Council's Terms of reference and Guidelines are made clear to members • Stakeholders are informed as appropriate • Agendas and supporting materials always reach members in a timely manner • Decisions are submitted through reports and statistics • Annual reports from committees, departments and colleges are received and noted • Conduction of regular performance review • Appropriate contributions of relevant units when considering / debating issues • Deliberations show adherence to relevant internal and external reference points • The Council effectively responds to and communicates with University community on relevant academic matters 4. Members’ Contribution: This refers to members’ contributions to the Council’s effectiveness. • Members understand the Vision, mission, goals and objectives of the University • Members carry out planned tasks effectively • Members ensure University wide representation, appropriate skills and competencies Members’ contributions are appropriately contextualized (e.g. by using targets, trends and benchmarks) • • Confidentiality of the Council business is served by all of its members • Members declare potential conflict of interests • Members actively participate in discussion and in decision-making. • Members are satisfied with the Council membership and their level of understanding on how the Council assesses its own effectiveness • The Council adopts KPIs to monitor and improve member’s contributions This refers to the committees’ effectiveness in terms of necessity, purpose, functions (advisory, policy-making or decision-making), structures and memberships. • Student representation is present while discussing relevant matters 5. Committee’s Performance: • • • Reporting pro-forma is in place. Committees are annually reviewed its performance, structure and membership Proposed Actions are approved by majority of members • There are evidences on value - added by the committee • Work plans are adhered to. • Stakeholders’ views on the committee’s performance is sought 20 Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy ii) REVIEW OF MINUTES AND EFFECTIVENESS OF COUNCIL’S DECISIONS: The committee will review the Agendas, the Minutes and Decisions and Actions of the Councils. They will select items from sequential minutes and from meetings spread apart to ensure that there is adequate time for follow-up, and spread of the analysis over four years. (See Appendix II for Sample Table for Bench Analysis of the Minutes) The above items from the minutes will be analyzed for: • Decisions made, and then the following meeting will be used for analysis of : a. The Action taken and Completeness of the desired results. b. Effectiveness of the decisions taken by the Committee c. Acceptance of the action and results by the staff of the University and where applicable, the stakeholders’ acceptance of the action taken. d. Member’s contribution to the minutes discussion and decisions e. The effectiveness of the distribution and representation of membership iii) INTERVIEW OF PRESENT AND PAST COUNCIL MEMBERS: The committee will devise questions for the Structured Interview of all Present Council Members and Past Members who have left the University or Academic Council within the preceeding four years. The questions will be structured and written. The same questions will be repeated for all members interviewed. However, supportive or follow-up questions for amplification or clarification will be allowed as needed. The questions will be structured to explore the performance and effectiveness by asking about: • • • • • The Performance of the leader of the Council, i.e. the Chairman The effectiveness of the Constitution of the membership of the Council The method by which the meetings are run. The contribution and performance of the various members The overall performance of the Council, Decision-Making Ability and the Effectiveness of the Council and its decisions. iv) ANNUAL MINI-SURVEY: The above 3 steps of Self-Review are carried out every 4 years. During the interval, an Annual Mini-Survey of the Members will be carried out annualy as part of the Self-Review process. The Annual Mini-Survey may be carried out using relevant questions targeted at specific issue for that year – questions from the 4yearly E-Questionnaire. The results may be used in summation together with the 4yearly study as part of the effort of Self-Improvement of the Council performance. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS: The ad-hoc Committee of 5 Members will set Guidelines as to how to analyze the above 4pronged self-review of the 2 Councils. After analysis and interpretation, the results will be presented by the ad-hoc Committee to the respective Councils as a feedback with a Suggested Plan of Action based on the results of the analysis. 21 Sultan Qaboos University University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy CONCLUDING REMARKS: The guidance presented here is given to all members of the councils with the intension to improve further the efficiency of the University. ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS: 1) 2) 3) SQU Policy #01-05 – University and Academic Councils Self-Review Policy Appendix I - Sample Questions for the E-Questionaire. Appendix II - Sample Table for Review of Minutes REFERENCES: 1. Governing Bodies Self-Evaluation and Accompanying Notes 2. Process evaluation of complex interventions UK Medical Research Council (MRC) guidance 3. Developing and evaluating complex Interventions New guidance 4. A Self-Evaluation Tool for School Governing Bodies, based ... 5. Governing Body Development: Self Evaluation nt/selfevaluation.html 6. GOVERNING BODY PROCEDURES* 7. Self-Evaluation Exercise Sets: 22