Institutional Effectiveness Achievement Report Engineering Technology: BS Engineering Technology Concentration in Computer ET 2014­2015 Institutional Effectiveness Achievements Report Unit Head: Walter Boles Reports to: College of Basic & Applied Sciences Mission: The Computer Engineering Technology Program will prepare graduates: 1. For careers in design, development, analysis, implementation, operation, and maintenance of electronic circuits, computer hardware, software, networking systems, and/or embedded computer systems 2. To lead teams as required, engage in self­directed continuing professional development, and join a professional society such as ASME, SAE, SME, ASEE, IEEE, etc. Use of Prior Results : We provided tuturing for ENGR 1100 and ET 3601. Student Learning Outcome: ABET, Inc. criteria A ­ a: an ability to select and apply the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of the discipline to broadly­ defined engineering technology activities. Measure 1: Major Field Test (MFT) Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. (include strengths & weaknesses): The average MFT results of this outcome was 58%, above the 50% threshold but less than what it was last year. The reason might be that many students do not take the MFT seriously. We will monitor the trend and will continue and build on the strength of our program while addressing any shortcoming. Supporting Document(s): CET­Major Field Test Assessment 7 21 2015.pdf CET Assessment and Evaluation Plan.pdf Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): We will look into updating courses, improve teaching and hands­on experience, and add tutoring. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): We will revise the assessment instruments as needed and update the continuous improvement plan. Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Survey Questionnaire Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): The average result was 86%. Students believe their education at MTSU is excellent. Analysis of Results for Measure 3: (include strengths & weaknesses) The course­level assessment used is ET 3601, Electrical Circuits Analysis I. The results averaged 78.5%. Although this is above the threshold, however, we have established tutoring to help students learn and improve their scores. Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Measure 3: Course­Level Assessment Instruments Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : Assessment instruments and data collected were examined. No changes were required at this point. Student Learning Outcome: ABET, Inc. criteria B­ b: an ability to select and apply a knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to engineering technology problems that require the application of principles and applied procedures or methodologies Measure 1: Major Field Test (MFT) Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordiantor and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): MFT­COEN­Survey Questions.pdf The average MFT results of this outcome was 56%, above the 50% threshold but below the results from last year. We will continue to monitor the results and build on the strength of our program while addressing any shortcomings. Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): No changes are needed at this point. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Survey Questionnaire. Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordiantor and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): The average result was 83%. Students believe in their education at MTSU. Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : One of our program major strengths is in the hands­on experience. We will keep emphasizing lab activities and hands­on while using simulation when needed in all program courses involved. Student Learning Outcome: ABET, Inc. criteria C­ c: an ability to conduct standard tests and measurements; to conduct, analyze, and interpret experiments; and to apply experimental results to improve processes; Measure 1: Laboratory experiments and exercises. Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculties, Coordinator, and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): 348431­4397206 ­ Jeremy Jackson­ The average results of this outcome Dec 10, 2014 306 PM ­ Lab7Final.pdf was 83%. This is above the threshold selected for this outcome. However, emphasis on lab activities and hands­ on experience will continue to be our top priority. Some students indicated that computer simulation was used in some of the labs instead of the actual building of circuits. We will continue to stress the importance of hands­on lab exercises to all faculties. Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): Laboratory experince will continue to be our focus. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Survey Results Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): The results averaged 93%, students believe that they are getting the hands­on experience, which will give them an edge in real­life and in finding employment. Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): The results averaged 61.4% for this year, which is above the 50% set threshold. The MFT questions come from courses that students had one to several semesters before they take the exam. The results have improved from last year and we will continue to use means and measure to improve student perofirmaces. Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): We will more emphasis on using systems engineering approach to problem solving. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : More emphasis is placed on systems engineering and design. Student Learning Outcome: ABET, Inc. criteria D­ d: an ability to design systems, components, or processes for broadly­defined engineering technology problems appropriate to program educational objectives; Measure 1: Major Field Test (MFT) Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Capstone Project Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculties and Coordinator Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Measure 3: Survey Question are Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): Results from this instrument averaged 86%. This year we had students who did overall good jobs in their senior projects. A few could not finish in time for graduation. Analysis of Results for Measure 3: (include strengths & weaknesses) The survey reults averaged 74%. Even though students knew how to design and solve problems related to systesm, they do not preceive they have mastered this skill. Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : No changes were needed, we will continue emphasizing teamwork in our courses. Student Learning Outcome: ABET, Inc. criteria E­ e: an ability to function effectively as a member or leader on a technical team; Measure 1: Survey Questionnaire Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. (include strengths & weaknesses): Results averaged 77%, students believe in their abilities to function effectively in teams because of their academic preperation. Supporting Document(s): Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): No changes are needed as we will continue emphasizing teamwork. We might, however, remove the capstone course as an assessment instrument for this outcome since most students do their projects individually. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Capstone Projects Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): This year, captone projects were done individually. No group projects and Dept. Chair were done this year. Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Measure 3: Course­Level Activties Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculties, Program Coordinator, and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 3: (include strengths & weaknesses) The averaged results from this instrument was 86%. Students worked effectively in teams. Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : No changes were needed for this outcome. Student Learning Outcome: ABET, Inc. criteria F­ f:an ability to identify, analyze, and solve broadly­defined engineering technology problems; Measure 1: Major Field Test (MFT) Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. (include strengths & weaknesses): Results averaged 88.2% for this instrument. Supporting Document(s): Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): No changes are needed as all thresholds were met. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Capstone Projects Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): The results from this instrument averaged 83.5%. Some students could not complete their projects during the specified timeframe. Analysis of Results for Measure 3: (include strengths & weaknesses) 86% was the average from this instrument, very good results. Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Measure 3: Survey Questionnaire Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : Keep emphasizing communication skills intechnical courses. Student Learning Outcome: ABET, Inc. criteria G­ g: an ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in both technical and nontechnical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature; Measure 1: Survey Questionnaire Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 1.(include strengths & weaknesses): The resutls from this instrument averaged 80%, very good overall. Supporting Document(s): 1093776­4397241 ­ Christopher Humphries­ Dec 8, 2014 819 PM ­ Project_PCS_6812_Discharger_120814.pdf 1142508­4397241 ­ Teddy Brown­ Dec 6, 2014 716 PM ­ Coffee Maker Report.pdf Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, Completion Date: 05/30/2015 assignment, project, etc.): We will keep stressing the need to have excellent communication skills in all forms. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Capstone Projects Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculties, Program Coordinator, and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): 84% was the average from this instrument, well above the threshold but less than what we had previously. Several students could not finish their work during the time frame set. Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Measure 3: Corse Level Activities Person(s) Analysis of Results for Measure Responsible: 3: (include strengths & Program Faculties, Program Coordinator, and Dept. Chair weaknesses) The results from this instruments averaged 82.5%, within the expected range and above the threshold. Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : No changes were made based on prior results Student Learning Outcome: ABET, Inc. criteria H­ h: an understanding of the need for and an ability to engage in self­ directed continuing professional development; Measure 1: Survey Questionnaire Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): The resutls from this instrument averaged 80%, showing that students are confident to pursue life­long learning. Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): We will keep emphasizing the importance of continuous professional development. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Capestone Projects Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculties, Program Coordinator, and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): The results averaged 86% as students showed that they can be autonomous learners, using different search tools and techniques. A few pursued their higher ed as well. Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): The results averaged 87.5% for this assessment instrument indicating that students have acquired adequate instructions in ethics and diversity. Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): We continue to stress ethics and diversity in our curriculum. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : No changes were made, results were satisfactory. Student Learning Outcome: ABET, Inc. criteria I­ i: an understanding of and a commitment to address professional and ethical responsibilities including a respect for diversity; Measure 1: Major Field Test (MFT) Person(s) Responsible: Pogram Coordinator and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Survey Questionnaire Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculties, Program Coordinator, and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): The results averaged 88%, well above the threshold. Analysis of Results for Measure 3: (include strengths & weaknesses) The average was 91.5%, well above the threshold. Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Measure 3: Course­Level Activities Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculties, Program Coordinator, and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : No changes were made based on the prior results. Student Learning Outcome: ABET, Inc. criteria J­ j: a knowledge of the impact of engineering technology solutions in a societal and global context. Measure 1: Survey Questionnaire Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): The results averaged 91% for this instrument showing that students understand the impact of engineering solutions on society locally and globally. Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): As enegineeing tech solutions are more and more invloved in our daily lives, we will continue to stress the impact of such solutions on society. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Capstone Projects Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculties, Program Coordinator, and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): 90% was the average from this instrument. Students understand the impact of engineering solutions on society. Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): The results averaged 88%, showing that students understand the importance of timeliness, quality, and continuous improvement. Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): No future actions are needed at this point. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : No changes were proposed. Student Learning Outcome: ABET, Inc. criteria K­ k: a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement. Measure 1: Survey Questionnaire Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Course­Level Activities Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculties, Program Coordinator, and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): Results averaged 91% showing that students understand the need of timeliness and quality in their work and the importance of continually improving. Analysis of Results for Measure 3: (include strengths & weaknesses) The results from this instrument averaged 80%. Several students could not finish their work on time due to various reasons. Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): The average form this instrument was 52.1%, although above the threshold, Future Actions :Describe Program Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Measure 3: Capstone Projects Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculties, Program Coordinator, and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : Emphasis was placed on real­life applications as related to the above areas in all related courses. Student Learning Outcome: ABET CET discipline­specific outcome 1: The application of electric circuits, computer programming, associated software Measure 1: Major Field Test (MFT) Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator applications, analog and digital electronics, microcomputers, operating systems, local area networks, and engineering standards to the building, testing, operation, and maintenance of computer systems and associated software systems. and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 however, it is lower than expected. This could be attributed to students not taking the MFT seriously or not well prepared for it. Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): Students will be prepped for the MFT and emphasis will be placed on doing well in the exam. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Survey Questionnaire Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): 88% of the students felt very confident that they have mastered this outcome. Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Measure 3: Course­Level Assessment Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculty, Program Coordinator, Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 3: (include strengths & weaknesses) The assessment results averaged 92.5%, well above the threshold showing strength in this outcome. Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : No major changes in the curriculum were introduced. However, tutoring was provided. Student Learning Outcome: ABET CET discipline­specific outcome 2: The application of natural sciences and mathematics at or above the level of algebra and trigonometry to the building, testing, operation, and maintenance of computer systems and associated software systems. Measure 1: Major Field Test (MFT) Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. (include strengths & weaknesses): The average was 59.8%, above the threshold but lacks the strength in attaining this outcome. Supporting Document(s): Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): MFT prep will be provided. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Survey Questionnaire Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): The average was 73%, most students felt confident that they have attained this outcome. Analysis of Results for Measure 3: (include strengths & weaknesses) The avergae was 87.6%, well above the threshold. Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Measure 3: Course­level Assessment Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculties, Program Coordinator, and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : Project­based learning was emphasized. Student Learning Outcome: ABET CET discipline­specific outcome 3: The ability to analyze, design, and implement hardware and software computer systems. Measure 1: Major Field Test (MFT) Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): The average was 69.93%, very good and above threshold Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): Curriculum will be examined for any possible improvements. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Survey Questionnaire Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): The average was 93%, students felt very confident that they have mastered this outcome. Analysis of Results for Measure 3: (include strengths & weaknesses) The average of the results was 86.5%, well above the threshold. Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Measure 3: Course­Level Assessment Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculties, Program Coordinator, and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : Concepts of Project Management related to this outcome were stressed in the curriculum. Student Learning Outcome: ABET CET discipline­specific outcome 4: The ability to apply project management techniques to computer systems. Measure 1: Major Field Test (MFT) Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculty, Program Coordinator, and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): The results averaged 37.5%, well below the threshold. We will examine the cause of this as it could be in the reporting or calculation of the results. Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): We will examine the MFT part related to this outcome very closely since the results from that instrument contradict course­level assessment. Problems will be identifed and addressed. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Surevy Questionnaire Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): 77% was the average from this instrument. Analysis of Results for Measure 3: (include strengths & weaknesses) The results averaged 90%, and this is well above the threshold and shows strength in attaining this outcomes. Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Measure 3: Course­Level Assessment Person(s) Responsible: Program Faculties, Program Coordinator, and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : None Student Learning Outcome: ABET CET discipline­specific outcome 5: The ability to utilize statistics/probability, transform methods, discrete mathematics, or applied differential equations in support of computer systems and networks. Measure 1: Survey Questionnaire Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. (include strengths & weaknesses): 82% of the students felt that they have mastered this outcome. Supporting Document(s): Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): Curriculum will be examined closely to make sure that this outcome is attained. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Course­Level Assessment Person(s) Responsible: Program Coordinator and Dept. Chair Completion Date: 05/30/2015 Report Date: Wed Aug 26 2015 11:51:20 CDT Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): The average was 76.7%, above the threshold. Close