‘Funding the Archives Sector’ Research Report September 2012 The National Archives and the International Centre for Archives and Records Management Research and User Studies (ICARUS), University College London Appendices 8.3 Focus Group session plan 11.00 – 11.15 – LR introduction 11.15 – c11.35 (20 mins) Survey response Qu 1 – what is your general response to this breakdown of funding? Is there anything surprising about it? Qu 2 - 12% of respondents received no external funding (100% of funding from parent organisation) – what are your thoughts on this? Qu 3 – do you think the low response rate is reflective of any issues regarding financial literacy or accountability? c.11.35 – 12.15 (40 mins) Funding mix Qu 4 – Is this a mix we should aspire to, and if not what should we the ideal funding mix we should be working towards? Qu 5 – Which areas of funding do you think the sector has most potential to capitalise on and why? Qu 6 - Prioritise these? c.12.15-13.00 (45mins) Funding techniques Qu 7 – what is your response to this? Is there anything surprising about it? Qu 8 – should TNA seek to support archive services in improving their confidence in these fundraising techniques or should it focus its attention on national interventions? Are there other bodies that need to be involved in this work? Qu 9 – 56% of respondents stated that they could access fundraising expertise and resource from their parent organisation? How could this resource be used more effectively? Lunch – 1.00 to 1.55 1 ‘Funding the Archives Sector’ Research Report September 2012 The National Archives and the International Centre for Archives and Records Management Research and User Studies (ICARUS), University College London 8.4 Bibliography 8.4.1 Publications In addition to those publications listed in the Literature Review (8.1), the following publications and web resources were used in writing this report. 2011, ‘Social Impact investing’ Philanthropy UK Quarterly, Issue 44, Summer 2011 ALMA UK, [n.d.] Economic Impact Toolkits for Archives, Libraries and Museums Final Report ANDERSON, E and DE MILLE, A., 2006, Fundraising for Museums, 2nd edition, Association of Independent Museums ARTS & BUSINESS, 2012, Growing Not Going: Annual arts fundraising symposium conference papers (---), [n.d.] Fundraising online: Social media fundraising for the arts ARTS & BUSINESS, 2012, Private Investment in Culture 10/11 interactive map, http://www.artsandbusiness.org.uk/flash/picsmap/index.html (Accessed July 2012) ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND, 2010, Endowments in the arts report ASSOCIATION FOR UK INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT 2012, UKIE Crowd Funding Report: A Proposal to Facilitate Crowd Funding in the UK, Feb 2012, London, UKIE BOTTING HERBST, N. AND NORTON, M. 2007 The Complete Fundraising Handbook, London, Directory of Social Change CASEY, B., DUNLOP, R., & SELWOOD, S., 1996 Culture as Commodity?: The Economics of the Arts and Built Heritage in the UK, Policy Studies Institute CASS BUSINESS SCHOOL, 2011, How generous is the UK? Charitable giving in the context of household spending, Centre for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy, Briefing Note 7 Apr 2011 CHAN, C.; FOSTER-HILL, J., MAKOWER, W., SZURGOT, M. 2011, ‘We’re all philanthropists now’ The Convergence of philanthropy and giving in the 21st Century, Richmond, Panlogic CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC FINANCE AND ACCOUNTANCY 2010 Archive Services Statistics 2009-10 Actuals CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC FINANCE AND ACCOUNTANCY 2011 Archive Services Statistics 2010-11 Actuals CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC FINANCE AND ACCOUNTANCY/ARCHIVES & RECORDS ASSOCIATION 2011 Survey of Visitors to U.K. Archives 2011 CHAPMAN, C., 2011, ‘Ultra rich unhappy with their giving JP Morgan Bank report reveals’ Philanthropy UK, 19 May 2011 BEAUMONT, C. 2011, From Fundraising to Resource-raising: How an organisation can use donated resources as part of an income-generation strategy, Jul 2011, Clore Social Leadership Programme COUTTS, 2011, Inspiring local philanthropy: making a difference in local communities 2 ‘Funding the Archives Sector’ Research Report September 2012 The National Archives and the International Centre for Archives and Records Management Research and User Studies (ICARUS), University College London DELOITTE LLP, 2011, More than just giving: Analysis of corporate responsibility across UK firms DEPARTMENT FOR CULTURE, MEDIA AND SPORT, 2010. Understanding the drivers, impact and value of engagement in culture and sport: an over-arching summary of the research, London ECORYS and London Cultural Improvement Group, 2011, Accessing Funds to Support the Local Delivery of Culture and Sport Final Report, Jun 2011 FIENNES, C., 2011, ‘The Aha: Why donors give, why non-donors don’t and what to do about it’, Philanthropy Review, Apr 2011 FRESHMINDS, 2008. Business Models and Financial Instruments for the museums, libraries and archives sector: Review of the Literature and Survey Findings. HERITAGE LOTTERY FUND 2011 HLF Policy & Strategic Development Department Data Briefing July 2011: HLF funding for Archives and Libraries April 1994 to 31 March 2011 HM GOVERNMENT, 2009, Archives for the 21st Century, CM7744 (---), 2010, Decentralisation and the Localism Bill: an essential guide (---), 2011, Giving Green Paper (---), 2011, Giving Green Paper Accompanying Essays https://update.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/resourcelibrary/giving-green-paper (Accessed July 2012) (---), 2011, Giving White Paper (---), 2012, Giving White Paper – One year on HOLDEN, J. [n.d.] Funding Decentralisation in the UK Cultural Sector: How have we done so far, London, Arts & Business HUNT, J. 2010, Philanthropy keynote speech, European Association for Philanthropy & Giving conference, 8 Dec 2010 http://www.culture.gov.uk/news/ministers_speeches/7633.aspx (Accessed July 2012) INSIDE GOVERNMENT, 2012, Big Society 2012: Accessing Funding, Delivering Change conference papers INSTITUTE OF FUNDRAISING, 2012 Causes conference papers Legacy Fundraising for Arts, Culture and Heritage JURA CONSULTANTS, 2005, Bolton’s Museum, Library and Archive Services and Economic Valuation, London, Museums Libraries and Archives Council KINGSLEY, N. 1996 Archive services and the National Lottery: Meeting needs of sustaining inequalities unpublished conference paper LONDON CULTURAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME, 2011, Heritage Change Programme Final Report LONDON CULTURAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME, 2011, Heritage Change Programme Future Operating Model for Heritage Services 3 ‘Funding the Archives Sector’ Research Report September 2012 The National Archives and the International Centre for Archives and Records Management Research and User Studies (ICARUS), University College London LUDLOW, J., 2010, Capital Matters – an Analysis of Financial Capital in the Arts Council England RFO data’, Mission Models Money MACGREGOR, N. [n.d.] A Report for the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport on the role endowments could play in DCMS funded museums and galleries http://www.culture.gov.uk/images/publications/Endowments_paper_20101208.pdf (Accessed July 2012) MACKAY, D. 2003 Effective financial planning for library and information services London, Europa Publications Ltd MATTHEWS MILLMAN LTD WITH CAROLE STRACHAN ASSOCIATES, 2004, Semlac/MLA/British Library Funding Research, Final Report ,March 2004 MERMIRI, T., 2008, Business Investment in Culture Trends 2008, London, Arts & Business (---) 2009, Market Trends, London, Arts & Business MERMIRI, T., TUCHNER, J. 2011, Private investment in culture 2009/10: What next for the arts?, London, Arts & Business MLA, 2010 Action for Archives: Strategic planning and fundraising program final evaluation MLA SOUTH EAST, 2008, Value of museums, libraries and archives to community agendas, Winchester, MLA South East THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES, 2011 ‘Together, Better’ http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/together-better-dated.pdf (Accessed July 2012) THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES, ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND, 2012 Memorandum of Understanding between The National Archives and Arts Council England 13 February 2012 NATIONAL COUNCIL ON ARCHIVES, 2006, Response to Heritage Lottery Fund Third Strategic Plan Pre-Consultation, Feb 2006 http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20110909164408/http://nca.org.uk/materials/hlf_r esponse.pdf (Accessed July 2012) NATIONAL MUSEUM DIRECTORS CONFERENCE [n.d.] Cultural Philanthropy: A Charter for Giving (draft) NEF CONSULTING, 2009, Proving Value and Improving Practice: A discussion about Social Return on Investment (SROI), London, Museums, Libraries and Archives Council and nef consulting May 2009 OXBORROW-COWAN, E., 2012, Research into the benefits of capital investment in Archives, Archives & Records Association PANLOGIC LTD, 2012, The National Funding Scheme: A nation of givers: Research and Consultation Summary, Richmond, Panlogic Ltd 4 ‘Funding the Archives Sector’ Research Report September 2012 The National Archives and the International Centre for Archives and Records Management Research and User Studies (ICARUS), University College London PILGRIM TRUST, 2011 National Cataloguing Grants Scheme: Five year review (2006 – 2011), London, Pilgrim Trust RAY, L. 2007, Archive Lottery Advisory Service: Service Impact - the First Ten Years, London, National Council on Archives RAY, L. 2009 Volunteering in Archives, London, National Council on Archives SELWOOD, S., 2002, “The Politics of Data Collection: gathering, analysing and using data about the subsidised cultural sector in England” Cultural Trends, 47, 2002 SMITH. 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