Fall 2009 Student Credit Hours by Level of Course College of Basic and Applied Sciences Lower Upper 1000 Department/Course Aerospace Aerospace Transportation Total Agribusiness and Agriscience Biology Chemistry Chemistry Interdisciplinary Microanaly Img. Physical Science Total Computer Science Engineering Technology Concrete Industry Management Construction Management Construction Management Technology Engineering Technology Engineering Tech. and Indust. Studies Environmental Science and Technology Total Mathematical Sciences Actuarial Sciences Mathematics Statistics Total Military Science Nursing Physics and Astronomy Astronomy Physics Total Total College of Basic and Applied Sciences 2000 Masters 3000 Stu 4000 Hrs Hrs Stu Doctoral 7000 Stu Hrs 6000 Stu Hrs Stu Hrs 336 33 369 279 3,438 1,008 99 1,107 617 6,876 268 0 268 126 2,090 784 0 784 344 4,212 421 21 442 352 606 1,083 63 1,146 1,056 1,451 358 0 358 413 588 1,042 0 1,042 1,239 1,382 8 0 8 4 36 24 0 24 10 107 52 0 52 0 187 156 0 156 0 466 0 0 0 0 0 2,726 0 1,494 4,220 768 5,488 0 2,988 8,476 2,474 152 0 0 152 56 328 0 0 328 224 669 0 0 669 210 1,311 0 0 1,311 641 338 0 101 439 99 818 0 404 1,222 297 6 2 2 10 27 18 2 8 28 81 50 0 17 67 39 144 0 51 195 114 144 0 19 194 83 0 440 144 0 19 582 166 0 911 0 0 0 46 2 23 71 0 0 0 138 6 69 213 332 14 125 282 3 0 756 1,041 42 375 860 9 0 2,327 256 0 122 304 10 26 718 738 0 366 842 28 78 2,052 0 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 0 45 0 0 45 0 0 0 27 0 0 27 0 6,148 0 6,148 77 0 0 19,359 0 19,359 139 0 0 158 0 158 27 0 0 416 0 416 54 0 0 130 15 145 64 969 0 439 45 484 174 2,715 26 117 8 151 20 605 78 351 24 453 60 1,906 11 24 28 63 0 0 33 50 84 167 0 0 986 49 1,035 2,150 159 2,309 0 664 664 0 1,328 1,328 0 102 102 0 316 316 0 16 16 0 44 44 0 0 0 16,774 42,268 3,612 7,903 4,315 11,621 3,407 9,697 163 16 Stu 5000 Hrs Stu Hrs Total Stu Hrs 0 0 0 0 0 1,443 54 1,497 1,174 6,945 4,097 162 4,259 3,266 14,494 8 0 0 8 0 23 0 0 23 0 3,949 2 1,614 5,565 1,199 8,130 2 3,451 11,583 3,831 0 0 0 81 0 0 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 732 14 266 868 98 49 2,027 1,923 42 760 2,548 209 147 5,629 0 137 26 163 0 47 0 411 78 489 0 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 6,714 77 6,828 188 1,621 111 21,026 231 21,368 427 4,753 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 986 831 1,817 2,150 1,847 3,997 462 582 1,633 8 23 28,861 73,607 Source: RBAM 210-02 Fall 2009 Student Credit Hours by Level of Course Jennings A. Jones College of Business Lower Upper 1000 Department/Course Accounting Accounting Business Law Total Business Communication and Entrepreneurship Computer Information Systems Information Systems Quantitative Methods Total Economics and Finance Economics Finance Total Management and Marketing Business Administration Management Marketing Total Total Jennings A. Jones College of Business Stu 2000 Hrs Masters 3000 4000 Stu Hrs Stu Hrs Stu Doctoral 5000 Hrs Stu 6000 Hrs Stu Total 7000 Hrs Stu Hrs Stu Hrs 27 0 27 209 81 0 81 627 1,002 0 1,002 205 3,006 0 3,006 615 676 725 1,401 612 2,028 2,175 4,203 1,836 336 12 348 113 1,008 36 1,044 339 28 0 28 53 84 0 84 159 206 6 212 55 618 18 636 165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,275 743 3,018 1,247 6,825 2,229 9,054 3,741 0 0 0 0 0 0 462 429 891 1,386 1,287 2,673 527 409 936 1,581 1,227 2,808 131 34 165 393 102 495 32 0 32 96 0 96 192 57 249 576 171 747 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,344 929 2,273 4,032 2,787 6,819 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,290 116 1,406 3,870 348 4,218 401 750 1,151 1,203 2,250 3,453 198 190 388 594 570 1,164 8 7 15 24 21 45 141 73 214 423 219 642 30 0 30 99 0 99 2,068 1,136 3,204 6,213 3,408 9,621 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,540 1,655 3,195 0 4,620 4,965 9,585 287 346 240 873 861 1,038 720 2,619 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 305 105 458 144 915 315 1,374 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 335 2,191 2,000 4,526 1,005 6,573 6,000 13,578 236 708 3,504 10,512 7,295 21,885 1,887 5,661 128 384 1,188 3,564 30 99 14,268 42,813 17 Source: RBAM 210-02 Fall 2009 Student Credit Hours by Level of Course College of Education and Behavioral Science Lower 1000 Department/Course Criminal Justice Administration Educational Leadership Foundations of Education Library Science School Personnel Service Education Youth Education Total Elementary and Special Education Dyslexic Studies Elementary Education Reading Special Education Total Health and Human Performance Athletic Coaching Athletic Training Exercise Science Health Health and Human Performance Leisure and Sports Management Physical Education Recreation Total Human Sciences Child Dev. and Family Studies Family and Con. Science Education Human Sciences Interior Design Nutrition and Food Science Textiles, Mdsg. and Design Total Psychology Total College of Education and Behavioral Science Upper 2000 3000 Masters 4000 5000 6000 Doctoral 7000 Stu Hrs 0 0 Total Stu Hrs 1,600 4,857 Stu 248 Hrs 744 Stu 426 Hrs 1,278 Stu 460 Hrs 1,380 Stu 367 Hrs 1,173 Stu 13 Hrs 39 Stu 86 Hrs 243 501 0 0 0 501 1,503 0 0 0 1,503 364 0 0 0 364 1,092 0 0 0 1,092 0 0 63 83 146 0 0 189 249 438 0 57 0 142 199 0 171 0 867 1,038 0 28 6 2 36 0 84 18 12 114 313 63 523 18 917 939 201 1,583 54 2,777 75 0 288 0 363 225 0 897 0 1,122 1,253 148 880 245 2,526 3,759 456 2,687 1,182 8,084 0 0 253 0 253 0 0 759 0 759 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 472 20 399 891 0 1,416 60 1,197 2,673 0 399 211 121 731 0 1,559 858 474 2,891 0 9 35 2 46 0 81 105 12 198 10 195 38 82 325 30 536 114 246 926 0 11 0 0 11 0 31 0 0 31 10 1,086 557 604 2,257 30 3,623 1,896 1,929 7,478 0 0 0 1,868 0 0 1,689 0 3,557 0 0 0 2,802 0 0 1,689 0 4,491 29 0 0 31 0 0 427 0 487 58 0 0 93 0 0 524 0 675 102 185 43 415 0 0 403 223 1,371 306 528 129 1,245 0 0 1,181 669 4,058 168 90 228 548 0 0 280 102 1,416 504 270 714 1,582 0 0 772 282 4,124 18 0 0 8 0 0 4 9 39 54 0 0 16 0 0 9 27 106 0 0 45 78 46 65 0 0 234 0 0 141 241 138 191 0 0 711 0 0 4 0 35 0 4 0 43 0 0 12 0 97 0 12 0 121 317 275 320 2,948 81 65 2,807 334 7,147 922 798 996 5,979 235 191 4,187 978 14,286 0 12 150 0 234 81 477 2,068 0 36 150 0 702 243 1,131 6,204 72 0 0 47 111 26 256 870 216 0 0 141 333 78 768 2,458 293 13 0 63 282 245 896 962 879 39 0 189 663 591 2,361 2,534 482 10 194 97 181 47 1,011 1,229 1,533 30 470 291 486 141 2,951 3,679 7 0 3 0 3 0 13 84 18 0 9 0 9 0 36 250 5 0 6 0 14 0 25 502 15 0 14 0 48 0 77 1,232 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 859 35 353 207 825 399 2,678 5,732 2,661 105 643 621 2,241 1,053 7,324 16,408 7,104 14,832 2,403 6,271 4,726 13,444 4,953 15,856 231 743 2,089 5,966 434 1,325 21,940 58,437 18 Source: RBAM 210-02 Fall 2009 Student Credit Hours by Level of Course College of Liberal Arts Lower 1000 Department/Course Art English Foreign Languages and Literatures Arabia Chinese Foreign Languages and Literatures French German Hebrew Humanities Italian Japanese Latin Portuguese Russian Spanish Total Geosciences Geography Geology Total History Music Applied Music Music Music Education Music Ensembles Music History and Literature Music Pedagogy Music Theory Total Upper 2000 3000 Masters 4000 5000 Stu 1,520 4,881 Hrs 4,560 14,654 Stu 185 2,063 Hrs 555 6,189 Stu 375 915 Hrs 1,125 2,725 Stu 167 310 Hrs 483 930 51 35 0 197 106 17 0 29 97 26 24 39 630 1,251 153 105 0 591 318 51 0 87 291 78 72 117 1,890 3,753 8 2 0 78 57 0 174 8 40 5 8 4 281 665 24 6 0 234 171 0 522 24 120 15 24 12 843 1,995 0 0 0 71 26 0 3 0 11 0 3 0 368 482 0 0 0 213 79 0 9 0 33 0 9 0 1,034 1,377 0 0 14 13 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 89 16 1,783 1,799 768 64 3,591 3,655 2,304 381 0 381 4,173 1,143 0 1,143 12,519 96 18 114 188 288 36 324 564 0 2,032 44 0 26 0 229 2,331 0 5,007 44 0 52 0 856 5,959 336 37 39 0 0 49 60 521 447 37 78 0 0 98 180 840 2 36 50 963 129 0 6 1,186 2 72 143 877 387 0 18 1,499 19 Stu 6000 Hrs Stu Hrs Doctoral 7000 Stu Hrs 0 0 89 272 Total Stu Hrs 2,247 6,723 8,352 25,055 0 13 0 39 0 81 0 246 0 0 42 39 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 156 270 0 0 13 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 41 0 0 39 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 123 0 0 13 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 39 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 37 40 375 201 17 177 37 148 31 35 43 1,342 2,542 177 111 120 1,125 604 51 531 111 444 93 105 129 3,959 7,560 85 75 160 411 288 260 548 1,233 13 0 13 17 51 0 51 51 0 0 0 99 0 0 0 269 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 93 591 1,876 2,467 5,682 1,834 3,887 5,721 17,033 111 15 49 0 37 3 54 269 211 23 196 0 106 6 109 651 2 1 10 31 8 0 13 65 2 3 20 31 21 0 36 113 30 17 1 0 0 2 0 50 90 51 3 0 0 6 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 481 2,138 193 994 200 54 362 4,422 752 5,193 484 908 566 110 1,199 9,212 Source: RBAM 210-02 Fall 2009 Student Credit Hours by Level of Course College of Liberal Arts Lower Upper 1000 Department/Course Philosophy Philosophy Religious Studies Total Political Science Paralegal Studies Political Science Total Social Work Sociology and Anthropology Anthropology Sociology Total Speech and Theatre Communication Disorders Communication Studies Dance Leadership Studies Organizational Communication Theatre Total Total College of Liberal Arts Stu 2000 Hrs Stu Masters 3000 Hrs Stu 4000 Hrs Stu 5000 Hrs Stu Doctoral 7000 Stu Hrs 6000 Hrs Stu Hrs Total Stu Hrs 634 0 634 1,902 0 1,902 44 0 44 132 0 132 25 63 88 75 189 264 161 53 214 483 159 642 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 864 116 980 2,592 348 2,940 0 414 414 0 0 1,242 1,242 0 0 418 418 174 0 1,174 1,174 522 13 419 432 391 39 1,257 1,296 1,173 0 379 379 303 0 1,173 1,173 1,250 0 1 1 3 0 3 3 9 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 156 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 1,631 1,644 923 39 4,849 4,888 3,110 0 716 716 0 2,148 2,148 503 256 759 1,509 768 2,277 252 257 509 756 788 1,544 90 405 495 270 1,218 1,488 1 14 15 3 42 45 0 63 63 0 183 183 0 0 0 0 0 0 846 1,711 2,557 2,538 5,147 7,685 0 0 252 0 0 1,208 1,460 15,774 0 0 693 0 0 3,624 4,317 44,494 0 2,329 74 0 0 110 2,513 11,896 0 6,987 148 0 0 300 7,435 34,781 265 343 10 47 230 195 1,090 5,770 795 1,005 30 141 690 575 3,236 15,127 46 20 93 19 69 159 406 3,203 138 30 207 39 201 457 1,072 9,740 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 170 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 359 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,046 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 365 311 2,692 429 66 299 1,674 5,471 37,287 933 8,022 1,078 180 891 4,962 16,066 105,993 20 Source: RBAM 210-02 Fall 2009 Student Credit Hours by Level of Course College of Mass Communication Lower 1000 Department/Course Electronic Media Communication Photography Total Journalism Advertising Graphics Journalism Public Relations Total Mass Communication Recording Industry Recording Arts and Technologies Total Total College of Mass Communication Continuing Education and Distance Learning Regents Online Degree Program Professional Studies Total Continuing Education and Distance Learning Other African American Studies Aging Studies Developmental Math Developmental Writing Experiential Learning (EXL) Global Studies Study Abroad University Honors University Studies Women's Studies Total Other Grand Total Upper 2000 Masters 3000 4000 5000 Stu 313 0 313 Hrs 939 0 939 Stu 158 115 273 Hrs 474 345 819 Stu 542 122 664 Hrs 1,618 366 1,984 Stu 201 32 233 Hrs 595 96 691 0 0 285 0 285 0 559 0 559 0 0 855 0 855 0 1,677 0 1,677 0 14 180 0 194 0 0 0 0 0 42 540 0 582 0 0 0 0 79 100 343 164 686 0 1,224 0 1,224 237 300 1,019 492 2,048 0 3,668 0 3,668 39 12 225 26 302 0 1,020 0 1,020 1,157 3,471 467 1,401 2,574 7,700 243 0 763 0 116 0 348 0 342 40 243 763 116 348 0 0 81 43 0 0 15 0 1,953 0 2,092 0 0 243 129 0 0 180 0 5,723 0 6,275 130 3 0 0 19 98 0 0 308 87 645 43,380 112,811 22,643 Stu 6000 Hrs Stu Hrs Doctoral 7000 Stu Hrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Stu 1,214 269 1,483 Hrs 3,626 807 4,433 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 118 126 1,033 190 1,467 75 2,803 97 2,900 354 378 3,075 570 4,377 225 8,410 301 8,711 0 0 0 0 5,925 17,746 1,010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,339 40 4,059 120 335 1,010 0 0 0 0 1,379 4,179 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 172 3 81 43 115 139 15 62 2,261 126 3,017 516 9 243 129 115 471 180 118 6,031 378 8,190 2,029 4,725 13,745 587 1,812 0 0 112,677 310,965 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 117 36 661 78 892 0 3,065 0 3,065 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 97 97 0 0 0 0 0 225 0 301 301 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,555 4,648 0 0 172 526 1,026 120 303 0 912 0 0 0 0 0 335 0 382 1,146 303 912 0 0 390 9 0 0 19 294 0 0 308 261 1,281 17 0 0 0 49 20 0 40 0 0 126 51 0 0 0 49 114 0 66 0 0 280 25 0 0 0 47 21 0 22 0 39 154 75 0 0 0 47 63 0 52 0 117 354 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62,497 25,188 71,203 15,462 46,868 692 21 Level Total Stu Hrs Source: RBAM 210-02