UPPER DIVISION FORM 2012-2013 Electronic Media Communication Media Management (VERSION: March 20, 2012) Name: ____________________________ ___ First M ____________________________________ M#______________ Last MTSU Email: ______________________ @mtmail.mtsu.edu This form is a checkpoint to help you stay on track for graduation Instructions: (1) Indicate grade in all courses that have been completed to date. (2) Obtain approval signature for major area of study from your advisor (3) Obtain approval signature for minor from the department coordinator of minor area of study. (4) Submit the approved form to the Department of Electronic Media Communication office for copying to student file and forwarding to the Records Office. ***PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE APPLICATION FOR CANDIDACY Course General Education Requirements Credit Hours Semester Completed Grade Required for Candidacy Communication (9 hours) COMM 2200 3 ENGL 1010 3 ENGL 1020 3 yes yes History (6 hours) HIST 2010, 2020, 2030 3 3 Humanities/Fine Arts (9 hours) Choose three with different prefixes, one must be ENGL or HUM ANTH 2210, ART 1030, ART 1910, ART 1920, DANC 1000, ENGL 2020, ENGL 2030, HIST 1010, HIST 1020, HIST 1110, HIST 1120, HUM 2610, MUS 1030, PHIL 1030, THEA 1030 3 3 3 Mathematics (3 hours) MATH 1010, 1530, 1630, 1710, 1720, 1730, 1810, 1910 3 yes Natural Sciences (8 hours) Choose two with different prefixes ASTR 1030/31, BIOL 1030/31, 1110/11, 2010/11, or 2020/21, CHEM 1010/11, 1030/31 or 1110/11, GEOL 1030/31 or 1040/41, PHYS 1110, 2010/11, or 2110/11, PSCI 1030/31 or 1130/31 4 4 Social/Behavioral Sciences (6 hours) Choose two with different prefixes AAS 2100, ANTH 2010, ECON 2410, EMC 1020, GEOG 2000, GS 2010, HLTH 1530/31, PS 1005, PS 1010, PSY 1410, SOC 1010, SOC 2010, WGST 2100 Media Management EMC 1020 Course 3 yes 3 Credit Hours Semester Completed Grade Required for Candidacy Mass Communication Core Requirements (9 hours) EMC 1020: American Media and Social Institutions 3 Choose one: JOUR 2710: Media Writing EMC 3020: Writing for the Electronic Media EMC 3060: Writing for Digital Media Choose one: EMC 4250: Mass Media Law 3 3 yes yes Electronic Media Communication Requirements (6 hours) EMC 2410: Introduction to Electronic Media 3 yes EMC 3120: Sight, Sound, and Motion 3 yes Media Management Requirements (15 hours) EMC 3030: Electronic Media Advertising 3 EMC 3110: Radio Station Operations 3 EMC 4010: Electronic Media Sales 3 EMC 4140: Electronic Media Programming 3 EMC 4430: Electronic Media Management 3 Mass Communication Required Elective Hours (3 hours) Mass Comm Elective 3 Mass Communication Optional Elective Hours (6 hours) Minors Mass Comm elective 3 Mass Comm Elective 3 Course Credit Hours Semester Completed Grade Minor 1 (Liberal Arts & Sciences) Minor 2 (Optional) STUDENT Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ MINOR ADVISOR Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ MAJOR ADVISOR Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ DEPARTMENT CHAIR Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________