Job Aid Budget_Inquiry_Projects Step Action 1. Click the Main Menu button. 2. Click the Commitment Control menu. 3. Click the Review Budget Activities menu. 4. Click the Budgets Overview menu. 5. Click the Add a New Value tab. 6. Enter the desired information into the Inquiry Name field. Enter "Projects". 7. Click the Add button. 8. Click in the Description field. 9. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Projects - Facilities and Technology". 10. Click the PROJECTS object. 11. Click the Look up Ledger Group (Alt+5) button. 12. Click the EXPDETAILS link. 13. Because projects are "inception-to-date" budgets that may cover more than a single fiscal year, you want to use the ledger group with no budget period. To do this, remove the check mark from the calendar ID AB budget criteria line. Click the Select option. 14. Click the Include Closing Adjustments option. Date Created: 8/31/2012 11:22:00 AM Page 1 Job Aid Step 15. Action If you know the code for your Project, you can type it in the Project field. Otherwise you can click on the magnifying glass to look up Project Codes by code or by the description. For practice, we will use the Lookup feature. Click the Look up ChartField From Value (Alt+5) button. 16. In the next few frames, we'll review the different types of project codes used by "project budgets." Click in the Project field. 17. Major construction or renovation projects begin with 94xxxx. Enter the desired information into the Project field. Enter "94". 18. Software (or primarily software-related) projects like Optimize Puget Sound begin with 17xxxx. Enter the desired information into the Project field. Enter "17". 19. Facilities PMM and Equipment projects like the new Telecom system begin with 91xxxx. Enter the desired information into the Project field. Enter "91". 20. Let's use a Facilities "PMM" project as our example. Enter the desired information into the Project field. Enter "91". 21. Click the Look Up button. 22. Click the Campus Baseball Infield Rnvtn link. 23. Click the Search button. 24. The delivered PeopleSoft default maximum (Max) rows displayed is 100. Let's change this to 999 to ensure you see your correct budget total and all rows (accounts or lines) within your budget. Click in the Max Rows field. 25. Enter the desired information into the Max Rows field. Enter "999". 26. Clicking the Search button will save 999 as the Max Rows to be displayed. Click the Search button. Page 2 Date Created: 8/31/2012 11:22:00 AM Job Aid Step 27. Action Use the vertical (right side) and horizontal (bottom) scroll bars to move around the page. For an explanation of how to interpret this Inquiry Results page, please see the handouts from the Budget Admin I and II training sessions on the PeopleSoft Help resources/handout page. Click on any underlined amount to drill into detail transactions. Click the 4,813.470 link. 28. To drill further into a description of the transaction: Click the Drill Down button. 29. This page will have different information based on the type of transaction (budget, requisition, purchase order, or payment or other actual transaction). To return to the previous page: Click the OK button. 30. To return to the Inquiry Results page: Click the OK button. 31. To perform another search: Click the Return to Criteria link. 32. Be sure to save your search criteria to use again! Click the Save button. 33. To create or select a different saved search: Click the Budgets Overview link. 34. If you have created other saved searches, list and select one by: Click the Search button. Date Created: 8/31/2012 11:22:00 AM Page 3 Job Aid Step 35. Action To return to the Main Menu: Click the Home link. 36. Page 4 This completes the demonstration of a basic Budget Inquiry to see a Project budget. End of Procedure. Date Created: 8/31/2012 11:22:00 AM