Staff Mentoring Policy Policy Title Policy Number Related Policies Responsible Status Approved By Approved Date Effective Date 8-02 Functional Field Staff and Staff Support Services Staff Induction Policy Quality Assurance Office New Vice Chancellor June 2011 Trial period: August 2011-February 2012 (inclusive) REVISION HISTORY Number & By Date Revision # 1 N/A Date: Revision # 2 N/A Date: Revision # 3 N/A Date: Revision # 4 N/A Date: Revision # 5 N/A Date: Next Revision Date March 2012 Contact Office E-mail address Phone Number Quality Assurance Office 5880/5881/5882 Main Changes Staff Mentoring Policy Sultan Qaboos University 1. POLICY TITLE Staff Mentoring Policy 2. POLICY STATEMENT All staff new to the University or to the role shall have timely access to mentoring support and guidance. 3. PURPOSE/ REASONS FOR POLICY 3.1. Introduce formal systemic mentoring. 3.2. Enrich the University by further enabling staff. 3.3. Recognize mentoring as a mandatory staff development tool. 3.4. Outline the roles of all parties involved in the mentoring. 3.5. Provide staff with early support on developmental needs. 3.6. Enhance quality culture. 4. GENERAL PRINCIPLES The mentoring partnership is built on the following main principles: 4.1. Equal partnership between the Mentor and the Mentee; both are committed to the success of the partnership and both are beneficiaries in it. 4.2. Mentoring is formative collegial, supportive, encouraging, guiding and confidential relationship; the Mentor is not a line manager. 4.3. The parties are to manage the process; agree to regular meetings and setting goals and review effectiveness of their relationship . 4.4. Sharing experiences and expertise; the Mentor accepts to share his/her experience, skills and expertise with the Mentee who agrees to be open about his/her developing needs and concerns. 4.5. Evaluative feedback is reported; good practices are documented and effectively disseminated. 4.6. Both the Mentor and the Mentee agree to carry out the mentoring activities within the limits of the University policies applicable to similar activities including code of conduct. 4.7. Supported by top management; regular mentoring workshops and programs are systematically carried out. 4.8. Line managers recognize the importance of mentoring when planning for training, carrying out performance appraisal and when considering workloads of parties involved. 4.9. All activities shall be evaluated annually. 4.10. Mentor observation of Mentee’s activities and performance is essential to successful mentoring. 5. SCOPE OF APPLICATION/ KEY STAKEHOLDERS All units at Sultan Qaboos University. All staff new to the University or to the role. 1 Staff Mentoring Policy Sultan Qaboos University 6. APPROVAL BODY The Vice Chancellor has approved this policy as a draft version for trial implementation during a period of seven months during which this policy has to be reviewed by the Curriculum and Academic Policies Committee and adopted by the Academic Council. 7. PROCEDURES& REQUIREMENTS 7.1. Procedure – The following steps provide a guide to the procedure to be followed: 7.1.1. The Line Manager assigns a Mentor using the available information in the Department, College and/or the University register of mentors. The assignment is based on the mentor’s job knowledge, skills and expertise most suitable for the Mentee. Availability of the potential mentor, gender and cultural issues are factors to be considered. The assignement must be decided before the Mentee joins the university (see SQU Induction Policy) or new role. 7.1.2. The Line Manager shall fix a meeting with the Mentor and the Mentee. The roles and the expectation of the mentoring partnership is explained. The Line Manager will notify the Center for Staff Development (CSD) with a confirmation notification regarding the meeting outcomes, see Appendix I. 7.1.3. It is essential that the first meeting between the Mentor and the Mentee take place in the first week of the Mentee’s employment (see SQU Induction Policy). 7.1.4. The Mentee shall discuss and agree with the Mentor schedule of meeting and agenda topics. A good arrangement is to have meetings every two weeks. 7.1.5. The Mentee shall develop a log recording achievements and good practices. The log is to records main skills and knowledge acquired through the partnership. Issues encountered that he/she would want to discuss in the following meeting and any questions to be asked. Though the log is a private record, good practices are expected to be made available for sharing with other colleagues through the University database website on good practices. 7.1.6. The Mentor and Mentee may start their first meeting by going through the question checklist, see Appendix II. It is believed that this checklist helps in setting the mentoring process going. Also expectations and objectives are also discussed . 7.1.7. The Mentor and the Mentee would agree the duration of the mentoring partnership. The mentoring partnership period may be up to 12 months or a whole academic year. The period would depend on the actual needs and changing environment. It is been reported in the literature that the first year is the year where staff are developing fast and acquiring new forms of work skills and knowledge. 7.1.8. The partnership will come to an end once the Mentee believes that the objectives have been reached. The Line Manager is to be informed who would then inform the CSD on the completion of the partnership so as to update the record. 7.1.9. If, for any reason, the Mentee and the Mentor find it difficult to continue with the process, they are advised to seek support from the Line Manager. 7.1.10. The Mentee, the Mentor and the Line Manager may be asked to complete questionnaire or answer certain questions on the effectiveness of the partnership. These evaluative surveys are carried out by the CSD. 7.2. Mentors Register – A register is to be developed in each Unit and a central one by the CSD. Each register will contain the following mentor’s details, which may be viewed by Mentees and Line Managers: Post type (academic, academic administrator, technician, professional support) U U 2 Staff Mentoring Policy Sultan Qaboos University Qualifications Work experience in relevant jobs Skills Mentor’s biography It is expected that mentors would have completed a mentoring program, arranged by CSD, before their details are entered onto the mentors register. 7.3. Roles – the following are guides to the roles of mentoring parties, this is by means prescriptive: 7.3.1.The role of the Mentor includes: The Mentor shall: a. Share his/her skills, expertise and experience with the Mentee. b. Listen with open mind to any issues and questions raised by the Mentee. c. Always show willingness and commitment to successfully and effectively complete the process. d. Whenever possible provide guidance on issues that may be faced by the Mentee regarding his academic tasks. e. Respect the confidentiality of the mentoring process. f. Act as a partner not as a boss or a manager. g. Anchorage a non-judgmental positive environment. h. Acknowledge that both parties are leaning from the process. i. Give constructive and clear feedback. j. Ask probing questions. 7.3.2.The role of the Mentee includes: The Mentee shall: a. Identify developmental goals and objectives and work towards achieving them. b. Coordinate, manage and follow-up meetings, including preparation of any documentation needed, with the Mentor. c. Listen, question, reflect to and accept objective critiques . d. Share any achievements and/or setbacks. e. Share evidences of good practices. f. Ask for assistance and advice or referral . g. Always go prepared to meetings . h. Accept the Mentor as a challenging and critical colleague. U 7.3.3.The role of Line Manager includes: U The Line Manager shall: a. Always encourage staff to participate in mentoring. b. Identify potential participants in mentoring developmental workshops and programs. c. Develop a Mentors Register. d. Discuss with the Mentor and Mentee the process needs, progress, resources. and timelines. Also, roles, responsibilities and expectations. e. Review and update skills required for Mentors. f. Facilitate, based on request from a Mentee, the change of a Mentor. g. Consider Mentors’ contribution when evaluating staff performance. h. Assist in documenting, disseminating and sharing of good practices. i. Evaluate the success of the mentoring outcomes. 7.3.4.The role of CSD: U The CSD shall; a. Develop, maintain and update a University Mentors Register. b. Plan and mange systemic mentoring workshops and training programs. 3 Staff Mentoring Policy Sultan Qaboos University c. Provide mentoring guidelines to all Mentors and Mentees. d. Communicate effectively the role of all parties involved in the process. e. Evaluate the effectiveness of the mentoring process across the University. 8. RESPONSIBILITY FOR IMPLEMENTATION Line Managers, Center for Staff Development, and Quality Assurance Office. 9. REVIEW 9.1. Heads of departments and managers of units and staff responsible for managing staff development shall annually participate in evaluating the effectiveness of mentoring activities in achieving intended goals. 9.2. Mentors and Mentees are expected to provide feedback on their experiences as requested. 9.3. Staff referred to in 9.1 are expected to annually provide the Quality Assurance Office with feedback on appropriateness of mentoring activities and where appropriate suggest any needed changes. 10. DEFINITIONS Line Manager: Is a university senior staff member higher up in hierarchy and to whom the mentee reports directly. Mentee: A staff member new to the university or to the role who gets assistance and guidance from a university staff member having more experience and skills. Mentor: An experienced university staff member who acts as helper to a less experienced or new staff. Mentoring: is an informal developmental process between two colleagues, in which the one having more experience, skills and expertise (Mentor) assists, supports, guides and advises a less experienced one, often newly employed (Mentee). It enables the Mentee to familiarize him/herself with their new roles and with University work, environment and culture. 11. APPENDICES APPENDIX I – Mentoring Confirmation APPENDIX II – Review Questions 12. RISKS Identifying potential risks associated with the introduction of policies, in particular new ones, is considered a good practice. Line managers have the responsibility to embed risk management practices in their day-today operations. This may include taking the necessary measures to eliminate or control such risks. Main risks associated with this policy are listed below: 12.1. Lack of real collegial spirit and lack of needed mentoring skills may result in boring and non productive meetings. 12.2. Non availability of appropriate Mentor match. 12.3. Not understanding the scope of the mentoring process. 12.4. Mentors may demand extra pay or work -load recognition. 12.5. Supporting activities and resources are not carried out or made available (e.g. mentoring inductions, university database website on mentoring good practices, evaluative surveys by the CSD and University central mentors register). 4 Staff Mentoring Policy Sultan Qaboos University Appendix I. MENTORING CONFIRMATION FORM It is hereby confirmed that the staff signed below agreed to participate in a mentoring process as indicated below; Mentee Name : Mentee’s Unit : Signature : Mentor Name : Mentor’ Unit : Signature Date: : Mentoring Starting Date : Mentoring Expected Completion Date : Mentee’s Line Manager Name : Date: Signature : Date: A copy of the confirmation is forwarded to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Center for Staff Development Mentor Mentee Mentor’s Line Manager 5 Staff Mentoring Policy Sultan Qaboos University Appendix II. REVIEW QUESTIONS A- Review Questions for Academic Staff 1. What does mentoring mean to you? Explanation of the mentoring process 2. What topics would you like us to start with to familiarize you with the department/university culture? Identification of immediate Mentee’s adaptation needs 3. What are the goals/objectives to be achieved by you at the end of the first year? Clarification of the need to have set targets for the first year. 4. What are your research aspirations? How do you plan to reach there? Highlighting the university’s expectations, strategies, research fields and possible participation in collaborative research project, also good planning and resourcing 5. What skills would you like to acquire most? Identification of skills developmental needs. 6. How do you like us to work? Agreeing to a suitable method / plan of working together 7. How do you plan to ensure that your teaching will be informed by research and scholarly activities? Highlighting the importance of research informed teaching as required by the university and by OAAA. 8. How do you plan to ensure, when devising assessment instruments, that learning outcomes are properly assessed? Exploring the differences between norm-based assessment and criteria-based assessment 9. How do plan to deal with plagiarism issues? Discussing plagiarism policy and any strategies to prevent or control plagiarism. 10. How do plan to structure feedback given on students’ work? Discuss good practices in giving feedback to students and perhaps reviewing samples of good feedback. 11. What do you know about SQU vision, mission, objectives and graduate attributes? Introducing the mentee to SQU vision, mission, objectives and graduate attributes. 12. What information do you have on academic standards and quality? Discussing SQU framework of academic standards & quality and also on the Oman qualification Framework and other professional bodies, like ABET 13. What information do you have on work ethics, safety and quality? Discussing SQU framework of work ethics, safety and quality. 14. What publications targets have set? Outlining the importance of setting research targets and impacts on scholarly recognition and promotion 6 Staff Mentoring Policy Sultan Qaboos University B- Review Questions for Non-Academic Staff 1. What does mentoring mean to you? Explanation of the mentoring process. 2. What topics would you like us to start with to familiarize you with the unit/university culture? Identification of immediate Mentee’s adaptation needs. 3. What are the goals/objectives to be achieved by you at the end of the first year? Clarification of the need to have set targets for the first year. 4. What skills would you like to acquire most? Identification of skills developmental needs. 5. How do you like us to work? Agreeing to a suitable method / plan of working together. 6. What do you know about SQU vision, mission and objectives? Introducing the mentee to SQU vision, mission and objectives. 7. What information do you have on work ethics, safety and quality? Discussing SQU framework of work ethics, safety and quality. 8. What information you know about the university rules, regulations and policies related to our work? Outlining the importance of carefully reading the university rules, regulations and policies related to the unit activities in direct relation with the mentee’s work. 7