2006-2007 University Curriculum Committee Minutes for Friday, February 9, 2007 2:00 PM

2006-2007 University Curriculum Committee
Minutes for Friday, February 9, 2007
2:00 PM
Sun Trust Room - BAS
The meeting was called to order with the following members in attendance: A.J. Halterlein, Charles Apigian,
Wendy Koenig. Randy Clark, Chris Stephens, Georganne Ross, Teresa Thomas, and Mitzi Brandon. Two
members voted in absentia: Helen Binkley and Justyna Kostkowska.
Outcome of review of curriculum proposals
Before implementation of any item in the Minutes, the Provost’s Office must give final approval.
Tabled from last meeting:
HUM 3000 Special Topics in Foreign Language Linguistics, New course & addition to Linguistics
Studies Curriculum - Approved with corrections
Accounting major required course increase from six to seven – Approved with corrections
THEA 3830 Advanced Play Writing, New course – Approved with correction to THEA 4830
New Proposals:
MATH 1730 Title change to Precalculus- approved and forwarded to Gen Ed Committee for approval
S W 3150 Life Cycle and Social Environment, inactivation - Approved
Family Studies Minor: Drop SOC 3150 as required elective and number of required elective hours to 15 Approved
Art Ed.: Adding to core requirements ART 2510, Sculpture I and ART 2710, Painting I - Approved
CHEM 4551-001 title change to Bioanalytical Chemistry Lab - Approved
Computer Science - Bus. Applic. B.S. Concentration change: CSCI 4110 dropped, CSCI44 added Approved
CSCI 4410 Web Technologies, new course - Approved
ENGL 3610 renumber to 3815- Approved
ENGL 4210 renumbered as 4410 - Approved
ENGL 4220 renumbered as 4420 - Approved
ENGL 3135 Introduction to Shakespeare, new course - Approved
ENGL 4980 English Studies Abroad, new course - Approved
HIST 4930 Fundamentals of Historic Preservation, inactivation - Approved
HIST 4920 Development of the Local History Museum, inactivation - Approved
HIST 4960 Advanced Projects in Historic Preservation, inactivation - Approved
HIST 4910 Principles of archival Administration, inactivation - Approved
HIST 4870 field course in Historical Archaeology, inactivation - Approved
HIST 3150 title change to Twentieth-Century Global History - Approved
HIST 4860 cross listed with ANTH 4860- Approved
FCSE 4540 course number/title change - Approved
FCSE 4502 title change to Culinary Arts - Tabled
FCSE 3510 course number/title change - Approved
FCSE 2510 course number/title change- Approved
NFS 4200, 4800, 4280, 4290 course number changes -Tabled
CDFS 4790 Family Life Program Development and Evaluation, new course -Tabled
IDES 3770 Advanced computer Applications in Interior Design, new course - Approved
Interior Design, changes in admission to major –Tabled – sent to Admissions and Standards
Textiles, Merchandising and Design, changes in admission to major –Tabled-sent to Admissions and
There was no new business and the meeting was adjourned.