Webliography of Content Area Lesson Plan Support Sites

Webliography of Content Area Lesson Plan Support
This assignment requires students to be able to:
- Demonstrate application of current research and best practices, as discussed in the text and in course
discussions/lectures, in the development of classroom rules, rewards, consequences, and
procedures that are age appropriate and developmentally appropriate. 
- Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of communicating the teacher's commitment to student
achievement, as well as emphasizing the students' roles and responsibilities in the learning process.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the grading system, and how to communicate that system to students and parents.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of anticipating and implementing procedures that are necessary for the
successful day to day functioning of the classroom.
- Demonstrate understanding of the importance of utilizing "Getting to Know You" activities in order
to gain knowledge of  students' interests, differences, likes, and dislikes.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of soliciting parental support to enhance student success.
- Demonstrate mastery of the Texas Technology Application Standards for Beginning
Teachers by using Power Point as a teaching tool, including appropriate use of fonts, graphics and slide design.
Levels of Performance
1. <p><strong>The hard copy is bound
and contains the
following:</strong></p><ul><li>A title
page with appropriate identifying
information</li><li>A copy of the power
point slides as a
<p><br />The hard copy is presented in
a complete, creative, and organized
sequence that enhances the
content.<br />The hard copy contains
all of the listed elements.</p>
<p>The content <strong>evidences
thought</strong> and organization.<br
/>The hard copy contains<strong>
most</strong> of the listed
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<p>The hard copy <strong>may or may
not</strong> be bound; it
<strong>lacks</strong> thought,
sequence, and/or organization.<br
/>Several of the listed elements are
handout</li><li>Samples or typed
descriptions of related
activities</li><li>Reference page<br
2. <p>The digital copy of the project is
provided on a CD or other remote
storage device for purposes of
presenting to the class.</p>
<p>Student provided an
<strong>appropriate digital
copy</strong> for presentation
<p>Student provided a digital copy with
<strong>some flaws</strong>.</p>
<p>Student <strong>did not</strong>
provide a digital copy.</p>
3. <ul><li><div>Slide design and
use of font, font size, and spacing of
use of graphics and
use of charts and tables, and
/></div></li></ul><p> </p>
<p><br />The <strong>creative
quality</strong> of the Power Point is
<strong>exceptional</strong> in
relation to all elements listed. All
elements are content and
developmentally appropriate.</p>
4. <p>The Title Slide introduces the
syllabus project and/or welcomes the
<p><br />This slide <strong>captures
the audiences' attention</strong>,
contains <strong>appropriate</strong>
identifying data, and <strong>is
creative, is developmentally
<p>The quality of the Power Point
<strong>meets expectations</strong>
in that <strong>most
elements</strong> are developmentally
appropriate and show some
<p>The <strong>quality </strong>of the
Power Point is <strong>poor
</strong>in that it <strong>lacks
effective use</strong> of most or all of
the elements listed.</p>
<p>The title slide contains
<strong>appropriate identifying
data</strong> and is
<strong>mostly</strong> develo
pmentally and age appropriate.</p>
Outcomes Assessment Solutions, LLC
<p>The title slide is
<strong>lacks </strong>interest and
appropriate</strong>, and is
<strong>age appropriate</strong>.</p>
5. State general class and/or content
area goals.<br />Includes an overview
of course objectives, resources,
materials needed, etc.
<p><br />Content slides contain a
<strong>well written, concise,
sequential, and developmentally
appropriate</strong> overview of the
class or content area learning goals,
<strong>including</strong> a brief
description of instructional
arrangements, strategies, and materials
<p>Content slides <strong>are
developmentally appropriate</strong>
and include a <strong>brief
description</strong> learning goals,
instructional arrangements, and
materials needed.</p>
<p>Content slides <strong>are
not</strong> developmentally
appropriate and <strong>lack</strong>
a good description learning goals,
instructional arrangements, and
materials needed.</p>
6. Four to five statements of behavioral
expectations which compliment the
schools' rules.  The
rules demonstrate an
understanding of current best practices
for development of classroom rules
based on the course text and
<p>Rules <strong>creatively</strong>
evidence "best practices"
and current research as discussed in
the course and in the text. Rules are
<strong>doable, enforceable, stated
positively,</strong> and reflect the
developmental levels of the
<p>Rules <strong>generally
</strong>evidence "best
practices" and current research
as discussed in the course and in the
text. <strong>Most </strong>are
doable, enforceable, stated positively,
and reflect the developmental levels of
the students.</p>
<p>Rules <strong>do not</strong>
evidence "best practices"
and current research as discussed in
the course and in the text.
<strong>Few, or none</strong> are
doable, enforceable, stated positively;
and/or do not reflect the developmental
levels of the students.</p>
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7. Four to five statements of possible
rewards for maintaining appropriate
behaviors based on "best
practices" as discussed in the
course text and lectures.<br />Rewards
should not reflect "free
time", parties, "free
passes", movies, or food.
<p><br />Rewards <strong>creatively
evidence</strong> "best
practices" and current research
as discussed in the course and in the
text. Rewards are stated sequentially,
take little time away from instruction,
and reflect the social and
developmental levels of the
<strong>generally</strong> evidence
"best practices" and current
research as discussed in the course
and in the text. Rewards are
<strong>generally sequential</strong>
and reflect the developmental levels of
the students. </p>
<p>Rewards <strong>do not</strong>
evidence "best practices"
and current research as discussed in
the course and in the text. Rewards
<strong>are not</strong> sequential
and/or do not reflect the developmental
levels of the students.</p>
8. <p>Four to five statements of
consequences for inappropriate
behaviors.  The consequences
should reflect "best
practices" as discussed in the
course text and lectures.</p>
thoughtfully evidence</strong>
"best practices" and current
research as discussed in the course
and in the text. Consequences are
<strong>stated sequentially</strong>,
take as little time away from instruction
as possible, and reflect the
developmental and age levels of the
<p>Consequences <strong>generally
evidence</strong> "best
practices" and current research
as discussed in the course and in the
text. Consequences
<strong>are</strong> stated
sequentially, and appropriately reflect
the developmental and age levels of
the students.</p>
<p>Consequences <strong>do not
evidence</strong> "best
practices" and current research
as discussed in the course and in the
text. Consequences <strong>are
not</strong> stated sequentially, and/or
<strong>do not reflect</strong> the
developmental and age levels of
the students.</p>
9. A basic grading scale is included
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which explains possible points and/or
letter grades.
<p><br />An <strong>accurate and
appropriate</strong> grading scale is
clearly explained.</p>
<p>An <strong>appropriate</strong>
grading scale is included.</p>
<p>A grading scale is <strong>not
provided</strong>, or is
<strong>not</strong> accurate.</p>
10. <p>Examples:</p><ul><li>Positive
outlook</li><li>Safe learning
feedback<br /></li></ul>
<p><br />Statement <strong>positively,
thoughtfully and clearly</strong>
outlines the teacher's commitment
to fostering success for all students.
<strong>adequately</strong> outlines
the teacher's commitment to
fostering success for all students. </p>
<p>Statements <strong>do
not</strong> adequately outline
effective steps to fostering success for
all students. </p>
11. <p>Statements outlining the
students' responsibility in the
learning process which helps students
to take responsibility for their own
<p>Statement <strong>positively,
thoughtfully and clearly</strong>
outlines the students'
responsibility in the learning process.
<strong>adequately</strong> outlines
students' responsibilities in the
learning process. </p>
<p>Statements <strong>do
not</strong> adequately outline
students' responsibilities in the
learning process. </p>
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