Employment Application


PO Box 556

Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Office (615) 898-2104

FAX (615)898-5568

Employment Application

Date of Application __________________________ Expected date of Graduation (mo/yr) ___________

Name (last)______________________________ (first)______________________ (middle initial)_______

Preferred Name ____________________________________ M Number M__________________________

Local Address________________________________ Apt #______ Cell Phone ______________________

City__________________________ State_______ Zip __________ Other Phone _____________________

Email Address _____________________@mtmail.mtsu.edu Other Email_____________________________

Person to notify in case of emergency:

Name__________________________________________________ Relationship to you________________

Address_________________________________________________ Phone __________________________

City________________________________________ State__________________ Zip________________

_____ Are you a recipient of MTSU Presidential or Service Scholarship (work 75 hours per semester)?

_____ Are you a participant of the Federal Work Study program?

POSITION DESIRED (Indicate position preference - 1 st

choice, 2 nd

choice, 3 rd


_____ Customer Service Office Attendant - customer relations, cashier, answering phones, campus errands, copying, filing, etc.

_____ Exercise Instructor - lead a variety of group fitness classes - land or water

_____ Intramural Event Assistant/Scorekeeper – marketing, scorekeeping, and office duties

_____ Intramural Official - c ircle all that you have experience w/: basketball, volleyball, softball, football, soccer

_____ Lifeguard/Water Safety Instructor - guard, teach, pool maintenance, record keeping, etc. American Red Cross certification

_____ Maintenance Assistant – perform fitness equipment/facility maintenance, repair, and clean-up.

_____ Marketing - create and communicate using social media, web site, blogging, print media, photography and video, etc.

_____ Mascot Attendant - assist mascot at all functions. Attend games, tournaments, nationals to aid and escort at functions.

_____ Outdoor Pursuits - challenge course, climbing wall, outdoor equipment rental, and adventure trip leader (will train for all)

** for this position, please include a 1 page essay on why you want to work in the Outdoors program

_____ Personal Fitness Trainer - certification preferred

_____ Rec Staff - customer relations, equipment check-out, answer phones, cashier, monitor fitness equipment & use

_____ Sports Clubs Supervisor - supervising or monitoring practices and games for approximately 25 club teams

CURRENT CERTIFICATIONS (check all that apply)

____ First Aid

____ CPR

Exp. Date _________

Exp. Date _________

____ AED Exp. Date _________

____ Exercise Instructor Exp. Date _________

Certified in: ________________________

WORK EXPERIENCE (past two years)

Employer ________________________________

Supervisor ________________________________

Phone (______)_________________________

Job Title ________________________________

Dates employed _____________to_____________

Duties ________________________________

____ Lifeguard

____ Water Safety Instructor

Exp. Date _________

Exp. Date _________

____ Lifeguard Instructor Exp. Date _________

____ Other ______________ Exp. Date _________

Employer ________________________________

Supervisor ________________________________

Phone ( ______ )________________________

Job Title ________________________________

Dates employed _____________to_____________

Duties ________________________________

Have you previously been employed by MTSU? _____ yes _____ no

In which department? ________________________ Supervisor ___________________________

Place an (x) in the spaces you are AVAILABLE to work.


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7:00 am

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9:00 am

10:00 am

11:00 am

12:00 pm

1:00 pm

2:00 pm

3:00 pm

4:00 pm

5:00 pm

6:00 pm

7:00 pm

8:00 pm

9:00 pm

10:00 pm

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12:00 am

Please check the Semester(s) Applying for: ___Fall 20___ ___Spring 20___ ___Summer 20___

Additional comments for schedule purposes only: __________________________________________________



Please list any skills, software knowledge, web design, or other experience:



Can you work during breaks, between semesters, and holidays? _____ yes _____ no

Have you ever been convicted of an offense other than minor traffic violations within the past five years?

_____ yes _____ no If yes, please explain:

I certify that such statements are true and understand that misrepresentation or omission of facts called for in this application may be cause for termination of employment without notice. I understand that work references may be contacted for verification of employment. I understand that evaluations of job performance will occur each semester and will affect continued employment. I understand that, if hired, I will be responsible to pay $17.50 to cover half the cost of American Red Cross certification or recertification.

Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________


A Tennessee Board of Regents University

MTSU is an equal opportunity, non-racially identifiable, educational institution that does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities.

*********************************************************** Office Use Only **************************************************************

Date Application Received: ___________________ Date Acknowledged:________________________ updated 7/2013
