Academic Common Market Acknowledgement

Academic Common Market Acknowledgement
ACTIVELY PURSUE THE MAJOR. You must be actively pursuing the approved major.
REMAIN FULL-TIME ENROLLED. You must remain full time enrolled (completing 12 hours minimum) each semester. The
majority of your enrolled hours must be traditional (on campus) classes. If you are part-time enrolled or if you drop to part time
during the semester, you will be removed from ACM and billed out-of-state tuition fees for the entire semester.
MAINTAIN GOOD ACADEMIC STANDING. You must maintain good academic standing. If placed on probation, you will be
ineligible to participate in the ACM. Reinstatement to the ACM program will be contingent upon the completion of twelve (12)
semester hours from your major curriculum with a 2.0 GPA. You may reapply to your certifying state to participate in the ACM,
provided they still participate in the MTSU major program and you meet all current requirements at that time.
MAINTAIN PERMANENT ADDRESS IN CERTIFYING STATE. You must maintain a permanent address in your certifying state
for ACM participation. If you move to another ACM participating state, you must be recertified by the new state for the approved
ACM major by the first day of classes for the semester enrolled. If you move to a non-participating state, you will be billed out-ofstate fees.
CHANGE OF MAJOR. If you change your major to a new ACM major, you must be recertified by your home state for the new
major. If you change to a non-approved ACM major during the semester, you will be billed out-of-state fees retroactively for the
entire semester.
DOUBLE MAJORS. Double majors are not allowed on ACM unless they are both ACM approved majors. You must be certified
for the double major by your home state prior to the semester you wish to enroll.
STUDY ABROAD. Study abroad is not allowed unless the course is required for the major degree program and has been
approved prior to enrollment by the department and the MTSU ACM Coordinator notified.
DENIED CANDIDACY. Recording Industry majors denied candidacy will be removed from the ACM program. If candidacy is
acquired at a later date, you may reapply for ACM for the following enrollment term.
MUSIC SCHOLARS. Music scholarship recipients who are not Music/Music Industry majors will only be allowed to take the
required courses to satisfy their scholarship requirements.
PARTICIPATION CHANGES. Participating state coordinators and MTSU reserve the right to change participation at any time.
Completion of this form confirms I have read and fully understand the guidelines and requirements for participation in
the ACM program at MTSU. It is my responsibility to contact my state ACM office to participate and to adhere to the
guidelines listed above. I do understand if I breach any of the above guidelines while enrolled, I will be removed from
the ACM program and out-of-state tuition will be charged immediately to my student account.
I request MTSU send a letter of acceptance specifying the major listed below directly to my home state ACM office.
Name ___________________________________________
Email _______________________________
Perm Address _____________________________________
Major _______________________________
Home State ___________________________
Term you begin enrollment at MTSU:
MTSU ID Number _______________________
This form must be signed and returned to the MTSU Academic Common Market Coordinator at: or Fax: (615) 898-5029
A Tennessee Board of Regents Institution
MTSU is an equal opportunity, non-racially identifiable, educational institution that does not discriminate against individuals disabilities.