TABLE OF CONTENTS No ContentPage 1Message from the Dean4 2 History of College of Nursing (CON) 5 3 Vision, Mission and Objectives of Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) 7 4 Vision, Mission, Core Values, Goals, Objectives and Philosophy of CON 10 5Organization of SQU12 6 Organization and Lines of Communication in CON 14 7College and Department Boards18 8Departments in CON20 9 Academic System, Facilities and Services 34 10 Quality Assurance Initiatives and Monitoring 44 11 Degree and Study Plan and Course Description for Cohort 2010 46 12 Academic Advising System, Regulation, Documentation and Guidelines 70 14 College Committees, Co-ordination and Term of Reference 118 15 Job Description and Responsibilities 128 16 Resource Guide138 Welcome and Introduction to College of Nursing Sultan Qaboos University 2 3 Message from Dean Welcome to the College of Nursing, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman where students are nurtured to become ethically and professionally sound practitioners who can adequately take on leadership roles in nursing services, education, community health delivery, policy making and management. Our goal is to prepare compassionate nurses who are excellent critical thinkers, communicators and leaders and who use evidence-based practice for effectively influencing the present and shaping the future of health care delivery in Oman in line with the International Nursing Education Standards.Our Bac¬calaureate Nursing Program was initially commenced in the College of Medicine and Health Sciences of University in 2002 to meet the health care demands of the Omani society. In September 2008, the College was officially recognized as the ninth College in the University. As we are continuously challenged to deliver top-rated nursing education amidst shifting health care needs, we provide every student with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills that are required for performance in our ever-changing community in particular and the global society at large. In doing this, we are cognizant of the need to be holistic and culture-sensitive in the delivery of care across life-span and across health-illness continuum. As care-giving is the heart of nursing professionalism, all our programmes are tamed toward yielding caring practitioners. We, therefore, particularly train our students to cherish and practice nursing that goes beyond the academics – a practice that emits transpersonal caring in terms of protecting and enhancing dignity and humanity. College of Nursing at SQU provides the unparalleled support that students need to progress both academically and socially. I invite you to take time to read to our Faculty handbook and if you would like further information we will be pleased to respond. Just contact us through History of our College Prof. Bazdawi Mohammed Said Al-Riyami Dean, College of Nursing May 2013 4 5 HISTORY Vision, Mission, Values, Philosophy, Objectives of •The Baccalaureate Nursing Program was initially commenced in the College of Medicine and Health Sciences in 2002 to meet the health care demands of the Omani society by preparing professionally competent graduate nurses -- an important landmark in the history of nursing in the Sultanate of Oman as it is the pioneer baccalaureate nursing program. •The College of Nursing was officially recognized as the ninth college at Sultan Qaboos University in September 2008. Other Significant Developments •Nursing Diploma Graduates Program - 2005 This program is vital as the future trend is to have baccalaureate degree as entry level. This program was launched in 2005 for the registered nurses with diploma certificate to pursue baccalaureate degree in nursing. This degree plan consists of 66 credits distributed over 2 years (4 semesters). The first batch got graduated in 2007. •2005-Curriculum Revision The program revised its 140 credit hours curriculum and introduced a new curriculum plan that consists of 130 credit hours and implemented it by fall 2005. The degree plan is distributed over four and a half years (nine academic semesters). Students have to complete a six months internship period that starts after successful completion of the 130 credits. •Dec 2006-First Exit Exam and Curriculum Review This was a very significant event in the Nursing history of Oman as the first batch of eighteen accelerated Baccalaureate Nursing students who underwent their exit exams by a panel of international experts along with local experts. The panel reviewed the curriculum and they appreciated the academic aspects of the program and provided constructive feedback and recommendations. •Nov 2007 - Oath-Taking The first batch of students had the oath-taking ceremony and it was conducted as a highly significant occasion. •Dec 2007-Graduation of first batch of baccalaureate nursing students in regular and bridging program took place. SQU and College of Nursing 6 7 Research ➢Conduct research and studies, both theoretical and applied, to serve the community and contribute to the generation of scientific solution to social and economic problems. ➢Research linked to the Sultanate›s comprehensive development plans and social vision. ➢Preparation of Omani scientists, researchers and experts capable of undertaking organized, systematic and innovative work in diverse areas of science, arts and technology. Community Service ➢Participation in community service and development through direct and continuous interaction with economic, social and cultural institutions, and the provision of scientific and technical advice to enable these institutions to utilize the University›s skills and expertise. ➢Human resources development through continuous academic and training programs for social institutions and through the dissemination of scientific and human knowledge throughout the nation. Cooperation with Other Academic Institutions ➢International links and exchange with other academic institutions, particularly those in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries. ➢Interaction with international academic experience in all areas of thought, science and culture. Performance Evaluation The use of evaluation studies conducted by consultation teams, particularly in the following areas: ➢Organization of the relationship between the University Council and the University›s institutions in both academic and administrative spheres in a way that facilitates smooth operation and functioning. ➢Development of teaching programs and quality standards and the encouragement of student activities. ➢Training that develops academic staff skills and enhances performance; also the creation of appropriate incentives. Development of academic research plans and programs and organization of research training. Cooperation with leading international universities and institutions. Objectives •Higher Education •Research •Community Service •Cooperation with Other Academic Institutions •Performance Evaluation SULTAN QABOOS UNIVERSITY (SQU) Vision Sultan Qaboos University aspires to be an outstanding center of science and research characterized by innovation and creativity a university that is a source of Omani pride. Mission Sultan Qaboos University seeks to achieve excellence in all areas of teaching and learning research and community service. It also seeks to promote the principles of scientific analysis and creative thinking, to participate in the production, development and dissemination of knowledge, and to interact with national and international communities. Core Values 1.Excellence in teaching and learning, research and community service. 2.Adherence to the highest standards of professional ethics. 3.A learning environment characterized by academic freedom. 4.An enhanced spirit of research and creative thinking. 5.Nurtured development and quality maintenance Objectives As stated in the University Law issued by Royal Decree No. 71/2006 dated 2nd July 2006, Sultan Qaboos University aims to achieve the following objectives in these areas: Higher Education ➢Graduation of alumni cohorts who value their cultural and Islamic heritage and are keen to strengthen their faith in God and their loyalty to the nation and the Sultan. ➢Preparation of Omani youth who are strong in morals, committed to scientific inquiry, qualified academically, and trained to be self-dependent and ready for continuous service to their country. ➢Preparation of creative and innovative Omani youth who are lifelong self-learners. ➢Provision of specialists and experts of Oman in diverse fields, taking into account the changing need of the marketplace and working within the framework of state policy on resource development. ➢Constant modernization of the educational process at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. 8 9 COLLEGE OF NURSING Vision, Mission, Core Values, Goals and Objectives Approved by the College Board on September 28, 2011 Vision The vision of College of Nursing (CON) at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) is to be among the leading colleges in the region with high standards of nursing education, service and research. Mission The mission of the College of Nursing at SQU is to respond to the health care needs of the Omani society through the development and execution of strong educational nursing programs, service and research. •Caring •Excellence •Professionalism •Diversity •Community Service Objectives Upon completion of Bachelor of Science in Nursing the graduates are able to demonstrate the following competencies: 1.Provide ethical and professional nursing care to individuals, families and community. 2.Utilize evidence based nursing process in provision of holistic, culture-sensitive care across life span and health – illness continuum. 3.Provide leadership in the delivery, management and advancement of health care in a changing health care environment. 4.Practice effective communication skills at all levels of care. 5.Adopt critical thinking in clinical nursing practice. 6.Collaborate and work effectively with members of the multi-disciplinary health care team. 7.Demonstrate ability to learn independently . Core Values Philosophy 1. The Human being is viewed as a holistic dynamic individual with a physical, mental, social and spiritual dimension and is endowed with intellect, free will and inherent dignity. A human being reacts holistically to alter circumstances and tries to maintain a state of equilibrium within self. Fulfillment of the Human basic needs throughout the lifespan is essential to maintain optimum health. Human being has the potential to direct, integrate and/or adapt to his/her total environment in order to meet own needs. College Goals The goals of the College of Nursing reflect our overall mission of education, research, and practice to enhance the health and quality of life for all people, as follows: 1.To develop academic programs that respond to societal needs for nursing expertise. 2.To provide high quality education as a foundation for lifelong learning and excellence in nursing practice. 3.To develop leaders in practice, education, research and administration. 4.To lead interdisciplinary research that results in innovative approaches to improving health and illness outcomes. 5.To participate in community service. 6.To collaborate with international agencies. 7.To nurture values of excellence professionalism, caring, diversity and community service. 2. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being. Well-being is a state of equilibrium reached through different coping mechanisms. The state of health might vary along the wellness - illness continuum. Healthcare is a right and ensures man’s choice of participation in the process of healthcare delivery. 3. Society/Environment is dynamic. The socio-cultural, economic, political, educational and physical environmental changes have a bearing on health, health problems, healthcare management, the attitudes and behavior of people towards health. 10 11 4. Nursing is a dynamic and caring profession, which involves the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual and potential health problems through scientific and evidence-based approach. Nurses will emerge as partners with other health disciplines at primary, secondary and tertiary levels in a variety of settings. 5. Nursing education provides a solid scientific preparation that enables the graduates to carry out their professional roles with an individualized, problem-solving, humanistic, research and evidence based approach in all healthcare situations. The education provides the students with opportunities to develop leadership potential, positive attitudes, habits of critical thinking and professional judgment. The intellectual development is attained in a teaching-learning environment that fosters sharing of knowledge, skills and attitudes as well as inquiry toward the development of new knowledge. The educational program is a beginning step in the ongoing process of continuing professional education and development. SQU and College of Nursing Organization 6. B.S.N. nursing graduates are qualified professionals who will practice with a sense of responsibility and accountability, function as effective members of the multi-disciplinary health team, and maintain a high standard of nursing. The graduates will further assume responsibilities for personal and professional growth provide leadership for the advancement of the nursing profession and participate as change agents at different levels of healthcare delivery system. 7. Curriculum forms the building blocks for professional practice, and the clinical experience will further reinforce and integrate the theoretical concepts in the provision of nursing care to individuals of all age groups. The teaching learning strategies will encourage critical thinking, self-motivation, independent learning and enhance personal, social and professional development. 12 13 Governance Flowchart of SQU Organizational Hierarchy of SQU 14 15 CHANNEL OF COMMUNICATION IN CON organizational chart College of Nursing organizational chart Curriculum Committee Exammination & Evaluation Quality Assurance Research & Ethics Postgraduate Studies Academic Promotion Appointment Committee Other Committee Department Board EXPERT Execuitive committee DEAN DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION Coordination & follow up & Electronic Deen Expert ASST. DEANS Administrative Director Adult Health & Critical care Dept Department Board Asst.Deen for Training and Community Servies Maternal & Child Health Dept Department Board COLLEGE COMMITTEES CO-­‐ORDINATORS COURSE COORDINATOR & COURSE FACULTY Assitant Administrative Dirctor Asst.Deen for Postgraduate Studies & Research COLLEGE BOARD HOD/ DEPARTMENTAL BOARD Asst.Deen for Clinical Training Fundamentals & Administration Dept Advisory Bord COLLEGE BORD Asst.Deen for Undergraduate Studies Community Mental Health Dept Department Board 16 17 College of Nursing Organization Boards at College of Nursing since 2008 No. Boards 1 College 2 3 Advisory Executive Fundamentals And Administration Adult Health And Critical Care Maternal And Child Health Community And Mental Health 4 5 6 7 Chair Reporter The Dean: The Dean’s office is located on the second floor of the College of Nursing. Faculty will normally conduct all their affairs through their respective Head of the Departments. If necessary to meet the Dean personally, an appointment should be made through the Dean’s secretary. Prof. Bazdawi Mohammed Said Al Riyami Hon. Yuthar M. Al-Rawahy Prof. Bazdawi M S Al Riyami Mr. Joseph Oye Mr. Joseph Oye Dr. JJ van der Colff Mr. Gerald Amandu 12 Dr. Ali Ahmad Ali Ammouri Mrs Susan Achora 20 Mrs. Girija Madhavanprabhakaran Mrs. Vidya Seshan 16 Dr. Samira Maroof Ahmed Mr. Joshy Abraham 9 Mr. Joseph Oye The Expert: The office of the Expert is located on the second floor of College of Nursing (Room 2045). Number of members 13 + 2 (SQUH) 13 10 Assistant Deans: The Assistant Dean Offices are located on the second floor of the college building. There are three Assistant Deans namely ➢Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies (ADUGS) ➢Assistant Dean for Training and Community Services (ADTCS) ➢Assistant Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research (ADPGSR) Director of Administration: The Director of Administration office deals with all administrative and non academic affairs of the College of Nursing. The office is located on the second floor. The office of the Assistant Director of Administration is also located on the second floor. All related administrative work, housing problems to be coordinated with the director of administration. Academic Departments: The head of each department in the College of Nursing is responsible for all the matters related to the department. All affairs related to the department and professional development is done through the HOD’s. 18 19 Academic Departments in the College are: ➢Fundamentals and Administration (FNA) ➢Adult Health and Critical Care Nursing (AHCC) ➢Maternal and Child Health Nursing (MCH) ➢Community and Mental Health Nursing (CMH) Course Coordinators: Departments in College of Nursing Each course in the college of Nursing is managed by a course coordinator who is responsible to the Head of the respective department. Some courses are taught by more than one faculty, especially clinical courses. The coordinator is responsible for all the matters related to the total course content and also manages the system of in-course assessments and final examinations. Students should be guided as required in all the matters related directly to the content and organization of courses. 20 21 DEPARTMENTS OF THE COLLEGE OF NURSING The College of Nursing implements its academic responsibilities through four department among them, department of Fundamentals of Nursing and Administration; Department of Adult Health and Critical Care; Department of Maternal and Child Health and Department of Community and Mental Health. Each of these four departments is responsible for implementing courses within the curriculum plan within their coverage. A. The Department of Fundamentals and Nursing Administration (FNA) This department offers courses for students at both entry and exit levels to equip them with knowledge, attitude and skills to work in various practice areas and to develop as professional nurses with firm commitment to lifelong service and learning. The department also offers courses for senior students to assist them in developing management and leadership skills. The department further facilitates the running of other courses taught by faculty in other Colleges and departments of the university. e.g. College of Medicine. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 22 Name of Faculty Dr. Jacoba Johanna van der Colff Mrs. Jahara Noor Ali Hayudini Mrs. Arwa Atef Sultan Obeidat Mrs. Jayanthi Radhakrishnan Mrs. Laura Lutfi Jeires Sharaiha Mr. Ramir Certeza Castro Mr. Dennis Cayaban Fronda Mr. Gerald Amandu Matua Mrs. Jansi Natarajan Mrs Maria Batriz Yambao Ms. Asma Salim Mohammed Al-Yhyaei Mr. Sulaiman Dawood Sulaiman Al-Sabei Position of Faculty Assistant Professor,Head of Department Clinical Instructor Clinical Instructor Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Demonstrator Demonstrator 23 Vision Objectives The Vision of the Fundamentals and Administration Department is to be the center of excellence in preparing professionally competent nurses with leadership abilities in integrating and delivering compassionate patient care. The objectives of the department are to: 1. Apply innovative teaching strategies merged with high technology that enhances learning outcomes of the Fundamentals & Administration students to mastery level, as well as lifelong learning. 2. Participate in preparing graduate professional nurses who are knowledgeable, safe and competent in skills within appropriate ethical boundaries. 3. Support the enhancement of clinical skills in students from basic to advanced skills, considering patient safety. 4. Motivate students to become professional nurses who are self motivated with attributes of critical thinking, clinical judgment and leadership abilities. 5. Promote professional development through continuing nursing education and research activities. 6. Contribute to the College/University/ Ministry of Health plans for continuing education related to clinical skill competency to improve the quality of nursing care through faculty development and nursing competency for safe practice. 7 Actively contribute to the development plans of the College of Nursing including the nursing skills laboratory to be the center of excellence nationally and regionally. 8. Extend services to the community to attain, maintain or regain health status of the people of the Sultanate through health assessment and follow up surveys. Mission The mission of the department of Fundamentals and Administration is to prepare competent Omani nurses who are able to meet the health care needs of the society within the international standards of nursing education by providing efficient, safe and competent nursing practice. Philosophy The philosophy of the College of Nursing is reflected in the values and beliefs of the faculty in the department of the Fundamentals and Administration regarding human being, health, society, nursing, nursing education, learner and curriculum. We believe in the need to provide an intellectually stimulating and supportive environment that foster individual and collective development of persons and prepare students who are competent to fulfill their professional roles. 24 25 B. The Department of Community and Mental Health (CMH) The Department of Community and Mental Health (CMH) takes the initiative in fostering and strengthening the relationship between the College of Nursing and the Community. The Department provides quality education to the students and is committed to prepare them as efficient community and mental health nurses. The department creatively plans all its activities towards strengthening the humane and technical skills of students to enable them to provide quality service to the individual, family and community. The Department offers a wide range of Community Health Nursing and Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing courses. Departmental Faculty as of December 2012 Vision The vision of the department is to strive towards equipping graduate nurses to develop excellence in promoting and maintaining health through various activities in practice, education and research. Mission The mission of the department is to achieve excellence in teaching and learning in the area of community and mental health nursing through developing and executing strong educational programs and research activities ultimately leading to care of the community. Philosophy No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 Name of Faculty Dr. Samira Maroof Dr. Rasha Ahmed Ms. Wasfieh Salloom Mr. Joshy Abraham Mrs. Eman Shelleh Mr. Mohammad Abuel-Ealeh Mr Nasser Matini Mrs Wafa Hamood Saleh Al Jabri Mrs Zainab Khalifa Al Kindi The department of community and mental health nursing strongly believes that the health of the people is the prerequisite of the nation for its development. We believe that imparting quality education to the students in the subjects of community and mental health nursing will prepare them as proficient nurses to assume roles as efficient health care managers in the comprehensive health care settings of Oman. We also accept our role as one of the leading department of the college in disseminating the professional knowledge and skills directly to the people at large which will help them in promoting and maintaining their health at their own setting . Position of Faculty Assistant Professor, Head of the Department Assistant Professor, Psychiatric Mental Health Clinical Instructor, Community Health Lecturer, Psychiatric Mental Health Lecturer, Community Health Lecturer, Community & Mental Health Lecturer, Community Health Demonstrator Demonstrator 26 27 Objectives C. Department of Adult Health and Critical Care The vision, mission, philosophy and objectives of the Department of Adult Health and Critical Care is to foster academic excellence, community service and clinical innovations in Adult Health and Critical Care Nursing. The departmental faculty strives to achieve the highest standards of nursing practice by educating undergraduate nursing students and providing service to the community. Departmental Faculty as of December 2012 The objectives of the department are to: 1.Impart quality education to the students in the field of community and mental health nursing. 2.Prepare the students to become nursing leaders who will work as efficient professional nurses in the hospitals and community settings. 3.Emphasize the importance of health education in both community and mental health for preparing professional nurses to increase the individual, family and community awareness toward achieving self care. 4.Collaborate with the governmental and non-governmental organizations in meeting the health needs of the people. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5.Organize staff development programs for the teachers of the department in the view of enhancing their knowledge and skills. 6.Effectively participate in the college developmental activities. 7.Contribute to the body of knowledge of community and mental health nursing through research and health education. 28 Name of Faculty Position of Faculty Dr. Ali Ahmad Ali Ammouri Assoc. Professor & Head of Department Asst. Professor, Asst. Dean, Training & Community Services Dr. Joshua Muliira Dr. Melba Sheila D’Souza Asst. Professor Dr. Ahmad abu Raddaha Asst. Professor Mr. Ramesh Venkatesaperumal Lecturer, Asst. Dean for Undergraduate Studies Mrs. Shreedevi Balachandran Clinical Instructor Mrs. Anitha Thanka Lecturer Mrs. Chandrani Isac Lecturer Mrs. Anandhi Amirtharaj Lecturer Mr. Ephraim Mirafuentes Lecturer Mrs. Joy Kabasindi Kamanyire Lecturer Mrs. Susan Achora Lecturer Mrs Devakirubai Jacob Lecturer Mrs. Huda Al Noumani Lecturer Ms. Maryam Al Harrasi Lecturer Mr. Omar Al Zaabi Demonstrator Mr. Nasser Al Salmi Demonstrator Ms Salma Juma Fadhil Al Mukhaini Demonstrator 29 D. Department of Maternal and Child Health Vision The Department of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) aims to maintain excellence in the fields of nursing education and research contributing to comprehensive care of women and children. The department provides courses related to Maternal and Child Health nursing within the framework of the curriculum plan of the College of Nursing. Further it aims to expand academic excellence through collaborative research and establishment of transdisciplinary viable networks with local, national and international agencies. Departmental Faculty as of December 2012 The vision of the department of ACC is to provide a holistic approach emphasizing scientific knowledge, clinical and technical expertise and interpersonal skills to provide appropriate theoretical and clinical inputs to the students. Mission The mission of the department of ACC is to achieve high standards of learning and quality outputs among the undergraduate nursing students in the various specialized fields of education. Also to share among the faculty best nursing practices to develop highly ethical and effective performance standards among students with application of advanced information technology for student learning. Philosophy The faculty of the ACC believes in providing a dynamic forum for the exchange of scientific and updated knowledge among faculty to enhance their contributions to Adult Health, Critical Care and Advanced Clinical Nursing students. The faculty also believes in realizing professionalism, knowledge and competence among students in keeping with the international trends in the specialized fields. No Objectives Name of Faculty Position of Faculty 1 Dr. Girija Madhavanprabhakaran, Lecturer Acting Head of Department 2 Dr. Esra Al Khasawneh, Associate Professor Asst Dean Postgraduate Studies & Research 3 Dr Suhaila Nain Halasa Assistant Professor 4 Dr Santy Sajan Assistant Professor 5Dr. Vidya SeshanLecturer 6 Ms. Lina Mohd Wali Shakman Clinical Instructor 7 Mrs. Renu Geethakrishnan Lecturer 8 Mrs. Savithri Raman Lecturer 9 Ms. Adenike Adepero Akintola Lecturer 10 Mrs. Deepa Shaji Thomas Lecturer 11 Mrs. Rhoda MuliiraLecturer 12 Ms. Basma Al Yazidi Lecturer 13 Ms. Iman Al Hashmi Lecturer 14 Ms Zainab N. S. Al Azri Demonstrator The objectives of the department are to: 1. Build the potentials of the students as key contributors to clinical and educational areas through a scalable platform for building knowledge. 2. Enable students to develop clinical reasoning, judgment and expertise in specialties, uses of technologies, and other essential elements in learning at high standards. 3. Update research trend and challenges among students while reaching out to community for prevention at grass roots. 4. Utilize clinical skill lab at an optimum level in meeting the needs of the students and the curriculum. 5. Facilitate planned timely ongoing faculty education to create learning and research experiences for identified needs and demands of the curriculum. 30 31 Vision The faculty believes in preparing nursing professionals in promoting health, preventing illness, limiting disability and achieving high level wellness across mother-hood and child-hood throughout maturational phases of life span. The vision of MCH department is to strive for excellence in education, practice and research related to Maternal and Child Health Nursing. The faculty perceives learning to be a lifelong process, education is a partnership between learner and teacher, and curriculum blends core components of maternal and child health nursing in structuring conceptual learning. Mission The mission of the MCH department is to provide quality nursing education to prepare professionals towards optimizing health of women and children in an ever changing health care environment. The faculty is also committed to nursing science through research activities that enhance quality of services and the overall development of students in par with national and international standards. The faculty realizes their commitment to prepare nurses to assume challenging role in providing participatory maternal and child health care incorporating the emerging health care needs across health care settings. Philosophy Objectives The Philosophy of the faculty of department of MCH reflects values and beliefs of the CON regarding human being, health, society, nursing, nursing education, learner, and curriculum within the framework of MCH nursing care. The objectives of the department are to: 1.Prepare graduates to provide family centered comprehensive care to women and children. 2.Plan, implement, and evaluate courses related to the department. 3.Ensure excellent academic performance and overall development of students in both clinical and theory courses towards caring mother and children. 4.Procure and monitor utilization of resources, for effective functioning of the department. 5.Participate actively towards promotion of independent and collaborative research. 6.Extend professional services to community through effective coordination and collaboration with professional agency and Ministry of Health (MOH). 7.Facilitate professional growth of faculty. 8.Monitor continuous quality improvement of all functional areas of the department. The faculty believes that MCH is family and community centered and views the woman and child as a holistic individual requiring safe and competent care within the context of culture, religion, and acceptable social norms and practices. The faculty recognizes that the critical thinking, effective communication, and application of evidence based nursing interventions are vital for planning, implementation and evaluation of integrated care for women and children. The faculty believes in preparing professional nurses to advocate professional practice adhering to establish framework of ethical principles and legal standards of practice protecting the rights of all family members including the fetus. 32 33 Academic System The number of credits and courses in which a student may register is determined by their GPA. In Fall and Spring semesters a student whose course load status is normal is expected to register for 15 credits concurrently. Student may never register for more than 6 courses concurrently. The minimum number of credits for which a student may register is 9, unless it is the student’s final semester. A student, whose course load status is probation, may register for no more than 12 credits (up to 5 courses) or fewer than 9 credits. A student may be permitted to register more than 18 credits in a regular semester if his / her GPA is more than 3.0 with the Assistant Dean’s (UGS) approval. In summer semester a student must register and maintain a course load of 2 courses (5-8) credits. A student on probation may not exceed 6 credits. No student may take more than 8 credits in summer. A student in a position to graduate at the end of the summer may be exempted from minimum course / credit level. Academic System, Facilities, and Services offered on campus and in CON Academic Advisors: Every student is allocated to an academic advisor during the orientation week. Advisors will help students in all matters related to their studies and organization of their course, as well as personal problems in coping with their studies. Academic advisors must meet the student at least once in a month to know their needs and academic progress. To decrease the course load in each semester advisors must help the students to organize their courses according to the curriculum plan. Advisors are responsible in updating and maintaining the file of their assigned advisees. 34 35 General Foundation Program: Course Load: The number of credits and course load are determined by students’ GPA. The normal course load in the CON for undergraduate student’s is 15–18 credit hours per fall/spring term and leads to completion of the required 130 credit hours for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree in Four years after completion of GFP. The minimum number of credits in which a student may register is 9, unless it is the student’s final semester. A student may be permitted to register for more than 18 credits in a regular semester if his/her GPA is more than 3.00 and with Dean’s approval. On the other hand, if the student is on probation, the course load is limited to a maximum of 12 credits. The total number of course credit can be taken during the summer semester is 8. A student in position to graduate at the end of the summer may be exempted from minimum credit level. (Student handbook; UAR). The CON has an effective advising system that ensures the adherence to the course load requirement of the university (Academic Advising Booklet/ Faculty handbook). Course Evaluation/Grading: Normally a final grade in any given course is based on continuous evaluation of course objectives. A combined final grade is awarded for each course. The method of students’ assessment will vary from theory courses to clinical courses. In the theory courses, the assessment includes exams, quizzes, presentations and assignments. The clinical course evaluation is done through laboratory work, on-going clinical evaluation, case presentation, quizzes, assignments, written final exam and clinical exam. Achieving a passing score indicates that the student is safe to practice the nursing profession as providing safe patient care is basic for nursing standards at CON. The clinical instructors evaluate the clinical performance of nursing students. Each clinical course has specific clinical objectives available in the course outline. The students take the Advanced Clinical Nursing course as their final course in the curriculum followed by a comprehensive final examination with written, clinical and oral examinations. External examiners from within Oman and abroad participate in the evaluation of students at the end of the course during the comprehensive examination. The final grade of all examinations appears as letter grade according to the Grade Scheme A–F (Course outline). Grade Scale: Each of the grades described carries numeric value for the purpose of computing a weighted average on a 4 point scale. These values are described in the table: A 4.0C 2.0 A- 3.7C- 1.7 B+ 3.3D+1.3 B 3.0D 1.0 B- 2.7F 0.0 C+ 2.3 FSP0.0 Sultan Qaboos University has decided to implement the General Foundation Program starting at the beginning of the academic year 2010. The foundation courses were developed in compliance with the learning outcomes defined by the Oman academic standards. The General Foundation courses are: ➢Foundation English ➢Foundation Mathematics ➢Foundation IT Study skills are incorporated in all courses. Students should sit for a challenge exam and those who pass will be exempted from studying these courses. Students are allowed to take first year courses concurrent with the foundation courses, as their load permits*. The range of credits that students may take in place of exempted foundation courses is as follows: Courses Exempted Number of Credits that may be taken* ➢Foundation English 6 – 8 ➢Foundation Mathematics 2- 3 ➢Foundation IT 2- 3 *Academic Advisors will help in deciding the load to be taken. 36 37 less than 75 total contact hours. An absentee withdrawal notice is issued and the student is deemed to have withdrawn from the course with an “FW” grade if student is absent for more than 20% in courses with less than 75 total hours. (Student handbook; UAR). For clinical courses the students are expected to have full attendance. Safe Practice: CON ensures that the students who are practicing in the hospital provide safe nursing care to patients. Patient safety is given highest priority in evaluation of clinical courses. The CON has identified a list of unsafe practices that compromise patient’s life and lead to improper clinical practice. These are communicated and reinforced to students regularly in the beginning of each clinical course and in the clinical practice in various rotations. Student success is judged by their ability to integrate safe practice. Students who fail to adhere to safe practices will fail the course and clinical rotation (Course manual, course outline, list of unsafe practices). Faculty reinforces the safe practice during clinical teaching and informs the students of the unsafe practice as and when deemed appropriate. Information and Learning Technology Services: The University’s information and learning technology services are provided by the Center for Information Systems (CIS) and Centre for Educational Technology (CET) respectively. A A- Exceptional performance. All objectives are achieved Objectives met in a consistently outstanding manner B+ Very good performance; B Significantly more than the majority of the Bcourse Objectives achieved (at least two thirds). Objectives met in a consistently thorough manner Satisfactory performance; C+ C Less than the majority but more than the Cminimum required course objectives achieved. Objectives met satisfactorily. D+ Minimally acceptable performance, less than D the majority but more than minimum required course objectives achieved. Objectives met a minimally accepted level F Unacceptable performance, minimum required course objectives not met. No credit earned. Postponement of Study: A student may be allowed to withdraw temporarily from the university by requesting a formal postponement of study for one semester, renewable for a second semester. Postponement is for reasons of health, family pressures, pregnancy or other compelling circumstances. Postponement is not normally granted during the first semester. If a student does not return to the university after the approved period, his/her enrolment shall be withdrawn. When a postponement has been approved, special grades of “OP” will be entered and the date of postponement noted on the transcript (Student handbook; UAR). Health Requirements: CON ensures student health and safety before their first exposure to the clinical area. The university provides free immunization for hepatitis B and blood investigations for Rubella. The health and safety committee of CON facilitates this process along with the university student clinic. Punctuality: The College emphasizes on punctuality. All are expected to be punctual at all lectures, laboratory sessions and clinical hours. The college policy is that the students who arrive 10 minutes late or more will be considered absent (Student handbook, Course outline). Attendance: Attendance of all classes is compulsory. Course instructors should keep attendance records. An absentee warning notice is issued if a student is absent for more than 10% in courses with 38 39 are connected to the internet and have various software necessary for the student’s academic activities. They are accessible to students from 8am-6pm and technical staff is available for student support. d.E-Learning: The University and College encourages and promotes the development of flexible approaches to teaching and learning. The University launched an e-learning initiative in 2001 with the adoption of the Web CT Learning Management System and then Moodle LMS in 2005. The aim is to assist academic departments to improve the effectiveness of their teaching methods by offering guidance in design and use of a wide range of teaching aids. An increasing proportion of our courses are run using Moodle in the teaching-learning system (Course outline). e.Orientation day: New student orientation provides students with information needed for their educational process in early Fall. Students learn about the university and college services, college policies and registration during the orientation day. The students are introduced to their Academic Advisors, College policies and registration during the orientation day. f.Orientation to the courses: Every theory course provides an orientation to the students regarding the course expectations on the first day. Every clinical course provides an orientation week based on the course needs and briefs the students regarding the clinical requirements, competencies, objectives, teaching-learning, assessment, evaluation, expectations, rules and regulations and information needed to complete the course successfully with the clinical instructors/lecturers and course co-ordinator. g.Orientation to the unit: Every clinical instructor informs the Head Nurse of the respective clinical unit at the beginning of the clinical rotation in a semester and discusses the course requirements and expectations. The instructor will be familiarized with the clinical unit one week before the clinical posting and incorporate the necessary nursing work instructions or policies in the clinical course manual. The clinical rotation is sent to the Nursing Directorate of each hospital where the student will do the clinical practice. The transport to the clinical area by bus will be arranged in communication with the AD Training and Community Services one month in advance by the Course Coordinator. Table 1 Employee and students services of communications Service Function SQU portal Employees and students can access specific dynamically updated information, target for their needs Computer labs There is an extensive network of computer laboratories in academic areas. The CIS provides the technical support e-mail e-mail services is available for more than 20,000 users (including about 15,000 student accounts) Internet and internet access CIS/SQU web resources can be accessed from on and off campus Student information System (sis) SIS provides a number of student academic information services On-line Learning WebCT and Moodle are supported by the CET and CIS Student Roaming Profiles Students have access to a personalized desktop and the ability to store their files in a CISmaintained storage pool, accessible from any computer on-campus workstation Facilities at CON for faculty and students a.Classroom Support Services: Students in the CON are privileged to have their classrooms on site within the college for the vast majority of their courses. Each nursing classroom has access to computer and the internet which allows increased resources for students. Classrooms are well equipped and ventilated and have comfortable chairs with good light power, including LCD projectors and display screens. b.Nursing Skills Labs: The CON has well-equipped simulation labs located on the ground floor of the College of Nursing building. The labs are designed as hospital wards, consisting of nursing station, head nurse offices, doctor’s offices, dirty utility room and patient toilet. It is comprised of 6 labs (Fundamentals, Critical and Adult, Maternity, Pediatric & Psychiatric/ Community Health lab). These labs are designed to provide the student with opportunities to practice all basic skills in a safe environment before they enter the clinical area. The labs are equipped with high and low fidelity manikins such as PDA STAT mannequin, METI ECS100, SIMMAN, Nursing Kelly, multipurpose Nursing manikins, dressing and bandaging sally etc. c.Computer Labs: The College has 3 computer labs, containing 131 computers. All of the computers Facilities on the Campus and in CON a. Student Supportive Services Students Services are under the Deanship of Student Affairs. The Deanship of Student Affairs is divided into five departments: Religion Guidance Department, Cultural and Sport Department, Social Services Department (Males), Social Services Department (Females), and Administrative Affairs Department. Deanship of Student Affairs responsibilities include preparing SQU students educationally, socially, culturally and physically as well as entrenching their principles and Islamic values. Besides, it provides students with satisfaction and psychological stability that help them to achieve academic excellence and to build up their confidence and personality. Such supervision is undertaken by specialists in different fields ( 40 41 SQU has provided additional services such as student services center that includes the following: shops, food, store, computer services, telephone services, shops for female students dress, etc., as well as medical facilities through the students’ clinic. The university campus within itself accommodates the SQU Mosque, banking services, post office, and commercial area throughout the university. skills through organizing and managing activities. Students participate in various activities like nursing week, university day, international nurses’ day and annual sport day. They organize outreach programs and activities for different age groups in the community (Student handbook). The university provides technological support to all students through the computer information system department. This department enables the students to have individual internet accounts and to access e-learning, e-library and e-services. Some of the ways by which technological orientation takes place are-Students Orientation to the educational technology during the induction orientation program. Student’s communication is done through E-mails, bulletin board and Moodle. Extensive E -learning facilities are provided to students such as the use of Moodle. Students have accessibility to a well equipped simulated computer lab with the latest soft ware. Computer technicians to guide and support students are available. The CON has adequate number of computers in the Computer labs (0080 A and 0080 B) with full time technical support available from 8 am till 6 pm on the 5 working days of CON (Saturday to Wed) to assist and support students’ IT learning needs. b. Banking Services The banking services provided on the SQU campus are the Bank Muscat and is located at the far east end of the university near the post office and other supermarkets. Bank working hours are from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm on all days from Sunday to Thursday. c. The Post Office Postal service is also available within SQU campus. One can send letters and cards and parcels to all countries all over the world. For receiving post, one can use the mailboxes of SQU colleges or hire a private mail box for use inside and outside campus. d. The Commercial Area The commercial area located between the mosque and the Deanship of Student Affairs offers all services that the students may need. The area includes a bookshop, a shop for photographic and electronic services, a beauty saloon, male and female rest rooms, and a supermarket. Revenues from the supermarket contribute towards helping low-income students through a fund created by the Deanship under the name «Student Fund». All products and goods available in the supermarket are sold with reduced prices for purchase within the budget of everyone. e. Student’s Activities The College provides various activities on a social and physical level to create a healthy environment for the students. These activities provide students with a chance to enhance their leadership 42 43 Second college retreat was conducted on 10th June 2010 at Shangri-La’s Barr Al-Jissah Resort. In this retreat presentations were made by all the College Accreditation subcommittees according NLNAC standards and a plan for self study based on these standards was initiated. This was attended by the Vice chancellor, and other dignitaries of the university Quality Assurance Initiatives of College of Nursing From inception of the Nursing Program in the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, international accreditation was an important aspiration of all the faculty members. This was evident when international accreditation was mentioned as a future aspiration in the brochures of Nursing Program. In the light of the university’s move towards accreditation and quality assurance, the College of Nursing (CON) gave this issue a priority. Thus in its very early stage by March 2009, CON formulated an accreditation committee for the purpose of preparing the CON for national and international accreditation. The committee is headed by Dr. Raghda Shukri along with eight of the faculty members. This committee started preparing for National Accreditation using the standards of Oman Accreditation Council and preparing for International one. A consultant from USA Prof. Marianne Hattar Pollara, was invited to help with the international accreditation process. During her last visit of being the External Examiner in May 2009, she was involved in the assessment of College of Nursing for accreditation. She was requested to conduct the First College retreat on 28th May 2009 at Al Nahda Resort. In this retreat a Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis of the college was done. This was attended by the Vice chancellor and the Deputy Vice Chancellor of the university. This SWOT analysis was a major step in going forward in self assessment study. By the end of fall semester 2009 (Jan 2010), she was invited to provide consultation to the Accreditation Committee. At that time, the American Nurses’ Associations, Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) was found to be suitable for granting the international accreditation and the members started preparing the self study based on the standards of CCNE. By the end of spring semester 2010 (June 2010), the consultant was invited for the second time. During this visit, it was decided that she would sign an agreement with the university (Consultancy Agreement between SQU and Prof. Marianne Hattar Pollara) for Self Study of College of Nursing and Accreditation of B.S Nursing Program. Largely due to the efforts of the consultant the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission (NLNAC) which used to be a US based Accrediting agency decided to go International for Accrediting Schools and Colleges of Nursing for the first time. The members of the committee felt that NLNAC would be the appropriate organization for Accrediting the College of Nursing, SQU. Thus, the accreditation committee had started preparing for a self study using the NLNAC standards. SQU, CON hopes to be the first international college to be accredited by NLNAC. The Accreditation committee has had 27 meetings until Jan 2011. Of which six meetings were with the consultant. Owing to the heavy work involved in the self study process and less time available for the members, there are new members added to this committee during the spring 2011. The first step in the process of international accreditation as per the standards of NLNAC is to perform a self study using the standards. This is a requirement for the Accreditation. This process of self study will also help in identifying the strengths of the College and to address the areas that need improvement. The Accreditation committee worked very hard in performing this self study. The committee members were divided into various sub committees addressing each of the standards of the NLNAC and the process of self study that was completed. The first draft of the self study was mailed to the consultant for review by 30th December 2010. The same copy was given to the Dean for his comments. Prof. Marianne Hattar had made her suggestions and sent it back to the chairperson by 31st January 2011. The Dean also gave his suggestions on the first draft. The suggestions that were given by both the Dean and the Consultant were incorporated into the draft by the committee and another draft was mailed to the consultant by 11th February 2011. The consultant used this 2nd draft for her discussion with committee members during her third visit. The college hopes to submit a request for candidacy to NLNAC by Fall Semester (September) 2011 and is hopeful of being accredited by NLNAC by 2013. Apart from the international accreditation, college also hopes to continue various efforts to maintain quality. According to the recommendations of the University to formulate College Quality Assurance Committee, the Accreditation committee was renamed as the College Quality Assurance committee (CQAC) bearing in mind that accreditation is one of its tasks. An office to assist with the quality assurance activities of the college is to be established with the necessary office personnel and the resources. 44 45 Degree and Study Plan (Scheme I) Course Code Course Title Cr. Semester Summer Semester 2 Spring Semester 1 Fall Major: Nursing Semester 3 Fall Degree and Study Plan for Cohort-2010 College: Nursing Degree: Bachelor of Science Summary of Credits: University Requirements (UR) General Foundation Courses NC+ Arabic 3 Contemporary Omani Society 1 Oman & Islamic Civilization or Islamic Culture 2 University Electives (UE) See List A 6 College Requirements (CR) See List B 118 College Electives (CE) See List C 0 Departmental Requirements (DR) See List D 0 Departmental Electives (DE) See List E 0 Major Requirements (AR) See List F 0 Major Electives (AE) See List G 0 Specialization Requirements (SR) See List H 0 Specialization Electives (SE) See List I 0 Minor Requirements (IR) See List J 0 Minor Electives (IE) See List K 0 Total 130 + Not Credited 46 ARAB1001 HIST1010 ISLM1010 LANC 2035 NURS1001 NURS1002 CHEM2105 NURS1007 NURS1008 NURS1010 NURS1009 NURS2007 NURS2008 NURS2016 NURS2017 NURS2032 Arabic Language Oman & Islamic Civilization or Islamic Culture English for Nursing Introduction to Nursing Profession University Elective Total 3 2 Pre-req./Coreq.* - 3 2 - UR CR 2 12 + [3 GFP] UR Sociology General Chemistry for Nurses Psychology Microbiology and Immunology Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab Total 2 3 2 3 4 14 - Communication/Group Dynamics University Electives Total Fundamentals of Nursing Fundamentals of Nursing/Lab Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab Basic Pharmacology & Dosage Calculation Biochemistry Total 2 4 - Cat. UR UR CR CR CR CR CR CR UR 6 2 4 4 2 3 15 NURS2007* CHEM2105 CR CR CR CR CR 47 NURS3016 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 3 NURS3017 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing/ 3 Clinical Total 6 NURS3014 NURS3015 NURS3024 NURS3026 NURS3027 Adult Health Nursing II Adult Health Nursing II/Clinical Nursing Research Biostatistics Nutrition in Wellness & Illness Total NURS2016 NURS2017 NURS2016 +NURS2015* NURS2020* CR CR CR CR CR Semester Summer 3 2 4 3 3 15 NURS2021-NURS1009* CR NURS3016* CR 3 3 3 2 2 13 NURS2021 NURS3014* NURS3026* NURS2032 NURS3015 NURS3018* NURS1002 + NURS1007 - NURS3018 NURS3019 NURS3025 Maternal Health Nursing Maternal Health Nursing/Clinical Psychosocial Aspects of Care 3 3 2 SOCI 3320 NURS3022 NURS3023 Contemporary Omani Society Gerontological Nursing Critical Thinking Total 1 2 2 13 Semester 7 Fall Health Assessment with Lab Pharmacology for Nurses Pathophysiology Adult Health Nursing1 Adult Health Nursing1/Clinical Total CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR Semester 8 Spring Semester 6 Spring Semester 5 Fall Semester Summer Semester 4 Spring NURS2015 NURS2018 NURS2019 NURS2020 NURS2021 UR CR CR 48 NURS3020 NURS3021 Child Health Nursing Child Health Nursing/Clinical Total 3 3 6 NURS3015 NURS3020* NURS4014 NURS4015 NURS4016 Critical Care Nursing Critical Care Nursing/Clinical Community Health Nursing 3 3 3 NURS4017 Community Health Nursing/ Clinical Health Promotion & Education Nursing Informatics Total 3 NURS4020 NURS4021 NURS3015 NURS4014* NURS3019 + NURS3021 NURS4016* 2 2 16 NURS4018 Nursing Administration 3 NURS4019 Nursing Administration/ Clinical NURS4022 History, Trends, Issues & Ethics NURS4023 Advanced Clinical Nursing 3 3 4 NURS4024 Graduation Project Total 1 14 NURS3019 + NURS3021 NURS4018* NURS4015 + NURS4017 + NURS4019 NURS4023* CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR 49 Course Code LANC 2035 NURS1001 NURS1002 NURS1007 NURS1008 NURS1009 NURS1010 NURS2007 NURS2008 NURS2015 NURS2016 NURS2017 NURS2018 NURS2019 NURS2020 NURS2021 NURS2032 CHEM2105 NURS3014 NURS3015 Degree and Study Plan LIST B-College Requirements Course Title Cr. English for Nursing 3 Introduction to Nursing 2 Profession Sociology 2 Psychology 2 Microbiology & Immunology 3 Communication/Group 2 Dynamics Anatomy & Physiology I with 4 Lab Fundamentals of Nursing 2 Fundamentals of Nursing/Lab 4 Health Assessment with Lab 3 Anatomy & Physiology II with 4 Lab Basic Pharmacology and 2 Dosage Calculation Pharmacology for Nurses 2 Pathophysiology 4 Adult Health Nursing I 3 Adult Health Nursing I/ Clinical Biochemistry General Chemistry for Nursing Adult Health Nursing II Adult Health Nursing II/ Clinical NURS3016 Pre-req./Co-req.* - NURS3017 NURS3018 NURS3019 - NURS3020 NURS3021 NURS3022 NURS3023 NURS3024 NURS3025 NURS2007* NURS2016 - NURS3026 NURS3027 NURS4014 NURS4015 NURS4016 - 3 NURS2017 NURS2016 NURS2008 + NURS2015* NURS2020* 3 3 CHEM2105 - 3 3 NURS2021 NURS3014* NURS4017 NURS4018 NURS4019 NURS4020 NURS4021 NURS4022 50 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing/Clinical Maternal Health Nursing Maternal Health Nursing/ Clinical Child Health Nursing Child Health Nursing/Clinical Gerontological Nursing Critical Thinking Nursing Research Psychosocial Aspects of Care 3 3 NURS2021NURS1009* NURS3016* 3 3 NURS3015 NURS3018* 3 3 2 2 3 2 NURS3015 NURS3020* NURS3026 NURS1002 + NURS1007 NURS2032 Biostatistics Nutrition in Wellness and Illness Critical Care Nursing Critical Care Nursing/Clinical Community Health Nursing 2 2 Community Health Nursing/ Clinical Nursing Administration 3 Nursing Administration/ Clinical Health Promotion and Education Nursing Informatics History, Trends, Issues & Ethics 3 NURS3019 + NURS3021 NURS4018* 2 - 2 3 - 3 3 3 3 NURS3015 NURS4014* NURS3019 + NURS3021 NURS4016* 51 NURS4023 NURS4024 Advanced Clinical Nursing/ Total Graduation Project 4 1 118 SULTAN QABOOS UNIVERSITY NURS4015 + NURS4017 + NURS4019 NURS4023* COLLEGE OF NURSING Course Descriptions B.Sc. Nursing For Cohorts 2010 & onwards NURS1001 Introduction to Nursing Profession (2 Credit Hours) This course introduces the beginning nursing students to various concepts, theories, scope and ethics of nursing practice, which are essential to the nursing profession. It also aims at promoting the right professional attitudes among the students that will help them to prepare themselves as efficient future nurses. The course further relate to upcoming knowledge and experiences regarding professional expectations and practices, as well as the development of professional identity. Prerequisite: ____ NURS1002 Sociology (2 Credit Hours) This course aims to provide the nursing students with an overview of the key concepts of sociology as they relate to nursing. The course will focus on theories of society; the sociology of health and health care delivery; population changes and dynamics. Students will also study socialization, deviant behaviour and social control of the individual in society. The course is also designed to assist students in their own socialization process into the profession of nursing and to function effectively as a member of a team. Prerequisite: ____ NURS1007 Psychology (2 Credit Hours) The content of the course deals with basic psychological principles of human behaviors. Emphasis is placed on the normal aspect of human behaviors and variables that influence behaviors across the life span. Prerequisite: ___ 52 53 NURS 1008 Microbiology & Immunology (3 Credit Hours) Course gives a comprehensive knowledge of Microbiology including Immunology. It includes a brief history of Microbiology and Immunology and then the basic structure of micro organisms i.e. morphology and staining characters of bacteria, virus, parasites and fungus, their significance in causing infection in humans. The course also deals with antibiotics in treating infections, general preventive measures and vaccination of common but important communicable diseases. NURS2007 Fundamentals of Nursing (2 Credit Hours) This course provides to nursing students the fundamental concepts that guide nursing practice. It includes orientation to the profession; introducing concepts and using of nursing process; addressing the concepts of caring, wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention. Emphasis is placed on providing the theoretical material for a variety of clinical experiences and learning principles needed in order to meet the basic health care need, safety, infection control, and hygiene. Prerequisite: ____ Prerequisite: ________ NURS1009 Communication/Group Dynamics (2 Credit Hours) The focus of this course is to make the student aware of the role of verbal, non-verbal communication and interpersonal relationships in providing care to patients, families and communities. Examples of communication with nurses and professional colleagues will be implemented. Special emphasis will be placed on the role of culture in communication. The course will focus on groups’ types, roles, development, process, dynamics and the implication of all these for nurses. Prerequisite: ____ NURS2008 Fundamentals of Nursing /Lab (4 Credit Hours) This course will enable all students to practice basic skills needed in nursing procedures within nursing process framework. Associated rationale for each procedure will be integrated. The course prepares beginning students to competently and confidently meet the challenges of clinical nursing. The focus is on the holistic needs of man, using critical thinking and the nursing process as a problem solving approach to nursing practice. Prerequisite: NURS2007* NURS1010 Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab (4 Credit Hours) The student will explore the human body starting with the cell as the unit of structure and function of the human body and ending with the systems that comprise the entire person. During this journey, the student will be familiarized with the structural and functional concepts of the cell and body tissues, including microscopic structure, homeostasis, cell communication, action potential and neuromuscular junctions, the basic and specialized body tissues. After that the student will study in some details the body systems including anatomical terminology and navigation. The body systems include the musculoskeletal system comprising important bones, muscles and nerves of the body, The cardiovascular system comprising the heart, blood supply and lymphatic drainage, the respiratory system which includes the nasal cavity, conducting & respiratory airways, and the lungs, the urinary system which consists of the kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder and the urethra, and finally the integument comprising the skin, glands, hair and nails. In addition, the student will be introduced to the human genetics. In each of these systems topics and applications related to nursing will be emphasized. The rest of the human body systems will be covered in the A&P-II course. Prerequisite: ________________ NURS 2014 Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab (4 Credit Hours) The A&P-I (NURS2011) course is a pre-requisite for this course. This course comprise the study of body regions and systems not covered in the A&P-I. These are the nervous system, the alimentary system, the endocrine & reproductive systems, hemopoietic-lymphoid – vascular system (HLV) and the head & neck region. The HLV system introduces the student to the structure and function of blood, blood cell formation and bone marrow, and lymphatic tissues and organs as part of the body immune system. Understanding the head and neck region is crucial in this course since it contains essential parts of all the systems taught. The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and the cranial and spinal nerves and their role in the control of body functions. The alimentary system includes the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, the rectum and the anal region, other abdominal organs, and their role in the process of digestion and excretion. The endocrine reproductive system comprises the study of internal and external sex organs, all the major glands and hormones secreted, and their role in controlling the body functions in cooperation with the nervous system. 54 55 NURS2018 Pharmacology for Nurses (2 Credit Hours) This course aims to provide nursing students with the appropriate pharmacological information on various drug classes according to the organ/system or disease classification. For each drug classification the students will be explained the mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, pharmacological properties, indications/uses, contraindications, side effects, adverse reactions and will be provided “prototype drug” lists. Prerequisite: NURS2015 Health Assessment with Lab (3 Credit Hour) The primary focus of this course is on concepts, principles and skills associated with conducting complete head-to-toe physical examination, health history taking and health assessment of an adult client. Emphasis is on normal parameters and recognition of deviations from normal ranges. The Laboratory part of this course deals with the implementation of the concepts, principles and skills of health assessment by conducting complete head-to-toe physical examination and health history taking of an adult client. Emphasis is on learning the normal parameters and recognition of deviations from normal ranges. The skills are practiced on simulated and on real models in the Nursing Practice Laboratory. Prerequisite: NURS2017 ______________________ NURS2019 Pathophysiology (4 Credit Hours) The focus of this course is on providing the central concepts and principles of Pathophysiology associated with the cells, tissues and the diseases of the organs /systems of the human body. The content also deals with cellular biology, genes and genetic diseases, altered cellular and tissue biology, and altered body systems function. The mechanism of self-defense, immunity, inflammation, infections, stress and disease are discussed. Fluid electrolyte, acid base balance, cellular proliferation in cancer and changes in various diseases are also dealt in the course. Prerequisite: NURS2016 CHEM2015 General Chemistry for Nurses (3 Credit Hours) This course introduces chemical principles, emphasizing examples from the medical field. Material covered includes scientific measurements, atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical bonding, simple chemical equations and reactions, gas laws, and radioactivity. The organic component introduces organic molecules and their nomenclature, basic functional groups, and isomerism. Prerequisite: NURS2016 ________________________ NURS2020 Adult Health Nursing I (3 Credit Hours) The primary focus of this course is on acquisition of knowledge to promote high level wellness and self care in adult and elderly clients. Emphasis will be on the functional health patterns, health perception, health management, critical thinking, holistic nursing and evidence based nursing process. General medical and surgical conditions covered are acute or chronic conditions related to the respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine/ metabolic, gastrointestinal, hepatic and haematology systems. Basic concepts like pain, acid base, fluid and electrolyte, infection control and perioperative nursing will be integrated in the management of adult and elderly surgical clients. Prerequisite: _______ NURS2017 Basic Pharmacology and Dosage Calculation (2 Credit Hours) This course aims at training students to become competent in performing calculation of different dosage forms prescribed and to acquaint them with the essential concepts of pharmacology. This course aims to provide the nursing students with appropriate pharmacological information on various drug classes according to the organ/system or classification of diseases. Prerequisite: NURS2008 & NURS2015* ________________________ Prerequisite: ________ 56 57 NURS2021 Adult Health Nursing I /Clinical (3 Credit Hours) This course provides guided utilization of beginning level theoretical concepts and competencies in health care settings. This course complements the theoretical course in assisting students to apply concepts of evidence based nursing process while providing holistic care to meet the needs of adult and elderly clients admitted in general medical and surgical units. Prerequisite: NURS3014* .__________________________ NURS3016 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (3 Credit Hours) This course is developed to help the student nurse explore and examine basic knowledge, concepts, principles, and theories in Psychiatric mental health nursing. The focus of the course is on understanding aspects of human behavior and experiences in the context of Mental health-mental illness contiuum. Emphasis on the belief in the value of humanistic approach will provide the student with a base to be able to help clients in their pursue for health behavior change. The nursing process and the therapeutic nurse-client relationship is used to structure the content of the different topics. Content of the course is directed towards enhancing the student’s ability to introduce changes in health behavior, among clients and self, through lecture, films, role-play, case study analysis Prerequisite: NURS2020* NURS2032 Biochemistry (3 Credit Hours) This course introduces the students to the importance of chemical bonding in biological molecules, structure and function of carbohydrates, lipids, aminoacids, proteins and nucleic acids. Understanding the nature of catalysis in biological systems and genetic inheritance. Prerequisite: CHEM2105 ______________________________ Prerequisite: NURS2021-NURS1009* NURS3017 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing/Clinical (3 Credit Hours) This course is designed to help the student nurse experience the role of the nurse in providing humanistic care for clients to promote mental health and prevent mental illness and nursing management of psychiatric disorders. The focus of training is on the therapeutic use of self. The student is expected to: integrate knowledge base from the mental health nursing theory course; Utilize and apply the nursing process, counselling strategies and skills within the therapeutic nurse - client relationship; and develop an open communication with health care providers team to facilitate the clients healing process. This will be achieved by providing a supervised experience at a Psychiatric hospital and general hospital. Learning is enhanced through direct interaction with clients and actual participation in group activities that will help the student nurse to understand self and others NURS3014 Adult Health Nursing II (3 Credit Hours) This course is continuation of Adult Health Nursing I. Its approach is on the bio-psychosocial responses of adult client’s to actual or potential conditions that affect their specific functional health patterns using evidence based nursing process. Emphasis will be on acute and long-term renal, urological, integumentary, oncology, sensori-neural, neurological, musculoskeletal, immunological and reproductive conditions while providing holistic care of adult and elderly clients. Prerequisite: NURS2021 ______________________________ NURS3015 Adult Health Nursing II /Clinical (3 Credit Hours) This course is designed to assist students in providing holistic care to meet the adult and elderly client’s complex needs. This course complements the theoretical course in assisting the students utilize evidence based nursing process and acquiring competencies provide the students with a specialized approach for providing nursing care for specific medical and surgical conditions for adult and elderly clients. Prerequisite: NURS3016* ________________________________ 58 59 NURS3018 Maternal Health Nursing (3 Credit Hours) This course focuses on the nursing care of childbearing family. Students will learn to promote and care for family during antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum and care of neonates utilizing evidence related to nursing care in order to meet the needs of childbearing family. Evidence related to impact of the concepts of communication, wellness, culture, family integrity and ethical decision making as well as patient advocacy on health outcomes will be examined. NURS3021 Child Health Nursing/Clinical (3 Credit Hours) The course aims at providing guided clinical experience for students to develop ability to integrate theoretical learning into the care of pediatric clients based on the scientific principles and critical thinking. The focus is on developing skills necessary for performing growth and development, physical assessment and basic pediatric nursing procedures. Emphasis is on providing care to children and their family incorporating the principles of evidence based practice, family centred care and nursing process. Prerequisite: NURS3015 ______________________ Prerequisite: NURS3020* ____________________________ NURS3019 Maternal Health Nursing/Clinical (3 Credit Hours) This clinical course is designed to enhance nursing competencies of students by providing them with the opportunity to utilize evidence-based knowledge and problem solving skills in providing nursing care to childbearing families. Clinical training will include caring for families during the antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum including newborn and for women with reproductive health problems. Concepts of wellness, culture, family integrity, communication, patient education and ethical decision making as well as patient advocacy will be integrated into nursing care. NURS3022 Gerontological Nursing (2 Credit Hours) This course introduces students to the roles and responsibilities of the nurse in promoting optimal health for aging adults. Theories, concepts, social-cultural issues, normal and abnormal physiological changes, mental and psychological changes associated with the aging process are discussed. Appropriate and evidence based nursing interventions and considerations used in nursing care of the elderly are analyzed. Ethical and legal aspects of caring for older adults and emerging issues in Gerontological nursing are also addressed. Prerequisite: NURS3018* _______________________________ NURS3020 Child Health Nursing (3 Credit Hours) This course focuses on the concepts of health promotion, maintenance and health restoration of infants, children and adolescence. Major emphasis is placed on the nursing care of children with alterations in the physiological and developmental wellbeing incorporating the principles of evidence based practice. The course will concentrate on the common conditions seen in Sultanate of Oman Prerequisite: ____________________________ NURS3023 Critical Thinking (2 Credit Hours) The focus of this course is on the development of critical thinking skills for problem solving and clinical decision-making within the framework of the nursing process. Emphasis will be on the structure of thought process, recognizing errors in thinking and evaluating ideas. This course will provide the student an opportunity to analyze thinking styles, and will introduce skills and dispositions necessary to achieve decision making and problem solving. Prerequisite: ____________________________ Prerequisite: NURS3015 _____________________________ 60 61 This course introduces students to inquiry in nursing using the scientific research approach; explore terminology and discusses specific elements of the research process including (problem identification, literature review, variables, research design, sampling concepts, data collection, data analysis and interpretation). Students will learn how to conceptualize clinical problems, convert these problems into answerable research questions, search for the best clinical evidence, and integrate research results into nursing care. Ethical issues involved in the conduct of research are addressed. Prerequisite: NURS2032 _________________ NURS4014 Critical Care Nursing (3 Credit Hours) This course introduces the students to the principles of Critical Care Nursing. Students acquire evidence based knowledge to provide holistic care to acute and critically ill adults and elderly clients. Trauma and acute care in cardiothoracic, respiratory, neurological, nephrology, gastrointestinal, endocrine, shock, sepsis and complex needs in the critical care units are discussed. Utilization of problem solving, critical thinking, evidence based nursing practice, and management for holistic care of critically ill clients with a focus on advanced life saving technology are taught. Prerequisite: NURS3026* __________________________________ Prerequisite: NURS3015 _________________ NURS3025 Psychosocial Aspect of Care (2 Credit Hours) This course presents concepts and principles of psychosocial, cultural and environmental factors related to wellness – illness of individuals, families and communities, with special attention to various psychosocial responses during illness. The course also highlights on possible nurses reaction to patient behaviours and specific nursing interventions in caring for patients with psychosocial problems. NURS4011 Critical Care Nursing/Clinical (3 Credit Hours) This course enables students to apply the principles of critical care nursing at the bedside. Students will learn to provide holistic nursing care to critically ill clients integrating the knowledge of pathophysiology and pharmacology and utilizing evidence based nursing process. Comprehensive assessment, hemodynamic monitoring, critical thinking, decision making and problem solving skills in handling life saving equipments such as cardiac monitor and ventilators are among the core competencies of this course. NURS3024 Nursing Research (2 Credit Hours) Prerequisite: NURS1002 & NURS3007 NURS3026 Biostatistics (2 Credit Hours) This course is designed for the B.Sc. (Nursing) students to provide the basic principles and concepts of Medical statistics. It will enable the students to understand the statistical methods in applied statistics, which will play a vital role in conducting research studies in the field of nursing. In addition, they should be able to apply these concepts to real data and use SPSS software package for the analysis. Prerequisite: NURS4014* NURS4016 Community Health Nursing (3 Credit Hours) This course is designed to help students to gain broad perspective of community health nursing. Emphasis will be on individuals within the family and the family within the community in wellness and illness continuum. Prerequisite: NURS3019 + NURS3021 _________________________ Prerequisite: ____ NURS3027 Nutrition in Wellness and Illness (2 Credit Hours) This course includes the basic principles of human nutrition as it applies to all life cycle. Emphasis on nutrients and their utilization in the human body. Food patterns, availability, acceptability and safety are stressed as they relate to individuals and patients. Healthy life style is emphasized throughout the course. 62 63 NURS4017 Community Health Nursing/Clinical (3 Credit Hours) This course is designed to help students to master the skills of community health nursing within the individual family and community contexts. The students will be responsible of conducting home visits, planning needed intervention to meet community needs, and applying health education in different community settings. NURS4020 Health Promotion & Education (2 Credit Hours) This course is designed to provide students an overall view of concepts of health, health promotion and health education. This course will enable the students to assess health status, health behaviours and develop health promotion plans for the individual, family and community. Students will be able to incorporate various teaching learning principles and methods in designing and implementing individuals and group health education programs to promote health. Students will also identify the importance of evaluation in health care education. Prerequisite: NURS4016* _______________________ Prerequisite: _____________________ NURS4021 Nursing Informatics (2 Credit Hours) This course introduces students to the discipline of health information: its world context, its origin, its purpose and the nature of its current body of knowledge. Areas of focus include: the role and use of computerized information system and their components in health care in general and nursing in particular. Students will be taught how to search, collect and manage databases; process data into information and knowledge; make knowledge-based decisions and inferences and how to identify evidence based literature. Students will also be exposed to current hospital information systems utilized in Oman. NURS4018 Nursing Administration (3 Credit Hours) This course is designed to assist students to the concepts and principles of management and leadership. It is structured to provide students with theoretical knowledge and principles related to transformational leadership. Emphasis will be on optimal patient care, management process, quality improvement, introducing change, building and empowering the clinical team. Critical thinking will be utilized through out the course to promote effective decision making, problem solving and bringing about necessary change. This course will aim at promoting students’ growth as future nurse leaders who are able to influence quality and produce change. Prerequisite: NURS3019 + NURS3021 ____________________________ Prerequisite: _____________________________ NURS4022 History, Trends, Issues & Ethics (3 Credit Hours) This course focuses on relating historical development to the current trends and issues in the profession of nursing. Emphasis is placed on professional concepts, standards and ethics as a guide for nursing practice in the context of the health care delivery system. The course also highlights on bio ethico-legal aspects, role of nursing organizations both national and international in setting standards for nursing education and practice. NURS4019 Nursing Administration/Clinical (3 Credit Hours) This course is designed to provide the students with the opportunity to integrate various management and leadership concepts and principles into practical experience in the clinical setting using critical thinking and problem solving approach as a guide in the clinical practice. This course also aims at promoting management and leadership skills required to develop quality and produce change. Prerequisite: NURS4018 _____________________________ Prerequisite: 64 65 SULTAN QABOOS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING Allocation of Courses to Various Departments A.Courses offered by College of Nursing S: No Fundamentals & Adult Health Maternal & Child Administration & Critical Care Health Nursing Nursing Clinical Courses 1 Fundamentals of Adult Health Maternal Health Nursing (NURS Nursing I (NURS Nursing (NURS 2007) 2cr 2020) 2cr 3018) 2cr Adult Health Maternal Health 2 Fundamentals of Nursing Lab Nursing I Clinical Nursing Clinical (NURS 2008) 4cr (NURS 2021) 4cr (NURS 3019) 4cr NURS4023 Advanced Clinical Nursing (4 Credit Hours) Students should register for this course in their graduation semester. The course aims at providing senior students an opportunity to reinforce and consolidate clinical knowledge, skills, and attitude acquired in different nursing fields covered during the program. Each student should practice independently in any clinical area he/she chooses with indirect faculty and direct preceptor guidance and supervision. Students should have the experience of working day, evening and night shifts applying critical thinking concepts, clinical decision making and reflecting on the nursing roles in the chosen clinical area. Because this course prepares students for the internship period and for entry into the professional nursing practice, evaluation is comprised of comprehensive written, clinical and oral examinations at the end of the semester involving external examiners. Prerequisite: NURS4015 + NURS4017 + NURS4019 NURS4024 Graduation project (1 Credit Hours) 3 The students in their final semester of the nursing program will complete an independent project. The purpose of the graduation project is to provide students with opportunities to enhance their nursing knowledge and explore areas of interest in nursing and health care. The project will enhance student’s skills in analyzing, synthesizing and integrating nursing-related literature or experiences to improve client outcomes. The project will be evaluated focusing on aspects such as scientific basis, innovation, clarity of communication and relevance to nursing practice in Oman. 4 5 Prerequisite: NURS4023* _______________________ 6 7 66 Community & Mental Health Nursing Community Health Nursing (NURS 4016) 2cr Community Health Nursing Clinical (NURS 4017) 4cr Health AssessAdult Health Child Health Psychiatric Nursing II Nursing (NURS Mental Health ment with Lab (NURS 2015) 3cr (NURS 3014) 2cr 3020)2cr Nursing (NURS 3016) 2cr Nursing Admin- Adult Health Child Health Psychiatric istration (NURS Nursing II Clini- Nursing Clinical Mental Health 4018) 2cr cal (NURS 3015) (NURS 3021) 4cr Nursing Clinical 4cr (NURS 3017) 4cr Nursing Admin- Critical Care istration Clinical Nursing (NURS 4019) 4cr 2cr(NURS 4014) Critical Care Nursing Clinical (NURS 4015) 4cr Gerontological Nursing (NURS 3022) 2cr 67 8 9 Sub Total 1 2 3 Advanced Clinical Nursing (NURS 4023) 4cr Graduation Project (NURS 4024) 1cr 5 (15cr) 9 (25cr) 4 (12cr) Non Clinical Courses Nursing Research Introduction to Nursing Infor(NURS 3024) 2cr Nursing Profes- matics (NURS 4021) 2cr sion (NURS 1001) 2cr Critical Thinking History, Trends, (NURS 3023) 2cr Issues & Ethics (NURS ( 4022) 3cr Psychosocial Aspects of Care (NURS 3025) 2cr 4 5 6 7 Sub Total 1 (2cr) 2 (4 cr) 3 (7cr) Grand Total 1 4 (12cr) Health Promotion and Education (NURS 4020) 2cr First Aid (Arabic) (NURS 1004) 2cr 2 3 Physical and Psychological Child Development (NURS 1005) 2cr Human Relations in Health & Illness (NURS 1006) 2cr Sociology (NURS 1002) 2cr Communication & Group Dynamics (NURS 1009) 2cr Psychology (NURS 1007) 2cr 7 (14) 4 68 5+1=6 (17cr) 9+2 = 9(29cr) 4+3=7 (19cr) 4+7= 11 (26cr) Courses Offered by Other Colleges and “followed up” by the departments General Chem- Pathophysiology Biostatistics Nutrition in istry for Nursing (NURS 2019) (NURS 3026) Wellness and (CHEM 2105) (College of Medi- (College of Medi- Illness (NURS (College of Sci- cine & Health cine & Health 3027) College of ence) 3cr Sciences) 4cr Sciences) 2cr Agriculture & Marine Sciences 2cr Basic Pharmacol- English for NursBiochemistry ing (LANC 2035) ogy & Dosage (NURS 2032) 3cr (College of Medi- Calculation cine & Health (NURS 2017) (College of MediSciences) 3cr cine & Health Sciences) 2cr Pharmacology for Microbiology & Immunology Nurses (NURS 2018) (College (NURS 1008) (College of Medi- of Medicine & Health Sciences) cine & Health Sciences) 3cr 2cr Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab (NURS 1010) (College of Medicine & Health Sciences) 4cr 69 5 Sub Total Over all Total Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab (NURS 2016) (College of Medicine & Health Sciences) 4cr 5 (17cr) 5+1+5=11 (34cr) Sultan Qaboos University COLLEGE OF NURSING Academic Advising of Students Checklist for Student’s File 3 (8cr) 9+2+3=14 (37cr) 2 (5cr) 4+3+2=9 (24cr) Every file must contain the following: Form No. AA 1 AA 2 AA 3 1(2cr) 4+7+1=12 (28cr) AA 4 AA 5 AA 6 AA 7 AA 8 70 Form Name Student information sheet Degree & Study Plan for BSc Nursing Degree & Study Plan for Nursing Diploma Graduate Program Student's Academic Registration Plan The latest Transcript Students’ Advising Sessions Progress Notes Annual Report Probation Interview Report Transfer Form to Students Counseling Center 71 1 AA Sultan Qaboos University College of Nursing Student Information Sheet Photo STUDENT’S ID __________________:__________________________ MOBILE ____________________STUDENT’S NAME: ____________________ FATHER›S NAME ___________________GRANDFATHER›S NAME:___________________ TRIBE›S NAME _________DATE OF BIRTH : DAY________________ MONTH_____________ YEAR SEX ____________: MALE_______________ FEMALE _____________MARITAL STATUS: MARRIED____________ SINGLE RESIDENCE DURING SEMESTER: IN THE UNIVERSITY ___________RESIDENCE UNIT______________ ROOM______________PHONE # ______________ RESIDENCE SUPERVISOR ‹S NAME ______________ PHONE # OUTSIDE THE UNIVERSITY __________________________________ADDRESS ___________________P.O BOX____________________ PHONE _________________________________________ GUARDIAN›S NAME: ADDRESS ______________: WORK PHONE___________________ MOBILE جامعة السلطان قابوس كلية التمريض صفحة بيانات الطالب الرقم الجامعي................................ اسم األب............................ اسم الطالب...................... القبيلة................................... اسم الجد........................ تاريخ امليالد :يوم_____________ ،شهر_________________ ،سنة________________. الجنس :ذكر_______________ أنثى____________________. الحالة االجتامعية :متزوج______________ ،أعزب________________. رقم تليفون املنزل__________________ رقم املوبايل ___________________. محل اإلقامة خالل الدراسة السكن الداخيل: الوحــدة السكنية ،...................رقم الغــــرفة ،..........................رقم التليفون،................................ اســـــــم املرشف......................... السكن الخارجي العنوان:ص.ب ....................رمز بريدي .......................املنطقة .......................الوالية............................. رقم التليفون......................... اسم ويل األمر ............................................................تلفون العمل /موبايل......................................... العنوان :ص.ب ........................رمز بريدي .......................املنطقة .........................الوالية................... رقم تليفون املنزل.................................. بعد االنتهاء من تعبئة االستامرة أرجو إحضارها إىل إدارة الكلية غرفة رقم **1046 73 72 Degree and Study Plan College: Nursing Department: Cohort:2011 Degree:Bachelor of Science Major: Nursing Specialization: Summary of Credits: University Requirements (UR) General Foundation Courses Arabic Contemporary Omani Society Oman & Islamic Civilization or Islamic Culture University Electives (UE) See List A College Requirements (CR) See list B College Electives (CE) See list C Departmental Requirements (DR) See list D Departmental Electives (DE) See list E Major Requirements (AR) See list F Major Electives (AE) See list G Specialization Requirements (SR) See list H Specialization Electives (SE) See list I Minor Requirements (IR) See list J Minor Electives (IE) See list K TOTAL + Not Credited 0 130 6 NC+ 3 1 2 6 118 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 75 Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* Cat. ARAB1001 HIST1010 ISLM1010 LANC____ NURS1001 3 2 - UR UR 3 2 2 12 + [3 GFP] UR CR UR Semester Summer NURS1009 Sociology General Chemistry for Nurses Psychology Microbiology and Immunology Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab Total Communication/Group 2 Dynamics University Electives 4 Total 6 2 3 2 3 4 14 - CR - UR NURS2017 NURS2015 CR CR CR CR CR - NURS2007 NURS2008 NURS2016 NURS2032 Semester 4 Spring NURS1002 CHEM2105 NURS1007 NURS1008 NURS1010 Arabic Language Oman & Islamic Civilization or Islamic Culture English for Nursing Introduction to Nursing Profession University Elective Total Semester 3 Fall Course Code Course Title Semester Summer Semester 2 Spring Semester 1 Fall Degree and Study Plan (Scheme I) 76 NURS2018 NURS2019 NURS2020 NURS2021 NURS3016 NURS3017 Fundamentals of Nursing Fundamentals of Nursing/Lab Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab Basic Pharmacology & Dosage Calculation Biochemistry Total Health Assessment with Lab Pharmacology for Nurses Pathophysiology Adult Health Nursing1 Adult Health Nursing1/ Clinical Total Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing/Clinical Total 2 4 4 NURS2007* - CR CR CR 2 - CR 3 15 CHEM2105 CR 3 NURS2016 CR 2 4 3 3 NURS2017 NURS2016 NURS2008+NURS2015* NURS2020* CR CR CR CR 15 3 3 NURS2021NURS1009* NURS3016* CR CR 6 77 NURS3018 Semester 6 Spring NURS3019 NURS3025 SOCI 3320 NURS3022 Semester Summer NURS3023 NURS3020 NURS3021 Maternal Health Nursing Maternal Health Nursing/Clinical Psychosocial Aspects of Care Contemporary Omani Society Gerontological Nursing Critical Thinking Total NURS4014 NURS4015 Semester 7 Fall Cat. CR CR CR CR CR 3 NURS3015 CR 3 NURS3018* CR 2 CR 1 NURS1002 + NURS1007 - UR 2 - CR 2 13 - CR Child Health Nursing 3 Child Health Nursing/ 3 Clinical Total 6 NURS3015 NURS3020* NURS4016 NURS4017 NURS4020 NURS4021 Semester 8 Spring Semester 5Fall Degree and Study Plan (Scheme I) – Cont. Course Code Course Title Cr. Pre-req./Coreq.* NURS3014 Adult Health Nursing II 3 NURS2021 NURS3015 Adult Health Nursing II/ 3 NURS3014* Clinical NURS3024 Nursing Research 3 NURS3026* NURS3026 Biostatistics 2 NURS3027 Nutrition in Wellness & 2 NURS2032 Illness Total 13 Critical Care Nursing Critical Care Nursing/ Clinical Community Health Nursing Community Health Nursing/Clinical Health Promotion & Education Nursing Informatics Total NURS4018 Nursing Administration NURS4019 Nursing Administration/ 3 Clinical History, Trends, Issues & 3 Ethics Advanced Clinical Nursing 4 NURS4022 NURS4023 NURS4024 Graduation Project Total 3 1 14 3 3 NURS3015 NURS4014* CR CR 3 CR 3 NURS3019 + NURS3021 NURS4016* 2 - CR 2 16 - CR CR NURS3019 + NURS3021 NURS4018* CR - CR NURS4015 + NURS4017 + NURS4019 NURS4023* CR CR CR CR CR 78 79 Course Code LANC____ NURS1001 NURS1002 NURS1007 NURS1008 NURS1009 NURS1010 NURS2007 NURS2008 NURS2015 NURS2016 NURS2017 NURS2018 NURS2019 NURS2020 NURS2021 NURS2032 CHEM2105 Degree and Study Plan - LIST B-College Requirements Course Title Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* English for Nursing 3 Introduction to 2 Nursing Profession Sociology 2 Psychology 2 Microbiology & 3 Immunology Communication/ 2 Group Dynamics Anatomy & Physiology 4 I with Lab Fundamentals of 2 Nursing Fundamentals of 4 NURS2007* Nursing/Lab Health Assessment 3 NURS2016 with Lab Anatomy & Physiology 4 II with Lab Basic Pharmacology 2 and Dosage Calculation Pharmacology for 2 NURS2017 Nurses Pathophysiology 4 NURS2016 Adult Health Nursing 3 NURS2008 + I NURS2015* Adult Health Nursing 3 NURS2020* I/ Clinical Biochemistry 3 CHEM2105 NURS3014 NURS3015 NURS3016 NURS3017 NURS3018 NURS3019 NURS3020 NURS3021 NURS3022 NURS3023 NURS3024 NURS3025 NURS3026 NURS3027 NURS4014 NURS4015 NURS4016 80 General Chemistry for Nursing Adult Health Nursing II Adult Health Nursing II/Clinical Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing/ Clinical Maternal Health Nursing Maternal Health Nursing/Clinical Child Health Nursing Child Health Nursing/ Clinical Gerontological Nursing Critical Thinking Nursing Research Psychosocial Aspects of Care Biostatistics Nutrition in Wellness and Illness Critical Care Nursing Critical Care Nursing/ Clinical Community Health Nursing 3 - 3 NURS2021 3 NURS3014* 3 3 NURS2021NURS1009* NURS3016* 3 NURS3015 3 NURS3018* 3 3 NURS3015 NURS3020* 2 - 2 3 2 2 2 NURS3026 NURS1002 + NURS1007 NURS2032 3 3 NURS3015 NURS4014* 3 NURS3019 + NURS3021 81 NURS4017 NURS4018 NURS4019 NURS4020 NURS4021 NURS4022 NURS4023 NURS4024 Total Community Health Nursing/Clinical Nursing Administration Nursing Administration/ Clinical Health Promotion and Education Nursing Informatics History, Trends, Issues & Ethics Advanced Clinical Nursing/ Graduation Project 3 NURS4016* 3 3 NURS3019 + NURS3021 NURS4018* 2 - 2 3 - 4 NURS4015 + NURS4017 + NURS4019 NURS4023* 1 118 Degree and Study Plan College: Nursing Department: Cohort: 2011 Degree:Baccalaureate Nursing for Nursing Diploma Graduates (Bridging) Major:Nursing Specialization: Summary of Credits: University Requirements (UR) 6 Intensive English NC+ Arabic 3 Contemporary Omani Society 1 Oman & Islamic Civilization or Islamic Culture 2 University Electives (UE) 6 See List A College Requirements (CR) 55 See list B College Electives (CE) 0 See list C Departmental Requirements (DR) 0 See list D Departmental Electives (DE) 0 See list E Major Requirements (AR) 0 See list F Major Electives (AE) 0 See list G Specialization Requirements (SR) 0 See list H Specialization Electives (SE) 0 See list I 82 83 0 Course Code 67 ARAB1001 HIST1010 or ISLM1010 LANC -----NURS2016 Semester 2 Spring Semester 1 Fall 0 Semester Summer Minor Requirements (IR) See list J Minor Electives (IE) See list K TOTAL + Not Credited 84 NURS2032 SOCI 3320 Degree and Study Plan (Scheme I) Course Title Cr. Arabic Language Oman & Islamic Civilization or Islamic Culture English for Nursing Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab Biochemistry Contemporary Omani Society Total NURS1007 Psychology NURS1009 Communication/Group Dynamics NURS2015 Health Assessment with Lab NURS2019 Pathophysiology NURS3022 Gerontological Nursing NURS3023 Critical Thinking Total University Electives 6 Total 6 Cat. 3 2 Pre-req./Coreq.* - 3 4 - UR CR 3 1 16 - CR UR 2 2 - CR CR 3 4 2 2 15 NURS2016* NURS2016 - CR CR CR CR UR UR UR 85 Semester 3 Fall NURS3024 NURS3025 NURS3026 NURS3027 NURS4014 NURS4015 Semester 4 Spring NURS2018 NURS4019 NURS4020 NURS 4022 NURS4023 NURS4024 Nursing Research Psychosocial Aspects of Care Biostatistics Nutrition in Wellness and Illness Critical Care Nursing Critical Care Nursing/Clinical Total Pharmacology for Nurses Nursing Administration/ Clinical Health Promotion and Education History, Trends, Issues & Ethics Advanced Clinical Nursing Graduation Project Total 3 2 2 2 NURS3026* NURS2032 CR CR CR CR 3 3 15 NURS4014* CR CR 2 3 - CR CR 2 - CR 3 4 1 15 NURS4019* - CR CR CR Degree and Study Plan AA 3…cotd LIST B-College Requirements 86 Course Code Course Title Cr. LANC -----NURS1007 NURS1009 NURS2015 NURS2016 NURS2018 NURS2019 NURS2032 NURS3022 NURS3023 NURS3024 NURS3025 NURS3026 NURS3027 NURS4014 NURS4015 NURS4019 NURS4020 NURS4022 NURS4023 NURS4024 Total English for Nursing Psychology Communication/Group Dynamics Health Assessment with Lab Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab Pharmacology for Nurses Pathophysiology Biochemistry Gerontological Nursing Critical Thinking Nursing Research Psychosocial Aspects of Care Biostatistics Nutrition in Wellness and Illness Critical Care Nursing Critical Care Nursing/Clinical Nursing Administration/ Clinical Health Promotion and Education History, Trends, Issues & Ethics Advanced Clinical Nursing Graduation Project 3 2 2 3 4 2 4 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 4 1 55 Pre-req./ Co-req.* NURS2016* NURS2016 NURS3026* NURS2032 NURS4014* NURS4019* - 87 Sultan Qaboos University AA 4 Sultan Qaboos University COLLEGE OF NURSING AA 4…cotd COLLEGE OF NURSING STUDENT›S ACADEMIC REGISTRATION PLAN Student Name: ______________________________________ID. No.:______________ Academic Year:______________________________________ Sl No Course Code Fall Semester/ Credits Notes Registered Courses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Total Credits Advisor’s Signature: _________Student’s Signature: __________ Date: _______ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sl No Course Code Fall Semester/ Credits Notes Registered Courses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Total Credits STUDENT›S ACADEMIC REGISTRATION PLAN Student Name: ______________________________________ID. No.:______________ Academic Year: ______________________________________ Sl No Course Code Fall Semester/ Credits Notes Registered Courses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Total Credits Advisor’s Signature: _________Student’s Signature: __________ Date: _______ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sl No Course Code Fall Semester/ Credits Notes Registered Courses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Total Credits 88 89 Day SULTAN QABOOS UNIVERSITY Date Notes COLLEGE OF NURSING Student›s Advising Sessions Progress Notes Student Name: _____________________ID No.:_________ Day Date Notes 90 91 Sultan Qaboos University COLLEGE OF NURSING Probation Interview Report Sultan Qaboos University COLLEGE OF NURSING Annual Report for the Year ____________ Name of Student: _______________________________ID. No.____________ Name of the Student: _____________________________ ID#_____________ Name of Academic Advisor:__________________________________________ Number of Credits taken in the Last Year: Type of Probation: (0)_____(1)_____(2)______(3)______(4)_____Others______ Fall : ____________ Spring : ____________Summer : ___________ sGPA :_______________cGPA: ____________No of credits completed:_______ Last Semester GPA: _____________________ Date of Joining the College:__________________________________________ Cumulative GPA: _______________________ Under Probation: Yes_____________ Semester:_______________________________________________________ Reasons for student being under probation: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Have you referred your student to SQU Student Counseling & Guidance Center No Yes Advisor›s Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Action Taken/ Recommendations: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NO____________ If Yes, Any Specific reason for the poor performance: ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Remedial Measures Taken: ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ No of Times the Student was Counseled:_________________________________ If not on Probation, General comments about the performance and the Progress in the Degree Plan (Include remarks about the regularity of the student in meeting the Advisor) Any other remarks: ________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________ Name and Signature of the Advisor: ____________ Date: __________ 92 93 Problem Identified: Sr. No. Problem 1. English Language 2. Student does not meet his advisor regularly 3. Generally weak student because of being lazy and not working enough 4. Absent from classes 5. Not interested in doing Nursing 6. Not able to do Nursing 7. Student is not matured enough 8. Counseling system inefficient 9. Family pressure to do Nursing 10. Family and Social problems 11. Psychological problem 12. Time Management 13. Accommodation problem 14. No remedial system 15. Not understanding probation system 16. Student does not want family to know about his/her academic progress 17. Difficulty in understanding subjects 18. Too heavy load curriculum 19. Too many changes of the timetable, in terms of courses, ICAs, etc. 20. Selecting easy elective that have nothing to do with studying medicine in order to get out of probation 21. Using other program as a gate to get into medicine or other colleges 22. Absentees from classes because of being with a different new cohort 23. Cultural shock 24. Health problem 25. Not motivated 26. No plan has been developed for students Other problems identified, please specify: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Committee Members: 1. Mr. Ramesh Venkatesaperumal 2. Mr. Suresh Kochuveedu Narayanan Nair 3. Mrs. Girija Kalayil Madhavan prabhakaran 4. Mrs. Chandrani Isac 5. Mrs. Anandhi Deva Amirtharaj Advisor›s Name & Signature: ___________________________________________________________ __ Signature of the Student: _______________________________________________________________ _ Name & Signature of Probation Interview Committee: _________________Date:__________________ Remark 94 95 ACADEMIC ADVISING AT COLLEGE OF NURSING College of Nursing takes efforts to follow up the academic performance of all students and especially those who are under probation. From inception of Nursing Program under the umbrella of College of Medicine and Health Sciences, every student is assigned to a faculty member who is termed as the Academic Advisor. These are senior faculty members who are familiar with the advising system and the University Academic Regulations. New faculty members who join the university are not given students until they complete one year and become familiar with the advising system of the University. They are coupled with Senior Advisors during the first year to learn the skills of advising. Academic Advisors also have to attend a workshop on Academic Advising conducted by the College every semester. This workshop prepares the Advisors well for the role. In addition to allotting Advisors to individual students, College of Nursing recently introduced a system of assigning a Senior faculty member as a Cohort advisor who will take care of the issues of the whole cohort of students. There is a committee named Advising and Probation committee at the College which was started as Advising Committee and later the probation part was added to this committee because there was a need to have more input for the probation. This committee formulates guidelines and assists the Academic Advisors to be effective in their advising. The members of this committee are the faculty of College of Nursing and this committee is headed by the Asst. Dean for Undergraduate studies. This committee organizes workshops for students and faculty. This committee prepares the list of students and assigns them to the advisors. Each Advisor is allotted around 10 students as advisees. During the Orientation week, when the students join the University, the Academic Advisors are introduced to the students. These advisors follow up the students from the time the students join the university until they graduate. Advisors allocate specific office timings to meet the advisees. This timing is displayed on the doors of the advisors office. Advisees are encouraged to meet the advisors regularly and as and when required. The advisees can contact the advisor through various means such as phone and emails. Advisors maintain a file for each student. This file contains demographic data with a photograph of the student, degree plan, student transcript updated every semester and study plan for that particular student. This file also has a special form that has information on the courses that the student has registered in the past semesters and will be registering in the coming semester. This form is signed by both the advisor and the student after each meeting with the student. There is a progress record that documents the students follow up. If any student is not adhering to the advice given by the advisor, he/she will be asked to sign a document that states that the student will take the full responsibility for the non-compliance. The probation students have more frequent meetings with the advisor and extra papers such as the probation interview reports 96 97 and copies of the referrals to counseling center are placed in their files. There is also a workshop conducted regularly for students on academic advising. System of advising at College of Nursing: The Academic advisors at College of Nursing keep a close watch on the academic performance of their advisees. The advising takes mainly two forms. One is preventive and the other is corrective. The preventive advising starts when an advisor identifies a student at the risk of going under probation (i.e.: when the cGPA is below 2.5). This stage is termed as pre-probation stage. At this stage, the following are suggested to the Advisees: 1.To reduce the course load. 2.To meet the advisor regularly and to inform the results of 1st and 2nd in-course marks. (This is to monitor the progress) 3.To incorporate the study tips and tips on time management. 4.Advising to study in groups with companion of students who are performing well. These students are identified by the committee or by the students themselves. 5.Encouraged to seek help from the senior students who are good in their academic performance. The corrective advising starts when the advisee is under probation. The Advising and Probation committee arranges for a meeting with the student along with their Academic Advisor during every semester. During this meeting, the members of the Advising committee and the Advisor try to identify the possible reasons that could have led the student to be under probation. For a period of time in 2005, the probation students were assigned to selected Senior Advisors for better follow-up. But this strategy was changed later because of some logistics in allocating students since they move in and out of probation continuously. Currently, the students under probation are remaining with their Advisors as this is in a trial stage expecting it to go back to the old system of all students under probation to be assigned to one Senior Advisor. 98 The following measures have been taken by the Advisor and the Advising Committee throughout the years since 2003: 1.Every student is assigned to an Academic Advisor. 2.A file with all the needed documents is maintained by each Advisor. 3.Probation sub-committee interviews all students under probation each semester. 4.Students are advised to repeat courses with low grades. 5.Course load is reduced to less than 12 credits but minimum 9 credits. 6.Students are referred to Counseling Center for time management and study skills. 7.Students are advised to meet the Advisor regularly. 8.Alternate study plans are developed for every advisee. 9.Tutorials by faculty members. 10.Advising to study in groups with companion of students who are performing well. These students are identified by the committee or by the students themselves. 11.Senior students who are good in their academic performance help the junior students. 12.Every cohort of students is assigned to a special advisor named Cohort Advisors who also follow up students under probation. 13.The members of the Advising and Probation Committee review and follow the latest trends in Advising systems of various prominent Universities around the world. Other measures that are taken by College of Nursing: 1.Periodical workshops for Academic Advisors are conducted by the Advising Committee concentrating more on the new faculty. 2.Senior advisors who have experience in advising students under probation form a core and mentor all the new advisors. 3.More summer courses (specially clinical courses) are offered to reduce the course load during the Fall and Spring semester for all students. This was approved by the Academic Council and summer semester have become the regular semesters at College of Nursing. 4.Advising booklet that contain all the needed information for effective advising is available to all faculty and students. 5.Language Center has been given a feedback regarding the language expectations of these students for improvement in English. 6.As a measure to improve English at College of Nursing during the first and second in- course examinations, the Examination and Evaluation Committee insists that the exams should contain essay and short answer type questions. 7.The members of the committee periodically receive feedback regarding the students from the Counseling Centre. 8.Periodic feedback is also sought from the teachers of other colleges who are teaching nursing students regarding the students performance. 99 Library There are two major libraries at SQU. One is the Main Library and the other is the Medical Library. The faculty members and the students are entitled to use the College of Medicine and Health Sciences Library (called Medical Library) facilities, where the nursing section includes around 1000 books and 9 paperback journals and 93 online nursing journals. The Medical Library is the leading health sciences library in the Sultanate of Oman. It maintains a substantial collection of current and retrospective medical literature in various media to support in health education. Includes reference section, Medical Library and Main Library Medical library can be assessed online through university website; it includes data bases, e-journals, e- books, e- reference, nursing journals. In addition to that, College of Nursing has a reading room and reference section with a collection of more than 200 nursing books. Reference section – Around 200 books are kept in the college of Nursing as reference books ➢ Accessible to all faculty members. ➢No librarian – whenever the text book coordinator is free the books can be borrowed. ➢The books may be returned preferably within two weeks. ➢ Return all the reference material before proceeding on leave. ➢ Make sure the endorsement is done while borrowing and returning the books. ➢ Suggest new reference materials to the committee, through the HOD Library Facilities Main Library and Medical Library - All the information related to these libraries are available in the website. ➢ Library Hours: Saturday – Wednesday: 07:30 a.m. to 09:00 p.m. Thursday: 07:30 a.m. to 02:30 p.m. Fridays & Holidays: Closed. ➢ Library Policies - Refer to Medical library site On line facilities ➢ E-Library – Bibliographic resources - E-References - E Journals - E CDs - E Books 100 101 ➢ Journal list ➢ Library catalogue ➢ Useful links Sl.No. How can you help to improve the collection of books in the CON and Main Library? ➢ Suggest new reference materials with the following details to the Head of the department which will be forwarded to the Library Co-ordinator - Title - Author - Publisher - Year and Edition - ISBN Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 102 PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOKS FOR THE STUDENTS Course Textbook ADULT HEALTH & CRITICAL CARE Adult Health nursing 1 &2 Brunner & Suddarth’s Text Book of Medical Surgical Nursing Basic Pharmacology and Medical dosage calculation dosage calculation Critical care nursing Introduction to critical care Nursing Pathophysiology Essentials of pathophysiology, concepts of altered health status Adult health nursing 1&2 2009-Mosby’s Nursing Drug Reference. Med Surg notes : Nurses clinical pocket guide. Author Smeltzer & Dare JI Oslen, Giangrasso Sole, Klein, Moseley Carollyn Mattson Porth Linda SkidmoreRoth Tracey Hopkins, Etherin Mayers Pharmacology for nurses Trounce’s clinical pharmacology for Ben Greenstein nurses Dinah Gould Health informatics Informatics & Nursing, Linda Q Thede Opportunities & Challenges M. Gaie Rubenfeld Critical thinking Critical Thinking Tactics for & Barbara Scheffer Nurses: Tracking, Assessing & Cultivating Thinking to Improve Competence Gerentological nursing/ Gerentological Nursing Charlotte NURS 3002/ Eliopoulose FUNDAMENTALS & ADMINISTRATION Introduction to nursing Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals Audrey Berman Fundamentals of nursing of nursing Concepts process & Practice Health Assessment Physical Examination & Health Carolyn Jarvis Assessment 103 11 Nursing Administration 12 Biochemistry 13 Microbiology & Immunology Anatomy & Physiology 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Guide to Nursing Management and Leadership Fundamentals of General Organic and biological chemistry Notes on Medical Microbiology Rose and Wilson Anatomy and physiology in Health and illness COMMUNITY & MENTAL HEALTH NURSING Health Education Nurse As an Educator, Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice Community health nursing Community Health NursingPreventing and protecting public’s health Psychiatric mental health Essentials of Psychiatric Mental nursing Health Nursing- Concepts of care in evidence based practice. Psychology Psychology- An Introduction Nutrition in wellness and Nutrition essentials of Nursing illness Practice Sociology Sociology: A Brief introduction Communication Communication in Nursing Context MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH NURSING Biostatistics Introductory Biostatistics for health sciences Health promotion Health Promotion in Nursing practice Nursing Research Foundations of Nursing research Ann Marriner, Tomy et al John R Holum 25 Maternal Health nursing Maternity Nursing 26 Morag C, Timbury. A.Christine et al Anne Waugh & Allison Grant 27 History, trends, Issues & Ethics Psychosocial aspects of care Nursing in Today’s world - Trends & Issues Psychosocial Nursing for General Patient Care Child health nursing Wong’s Essentials Of Pediatric Nursing 28 Susan B. Bastable Lowdermilk.D & Perry.S Ellis & Hartley Linda.M.Gorman, Marcia L Raines Donna F Sultan Marilyn Hockenbery Allendar, Rectar, Warner Mary C.Townsend Benjamin B Lahey Susan G Dudak Richard T. Schaefer Bradley & Edinberg Michael R Chernick Robert Pendar, Mrdad et al Rose Mary Nies wiadomy 104 105 College Committees and Coordinators College of Nursing 106 1. College Board 1.Dean, Prof. Bazdawi Al-Riyami(C) 2.Expert Dr. Raghda Shukri 3.SQUH, Dr. Ahmed Al-Mandhari (Invited) 4.SQUH, Ms. Yusriya Al-Akbari (Invited) 5.DADMIN, Mr. Abdullah Al-Shukeiry 6.ADPGSR, Dr. Esra Al-Khasawneh 7.ADUGS, Mr. Ramesh V 8.ADTCS, Dr. Joshua Muliira 9.Head of Dept., Dr. Samira Maroof 10.Head of Dept., Dr. Melba D’Souza 11.Head of Dept., Dr. JJ van der Colff 12.Head of Dept., Dr. Judith Noronha 13.Dept. Representative, Dr. Rasha Ahmed 14.Dept. Representative, Dr. Ali Ammouri 15.Dept. Representative, Dr. Mamatha Pai 16.Dept. Representative, Mr. Ramir Castro 17.Rapporteur, Mr. Joseph Oyetunde 2. Executive Committee 1.Dean, Prof. Bazdawi Al-Riyami(C) 2.Expert Dr. Raghda Shukri 3.DADMIN, Mr. Abdullah Al-Shukeiry 4.ADPGSR , Dr. Esra Al-Khasawneh 5.ADUGS, Mr. Ramesh V 6.ADTCS, Dr. Joshua Muliira 7.Head of Dept., Dr. Samira Maroof 8.Head of Dept., Dr. Melba D’Souza 9.Head of Dept., Dr. JJ van der Colff 10.Head of Dept., Dr. Judith Noronha 3. Curriculum Committee 1. Dr. Ali Ammouri (C) 2. Dr. JJ van der Colff 3. Dr. Mamatha Pai 4. Dr. Rasha Ahmed 5. Mr. Ramesh V 6. Mrs. Shreedevi Balachandran 7. Mrs. Girija K.M 8. Dr. Huda Al Awaisi (SQUH) 9. Student (Male) 10. Student (Female) 4. Examination & Evaluation 1. Dr. Ali Ammouri (C) 2. Mr. Ephraim Mirafuentes (R) 3. Dr. Amal El Badawy 4. Dr. Rasha Ahmed 5. Mrs. Jayanthi Radhakrishnan 6. Mr. Suresh Nair 7. Mr. Mohammed Abu el Ealeh 8. Mr. Roderick Cortez 107 5. College Quality Assurance 1. Dr. Raghda Shukri (C) 2. Mr. Ramesh V (R) 3. Dr. Melba D’Souza 4. Dr. Amal El-Badawy 5. Dr. Samira Maroof 6. Mrs. Shreedevi Balachandran 7. Mrs. Laura Sharaiha 8. Mrs. Jahara Hayudini 9. Mr. Mohammed Abu el Ealeh 10. Mrs. Huda Al-Noumani 11. Mrs. Naama Al-Lamki 12. Ms. Fatma Al Dhababbai (SQUH) 7. Advising, Probation & Scheduling 1. ADUGS, Mr. Ramesh V(C) 2. Mrs. Chandrani Isac(R) 3. Mr. Suresh Nair 4. Mrs. Anandhi Amirtharaj 5. Mrs. Joy Kabasindi Kamanyire 6. Mrs. Huda Al Noumani 7. Mrs. Bernardita McGregor 9. Staff Development Committee 1. Dr. Melba D’Souza (C) 2. Mrs. Vidya Seshan (R) 3. Mr. Ramir Castro 4. Mrs. Eman Shelleh 5. Mrs. Anitha Thanka 6. Mrs. Chandrani Isac 7. Ms. Ruby P. Natividad 8. Mr. Daniel Birru (SQUH) 6. Research and Ethics Committee 1. ADPGSR, Dr. Esra Al Khasawneh(C) 2. Dr. Joshua Muliira 3. Dr. Ali Ammouri 4. Dr. Rasha Ahmed 5. Mrs. Girija K.M 6. Mr. Gerald Amandu Matua 7. Mr. Yousuf Al Hasani (SQUH) 8.Student Liaison Committee 1.ADUGS, Mr. Ramesh V(C) 2.Mr. Joshy Abraham (R) 3.Mr. Abdullah Al-Shukeiry, Dir-Admin 4.Dr. Ayman Tailakh 5.Mrs. Wasfieh Salloom 6.Mr. Khalid Al-Harrasi 7.Ms. Rahma Al Harrasi 8.Mrs. Naama Al-Lamki 9.tudent Representatives (14) 1.Joint Clinical Training 1.ADCT, Dr. Joshua Muliira (C) 2.Mrs. Savithri Raman 3.Mrs. Arwa Obeidat 4.Mrs. Eman Shelleh 5.Ms. Lina Shakman 6.Mr. Daniel Birru 7.Ms. Thavamony Saravanan 108 11. Health and Safety Committee 1. Mrs. Shreedevi Balachandran (C) 2. Ms. Lina Shakman (R) 3. Mrs. Anitha Thanka 4. Mr. Basel Abdulqader 5. Mr. Ephraim Mirafuentes 6. Mrs. Deepa Thomas 7. Mrs. Susan Achora 8. Mrs. Sumaiya Al-Kindi 9. Ms. Kawkab Al Gharabi 10. Ms. Asia Al Busaidi (SQUH) 12.Academic Staff Appointment Committee 1.Dean, Prof. Bazdawi Al-Riyami(C) 2.DADMIN, Mr. Abdullah Al-Shukeiry(R) 3.ADPGSR, Dr. Esra Al-Khasawneh 4.ADUGS, Mr. Ramesh V 5.ADTCS, Dr. Joshua Muliira 6.Head of Dept.(Concerned) 13. Exam Grades Review Committee 1. Mrs. Renu Geethakrishnan(C) 2. Mrs. Shanthi Ramasubramaniam 3. Mrs. Adenike Akintola 4. Mrs. Wasfieh Salloom 5. Mr. Basel Abdulqader 6. Mr. Roderick Cortez 14.Events, Social & Public Relations Committee 1.Mrs. Rhoda Muliira (C) 2.Mrs. Bernardita McGregor 3.Mrs. Sumaiya Al-Kindi 4.Mr. Nadeem Al-Zadjali 5.Mr. Khalid Hilal Al-Harrasi 6.Ms. Rahma Al Harrasi 15. Lab Committee 1. Dr. Joshua Muliira (C ) 2. Mrs. Joy Kamanyire (R) 3. Mrs. Lina Shakman 4. Mr. Ramir Castro 5. Mrs. Savithri Raman 6. Mrs. Sumaiya Al-Kindi 7. Mrs. Zakiya Al Subeihi 8. Mrs. Samia Al Sabari 9. Mrs. Kawkab Al Gharabi 16.Peer Review Committee 1.Dr. Ali Ammouri (C) 2.Dr. Mamatha Pai 3.Dr. Rasha Ahmed 4.Mrs. Arwa Obeidat 109 17. College Reports & Documentation Committee 1. Mr. Gerald Amandu Matua (C) 2. Mohammed Abuel Ealeh 3. Mr. Dennis Cayaban Fronda 4. Mrs. Savithri Raman 5. Mrs. Susan Achora 6. Mrs. Kawkab Al Gharabi Sultan Qaboos University COLLEGE OF NURSING Curriculum Committee Terms of Reference The curriculum committee is a subcommittee of the College Board and reports to the College Board on matters pertaining to the curriculum. It shall undertake to: a. Revise and Evaluate Curriculum Plan. 18.Postgraduate Studies Committee 1.ADPGSR, Dr. Esra Al-Khasawneh (C) 2.Dr. Samira Maroof 3.Dr. Melba D’Souza 4.Dr. Ayman Tailakh b. Discuss issues referred to it from the Board, departments or the Dean and suggest appropriate solutions to the College Board. 19.College Strategic Planning Committee 1.Dr. Ayman Tailakh(C) 2.Mrs. Girija K.M 3.Mrs. Savithri Raman 4.Mr. Mohammed Abuel Ealeh 5.Mr. Gerald Amandu Matua c. Recommend changes in the curriculum plan to the College Board according to the needs and in keeping with international norms. d. Recommend to other committees such as the Policy Committee for conducting activities according to the needs. e. Collect and evaluate course outlines which will be taught in each semester. f. Seek to raise the standards of staff on curricular issues in collaboration with Staff Development Committee according to the needs and available resources. g. Meet at least once a month and according to the needs. MEMBERSHIP, QUORUM AND REPORTING MEMBERSHIP: The committee is chaired by a senior faculty member. Other members shall include senior members and few juniors representing all departments of the College. QUORUM: The quorum shall be 50% of the total membership. FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS: Ordinary meetings shall take place periodically at least twice every semester. The chair can also call for any extraordinary meeting when deemed necessary. FREQUENCY OF REPORTING: The committee should produce an annual report to the Dean to be discussed and approved by the College Board (December of every year). 110 111 Examination Evaluation Committee Terms of Reference The Examination Evaluation Committee (EEC) is formulated by the College Board. By end of each semester the committee reports to the College Board all matters pertaining to the semester’s grades and examination issues. It undertakes the following responsibilities: a. Review end of semester grades and approve them. b. Take decisions regarding Failure with Supplemental Privilege (FSP) in coordination with course coordinators. c. Review the in-course grades assuring that they are in accordance to university rules and regulations and no problems are encountered such as inflation. d. Report to the College Board by end of each semester the examination results with the grade summary analysis. e. Update periodically the policies and forms related to examinations and invigilation and get them approved by the College Board. f. Coordinate with the Exam Grades Review Committee to ensure that final results are valid and according to university rules and regulations. g. Analyze exam questions and give feedback to course coordinators. h. Coordinate with the Staff Development Committee to conduct workshops as needed. 2.Membership / Terms of Office: •Membership to the Committee will be granted upon request of the Faculty of CON, subject to approval by the College Board. •The committee comprises of members preferably representing from each Department of the CON. •Membership is tenured for a minimum of two years •A Member can voluntarily withdraw from the committee with a month’s notification and approval from college Board 3.Chairperson and Line of Communication •The Chairperson will be the Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies, CON. •The Chairperson reports to the Dean, CON. •The committee’s activities will be submitted as a report to the Dean, every semester. 4.Committee Secretary / Reporter •The Secretary shall be elected annually amongst the members •The Secretary gives notice of meetings, agenda and distributes minutes at least 2 days prior to Committee Meeting with the approval of the chairperson. •The Secretary documents all the proceedings of the committee and maintains relevant records. MEMBERSHIP, QUORUM AND REPORTING MEMBERSHIP: The committee is chaired by a senior faculty member. Other members shall include senior members and few juniors representing all departments of the College. QUORUM: The quorum shall be 50% of the total membership. FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS: Ordinary meetings shall take place periodically at least once every semester. The chair can also call for any extraordinary meeting when deemed necessary. FREQUENCY OF REPORTING: The committee should produce annually two reports to the Dean to be discussed and approved by the College Board (January and June of every year). Roles, Responsibilities and the Terms of Reference Scheduling, Advising and Probation Committee 5.Quorum •The SAP Committee may invite non-members to attend the committee meeting(s) but they will not be considered as part of quorum. •Quorum shall be 60% of the membership 6.Voting •Invitee and special guest do not have voting privileges 7.Meeting: • The SAP committee will meet once every month on an agreed schedule. •The members of the committee are to inform the chairperson/ Secretary of their apology through verbal/ written communication prior to the meeting. 8.Functions of the SAP Committee •Advising and Probation: i.Allocation of advisees to advisor and prompt information to Admission & Registration office at the beginning of each year. ii.Organization of annual orientation program for the Newly admitted Students iii.Organization of an annual workshop on advising and probation for the faculty 1.Scheduling, Advising and Probation Committee: •This committee which will henceforth be addressed as SAP, constitutes the subcommittees of Advising & Probation and Scheduling. 112 113 iv.Plan, communicate and conduct interview of students under probation along with their academic advisors. v.Submit a written report on probation interviews conducted for a particular semester with the analysis of all the causes of probation. vi.Facilitate effective advising through periodic updates to the advisors. vii.Prior to registration, review the choice of courses made by students under probation. viii.Allocate advisor to each cohort and coordinate the academic issues •Two faculty members approved by the College Board. •Students’ coordinators – Male and Female •Two elected student representatives from each cohort •One elected student representative of the diploma bridging program •Nursing student group – Male leader and the female leader 2.Chairperson and Line of communication: •The Chairperson will be the Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies, CON. •The Chairperson reports to the Dean, CON. •The committee’s activities will be submitted as a report to the College Board, every semester. 3.Quorum •Quorum shall be 60% of the membership 4.Voting •Invitee and special guest do not have voting privileges 5.Meeting: •The SLC normally meets two times a year (once in each semester). 6.Responsibilities of the SL Committee are: •To provide opportunities to all the student representatives to express their problems, issues or concerns related to the studies in the college and university. •To identify the problems faced by the students in the college as well as in the university that may be affecting their performance. •To suggest solutions to the problems faced by the students. •To discuss the issues or concerns that is expressed by the students with the appropriate faculties and the College administration. •To present a report in the College Board meeting about the discussions and action taken in liaison committee. •To provide opportunities to all the student representatives to make suggestions in improving the quality of the academic programs •To prepare an annual report about the committee activities. STAFF DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE The staff development committee (SDC) is an open membership for faculty interested in planning faculty development programmes (FDP) in the College of Nursing. It is approved by the College Board. The SDC holds FDP or workshops based on the identification of key performance requirements of faculty and staff. Objectives •Scheduling and Timetabling: i.Updating and maintenance of master grade sheet for each cohort ii.Estimating and projecting the number of students for each course for forthcoming semester iii.Preparing the loading sheet required for each semester to be sent to the Admission and Registration. iv.Maintaining accurate record of active students (transfer in and transfer out ) in the college of nursing v.Preparing the master time table according to the schedule of Admission & Registration’s office vi.Preparing the final exam time table along with the master time table. vii.Finalization of the courses offered during summer semester with approval of the curriculum committee. viii.Informing advisors on the courses offered during summer semester ix.Organizing a pre registration workshop for the advisors before summer registration Others: •Identify the need for developing policies at SAP committee •Recommends annual revision or amendment of an existing policy. •Proposing plans for fixed timetables in the college of nursing. Roles, Responsibilities and the Terms of Reference for Student Liaison Committee (SLC) The goal of this committee is to act as a liaison between the students, faculty and the college administration for effective student outcomes. This committee also acts like a student’s grievances redressal committee in the college. 1.Members: •Assistant dean for undergraduate studies •The Administrative Director 114 115 1.Examine the current staff development committee (SDC) mission and principles regarding teaching and learning for faculty improvement and reform efforts. 2.Build capacity and perform project based learning to enrich teaching and improving learning as a link to achievement. 3.Create faculty improvement teams that design activities to create learning and personal growth experiences. 4.Examine and discuss current attitudes and systemic change toward professional development. 5.Discuss conditions that facilitate or hinder the use of staff development strategies. 6.Respects and nurtures the intellectual and leadership capacity of faculty 7.Enables faculty to develop further expertise in subject content, teaching strategies, uses of technologies, and other essential elements in teaching to high standards; 8.Promotes continuous scientific inquiry and improvement embedded in the nursing profession. 9.Planned collaboratively by those who will participate in and facilitate that development 10.Evaluation based on faculty effectiveness and learning that guides subsequent staff development efforts. MEMBERSHIP: The committee is chaired by a senior faculty member. Other members shall include senior members and few juniors representing all departments of the College. The minimum time frame is 2 years active membership and continuing membership based on interest. QUORUM: The quorum shall be 50% of the total membership. FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS: Ordinary meetings shall take place periodically at least once every month in the semester. The chair can also call for any extraordinary meeting when deemed necessary. FREQUENCY OF REPORTING: The committee should produce annually two reports (January and September) to the Dean to be discussed and approved by the College Board. Sultan Qaboos University COLLEGE OF NURSING Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee Terms of Reference The Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee (QAAC) are formulated by the College Board. This committee shall fulfill all responsibilities of the College Quality Assurance Committee (CQAC) that is recommended by the University Quality Assurance office plus the responsibilities related to the accreditation issues. The CQAC shall undertake the following responsibilities: 1.Develop, oversee and keep under review the development and implementation of the college quality management strategy, policy and quality management procedures. 2.Make recommendations to the Dean and College Board in relation to the monitoring of quality enhancement activities arising from the operation of continuous quality improvement and management procedures. The College Board and the Dean will be responsible for endorsing the QAAC’s recommendations. 3.Collaborate with the university Quality Assurance office through exchange and sharing of good practices and requesting assistance and support. 4.Monitor the external quality assurance and standards environment and ensure the college responds appropriately. 5.Prepare the College for Accreditation of its educational programs by the Oman Accreditation council or any other accreditation body. 6.Contribute to the promotion and enhancement of high quality postgraduate education and training in the college through the dissemination and promulgation of noteworthy or innovative practice. 7.Review periodically the College’s Quality framework and provide advice to the Dean on any changes that might be desirable to strengthen performance of educational programs, research and community services within the college. 8.Establish, as appropriate, subcommittees or other task oriented groups as the QAAC requires in order fulfilling its role. For instance, departmental sub-committees can be created with the following mandates: a.Preparation and update of the Continuous Quality improvement process for the department. b.Preparation and update of all the assessment tools. c.Coordination with all departmental staff and committees in implementing the assessment tools. d.Analysis of assessment results and reporting them to the department board. e.Preparation of the department’s self-study report f.Updating of department Mission and Objectives g.Checking of the labs for HSE and teaching requirements implementation. 9.Ensure that in conducting its work, the QAAC will integrate consideration of equality and diversity 116 117 Sultan Qaboos University COLLEGE OF NURSING JOINT CLINICAL TRAINING COMMITTEE Terms of Reference •The committee will report to the Dean of the College of Nursing and the Deputy Hospital DirectorNursing Affairs (DHDN) •The committee shall meet every other month on an agreed schedule for two hours. •Business meeting/s shall be held as and when necessary •All regular meetings will have agenda and the items for agenda must be sent to the Chairperson/ Secretary a week before the scheduled meeting date/day. •Recording of the minutes will be done by the secretary and in her/his absence, one of the members will record the minutes on rotation. •Minutes of the meetings shall be forwarded to the members of the Joint Clinical Training committee. •The committee will constitute of a total of 5 members of which 3 members including the chair will be from College of Nursing and 2 members from the Directorate of Nursing services. •The members of this committee shall serve for 1 year and the membership will be reviewed as and when necessary. issues into each item on business, with a view to valuing and promoting equality and diversity and eliminating discrimination. 10.Work closely with the accreditation college consultant. 11.Coordinate with the Staff Development Committee to conduct some needed workshops. MEMBERSHIP, QUORUM AND REPORTING MEMBERSHIP: The committee is chaired by a senior faculty member who is representing the College in the University Academic Quality Assurance Committee in the Quality Assurance Office. Members shall include the Assistant Deans and representatives from all departments in the College. QUORUM: The quorum shall be 50% of the total membership FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS: Ordinary meetings shall take place periodically at least twice every semester. The chair can also call for any extraordinary meeting when deemed necessary. FREQUENCY OF REPORTING: The committee should produce annually two reports to the Dean to be discussed and approved by the College Board (December and June of every year). Quorum 60% or 2/3 of members from each side (college and hospital)form basis for the quorum in all the deliberations of Joint Clinical training committee. Voting Process All the members of the committee shall be given opportunity to vote in all the proceedings by raising their hands. Roles and Responsibilities Clinical training committee is a committee comprising of members from College of Nursing and Nursing services directorate of the Sultan Qaboos University Hospital. The major roles and responsibilities of this committee are to: 1.Prepare guidelines/policies for clinical training 2.Identify the clinical areas and facilitating students’ clinical placement in hospitals of Muscat. 3.Communicate with the course coordinators about the clinical areas that can be utilized for student learning. 4.Communicate with hospitals regarding the students’ clinical postings through clinical rotation 118 119 plans. 5.Organize transport for students to go to the clinical area in collaboration with college administration. 6.Inform hospitals regarding the final clinical exams. 7.Participate in the joint meeting of all institutes of nursing ensuring appropriate clinical placement of all students in Muscat region. 8.Represent the college in nursing management meeting of SQUH. 9.Obtain periodical feedback on changes in policies in affiliated hospitals and update faculty with the same information. 10.Plan to conduct research to enhance clinical training of students. 11.Follow up any untoward incident /unsafe practice affecting students, faculty and patients. 12.Facilitate the utilization of hospital services. 13.Ensure availability of uniforms for students as per regulations. 14.Conduct workshops for faculty regarding effective clinical training as and when required. Sultan Qaboos University COLLEGE OF NURSING Policy Committee Roles, Responsibilities and the Terms of Reference 1. Membership •Membership to the Committee will be granted upon request of the Faculty Members of College of Nursing subject to approval of the College Board. •Membership is annually renewed. •Members are expected to prepare themselves to contribute effectively during conduct of meeting. •Members are accountable to the Chairperson. •Chairperson will be accountable to the Expert and Dean. 2.Exclusion •Grounds for Exclusion •Membership shall be terminated for members remaining absent for two consecutive meetings without any apology. •Members are expected to give an apology through written, email or verbal to the Chairperson •Apology shall be considered in case of annual leave, sickness and or force majeure. Title: Events Coordinator Responsibility •Helps in ensure quality arrangement of food for all the major College Events or activities. •Event organizers are expected to submit a formal request to the Director of Administrator regarding their Activity needs with a copy to the Events Coordinator and Assistant Administrator. Clear details of the Date, time, quantity, suggested menu or Items and Venue to be mentioned in the letter. •Upon approval of the requisition letter, the Event Coordinator will liaise between Event organizers and the Administrator to organize the food arrangement. 3.Chairperson •The Chairperson will be selected based on credentials and years of professional experience among the members subject to approval of the College Board. •The Chairperson can call extra ordinary meetings as needed. •In the absence of the Chairperson, the most senior person among the members will take his/her place. 4.Committee Secretary / Rapporteur •The Committee Secretary shall be elected annually amongst the members. •Will give notice of meetings, agenda, distribute minutes at least one week prior to a Committee Meeting. 120 121 •Recommends revision or amendment of an existing policy. •Prepare drafted policies for approval by the Executive Committee and College Board. •Prepare the policy manual and revise or amend it annually. •Participate in consultation with the College Board on critical areas of policy related to the CON. •Shall maintain and retain proceedings of the Committee Meeting. •Shall declare the presence of a quorum or the absence of it after roll call. 5.Terms of office •Membership is tenured for one year. •Membership ends by a written one month notice of intention to the Chairperson 6.Quorum •The Policy Committee may invite non-members to attend the Committee Meeting but will not be considered as part of quorum. •Quorum shall be 50% of the membership plus one. 7.Minutes and Meetings •Minutes of meetings will record those present, the date and any decisions, action points or recommendations. •The committee will meet once in a month and whenever additional need arises. 8.Voting •Invitee and special guest do not have voting capacity. •Consensus will be sought without the need for voting. •In case of a tie, the chairperson’s decision shall be considered final. 9.Channel of Communication •The proposed policy should be submitted to the Chairperson of the Policy Committee for review and recommendation. •The Draft shall be discussed during the Committee Meeting or Extra Ordinary Meeting after which it will go back to the source with the appropriate recommendation. •The reviewed draft will be presented to the Executive Committee subject to final approval by the College Board. 10.Functions of the Policy committee •Develop needed general policies •Identify the need for developing policies at college, department, committee and course level. •Provide expert consultation to others on the development, amendment or revision of a policy. 122 123 Sultan Qaboos University COLLEGE OF NURSING Sultan Qaboos University COLLEGE OF NURSING Examination Grades Verification Committee Responsibilities Social and Public Relations Committee Roles, Responsibilities and the Terms of Reference 1.Prepare guidelines for submission of final grades. 2.Prepare schedule for receiving grades of all theory and clinical courses 3.Intimate the course coordinators, through Head of Department,the schedule for receiving grades. 4.Verify the accuracy of submitted grades. 5.Assist the examination evaluation committee in terms of preparing the required documents for grades approval at college level. 6.Collaborate with examination office in the process of grade submission to Deanship of Admission and registration. 7.Plan and conduct programs to orient faculty to the grade submission process in the college of nursing 1. Social & Public Relations Committee •This committee takes responsibilities for the social and public relation oriented activities (listed below) of the College of Nursing (CON) •The members in the committee volunteer in taking either one of the above responsibilities for any program organized by the College of Nursing 2. Membership •Membership to the Committee will be granted upon request of the faculty of CON, subject to approval by the College Board. •The committee comprises of members representing from all Academic Department of the CON. •Membership is annually renewed •Membership ends by a written one month notice to the Chairperson and is subject to approval by College Board 3.Chairperson •The Chairperson will communicate the committee’s decision to the administrators of the CON •The Chairperson can call for Ad-hoc meetings as needed. •The Chairperson reports to the Dean, CON. Terms of Reference •The committee shall report to the Dean of College of Nursing. •The committee shall constitute a total of 6 members including the chairperson with at least one member representing from each academic department of the college. •The committee shall meet twice in a semester on an agreed schedule for one hour. •Business meetings shall be held as and when necessary. •Agenda for regular meetings shall be finalized and communicated to members one week ahead of the scheduled meeting. •The members of the committee shall serve a term of 2 years and membership status shall be reviewed as necessary. 4.Committee Secretary •The committee secretary shall be elected annually amongst the members •The committee secretary is responsible for maintaining the proceeding of the meetings •The committee secretary gives notice of meetings, distributes agenda & minutes at least 2 days prior to scheduled committee meetings Quorum 60% of members form the quorum in all scheduled deliberations of the committee. Voting Process The members of the committee have the right to vote by raising their hands in case where decisions have to be taken. 5.Quorum •Quorum shall be 60% of the membership 124 125 6.Voting •In the event of differences in opinion among members, voting by stating of personal opinion will be instituted •Farewell FunctionIn the event of bidding farewell to the faculty who are leaving the institution, a minimum of 2 OMR will be collected from the faculty members to purchase a treasured gift. •The committee will organize and advertize for picnics periodically. Public-Relations Activities The following deliberations will be performed by the committee in liaison with public relations department of SQU for the activities conducted by College of Nursing. 7.Meeting: • The Social & Public Relations Committee will meet once every month on an agreed schedule •The members of the committee are to inform the Chairperson / secretary of their apology through verbal/ written communication prior to the meeting •Forward the approved flyer / invitation for internal web broadcast 8.Functions of the Social & Public Relations Committee •Social Activities •The social activities conducted by the committee includes welcome and gatherings faculty gettogether programs and picnics. •Facilitate the events for television and radio coverage •Prepare the manuscripts for pre and post-event releases to be published in newspapers, SQU online news and updates on Horizon •Subscription A monthly subscription of 1 Riyal Omani will be collected from all staff and Faculty of the College of Nursing. With effect from January 2010, the payment is made annually biannually by each staff and faculty member to the treasurer. The subscription money will be utilized for: •Sponsoring lunch during farewell gatherings / celebrations necessitating the provision of food / snacks •Purchase of gifts to acknowledge memorable event that have occurred in the life processes of the members. Each member will receive a gift worth 20 OMR once during their tenure of 3 years •Gifts for non-members (those staff who do not pay subscription) will be provided in accordance to the committee’s consensus and decision •Distribution of Cards / Bouquet •Cards inscribed with rich meaning will be individually distributed to the staff in accordance to the occasion they are observing (birthday, condolence, early recovery) •Hospitalized staff will receive a bouquet worth 5 OMR 126 127 Sultan Qaboos University COLLEGE OF NURSING Job Description of DEAN The job description, roles and responsibilities of the Dean of the College of Nursing is given in the University Executive Regulations (chapter 4, article 12, p 26 in UER) Each college shall have a dean from the academic staff to manage its academic, administrative and financial affairs in accordance with the provisions of the Charter and the Executive Regulations. The dean shall be appointed by a decision of the President after submission to the Council. He shall hold office for three years renewable for one term and shall undertake: Job Description College Dean, Assistant Dean, Head of Department, Doctorate and Clinical Instructor/Lecturer a. To coordinate between the college departments and the other units of the University. b. To propose appointment of assistant deans and heads of departments. c. To supervise the teaching process, examinations, and general performance, and ensure smooth and orderly progress of work in the college. d. To look into the needs of the academic staff, researchers, technicians and administrators of the college and submit a report thereupon to the assistant Vice-President concerned. e. To look into the reports written by the external examiners and assessment teams and make recommendations thereupon to the assistant Vice-President concerned. f. To look into the needs of the college with regard to buildings, installations, equipment, materials, books and any other requirements and make recommendations thereupon to the assistant VicePresident concerned. g. To prepare long and medium-term strategic plans for the development of the college. h. To assess the performance of the academic staff, researchers, technicians, and administrators of the college and to recommend their promotion, renewal or termination of their contracts in accordance with the pertinent regulations. i. To prepare the budget estimate of the college to be submitted to the assistant Vice-President concerned after the approval of the college board. j. To prepare a report on the progress of teaching and performance in the college every semester and an annual report on the academic affairs and the various activities of the college. The report shall be submitted to the assistant Vice-President concerned after the approval of the college board. k. To supervise the activities of student societies and the various communication committees of the college. 128 129 JOB DESCRIPTION OF THE ASST DEANS (CHAPTER 4, ARTICLE 13, P 27 IN THE UER) l. To present the opinion of the college board on matters submitted to the Academic Council. m. To implement the decisions of the Academic Council and the college board after the approval of the concerned body. n. To submit the minutes of the meetings of the college board to the assistant Vice-President within a week from the date of approval. o. To safeguard the property of the college. p. Any other duties assigned to him by the President, Vice-President, or assistant Vice-President concerned. Each college dean shall have an Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies and an assistant Dean for Postgraduates Studies and Scientific Research appointed by a decision of the Vice President after the approval of the president. They shall hold office for two years renewable for one tier. Other assistant deans may be appointed by the decision of the Vice president upon the recommendation of the Academic Council and after the approval of the President. The decision of their appointment shall specify their duties. Duties of the Assistant dean for Undergraduates Studies: ➢ To coordinate and follow up the academic affairs of the students ➢ To explain the academic regulations and curricula to the students ➢ To coordinate with the other colleges and departments with regard to the academic programs. ➢ To coordinate with the Deanship of admissions and Registration and the Deanship of Student Affairs with regard to students affairs ➢ To coordinate degree programs and the different specialization in the college. ➢ To prepare information pertaining students results of each semester and submitting it to the college board ➢ To oversee implementation of matters related to the academic advising of students. ➢ To distribute students in various specialization ➢ Organizes procedures of course evaluation ➢ To supervise organization and up keeping of students’ records ➢ Any other duties assigned to him /her by the dean Duties of the Assistant dean for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research: ➢ To supervise college programmes of postgraduate studies ➢ To coordinate various research activities through the committees concerned ➢ To coordinate the use of research apparatus and equipment ➢ To explain academic regulations related to postgraduate studies and research to students and researchers ➢ To coordinate with the administration of Postgraduate studies and scientific research, colleges, centers and institutes with regard to joint research. ➢ To assist researchers in obtaining external funds in coordination with the administration of postgraduate studies and scientific research ➢ To keep the records of the research activities and those of the postgraduate students ➢ To coordinate with the concerned bodies in the University to hold conferences, seminars, work130 131 shops and exhibitions in accordance with the pertinent regulations ➢ To follow-up the progress of the lectures and demonstrators on scholarship in coordination with the departments and the center for Human Resources and Staff Development ➢ To coordinate with the deanship of Admissions and registration and the administration of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research with regard to the admission of postgraduate students in the college. ➢ Any other duties assigned to him/her by the Dean ➢ Each college consists of a number of scientific departments and the department board shall consist of the head of the department as chairman and all the academic staff and lectures as members. ➢ The head of the department shall be appointed by a decision of the Vice president after the approval of the President. The Head of the department shall hold office for two years renewable for one term Duties of the Head of the Department: ➢ To overseas progress of work in the department and suggest means of improving performance in it. ➢ To express views on the employment affairs of the academic staff, their assistants and the other employees in the department ➢ To oversee the distribution of the teaching hours of the academic staff in consultation with the department board ➢ To ensure that the best teaching methods and aids are used in cooperation with the various bodies in the university ➢ To follow- up the orderly progress of the academic advising of the students ➢ To make recommendations related to research projects, contracts, consultation and community service undertaken b the employees ➢ To propose criteria and specifications pertaining to the examinations of the department ➢ To encourage research and its development in coordination with the other departments ➢ To follow-up the implementation of the decisions of the department board ➢ To propose the budget estimate of the department ➢ To prepare an annual report on the progress of work in the department and submit it to the dean ➢ To submit the minutes of the meetings of the department board to the dean. ➢ Any other duties assigned to him/her by the Dean Duties of the Assistant Dean for Training and Community Services: ➢ Chair College committees for training and community services and provide leadership in planning, coordination, direction and evaluation of formal student training programs in the College. ➢ Serve as a liaison for the College with industrial, legal, educational, medical, agricultural and business communities. Establish a positive working relationship with them and identify opportunities for faculty and students to interact with them. ➢ Keep records of training activities in the College, develop an annual report that tracks student progression and accomplishments in training, evaluate training programs, visit training programs sites and provide feedback and suggestions for improvement. ➢ Identify, solicit and manage training opportunities, grants and contracts from a variety of local and foreign sources. ➢ Monitor current trends and issues in student training and accordingly update College plans on training. ➢ Develop and maintain an up-to-date data base about the College alumni, liaise with them, organize alumni activities and events to promote SQU programs and services. ➢ Liaise with the Center for Community Services and Continuous Education to organize short courses, workshops and programs offered by the College. ➢ Meet regularly with Faculty and/or Curriculum Committee to assess status, needs, improvement and evaluation of programs, training and courses regarding their support to the market in Oman. ➢ Carry out any other duties assigned to him/her by the Dean. The board of the department undertakes: ➢ To propose study plans and oversee their implementation ➢ To approve the content of the courses ➢ To prescribe textbooks ➢ To approve the distribution of the teaching duties in the department ➢ To make a plan for research in the department ➢ To encourage research and to facilitate cooperation with other departments ➢ To express views on appointment of academic staff and their assistants ➢ To approve the results of the courses The Scientific College Departments 132 133 ➢ To look into and express views on the issues presented by the dean or head of the department At the call of the chairperson, the department board shall meet at least once a month during the academic year and whenever it is necessary The department board may form sub committees from within or outside its membership and may seek the assistance of other experts in performing its duties. JOB DESCRIPTION AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF DOCTORATES HOLDERS (ASST PROF, ASSOC PROF AND PROFESSORS) ➢ Prepare clinical course plan, clinical rotation and evaluation as per accepted format ➢ Collaborate with clinical training committee for clinical placement of students to various clinical areas ➢ Communicate, coordinate and supervise the clinical training of the students with clinical instructors, clinical staff including preceptors ➢ Liaise with various institutions to facilitate student’s clinical training ➢ Monitor current trends and issues in student training and update college plan on training accordingly ➢ Ensure integration of theory, evidence based practice and research into clinical practice ➢Display leadership abilities in planning, organizing and implementing all activities related to the professional development of the students and staff at the course, department and college level ➢Facilitate students critical thinking skills and clinical competence in various learning areas ➢Act as a role model in carrying out team research projects in the clinical area. ➢Maintain all records pertaining to clinical training and activities of the departments ➢Prepare reports and submit records of grades through head of department to concerned committee for approval ➢Evaluate the clinical environment and explore new clinical areas. ➢Carries out any other additional responsibilities assigned to her by the administration/ authority 134 135 Administration ➢Functions as an academic advisor for 10 students of our College. ➢Participate in administrative activities of the department. ➢Participate in various committees at the department and College level and carries out the responsibility assigned to her by the committees. ➢Contributes to various events in the college such as Oath taking ceremony, University day ➢Performs any other activity assigned by the HOD and Dean. ➢Ensures students adherence to professional code of conduct. ➢Stays current and competent in the area of instruction. ➢Plans and conducts final clinical exam with Course Coordinator. JOB DESCRIPTION AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF LECTURER OR CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR Clinical Instructor collaborates directly with Course Coordinator to determine student learning needs, and in achieving clinical objectives. ➢Develops clinical learning objectives in collaboration with Course Coordinator. ➢Participates in the development of clinical rotation, learning methods, log book and evaluation guidelines. ➢Coordinates with Head Nurse of the appropriate clinical area to meet students’ objectives. Clinical ➢Plans and conducts orientation to clinical course, physical set up and routines of the unit. ➢Identifies clients for students based on their learning needs and facilitates opportunities for students to perform nursing procedures under his/her direct supervision, ensuring compliance with established policies and procedures of the unit. ➢Encourages students to utilize critical thinking skills while providing comprehensive care to clients and family. ➢Maintains accurate record of students’ performance including anecdotes. ➢Guides students to apply theoretical knowledge in clinical practice. ➢Conducts clinical teaching utilizing innovative teaching methods such as (microteaching, nursing rounds, reflective learning, pre and post conference, demonstrations, presentation, etc.) ➢Encourages students to provide evidence based care to clients. ➢Evaluates students’ clinical performance using appropriate and approved clinical evaluation tools and provides feedback to students in an ongoing manner. ➢Informs the Course Coordinator of students who have special learning needs and provides special guidance. ➢Role models professional behavior and communication to students. ➢Demonstrates accountability for the quality of nursing care provided by nursing student and contributes towards continuous quality improvement of patient care and safety in the unit. ➢Conducts research projects individually or in collaboration with the faculty of nursing and/or with the health care team in clinical area. ➢Assists the course coordinators in invigilating the theory exams Laboratory ➢Collaborates with the clinical team in organizing and maintaining the laboratory and Identifies training opportunity for specific/ specialized simulators. ➢Plans, implements and evaluates various methods of lab learning to augment clinical learning. Academic and Research ➢Participate actively in the college activities such as curriculum development, implementation, evaluation and revision. 136 137 Resources Organized and Edited by ➢Prof. Bazdawi Mohammed Said Al Riyami, Dean ➢Mr Ramesh Venkatesaperumal, Asst Dean Undergraduate Studies ➢Dr. Esra Al Khasawneh, Asst Dean Postgraduate Studies and Research ➢Dr Joshua Muliira, Asst Dean Training and Community Services ➢Dr. Melba Sheila D’Souza, Chair, Staff Development Committee ➢Dr. Vidya Seshan, Co-chair, Staff Development Committee ➢Mrs. Badria al Hashar, Director of Administration ➢Mr. Nadeem Al Zadjali, Asst Director of Administration ➢Dr. Ali Ahmad Ali Ammouri, Head, Adult health and critical care ➢Dr. Samira Maroof, Head Community and Mental Health ➢Dr. JJ van der Colff, Head Fundamentals and Administration ➢Mrs Rubyrhose Natividad, Co-ordinator 1.Website 2.The Charter of Sultan Qaboos University and its Executive Regulations (2008) 3.University Annual Report 2008-2009 4.Quality Audit Portfolio 2009 5.Postgraduate Academic Regulations DPS 2010 6.University Academic Regulations 7.Strategic Plan 2009-2013 8.The Handbook of Department of Personnel Affairs 2011 9.Curriculum Plan Cohort 2006 Spring 2011 10.Student Handbook 2011 11.College Brochure 2009 12.Faculty Directory 2011 13.Alumni Brochure 2007 14.Clinical Course Manual 2011 15.College Annual Report 2010 16.Faculty Handbook 2011 17.Emergency Plan 2010 18.Self assessment Study Report 2011 19.National Standards of Nursing Practice ONMC 20.Code of Professional Conduct ONMC 21.Quality Manual SQUH 2011 Contributions and Acknowledgement ➢College Committees ➢Committee Coordinators ➢Faculty and Staff Members ➢Administrative offices Please provide constructive suggestions or feedback in improving the Faculty Handbook. Published by the College of Nursing, P.O Box 66, Al Khoud 123, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Available on the website: Phone: (968) 24145401, Fax (968) 24413536 First Edition: 01-07-2012 Second Release: 01-06-2013 138 139