1. Using Internet Explorer, go to
Click on Download ETS Proficiency Profile Browser.
You will see the page below.
2. You will then see the page below. Click on Download ETS Proficiency Profile Browser.
3. You will see a security warning box. Click on Run.
5. Another security warning will appear. Click on Run.
6. You will now be at a page that asks you to enter your session number. Enter the session
number provided to you.
7. Take MAPP/Proficiency Profile!
Enter your e-mail and hit submit; then click, “No, I have not logged in before.”
Use the mouse! If you hit a key after the test is started, you will be closed out of the test and will
need to re-enter.
Complete all of the Personal Profile, including providing an e-mail address and password. (If
you don’t answer all of the questions, you won’t be allowed access.) Then click Submit to move
to the test.
Next there will be Tutorial and Sample Test. You can skip the Tutorial and Sample Test, but if
you have not looked at these materials, you may find them useful. You are not scored on your
responses to the tutorial.
When you have ended the Tutorial and Sample Test, there will be Directions. When you leave
the directions and begin the first question, the test will start.
You will have 40 minutes to complete the test. A timer will monitor your time.
You can skip a question and go back to it; you can go back and change answers before you
complete the test. Do your best—you aren’t expected to know all the answers!
Exit will end the test. You will be asked to evaluate your experience with MAPP. You will be
given your score.
After you have finished, close Internet Explorer.
Summary of these instructions:
Internet Explorer  Download Download  Run  Run  Session No.