DRAFT  FOR DISCUSSION ONLY Metric Optional comments

DRAFT: Program Prioritization: Initial Program Screening
Number of Majors (Enrolled at Fall Census)
Baccalaureate Program
Master' Program Optional comments
Comparative Standards
Number of majors declared in Banner as of Census. This is only Optional: 25 word maximimum: Reserve WCU Median
official degree program enrollment, not pre‐ programs comments to additional information that may be Numbers at UNC Peers
(students in those programs are counted as undeclared for unique to your program. Statements longer than official purposes), and not teacher certifications and other 25 words will not be considered. programs that don't lead to degrees. This will match official records with state and federal government sources.
Unit of Analysis
9‐Digit CIP
Doctoral Program
Degrees Awarded (per Academic Year)
Baccalaureate Program
Master' Program Number of degrees conferred within a complete academic year. This is only official degree programs, not teacher certifications or other types of non‐degree programs. This will match official records with state and federal government sources. An academic year for this measure is defined as the summer and fall of one year followed by the spring of the next year.
Optional: 25 word maximimum: Reserve WCU Median
comments to additional information that may be Numbers at UNC Peers
unique to your program. Statements longer than 25 words will not be considered. 9‐Digit CIP
Doctoral Program
Student Success
Retention Rate
Graduation Rate
Optional: 25 word maximimum: Reserve This portion will capture the program‐level retention and WCU Average for program level
graduation rates. A student enters a "program cohort" the first comments to additional information that may be time they have Census‐date enrollment in a program officially unique to your program. Statements longer than 25 words will not be considered. in Banner. Each cohort is followed over time to determine what percentage of people fall in each of the following 5 groups ‐ 1) retained in the program, 2) graduated in the program, 3) retained at WCU in another program, 4) graduated from another WCU program, 5) not retained/graduated at WCU.
Program Code
SCHs Generated
Total Annual SCHs
WCU median Department
This is the annual total of SCHs generated within all the prefixes Optional: 25 word maximimum: Reserve housed within a department. This includes all SCHs (fundable comments to additional information that may be unique to your program. Statements longer than and non‐fundable, resident credit and distance, etc.). An academic year for this measure is defined as summer II and fall 25 words will not be considered. of one year followed by the spring and summer I of the next year.
Generated/Allocated Faculty FTE
Ratio of allocated to generated faculty FTE
Allocated faculty FTE = Generated The State employs a 12‐cell funding matrix to determine the Optional: 25 word maximimum: Reserve required appropriations needed to suport enrollment growth. comments to additional information that may be FTE
unique to your program. Statements longer than This matrix defines how many SCHs must be produced in a particular prefix and at a particular level in order to generate 25 words will not be considered. one FTE faculty position. For example, it takes 709 undergradatuate SCHs in History to generate a faculty position, whereas it only takes 110 doctoral hours in Physical Therapy to generate a faculty position. Generated FTE is a calculation of how many FTE faculty lines each department supports based on the quantity, prefix, and level of the SCHs they produce. Generated FTE will be compared to the allocated FTE per department. Data on allocated FTE are managed by the Office of the Provost.
Instructional Cost
Cost Per SCH
Direct Instructional expenditures per SCH. Direct instructional Optional: 25 word maximimum: Reserve Nat'l average per the Delaware Study 4 Digit CIP Code
expenditures include salaries, benefits, and non‐personnel comments to additional information that may be of Instructional Costs
costs such as travel, printing, equipment, and supplies.
unique to your program. Statements longer than 25 words will not be considered. Cost Per Student
Direct instructional cost per FTE student. Direct instructional expenditures include salaries, benefits, and non‐personnel costs such as travel, printing, equipment, and supplies.FTE student is calculated using the total student credit hours generated during an academic year. An FTE student is equivalent to 30 undergraduate student credit hours or 18 graduate student credit hours.
Optional: 25 word maximimum: Reserve Nat'l average per the Delaware Study 4 Digit CIP Code
comments to additional information that may be of Instructional Costs
unique to your program. Statements longer than 25 words will not be considered. In Banner, faculty members are tied to departments, not programs. This is a count of faculty by program, and will be provided by the academic units directly.
WCU median
Optional: 25 word maximimum: Reserve comments to additional information that may be unique to your program. Statements longer than 25 words will not be considered. Department/Program
Optional: 25 word maximimum: Reserve WCU Average
comments to additional information that may be unique to your program. Statements longer than 25 words will not be considered. Department
Number of Faculty
Faculty headcount per program
Percentage of courses taught by faculty type
Total Faculty
For this measure, the total number of courses by department will be divided into three categories. The report will show the percentage of courses (including lectures, labs, seminars) taught by tenured/tenure‐track faculty, fixed term faculty, and part‐time faculty (excluding independent studies, internships, thesis and dissertation sections). Tenured/tenure track faculty
All permanent faculty (primarily instructional) who are tenured or on tenure track (e.g., professor, associate, assistant)
Fixed term faculty
Permanent faculty (primarily instructional) who are not on tenure track with an FTE of of .75 or > (e.g., instructor, lecturer)
Temporary faculty (primarily instructional) or permanent, non‐
tenured/non‐tenure track faculty, with an FTE of <.75 (e.g., adjunct)
Part‐time faculty Please provide a statement of no more than 600 words, including the following three items: 1. Brief context for the last five years of program data;
2. Specific ways the program relates to WCU's 2020 strategic plan; 3. Program distinction in the region and the state (you may include discussions of community engagement / service, student quality outcomes, faculty contributions to the program in scholarship and creative works, uniqueness in the state, accreditation, awards, revenue, grants, or other program income generation).