Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education FY2016 Educational and General Budget - SRA3 Background Data Schedule 1 - Continuing Full-Time Faculty and Full-Time Staff Salary Changes Institution Name: Contact Person's Name and Phone #: Cameron University Ninette Carter (580) 581-5577 1. Percentage Salary Changes For Continuing Filled Positions Percentage Salary Changes for Continuing Filled Positions 0% (Number receiving a salary decrease) 0% (Number receiving no salary change) 0.1% to 2.9% 3.0% to 3.9% 4.0% to 4.9% 5.0% to 5.9% 6.0% to 7.9% 8.0% to 9.9% 10.0% to 14.9% 15% or more Total Number of Continuing Employees Range of Percentage Changes: Lowest Percentage Change Highest Percentage Change Average Percentage Change Number of Faculty (1) President - Number of Administrative Number of and Professional Other Staff (NonStaff (Exempt) (2) exempt) (3) 149 6 10 3 168 1 1 129 8 1 1 1 2 2 144 Total 139 3 1 1 144 418 17 11 1 4 1 2 3 457 For Pres - Use same % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 6.67% 26.11% 15.22% 0.00% 0.33% 0.57% 0.20% Average Salary Change - For All Continuing Employees President Faculty Professional Other Staff Total Number of Continuing Employees 1 168 144 144 Amount of Salary Change 28,700 36,352 7,386 Average Salary Change 171 252 51 Average Salary Change - For All Continuing Employees Receiving a Salary Increase Total Number of Employees With Salary Inc. 19 15 5 Amount of Salary Change 28,700 36,352 7,386 Average Salary Change #DIV/0! 1,511 2,423 1,477 Board Approval date for Budget Approval Date: --> Effective Start Date of Salary Program Starting Date: --> Consider Date: -> Date President's Salary will be Considered Will your institution be considering an employee salary or stipend program later Date: --- ---> Yes in the fiscal year? If yes, explain in comment section below. <-----Yes or No 0.00% 26.11% 0.39% Total 457 72,438 159 39 72,438 1,857 June 22, 2015 July 1, 2015 January 2016 2. Faculty and Employee Promotions # of Employees Receiving Increases due to Promotions and Changes in Rank Amount of Salary Increases provided due to Promotions and Changes in Rank Average of Salary Increases Based on Promotions and Changes in Rank - 10.00 - 1.00 11.00 - 44,000.00 - 3,050.00 47,050.00 - 4,400.00 - 3,050.00 4,277.27 3. Other Salary Adjustments - Such as Cell Phones, Etc. # of Employees Receiving Increases due to Other Salary Adjustments - - - - - Amount of Salary Adjustments - - - - - Average of Salary Adjustments Explanation: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! # of Employees Receiving a Stipend - - - - - Amt of One-time Stipends - - - - - #DIV/0! 0.0% #DIV/0! 0.0% #DIV/0! 0.0% #DIV/0! 0.0% 4. Stipend Program Average Stipend Increase #DIV/0! Average Stipend Percentage Increase 0.0% Write in the effective dates of the FY2016 stipend program: Starting Date: --> 5. Comments About Salaries, Promotions and/or Stipend Program: Compensation increase for faculty promotions from $500 to $4,000-$6,000. Minimum starting salary for assistant professors and instructors increased to $44,000 and $32,000, respectively. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Schedule 1-A - Methodology for Changes in Compensation - FY2016 Institution Name: Cameron University 1 2 3 What methodology is used for compensation changes? Performance-based merit evaluation Across-the-board Combination of performance-based and across-the-board METHODOLOGY FOR CHANGES IN COMPENSATION For Administrative and For Faculty Professional Staff X X For Faculty 1 List criteria for performance-based merit evaluation: (Add rows if needed ) Merit X For Other Staff X For Administrative and Professional Staff X For Other Staff For Administrative and Professional Staff For Other Staff X 2 3 4 5 6 Elaborate if compensation changes are based on combination of performancebased and across-the-board changes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 For Faculty Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education FY2016 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data Schedule II - Changes in Full-Time Faculty Positions Institution Name:---------------------------> Cameron University Report the full-time faculty positions that will increase or decrease the number of teaching faculty from that of the previous year. If a faculty member in a department has retired or resigned and is to be replaced by a new hire, do not report below. New Full-Time Faculty Positions For FY2016 Rank (specify Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Instructor, Lecturer) Assistant Professor Instructor Instructor CIP 2010 -Primary Field of Study Department Sports & Exercise Science Respiratory Care Respiratory Care UDS Record 8 - Element 51 31 51 51 TOTAL New Faculty Positions: FTE 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 Budgeted Salaries 44,000 61,885 51,000 156,885 Note: Use additional pages or insert rows as needed. Reduction in Full-Time Faculty Positions for FY2016: Rank (specify Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Instructor, Lecturer) Assistant Professor Professor CIP 2010 -Primary Field of Study Department Psychology Library UDS Record 8 - Element 51 42 25 TOTAL Reduction in Faculty Positions for FY2016 Note: The changes in faculty positions will automatically update Schedule II-b. FTE 1.00 1.00 2.0 Comments: The CIP Description should be reported at the 2 digit level. This is the primary Field of Study reported on UDS Record 8, Element 51. Budgeted Salaries 44,000 74,923 118,923 Schedule II-1 - Number of Part-Time & Adjunct Faculty, Teaching & Research Graduate Assistants and Part-Time Professional and Other Staff FY2016 - Projected Number of Adjunct Faculty (Use Unduplicated Headcount) 126 Change in Budgeted Number of Headcount (Formula) 14 FY2016 - Projected Number of Part-Time Faculty (Use Unduplicated Headcount) 0 Change in Budgeted Number of Headcount (Formula) 0 FY2016 - Projected Number of Graduate Teaching Assistants (Use Unduplicated Headcount) 0 Change in Budgeted Number of Headcount (Formula) 0 FY2016 - Projected Number of Graduate Teaching Assistants (Use Unduplicated Headcount) 0 6 FY2016 - Projected Number of Professional Staff 6 FY2015 - Number of Part-Time Other Staff (Use Unduplicated Headcount) FY2016 - Projected Number of Other Staff 6 FY2015 - Number of Adjunct Faculty (Use Unduplicated Headcount) 112 FY2015 - Number of Part-Time Faculty (Use Unduplicated Headcount) 0 ** FY2015 Number of Teaching Graduate Assistants (Use Unduplicated Headcount) 0 ** FY2015 Number of Research Graduate Assistants (Use Unduplicated Headcount) 0 FY2015 - Number of Part-Time Professional Staff (Use Unduplicated Headcount) FY2015 - Total Part-Time Employees (This is a formula) 124 * Avg. credit hours taught per Adjunct 4 * Maximum Credit Hours Taught per Adjunct 9 * Avg. credit hours taught * Maximum per Part-Time Credit Hours Taught Faculty per Part-Time Faculty * Avg. credit hours taught per GA * Maximum Credit Hours Taught per GA Change in Budgeted Number of Headcount 0 N-A N-A N-A N-A Change in Budgeted Number of Headcount (Formula) 0 N-A N-A N-A N-A 3 Change in Budgeted Number of Headcount (Formula) -3 N-A N-A N-A N-A FY2016 Projected # of PartTime Employees (Formula) 135 Change in Budgeted Number of Headcount (Formula) 11 N-A N-A N-A N-A * Report the average and maximum credit hours based on the fall semester. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education FY2016 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data Schedule II-a - Changes in Professional and Classified Positions Institution Name: Cameron University List below the full-time professional and classified positions that will increase and/or decrease the number of professional and classified positions above that of the previous year's original budget. If an employee has retired or resigned and is to be replaced by a new hire, do not report below. Increase in New Full-Time Professional Positions for FY2016 Position Title E&G Activity/Function Budgeted Number Student Services 1 Example: Recruitment Specialist Transfer Student Specialist Institutional Grant Writer Student Services Academic Support TOTAL New Professional Positions: Salary 36,000 1.00 1.00 29,000 42,000 2.00 71,000 Note: Insert additional rows or use additional pages if needed. Reduction in Full-Time Professional Positions for FY2016: Position Title E&G Activity/Function Budgeted Institutional Support Graphics Designer Number 1.00 TOTAL Reduction in Professional Positions for FY2016 Salary 26,000 1.00 26,000 Comments: Note: The changes in professional and classified positions will automatically update Schedule II-b. Changes in Full-Time Classified Positions for FY2016: Increase Decrease Net Change 2 $40,000 1 $20,000 Changes in Full-Time Classified Staff Example: Change in Number of Positions: Example: Change in Salary of Positions: 3 $60,000 Actual Changes in Number of Positions Actual Changes in Salary of Positions Comments: $82,190 3 1 2 $20,120 $62,070 Number 0.00 Budgeted Salary Number of Continuing Unfilled Positions Not Reported on Schedule I, II, or IIa Number of Full-Time and Part-Time Positions President Comments (if any) Faculty Positions Professional Positions Classified Positions Totals Note 1: This section excludes any positions previously reported on Schedule I, II, and Rows 10 through 43 on Schedule IIA 33.00 11.00 8.00 52.00 1,461,990 560,850 164,480 2,187,320 Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education FY2016 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data Schedule II-b - Summary of Changes in Budgeted Faculty, Professional and Classified Positions NOTE: THIS WORKSHEET IS LINKED TO SCHEDULES I, II & II-1 AND II-A. DO NOT INPUT DATA INTO THIS FORM. Institution Name: Cameron University FULL-TIME POSITIONS TO BE ADDED AND/0R ELIMINATED IN FY2016 Eliminated Positions Added Positions Net Changes Net Change Net Changes in Salary New Positions Salary Positions Salary Faculty 3.0 156,885 2.0 118,923 1.0 37,962 Professional Staff 2.0 71,000 1.0 26,000 1.0 45,000 Classified Staff 3.0 82,190 1.0 20,120 2.0 62,070 TOTAL 8.0 310,075 4.0 165,043 4.0 145,032 Crossfoot--> 4.0 145,032 Employee Classifications: Number of Full-Time and Part-Time Employees Paid or Partially Paid from E&G I Funds: From Sch I From Sch II-b From Sch II-b Formula From Sch II Employee Classification President Faculty Professional Classified or Other Employees Totals Continuing Employees from Schedule I 1.00 168.00 144.00 144.00 457.00 New Positions Eliminated Positions 3.00 2.00 3.00 8.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 Total Full-Time Employees 1.00 169.00 145.00 146.00 461.00 From Sch II # of Part-Time # of Part-Time Faculty, Adjunct, Professionals, Research and Grad Assistants and Other Assistants Staff 126.00 126.00 6.00 3.00 9.00 This information is needed to help eliminate Sch VIII. Formula Total Full-Time and Part-Time Employees 1.00 295.00 151.00 149.00 596.00 Add Unfilled Positions on July 1, 2015 0.00 33.00 11.00 8.00 52.00 Total Budgeted Positions for FY2016 1.00 328.00 162.00 157.00 648.00 Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education FY2016 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data Schedule III - Course Section and Enrollment Data Institution Name: Location Cameron University ENROLLMENT DATA Fall Semester 2015 Fall Semester 2014 (FY2016) Projected (FY2015) Headcount FTE Fall Semester 2014 (FY2015) FTE (2) Main Campus Branch Campus - List enrollment COURSE SECTION DATA (1) Fall Semester 2015 Number of Course Projected Number of (FY2016) Projected Sections Offered, Fall Course Sections Offered, Headcount 2014 (FY2015) Fall 2015 (FY2016) 3,717 4,962 3,605 4,813 1154 1,119 273 575 271 558 112 109 273 575 271 558 112 109 for each branch Duncan Total Branch Campuses Centers Off-Campus Total 3,990 (1) (2) 5,537 3,876 5,371 Organized classes, excluding individual instruction and lab classes 1,266 Do not duplicate enrollment counts. A student enrolled on Main Campus and A branch campus should be reported in only one location. CHANGES IN ENROLLMENT DATA: Changes in Student FTE - Fall Semesters Changes in Student Headcount - Fall Semesters Changes in Course Sections - Fall Semesters STUDENT/FACULTY RATIOS: Please indicate your institution's student-to-faculty ratio: (Calculation: FTE Student Enrollment divided by FTE Faculty) ANNUALIZED STUDENT FTE (SUMMER, FALL & SPRING) Actual Student FTE - Annualized Projected Student FTE - Annualized Change in Student FTE Percent Change in Student FTE -114 -166 -38 <----Formula 20 20 <----FY2015 <----FY2016 4,171 4,046 (125) -3.0% <----Formula <----Formula <----FY2015 <----FY2016 <----Formula <----Formula Example: For a 18:1 ratio, report 18 Example: For a 19.5:1 ratio, report 20 1,228 Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education FY2016 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data Schedule IV - Changes in Mandatory Costs - Update Institution Name Cameron University Description of Mandatory Costs: A. Costs to Annualize FY2015 Salary Program 1. Salaries 2. Benefits and Payroll Taxes applicable to Salary Annualization B. Changes in Costs of Fringe Benefits and Payroll Taxes: (Exclude benefits & taxes based on salary increases) 1. Social Security 2. MQFE 3. Health Insurance 4. Dental Insurance 5. Life Insurance 6. Long and Short Term Disability 7. Oklahoma Teachers Retirement - Employee 8. Oklahoma Teachers Retirement - Employer Share 8a. E&G Optional Retirement Plans - OU and OSU Total I Budget - FY2016 9. Workers Compensation 10. Unemployment Compensation Payments 11. Other Insurance and Payroll Taxes - From List Below Total Cost of Fringe Benefits and Payroll Taxes FY2016 Mandatory Costs Per Budget Needs Survey Updated Projections to FY2016 Mandatory Costs Changes from Original Projection (If additional space is needed insert at bottom of form) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Not Reported for the SRA3 Not Reported for the SRA3 Not Reported for the SRA3 FY2016 Mandatory Costs Per Budget Needs Survey Updated Projections to FY2016 Mandatory Costs Changes from Original Projection Report Continuing Employees only - Do not report benefits & taxes for New Positions Budgeted in FY2016 1,023 9,141 20,156 20,156 47,865 47,865 69,044 77,162 C. Changes in Costs of Non-Compensation Requirements: 1. Professional Services: Accounting and Audititing Services Legal Services Engineer Services Other Professional Services - From List Below Total Professional Services 2. Utilities: Natural Gas Electricity Water, Sewage, Etc. Other Utilities: Total Utilities 3. Travel: 4. Supplies and Other Current Expenses: Equipment Maintenance/Service Contracts: Privatization Contracts (Housekeeping, Maintenance, etc.) Mandatory Institutional Memberships Gasoline Risk Management: Property Insurance Vehicles Aircraft Tort Liability Director and Officers Liability Other Insurance Telephone/Communications Other Supplies and Other Current Expenses - From List Below Total Supplies and Other Current Expenses: Comments: 8,118 <--Column D is Linked to Cell D72 below 8,118 <--Formulas Sub-Total Each Object of Expenditure 11,247 11,247 - 2,665 2,665 423 14,335 423 14,335 - 2,525 9,027 11,580 2,525 9,027 11,580 23,132 - <--Formulas - <--Formulas 23,132 2,750 - 40,343 (177) 5,754 4,000 (44) (66) 2,449 45,255 (44) (5,500) (194) 4,016 5. Equipment, Property and Furniture: Information Technology Software and Equipment Other Equipment/and Services - From List Below Total Mandatory Equipment, Property and Furniture 6. Mantatory Library Periodicals and Subscriptions 7. Scholarships 8. Transfers and Other Disbursements 233,614 233,614 11,553 100,000 235,000 235,000 11,553 120,000 9. Total Non-Compensation Mandatory Costs 10. Total Mandatory Cost Changes 427,889 496,933 408,036 485,198 B.11. List other Benefits and Payroll Taxes: (Enter total in B11(Cell C23 and D23) above) 1. 2. 3. 4. Other Be nefits and Payroll Taxes (From G69) Total Other Benefits and Payroll Taxes: (Insert rows if needed) - - C.4. Report Other Supplies & OCE Costs: (Enter total in Cell C53 and D53 above) Credit Card Fees Postage costs Governing Board Assessment 2,449 (194) Other Supplies & OCE Costs (From G78) Total Other Supplies & OCE Costs: (Insert rows if needed) 2,449 (194) <--Column D is Linked to Cell D95 below <--Formulas (2,750) (34,589) 4,177 (5,434) (2,643) <--Column D is Linked to Cell D80 below (41,239) <--Formulas 1,386 1,386 20,000 (19,853) (11,735) - <--Column D is Linked to Cell D86 below <--Formulas <--Formulas <--Formulas <--Formulas <--Formulas Cell D71 is linked to Cell M69 <--Formulas (Linked to section B. 11 Above) (2,643) Cell D79 is linked to Cell M78 (2,643) <--Formulas (Linked to section C. 4 Above) C.5. Report Other Equip, Property and Furniture Costs: (Enter total in Cell C58 and D58 above) Other Equipment, Property and Furniture ( From G87) Total Other Supplies & OCE Costs: (Insert rows if needed) - - C.1. Report Other Professional Services: (Enter total in Cell C30 and D30 above) EEO Officer 423 423 - Cell D85 is linked to Cell M87 <--Formulas (Linked to section C. 5 Above) - Other Professional Services (From G95). Total Other Professional Services: (Insert rows if needed) 423 423 - Cell D94 is linked to Cell M95 <--Formulas (Linked to Cell C27 Above) Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education FY2016 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data Schedule V - Tuition Waivers and Scholarships Institution Name: Cameron University TUITION WAIVERS AND SCHOLARSHIPS - E&G I BUDGET FY2015 FY2016 Dollar Change Percent Change Resident Tuition Waivers - 3.5% $ 1,510,000 $ 1,510,000 $ - 0.0% Resident Tuition Waivers - (outside the 3.5% limitation) $ 359,000 $ 359,000 $ - 0.0% Nonresident Tuition Waivers $ 2,900,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 100,000 3.4% Total Tuition Waivers $ 4,769,000 $ 4,869,000 $ 100,000 2.1% Scholarships (paid from E&G I funds) $ 550,000 $ 670,000 $ 120,000 21.8% Total Tuition Waivers and Scholarships $ 220,000 4.1% 5,319,000 $ 5,539,000 $ Note: The total for the FY2015 and FY2016 column (Cell C14) should be the same number reported on Schedule A, A-1, B and Schedule E of the SRA3. Report the amount of resident and nonresident tuition waivers and scholarships granted to Graduate Teaching and Research Assistants that are included in the above totals. Report the amount of tuition waivers granted to Concurrently Enroll High School Seniors. See worksheet named "Changes in FY2016". Comments: $ - $ $ 287,562 $ - $ 307,560 $ - 19,998 0.0% 7.0% Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education FY2016 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data Schedule VI - Institutional Response to the FY2016 Budget Request Cameron University Comments: Cameron University enters the 2015 – 2016 academic year having completed the second year of the ambitious goals set forth in Plan 2018: Values Driven, Action Oriented. This five-year strategic plan uses the university core values to guide the actions and initiatives of every member of the faculty, staff, and administration of Cameron University. These are Cameron’s driving values: Value One: Student Learning Value Two: Excellence in Teaching, Scholarship, Service, and Mentoring Value Three: Leadership in our Community and Region Value Four: Shared Governance Value Five: Diversity Value Six: Responsible Stewardship of Public and Private Resources, the Public Trust, and Cameron’s Future The actions and initiatives to advance those values for 2015 – 2016 are grouped by the following themes: Access; Affordability; Accountability; Attainment; and Engagement. • Access – Provide high school graduates and transfer students from southwest Oklahoma and beyond the opportunity for a college education o Improve the Prospective Student Experience § Design and construct a new “Front Door” to the university in the Shepler Center for prospective and incoming students § Consolidate One Stop and Cashiering to provide a single location for student financial transactions in the McMahon Centennial Complex o Marketing Assessment § Conduct an environmental scan and market research study for Comanche and Stephens Counties § Evaluate degree program effectiveness, market reach, and financial aid distribution against specific student profile types o Conduct a Summer Placement Boot Camp to improve college readiness prior to the start of the first Fall semester for new entering students o Offer freshman-only sections of large enrollment courses with high rates of grades of D, F, AW, and W • Affordability – Maintain quality learning experiences for a minimal financial outlay by managing costs and by providing outstanding opportunities for financial assistance o Increase student scholarships and tuition waivers by over $120,000 o Maintain competitive tuition and mandatory fee rates o Maintain competitive housing and board costs for resident students o Provide personalized financial updates to student borrowers with information about total debt, projected monthly payments and repayment terms followed by supplemental financial information resources o Provide additional counseling and financial support for students with strong academic performance after one year but without sufficient course completion to graduate in four years • Accountability – Be responsible stewards of resources in our care on behalf of our students, our employees, and our community o Install upgraded Banner and DegreeWorks software modules which will allow the university to manage course demand and optimize use of faculty resources through more accurate forecasting of future course demand o Change entry level faculty salaries to $32,000 for instructors and $44,000 for assistant professors with terminal degrees o Provide a Market, Equity, and Compression Salary Plan for January 2016 conditional upon Fall 2015 enrollment o Modify terms of employment of coaches to more effectively use strengths in the areas of recruiting and motivation and to improve professional development opportunities • Attainment – Assist each student to meet his or her aspirational goals for a degree, certificate, or course completion o Assess student psychosocial attributes and apply appropriate interventions to improve resilience and “grit” o Design and implement a four year degree completion incentive program o Provide engaging and effective facilities § Communicate and celebrate the opening of the Office of Teaching and Learning within newly remodeled Burch Hall § Construct a privately funded Gross Anatomy Laboratory in support of biology, allied health and pre-nursing programs § Construct the privately funded Terry Bell Golf Center in support of student athletes participating in men’s or women’s golf • Engagement – Support our students, our employees and our communities for the educational, cultural, and economic advancement of southwest Oklahoma and beyond o Open the Psychology Counseling Clinic to provide supervised instruction and experiential learning opportunities for psychology graduate students while providing needed community mental health support for underserved populations o Join the Oklahoma Manufacturers Alliance in support of the Cameron University Engineering Program o Increase funding support for the Student Civic Engagement Mini-Grant program As evidenced in this budget, Cameron University remains fully committed to increasing and improving student success and student learning inside and outside the classroom while continuing to be an engaged partner with common education, business, industry, civic and government organizations. Each initiative reflects that commitment to impact every student. Note: Schedule VI-A provides specific budget actions taken to develop the FY2016 budget request. This schedule allows the President or Vice President to provide additional narrative about the impact of this budget request. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education FY2016 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data Schedule XI - Legislative Response to FY2016 Budget Needs Request Institution Name: Cameron University The FY2016 Budget Needs Survey included a worksheet named "Summary-Priorities Funding Form". In the last column, each institution was asked if they would seek "Direct Proposal Legislature" for each funding change. If your institution sought legislative support for your FY2016 budget needs, please provide a summary of the outcome of that request. If your institution did not seek Legislative Support indicate "No Legislative Support Requested". Legislative Request for Priority #________ Cameron University did not seek legislative support for the budget priorities listed in the Budget Needs Survey, SummaryPriorities Funding Form. Drag row downward if additional space is needed. Legislative Request for Priority #________ Drag row downward if additional space is needed. Legislative Request for Priority #________ Drag row downward if additional space is needed. Legislative Request for Priority #________ Drag row downward if additional space is needed. If additional legislative requests were made, please copy the above formats to the area below this row.