Faculty Senate Chair’s Report October 23, 2013 Reminder to Senators

Faculty Senate
Chair’s Report
October 23, 2013
Reminder to Senators
Please remember that you are a representative for your college, and it is important to
communicate with the faculty. It’s helpful if you give updates at department or college
meetings, or if you send a brief update.
The issues raised at the Fall Caucus were included with last month’s Chair Report. The Councils
have been working on the issues since the end of August. Here’s an update:
APRC has been examining the “Fostering Student Success” policy and implementation and will
give an update on the status of the General Education Task Force report.
CRC has been working on clarifying and updating the Faculty Handbook language related to
reappointment and the Library nomenclature. CRC will present two resolutions at the October
23 Senate meeting.
FAC has been addressing issues raised at the Fall Caucus, and it will have an update on changes
to faculty awards and bookstore policies.
Provost Candidates
Three provost candidates were on campus, and the Faculty Senate was invited to meet with
each at 8:00 a.m. meetings. Those meetings were illuminating, as were the other venues, such
as the open forums. We are anticipating an announcement in the near future.
Parking Committee: Volunteer needed
Changes are going to be made to the parking policies on campus. WCU has the lowest parking
charges of all the campuses in the system, and the status quo is not sustainable. Robert
Edwards is heading up a committee which has been studying future parking needs as projected in the
campus master planning process and how to pay for the parking garage which is part of the solution. I
suggested that the committee include a representative from the Faculty Senate. There will also
be a staff and student rep on the committee. Let me know if you are interested in serving on
this important committee. It will be on a fast track.
In case you did not notice the calendar message Anne Aldrich sent this week, I have attached a
copy of the academic calendar for next year and the proposed one for the following year.
Faculty Assembly Chairs Group (FACG)
The FACG has been active this month comparing policies and procedures across campus. (For
example: number of faculty (min/max) on various committees, undergraduate and graduate
student representation on curriculum committees, documentation processes for service, use of
Digital Measures, discussion on inclusion in protected class statements, etc.)
Faculty Committees
The Planning Team discussed the Faculty Senate website and its need for updating. We plan to
get a comprehensive list of faculty serving on University-wide committees and committees
elected via CONEC and making it easily available.
Submitted by,
Mary Jean Ronan Herzog