~a. ~VBritish Columbia Transmission CORPORAnON'~ Marcel Reghelini Director, Regulatory Affairs Phone: 604699-7331 Fax: 604 699-7537 E-mail: marcel.reghelini@bctc.com 12 July 2006 ML Robert J. Pellatt Commission Secretary British Columbia Utilities Commission Sixth Floor, 900 Howe Street Box 250 Vancouver, BC V6Z 2N3 Dear ML Pellatt: British Columbia Transmission Corporation ("BCTC") Transmission Revenue Requirement Application - Project 3698424 Re: BCTC files Section 14 and Appendix A of the Application. Sincerely, Original signed by: Marcel Reghelini Director, Regulatory Affairs Enclosure Copy: Registered Intervenors British Columbia Transmission Corporation, Suite 1100 Four Benta" Centre, 1055 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, BC V7X 1V5 IAnAnAl nl'Il' l'nm AGREEMENT BC HYDRO F'1ELD SERVICES AND BCTC ON KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURRS FOR FISCAL 2007 Thc imcnt ofthis Agreement on Key Performance Measures for Fiscal 2007 (FO?) is to providc incentives for BC Hydro Field Services to safely complete 100% of the BCTC FO? Work Plan on or lcss than budget, in a reliablc and environmental1y responsible mamler. 1. ln the previous COl1tmcly car, Fiscal 2006, neither a Perfomlance Inccntivc nor a Performance Paytnent was payable. Thereforc, as per article 9.6(b) ofthe Field Services Service Af,'Teement,the Payment Limit for Performance Incentives and Pçrformance Paymcnts for this F07 Contract Year will be $500,000. 2. The Payment Limit will bc calculatedscparatcly, and apportioned: a) b) c) d) ]0% ]0% 10% 70% against against against against Safety Envimnmental Reliability (T-SAIDI in support of BCTC's Corporatc Mcasure) completion of Work Plan on Budget The sub-talals will bc added together 10detennine the final payable amount. 3. The fo!lowing process wil] be used to dClermine if a Performance Incenti vc or a Performance Paymcnl is paY<lblein Fiscal 2007: Safetv a) The safet)' mcasurcis dclined as preventionof a rep0l1abiesafcty incidentl while carrying out the F07 WorkPlml. h) The safety large! for this F07 Agreement on Key Perfonnance Measlires is: 1. Rcportable Safety Incidents <. .,..,22 for BC Hydro Ficld Services Stations, Transmission Line and Vegetation Management c) If Field Services(FS) mcets the .~atètytarget. then BCrC will pay BC Hydro 10% of the Payment Limit as a Pcrfonnance Inccntivc. d) Olherwise. BC Hydro will pay BCTC a Pel'formancePa)l1nent. e) ln caseof a fatality,ncitherBCTCnor BCHydrawill paya Performance1ncentiveor Pa)l1nent,and the PaymentLimit will be reducedby 10%. lA Reportablc Safety Incident is defined as au incident tbat mvol\'cs a Di5abling Injury (DI), a work injury which n:~nlt., ;Jla falality, penuanent total disubility, pern!.anent partial disahility or tcmpornry total disability, or il Mcdicul Aid Jnjury (MA), which Î,.;a c1assificarion for an}' injury that invulvcs medic.a 1 care or treatment be}'ond fust aid as deflJ1ed by BC Hydro Corporatc Safety but wrn:rc Ihere ÎS 110timc lost beyond thc date of injury. Field ServÎces Service Agreement: Key IJerformance Measures for Fiscal 2007 page2 of6 Page 6 Envi ro nm entai a) The environmental mcasurc jgdefined as prevention ofa preventablc and extcmally rcportable2environmental incident while carrying out the F07 Work Plan. b) The environmenl<lllargctfor this F07 Agreementon Key Pcrtonnance Me.asuresis; i. Preventahle and Extemally Reportablc Environmcnta!Incidents <, '"'3 f'Or BC Hydra FS Stations, Transmission Line and Vegetation Management c) IfFS mects the cnvironmental targets, then BCrC will pay BC Hydro 10% of the Payment Limit as a Pcrfom13nceIncentivc. d) Otherwisc, BC Hydro wiUpa)' BCTC a Performance Payment. Rcliabilitv - support of BCTC's T-SA TPI a) In support ofBCTC's focus on reliability, BC Hydro FS will adopt aCTC's T-SAlOl measure, which is delined by: r Sum numbcr of delivcry points on the transmÎ!;sion system X the duration of outagc l Total Delivery Points on the Transmission System h) The T-SAIDI targels for Ihis F'07 Agreement on Key Performance Mcasures are: i. l'-SAlIn <, = ] .99 will result in Performance Incentive to BC Hydro ii. T-SAIDI> 1.99 and < , ""2.09 will rcsult 1t'1a "deadhand"-' di. l-SAIDI > 2.09 will result in Performance Payment to BCTC c) IfT-SAfOT for a sing]eevent is greater (han0.3, il will not bc addcd to the T-SAIDI PerfOlmanccIncèntÎveor Payment ca1cu1ation. F07 Work Plan a) The F07 Work Plan will identify "Planned Work" in cach oflhe Stations, TransmÎssion Line and Vegetation Maintenance arcas. "Planned Work" is work whieh is id<'l1tified,scoped and scheduled in advance as weil as such other work or changes to the Planlled Work cntcred into by the parties in accordanee \vîth Article 5 of the Field Services Service Agreement. b) Planned Work does nol include the Control Ccntre ServÎCes and Distrihution Opcmlion Support Services as defined in the Field Services Service Agreement. 2 A Preventl\bl~, Incident is one which is c3L1sedby Human EITQf(HE) ~nd E1denu~lIy Report~blc rcfers to requirements by l'rovincial and Fcderal ~'I1vjrollmental statures. ) Dcadband is the range in which neithel' !>erformance Inocntivc nor P~ymcnt would be payable. Field Services Scnice Agreement: Key Performance Page 7 Mcasurcs for Fisc.a12007 page3 of6 c) Details ofthc F07 Work Plan, including complctcd work, provided in separntc spreadsheets (Stations' kept by Al Methani or his succcssor, Transmission Line's kcpt by Sim Papadoulis or his successor, Vegetation Maintemmce's kept by Tom Wells or his successor), to be sharr.;dwith BC Hydro FS on a monthly basis and reconciled on a quarterly basis. d) Planned Work or Budget may be adjustcd, by agreement and through UHeafthe Work Plan Change Request Fonn, as the year progresses. e) Actual Pcrfonnance, for the purposc of calculating Performance Incentive or Paymçnt, to bc bascd on adjusted Work Plan and adjusted Budget at year end. f) Work oomplction will be further dcfincd and a!,'fccd upon by bath BCTeandBCR FS representatives of Stations, Transmission Line and Vegetation Maintenance before QI Performance RevÎew. Perfolmance lncentive or Paymcnl for adiustl,.'dF07 Work Plan and adiusted Budget g) FU?Work Plan sub-categoriesto be ineludcdin the calculation of F07 Performance Inccntivcor Payment are the followingWork Types: i. Stations: 1. PrcvcntativeMaintenance (PM) 2. Condition Based (CB) 3. Facility Maintenance(FM) iL TransmissionLine: 123. 4. PreventativoMaintenance(Pyl) Condition Based(Cn) RecurringCpital Othcr Capital iii. Vc!,retationMaintenance: 1. Inspections 2. Condition Based h) BC Hydro FS will receîve a Perfolluancc Incentivc for cach work area: Stations4, Transmission Line and Vegetation ~.1aintenancc (to De calculated separatcly), ifi! completes, on average5, 98% or more of the adjustcd F07 Work Plan, at an average of 100% or lcss of the adjusted Budget for ail Area Headquarters6 (HQ). i) A "deadband" [or adjusted Work Plan is detined as average F07 Work Plan completion ofless than 98%, down 10 and including 95%. .1Stations fiJrth r <Lenoed Îoto three assct classes: T - Transmission, C . COl.11IlIDn, SOA - Distribution , A".crllge defincd as: Sum [% adjmtcd WP CompJetion (Of % <ltlju.~l.edIJudg;el.) in Area HQJ l Tora] Ii of Area HQs 6 Area H~dquarters are definçd as: St.ations (South Vancouver Island, NOl-th Vancouver Island, F=r VaIJc:y, Metro, :North East/West, Nonhcm Interior, Okunagan Koo\lmay. Thompsoll $huswap); Transmission Une (Northem, Southt.."t11lnterior, Lowcr Mainland, Vancouver IsJand, Cables); VlJgctation (Nortbcm, Sou. hem Intcrior, Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island) I<'leldServices Service Agreement: Key Performance Page 8 Measures for l<'isca12007 page 4 of6 j) A "deadband" for adjusted Budget is defined as average FO? Work Plan completlon cost of grcater than 100%, ur to and inc1udingt 02%. k) BCTC will rcceive a Performance Payment if BC Hydro FS completes, on avemgc, less than 95% oHhe adjustcd F07 Work Plan, at a cost greater than 102%ofthe adjusted Budget. Maximum Inccntivc or Payment amounts fier category, to be calculatcd and awarded separately: CATEGORY STATIONS Transmission (T) % of PAYMENT LlMIT 15 .,.. - Common (C) -. Substalion 10 -- 20 Distribution Assets (SOA) TOTAL 45 TRANSMISSION TOTAL 15 VEGETA TTON MAINTENACE TOTAL 10 L TOTAL % ofPAYMENT LTMIT lOf WORK PLAN COMPLETION on BUDGET ,-_.. ... 70 F07 Perfonnance Inccntive or Pavment Calculation a) 'l'ne lolal Performance Inccntivc or Payment to be paid is apportioned into four separate categories: Safe1y,Environmental, Reliabili1yand Complction ofWork Plan on Budget. b) The Incentivc or Payment for Completion of Work Plan on Budget i8 further subdivided mnong StaÜons,Transmission r-ine and Vegetation Maintenance. c) The Inccntive or Pa).ment for Completion ofWork Plan on Budget in Stations is separated into tbree assct classes: T, C and SVA. d) The total F07 Performance Inccntive or Paymem wîlJ be the sum of each category (and each assct class in Stations) incentive or paymcnt, as follows: Field Services Service Agreement: Key Performance Measures for Fjscal 2007 page5 of 6 Page 9 = SAFETY BcrC BCR RECEI\'ES PERFORMA'IICE INCENTIVE KEY PERFORMANCt MEASl'RE CATEGORY Achieved <, 22 reportable safety inciéents in FS while completing BCTC F07 Work Plan (Work Plan) RECEIYES PF.RF'ORMANCF. PAYMENT = $50,000 Not Achieved;: $50,000 Fatality in Field SetVices while 1 completing Work Plan ENVIRONMENT RELIAnILITY AL Achieved & externally reportable environ mental incidents in FS while cornpleting WOIk Plan T-SAIOI' <, T.SAlol' > =$50,000 Not Achieved =550,000 i =1.99 T-SAIDI' > 1.99 & <, -- Neither Performance Incentive nO!'Payment d_e [ <.= 3 preventable $50,000 =2.09 D..,..nd $50,000 2.09 WORK PLAN Transmission m Assets average: adjusledWP completion=,> 98% Stations AND adjusted Budget <,= $75,000 1 1()()O/O adjusted WP completion < 98% and =,> 95% OR adjusted Budget > 100% and <,= 102% Deadband $75,000 1 adjusted WP completion < 95% AND adjusted Budget> 102% ,. Common IC} Assets averaqe: 1 $50,000 same as T Assets same as T Assets Deadband - sameas T Assets SDA Assets averaae: sameas T & C Assels sameas T & C Assels 5100,000 Deadband - same as T & G Assats Transmission Line $100,00 Averaae adi. WP comDlation 1 Budaet IB}: WP -,> 98% ANDB <,= 100% $75,000 WP < 98% and =,> 95% OR B> 100% and <,= 102% Deadband 575,000 Averaae adl. WP comDletion 1Budaet IB): WP -.> 98% ANDB <,= 100% WP < 98% and =,> 95% OR B > 100% and <,= 102% $50.000 Deadband --'- WP < 95% ANDB > 102% 71fT -SAlDllor ---i - WP < 95% AND B > 102% Vegetation Maintenance - $50,000 550.000 a single event:> 0.3, then it will not be added 10 the Pcrfunnancclncenti\'c/Payment catculation. Field Services Service Agreement: Key Performance Measures for Fiscal 2007 page 6 of 6 Page 10 - - --- - - -- --------- 14.3 Reliability Indices Directive Number 26 on Page 90 of the Decision accompanying Commission Order G-96-04 states, The Commission Panel expects BC Hydro and BCTC to present their reliability indices (SAIFI, SAlOl, CAIOI, ASAI, SARI, MAIFI, generation forced outages, availability, and the generation outage rates) both combined and disaggregated (where applicable) on an annual basis with comparisons to CEA averages. BC Hydre responded to this Directive on September 2, 2005. BCTC concurs with the parts of BC Hydro's response that relate to BCTC. An excerpt from the 2005 response is as follows: Distribution Services: The latest annual CEA report on distribution system performance has just been released: "2004 Annual Service Continuity Report on Distribution System Performance in Electrical Utilities, July 2005". The comparative information for BC Hydro and BCTC is provided in the tables and graphs in Attachment No. 1. (Please note that the SARI and MAIFI performance measures are not currently used for the BC Hydro portion of system performance). Attachment No. 1 to the September 2, 2005 letter is repeated at the end of this section, and this includes BCTC performance on SAIFI, SAlOl, CAIDI and ASA!. This performance information reflects BCTC's contribution to Distribution reliability metrics. As with BC Hydre, please note that the SARI and MAIFI performance measures are not currently used for the BCTC portion of system performance. Attachment No. 1 to the BC Hydro letter of September 2, 2005 is repeated as follows: Page11 Attachment No. 1 Table 1: Combined Reliability Indices - BC Hydro/BCTC and CEA SC Hvdro & SCTC Combined CAl01 %ASAI SAIFI SAlOl SAIFI SAlOl CEA CAIOI %ASAI Year F1996 F1997 F1998 F1999 F2000 F2001 F2002 F2oo3 F2004 F2005 1.40 1.43 1.13 1.50 1.21 1.18 1.41 1.45 1.63 1.47 3.04 2.95 2.00 4.23 2.28 2.51 3.60 3.77 4.5"1 3.96 2.17 2.03 1.76 2.82 1.88 2.13 2.55 2.60 2.77 2.69 99.965% 99.966% 99.977% 99.952% 99.974% 99.971% 99.959% 99.957% 99.94golo 99.955% Table 2: Disaggregated Reliability Indices SAIFI BC Hvdro SAlOl CAl01 %ASAI 2.80 2.39 2.35 2.40 2.59 2.26 2.41 2.33 2.67 1.98 3.06 2.86 3.70 3.32 4.31 3.23 3.67 4.06 10.65 3.95 1.09 1.20 1.57 1.38 1.67 1.43 1.52 1.74 3.99 2.00 99.96!:)% 99.967% 99.958% 99.962% 99.951% 99.963% 99.958% 99.954% 99.878% 99.955% - BC Hydro and CEA SAIFI SAlOl CEA CAIOI %ASAI Year F1996 F1997 F1998 F1999 F2000 F2001 F2002 F2003 F2004 F2oo5 0.95 0.88 0.70 1.02 0.65 0.73 0.86 0.89 1.21 1.06 2.66 2.35 1.60 3.61 1.80 1.98 2.94 3.18 3.50 3.57 2.78 2.64 2.28 3.54 2.78 2.72 3.43 3.59 2.89 3.35 99.970% 99.973% 99.9820/0 99.95golo 99.979% 99.977% 99.966% 99.964% 99.960% 99.959% 185 1.74 1.70 1.69 1.93 1.77 1.86 1.74 1.89 1.56 Table 3: Disaggregated Reliability Indices SCTC SAIFI SAlOl CAIOI %ASAI 2.51 2.39 3.21 2.82 3.80 2.83 3.19 3.55 5.69 3.49 1.35 1.38 1.87 1.67 1.97 1.60 1.71 2.03 3.01 2.24 99.971% 99.973% 99.963% 99.968% 99.957% 99.968% 99.964% 99.960% 99.935% 99.960% - BCTC and CEA SAIFI SAlOl CEA CAIOI %ASAI Year F1996 F1997 F1998 F1999 F2oo0 F2001 F2002 F2003 F2004 F2005 0.45 0.55 0,43 0.48 0.56 0.45 0.55 0.56 0.42 0.41 0.38 0.60 0.40 0.62 0.48 0.53 0.66 0.59 1.01 0.39 0.85 1.10 0.93 1.29 0.85 1.18 1.19 1.04 2.43 0.95 99.996% 99.993% 99.995% 99.993% 99.995% 99.994% 99.993% 99.993% 99.989% 99.996% Page 12 0.95 0.65 0.65 0.71 0.66 0.49 0.55 0.59 0.78 0.42 0.55 0.47 0.49 0.50 O.!:) 1 0.40 0.48 0.51 4.96 0.46 0.59 0.72 0.77 0.71 0.78 0.82 0.88 0.87 6.35 1.11 99.994% 99.995% 99.994% 99.994% 99.994% 99.996% 99.995% 99.995% 99.943% 99.995% Attachment No. 1 10-Year Reliability Indices - BC Hydro/BCTCand CfA SAiFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index) 3.DO 2.50 ;>. u C ~ eT 1.0e, 1.50 - ..------ ! ... 1.00 a.50 C.OO Ft~OO =1~g7 !-6:r&ecrc-œ. F1998 F1999 F2000 C"a3I-SOiCn~' -œ. F2001 =20'32 5::Iu',:~ SOi-WC Page 13 F20()3 :=20:)4 F2005 8rty-CE"'. 2<1.iv teacre 1 SAlOl (SystemAverageInterruptionDurationIndex) 12.00 IC'.OO 8.00 ~ à :!: f.OO 4.00 2.00 C.OO F199d 1-00;.. F1997 :crC-ŒA. =1~8 FI'~ ();E"al-B:J-. F2000 Olt( -C&, =2001 F20C2 9:lU"Ite 3CY-3crC Page 14 =2C':l2 <i1I)'-C&, F2004 F2OO5 9:1"":0 3CTC 1 CAIDI (Customer Average Interruption Duration Index) 7.00 6.00 5.00 ~ 4.00 :> 0 :r 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 F1996 1-8CH& F1997 F1998 F1999 EC7"'8-CE~. o,.er",J-B::I-' F2000 CI1I!-CEA F2001 F2002 F2003 :q~ ID3Oi-BcreCnI,' Page 15 F200é -CE'; ~ F2005 IDBcre 1 % ASA! (Average Service Avaîlability Index) ,DO.CO% 99.96% 9G.92% 99.80% 99.84% F1G96 I-B::P& F,997 BCh.,-ŒA FIQ98 =1\?QI:' 0.~311-S0-lCt11y F2iJ(}3 -ca>. F200' F2O<J2 F20Q.3 ::qur.r:o8CH-BCTCO<y-C&. Page16 F2004 F2iJG5 ==l'''':03CfC 1