EXTERNE NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION THE NETHERLANDS Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam Contract JOS3-CT95-0010 FINAL REPORT November 1997 Research funded in part by THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION in the framework of the Non Nuclear Energy Programme JOULE III Authors: C. Dorland H.M.A. Jansen R.S.J. Tol D. Dodd ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like thank a number of people for their contribution to the Dutch national implementation study. Dr. J. A. van Jaarsveld of the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM) we would like to thank for his input in national atmospheric modelling of air pollutants. Prof. E. van Ierland of the Wageningen Agricultural University (LUW) we would like to thank for his input in the quantification of externalities of bioenergy cultivation. Dr. Geurts of the UNA electricity company we would like to thank for making available emission and technological data on the studied coal fuel cycle. Dr. A. Faaij of the Department of Science, Technology and Society of the University Utrecht we would like to thank for his the many discussions on biomass conversion technologies. We would also like to thank all members of our national group of experts, formed especially for this project, for valuable discussions and recommendations whenever this was needed: Henk Merkus of VROM, Ekko van Ierland of LUW, Dr. J.A. van Jaarsveld and Drs. P. Uijt de Haag of the RIVM, Ir. W. L.C. Weier of the KEMA, Drs. T. van Biert of the Sep, Drs. P. Lako and Drs. F. van Oostvoorn of ECN, Prof. Dr. J.B. Opschoor of ISS and Drs. J. Feenstra of IVM. The authors would also like to thank all members of the ExternE National Implementation Project and the ExternE Core Project for their comments and helpful discussions. Special thanks are due to Pedro Linares of CIEMAT in Spain, Mike Holland of ETSU in the UK and Leo de Nocker of VITO in Belgium for their excellent co-ordination of this project and patiently solving all problems. Furthermore, we would like to thank the authors in the ExternE Core Project for preparing Appendices 1 to 8, which are part of the methodology chapter of this report. Mike Holland of ETSU in the UK we thank especially for preparing the main text of the methodology chapter though we took the liberty of adding a section on valuation principles. Finally we would like to thank the European Commission for their financial support for the project from the JOULE programme. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS IVM C. Dorland H.M.A. Jansen R.S.J. Tol ECN D. Dodd (Nuclear assessment) ETSU M. Holland (Methodology chapter) LUW E. van Ierland (Contribution to biomass cultivation impact analysis) CONTENTS 0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..........................................................................................................................9 0.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................9 0.1.1 Background and objectives..............................................................................................................9 0.2 METHODOLOGY .....................................................................................................................................10 0.3 OVERVIEW OF THE FUEL CYCLES ANALYSED .............................................................................................11 0.3.1 The Dutch National Implementation ..............................................................................................11 0.3.2 The coal fuel cycle.........................................................................................................................12 0.3.3 The natural gas fuel cycle..............................................................................................................13 0.3.4 The biomass fuel cycle...................................................................................................................13 0.3.5 The nuclear fuel cycle....................................................................................................................14 0.4 AGGREGATION .......................................................................................................................................15 0.5 POLICY CASE STUDY ...............................................................................................................................17 0.6 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................................20 1. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................23 1.1 OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT ..................................................................................................................23 1.2 PUBLICATIONS FROM THE PROJECT ..........................................................................................................24 1.3 STRUCTURE OF THIS REPORT ...................................................................................................................25 1.4 THE DUTCH NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION ...............................................................................................26 1.4.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................26 1.4.2 Justification of the selection of fuel cycles .....................................................................................28 1.4.3 Related national studies.................................................................................................................28 2. METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................................31 2.1 APPROACHES USED FOR EXTERNALITY ANALYSIS ....................................................................................31 2.2 GUIDING PRINCIPLES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EXTERNE METHODOLOGY ........................................34 2.3 DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ANALYSIS ........................................................................................34 2.3.1 Stages of the fuel chain..................................................................................................................35 2.3.2 Location of fuel chain activities.....................................................................................................35 2.3.3 Identification of fuel chain technologies ........................................................................................36 2.3.4 Identification of fuel chain burdens ...............................................................................................36 2.3.5 Identification of impacts ................................................................................................................37 2.3.6 Valuation criteria ..........................................................................................................................38 2.3.7 Spatial limits of the impact analysis...............................................................................................38 2.3.8 Temporal limits of the impact analysis...........................................................................................38 2.4 ANALYSIS OF IMPACT PATHWAYS ...........................................................................................................39 2.4.1 Prioritisation of impacts ................................................................................................................39 2.4.2 Description of priority impact pathways ........................................................................................41 2.4.3 Quantification of burdens ..............................................................................................................43 2.4.4 Description of the receiving environment ......................................................................................44 2.4.5 Quantification of impacts ..............................................................................................................45 2.4.6 Economic valuation.......................................................................................................................47 2.4.7 Assessment of uncertainty..............................................................................................................48 2.5 PRIORITY IMPACTS ASSESSED IN THE EXTERNE PROJECT .........................................................................48 2.5.1 Fossil technologies ........................................................................................................................48 2.5.2 Nuclear technologies .....................................................................................................................49 2.5.3 Renewable technologies.................................................................................................................49 2.5.4 Related issues................................................................................................................................50 2.6 SUMMARY..............................................................................................................................................50 3. COAL FUEL CYCLE ...............................................................................................................................53 3.1 DEFINITION OF THE COAL FUEL CYCLE, TECHNOLOGY AND SITE ................................................................53 3.1.1 Site description..............................................................................................................................54 3.1.2 Technology description..................................................................................................................56 3.2 OVERVIEW OF BURDENS ..........................................................................................................................61 3.2.1 Solid wastes...................................................................................................................................61 3.2.2 Atmospheric emissions...................................................................................................................62 3.2.3 Water emissions.............................................................................................................................69 3.2.4 Occupational accidents and diseases.............................................................................................70 3.3 QUANTIFICATION OF IMPACTS AND DAMAGES...........................................................................................71 3.3.1 Non power generation fuel cycle stages .........................................................................................71 3.3.2 Power generation ..........................................................................................................................72 3.4 SUMMARY AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS ..........................................................................................74 4. NATURAL GAS FUEL CYCLE...............................................................................................................79 4.1 DEFINITION OF THE GAS FUEL CYCLE, TECHNOLOGY AND SITE ..................................................................79 4.1.1 Site description..............................................................................................................................82 4.1.2 Technology description..................................................................................................................84 4.2 OVERVIEW OF BURDENS ..........................................................................................................................86 4.2.1 Solid wastes...................................................................................................................................86 4.2.2 Atmospheric emissions...................................................................................................................86 4.2.3 Water emissions.............................................................................................................................89 4.2.4 Occupational accidents and diseases.............................................................................................89 4.3 QUANTIFICATION OF IMPACTS AND DAMAGES...........................................................................................90 4.3.1 Non power generation fuel cycle stages .........................................................................................90 4.3.2 Power generation ..........................................................................................................................92 4.4 SUMMARY AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS ..........................................................................................94 5. BIOMASS FUEL CYCLE.........................................................................................................................99 5.1 DEFINITION OF THE BIOMASS FUEL CYCLE ................................................................................................99 5.1.1 Site description..............................................................................................................................99 5.1.2 Technology description................................................................................................................101 5.2 OVERVIEW OF BURDENS ........................................................................................................................113 5.2.1 Solid wastes.................................................................................................................................113 5.2.2 Atmospheric emissions.................................................................................................................114 5.2.3 Water and soil emissions .............................................................................................................120 5.2.4 Biomass production emissions .....................................................................................................120 5.2.5 Occupational accidents and diseases...........................................................................................121 5.3 QUANTIFICATION OF IMPACTS AND DAMAGES.........................................................................................122 5.3.1 Non-power generation fuel cycle stages.......................................................................................123 5.3.2 Power generation ........................................................................................................................128 5.4 SUMMARY AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS ........................................................................................129 6. NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE......................................................................................................................137 6.1 DEFINITION OF THE NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE, TECHNOLOGY AND SITE ........................................................137 6.1.1 Site description............................................................................................................................139 6.1.2 Technology description................................................................................................................141 6.2 OVERVIEW OF BURDENS AND IMPACTS ...................................................................................................145 6.2.1 Mining and milling ......................................................................................................................145 6.2.2 Conversion ..................................................................................................................................146 6.2.3 Uranium enrichment....................................................................................................................146 6.2.4 Fuel fabrication...........................................................................................................................147 6.2.5 Power plant operation .................................................................................................................147 6.2.6 Power plant construction .............................................................................................................150 6.2.7 Power plant dismantling ..............................................................................................................150 6.2.8 Reprocessing ...............................................................................................................................150 6.2.9 Interim storage ............................................................................................................................151 6.2.10 Final disposal............................................................................................................................153 6.2.11 Transports .................................................................................................................................154 6.3 QUANTIFICATION OF THE IMPACTS AND DAMAGES ..................................................................................154 6.3.1 Mining and milling ......................................................................................................................154 6.3.2 Conversion ..................................................................................................................................155 6.3.3 Uranium Enrichment ...................................................................................................................156 6.3.4 Fuel fabrication...........................................................................................................................156 6.3.5 Power generation ........................................................................................................................157 6.3.6 Reprocessing ...............................................................................................................................159 6.3.7 Interim storage ............................................................................................................................160 6.3.8 Final disposal..............................................................................................................................161 6.3.9 Transport.....................................................................................................................................161 6.4 SUMMARY AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS ........................................................................................162 7. AGGREGATION ....................................................................................................................................165 7.1 SENSITIVITY ANALYSES ........................................................................................................................165 7.1.1 Stack height test ..........................................................................................................................166 7.1.2 Flue gas temperature test ............................................................................................................168 7.1.3 Emission test ...............................................................................................................................170 7.1.4 Location test................................................................................................................................172 7.1.5 Conclusions.................................................................................................................................176 7.2 ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION IN THE NETHERLANDS..................................................................................177 7.3 AGGREGATION METHODS......................................................................................................................178 7.4 RESULTS ..............................................................................................................................................180 8. POLICY CASE STUDY..........................................................................................................................185 8.1 SCENARIOS ..........................................................................................................................................185 8.1.1 Coal Applications Study (2010 and 2030) ....................................................................................187 8.1.2 National Energy Investigation (2015) ..........................................................................................190 8.1.3 Third Energy Bill (2020)..............................................................................................................192 8.2 FUTURE POWER GENERATION TECHNOLOGIES AND EMISSIONS .................................................................193 8.2.1 Coal, gas and oil .........................................................................................................................193 8.2.2 Nuclear .......................................................................................................................................196 8.2.3 Wind............................................................................................................................................196 8.2.4 Hydro ..........................................................................................................................................197 8.2.5 Photovoltaic ................................................................................................................................197 8.2.6 Biomass.......................................................................................................................................197 8.2.7 Municipal waste incineration and waste and manure fermentation ..............................................199 8.2.8 Selection of technologies for the scenarios ..................................................................................199 8.3 EXTERNALITIES OF FUTURE ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION...........................................................................199 8.4 CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................206 9. CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................................................211 10. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................215 Executive Summary 0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 0.1 Introduction 0.1.1 Background and objectives The use of energy causes damage to a wide range of receptors, including human health, natural ecosystems, and the built environment. Such damages are referred to as external costs, as they are not reflected in the market price of energy. These externalities have been traditionally ignored. However, there is a growing interest towards the internalisation of externalities to assist policy and decision making. Several European and international bodies have expressed their interest in this issue, as may be seen in the 5th Environmental Action Programme, in the White Paper on Growth, competitiveness and employment, or the White Paper on Energy, all from the European Commission. This interest has led to the development of internationally agreed tools for the evaluation of externalities, and to its application to different energy sources. Within the European Commission R&D Programme Joule II, the ExternE Project developed and demonstrated a uniform methodology for the quantification of the externalities of different power generation technologies. Under Joule III, this project has been continued with three distinguished major tasks: 1. ExternE Core for the further development and updating of the methodology, 2. ExternE National Implementation to create an EU-wide data set and 3. ExternE-Transport for the application of the ExternE methodology to energy related impacts from transport. The current report is the result of the ExternE National implementation project for the Netherlands. The objective of the ExternE National Implementation project is to establish a comprehensive and comparable set of data on externalities of power generation for all EU member states and Norway. The tasks include the application of the ExternE methodology to the most important fuel cycles for each country as well as to update the already existing results; to aggregate these site- and technology-specific results to more general figures. For countries already involved in Joule II, these data have been applied to concrete policy questions, to indicate how these data could feed into decision and policy making processes. Other objectives were the dissemination of results in the different countries, and the creation of a network of scientific institutes familiar with the ExternE methodology, data, and their application. The National Implementation project has generated a large set of comparable and validated results, covering more than 60 cases, for 15 countries and 11 fuel cycles. A wide range of technologies have been analysed, including fossil fuels, nuclear and renewables. Fuel cycle analyses have been carried out, determining the environmental burdens and impacts of all ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands stages. Therefore, apart from the externalities estimated, the project offers a large database of environmental aspects of the fuel cycles studied. An aggregation exercise has also been carried out, to extend the analysis to the whole electricity system of each of the participant countries. The exercise has proved to be very useful, although the results must be considered in most cases as a first approximation, which should be carefully revised before being taken into consideration in decision making. In spite of all the uncertainties related to the externalities assessment, the output of the project might prove to be very useful for policy-making, both at the national and EU level. The results obtained provide a good basis to start the study of the internalisation of the external costs of energy, which has been frequently cited as one of the objectives of EU energy policy. Another possibility is to use the results for comparative purposes. The site sensitivity of the externalities might encourage the application of the methodology for the optimisation of site selection processes, or for cost-benefit analysis of the introduction of cleaner technologies. The usefulness of the application for policy making has been demonstrated through the analysis of a wide variety of decision making issues carried out by those teams already involved in ExternE under Joule II. Further work is needed, however, to remove as much uncertainties as possible of the methodology, and to improve aggregation methods for electricity systems. These improvements are required if externality values are to be used directly for policy measures, not only as background information.. The acceptability of these measures will depend on the credibility of the externality values. The current report is to be seen as part of a larger set of publications. The results of these ExternE projects is published and made available in three different reports and publications. The current report covers the results of the National Implementation for the Netherlands, and is published by IVM. It contains all the details of the application of the methodology to the coal, natural gas, biomass and nuclear cycles, aggregation, and a study on future externalities from electricity production according to several scenarios, as an illustration of the use of these results. The methodology is detailed in a separate report, published by the EC. 0.2 Methodology The methodology used for the assessment of the externalities of the fuel cycles selected has been the one developed within the ExternE Project (EC, 1995). It is a bottom-up methodology, with a site-specific approach, that is, it considers the effects of an additional fuel cycle, located in a specific place. To allow comparison to be made between different fuel cycles, it is necessary to observe the following principles: 1. Transparency, to show precisely how the work was done, the uncertainty associated to the results, and the extent to which the external cost of any fuel cycle have been fully quantified. Executive Summary 2. Consistency, with respect to the boundaries placed on the system in question, to allow valid comparison to be made between different fuel cycles and different types of impact within a fuel cycle. 3. Comprehensiveness, to consider all burdens and impacts of a fuel cycle, even though many may be not investigated in detail. For those analysed in detail, it is important that the assessment is not arbitrarily truncated. These characteristics should be present along the stages of the methodology, namely: site and technology characterisation, identification of burdens and impacts, prioritisation of impacts, quantification, and economic valuation. Quantification of impacts is achieved through the damage function, or impact pathway approach. This is a series of logical steps, which trace the impact from the activity that creates it to the damage it produces, independently for each impact and activity considered, as required by the marginal approach. The underlying principle for the economic valuation is to obtain the willingness to pay of the affected individuals to avoid a negative impact, or the willingness to accept with respect to the opposite. Several methods are available for this, which will be adopted depending on the case. The total and average externalities associated with electricity generation according to the different scenarios are estimated with the Years of Life lost (YOLL) based public health mortality estimates (core) and ExternE mid range global warming damage estimate - 18-47 ECU/t CO2 (ExternE GW). In a sensitivity analysis the externalities are also estimated with: 1. the Value of Statistical Life -VSL- instead of the YOLL approach for valuing public health mortality impacts (sens 1) and with high global warming damage valuation (ExternE GW); 2. the YOLL approach for valuing public health mortality impacts (core) and with low global warming damage valuation - IPCC GW (IPCC mid estimate - 6.0 ECU/t CO2); 3. the Value of Statistical Life -VSL- instead of the YOLL approach for valuing public health mortality impacts (sens 1) and with low global warming damage valuation (IPCC GW). 0.3 Overview of the fuel cycles analysed 0.3.1 The Dutch National Implementation In 1994 electricity in the Netherlands was mainly produced from natural gas (51%), coal (27%), oil (4%), Nuclear (4%) and other sources (3%) such as; municipal waste incineration, wind turbines, hydro power and photovoltaic cells. Some 11% of the electricity used was imported from France and Norway. Oil use for electricity production will be phased out in the coming decades. As for nuclear the public pressure has lead to closure of all production plants in 1997. Whether or not nuclear energy will play a role in future electricity productions is still unclear. Biomass, however, is seen as a major new fuel for electricity production, from national ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands cultivation as well as from import. In the coming decades other renewables (especially land and sea based wind energy) will play a much larger role in electricity production in the Netherlands. The fuel cycles analysed in this report were chosen with a view on the importance of the fuels and technologies in the coming decade. Therefore, new technologies for coal, gas and biomass electricity production are analysed. Nuclear fuel is not expected to be used for electricity production in the next decade. The nuclear fuel cycle was also analysed as nuclear energy was used up to 1997 and its use in the future is still uncertain. For the aggregation task location, technical and emission data were gathered for all individual electricity production units in the Netherlands in 1990, 1992, 1993 and 1994. For the policy case study the externalities of future electricity production in the Netherlands is analysed based on available scenarios up to the year 2030. 0.3.2 The coal fuel cycle The E8-station in Amsterdam was chosen as the Dutch reference coal plant. The E8-station has a net capacity of 630 MW which is representative for average electricity production capacity from coal in the Netherlands. The station is situated near the highly populated monumental city of Amsterdam. It became operational in 1994 and uses a conventional coal pulverised fuel (PF) boiler. The most important environmental technological aspects are a 99.95% effective electrostatic precipitator (ESP), a 92% effective flue gas desulphurisation (FGD), low NOx burners and waste water treatment to reduce trace emissions to water. The coal used is imported from Australia, the US, South Africa, Columbia, Poland and Indonesia. The priority impacts are to human health, materials, crops and ecosystems, and global warming and are caused by atmospheric emissions. The major air pollutants are SO2, NOx, CO2 and primary particles from the power generation stage and CO2 emissions from coal transport. Although primary particle emissions from the mining stage are quite large, it is expected that their impact will not be too high, since they are emitted near ground and so they are quickly deposited. Furthermore, they probably have a too large diameter to penetrate deeply into the lungs and cause serious health effects. Occupational accidents from the mining stage also lead to considerable damages. Depending on the monetary valuation method used, Years of Life Lost (YOLL) or Value of Statistical Life (VSL): 1. The human health damages due to aerosols (formed from NOx and SOx) each amount 10 25 % of the total damage. 2. Global warming damages due to CO2 emissions in the power generation stage and in up and downstream stages are responsible for 40 - 80 % of the total damage. 3. Ozone related health and crop damages due to NOx emissions are roughly 4 - 20 % of the total damage. Upstream impacts other than from CO2 emissions are smaller, although the occupational accidents of the mining are also significant. The total damages, based on the conservative 95% confidence interval over all combinations of valuation, are in the range of 12 to 175 mECU/kWh with a best estimate range of 16 to 43 mECU/kWh. This is of the same order of Executive Summary magnitude as the private generation costs, even though the technology used is clean and the plume from the power plant is not over the highest populated areas in the Netherlands. 0.3.3 The natural gas fuel cycle The EC95/96-station in the Eemshaven (the far North of the country) was chosen as the Dutch reference natural gas plant. The station has a capacity of 1700 MW which is the largest gas plant in the Netherlands and one of the largest in Europe. The station is situated near the German border in a lowly populated area. It has become operational in 1995/1996 and uses five steam and gas turbines with low NOx burners (a CCGT process). This one of the most advanced technologies available in 1995. The natural gas used is imported by pipeline from Norway. When selecting the priority impacts, those considered most relevant are those caused by the atmospheric emissions from the power generation stage on human health, materials, crops and ecosystems, and global warming. The major air pollutants are NOx and CO2. The major damages of this fuel cycle are on human health, due to the air pollutant emissions from the power generation stage. Depending on the monetary valuation method used, YOLL or VSL: 1. Human health damages from aerosols (formed from NOx emissions) amount some 15 - 30 % of the total damage. 2. Ozone damages due to NOx emissions amount some 5 - 25 % of the total damage. 3. Global warming damages due to CO2 emissions contribute 40 - 50 % to the total damages. Upstream impacts are small. The total damages, based on the conservative 95 % confidence interval over all combinations of valuation, are in the range of 3 to 69 mECU/kWh with a best estimate range of 4.9 to 14 mECU/kWh.. This is of the same order of magnitude as the private generation costs, even though the technology used is clean and the plume from the power plant is over a scarcely populated area in the Netherlands. 0.3.4 The biomass fuel cycle Two fictional biomass fuel cycles are analysed; a wood co-firing (WCF) installation based on the coal reference plant technology and location and a wood gasification (WG) plant fictionally located at the natural gas reference plant site. The biomass part of the WCF plant has a capacity of 20 MW while the WG plant has a capacity of 36.5 MW. The characteristics of the WCF plant are equal to those already discussed for the coal reference plant above. The WG plant uses a biomass integrated gasifier/combined cycle (BIG/CC) process of the direct atmospheric gasification based on TSP technology with low temperature gas cleaning. It uses a 70% effective FGD and a 100% effective wet scrubber. The biomass used is for both plants is assumed to be grown in the vicinity (within 50 km) of the production plants. ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands When selecting the priority impacts, those considered most relevant are those caused by the atmospheric emissions from the transport and the power generation stage on human health, materials, crops and ecosystems, and global warming. The major air pollutants are SO2, NOx, primary particles and CO2. Also occupational impacts lead to considerable damages.. The major damages of this fuel cycle are on human health, due to the air pollutant emissions, specially SO2, NOx and primary particles from the transport and power generation stage. Other upstream air emission related impacts are small. The transport and the power generation stage are each responsible for roughly 50% of the damage. The total damages, based on the conservative 95 % confidence interval over all combinations of valuation, are in the range of 3.5 to 18.3 mECU/kWh for the WCF fuel cycle and 5.1 to 23.1 mECU/kWh for the WG fuel cycle. The best estimate ranges are 3.7 to 14.6 mECU/kWh for the WCF fuel cycle and 5.2 to 19.2 mECU/kWh for the WG fuel cycle. This is surprisingly high for electricity production with a renewable energy source. The externalities could probably be lowered by lowering the transport needs or shifting from truck or barge transport of biomass to shipping. 0.3.5 The nuclear fuel cycle The fictional nuclear power plant analysed is a so called once through process with reprocessing with a pressurised water reactor and is located at Borssele. The fictional plant is assumed to be an updated version on the existing nuclear power plant at the same site. It is assumed to have a capacity of 449 MW. The station is situated in a lowly populated area. The uranium used is mined and converted in France, then enriched in the Netherlands, fabricated in France, then used in the Netherlands for power generation, transported to France for reprocessing and finally transported back to the Netherlands for interim and final storage. Only the radiological impacts from all stages in the fuel cycle are analysed as this study was performed as a scoping study in 1994 and could not be updated within this JOULE third framework project stage. The major identified damages of this fuel cycle are on public and occupational human health. The total damages are estimated at around 7 mECU/kWh when using a 0% discount rate and a time horizon of 100,000 years. The main damages are associated with mining and milling, power generation but especially with reprocessing. Adding the non-radiological public air emission related damages and the occupational damages related to the normal operation of the plant and of transport would probably increase the total damage estimate with several mECU/kWh. As mentioned before these damages are not analysed in this study. Executive Summary 0.4 Aggregation From a policy and environmental science perspective it is important to know not only the externalities of individual plants but more so total and the average externalities of the total electricity production. For this aggregation two procedures are followed. 1. For non SO2, NOx and particle power generation emission related impacts, such as global warming impacts, occupational health impacts, public health impacts in the other stages of the fuel cycles and wind, nuclear and hydro damages, linear relation between burdens and damages were used based on production capacity and fuel cycle type only. 2. For SO2, NOx and particle air emission related impacts simple aggregation rules are not sufficient. Applying a multi-source version of the software used for the analyses of the reference plants would be the ideal way forward. However, such a model was not available. As it would be too time consuming to analyse all power stations separately with the single source models, the aggregation was made performed by doing a sensitivity analysis. In this analysis the influences of stack height, flue gas temperature, emission factor and location on the damage estimates of SO2, NOx and particle emissions from the power generation stage are analysed. The relations found were applied to all (around 90) individual electricity production units in the Netherlands in 1990, 1992, 1993 and 1994. The results for the different combinations of valuation are given in Table 0.1and Table 0.2. The subtotal average damages, based on the conservative 95 % confidence interval over all combinations of valuation, are in the range of 17.1 to 93.3, 13,8 to 75.3, 12.3 to 66.7 and 11.4 to 59.6 mECU/kWh for 1990, 1992, 1993 and 1994 respectively. The best estimate ranges are 17.1 to75.1, 13.8 to 57.5, 12.3 to 49.1 and 11.4 to 41.7 mECU/kWh for 1990, 1992, 1993 and 1994 respectively. There seems to be a trend towards decreasing damages with time. This was analysed further in the “Policy Case Study”. However, at present the average externalities of electricity production in the Netherlands are estimated to be of the same order of magnitude as the average private electricity production costs ( ± 40 mECU/kWh). As a second sensitivity analysis the externalities of the SO2, NOx and particle emissions from the power generation stages were analysed using simple linear relation between emission and externality. The results from this analysis give 30 to 50 % lower damage estimates than the more detailed analysis discussed above. It should be noted that the detailed analysis described above is also rough as the equations used are based on 6 locations only and rough assumptions on technical characteristics are used. However, this ‘detailed’ analysis probably gives a better estimate of the damages than the ‘emission approach’ because the results for the reference power plants indicate that location and technology are important damage parameters ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 0.1 Best estimate damages of electricity production in the Netherlands by applying location and technology specific analysis in billion ECU/y. Impact categories 1990 1992 1993 1994 Core + ExternE GW 1.11 0.86 0.73 0.64 • Power generation (I) a 0.69-1.8 0.70-1.8 0.71-1.8 0.72-1.9 • Power generation Global Warming 0.20 0.20 0.21 0.21 • Others b Subtotal 2.0-3.1 1.8-2.9 1.7-2.8 1.6-2.7 Sens 1 + ExternE GW 6.21 4.81 4.14 3.43 • Power generation (I) a 0.69-1.8 0.70-1.8 0.71-1.8 0.72-1.9 • Power generation Global Warming 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 • Others b Subtotal 7.1-8.2 5.7-6.9 5.1-6.2 4.4-5.5 Core + IPCC GW 1.11 0.86 0.73 0.64 • Power generation (I) a 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.24 • Power generation Global Warming 0.17 0.16 0.18 0.18 • Others b Subtotal 1.51 1.25 1.15 1.06 Sens 1 + IPCC GW 6.21 4.81 4.14 3.43 • Power generation (I) a 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.24 • Power generation Global Warming 0.18 0.18 0.20 0.19 • Others b Subtotal 6.63 5.23 4.57 3.86 a Public health, materials, monuments and crop damages. b Other damages include all hydro, wind and nuclear damages, all occupational damages for fossil fuel cycles and the public health and global warming damages outside the power generation stage of fossil fuel cycles. Table 0.2 Best estimate average damages of electricity production in the Netherlands by applying location and technology specific analysis in mECU/kWh. 1990 1992 1993 1994 Impact categories Core + ExternE GW 12.6 9.4 7.9 6.94 • Power generation (I) a 7.9-20.4 7.7-20.0 7.6-19.7 7.7-20.1 • Power generation Global Warming 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.3 • Others b Subtotal 22.8-35.3 19.3-31.6 17.8-29.9 16.9-29.3 Sens 1 + ExternE GW 70.4 52.9 44.5 37.0 • Power generation (I) a 7.9-20.4 7.7-20.0 7.6-19.7 7.7-20.1 • Power generation Global Warming 2.5 2.4 2.5 2.5 • Others b Subtotal 80.7-93.3 63.0-75.3 54.6-66.7 47.2-59.6 Core + IPCC GW 12.6 9.4 7.9 6.9 • Power generation (I) a 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.6 • Power generation Global Warming 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.9 • Others b Subtotal 17.1 13.8 12.3 11.4 Sens 1 + IPCC GW 70.4 52.9 44.5 37.0 • Power generation (I) a 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.6 • Power generation Global Warming 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.1 • Others b Subtotal 75.1 57.5 49.1 41.7 Executive Summary The sub-total and average externalities for the different fuel cycles are given in Table 0.3. Table 0.3 Total and average mid range estimate externalities by fuel cycle for the Netherlands for 1990, 1992, 1993 and 1994. 1990 Sub-total damage in billion ECU/y Coal 1.3 -1.9 0.53 -0.98 Natural gas Oil 0.11 -0.25 Nuclear 0.028 Biomass + Waste 0.0021 -0.0028 6.1E-05 Wind Hydro 1.8E-04 PV n.q. Import 0.046 Sub-total 2.0 -3.1 Average damage in mECU/kWh Coal 52.6 -77.4 Natural gas 12.6 -23.5 Oil 34.8 -75.3 Nuclear 7.3 Biomass + Waste 2.6 -3.4 Wind 0.76 Hydro 2.3 PV n.q. Import 4.8 Average 23 -35 1992 1993 1994 0.97 - 1.5 0.59 - 1.1 0.13 - 0.27 0.028 0.0032 - 0.0042 6.2E-05 1.8E-04 n.q. 0.041 1.8 - 2.9 0.85 -1.4 0.57 -1.1 0.15 -0.32 0.028 0.0032 -0.0042 8.8E-05 1.8E-04 n.q. 0.050 1.7 -2.8 0.86 - 1.4 0.48 - 0.95 0.15 - 0.32 0.028 0.0032 - 0.0042 1.4E-04 1.8E-04 n.q. 0.051 1.6 - 2.7 42.3 - 66.3 13.1 - 24.5 31.7 - 68.3 7.3 2.6 - 3.4 0.76 2.3 n.q. 4.8 19 -32 35.7 -58.4 13.1 -24.6 33.5 -73.6 7.3 2.6 -3.4 0.76 2.3 n.q. 4.8 18 -30 34.0 - 57.3 11.6 - 22.7 37.4 - 82.6 7.3 2.6 -3.4 0.76 2.3 n.q. 4.8 17 - 29 A decrease in the externalities of coal fuelled electricity production is observed. This is mainly due to a decrease in the average SO2, NOx and PM emissions. For the same reason also for natural gas and oil fuelled electricity production a decrease in the externalities was expected. Partly due to data inaccuracies and problems with several plants in 1992 and 1993 this is not observed. For wind, nuclear, PV and hydro the central estimate of the externalities (the Core human health and lower bound of the midrange ExternE-GW estimates) in 1995 was held representative for all years analysed. It is clear that renewable electricity production has smaller externalities than fossil fuel electricity production and that nuclear is probably somewhere between these two. 0.5 Policy case study In this policy case study the total and average externalities of different electricity production scenarios for the Netherlands are estimated. This was done to see whether the decrease in the ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands externalities with time observed in the aggregation task will continue into the future or if unforeseen steps are needed to maintain this decrease. Up to the year 2004 the centralised electricity production is already planned by the “Combined Electricity Producers” (Sep). The influence of these variations on the externality estimates for the total and average electricity production up to 2004 will probably be small as the main part of the production capacity used until 2004 is already existing and little new capacity will be built. In the year 2030 all currently operational power plants will have been written off and closed down. For the years 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2030 electricity production scenarios are analysed. Some of the electricity production scenarios and the results are discussed shortly below. • 2010/2030 scenarios In the KIS-GO 2 scenario (a ‘coal use study’ scenario) no nuclear electricity production takes place in the Netherlands and gas prices are linked to the oil price. However, the KIS scenario is probably not very realistic as no policy on CO2 reduction is prescribed in these scenarios. This means that in the scenarios no CO2 removal technologies are implemented as these raise the internal costs considerably. • 2015 scenario In the European Renaissance (ER) scenario (a ‘National Energy Investigation’ scenario, developed by the Central Planning Bureau) the European integration is successful, the economic growth is high and a moderate CO2 tax is implemented leading to the introduction of CO2 removal technologies. • 2020 scenario In the ‘Progressive low’ scenario (a ‘Third Energy Bill’ scenario) the policy is focused on energy savings and decreased environmental burdens (especially CO2 reduction) from energy use. Furthermore, there is a liberalised energy market, the Netherlands will have a relative small energy intensive industry and will be a net importer of electricity. Of these scenarios the ‘Progressive low’ scenario from the ‘Third Energy Bill’ and the ‘European Renaissance (ER)’ scenario from the ‘National Energy Investigation’ are especially interesting as they are in line with current energy policy. In the scenarios: 1. The relative share of gas is high compared to all other scenarios; 2. The share of renewables is more than 10% of total electricity production; 3. The European integration is successful and also the Eastern European and the GOS countries are members of an Energy Charter, and 4. The CO2 emission reduction policies will lead to implementation of CO2 removal technologies. Executive Summary The average externality estimates are given in the next figure . 100.0 Combinations of valuation: Core +ExternE GW Sens 1 + ExternE GW Core + IPCC GW Sens 1 + IPCC GW 90.0 80.0 Scenarios: 70.0 2010/2030 KIS-GO 2 scenario 2015 European Renaissance scenario 2020 Progressive low scenario mECU/kWh 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Year Figure 0.1 Average damage estimates in mECU/kWh for electricity production in the Netherlands for the different scenarios and the different combinations of valuation. Based on the results it can be concluded that there is a trend towards decreasing total and average externalities of electricity production in the next decades. In some scenarios (2015 ER and 2020 Progressive low) the CO2 damages decrease because CO2 removal takes place while in the KIS scenarios the amount of coal technology is increased leading to increasing CO2 damages. In all scenarios the emissions of other air pollutants (SO2 and NOx) decrease considerably leading to a decrease in the damages to public health, materials, monuments and crops. With the KIS scenario the ‘other’ impacts increase considerably as more coal is used leading to increased coal mining occupational damages. The ‘other’ impacts in the 2020 Progressive low scenario are also high. This is due to the large amount of biomass transport associated externalities. ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 0.6 Conclusions This study is the first comprehensive attempt to estimate the externalities of electricity production using a bottom-up approach which uses atmospheric dispersion modelling of air pollutants in combination with stock at risk data, relevant exposure-response relations and monetary valuation through a Willingness to Pay (WTP) approach. In this report the results of the implementation of this approach, with some minor elaborations in certain fields, for the Netherlands is given. It was estimated that the externalities of electricity production with coal are roughly once as high as with natural gas and nuclear while the externalities of biomass based electricity production are even lower. Partial substitution of coal with biomass in coal technology electricity plants and a shift from coal and natural gas based to biomass based electricity production could thus decrease the externalities of the electricity sector. The main benefits are due to reduced CO2 emissions. It was found that the long-range (100-3000 km from the power plant) impacts of PM10, SO2 and NOx emissions from the power plant during normal operation were higher than expected. The high damages of SO2 and NOx emissions are not due to these pollutants themselves but due to ammoniumsulphate and -nitrate aerosols (particles) formed in the atmosphere causing severe health impacts. Local impacts can, depending on the population density within a short distance (0-100 km) from the power plant, also be substantial. This is especially the case for PM related damages. Furthermore, it was found that for fossil fuel cycles the global warming damages due to CO2 emissions dominate the overall damages. Partial substitution of coal with biomass in coal technology electricity plants and a shift from coal and natural gas based to biomass based electricity production could thus decrease the externalities of the electricity sector. The main benefits are due to reduced CO2 emissions. The externalities from non-power generation fuel cycle stages are found to be low relative to the power generation stage externalities. The externalities of electricity production at the reference coal and natural gas plants, although still considered to be order of magnitude estimates, are comparable with the private costs of electricity production in the Netherlands in 1997, even though the analysis represents the best available technologies in 1995. It was also found that the average externalities of electricity production in the Netherlands between 1990 and 1994 were about as high as the average private costs though there were indications of a trend towards decreasing externalities. The results of the analysis of future average and total externalities show that the introduction of strict CO2 reduction could lead to a decrease in the average externalities of up to 70% in the next two decades relative to 1990 levels. Without any CO2 reduction policy the average Executive Summary externalities would probably decrease with only some 25% in the next three decades relative to 1990 levels. Due to the large uncertainties in the estimates it is recommended to use the results provided by this report only as background information and order of magnitude estimates of the externalities associated with electricity production. The results can be used directly for planning processes. For example; the optimisation of power plants site selection and for choosing among different energy alternatives. Another possible use of these results is in the field of cost-benefit analysis of environmentally-friendly technologies. With the results a first attempt towards the integration of environmental aspects into energy policy can be carried out. This information can also be helpful for establishing economic incentives for pollution reduction. Further research is required to refine the methodology and to remove the existing large uncertainties. ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Introduction 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Objectives of the project The use of energy causes to a wide range of damage impacts, including human health, natural ecosystems, and the built environment. Such damages are referred to as external costs, as they are not reflected in the market price of energy. These externalities have been traditionally ignored in policy making. However, there is a growing interest towards the internalisation of externalities to assist policy and decision making. Several European and international bodies have expressed their interest in this issue, as may be seen in the 5th Environmental Action Programme, in the “White Paper on Growth, competitiveness and employment”, or the “White Paper on Energy”, all from the European Commission. This interest has led to the development of internationally agreed tools for the evaluation of externalities, and to its application to different energy sources. Within the European Commission R&D Programme Joule II, the ExternE Project developed and demonstrated a uniform methodology for the quantification of the externalities of different power generation technologies. Launched in 1991 as a collaborative project with the US-DOE, and continued afterwards by the EC as the ExternE project, it has involved more then 40 different European institutes from 9 countries, as well as scientists from the US. This resulted in the first comprehensive attempt to use a consistent 'bottom-up' methodology to evaluate the external costs associated with a wide range of different fuel cycles. The result was identified by both the European and American experts in this field as currently the most advanced project world-wide for the evaluation of external costs of power generation. Under Joule III, this project was continued with three distinguished major tasks: ExternE Core for the further development and updating of the methodology, ExternE National Implementation to create an EU-wide data set and ExternE-Transport for the application of the ExternE methodology to energy related impacts from transport. The current report is the result of the ExternE National Implementation project for the Netherlands. The objective of the ExternE National Implementation project is to establish a comprehensive and comparable set of data on externalities of power generation for all EU member states and Norway. The tasks include the application of the ExternE methodology to the most important fuel cycles for each country as well as to update the already existing results; to aggregate these site- and technology-specific results to more general figures. For countries already involved in Joule II, these data have been applied to concrete policy questions, to indicate how these data could feed into decision and policy making processes. Other objectives were the dissemination 23 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands of results in the different countries, and the creation of a network of scientific institutes familiar with the ExternE methodology, data, and their application. The data in this report results from the application of ExternE-methodology as developed under Joule II. However, because our understanding of the impacts of environmental burdens on humans and nature is improving continuously, this methodology (or more precisely, the scientific inputs into the accounting framework) has been updated and further developed in ExternE core. Consequently, the data established under Joule II have been updated to ensure an overall consistent set of data. The National Implementation project has generated a large set of comparable and validated results, covering more than 60 cases, for 15 countries and 11 fuel cycles. A wide range of technologies have been analysed, including fossil fuels, nuclear and renewables. Fuel cycle analyses have been carried out, determining the environmental burdens and impacts of all stages of production of electricity. Therefore, apart from the externalities estimated, the project offers a large database on environmental aspects of the fuel cycles studied. An aggregation exercise has also been carried out, to extend the analysis to the whole electricity system of each of the participant countries. The exercise has proved to be very useful, although the results must be considered in most cases as a first approach, which should be carefully revised before being taken into consideration in practical decision making. In spite of all the uncertainties related to the externalities assessment, the output of the project can be very useful for policy-making, both at the national and EU level. The results obtained provide a good basis to start the study of the internalisation of the external costs of energy, which has been frequently cited as one of the objectives of EU energy policy. Another possibility is to use the results for comparative purposes. The site sensitivity of the externalities encourages the application of the methodology for the optimisation of site selection processes, or for cost-benefit analysis of the introduction of cleaner technologies. The usefulness of the application for policy making has been demonstrated through the analysis of a wide variety of decision making issues carried out by those teams already involved in ExternE under Joule II. 1.2 Publications from the project The current report is to be seen as a part of a larger set of publications. The results of these ExternE projects are published and made available in three different reports and publications. First, the current report covers the results of the national implementation for the Netherlands, and is published by IVM. It contains all the details of the application of the methodology to the coal, natural gas, biomass and nuclear cycles, aggregation, and a policy case study of the development of the average externalities of electricity scenarios for the Netherlands until the year 2030. Secondly, the overall results of the ExternE project are being published by the EC-DGXII, in line with the publication of the main results of the ExternE project of Joule II, which focused 24 Introduction on the application for different fuel cycles. This set of publications covers the following volumes : 1. ExternE methodology I: general: this volume gives a detailed overview of all the methodological issues, ranging from air dispersion modelling, health and ecological impacts, uncertainty and economic valuation; as well as aggregation. This volume is the result of work performed in the Joule I and Joule II ExternE projects and work performed by a group of experts (the core group) in the Joule III ExternE project. 2. ExternE National Implementation : this volume contains an overview and comparison of the results of the implementation in all EU countries and Norway. The country results of aggregation and the policy case studies are included in this volume. Whereas the full reports are organised on a country by country basis, this summary report also contains an overview of the results on a fuel cycle basis. 3. ExternE Transport : covers the application of the ExternE methodology to the transportation sector through case studies in different EU countries performed in the Joule III ExternE transport project. Thirdly, this information can also be consulted from the ExternE website. This gives access to the ExternE database, which contains all the information and data from the ExternE project. It is kept at the Institute for Prospective Technology Studies, and accessible through the Internet. In the database, e.g., details on applications in other countries (e.g. for comparison of the same fuel cycles in different countries) can be found. The ExternE website may be found at the Internet address http://externe.jrc.es. As this website is the focal point for latest news on the project, it will inform you on how to get the different reports from the project, as well as information on the continuation of the ExternE project. 1.3 Structure of this report The structure of this report reflects that it is part of a set of publications. In order to ease comparison of results, all ExternE National Implementation reports have the same structure and use the same way of presentation of fuel cycles, technologies and results of the analysis. The common structure is especially important for the description of the methodology. Chapter 2 describes the general framework of the selected bottom-up methodology. The major inputs from different scientific disciplines into that framework (e.g. information on dose-response functions) are summarised in the methodological appendices to this report and are discussed at full length in the separate methodology publication (see above). Because the methodological issues are similar for the different fuel cycles studied, and for the application in different countries, they are described in the appendices, which are the same for all National Implementation reports. This structure allows an easy comparison between the different fuel cycles, technologies and countries and it clearly reflects that all data were calculated using the same methodology. Nevertheless, some country specific situations or data problems have resulted in a few country specific methodological issues, which are discussed in separate methodological appendices. In order to improve readability, the main text of the chapters dealing with the application to the different fuel cycles provide the overview of technology, fuel cycles, environmental burdens 25 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands and the related externalities. More detailed information (e.g. results for a specific type of impact) and country specific extensions to the overall methodology is provided in appendices. 1.4 The Dutch National Implementation 1.4.1 Introduction The Netherlands is situated along the North Sea at the border of Europe. It is a small country compared to many other European countries (37,310 km2) with some 15 million inhabitants. Especially in the western region of the Netherlands the population density is very high, up to 7000 people per km2 (see the figure below). The capital city is Amsterdam with 700,000 inhabitants. The locations of the central electricity production in the Netherlands are given in Figure 1.2 Population density per km2 30 - 1 68 16 8 - 29 8 29 8 - 48 4 48 4 - 77 3 77 3 - 11 5 3 11 53 - 1 6 6 3 16 63 - 2 5 4 7 25 47 - 4 0 3 7 40 37 - 6 9 8 1 N Figure 1.1 Population density in the Netherlands in 1991 (persons per km2). 26 Introduction Eemshaven LEEUWARDEN Bergum GRONINGEN Hunze Wieringermeer Flevo/Lelystad ZWOLLE IJmuiden Velsen LELYSTAD Centrale Hemweg Almere AMSTERDAM Diemen Harculo ALMERE Lage weide/Merwedekanaal DEN HAAG Maasvlakte Westland UTRECHT De B-driehoek/Den Haag ARNHEM Galileistraat ROTTERDAM Waalhaven Dordrecht Dodewaard Nijmegen NIJMEGEN Amer Moerdijk MIDDELBURG Borssele EINDHOVEN Buggenum ROERMOND Maasbracht MAASTRICHT Figure 1.2 Power plant locations in the Netherlands (cities in capitals, power plants in bold). In 1994 electricity was mainly produced from natural gas (51%), coal (27%), oil (4%), nuclear (4%) and other sources (3%) such as; municipal waste incineration, wind turbines, hydro power and photovoltaic cells. Some 11% of the electricity used was imported from France and Norway. Oil use for electricity production will be phased out in the coming decades. As for nuclear the public pressure has led to closure of all production plants in 1997. Whether or not nuclear energy will play a role in future electricity productions is still unclear. Biomass, however, is seen as a major new fuel for electricity production, both domestic and imported. In 27 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands the coming decades other renewables (especially land and sea based wind energy) will play a much larger role in electricity production in the Netherlands. 1.4.2 Justification of the selection of fuel cycles The fuel cycles assessed in this report have been selected according to two main criteria : the need to aggregate results for the whole electricity sector, and the use of these results for planning purposes. According to the first criteria, all existing plants should have been analysed individually as the project results show that externalities are very site specific. However, this was not possible because of time and budget constraints. As the results from the previous projects have shown that externalities of non-fossil fuel cycles available in the Netherlands can be expected to be low, except for the nuclear fuel cycle, the coal, gas and nuclear fuel cycle were analysed. The plants analysed were selected based on the most advanced technologies available in the Netherlands at the time of this study. For the aggregation work a sensitivity analysis of the externalities with respect to location, emission strength, emission temperature and emission height was made. The results from this sensitivity analysis were used for estimating the externalities of the individual fossil fuelled plants in the Netherlands. As there was only one nuclear fuelled facility in operation in the Netherlands in 1995 (the base year for this study) these externality estimates could be used directly in the aggregation process. The externalities of the other non-fossil fuel cycles, i.e. wind, hydro and PV, were taken from results from the Danish, Norwegian and German studies respectively. To comply with the second criterion not only externalities of current technologies but also externalities of future technologies have to be analysed. In the near future biomass is expected to be an important fuel for electricity production in the Netherlands. The externalities for the most promising biomass fuel for electricity production, i.e. willow, for the two most promising biomass fuelled technologies, i.e. gasification and co-firing, were also analysed in this Dutch implementation study. All results were used as input for the policy case study on estimating externalities of electricity production according to different scenarios in the Netherlands until the year 2030. 1.4.3 Related national studies Many studies on externalities of energy use, especially in transport, have been carried out for the Netherlands. Examples are studies on: 1. Externalities of biomass based electricity production based on among others ExternE results from the previous phase of the project and by Faaij and Meuleman (1996) and Faaij (1997). 2. Marginal costs of impact reduction by Kaegeson (1993) and Dings (1996). 28 Introduction 3. Top-down approach for quantifying externalities of transport by Boneschanker and ’t Hoen (1993) and Janse and Roos (1994). IVM has also participated in the ExternE transport project in which the ExternE approach is adapted and implemented on transport technologies. Furthermore, IVM has participated in a project on cost-benefit analysis of emission reduction of SO2, NOx, PM10 and Lead for hot spots in Europe (Olsthoorn, et al, 1997). 29 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 30 Methodology 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1 Approaches Used for Externality Analysis The ExternE Project uses the ‘impact pathway’ approach for the assessment of the external impacts and associated costs resulting from the supply and use of energy. The analysis proceeds sequentially through the pathway, as shown in Figure 2.1. Emissions and other types of burden such as risk of accident are quantified and followed through to impact assessment and valuation. The approach thus provides a logical and transparent way of quantifying externalities. However, this style of analysis has only recently become possible, through developments in environmental science and economics, and improvements in computing power has. Early externalities work used a ‘top-down’ approach (the impact pathway approach being ‘bottomup’ in comparison). Such analysis is highly aggregated, being carried out at a regional or national level, using estimates of the total quantities of pollutants emitted or present and estimates of the total damage that they cause. Although the work of Hohmeyer (1988) and others advanced the debate on externalities research considerably, the style of analysis was too simplistic for adoption for policy analysis. In particular, no account could be taken of the dependence of damage with the location of emission, beyond minor corrections for variation of income at the valuation stage. An alternative approach was the ‘control cost’ method, which substitutes the cost of reducing emissions of a pollutant (which are determined from engineering data) for the cost of damages due to these emissions. Proponents of this approach argued that when elected representatives decide to adopt a particular level of emissions control they express the collective ‘willingnessto-pay’ of the society that they represent to avoid the damage. However, the method is entirely self-referencing - if the theory was correct, whatever level of pollution abatement is agreed would by definition equal the economic optimum. Although knowledge of control costs is an important element in formulating prescriptive regulations, presenting them as if they were damage costs is to be avoided. Life cycle analysis (OECD, 1992; Heijungs et al, 1992; Lindfors et al, 1995) is a flourishing discipline whose roots go back to the net energy analyses that were popular twenty years ago. While there are several variations, all life cycle analysis is in theory based on a careful and holistic accounting of all energy and material flows associated with a system or process. The approach has typically been used to compare the environmental impacts associated with different products that perform similar functions, such as plastic and glass bottles. Restriction of the assessment to material and energy flows means that some types of externality (such as the fiscal externalities arising from energy security) are completely outside the scope of LCA. 31 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands EMISSIONS (e.g. tonnes/year of SO2) DISPERSION INCREASE IN AMBIENT CONCENTRATIONS (e.g. ppb SO2 for all affected regions) IMPACT IMPACT (e.g. change in crop yield) CONCENTRATION COST Figure 2.1 An illustration of the main steps of the impact pathways methodology applied to the consequences of pollutant emissions. Each step is analysed with detailed process models. The ExternE method has numerous links to LCA. The concept of fuel cycle or fuel chain analysis, in which all components of a given system are analysed ‘from cradle to grave’, corresponds with the LCA framework. Hence for electric power fuel chains the analysis 32 Methodology undertaken within the ExternE Project covers (so far as possible); fuel extraction, transportation and preparation of fuels and other inputs; plant construction, plant operation (power generation), waste disposal and plant decommissioning. There are, however, some significant differences between externalities analysis as presented in this study and typical LCA analysis. Life cycle analyses tend not to be specific on the calculation of impacts, if they have attempted to quantify impacts at all. For example, the ‘classification factors’ identified by Heijungs et al (1992) for each pollutant are independent of the site of release. For air pollution these factors were calculated with the assumption of uniform mixing in the earth's atmosphere. While this can be justified for greenhouse gases and other pollutants with long residence times, it is unrealistic for particulate matter, NOx, SO2 and ozone (O3). The reason for this radical approximation lies in the choice of emphasis in LCA: accounting for all material flows, direct and induced. Since induced flows occur at many geographically different points under a variety of different conditions, it is simply not practicable to model the fate of all emissions. In this sense, ExternE is much more ambitious and precise in its estimates than LCA. A second difference is that most LCA studies have a much more stringent view on system boundaries and do not prioritise between different impacts. The ExternE analysts have to a large extent decided themselves if certain stages of the fuel cycle, such as plant construction or fuel transportation, can be excluded. Such decisions are made from experience of the likely magnitude of damages, and a knowledge of whether a given type of impact is perceived to be serious. [Note that it is recommended to quantify damages for any impact perceived to be serious whether or not earlier analysis has suggested that associated damages will be negligible]. What might be referred to as analytical ‘looseness’ is a consequence of the remit of the ExternE project, which has as a final objective quantification of the externalities of energy systems. As such the main emphasis of the study is quite properly on the impacts that are likely (given current knowledge) to dominate the results. Externalities assessments based on the ExternE methodology but conducted for other purposes may need to take a more truly holistic perspective than has been attempted here. The analysis presented in this report places its emphasis on the quantification of impacts and cost because people care more about impacts than emissions. The quantification of emissions is merely a step in the analysis. From this perspective the choice between externalities assessment and conventional LCA is a matter of accuracy; uncertainties increase the further the analysis is continued. In general terms, however, it is our view that the fuel chain analyses of the ExternE Project can be considered a particular example of life cycle analysis. 33 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 2.2 Guiding Principles in the Development of the ExternE Methodology The underlying principles on which the methodology for the ExternE Project has been developed are: Transparency, to show precisely how results are calculated, the uncertainty associated with the results and the extent to which the external costs of any fuel chain have been fully quantified. Consistency, of methodology, models and assumptions (e.g. system boundaries, exposureresponse functions and valuation of risks to life) to allow valid comparisons to be made between different fuel chains and different types of impact within a fuel chain. That analysis should be comprehensive, we should seek to at least identify all effects that may give rise to significant externalities, even if some of these cannot be quantified in either physical or monetary terms. In order to comply with these principles, much of the analysis described in this report looks at the effects of individual power projects which are closely specified with respect to: • The technologies used; • The location of the power generation plant; • The location of supporting activities; • The type of fuel used; • The source and composition of the fuel used. Each of these factors is important in determining the magnitude of impacts and hence associated externalities. 2.3 Defining the Boundaries of the Analysis The starting point for fuel chain analysis is the definition of the temporal and spatial boundaries of the system under investigation, and the range of burdens and impacts to be addressed. The boundaries used in the ExternE Project are very broad. This is essential in order to ensure consistency in the application of the methodology for different fuel chains. Certain impacts brought within these boundaries cannot be quantified at the present time, and hence the analysis is incomplete. However, this is not a problem peculiar to this style of analysis; it simply reflects the existence of gaps in available knowledge. Our rule here is that no impact that is known or suspected to exist, but cannot be quantified, should be ignored for convenience. Instead it should be retained for consideration alongside whatever analysis has been possible. Further work is needed so that unquantified effects can be better integrated into decision making processes. 34 Methodology 2.3.1 Stages of the fuel chain For any project associated with electricity generation the system is centred on the generation plant itself. However, the system boundaries should be drawn so as to account for all potential effects of a fuel chain. The exact list of stages is clearly dependent on the fuel chain in question, but would include activities linked to the manufacture of materials for plant, construction, demolition and site restoration as well as power generation. Other stages may need to be considered, such as, exploration, extraction, processing and transport of fuel, and the generation of wastes and by-products, and their treatment prior to disposal. In practice, a complete analysis of each stage of a fuel chain is often not necessary in order to meet the objectives of the analysis (see below). However, the onus is on the analyst to demonstrate that this is the case - it cannot simply be assumed. Worth noting is the fact that variation in laws and other local conditions will lead to major differences between the importance of different stages in different parts of the world. A further complication arises because of the linkage between fuel chains and other activities, upstream and downstream. For example, in theory we should account for the externalities associated with (e.g.) the production of materials for the construction of the plant used to make the steel that is used to make turbines, coal wagons, etc. The benefit of doing so is, however, extremely limited. Fortunately this can be demonstrated through order-of-magnitude calculations on emissions, without the need for detailed analysis. The treatment of waste matter and by-products deserves special mention. Impacts associated with waste sent for disposal are part of the system under analysis. However, impacts associated with waste utilised elsewhere (which are here referred to not a waste but as by-products) should be considered as part of the system to which they are transferred from the moment that they are removed from the boundaries of the fuel chain. It is of course important to be sure that a market exists for any such by-products. The capacity of, for example, the building industry to utilise gypsum from flue gas desulphurisation systems is clearly finite. If it is probable that markets for particular by-products are already saturated, the ‘by-product’ must be considered as waste instead. A further difficulty lies in the uncertainties about future management of waste storage sites. For example, if solid residues from a power plant are disposed in a well engineered and managed landfill there is no impact (other than land use) as long as the landfill is correctly managed; however, for the more distant future such management is not certain. 2.3.2 Location of fuel chain activities One of the distinguishing features of the ExternE study is the inclusion of site dependence. For each stage of each fuel chain we have therefore identified specific locations for the power plant and all of the other activities drawn within the system boundaries. In some cases this has gone so far as to identify routes for the transport of fuel to power stations. The reason for defining our analysis to this level of detail is simply that location is important in determining the size of impacts. There are several elements to this, the most important of which are: 35 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands • Variation in technology arising from differing legal requirements (e.g. concerning the use of pollution abatement techniques, occupational safety standards, etc.); • Variation in fuel quality; • Variations in atmospheric dispersion; • Differences in the sensitivity of the human and natural environment upon which fuel chain burdens impact. The alternative to this would be to describe a ‘representative’ site for each activity. It was agreed at an early stage of the study that such a concept is untenable. Also, recent developments elsewhere, such as use of critical loads analysis in the revision of the Sulphur Protocol within the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s (UN ECE) Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution, demonstrate the importance attached to site dependence by decision makers. However, the selection of a particular series of sites for a particular fuel chain is not altogether realistic, particularly in relation to upstream impacts. For example, although some coal fired power stations use coal from the local area, an increasing number use coal imported from a number of different countries. This has now been taken into account. 2.3.3 Identification of fuel chain technologies The main objective of this project was to quantify the external costs of power generation technologies built in the 1990s. For the most part it was not concerned with future technologies that are as yet unavailable, nor with older technologies which are gradually being decommissioned. Over recent years an increasingly prescriptive approach has been taken to the regulation of new power projects. The concept of Best Available Techniques (BAT), coupled with emission limits and environmental quality standards defined by both national and international legislation, restrict the range of alternative plant designs and rates of emission. This has made it relatively easy to select technologies for each fuel chain on a basis that is consistent across fuel chains. However, care is still needed to ensure that a particular set of assumptions are valid for any given country. Across the broader ExternE National Implementation Project particular variation has for example been found with respect to the control of NOx in different EU Member States. As stated above, the present report deals mainly with closely specified technology options. Results have also been aggregated for the whole electricity generating sector, providing first estimates of damages at the national level. 2.3.4 Identification of fuel chain burdens For the purposes of this project the term ‘burden’ relates to anything that is, or could be, capable of causing an impact of whatever type. The following broad categories of ‘burden’ have been identified: 36 Methodology • • • • • • • Solid wastes; Liquid wastes; Gaseous and particulate air pollutants; Risk of accidents; Occupational exposure to hazardous substances; Noise; Others (e.g. exposure to electro-magnetic fields, emissions of heat). During the identification of burdens no account has been taken of the likelihood of any particular burden actually causing an impact, whether serious or not. For example, in spite of the concern that has been voiced in recent years there is no definitive evidence that exposure to electro-magnetic fields associated with the transmission of electricity is capable of causing harm. The purpose of the exercise is simply to catalogue everything to provide a basis for the analysis of different fuel chains to be conducted in a consistent and transparent manner, and to provide a firm basis for revision of the analysis as more information on the effects of different burdens becomes available in the future. The need to describe burdens comprehensively is highlighted by the fact that it is only recently that the effects of long range transport of acidic pollutants, and the release of CFCs and other greenhouse gases have been appreciated. Ecosystem acidification, global warming and depletion of the ozone layer are now regarded as among the most important environmental concerns facing the world. The possibility of other apparently innocuous burdens causing risks to health and the environment should not be ignored. 2.3.5 Identification of impacts The next part of the work involves identification of the potential impacts of these burdens. At this stage it is irrelevant whether a given burden will actually cause an appreciable impact; all potential impacts of the identified burdens should be reported. The emphasis here is on making analysts demonstrate that certain impacts are of little or no concern, according to current knowledge. The conclusion that the externalities associated with a particular burden or impact, when normalised to fuel chain output, are likely to be negligible is an important result that should not be passed over without comment. It will not inevitably follow that action to reduce the burden is unnecessary, as the impacts associated with it may have a serious effect on a small number of people. From a policy perspective it might imply, however, that the use of fiscal instruments might not be appropriate for dealing with the burden efficiently. The first series of ExternE reports (European Commission, 1995a-f) provided comprehensive listings of burdens and impacts for most of the fuel chains considered. The tasks outlined in this section and the previous one are therefore not as onerous as they seem, and will become easier with the development of appropriate databases. 37 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 2.3.6 Valuation criteria Many receptors that may be affected by fuel chain activities are valued in a number of different ways. For example, forests are valued not just for the timber that they produce, but also for providing recreational resources, habitats for wildlife, their interactions (direct and indirect) with climate and the hydrological cycle, protection of buildings and people in areas subject to avalanche, etc. Externalities analysis should include all such aspects in its valuation. Again, the fact that a full quantitative valuation along these lines is rarely possible is besides the point when seeking to define what a study should seek to address: the analyst has the responsibility of gathering information on behalf of decision makers and should not make arbitrary decisions as to what may be worthy of further debate. 2.3.7 Spatial limits of the impact analysis The system boundary also has spatial and temporal dimensions. Both should be designed to capture impacts as fully as possible. This has major implications for the analysis of the effects of air pollution in particular. It necessitates extension of the analysis to a distance of hundreds of kilometres for many air pollutants operating at the ‘regional’ scale, such as ozone, secondary particles, and SO2. For greenhouse gases the appropriate range for the analysis is obviously global. Consideration of these ranges is in marked contrast to the standard procedure employed in environmental impact assessment which considers pollutant transport over a distance of only a few kilometres and is further restricted to primary pollutants. The importance of this issue in externalities analysis is that in many cases in the ExternE Project it has been found that regional effects of air pollutants like SO2, NOx and associated secondary pollutants are far greater than effects on the local scale (for examples see European Commission, 1995c). In some locations, for example close to large cities, this pattern is reversed, and accordingly the framework for assessing air pollution effects developed within the EcoSense model allows specific account to be taken of local range dispersion. It is frequently necessary to truncate the analysis at some point, because of limits on the availability of data. Under these circumstances it is recommended that an estimate be provided of the extent to which the analysis has been restricted. For example, one could quantify the proportion of emissions of a given pollutant that have been accounted for, and the proportion left unaccounted. 2.3.8 Temporal limits of the impact analysis In keeping with the previous section, impacts should be assessed over their full time course. This clearly introduces a good deal of uncertainty for long term impacts, such as those of global warming or high level radioactive waste disposal, as it requires a view to be taken on the structure of future society. There are a number of facets to this, such as global population and economic growth, technological developments, the sustainability of fossil fuel consumption and the sensitivity of the climate system to anthropogenic emissions. 38 Methodology The approach adopted here is that discounting should only be applied after costs are quantified. The application of any discount rate above zero can reduce the cost of major events in the distant future to a negligible figure. This perhaps brings into question the logic of a simplistic approach to discounting over time scales running far beyond the experience of recorded history. There is clear conflict here between some of the concepts that underlie traditional economic analysis and ideas on sustainability over timescales that are meaningful in the context of the history of the planet. For further information, the discounting of global warming damages is discussed further in Appendix V. The assessment of future costs is of course not simply a discounting issue. A scenario based approach is also necessary in some cases in order to describe the possible range of outcomes. This is illustrated by the following examples; • A richer world would be better placed to take action against the impacts of global warming than a poorer one; • The damages attributable to the nuclear fuel chain could be greatly reduced if more effective treatments for cancer are discovered. Despite the uncertainties involved it is informative to conduct analysis of impacts that take effect over periods of many years. By doing so it is at least possible to gain some idea of how important these effects might be in comparison to effects experienced over shorter time scales. The chief methodological and ethical issues that need to be addressed can also be identified. To ignore them would suggest that they are unlikely to be of any importance. 2.4 Analysis of Impact Pathways Having identified the range of burdens and impacts that result from a fuel chain, and defined the technologies under investigation, the analysis typically proceeds as follows: • Prioritisation of impacts; • Description of priority impact pathways; • Quantification of burdens; • Description of the receiving environment; • Quantification of impacts; • Economic valuation; • Description of uncertainties. 2.4.1 Prioritisation of impacts It is possible to produce a list of several hundred burdens and impacts for many fuel chains (see European Commission, 1995c, pp. 49-58). A comprehensive analysis of all of these is clearly beyond the scope of externality analysis. In the context of this study, it is important to be sure that the analysis covers those effects that (according to present knowledge) will provide the greatest externalities (see the discussion on life cycle analysis in section 2.1). Accordingly, the analysis presented here is limited, though only after due consideration of the potential 39 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands magnitude of all impacts that were identified for the fuel chains that were assessed. It is necessary to ask whether the decision to assess only a selection of impacts in detail reduces the value of the project as a whole. We believe that it does not, as it can be shown that many impacts (particularly those operating locally around any given fuel chain activity) will be negligible compared to the overall damages associated with the technology under examination. There are good reasons for believing that local impacts will tend to be of less importance than regional and global effects. The first is that they tend to affect only a small number of people. Even though it is possible that some individuals may suffer very significant damages these will not amount to a significant effect when normalised against a fuel chain output in the order of several Tera-Watt (1012 Watt) hours per year. It is likely that the most appropriate means of controlling such effects is through local planning systems, which be better able than policy developed using externalities analysis to deal flexibly with the wide range of concerns that may exist locally. A second reason for believing that local impacts will tend to be less significant is that it is typically easier to ascribe cause and effect for impacts effective over a short range than for those that operate at longer ranges. Accordingly there is a longer history of legislation to combat local effects. It is only in recent years that the international dimension of pollution of the atmosphere and water systems has been realised, and action has started to be taken to deal with them. There are obvious exceptions to the assertion that in many cases local impacts are of less importance than others; • Within OECD states one of the most important exceptions concerns occupational disease, and accidents that affect workers and members of the public. Given the high value attached to human life and well-being there is clear potential for associated externalities to be large. • Other cases mainly concern renewable technologies, at least in countries in which there is a substantial body of environmental legislation governing the design and siting of nuclear and fossil-fired plant. For example, most concern over the development of wind farms typically relates to visual intrusion in natural landscapes and to noise emissions. • There is the possibility that a set of conditions - meteorology, geography, plant design, proximity of major centres of population, etc. - can combine to create local air quality problems. The analysis of certain upstream impacts appears to create difficulties for the consistency of the analysis. For example, if we treat emissions of SO2 from a power station as a priority burden, why not include emissions of SO2 from other parts of the fuel chain, for example from the production of the steel and concrete required for the construction of the power plant? Calculations made in the early stages of ExternE using databases, such as GEMIS (Fritsche et al, 1992), showed that the emissions associated with material inputs to fossil power plants are 2 or 3 orders of magnitude lower than those from the power generation stage. It is thus logical to expect that the impacts of such emissions are trivial in comparison, and can safely be excluded from the analysis - if they were to be included the quantified effects would be secondary to the uncertainties of the analysis of the main source of emissions. However, this does not hold across all fuel chains. In the reports on both the wind fuel chain (European Commission, 1995f) and the photovoltaic fuel chain (ISET, 1995), for example, it was found 40 Methodology that emissions associated with the manufacture of plant are capable of causing significant externalities, relative to the others that were quantified. The selection of priorities partly depends on whether one wants to evaluate damages or externalities. In quite a few cases the externalities are small in spite of significant damages. For example, if a power plant has been in place for a long time, much of the externality associated with visual and noise impacts will have been internalised through adjustments in the price of housing. It has been argued that occupational health effects are also likely to be internalised. For example, if coal miners are rational and well informed their work contracts should offer benefits that internalise the incremental risk that they are exposed to. However, this is a very controversial assumption, as it depends precisely upon people being both rational and well informed and also upon the existence of perfect mobility in labour markets. For the present time we have quantified occupational health effects in full, leaving the assessment of the degree to which they are internalised to a later date. It is again stressed that it would be wrong to assume that those impacts given low priority in this study are always of so little value from the perspective of energy planning that it is never worth considering them in the assessment of external costs. Each case has to be assessed individually. Differences in the local human and natural environment, and legislation need to be considered. 2.4.2 Description of priority impact pathways Some impact pathways analysed in the present study are extremely simple in form. For example, the construction of a wind farm will affect the appearance of a landscape, leading to a change in visual amenity. In other cases the link between ‘burden’ (defined here simply as something that causes an ‘impact’) and monetary cost is far more complex. To clearly define the linkages involved in such cases we have drawn a series of diagrams. One of these is shown in Figure 2.2, illustrating the series of processes that need to be accounted for from emission of acidifying pollutants to valuation of impacts on agricultural crops. It is clearly far more complex than the pathway suggested by Figure 2.1. A number of points should be made about Figure 2.2. It (and others like it) do not show what has been carried out within the project. Instead they illustrate an ideal - what one would like to do if there was no constraint on data availability. They can thus be used both in the development of the methodology and also as a check once analysis has been completed, to gain an impression of the extent to which the full externality has been quantified. This last point is important because much of the analysis presented in this report is incomplete. This reflects on the current state of knowledge of the impacts addressed. The analysis can easily be extended once further data becomes available. Also, for legibility, numerous feedbacks and interactions are not explicitly shown in the diagrammatic representation of the pathway. 41 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands I Emission II Transport and atmospheric chemistry Contribution of dry deposition to total acidity of system Foliar uptake Dry deposition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Wet deposition 1. Soil acidification 2. Mobilization of heavy metals and nutrients Foliar necrosis Physiological damage Chlorosis Pest performance Leaching III IV 1. Root damage Interactions 2. Leaching from foliage 3. Nutrient loss from soil 4. Nutritional balance V 5. Climate interactions 6. Growth stimulation 7. Climate interactions 8. etc... 6. Pest performance 7. etc... 1. Growth 2. Biomass allocation 3. Appearance VI 4. Death 5. Soil quality 1. 2. 3. 4. Value of produce Land prices Breeding costs Soil conditioning costs VII Figure 2.2 The impact pathway showing the series of linkages between emission of acidifying pollutants and ozone precursors and valuation of impacts on agricultural systems. 42 Methodology 2.4.3 Quantification of burdens The data used to quantify burdens must be both current and relevant to the situation under analysis. Emission standards, regulation of safety in the workplace and other factors vary significantly over time and between and within different countries. It is true that the need to meet these demands creates difficulties for data collection. However, given that the objective of this work is to provide as far as possible an accurate account of the environmental and social burdens imposed by energy supply and use, these issues should not be ignored. It is notable that data for new technologies can change rapidly following their introduction. In addition to the inevitable refinement of technologies over time, manufacturers of novel equipment may be cautious in their assessment of plant performance. As an example of this latter point, NOx emission factors for combined cycle gas turbine plant currently coming on stream in several countries are far lower than was suggested by Environmental Statements written for the same plant less than five years ago. All impacts associated with pollution of some kind require the quantification of emissions. Emission rates of the ‘classical’ air pollutants (CO2, SO2, NOx, CO, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter) are quite well known. Especially well determined is the rate of CO2 emission for fuel using equipment; it depends only on the efficiency of the equipment and the carbon/hydrogen ratio of the fuel - uncertainty is negligible. Emissions of the other classical air pollutants are somewhat less certain, particularly as they can vary with operating conditions, and maintenance routines. The sulphur content of different grades of oil and coal can vary by an order of magnitude, and hence, likewise, will emissions unless this is compensated for through varying the performance of abatement technologies. The general assumption made in this study is that unless otherwise specified, the technology used is the best available according to the regulations in the country of implementation, and that performance will not degrade. We have sought to limit the uncertainty associated with emissions of these pollutants by close identification of the source and quality of fuel inputs within the study. The situation is less clear with respect to trace pollutants such as lead and mercury, since the content of these in fuel can vary by much more than an order of magnitude. Furthermore, some of these pollutants are emitted in such small quantities that even their measurement is difficult. The dirtier the fuel, the greater the uncertainty in the emission estimate. There is also the need to account for emissions to more than one media, as pollutants may be passed to air, water or land. The last category is the subject of major uncertainty, as waste has historically been sent for disposal to facilities of varying quality, ranging from simple holes in the ground to wellengineered landfills. Increasing regulation relating to the disposal of material and management of landfills should reduce uncertainty in this area greatly for analysis within the European Union, particularly given the concept of self-sufficiency enshrined in Regulation 259/93 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste into, out of and within the European Community. The same will not apply in many other parts of the world. The problem becomes more difficult for the upstream and downstream stages of the fuel chain because of the variety of technologies that may be involved. Particularly important may be 43 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands some stages of fuel chains such as biomass, where the fuel chain is potentially so diverse that it is possible that certain activities are escaping stringent environmental regulation. The burdens discussed so far relate only to routine emissions. Burdens resulting from accidents also need to be considered. These might result in emissions (e.g. of oil) or an incremental increase in the risk of injury or death to workers or members of the public. Either way it is normally necessary to rely upon historical data to quantify accident rates. Clearly the data should be as recent as possible so that the rates used reflect current risks. Major uncertainty however is bound to be present when extreme events need to be considered, such as the disasters at Chernobyl and on the Piper Alpha oil rig in the North Sea. To some extent it is to be expected that accident rates will fall over time, drawing on experience gained. However, structural changes in industries, for example through privatisation or a decrease in union representation, may reverse such a trend. Wherever possible data should be relevant to the country where a particular fuel chain activity takes place. Major differences in burdens may arise due to different standards covering occupational health, extension of the distance over which fuel needs to be transported, etc. 2.4.4 Description of the receiving environment The use of the impact pathway approach requires a detailed definition of the scenario under analysis with respect to both time and space. This includes: • Meteorological conditions affecting dispersion and chemistry of atmospheric pollutants; • Location, age and health of human populations relative to the source of emissions; • The status of ecological resources; • The value systems of individuals. The range of the reference environment for any impact requires expert assessment of the area influenced by the burden under investigation. As stated above, arbitrary truncation of the reference environment is methodologically wrong and will produce results that are incorrect. It is to be avoided as far as possible. Clearly the need to describe the sensitivity of the receiving environment over a vast area (extending to the whole planet for some impacts) creates a major demand on the analyst. This is simplified by the large scale of the present study - which has been able to draw on data held in many different countries. Further to this it has been possible to draw on numerous databases that are being compiled as part of other work, for example on critical loads mapping. Databases covering the whole of Europe, describing the distribution of the key receptors affected by SO2, NOx, NH3 and fine particles have been derived or obtained for use in the EcoSense software developed by the study team. In order to take account of future damages, some assumption is required on the evolution of the stock at risk. In a few cases it is reasonable to assume that conditions will remain roughly constant, and that direct extrapolation from the present day is as good an approximation as any. In other cases, involving for example the emission of acidifying gases or the atmospheric 44 Methodology concentration of greenhouse gases this assumption is untenable, and scenarios need to be developed. Confidence in these scenarios clearly declines as they extend further into the future. 2.4.5 Quantification of impacts The methods used to quantify various types of impact are discussed in depth in the report on the study methodology (European Commission, 1998). The functions and other data that we have used are summarised at the back of this report in Appendices I (describing the EcoSense software), II (health), III (materials), IV (ecological receptors), V (global warming effects) and VI (other impacts), VII (economic issues) and VIII (uncertainty). The complexity of the analysis varies greatly between impacts. In some cases externalities can be calculated by multiplying together as few as 3 or 4 parameters. In others it is necessary to use a series of sophisticated models linked to large databases. Common to all of the analysis conducted on the impacts of pollutants emitted from fuel chains is the need for modelling the dispersion of pollutants and the use of a dose-response function of some kind. Again, there is much variation in the complexity of the models used (see Appendix I). The most important pollutant transport models used within ExternE relate to the atmospheric dispersion of pollutants. They need to account not only for the physical transport of pollutants by the winds but also for chemical transformation. The dispersion of pollutants that are in effect chemically stable in the region of the emission can be predicted using Gaussian plume models. These models assume source emissions are carried in a straight line by the wind, mixing with the surrounding air both horizontally and vertically to produce pollutant concentrations with a normal (or Gaussian) spatial distribution. The use of these models is typically constrained to within a distance of 100 km of the source. Air-borne pollutant transport of course extends over much greater distances than 100 km. A different approach is needed for assessing regional transport as chemical reactions in the atmosphere become increasingly important. This is particularly so for the acidifying pollutants. For this analysis we have used receptor-orientated Lagrangian trajectory models. The outputs from the trajectory models include atmospheric concentrations and deposition of both the emitted species and secondary pollutants formed in the atmosphere. A major problem has so far been the lack of a regional model of ozone formation and transport within fossil-fuel power station plumes that is applicable to the European situation. In consequence a simplified approach has been adopted for assessment of ozone effects (European Commission, 1998). The term ‘dose-response’ is used somewhat loosely in much of this work, as what we are really talking about is the response to a given exposure of a pollutant in terms of atmospheric concentration, rather than an ingested dose. Hence the terms ‘dose-response’ and ‘exposureresponse’ should be considered interchangeable. A major issue with the application of such functions concerns the assumption that they are transferable from one context to another. For example, some of the functions for health effects of air pollutants are still derived from studies in the USA. Is it valid to assume that these can be used in Europe? The answer to this question 45 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands is to a certain degree unknown - there is good reason to suspect that there will be some variation, resulting from the affluence of the affected population, the exact composition of the cocktail of pollutants that the study group was exposed to, etc. Indeed, such variation has been noted in the results of different epidemiological studies. However, in most cases the view of our experts has been that transference of functions is to be preferred to ignoring particular types of impact altogether - neither option is free from uncertainty. Dose-response functions come in a variety of functional forms, some of which are illustrated in Figure 2.3. They may be linear or non-linear and contain thresholds (e.g. critical loads) or not. Those describing effects of various air pollutants on agriculture have proved to be particularly complex, incorporating both positive and negative effects, because of the potential for certain pollutants, e.g. those containing sulphur and nitrogen, to act as fertilisers. Non-linear Response Non-linear with fertilisation effect Linear, no threshold Linear, with threshold Dose Figure 2.3 A variety of possible forms for dose-response functions. Ideally these functions and other models are derived from studies that are epidemiological assessing the effects of pollutants on real populations of people, crops, etc. This type of work has the advantage of studying response under realistic conditions. However, results are much more difficult to interpret than when working under laboratory conditions, where the environment can be closely controlled. Although laboratory studies provide invaluable data on response mechanisms, they often suffer from the need to expose study populations to extremely high levels of pollutants, often significantly greater than they would be exposed to in the field. Extrapolation to lower, more realistic levels may introduce significant uncertainties, particularly in cases where there is reason to suspect that a threshold may exist. 46 Methodology The description and implementation of exposure-response relationships is fundamental to the entire ExternE Project. Much of the report on methodology (European Commission, 1998) is, accordingly, devoted to assessment of the availability and reliability of these functions. 2.4.6 Economic valuation The rationale and procedures underlying the economic valuation applied within the ExternE Project are discussed in Appendix VII and in more detail in the methodology report (European Commission, 1998). The approach followed is based on the quantification of individual ‘willingness to pay’ (WTP) for environmental benefit. A limited number of goods of interest to this study - crops, timber, building materials, etc. - are directly marketed, and for these valuation data are easy to obtain. However, many of the more important goods of concern are not directly marketed, including human health, ecological systems and non-timber benefits of forests. Alternative techniques have been developed for valuation of such goods, the main ones being hedonic pricing, travel cost methods and contingent valuation (Appendix VII). All of these techniques involve uncertainties, though they have been considerably refined over the years. Especially the valuation of public mortality impacts and global warming damages were shown to play a crucial role in the overall damage estimation. The preference of the ExternE working group is to use the Years of Life Lost (YOLL) valuation estimates for quantifying the mortality impacts. Another approach is to use the Value of Statistical Life (VSL) directly for valuing public health impacts due to air emissions. The YOLL values are derived from the VSL by evenly dividing the VSL over the average life expectancy of the exposed population. This last assumption means that the VSL is age dependent which can not be concluded from the available scientific literature. The ExternE Core group has decided to use the YOLL approach for the core analysis. According to the authors of this report it is still unclear which approach is to be preferred. With respect to the global warming damages the ExternE working group estimates a different range of damages per tonne greenhouse gas emitted as does the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In the IPCC estimates a differentiated VSL for different regions in the world is used while in the ExternE global warming valuation a single VSL for the whole world population is assumed. This assumption is not in line with normal economic theory nor with policy perceptions and economic markets in the world. The base year for the valuation described in this report is 1995, and all values are referenced to that year. The unit of currency used is the ECU. The exchange rate was approximately 1 ECU to US$1.25 in 1995. The central discount rate used for the study is 3%, with upper and lower rates of 1% and 15% also used to show sensitivity to discount rate. The rationale for the selection of this range and best estimate, and a broader description of issues relating to discounting, was given in an earlier report (European Commission, 1995b). 47 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 2.4.7 Assessment of uncertainty Uncertainty in externality estimates arises in several ways, including: • The variability inherent in any set of data; • Extrapolation of data from the laboratory to the field; • Extrapolation of exposure-response data from one geographical location to another; • Assumptions regarding threshold conditions; • Lack of detailed information with respect to human behaviour and tastes; • Political and ethical issues, such as the selection of discount rate; • The need to assume some scenario of the future for any long term impacts; • The fact that some types of damage cannot be quantified at all. It is important to note that some of the most important uncertainties listed here are not associated with technical or scientific issues, instead they relate to political and ethical issues, and questions relating to the development of world society. It is also worth noting that, in general, the largest uncertainties are those associated with impact assessment and valuation, rather than quantification of emissions and other burdens. Traditional statistical techniques would ideally be used to describe the uncertainties associated with each of our estimates, to enable us to report a median estimate of damage with an associated probability distribution. Unfortunately this is rarely possible without excluding some significant aspect of error, or without making some bold assumption about the shape of the probability distribution. Alternative methods are therefore required, such as sensitivity analysis, expert judgement and decision analysis. In this phase of the study a more clearly quantified description of uncertainty has been attempted than previously. Further discussion is provided in Appendix VIII, though it is worth mentioning that in this area of work uncertainties tend to be so large that additive confidence intervals usually do not make sense; instead one should specify multiplicative confidence intervals. The uncertainties of each stage of an impact pathway need to be assessed and associated errors quantified. The individual deviations for each stage are then combined to give an overall indication of confidence limits for the impact under investigation. 2.5 Priority Impacts Assessed in the ExternE Project 2.5.1 Fossil technologies The following list of priority impacts was derived for the fossil fuel chains considered in the earlier phases of ExternE. It is necessary to repeat that this list is compiled for the specific fuel chains considered by the present study, and should be reassessed for any new cases. The first group of impacts are common to all fossil fuel chains: 1. Effects of atmospheric pollution on human health; 2. Accidents affecting workers and/or the public; 48 Methodology 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Effects of atmospheric pollution on materials; Effects of atmospheric pollution on crops; Effects of atmospheric pollution on forests; Effects of atmospheric pollution on freshwater fisheries; Effects of atmospheric pollution on unmanaged ecosystems; Impacts of global warming; Impacts of noise. To these can be added a number of impacts that are fuel chain dependent: 10. Impacts of coal and lignite mining on ground and surface waters; 11. Impacts of coal mining on building and construction; 12. Resettlement necessary through lignite extraction; 13. Effects of accidental oil spills on marine life; 14. Effects of routine emissions from exploration, development and extraction from oil and gas wells. 2.5.2 Nuclear technologies The priority impacts of the nuclear fuel chain to the general public are radiological and nonradiological health impacts due to routine and accidental releases to the environment. The source of these impacts are the releases of materials through atmospheric, liquid and solid waste pathways. Occupational health impacts, from both radiological and non-radiological causes, were the next priority. These are mostly due to work accidents and radiation exposures. In most cases, statistics were used for the facility or type of technology in question. When this was not possible, estimations were taken from similar type of work or extrapolated from existing information. Impacts on the environment of increased levels of natural background radiation due to the routine releases of radionuclides have not been considered as a priority impact pathway, except partially in the analysis of major accidental releases. 2.5.3 Renewable technologies The priority impacts for renewables vary considerably from case to case. Each case is dependent upon the local conditions around the implementation of each fuel chain. For the wind fuel chain (European Commission, 1995f) the following were considered: 1. Accidents affecting the public and/or workers; 2. Effects on visual amenity; 3. Effects of noise emissions on amenity; 4. Effects of atmospheric emissions related to the manufacture of turbines and construction and servicing of the site. Whilst for the hydro fuel chain (European Commission, 1995f) another group was considered: 49 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Occupational health effects; Employment benefits and local economic effects; Impacts of transmission lines on bird populations; Damages to private goods (forestry, agriculture, water supply, ferry traffic); Damages to environmental goods and cultural objects. 2.5.4 Related issues It is necessary to ask whether the study fulfils its objective of consistency between fuel chains, when some impacts common to a number of fuel chains have only been considered in a select number of cases. In part this is due to the level of impact to be expected in each case - if the impact is likely to be large it should be considered in the externality assessment. If it is likely to be small it may be legitimate to ignore it, depending on the objectives of the analysis. In general we have sought to quantify the largest impacts because these are the ones that are likely to be of most relevance to questions to which external costs assessment is appropriate. 2.6 Summary This Chapter has introduced the ‘impact pathway’ methodology of the ExternE Project. The authors believe that it provides the most appropriate way of quantifying externalities because it enables the use of the latest scientific and economic data. Critical to the analysis is the definition of fuel chain boundaries, relating not only to the different stages considered for each fuel chain, but also to the: • Location of each stage; • Technologies selected for each stage; • Identified burdens; • Identified impacts; • Valuation criteria; • Spatial and temporal limits of impacts. In order to achieve consistency it is necessary to draw very wide boundaries around the analysis. The difficulty with successfully achieving an assessment on these terms is slowly being resolved through the development of software and databases that greatly simplify the analysis. The definition of ‘system boundary’ is thus broader than is typically used for LCA. This is necessary because our analysis goes into more detail with respect to the quantification and valuation of impacts. In doing so it is necessary to pay attention to the site of emission sources and the technologies used. We are also considering a wider range of burdens than is typical of LCA work, including, for example, occupational health effects and noise. The analysis requires the use of numerous models and databases, allowing a logical path to be followed through the impact pathways. The functions and other data originally used by ExternE were described in an earlier report (European Commission, 1995b). In the present 50 Methodology phase of the study this information has been reassessed and many aspects of it have been updated (see European Commission, 1998). It is to be anticipated that further methodological changes will be needed in the future, as further information becomes available particularly regarding the health effects of air pollution and global warming impacts, which together provide some of the most serious impacts quantified under the study. 51 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 52 Coal Fuel Cycle 3. COAL FUEL CYCLE In this chapter the externalities of the Dutch reference coal fuel cycle are analysed. First the technologies and the sites of the different stages in the fuel cycle are discussed. Then the burdens are quantified followed by an estimation of the impacts and damages. Finally the results are summarised and discussed. 3.1 Definition of the coal fuel cycle, technology and site At the moment there are nine coal-fired power plants in the Netherlands (Table 3.1). The mean capacity of these stations is 514 MW (the demonstration plant excluded). One new coal-fired power plant will come in production within the next seven years. Of these stations, two are most suitable for this project, viz., the "Amer" station (No.7 in Table 3.1) and the "Amsterdam" station (No.9). As these stations became operational in 1993 and 1994 respectively, they represent the latest technology on coal-fired electricity production in the Netherlands. These stations are designed to meet current standards, the conditions of the Large Combustion Plant Directive of the European Community (EC,1988) and other, national legislation. The E8-station in Amsterdam was chosen as the Dutch reference plant and the externalities associated with energy production at this plant were investigated in this project. The main reasons for this choice are: the E8-station has a net capacity of 600 MW which is representative for average electricity production capacity from coal in the Netherlands and the station is situated near the highly populated monumental city of Amsterdam. The officially approved Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) of this station contained much useful information for this project (EIA,1988). Table 3.1 Coal-fired Power plants in the Netherlands. Number Place Capacity In production Existing stations 1. Donge 645 MW 1980 2. Nijmegen 602 MW 1981 2007 3. Buggenum 223 MW 1986 4. Maasvlakte 518 MW 1987 5. Borssele 403 MW 1987 6. Maasvlakte 518 MW 1988 7. Donge 600 MW 1993 8. Buggenum Demonstration* 1993 9. Amsterdam 600 MW 1994 New station 10. Borssele 600 MW * Integrated gasification combined cycle 2002 Out of production 2009 2000 2014 2014 2014 2019 2019 2027 53 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands This coal fuel cycle was the first fuel cycle to be studied in the Dutch national implementation work for the ExternE project four years ago. All results have since been updated up to developments in the ExternE methodology in September 1997 as described in the methodology section of this report. The stages in the coal fuel cycle are shown in Figure 3.1. Plant construction Coal mining Limestone extraction Fuel transport Power generation ELECTRICITY Wastes Limestone transport Plant dismantling Figure 3.1 Stages in the coal fuel cycle (Linares et al., 1997). 3.1.1 Site description Coal mining The coal used in the Netherlands originates from several countries. The United Coal Importing Bureau for Electricity Companies in the Netherlands - GKE (1993) states that in 1993 the coal imported in the Netherlands was divided over the six countries presented in Table 3.2. According to the GKE the 1,300,000 tonne coal, yearly imported for the E8-station, can be calculated as if it were an average mixture of the coal input from these countries (Table 3.2). The GKE does not expect major variation in coal supply in the near future. Limestone extraction The limestone imported in the Netherlands originates from Belgium/Luxembourg (94.8%) and Germany (4.3%). The lime(stone) used at the E8-station for 100% originates from Belgium. 54 Coal Fuel Cycle Power generation The E8-station is built on the site of the "Centrale Hemweg" in the western part of the city of Amsterdam (Figure 3.2 and Figure 1.2). The site is within the industrial area "Westelijk Havengebied" and located near the North Sea Canal which is adjacent to the North Sea (about 20 km). The nearest residential area is 2 km away from the E8-station. At the moment the "Centrale Hemweg" site consists of three gas fired Power plants: the E5 (125 MW), the E6 (124 MW) and the E7(599 MW). The E8-station (600 MW) will replace the E5- and E6stations. With the construction of the E8-station the following constructions were built: • the land used (circa 1.05 ha) is already in use as an industrial site, • one cooling tower of 120 m high, • one stack of 175 m high and a diameter of 7 m, • a maximum height of other buildings: one building of 100 m, one building of 51 m and one building of 39 m. Because of the dismantling of the E5 and the E6-stations the physical landscape experienced minor changes with the construction of the E8-station. Furthermore, the E8-station has been connected to existing electricity transmission lines. The coal used at the E8-station is transported through a closed conveyer belt from a nearby located coal terminal (in the western harbour area of the city of Amsterdam) to the coal storage of the "Centrale Hemweg" (with a capacity of about 70,000 tonne). Water is sprinkled over the stored coal. The water used is collected and re-used. Storage capacity for limestone, gypsum, pulverised fly ash (2 closed silos with a 60,000 tonne capacity each) and furnace bottom ash is also present on the "Centrale Hemweg" site. The "Centrale Hemweg" is located in a large industrial area and no new infrastructure had to be built. Most of the required bulk materials are transported by water. 55 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Figure 3.2 Location of the E8-station with reference to the "Westelijk Havengebied" industrial area of the city of Amsterdam (EIA, 1988). 3.1.2 Technology description Coal mining In 1993 the coal used at the E8-station mainly originated from Australia, the United States, South Africa, Columbia, Poland and Indonesia (see Table 3.2). The GKE (1993) assumes the coal import in the near future (the next ten years) will probable not be much different from the current situation. Ybema and Okken (1993) forecast that for the years 2000 to 2040, Australia, the United States and South Africa will be the main coal supplying countries for the Netherlands. This is actually in line with the GKE prognoses. Very diverse techniques are used for coal mining in the actual originating countries. It is not possible to give a full analysis of all these coal mining activities in this study. Ybema and Okken (1993) assumed that 50% of this coal is surface mined and 50% is underground mined. This assumption is also used for further analysis in this study. 56 Coal Fuel Cycle Coal from the actual originating countries is imported to the Netherlands by ocean-going vessels. With a capacity of the ocean-going vessels of around 120,000 tonne the electricity production at the E8-station will lead to an additional coal transport of 10.8 ship movements a year. From Table 3.2 the average transport distance is calculated at 13,800 km (one way journey). The ships will be loaded with coal or other materials at ports in other countries. They seldom return to their last port of departure. It is assumed that the ships, on average, travel an extra 3,400 km (25%) unloaded due to the coal transport to the coal terminal. The total average transport distance therefore is set at 17,200 km. The ships transporting coal come directly from sea and do not visit other harbours first. The coal shipped in is stored and mixed at a terminal (OBA) next to the "Centrale Hemweg" site (see 'kolenoverslag' Figure 3.2). The facilities for unloading coal, mixing the coal and transporting the coal from the coal terminal to the E8-station were already existing before the E8station was built. Table 3.2 Country Coal import for the E8-station. Ports One way distance (in km) Australia New Castle/Abbot point 21,000 United States Hampton road 7,300 South Africa Richards Bay 12,000 Columbia Puerto Bolivar 8,400 Poland Gdansk 1,200 Indonesia Tanjung Bara 16,000 Source: Average % of Average input for input over 1993 the E8-station (in t/y) 41 533,000 20 260,000 11 143,000 10 130,000 9 117,000 9 117,000 GKE (1993) The average chemical composition of the coal used at the E8-station is not known. However, the composition of a coal mixture - specified on the basis of 50% U.S., 30% Australia, 13% Poland and 7% German coal - was known. The composition and the criterion values of this coal mixture are given in Table 3.3 and Table 3.4. According to the GKE the composition of this coal resembles the average composition of the coal mixture used at the E8-station in 1993, except for the sulphur content which is around 0.6% on average. 57 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 3.3 Expected values of the composition of coal specified on the basis of 50% US, 30% Australia, 13% Poland and 7% German. Expected values Criterion values Unit Gross calorific value 27 min. 25 MJ/k a C value 75 % Ash value 11 max. 15 - 20 % Sulphur value 1 max. 1.5 % Nitrogen value max. 1.7 % Chlorine value 0.12 max. 0.2 % Fluoride value 100 mg/k a Source: "Information bulletin emission registration no. 2", the Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Environment", Den Haag, the Netherlands, November 1990. Source: EIA (1988) Table 3.4 Expected trace elements composition of coal specified on the basis of 50% US, 30% Australia, 13% Poland and 7% German. Element Quantity Element Quantity (in mg/k) (in mg/k) Arsenic 7 Molybdenum 3 Barium 350 Nickel 15 Beryllium 4 Selenium 3 Cadmium 0.15 Thorium 5 Chromium 20 Uranium 1.5 Copper 20 Vanadium 35 Lead 15 Zinc 30 Mercury 0.25 Source: EIA (1988) Limestone extraction Limestone is extracted from surface mines at Jemelle in Belgium. For analysing the impacts due to transport of lime, the actual delivering country Belgium will be used. The lime is transported to the E8-station straight from the milling site "Hermalle sous Huy". First the limestone was transported from "Jemelle" (the extraction site) to "Hermalle sous Huy" by truck (100 km return journey). The 29,300 t/y of limestone imported for the E8-station will be shipped in by boat every 3-4 days. The ships will have a cargo capacity (in silos) of 300 - 400 t/ship. This will give rise to an additional limestone transport of 73 to 98 ship movements a year. The transport distance is calculated at 400 km (return journey) because these ships return to their port of departure unloaded (Lhoist, personal communication). 58 Coal Fuel Cycle Power generation The E8-station technically resembles the UK reference power plant ("West-Burton B"). The "West-Burton B" plant was investigated for the methodology development. Technical data are listed in Table 3.5. Table 3.5 Other technical data of the "E8-station". Technical data Gross electricity production (GEP) Sent out electricity production Produced electricity Average full load hours (over 25 years) Average load factor (over 25 years) Thermal efficiency Expected lifetime Value 680 630 3.97 * 109 6305 72 44 25 Unit MW/y MW/y kWh/y h/y % % years Source: EIA (1988) The E8-station uses a conventional coal pulverised fuel (PF) boiler. The most important environmental technological aspects are: • 99.95% effective electrostatic precipitator (ESP); • 92% effective flue gas desulphurisation (FGD); • to ensure a NOx concentration in the flue gas of less than 400 mg/m3 the furnace is built with, among others: - a spacious fireplace - low NOx burners, - an upper air valve, and - special burning technical supplies; • waste water treatment to reduce trace emissions to water. Bulk materials input for building and operating The required bulk materials fall in two categories: • building materials; • inputs for operating the E8-station. Building materials The amount of building materials needed for the construction of the E8-station were not quantified in the EIA (1988). The available data for the German reference coal fuel cycle are assumed to give a good approximation of the construction materials input and will therefore be used in this analysis. 59 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands The construction material input is (CFC, 1994): • Steel 63,000 t • Concrete 175,000 t • Others 2,200 t Inputs for operating the E8-station The most important inputs for operating the E8-station are listed in Table 3.6. Table 3.6 Average yearly bulk inputs for the E8-station. Input Average amount Coal 1,300,000 Limestone 29,300 Cooling system water 670,000 Suppletion water for FGD 750,000 Bottom ash cooling water 14,600 Other water (sanitary, etc.) not quantified Unit t/y t/y m3/y t/y m3/y Source: EIA (1988) To start the electricity production phase, furnace gas is used. The amount of gas burned, as well as the emissions in this phase, can be neglected in comparison with the emission from the station when coal fuelled. However, if prices of coal would rise it is possible to switch the station to a 100% gas-fuelled process. The gas can be transported to the E8-station through an already existing pipeline. Therefore, no further attention is paid to gas supply impacts. The gas fueled externalities of the plant are not analysed as this was not the research objective of the present study. The main water consumption of the E8-station can be divided into water from the distribution system and water from the North Sea Canal. They are discussed below. Water from the distribution system The 40 m3 /day (= 14,600 m3/y) water use for the bottom ash cooling is tap water. Tap water is also used for sanitary and other hygienic purposes. This water consumption is relatively low and not quantified in the EIA. Water from the "North Sea Canal" The two main water consumption purposes are: • Cooling water: max. 670,000 m3/y and • Water supply for FGD: 360,000 - 750,000 t/y (=m3/y) This water is discharged into the North Sea Canal after treatment. Small amounts of water for the coal storage facility will evaporate to the atmosphere. 60 Coal Fuel Cycle 3.2 Overview of burdens The burdens analysed for this fuel cycle are the atmospheric emissions of pollutants from transport and the mining and power generation stage, water emissions and solid wastes from power generation, and occupational and public accidents from the fuel cycle stages. 3.2.1 Solid wastes Only information on solid wastes of the power generation stage was readily available. The main solid wastes in the power generation stage are fly ash, gypsum and furnace bottom ash. Their source and quantity are listed in Table 3.7. They are marketable products. Table 3.7 By-products, their source and quantity. Product Source Fly ash ESP Gypsum FGD Furnace bottom ash furnaces Quantity (in t/y) 128,000 50,400 8,200 Source: EIA (1988), UNA (1996) Fly ash Fly ash is transported directly to customers by ship. The two silos on the site have a storage capacity of 60,000 tonne. Most of the fly ash is transported by ships with a 1000 tonne capacity. About 100 ships will load from the silos yearly. During transport and loading on the E8 premises no emissions take place (EIA, 1988). The market for fly ash will probably be secured up to the year 2010 if the number of coal fired power plants will not exceed 40% of the total number of power plants. Otherwise, large permanent storage facilities will have to be built. The externalities associated with this are not analysed into more detail in this study. Gypsum Moist gypsum is stored in silos with a capacity of 5000 tonne. It is sold and transported by ship or truck. During transport, storage and loading on the E8 premises no gypsum emissions take place (EIA, 1988). The market for gypsum will probably be secured up to the year 2010 if the number of coal-fired power plants will not exceed 40% of the total number of power plants. It will be definitely be secured if this figure will stay around 30% (EIA, 1988). Furnace bottom ash Moist furnace bottom ash from the closed silo is transported by ships of 1000 tonne capacity. This results in 8.2 loads a year. It is transported to a silo by a conveyer belt. According to the EIA (1988), no emissions take place during transport, storage and loading on the E8-station premises. The market for furnace bottom ash is probably secured up to 1995. After this date it is foreseen that supply will exceed the demand. Large permanent storage facilities are therefore necessary. 61 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Because of the lack of data on this subject the impacts of the construction and operation of these facilities are not taken into account in this study. 3.2.2 Atmospheric emissions Coal mining and preparation Due to the lack of data on emissions from coal mining in countries like Columbia, it is difficult to analyse this damage category. The greenhouse gas emissions of coal mining in and transportation from the actual countries of origin are approximated by using data from the US (1994) and a study on forecasts of coal imports of the Netherlands by Ybema and Okken (1993). It is assumed that half of the coal used in the Netherlands is surface mined and half is underground mined. Ybema and Okken (1993) built a model for calculating the emission factors and emissions due to post coal mining activities, coal mining and coal preparation. The average methane emission factors for surface mining and underground mining is calculated at 1.1 m3/t (or 0.733 kg/t) coal and 17 m3/t (or 8.66 kg/t) coal respectively. The lower heating value of the average coal is taken to be 29.31 GJ/t. For the calculation of the emission per kWh electricity produced in the E8-station the difference in lower heating value of the expected coal composition used at present and the expected coal composition of the coal used between 2000 and 2040 is neglected. Methane emissions due to coal mining have also been analysed in the emission inventorystudies in the US (US, 1994), Australia (Australia, 1994) and Poland (Poland, 1994) and a greenhouse gas emission study performed in Austria (ACC, 1993). The range in methaneemissions for the expected Dutch average coal import for the years 2000-2040 calculated from these studies is listed in Table 3.8. The energy use for coal mining, washing and transport to the harbour will be discussed in the coal transport section below because they are only given as a total for all processes. As other studies showed these emissions are relatively low compared to the power generation stage emissions they were not quantified (Linares et al., 1997). 62 Coal Fuel Cycle Table 3.8 Emissions to air from coal-mining and preparation and transport for the E8-station (in g/MWh) Source SO2 NOx Particles CO2 CH4 (in m3/MWh)a b Coal mining n.q. n.q. n.d. 2.3-3.4 b Coal preparation n.q. n.q. n.d. n.q. Coal transport n.q. n.q. n.d. 79,300b n.q. Lime extraction n.q. n.q. n.d. n.q. n.q. Lime transport 0.13 1.1 0.0071 72.9 n.q. n.q. = not quantified but expected to be low relative to power generation emissions. This is confirmed by the results observed by the Spanish coal fuel cycle analysis (Linares, 1997). n.d. = not determined but could be significant. a = the average density of methane is 0.67 kg/m3. B = the average CO2 emissions of preparation, the energy consumption of mining, the coal transport to ports and the emissions due to inorganic and biogenic oxidation in coal piles and swirling are included in emissions due to transport. Coal transport The emissions of the greenhouse gases CO2 and CH4 are the only emissions accounted for in this section as other studies showed these emissions are relatively low compared to the power generation stage emissions (Linares et al., 1997) and impacts can not be estimated with current knowledge. As discussed previously the average transport distance of the coal imported is calculated at 17,200 km. The energy use for coal mining, coal washing and transport to port was calculated as a world average of 2% of the CO2 coefficient of coal (Ybema and Okken, 1993). The total CO2 emission is assumed to be 55.67 kg/t coal produced (the lower heating value of this coal is taken to be 29.31 GJ/t). Research performed by Okken (1989 and 1992), Blonk et al (1991) and Kram et al (1991) support these findings. The low and high estimates of the total CO2emission of coal mining, washing, preparation and transportation given in this literature are listed in Table 3.8. Limestone extraction Data on emissions from limestone extraction were not readily available for the actually used limestone imported from Belgium. As other studies showed these emissions are relatively low compared to the power generation stage emissions (Linares et al., 1997), they were not quantified Limestone transport According to the EIA (1988), lime is transported to silos and loaded and unloaded under high pressure. No limestone emissions take place at these stages. The lime transport from Belgium to the E8-station will be by barge; the emission factors given in the methodology report are 63 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands probably good estimates and therefore used in this study. The transport distance is estimated to be 400 km (return journey). The calculated total emissions due to limestone transport are given in Table 3.8. Power generation stage The major emissions to air by the E8-station can be divided into flue gas, fly ash from storage, coal dust from open storage and in-house transport. They are dealt with below. Smaller emissions to air, e.g. from the unit for emergency power, have not been taken into account because they are expected to be negligible in comparison to the emissions mentioned above. Flue gas The emission factors for the E8-station are listed in Table 3.9. The values mentioned in this table relate to the flue gas finally emitted to the atmosphere and may differ slightly with the use of a different coal composition. The E8-station flue gas emission to air (when coal fired) is 500 m3/s with a temperature of 60 oC. The velocity of the flue gas output at maximum capacity is 20 m/s. The stack is 175 meter high with a diameter of 7 meters. Table 3.9 Expected E8-station flue gas composition a. Pollutant Emission factor Total emissionFlue gas emission for 3.97*109 kWh/y (g/kWh) (109g/y) (103 mg/m3) CO2 900 b 3575 315 N2O n.q. n.q. n.q. Particles 0.017 0.067 0.006 SO2 0.411 1.63 0.144 NOx c <0.714 <2.83 <0.250 n.q. not quantified. a Emissions of CO and SO3 from the E8-station are so low that they can not be detected (smaller then 10 ppm - EIA). b The CO2 is about 18% of the total flue gas. c Measured as NO2. Source: UNA (1996) A very small part of the fly ash is emitted with the flue gas. This leads to trace elements emissions to the atmosphere. The exact composition of the elements in the flue gas depends on many factors, one of them being the exact coal composition. Table 3.10 and Table 3.11 present the expected average of inorganic elements emissions in the emitted fly ash, the gas phase of the emitted flue gas and the total emitted with the flue gas. The average expected emissions of organic compounds are listed below in Table 3.12. The values do not originate from E8-station measurements however, but stem from measurements in the flue gas of a comparable power plant in the Netherlands (the "Amer-Centrale"). However the "Amer-Centrale" has no FGD. 64 Coal Fuel Cycle The effect of an FGD after ESP is currently being investigated but yet unknown1. All emitted dust is assumed to be respirable dust. Table 3.10 Emission of elements in emitted fly ash in the flue gas. Elements In emitted fly ash (t/y) Al aluminium 12.7 Ca calcium 0.86 Fe iron 4.95 K potassium 1.41 Mg magnesium 0.45 Na sodium 0.27 P phosphorus 0.18 Si silicon 20.7 Ti titanium 0.55 Sources: UNA (1996), KEMA (1994) Fly ash from storage The fly ash is transported to closed silos trough a emission free closed transport line. Emission of fly ash dust from the storage in the two silos (60.000 tonne each) is 0.264 t/y (EIA, 1988). Emission takes place due to ventilation of the silos through dust-filters. Dispersion modelling of this dust emission was not possible due to the lack of data. The impacts could therefore not be analysed. Coal from open storage The coal is transported from the coal terminal OBA to the E8-station storage through a closed transport system. From an open storage pit the coal is mechanically put on a closed conveyer belt to the coal mills. At the mills there is a not quantified amount of waste pyrites. A maximum of 50 mg/m3 filtered ventilation gas is emitted from the mill-silos (EIA, 1988). The falling height of the coal is not more than 1 m at any place, to prevent dust formation. At the open storage place the coal is sprinkled with water to prevent dust formation. Emissions from open storage at the site are not quantified but are not allowed to be visible. The water used is collected and recycled. According to the EIA (1988) no effects are expected at distances further than 1500 m from the station, deposition at 2000 m from the station is smaller than 1 g/m2 per month. Within 500 m from the station some effects are expected2. As for fly ash dust dispersion, coal dust dispersion could not be modelled due to the lack of data. The impacts are therefore not analysed in this study. 1 KEMA performs the investigation. 2 These results come from an investigation by TNO. 65 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 3.11 Emission of trace elements in emitted fly ash, in the gas phase and total in the flue gas. Elements In emitted Emitted in Total emitted fly ash the flue gas with flue gas (t/y) (t/y) (t/y) As arsenic 0.020 0.020 B boron 0.017 6.0 6.0 Ba barium 0.32 0.32 Be beryllium 0.0041 0.0041 Br bromine 0.0018 6.0 6.0 Cd cadmium 0.00068 0.00068 Ce cerium 0.013 0.013 Cl chlorine 0.0032 128 128 Co cobalt 0.0086 0.0086 Cr chromium 0.010 0.010 Cs cesium 0.00068 0.0007 Cu copper 0.025 0.025 Eu europium 0.00023 0.00023 F fluorine 0.16 32 32 Ge germani-um 0.0050 0.0050 Hg mercury 0.000014 0.20 0.20 I iodine 0.60 0.60 La lantha-num 0.0055 0.0055 Mn manga-nese 0.074 0.074 Mo molybde-num 0.0055 0.0055 Ni nickel 0.027 0.027 Pb lead 0.047 0.047 Rb rubidium 0.011 0.011 Sb antimony 0.0045 0.0045 Sc scandium 0.0023 0.0023 Se selenium 0.012 0.30 0.31 Sm samarium 0.0014 0.0014 Sr strontium 0.12 0.12 Th thorium 0.0027 0.0027 Tl thallium 0.0014 0.0014 U uranium 0.0018 0.0018 V vanadium 0.054 0.054 W tungsten 0.0023 0.0023 Zn zinc 0.11 0.11 Source: EIA (1988) 66 Coal Fuel Cycle Table 3.12 Expected organic compounds composition of the flue gas. Organic compound Concentration in flue gas (mg/m3) Aliphatic hydrocarbons < 10 Lower carbonacids < 1 Aromatic hydrocarbons < 5 Chlorinated hydrocarbons < 5 Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH's) < 1-4 * 75% Phenanthrene * 1 ng/m3 Benzo-a-pyrene Source: EIA (1988) In-house transport (workers, etc.) Data are not available. As the relative contribution of these impacts is expected to be negligible compared to the impacts of power generation emissions, these emissions are not dealt with. Power plant construction Specific data on emissions due to construction and dismantling are not readily available for the E8-station. It is assumed that for the E8-station the same amount of building materials have been used as for the German reference Power plant at Lauffen (CFC, 1994). It has also been assumed that the transport used is 100% truck. The transport distance is assumed to be 100 km (return journey). Emissions to air due to construction are given in Table 3.13. Data on other emissions are not readily available (CFC, 1994). Table 3.13 Emissions due to transport of construction and dismantling of the E8-station (in g/MWh) and the emission factor (in g/(t * km) for truck transport. SO2 NOx Particles CO2 a Emission factors : Truck transport 0.11 2.0 0.13 96 Construction or Dismantling Truck 0.026 0.49 0.033 23.3 a Source: (Dorland et al., 1997) Truck transport: : Transport task Amsterdam to Schiphol highway transport task (1990 puller >16 t). Power plant dismantling There are no emission data on the dismantling of the E8-station nor for the Lauffen plant. Therefore, it is assumed here that emissions due to dismantling the E8-station are equal to the emission due to the construction. Dismantling dust emissions at the site may be substantial but have not been quantified as most of the dust emitted is probably non-respirable (larger than 10 micron) and it probably does not disperse over large distances. Therefore, these dust emission impacts are expected to be negligible. 67 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Transport of waste materials The transport distance of the main solid waste materials, i.e. fly ash, gypsum and furnace bottom ash, to the customer is estimated at an average of 200 km (return journey). Transport takes place by barge. Emission factors for barge transport and the resulting emissions per MWh electricity produced are given in Table 3.14. Table 3.14 Emission (in g/MWh) and emission factor (in g/(t * km)) for barge transport of waste materials. SO2 NOx Particles CO2 Emission factor barge transport a 0.045 0.36 0.0024 24.7 Emission from transport of: fly ash 0.29 2.3 0.015 159 gypsum 0.11 0.91 0.0061 63 furnace bottom ash 0.019 0.15 0.0010 10 total waste 0.42 3.4 0.022 232 a Source: Dorland et al. (1998) Barge transport: Transport task Rotterdam to Nijmegen (Push vessel). The emissions of SO2, NOx and particles from transport are small relative to these emissions from the power generation phase. The impact of these emissions will, therefore, not be investigated in this study. The impacts of CO2 emissions from transport however are taken into account as the impacts can be estimated. Summary of air emissions The air emissions in the different stage of the coal fuel cycle are summarised in the next table. Table 3.15 Summary of air emissions of the coal fuel cycle in g/MWh. Fuel cycle stage SO2 NOx Particles CO2 1. Coal mining n.q. n.q. n.d. b 2. Coal transport n.q. n.q. n.d. 79,300 3. Limestone extraction n.q. n.q. n.d. n.q. 4. Limestone transport 0.13 1.1 0.0071 72.9 5. Power generation 411 714 17 900,000 6. Power plant construction 0.026 0.49 0.033 23.3 7. Power plant dismantling 0.026 0.49 0.033 23.3 8. Waste transport 0.42 3.4 0.023 232 b = included in transport emission estimate. n.q. = not quantified but expected to be low relative to power generation emissions. n.d. = not determined but could be significant. 68 Coal Fuel Cycle 3.2.3 Water emissions Only emissions to water from the power generation stage were readily available. The emissions to water are presented in Table 3.16. The two prominent water discharges in the harbour are cooling system water and purified waste water arising from FGD (IEA, 1988). The water in the harbour area is in open contact with the North Sea Canal. Table 3.16 Overview of discharges to water of the E8-station. Type of water Amount First discharged to 3 Cooling water max. 31 m /s harbour FGD waste water max. 40 m3/h cooling-water Water from the neutralisation cellar max. 50 m3/h cooling-water 3 (2 x 100 m /week) Water from the bottom ash silos max. 600 m3/a recycled or to residue well Scrub and rinse water boiler max. 750 m3/a residue well Scrub and rinse water without coal-dust max. 750 m3/a cooling-water Drainage coal storage max. 1000 m3/a residue well 3 Collected water fly ash storage max. 2500 m /a residue well (only in extreme wet years) Residue well max. 1350 m3/a waste water treatment (sometimes 3500 m3/a) or cooling-water Boiler cleaning water max. 2000 m3 cooling-water (max. once a year) (1900 m3) Source: EIA (1988) Cooling water With respect to cooling water it is estimated that the maximum twenty-four hours average heat release is 716 MW (th.). Given an average oxygen loss of 0.5 mg/l within the cooling water flow, the discharged water still meets the water quality standard for oxygen (5 mg/l). In order to prevent bacterial depositions on condensers and growth of molluscs on cooling water supply pipes, 1.5 mg/l active chlorine will be added to the cooling water at a daily frequency of 5 * 15 minutes (that is 5 * 280 kg total chlorine = 1400 kg/day). If necessary, once a year during a period of two or three weeks, chlorine will be continuously added to the cooling system water to combat the molluscs. This quantity is estimated at 35,000 kg chlorine (EIA, 1988). With northerly to easterly wind in winter, foggy conditions can occur in the "Jan van Riebeek" harbour as a result of these heat emissions. This has no serious environmental impacts and under the assumption that no higher accident rates are caused by the fog, this aspect can be neglected in this study (EIA, 1988). FGD waste water The waste water from the FGD is purified at the E8-station in a sewage treatment plant. The pH of the treated water is between 7 and 9 and the suspended matter will be less than 20 mg/l. The composition of the purified FGD waste water is presented in Table 3.17. Besides the 69 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands target and guarantied values of the various elements also the concentrations of chlorine and fluoride are given in this table. Table 3.17 Expected composition of FGD waste water. Element Target values (in mg/l) Guarantied values (in mg/l) Quantity (in g/h) Arsenic 20 (max. 40) 50 1.6 Cadmium 1 (max. 2) 10 0.08 Chromium 15 (max. 30) 200 1.2 Copper 10 (max. 20) 50 0.8 Mercury 1 (max. 2) 10 0.08 Nickel 15 (max. 30) 200 1.2 Lead 50 (max. 100) 100 4 Zinc 50 (max. 100) 200 4 Chlorine 10 - 25 g/l 400 kg/h Fluorine 1 - 2.5 g/l 40 kg/h Source: EIA (1988) 3.2.4 Occupational accidents and diseases. Occupational health effects are divided into two categories; accidents and occupational diseases. Whereas the latter relate mainly to coal mining, the former relate to coal mining, limestone extraction, transport and power plant construction, operation and dismantling. The method with which the impacts are estimated for each individual fuel cycle stage is given in the appendix to the coal fuel cycle. In Table 3.18 the results are summarised. Table 3.18 Occupational accidents and disease in the coal fuel cycle stages in cases per TWh. Fuel cycle stage Fatal Major Minor accidents accidents accidents & diseases & diseases & diseases Coal mining 0.32 3.0 52 Limestone extraction 0.000050 0.0010 0.0273 Coal transport 0.035 0.21 4.97 Limestone transport 0.0015 0.014 0.39 Power plant construction 0.0092 0.24 8.5 Power plant operation 0.0085 0.21 8.8 Power plant dismantling 0.0012 0.028 0.91 Operation- and waste material transport 0.0064 0.019 1.1 70 Coal Fuel Cycle 3.3 Quantification of impacts and damages The priority impacts that should be considered in this fuel cycle are shown in the next table. Table 3.19 Priority impacts of the coal fuel cycle. Impacts Coal mining/ Transport Limestone extraction Global warming x x Public health x Occupational health x x Crops x Forests x Ecosystems x Materials x Noise x x Visual impact x Generation Construction x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x In the next sections the impacts and damages are given by fuel cycle stage. The non power generation fuel cycle stages are discussed together. 3.3.1 Non power generation fuel cycle stages The impacts considered most relevant are those caused by occupational accidents and diseases, effect of atmospheric emissions on human health, materials, crops and ecosystems, and global warming impacts. There are other impacts that could give rise to damages, such as impacts of coal mining on ground water and impacts of water and soil emissions. These impacts are not considered here as there is no good methodology to analyse nor to quantify them. They are also probably very local and thus expected to be relatively low. Occupational accidents and diseases occur in all stages of the coal fuel cycle. The summary of the impacts was given in Table 3.18. Fatal, major and minor accidents and diseases are valued at 3.1 MECU, 95,050 ECU and 6,970 ECU per occurrence respectively. For a discussion on the valuation we refer to the methodology part of this report. The resulting damage estimates are given in Table 3.20. The global warming damages in the non-power generation fuel cycle stages are quantified by using the damage estimates from the ExternE core assessment for different discount rates (1, 3 and 5%) and the estimates from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The low, mid and high estimates are given. The low and high estimate give an indication of the range of model uncertainty of the impacts. For a description of the methodology see the methodology part of this report. The results are given in Table 3.21. 71 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 3.20 Occupational health damages in the non-power generation fuel cycle stages in mECU/kWh. Fuel cycle stages Fatal Major Minor accidents accidents accidents & diseases & diseases & diseases Coal mining 0.99 0.28 0.36 Limestone extraction 0.00016 0.00010 0.00019 Coal transport 0.11 0.020 0.035 Limestone transport 0.0047 0.0013 0.0027 Power plant construction 0.029 0.023 0.059 Power plant dismantling 0.0036 0.0027 0.0063 Operation- and waste material transport 0.020 0.0018 0.0079 A methodology for analysing the impacts and damages related to non CO2 emissions in the non power generation fuel cycle stages is not given in this study. However, for transport related emissions (stages 5, 7, 8 and 9) a methodology was developed in the ExternE transport study (ExternE transport, 1997). In this study the ExternE accounting framework was adjusted to fit transport emission specific questions such as low to the ground emission dispersion. The results from this study for the Netherlands are used here (Dorland et al., 1997). The impacts are too diverse and many to be mentioned here. The core (based on Years of Life Lost YOLL) damage results are given in Table 3.22. The damage estimates based on VSL (Value of Statistical Life) are on average higher than the YOLL estimate by: • a factor 30 for acute mortality impacts (as with NOx ozone damages); • a factor 4 higher for chronic mortality impacts (the main sulphate, nitrate and particle damages). 3.3.2 Power generation As with the non power generation stage also in the power generation stage itself the impacts considered most relevant are those caused by occupational accidents and diseases, by effects of atmospheric emissions on human health, materials, monuments, crops and ecosystems, and global warming impacts. The individual impacts and damages are given in the appendix to the coal fuel cycle. The global warming damages are given in Table 3.21. Also with the power generation damages due to SO2, NOx and particles the damage estimates based on VSL are on average higher than the YOLL estimate by the same factors as given above: 72 Coal Fuel Cycle Table 3.21 Global warming damages due to CO2 emissions in the coal fuel cycle stages in mECU/kWh and ECU/t. Fuel cycle stage 1. Coal mining 2. Coal transport 4. Limestone extraction 5. Limestone transport 6. Power generation 7. Power station construction 8. Power station dismantling 9. Waste transport TOTAL Total non power generation ExternE - 1% ExternE - 3% ExternE - 5% IPCC ExternE - 1% ExternE - 3% ExternE - 5% IPCC ExternE - 1% ExternE - 3% ExternE - 5% IPCC ExternE - 1% ExternE - 3% ExternE - 5% IPCC ExternE - 1% ExternE - 3% ExternE - 5% IPCC ExternE - 1% ExternE - 3% ExternE - 5% IPCC ExternE - 1% ExternE - 3% ExternE - 5% IPCC ExternE - 1% ExternE - 3% ExternE - 5% IPCC ExternE - 1% ExternE - 3% ExternE - 5% IPCC ExternE - 1% ExternE - 3% ExternE - 5% IPCC mECU/kWh low mid b b b b b b b b 1.8 3.7 0.62 1.4 0.29 0.68 0.12 0.48 n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. 0.0016 0.0034 0.00057 0.0013 0.00026 0.00062 0.00011 0.00044 20 42 7.0 16 3.2 7.7 1.4 5.4 0.00052 0.00109 0.00018 0.00042 8.4E-05 0.00020 3.5E-05 0.00014 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0051 0.0108 0.0018 0.0042 0.0008 0.0020 0.0003 0.0014 22 46 7.6 18 3.5 8.3 1.5 5.9 1.8 3.7 0.62 1.4 0.29 0.68 0.12 0.48 high b b b b 11 4.2 2.0 3.0 n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. 0.0102 0.0039 0.0018 0.0027 126 48 23 34 0.00326 0.00125 0.00059 0.00088 0 0 0 0 0.0325 0.0124 0.0059 0.0087 137 52 25 37 11 4.3 2.0 3.0 ECU/t low 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 mid 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 high 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 b included in Coal transport. 73 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 3.22 Core (YOLL) particles, SO2 and NOx emission damages from the non power generation fuel cycle stages. Fuel cycle stage Particles SO2 NOx a a mECU/kWh kECU/t mECU/kWh kECU/t mECU/kWh kECU/t a 1. Coal mining n.q. n.q. n.q. 2. Coal transport n.q. n.q. n.q. 4. Limestone extraction n.q. n.q. n.q. 5. Limestone transport 0.0021 293 0.0012 9.3 0.0066 6.2 7. Power plant construction 0.026 384 0.00026 10.0 0.0030 6.2 8. Power plant dismantling 0.026 384 0.00026 10.0 0.0030 6.2 9. Waste transport 0.009 293 0.0042 9.3 0.021 6.2 a Source: Dorland et al. (1998): Barge transport: the Rotterdam to Nijmegen transport task (1990 push vessel). Truck transport: the Amsterdam to Schiphol transport task (1990 puller >16 t). Impacts of emissions to water could not be quantified because of the lack of relevant exposureresponse functions and valuation methods for water ecosystems. As these impacts are probably local only, and thus probably relatively small, they are not considered here. With respect to solid wastes it should be kept in mind that they are marketable and thus should be treated as by-products. Therefore, externalities arising from these wastes should not be attributed to the coal fuel cycle. They are not considered here. Noise and visual amenity losses are not analysed because the methodology to do so is not well enough established in the project. These impacts are probably small as a relative small number of people are affected. A short summary of the damages is given in the next section. 3.4 Summary and interpretation of results The core externality estimates are based on the Years Of Life lost (YOLL) approach for valuing mortality impacts. The summary results in mECU/kWh are given in Table 3.23. In the Sensitivity 1 analysis the same set of functions as in the core assessment is used but now mortalities are valued with the Value of Statistical Life (VSL) approach. In the Sensitivity 2 analysis additional exposure-response functions on health, ecosystems and forests are added on which scientists are in disagreement or for which impacts there is no agreement on the monetary valuation. The global warming damages are quantified by using the damage estimates from the ExternE core assessment and the estimates from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In the ExternE range the low and high estimate represents the lower and upper “boundary” of the so called “Conservative 95% confidence interval” (the low 5% and high 1% discount rate estimates). The mid range represents the so called “mid 3% and mid 1% discount rate estimates”. For the IPCC estimates the mid estimate represents the best guess at a 3% discount rate. For a further discussion see the global warming appendix. 74 Coal Fuel Cycle The results have to be interpreted as order of magnitude estimates of the geometric mean of the damages for each category. The geometric standard deviation ( g) classes A, B and C represent ranges of multiplication factors 2.5-4, 4-6 and 6-10 respectively. Table 3.23 Damages of the coal fuel cycle. mECU/kWh Core a Sensitivity 1 b Sensitivity 2 b POWER GENERATION Public health - Mortality - PM10 - SO2 d - NOx e - NOx (via ozone) - Morbidity - PM10, SO2 d and NOx - NOx (via ozone) Public accidents Occupational health Crops - SO2 - NOx (via ozone) Ecosystems Forest Materials f Monuments f Noise Visual impacts Global warming c low mid high OTHER FUEL CYCLE STAGES Public health Outside EU Inside EU Occupational health Outside EU Inside EU Ecological effects Road damages e g 0.25 0.93 0.93 B 2.7 9.3 9.3 B 3.5 12.7 15.7 B 0.29 10.5 10.5 B 0.81 0.81 1.95 A 0.52 0.52 0.52 B ng ng ng A 0.11 0.11 0.11 A 6.8E-03 6.8E-03 9.7E-03 B 0.25 0.25 0.25 B iq iq 1.2E-03 B nq nq 1.6E-03 B 0.15 0.15 0.15 B 0.0024 0.0024 0.0024 B ng ng ng B ng ng ng B ExternE range IPCC range C 3.2 1.4 16-42 5.4 C C 126 34 nq nq nq 0.075 0.33 0.37 B 1.8 1.8 1.8 A 0.16 0.16 0.16 A ng ng ng B ng ng ng A ExternE range IPCC range Global warming c C 0.29 0.12 low 1.4-3.7 0.48 C mid (3% discount rate) 11 3.0 C high a The core estimates for mortality are obtained with the YOLL approach. b The sensitivity estimates for mortality impacts are obtained with the VSL approach. c The sensitivity estimates for the global warming impacts are obtained by using the IPCC estimates (second column). The core estimates are derived from the ExternE interpretation of the FUND model (first column) damage estimates. d Mainly impacts due to sulfates formed from SO2 in the atmosphere and direct SO2 impacts. e Mainly impacts due to nitrates formed from NOx in the atmosphere. f Including damage estimates estimated with extended methodology. ng: negligible; nq: not quantified; iq: only impact quantified; - : not relevant 75 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands The direct and indirect (aerosols) local range (100*100 km around the power plant) public health impacts due to SO2 and NOx emissions are about 1/3 of the total public health impacts in the regional range (the whole of Europe). The contribution of the local range impacts is high because of the high local range population density and the assumption that the exposureresponse functions are linear with both pollutants and are assumed not to have a threshold under which no impacts take place. The impacts outside the regional range increase exponentially with the distance from the plant as the population exposed grows exponentially, the pollutants disperse over large distances and, as for the local range, the linear exposureresponse function and the no threshold assumptions (Dorland et al, 1995a). Occupational health effects occur at all stages of the coal fuel cycle. To the extent that labour markets function perfectly, occupational health effects are internal rather than external effects in the sense that they are reflected in salary and pension payments or other compensations; therefore they are included in the electricity price. However, to date there is no available data on the functioning of the labour markets of the energy sector. Therefore, the occupational health costs analysed in this study are assumed to be external damage costs. The main occupational health impacts in the coal fuel cycle are associated with coal mining outside Europe (partly in developing countries). As it is not probable that labour markets in developing countries function perfectly, the assumption that these impacts are not internalised is probably justified. The global warming impacts are estimated to be oft the same order of magnitude as the public health damages. With respect to the global warming damages the results show the IPCC estimates are roughly a factor 3 lower than the lower bound of the midrange estimates obtained by the core group on global warming in this project. The reason for the observed difference is the higher value of a statistical life used in the ExternE estimates (a factor 1-1.5 higher than in IPCC) and the fact that in the ExternE estimates all world citizens are valued equally while in IPCC a regional differentiated valuation is used. Furthermore, it is clear that damages to monuments, materials, forests, crops and ecosystems are probably relatively small compared to the public health and the global warming damages. With respect to the non quantified public accident, noise and visual impacts it is expected these are negligibly low compared to the public health impacts. This results from analyses performed in the Spanish, the Greek and the Italian national implementation studies. Therefore, no attempt was made to analyse these damages. For the power generation stage the damages are also estimated in ECU/t pollutant emitted, see Table 3.24. The results indicate that especially the impacts from NOx and particle emissions are very high per tonne of emitted pollutant. The reason for these high numbers is the high public health impacts due to aerosols and particles in the air. The global warming impacts per tonne pollutant of CO2 are relatively small. However, the overall damage is large due to the very high emission of CO2. 76 Coal Fuel Cycle Table 3.24 Damage estimates of the power generation stage in ECU/t pollutant emitted. Pollutant Core a Sensitivity 1 b Sensitivity 2 b SO2 NOx PM10 NOx (via ozone) CO2 c 7,581 5,480 16,576 1,500 ExternE range 33,342 18,468 55,854 1,500 IPCC range 35,236 22,680 55,866 1,500 low 3.6 1.5 mid (3% discount rate) 18-47 6.0 high 140 38 a The core estimates for mortality are obtained with the YOLL approach. b g B B B B C C C The sensitivity estimates for mortality impacts are obtained with the VSL approach. c The sensitivity estimates for the global warming impacts are obtained by using the IPCC estimates (second column). The core estimates are derived from the ExternE interpretation of the FUND model (first column) damage estimates. Comparison of the damage estimates in Sensitivity 1 and 2 indicates that inclusion of the health, ecosystem and forest exposure-response functions which were not included in the core list of functions (used for both the Core analysis and the Sensitivity 1 analysis), does not lead to a significant increase in the damage estimates. Because of this and the disagreement about the functions or the valuation the Sensitivity 2 estimates are not included in the overall summary below. The sub-total damage estimates are given for combinations of valuation: 1. Core (YOLL) public health estimates and ExternE global warming damage estimates; 2. Sensitivity 1 (VSL) public health estimates and ExternE global warming damage estimates; 3. Core (YOLL) public health estimates and IPCC global warming damage estimates and 4. Sensitivity 1 (VSL) public health estimates and IPCC global warming damage estimates. The results are given in Table 3.25. Table 3.25 Sub total damage estimates of the coal fuel cycle in mECU/kWh. low mid (3% discount rate) high Core & Sensitivity 1 & Core & Sensitivity 1 & IPCC range IPCC range ExternE range ExternE range global warming global warming global warming global warming 14 41 12 39 28-56 55-83 16 43 148 175 47 74 g C C C The total damages, based on the conservative 95% confidence interval over all combinations of valuation, are in the range of 12 to 175 mECU/kWh with a best estimate range of 16 to 43 77 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands mECU/kWh. The externalities are of the same order of magnitude as the current average coal based electricity production costs - 38 mECU/kWh (Hilten et al., 1994). 78 Natural Gas Fuel Cycle 4. NATURAL GAS FUEL CYCLE 4.1 Definition of the gas fuel cycle, technology and site At the moment there are 63 public gas-fired power stations in the Netherlands (Table 2.1). They are operated by four public electricity companies: EPON, EPZ, EZH and UNA. Together they have a capacity of 13200 MW (with a mean of 210 MW). Twelve new gas-fired power units, with a mean capacity of 306 MW, are planned to become operational within the next five years or have just become operational. Of these stations the five 335 MW units being built at the Eemshaven are most suitable for the ‘Dutch gas fuel cycle’ as: The units will be operational in 1995 and 1996 The units are combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants while all other planned gasfired stations are combined heat-power/CCGT or city warming/CCGT plants; and They represent the latest technology on gas-fired electricity production in the Netherlands. Since the five stations are identical and built at one site they are regarded as one large plant (hereafter called the 'EC 95/96 plant'). The stations are designed to meet current standards, the conditions of the Large Combustion Plant Directive of the European Community (EC,1988), national legislation and legislation and agreements concerning the safe exploitation of the vulnerable surroundings of the Eemshaven (EIA, 1991). The Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA, 1991) of this plant, which has been officially approved, contains much useful information for this project. 79 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 4.1 Gas-fired power stations in the Netherlands. Number Place Capacity Type Existing stations EPON 1. Almere 64 MW CH/STEG 2. Almere 54 MW CH/STEG 3. Bergum 332 MW COMBI 4. Bergum 332 MW COMBI 5. Eemshaven 695 MW COMBI 6. Lelystad 180 MW CONV 7. Lelystad 184 MW CONV 8. Lelystad 498 MW COMBI 9. Lelystad 22 MW GT 10. Harculo 336 MW COMBI 11. Harculo 350 MW COMBI 12. Hengelo 52 MW GT 13. Hengelo 50 MW GT 14. Groningen 125 MW CONV 15. Groningen 125 MW CONV 16. Groningen 125 MW CONV 17. Groningen 125 MW CONV 18. Groningen 17 MW GT Year in production Year out of production 1987 1993 2015 2020 1974 1975 1977 1968 1969 1974 1974 1972 1982 1968 1968 1966 1966 1970 1970 1968 2005 2005 2005 1996 1996 2005 2002 2000 2008 1997 1997 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 EPZ 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Donge Donge Borssele Donge Maasbracht Maasbracht 414 MW 414 MW 18 MW 121 MW 638 MW 640 MW CONV CONV GT STEG CONV CONV 1971 1972 1972 1976 1977 1978 1995 1995 1999 2002 2005 2005 EZH 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Delft Delft Delft Delft Den Haag Dordrecht Dordrecht Rotterdam-B Rotterdam-G Rotterdam-W Rotterdam-W Rotterdam-R Rotterdam-R 24 MW 23 MW 23 MW 23 MW 78 MW 150 MW 167 MW 81 MW 209 MW 319 MW 332 MW 25 MW 25 MW GT GT GT GT SV CONV COMBI SV CH/STEG COMBI COMBI SV SV 1974 1975 1974 1974 1982 1965 1968 1986 1988 1971 1972 1982 1982 2005 2005 2005 2005 2010 1996 1998 2015 2014 1997 1998 2010 2010 80 Natural Gas Fuel Cycle Table 4.1 continued. Number Place Capacity Type Year in production Year out of production Existing stations UNA 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Diemen Diemen Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Utrecht-LW Utrecht-LW Utrecht-M Utrecht-M Utrecht-M Purmerend Velsen 184 MW 184 MW 125 MW 124 MW 599 MW 18 MW 129 MW 265 MW 96 MW 102 MW 224 MW 69 MW 26 MW CONV CONV CONV CONV COMBI GT CONV COMBI CH/STEG CH/STEG CH/STEG SV GT 1970 1970 1966 1968 1978 1971 1969 1976 1978 1984 1989 1989 1975 1996 1996 1992 1994 2005 1995 1995 2005 2004 2010 2020 2020 2000 New stations EPON 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Eemshaven Eemshaven Eemshaven Eemshaven Eemshaven Nijmegen 335 MW 335 MW 335 MW 335 MW 335 MW 250 MW STEG STEG STEG STEG STEG CHP/STEG 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1999 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 EPZ 57. 58. Moerdijk Geleen 339 MW 230 MW CHP/STEG CHP/STEG 1997 1997 2023 2023 EZH 59. 60. 61. Rotterdam-R 225 MW Den Haag 100 MW Rotterdam-G 350 MW CHP/STEG CH/STEG CHP/STEG postponed 1997 postponed 2023 UNA 62. 63. Utrecht-LW 247 MW Diemen 249 MW CHP/STEG CHP/STEG postponed postponed Source: KEMA (1992) STEG CHP CH CONV GT COMBI = steam and gas turbine = combined heat and power = city heating = steam kettle and turbine = gas turbine = steam kettle with coupled gas turbine 81 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands The stages in the gas fuel cycle are shown in Figure 4.1. Plant construction Gas extraction Gas transport Gas preparation Power generation ELECTRICITY Plant dismantling Figure 4.1 Stages in the gas fuel cycle. 4.1.1 Site description Gas extraction and treatment In 1994, 78.3 billion m3 natural gas was produced in the Netherlands. 70% of this production came from onshore fields and 30% from the Continental Shelf (Oil and Gas, 1995). Around 38.3 billion m3 of this produced gas was exported to Germany, Belgium , France, Italy and Switzerland. In 1993, 2.9 billion m3 natural gas was also imported from Norway (Gasunie, 1993). The natural gas used at the EC95/96 station is imported from Norway. The natural gas used in the EC95/96 plant is transported trough a pipeline. The pipeline is mainly located at the sea bed. In Norway the natural gas for the EC95/96 is extracted off-shore on the continental shelf and treated onshore. Power generation The power plant is built at the Eemshaven in the North of the Netherlands, see Figure 1.2 and Figure 4.2. Of the 25 by 25 km area around the plant 37% is land and about 63% is water. Of the land some 64% is in use as agricultural land, 14% is in use as grass land, 6% is industrial area, 3% is water on land, 5% is built and 8% is in use in other ways (such as forest, camping 82 Natural Gas Fuel Cycle sites etc.). The Eemshaven is located on the boarder of vulnerable wetland. Therefore, all water related emissions, including thermal emissions to the water ecosystem, are restricted. At a distance further than 1.7 km from the plant no water temperature change due to the plant heat emissions to water can be measured. No people live in the direct vicinity of the site (within 5 km). This leads to very small risks of accidents to the public. The site is surrounded by sand hills on the west side so that from this side direct impacts in the form of visual intrusion and amenity loss are not expected. However, visual intrusion impacts might occur for (water) tourists and people living to the east of the plant. Figure 4.2 The location of the EC 96/97 power plant with respect to the direct surroundings in the North of the Netherlands (EIA, 1991). Before the EC 95/96 plant was built electricity production and other small industrial activities were already situated at the Eemshaven site. Therefore, no new infrastructure had to be built. 83 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands The EC 95/96 plant is situated in one building block of around 200 m long and 45 m high with five stacks rising 15 m above the building. The building of the EC 95/95 station at that site leads to an enlargement of the power plant site. 4.1.2 Technology description Gas extraction The natural gas used at the EC95/96 station is imported from Norway by pipeline. It is called Ekofisk natural gas and has an upper caloric value of 45.2 MJ/m3 and a fuel value of 41.0 MJ/m3 (EIA, 1991). The composition of the gas is given in Table 4.2. Table 4.2 Expected composition of the gas used at the EC 95/96 plant. Component Methane Ethane Propane Butane Pentane Nitrogen (N2) Carbon dioxide (CO2) Volume % 83.9 9.2 3.3 1.0 0.4 0.4 1.8 Source: EIA (1991) Power generation The EC 95/96 gas fired plant uses five steam and gas turbine units. The most important components of the units are: • low NOx burner chamber with a gas turbine; • non fired, heat recovery steam boiler; • a steam turbine with a condenser and • an electricity generator. The gas turbine drives the steam turbine, an electricity generator and an air compressor in which air is pressurised for the gas burner chamber. The hot exhaust gases from the gas turbine are fed into the heat recovery steam boiler (HRSB) where water is evaporated and cooled exhaust gases are emitted through a chimney. The steam is transmitted to the steam turbine which drives the second electricity generator. With the CCGT process the thermal efficiency is raised from 42% (typical for a Dutch conventional gas plant) to 54%. The steam is condensed in the condenser and the water is recycled to the gas kettle (EIA, 1991). Other technical data are listed in Table 4.3. 84 Natural Gas Fuel Cycle Table 4.3 Other technical data of the "EC 95/96 plant". Technical data Installed capacity Sent out electricity production Produced electricity Average full load hours (over 25 years) Expected lifetime Value 1700 1669 10.9 * 109 6544 30 Unit MW/y MW/y kWh/y h/y y Source: EIA (1991) Bulk materials input for building and operating The required bulk materials fall in two categories: • building materials • inputs for operating the EC 95/96 plant Building materials The amount of building materials needed for the construction of the EC 95/96 plant have not been quantified in the EIA. The data presented in the natural gas methodology report (GFC, 1994) for the West Burton plant in the UK, upgraded on a production capacity basis, are therefore assumed to be representative for the EC 95/96 plant. They are given in Table 4.4. Table 4.4 Building material input for construction of the EC 95/96 plant. materials concrete reinforcing steel structural steel cladding and roofing quantity 34,000 t 4,250 t 5,950 t 34,000 m2 Source: GFC (1994) No data on surfacing materials, sand and coarse aggregates are given. It is assumed that the same amounts as for the coal plant analysed in the Dutch coal fuel cycle (the E8-station) per MW capacity installed, is used. This amounts in total to 1,000,000, 250,000 and 500,000 tonnes surfacing material, sand and coarse aggregates respectively. Inputs for operating the EC 95/96 plant The most important inputs for operating the EC 95/96 plant are listed in Table 4.5. 85 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 4.5 Average yearly bulk inputs for the EC 95/96 plant. Input Average amount Gas 1.8 * 109 Cooling water (for condenser) 0.83 * 109 Other water (sanitary, etc.) not quantified Unit m3/y m3/y Source: EIA (1991) The cooling water consumption for the EC 95/96 plant comes from and is discharged to the Eems-Dollard estuary. The gas turbines are cooled with H2 in a closed system. Leakages are supposed to be small and not quantified in the EIA (1991). In order to start the electricity operation, oil is used. The amount of oil burned, as well as the emissions of this process, can be neglected in comparison with the full load hours of the station when it is gas fuelled. 4.2 Overview of burdens The burdens analysed for this fuel cycle are the atmospheric emissions of pollutants from transport and the mining and power generation stage, water emissions and solid wastes from power generation, and occupational and public accidents from the fuel cycle stages. 4.2.1 Solid wastes Operating the EC 95/96 plant could lead to a 50% increase in the silt attraction to the Eemshaven per year. This results in erosion of marine ecosystems elsewhere. At present 150,000 m3 silt is dredged from the Eemshaven per year. This silt is dumped in a 60 ha area in the Eems-Dollard estuary. In total 5 million tonne of silt is sedimented in the estuary yearly. The impacts on the estuary system are not completely known but some impacts on the flora and fauna are expected. Currently silt consumers' markets are investigated. Due to the lack of knowledge the impact of sedimentation can not be quantified. Therefore, this impact category is not further analysed in this study. 4.2.2 Atmospheric emissions Power generation The major emissions to air by the EC 95/96 plant are the exhaust gas emissions. The yearly average emission values given in Table 4.6 relate to the total of the five stacks. The total exhaust gas emission of the EC 95/96 plant is 7.13*106 Nm3/h dry and 7.63*106 Nm3/h wet 86 Natural Gas Fuel Cycle with a temperature of 70oC. It is assumed that all stacks (60 meters high and 7.7 meters in diameter) emit an equal share of the emissions. Smaller emissions to air, such as from the unit for emergency power, starting up the plant and H2 emission from the turbine cooling system have not been taken into account because they are expected to be negligible in comparison to the emissions mentioned above. Table 4.6 Emissions from the EC 95/96 plant. Parameter Emission factor CO2 NOx (in g/kWh) 410 0.312 Total emission for 10.9 * 109 Kwh/y (in 109g/y) 4,479 3.41 Source: EIA (1991) Transport of operation (workers, etc.) Data on emissions from transporting workers to the station are not available. The methodology report states that they are unknown and likely negligible in comparison to emissions in other stages in the gas fuel cycle (EC, 1998). Power plant construction and dismantling Specific data on emissions with construction and dismantling are not available for the EC 95/96 plant. No data on these emissions from the UK reference power station at West Burton (GFC, 1994) nor from other sources are available. Therefore, data from the coal fuel cycle are used. As with the coal fuel cycle it is assumed that all building materials, listed in Table 4.4, are equal to the wastes after dismantling, and transported by truck over 100 km (return journey). The truck emission factors and the resulting emissions are given in Table 4.7. Dismantling dust emissions at the site may be substantial but have not been quantified as most of the dust emitted is probably non-respirable (larger than 10 micron) and it probably does not disperse over large distances. Therefore, these dust emission impacts are expected to be negligible. Table 4.7 Emissions due to transport of construction and dismantling of the E8-station (in g/MWh) and the emission factor (in g/(t * km)) for truck transport. SO2 NOx Particles CO2 Emission factors a: Truck transport 0.11 2.0 0.13 96 Construction or Dismantling Truck 0.013 0.24 0.016 11.3 a Source: Dorland et al. (1998) : Truck transport Tiel “other road” transport task for a puller built in 1990. 87 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Gas extraction, preparation and transport From the gas methodology report (GFC, 1994) it can be concluded that emissions to air from gas extraction, preparation and transportation are low in comparison to the emissions due to operating the gas fired plant. Data on these emissions were not readily available. Because of the expected high impacts of greenhouse gas emissions the results presented in the methodology report for the gas fuel cycle (corrected for the gas use at the West-Burton plant relative to the gas use at the EC 95/96 plant) are held to be representative for the Dutch gas fuel cycle. The in the methodology report quantified and for the EC 95/96 plant recalculated emissions are given in Table 4.8. Other impacts of gas extraction, preparation and transportation, apart from occupational impacts, could not be quantified and valued in the methodology report and, therefore, they will not be analysed further in this study. Table 4.8 Global warming gas emissions from activities related to gas extraction, preparation and transportation for the Dutch gas fuel cycle in g/MWh. Activity CO2 CH4 Offshore extraction 4,600 80 - Flaring 150 n.q. Onshore treatment/processing 1,500 80 Pipeline leakage 15 46 n.q. = not quantified Source: GFC (1994) Summary of air emissions The air emissions in the different stage of the coal fuel cycle are summarised in the next table. Table 4.9 Summary of air emissions of the gas fuel cycle in g/MWh. Fuel cycle stage SO2 NOx Particles 1. Gas extraction n.q. n.q. n.q. - Gas flaring n.q. n.q. n.q. 2. Gas onshore processing n.q. n.q. n.q. 3. Gas transport (pipeline leakage) n.q. n.q. n.q. 4. Power plant construction 0.013 0.24 0.016 5. Power generation n.q. 312 n.q. 6. Power plant dismantling 0.013 0.24 0.016 n.q. = not quantified but expected to be low. 88 CO2 4,600 150 1,500 15 11.3 410,000 11.3 CH4 80 80 46 n.q. n.q n.q n.q Natural Gas Fuel Cycle 4.2.3 Water emissions Emission to water from plant operation is mainly cooling water from the condenser. Because the cooling system is cleaned by using balls, only occasionally small amounts of chemicals are needed for supplementary cleaning. The bulk emissions to water are given in Table 4.10. Table 4.10 Overview of bulk discharges to water from the EC 95/96 plant. thermal emission 27.7 * 106 GJ/y component amount unit chlorine (Cl ) 5000 kg/y natrium (Na+) 1350 kg/y ammonium (NH+) 750 kg/y salt: 50 kg/y - silicates - ammonium and natrium salt Source: EIA (1991) With respect to thermal emissions the EIA states that at a distance further than 1.7 km from the plant no water temperature change due to the plant heat emissions to water can be measured. Impacts could not be analysed because relevant data were not readily available. Therefore, this subject will not be analysed further for the EC 95/96 plant. 4.2.4 Occupational accidents and diseases Occupational health effects are divided into two categories; accidents and occupational diseases. All fuel cycle stages are analysed. The gas extraction in Norway was analysed in the German national implementation report (GGFC, 1995). Data on occupational health effects related to the gas extraction phases only, were not available. Therefore, data on oil and gas extraction and offshore operation are used. The results in the German study are scaled on gas consumption basis per TWh electricity produced to fit the characteristics of the EC 95/96 plant. The results are given in Table 4.11. Risk data related to all other occupational health impacts are assumed to be equal to the impacts analysed in the UK gas fuel cycle report (GCF, 1994). This is probably a good assumption because the gas is also transported by pipeline in the UK and possible impacts related to power station construction, operation and dismantling will probably not differ much between a plant in the UK and The Netherlands. For offshore activities other than the operation stage it is assumed that the situation in the UK is similar to the situation in Norway. Again the UK results are scaled to the EC 95/96 plant on gas consumption basis per TWh electricity produced. The resulting estimates for the EC 95/96 are given in Table 4.11. 89 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 4.11 Dutch natural gas fuel cycle occupational accident produced. Fuel cycle stage Activity Fatal Accidents & diseases Gas extraction Offshore drilling 0.00012 Offshore development 0.0017 Offshore operation 0.0025 Offshore major events 0.012 (gas exploration) Gas treatment operation Processing 0.000052 Gas transport Pipeline construction 0.00025 Power plant construction Construction 0.0025 Power plant operation Operation 0.00067 Power plant dismantling Dismantling 0.000013 rates per TWh electricity Major Accidents & diseases 0.0029 0.052 0.108 n.q. Minor Accidents & diseases 0.020 0.24 0.987 n.q. 0.0019 0.0076 0.078 0.024 0.0039 0.020 0.037 0.37 0.25 0.0018 Several impacts, like musculo-skeletal injury, long term exposure to chemicals and offshore diving impacts, could not be quantified. 4.3 Quantification of impacts and damages The priority impacts that should be considered in this fuel cycle are shown in the next table. Table 4.12 Priority impacts of the gas fuel cycle. Impacts Gas and limestone Gas Transport Generation Construction preparation extraction Global warming x x x x x Public health x x x Occupational health x x x x x Crops x x Forests x x Ecosystems x x x Materials x x Noise x x x x Visual impact x x x x In the next sections the damages are given by fuel cycle stage. The non power generation fuel cycle stages are discussed together. 4.3.1 Non power generation fuel cycle stages The impacts considered most relevant are those caused by occupational accidents and diseases, atmospheric emissions on human health, materials, crops and ecosystems and global warming 90 Natural Gas Fuel Cycle impacts. There are other impacts that could give rise to damages, such as impacts of water emissions at sea or pipeline breaking but as there are no data available for quantifying them. Occupational accidents and diseases occur in all stages of the gas fuel cycle. The summary of the impacts was given in Table 4.11. Fatal , major and minor accidents and diseases are valued at 3.1 MECU, 95,050 ECU and 6,970 ECU respectively. For a discussion on the valuation we refer to the methodology part of this report. The resulting damage estimates are given in Table 4.13. Table 4.13 Occupational health damages in the non-power generation gas fuel cycle stages in mECU/kWh. Fatal Major Minor Fuel cycle stage Activity accidents accidents accidents & diseases & diseases & diseases Gas extraction Offshore drilling 0.00037 0.00028 0.00014 Offshore operation 0.0078 0.010 0.0069 Offshore development 0.0053 0.0049 0.0017 Offshore major events 0.037 n.q. n.q. related to gas exploration Gas preparation Gas treatment operation 0.00016 0.00018 0.00014 Gas transportation Pipeline construction 0.00078 0.00072 0.00026 Power plant construction Construction 0.0078 0.0074 0.0026 Power plant dismantling Dismantling 0.000040 0.00037 0.000013 n.q. = not quantified The non quantified costs for offshore major and minor accident costs in the table are expected to be small in comparison to the fatal accident costs. The global warming damages in the non-power generation fuel cycle stages are quantified by using the damage estimates from the ExternE core assessment for different discount rates (1, 3 and 5%) and the estimates from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The low, mid and high estimates are given. The low and high estimate give an indication of the range of model uncertainty of the impacts. For a description of the methodology see the methodology part of this report. The results are given in Table 4.14. 91 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands A methodology for analysing the impacts and damages related to non CO2 emissions in the non power generation fuel cycle stages is not given in this study. However, for transport related emissions (stages 5, 7, 8 and 9) a methodology was developed in the ExternE transport study (ExternE transport, 1997). In this study the ExternE accounting framework was adjusted to fit transport emission specific questions such as low to the ground emission dispersion. The results from this study for the Netherlands in the Rotterdam to Nijmegen transport case study have been used here (Dorland et al., 1997). The impacts are to diverse and many to be mentioned here. The core (Years of Life Lost -YOLL- based) damage results are given in Table 4.15. The damage estimates based on VSL (Value of Statistical Life) are on average higher than the YOLL estimate by: • a factor 30 for acute mortality impacts (as with NOx ozone damages); • a factor 4 for chronic mortality impacts (the main sulphate, nitrate and particle damages). 4.3.2 Power generation As with the non power generation stage also in the power generation stage itself the impacts considered most relevant are those caused by occupational accidents and diseases, atmospheric emissions on human health, materials, crops and ecosystems, and global warming impacts. The individual impacts and damages are given in the appendix to the gas fuel cycle. The global warming damages are given in Table 4.14. Also with the power generation damages due to SO2, NOx and particles the damage estimates based on VSL are on average higher than the YOLL estimate by the same factors as given above. Impacts of emissions to water could not be quantified because of the lack of relevant exposureresponse functions and valuation methods for water ecosystems. These impacts are probably local only but can be significant as the power station is built on the border of a very vulnerable wetland. Noise and visual amenity losses are not analysed because the methodology to do so is not well enough established in the project. These impacts are probably small as a relative small number of people are affected. A short summary of the damages is given in the next section. 92 Natural Gas Fuel Cycle Table 4.14 Global warming damages due to CO2 emissions in the gas fuel cycle stages in mECU/kWh and ECU/t. Fuel cycle stage mECU/kWh ECU/t low mid high low mid high 1. Gas extraction ExternE - 1% 0.10 0.21 0.64 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 0.036 0.083 0.25 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 0.017 0.039 0.12 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 0.0069 0.028 0.17 1.5 6.0 37.5 Gas flaring ExternE - 1% 0.0033 0.0070 0.021 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 0.0012 0.0027 0.0080 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 0.00054 0.0013 0.0038 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 0.00023 0.00090 0.0056 1.5 6.0 37.5 2. Gas onshore processing ExternE - 1% 0.033 0.070 0.21 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 0.012 0.027 0.080 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 0.0054 0.013 0.038 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 0.0023 0.009 0.06 1.5 6.0 37.5 3. Gas transport n.q. n.q. 22.1 46.7 139.8 (pipeline leakage) ExternE - 1% n.q. * ExternE - 3% n.q. n.q. n.q. 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% n.q. n.q. n.q. 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC n.q. n.q. n.q. 1.5 6.0 37.5 4. Power generation ExternE - 1% 9.1 19.1 57.3 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 3.2 7.4 21.9 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 1.5 3.5 10.3 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 0.62 2.5 15.4 1.5 6.0 37.5 5. Power station construction ExternE - 1% 0.00025 0.00053 0.0016 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 0.000088 0.00020 0.00061 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 0.000041 0.00010 0.00029 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 0.000017 0.000068 0.00042 1.5 6.0 37.5 6. Power station dismantling ExternE - 1% 0.00025 0.00053 0.00158 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 0.000088 0.00020 0.00061 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 0.000041 0.00010 0.00029 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 0.000017 0.000068 0.00042 1.5 6.0 37.5 TOTAL ExternE - 1% 9.2 19.4 58.2 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 3.3 7.5 22.3 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 1.5 3.5 10.5 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 0.63 2.5 15.6 1.5 6.0 37.5 Total non power generation ExternE - 1% 0.14 0.29 0.88 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 0.049 0.11 0.34 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 0.023 0.054 0.16 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 0.0094 0.038 0.24 1.5 6.0 37.5 * n.q. = not quantified 93 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 4.15 Particles, SO2 and NOx emission damages from the non power generation gas fuel cycle stages. Fuel cycle stage Particles SO2 NOx a a mECU/kWh kECU/t mECU/kWh kECU/t mECU/kWh kECU/t a 1. Gas extraction Gas flaring 2. Gas onshore processing 3. Gas transport (pipeline leakage) 5. Power plant construction 6. Power plant dismantling n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. 189 7.1 6.2 0.000089 0.0015 189 7.1 6.2 0.000089 0.0015 a Source: Dorland et al. (1998) : Truck transport Tiel “other road” transport task for a puller built in 1990. n.q. = not quantified 0.0030 0.0030 4.4 Summary and interpretation of results The core externality estimates are based on the Years Of Life Lost (YOLL) approach for valuing mortality impacts. The summary results in mECU/kWh are given in Table 4.16. In the Sensitivity 1 analysis the same set of functions as in the core assessment is used but now mortalities are valued with the Value of Statistical Life (VSL) approach. In the Sensitivity 2 analysis additional exposure-response functions on health, ecosystems and forests are added on which scientists are in disagreement or for which impacts there is no agreement on the monetary valuation. The global warming damages are quantified by using the damage estimates from the ExternE core assessment and the estimates from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In the ExternE range the low and high estimate represents the lower and upper “boundary” of the so called “Conservative 95% confidence interval” (the low 5% and high 1% discount rate estimates). The mid range represents the so called “mid 3% and mid 1% discount rate estimates”. For the IPCC estimates the mid estimate represents the best guess at a 3% discount rate. For a further discussion see the global warming appendix. The results have to be interpreted as order of magnitude estimates of the geometric mean of the damages for each category. The geometric standard deviation ( g) classes A, B and C represent ranges of multiplication factors 2.5-4, 4-6 and 6-10 respectively. It is clear that especially the power generation stage public human health impacts due to aerosols formed from NOx emissions are high. The direct and indirect local range (100*100 km2 around the power plant) public health impacts due to NOx emission are about 1/10 of the total public health impacts in the regional range (the whole of Europe). The reason for the high contribution of damages outside the local range is due to the assumption that the exposure-response functions are linear and do not have 94 Natural Gas Fuel Cycle a threshold below which no impact takes place, the exponential growing population exposed with the distance from the plant and the dispersion of pollutants over large distances and chemical conversion in the atmosphere. The relative small share of the direct impacts due to NOx is due to the relative low population density in the local range (Dorland et al, 1995b). Table 4.16 Damages of the natural gas fuel cycle. mECU/kWh Core a Sensitivity 1 b Sensitivity 2 b POWER GENERATION Public health - Mortality - PM10 - SO2 d - NOx e - NOx (via ozone) - Morbidity - PM10, SO2 d and NOx - NOx (via ozone) Public accidents Occupational health Crops - SO2 - NOx (via ozone) Ecosystems Forest Materials f Monuments f Noise Visual impacts Global warming c low mid (3% discount rate) high OTHER FUEL CYCLE STAGES Public health Outside EU Inside EU Occupational health Outside EU Inside EU Ecological effects Road damages e 1.6 6.0 6.7 0.13 4.6 4.6 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.23 0.23 0.23 ng ng ng 6.1E-03 6.1E-03 6.1E-03 0.11 0.11 0.11 iq iq 6.6E-07 nq nq 4.5E-04 0.018 0.018 0.018 nq nq nq ng ng ng ng ng ng ExternE range IPCC range 1.5 0.62 7.4 2.5 57 15 g B B B B A B A A B B B B B B B B C C C 9.1E-03 0.034 0.038 B A 0.095 0.095 0.095 A nq nq nq B ng ng ng A ExternE range IPCC range Global warming c 0.023 9.4E-03 C low 0.11-0.29 0.038 C mid (3% discount rate) 0.88 0.24 C high a The core estimates for mortality are obtained with the YOLL approach. b The sensitivity estimates for mortality impacts are obtained with the VSL approach. c The sensitivity estimates for the global warming impacts are obtained by using the IPCC estimates (second column). The core estimates are derived from the ExternE interpretation of the FUND model (first column) damage estimates. d Mainly impacts due to sulfates formed from SO2 in the atmosphere and direct SO2 impacts. e Mainly impacts due to nitrates formed from NOx in the atmosphere. f Including damage estimates estimated with extended methodology. ng: negligible; nq: not quantified; iq: only impact quantified; - : not relevant 95 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Occupational health effects occur at all stages of the gas fuel cycle. To the extent that labour markets function perfectly, occupational health effects are internal rather than external effects in the sense that they are reflected in salary and pension payments or other compensations; therefore they are included in the electricity price. However, to date there is no available data on the functioning of the labour markets of the energy sector. Therefore, the occupational health costs analysed in this study are assumed to be external damage costs. The main occupational health impacts in the gas fuel cycle are associated with offshore gas extraction in Norway. The assumption that these impacts are not internalised is probably not a good assumption but as the damages are low excluding them would not change the overall damage estimates. The global warming impacts are estimated to be of the same order of magnitude as these public health damages. With respect to the global warming damages the results show the IPCC estimates are roughly a factor 3 lower than the lower bound of the midrange estimates obtained by the core group on global warming in this project. The reason for the observed difference comes from the higher value of a statistical life used in the ExternE project (a factor 1-1.5 higher than in IPCC) and the fact that in the ExternE estimates all world citizens are valued equally while in IPCC a regional differentiated valuation is used. Furthermore, it is clear that damages to monuments, materials, forests, crops and ecosystems are probably relatively small compared to the public health and the global warming damages. With respect to the non quantified public accident, noise and visual impacts it is expected these are negligibly low compared to the public health impacts. This resulted from analyses performed in the Spanish, the Greek and the Italian national implementation studies. Therefore, no attempt was made in analysing these damages. For the power generation stage the damages are also estimated in ECU/t pollutant emitted, see Table 4.17. The results indicate that the impacts from NOx emissions are very high per tonne pollutant emitted. The reason for these high numbers are the high public health impacts due to aerosols in the air. Per tonne pollutant the global warming impacts of CO2 are relatively small. However, the overall damage is large due to the very high emission factors associated with fossil fuel burning without CO2 removal. Comparison of the damage estimates in Sensitivity 1 and 2 indicates that inclusion of the health, ecosystem and forest exposure-response functions, which were not included in the core list of functions (used for both the Core analysis and the Sensitivity 1 analysis), does not lead to a significant increase in the damage estimates. Because of this and the disagreement about the functions or the valuation the Sensitivity 2 estimates are not included in the overall summary of the damages below. 96 Natural Gas Fuel Cycle Table 4.17 Damage estimates of the power generation stage in ECU/t pollutant emitted. Pollutant Core a Sensitivity 1 b Sensitivity 2 b SO2 NOx PM10 NOx (via ozone) CO2 c 5,916 1,494 ExternE range 19,946 15,731 IPCC range 22,249 15,731 low 3.6 1.5 mid 18-47 6.0 high 140 38 a The core estimates for mortality are obtained with the YOLL approach. b g B B B B C C C The sensitivity estimates for mortality impacts are obtained with the VSL approach. c The sensitivity estimates for the global warming impacts are obtained by using the IPCC estimates (second column). The core estimates are derived from the ExternE interpretation of the FUND model (first column) damage estimates. The sub-total damage estimates are given for four combinations of valuation: 1. Core (YOLL) public health estimates and ExternE global warming damage estimates; 2. Sensitivity 1 (VSL) public health estimates and ExternE global warming damage estimates; 3. Core (YOLL) public health estimates and IPCC global warming damage estimates and 4. Sensitivity 1 (VSL) public health estimates and IPCC global warming damage estimates. The results are given in Table 4.18 Table 4.18 Sub total damage estimates of the gas fuel cycle in mECU/kWh. low mid (3% discount rate) high Core & Sensitivity 1 & Core & Sensitivity 1 & ExternE range ExternE range IPCC range IPCC range global warming global warming global warming global warming 3.9 13 3.1 12 9.9-22 19-31 4.9 14 61 69 18 27 g C C C The total damages, based on the conservative 95 % confidence interval over all combinations of valuation, are in the range of 3 to 69 mECU/kWh with a best estimate range of 4.9 to 14 mECU/kWh. The externalities are of the same order of magnitude as the current average natural gas based electricity production - 30 mECU/kWh (Hilten et al., 1994). 97 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 98 Biomass Fuel Cycle 5. BIOMASS FUEL CYCLE 5.1 Definition of the biomass fuel cycle In the Netherlands agriculture is very intensive. The pesticide and fertiliser use per hectare agricultural land and the income per hectare in the Netherlands are one of the highest in the world. Therefore it will be difficult for biomass, a labour and land intensive crop, to compete with a cheap energy source like natural gas for electricity production. The possibility of using biomass in the energy production in the Netherlands is largely depending on climate policy (reduction of CO2 emission) and the future availability of agricultural land for biomass production. It is expected that 0.10-0.19 respectively 0.25-0.47 million hectares of agricultural land will become available for the growth of energy crop in the years 2000 and 2015 respectively. The low estimates are for a low availability of agricultural land (28,000 hectare per year) while the high estimates are for a high availability of agricultural land (41,000 hectare per year). This could lead to a total biomass yield of 52 - 69 PJ per year in the year 2000 and 87-140 PJ per year in the year 2015 (Steetskamp et al., 1994). 140 PJ per year is equal to 5% of the total energy use (2700 PJ/year) in the Netherlands in 1992. Use of biomass waste and ‘cascade’ use could lead to 12% of the total energy supply needed. Due to import of biomass this percentage could be even higher (Lysen et al., 1992). 5.1.1 Site description No commercially operated biomass plant is stationed in the Netherlands at the moment. Two biomass plants are analysed in this report (a gasification plant and a co-firing plant). Therefore, two location assumptions are made. The possible locations are given in Figure 5.1. Under normal circumstances the biomass power stations would probably be situated near the biomass production site for minimisation of high biomass transport costs. The first is the gasification plant which was fictionally situated at the site of the reference natural gas plant site (see Figure 1.2 and Figure 4.2) in the Eemshaven area in the North of the Netherlands. This is also the location of the gas fired plant analysed in the gas fuel cycle study of this report. This site is surrounded by agricultural land which could become available for future biomass production. For more information on the site we refer to the gas fuel cycle chapter. 99 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Figure 5.1 Overview of the parts of the Netherlands with high (clay soil - shaded part) and low (peat soil - grey part) yields possibilities (Steetskamp et al., 1994). The biomass co-firing plant chosen for this study is the reference coal fuel cycle, see Chapter 3). The plant was chosen as results from Dutch studies on biomass co-firing have shown that truck transport distances of the fuel up to 100 km will become economically feasible in the next decade (Steetskamp et al., 1994; Biewinga and Bijl, 1996). It is argued that the biomass might also be transported over large distances by ships (Abbas, 1997). Within 50 km from the power plant large areas of agricultural land could become available for future biomass production. Because the site chosen for the relatively small gasification plant is already a small scale industrial area, the construction of the will not change the appearance of the site very much. The co-firing plant is already an existing plant in a heavy industrialised area. Co-firing will therefore not change the appearance of the site. However, changes of the agricultural land into forest production land will change the landscape considerably. 100 Biomass Fuel Cycle 5.1.2 Technology description This section on technology description will start with a discussion of the selection of the type of biomass analysed in this study. Then the power generation technologies will be discussed. In the fuel cycle stages are given in Figure 5.2. For the 100% biomass fuel cycle the coal route is not included. Plant construction Biomass production Biomass transport Coal mining Coal transport Limestone extraction Limestone transport Power generation ELECTRICITY Wastes Plant dismantling Figure 5.2 Stages of the biomass fuel cycles (shaded only applicable for the WCF fuel cycle). Biomass production In the Netherlands production of traditional agricultural crops, such as wheat, for energy crops is held to be too expensive in comparison to the oil, gas and coal prices. Research has shown that in the year 2000 straw, poplar and miscanthus are economically feasible energy crops with a price around Dfl. 8/GJ (Lysen et al., 1992) . In agriculture the yield is limited by physiological and climatological factors. The ideal energy crop would: • Have a high growth speed; • Have most of its biomass above the ground because harvesting is then cheapest; • Have low nutrient values; • Be perennial and not annual crops because perennials need little or no tillage and preferably no ploughing; • Start growing early in the year and stop growing late in the year; 101 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands • • • • Be harvested dry with which costs of transportation can be minimised; Have a high resilience to diseases; Be highly competitive to undergrowth and Have a low water use and high resilience to drought. Most of these characteristics are related to high yields and low costs of production. Traditionally high yields are associated with intensive growth techniques but low costs are related to extensive growth techniques. A combination of these two characteristics is somewhat unusual. Some yield data for several crops grown in the Netherlands are given in Table 5.1. Among traditional agricultural crops no good candidates are found. The characteristic of perennial leads to two possible candidates: woody crops and reed like crops. However, woody crops, i.e. trees, are not C4 plants and thus do not have a high growth speed. There is a large experience with growing trees, however. Table 5.1 Yield data for some possible energy crops in the Netherlands. Yield (tonne dry material/ha*y) Estimate LEIa Zeijtsb Biewingac Soil type Clay Peat North NL Year for estimate 1991 1993 1993 1996 2020 Crop Winterwheat (seed) 6.6 7.6 6.5 5.9 7.1 Winterwheat (straw) 3.9 6.2 5.3 4.1 4.9 Sugarbeet (carrot) 15.1 15.1 13.0 11.8 14.9 Sugarbeet (loaf) 5.4 3.8 3.2 2.9 3.7 Rape (seed) 3.1 3.8 3.2 2.8 3.9 Rape (straw) 4.4 3.1 3.0 2.6 3.6 Silage maize (all except root) 11.5 14.6 12.5 14.8 15.3 Hemp (stem) 14.3 12.2 10.7 13.0 Reed (stem) 16.1 13.8 Miscanthus (stem) 12.3 10.6 8.1 9.8 Poplar (wood) 10.0 10.0 8.6 7.0 Willow (wood) 13.2 11.3 7.8 a Source: LEI (1992) b Source: Zeijts et al. (1994) c Source: Biewinga and Bijl (1996) d Source: Lysen et al. (1992) e Source: Kaltschmitt and Weise (1993) f For Kornermaise with different dry material content g Source: NRLO (1983a) 8.5 9.5 Lysend Kaltschmitte (Data for 2000 Germany) 6.6 3.9 15.0 5.4 3.7 5.3 10.6 (9-13) 11.5 10g 15.0 (6.7-10.6)f 9.6 (5-43) 15.2 (9-13) and (20-30) 13.5 (12-15) - 15.0 - - According to Lysen et al., 1992) the yield might change due to technological developments influencing yields, new harvesting techniques, new crop protection techniques and new fertilisers. 102 Biomass Fuel Cycle For Rape an annual increase of 2% in the LEI estimate is held possible between 1991 and 2000. The LEI estimate on the poplar yield was derived from experimental work performed by the ‘Dorschkamp’ in Wageningen (the Netherlands). The total yield during the experiments (including leaves and roots) was estimated at 20 t/ha*y. For poplar around 25-30% of the dry biomass is located in the leaves while another 25-30% is located in the roots. Research performed by the NRLO (1983b) concluded that the yield of wood in osier land (i.e. wicker) with a short rotation cycle (6-7 years) would probably not be higher than 13 tonne dry material/ha*y. Recent research performed in Sweden with willow (Salix viminalis) production shows that in the Netherlands a yield of 20 tonne dry material/ha*y in branches and trucks could be feasible (Perrtu, 1987). Poplar yields of 16 tonne dry material/ha*y are given by results from tests with short rotation growth techniques in the U.S. (Kenney et al., 1991). Other researchers suggest that yields in the order of 20-30 tonne dry material/ha*y are possible for poplar and willow. According to Biewinga and Bijl (1996) the actual yield levels in 1996 and the attainable yield levels in 2020 are lower than the yield levels mentioned in any other study. They state that yields in experiments are often higher than in practice. They calculate high attainable poplar and willow yields of up to 13.2 tonne dry matter/ ha*year for production in Portugal. The estimates of Lyssen et al. (1992) for the year 2000 are used in this study because future biomass use in electricity production is considered and the research mentioned above indicates that these yield figures are feasible. Miscanthus is a C4 type plant but is perennial. One problem of the perennial C4 type plants is that, quite different from one year C4 type plants, they are not highly sensitive to a critical temperature below which growth stops. In winter months a decrease in the plants biomass has been measured in Germany however. According to the experiments in Denmark and research performed by Darwinkel et al., (1982) yields of 15-20 tonne dry material/ha*y are feasible. In Lysen et al. (1992) study the miscanthus yield was set at 16 tonne dry material/ha*y. The estimated yields on clay soils in the year 2000 and the 1991 costs of production both including and excluding personnel costs used for this study are given in Table 5.2. The energy input for production of the crops is calculated by the use of fertilisers, agricultural machines and crop protection (pesticides, etc.). The energy output is obtained by calculating multiplying the energy content of the dry biomass with the dry yield. The energy input data for 1991 and expected energy content data for 2000 are given in Table 5.3. The costs per GJ are also given in the table. 103 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 5.2 Yield in 2000 and production costs in 1991. Crop Production costs Production costs Yielda incl. labour costs excl. labour costs Dfl./ha*y Dfl./ha*y tonne d.m./ha*y Winter wheat (seed) 4326 3356 6.6 b Winter wheat (straw) 200 3.9 Sugarbeet (carrot) 6465 4466 15.1 Sugarbeet (loaf) 5.4 Rape (seed) 4115 3172 3.7 Rape (straw)b 270 5.3 Silage maize (all except root) 4089 2992 11.5 Hemp (stem) Reed (stem) Miscanthus (stem) 2274 2145 16.0 Poplar (wood) 2115 1988 15.0 2115 1988 15.0 Willow (wood)c a The yield data are primarily the data from the NOVEM studies described above. b For wheat- and rape-straw only the costs of pressing are given. c Assumed equal to poplar. Source: Lysen et al. (1992) Table 5.3 Energy data for energy crops in the Netherlands. Crop Energy input Ia 1991 GJ/ha*y 20.2 5.3 25.1 Energy Ratio content content/ 2000 input GJ/ha*y 112 5.5 59 11.1 280 11.2 Cost Energy Electricity input IIb producedc Prod/ Input Dfl/GJ kWh/ha*y kWh/ha*y Winter wheat (seed) 38.6 Winter wheat (straw) 3.4 644 6649 10.3 Sugarbeet (carrot) 23.1 Sugarbeet (loaf) Rape (seed) 17.8 101 5.7 40.7 Rape (straw) 8.8 80 9.1 3.4 1069 6649 6.2 Silage maize (all except root) 24.1 196 8.1 20.9 Hemp (stem) Reed (stem) Miscanthus (stem) 17.3 272 15.9 8.4 2044 30865 15.1 Poplar (wood) 16.3 270 16.6 7.8 2033 30759 15.1 Willow (wood) 16.3 270 16.6 7.8 2033 30759 15.1 a Energy input data without transportation, storage, condensing and drying. b Energy data with energy use from transportation, storage, condensing and drying. c Assuming that the electricity is produced in a 30 MWe biomass gasification STEG installation. Source: Lysen et al. (1992) 104 Biomass Fuel Cycle The costs of natural gas and coal in the year 2000 are expected to be Dfl. 10.5 and 8.2 per GJ respectively. Therefore it is probable that only straw, miscanthus, poplar and willow are economically feasible. The other forms of biomass can only become economically feasible if the unused parts would be used for other purposes. From the possible electricity production potential the energy input needed and the production/input ratio for straw, miscanthus, poplar and willow, Table 5.3. It is clear that straw is not a very good biofuel for electricity production. Biewinga and Bijl (1996) predict the actual and attainable energy data (in GJ fossil fuel equivalent per ha) for both co-firing in a 10% biomass fired 500 MW conventional coal plant and in a 50 MW STEG plant; see Table 5.4. As Biewinga and Bijl use low crop yield data for their calculations the energy output is higher if the yield expectancy used in this study would be implemented. These corrected estimates are also given in Table 5.4. Table 5.4 Actual and attainable energy data (in GJ fossil per ha) for co-firing a and 100% gasification b electricity production in the north of the Netherlands. EI = energy input, EO = energy output, R = EO-EI ratio, Cf = correction factor and R’ = corrected output/input ratio. Crop Biewinga and Bijl (1996) Corrected to yield Actual Attainable for the year 2000 EI EO R EI EO R Cf R’. Co-firing Silage maize (all except root) 88 271 3.1 74 306 4.1 0.78 2.4 Hemp (stem) 62 196 3.1 62 261 4.2 1.1 3.3 Miscanthus (stem) 50 148 3.0 49 197 4.0 2.0 5.9 Poplar (wood) 42 128 3.1 41 171 4.2 2.1 6.6 Willow (wood) 46 143 3.1 45 190 4.2 1.9 6.0 Gasification Silage maize (all except root) 29 278 9.6 29 315 10.9 0.78 7.5 Hemp (stem) 20 201 10.0 21 247 11.8 1.1 10.8 Miscanthus (stem) 18 152 8.4 18 184 10.2 2.0 16.7 Poplar (wood) 14 132 9.4 14 162 11.6 2.1 20.2 Willow (wood) 15 146 9.7 15 179 11.9 1.9 18.7 a 10% biomass co-firing in a 500 MW coal fired conventional plant. b A 50 MW STEG installation. Source: Biewinga and Bijl (1996) The production costs of miscanthus, poplar and willow are the lowest of the crops mentioned in Table 5.2 and the energy yields are high. The breakdown of the energy use during the production and transport stages for these crops is given in Table 5.5. In recent biomass electricity production planning, the electricity companies seem to have a high preference for willow (Gigler and Sonneveld, 1997; DE, 1997). As the composition and energy related data for miscanthus, poplar, willow and are very similar (see Table 5.6 and the previous 105 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands section), the results for many other types of biomass will be comparable with the results for willow. The composition of poplar thinnings listed in Table 5.6 is taken to be representative for this average “wood” composition. This “average wood” will be studied in more detail in this study. Both plant types are also considered though the energy input/output ratios for gasification plants are much higher than for co-firing plants. The reason for considering both options is that the electricity producers experiment with both plant types at the moment and consider them as equally feasible options. For willow, poplar and miscanthus a more detailed analysis of the input of nutrients and plant protection is given in the appendix to the biomass fuel cycle. 106 Biomass Fuel Cycle Table 5.5 Production, storage, drying and transport data for Miscanthus (M), Poplar (P) and Willow (W). Production Seedlings Fertiliser N P2O5 K2O Protection Machines (diesel) Manure Chipping CO2 emissionnon transport Product Yield (50% moisture) Yield (16% moisture) Yield (dry) Energy content Transport (truck) transport costs loading and unloading energy use Unit 1991a M P/ W 1996b M GJ/ha*y P 1.6 0.1 1.6 GJ/ha*y kg/ha*y GJ/ha*y kg/ha*y GJ/ha*y kg/ha*y GJ/ha*y GJ/ha*y GJ/ha*y GJ/ha*y 5.3 82 0.3 20 1.1 126 0.1 8.8 8.1 125 0.6 40 1.0 120 0.4 6.0 kg/ha*y 569.6 580.9 t/ha t/ha t/ha GJ/t 19.0 16.0 17.0 Dfl/tkm Dfl./t MJ/tkm GJ/ha*y 0.20 4.0 2.0 conversion process GJ/ha*y a Source: Lysen et al. (1992) b Source: W 2020b M P W 0.29 0.29 1.6 0.29 0.29 2.5 2.3 2.9 3.4 0.0 1.2 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.08 8.8 0.0 0.0 0.02 6.0 0.0 1.3 0.012 6.0 0.0 1.4 0.02 8.8 0.0 0.0 0.01 6.0 2.0 1.5 0.01 6.0 1.8 1.7 920 700 730 1000 660 750 8.1 7.0 7.0 9.8 8.5 9.5 0.46 0.56 0.63 0.56 0.68 0.76 35.8 31.1 34.5 34.7 30.1 33.4 30.0 15.0 18.0 0.20 4.0 2.0 Biewinga and Bijl (1996) 107 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 5.6 Composition, energy content and expected costs of specific loads of biomass. Moisture Ash Miscanthusa Poplar Willowb Black Oak Douglas Pine Eucalyptus Thinningsc Unitd - - - - - - - 50wt % wm 1.6 1.3 0.9- 3.2 wt % dm Vollatiles Fixed carbons 1.4 0.1 0.29 0.76 1.32 81.6 16.8 82.3 16.4 73.1-81.3 17.3-24.5 85.6 13.0 87.3 12.6 82.54 17.17 81.4 17.8 - wt % dm wt % dm LHV HHV 17.6 18.8 18.2 19.4 18.8-20.0 17.4 18.6 19.1 20.4 18.8 20.0 18.2 19.4 15.5 (a.r.) 19.2 MJ/kg dm MJ/kg dm Components C H O N S Cl 49.0 6.0 42.4 0.57 0.1 0.28 48.5 5.85 43.7 0.47 0.01 0.10 48.0-49.5 5.6- 6.1 41.2-44.6 0.2- 0.9 0.02- 0.13 0.002-0.13 49.0 6.0 43.5 0.15 0.02 - 50.6 6.2 43.0 0.06 0.02 - 49.3 6.0 44.36 0.06 0.03 0.01 49.0 5.9 44.0 0.3 0.01 0.13 49.10 6.00 44.30 0.48 0.01 0.10 wt % dm wt % dm wt % dm wt % dm wt % dm wt % dm 42.9 50 ECU/dt ECU/dt Costs Minimum Maximum a Shoots only b Range from different loads c Value for poplar wood thinnings (Faaij et al.,1995b) d wt % dm = weight % dry material, dt = dry tonne Source: Doorn (1995) 108 Biomass Fuel Cycle Power generation At the moment there are no commercially operated biomass-fired power stations in the Netherlands. However, experiments with biomass fired and biomass co-fired plants are in progress. At the coal fired conventional power station in Nijmegen in the Netherlands the EPON has started experiments with co-firing with clean biomass chips. Amongst others the PEN and NORIT NV have also launched studies on biomass input in electricity production. Several studies on the biomass input for combined heat-power plants are also in progress. As discussed in the previous section two types of fictional plants will be studied. One is a 600 MWe STEG coal fired plant with wood co-firing (WCF-plant) and the other is a 29 MWe 100% wood gasified combined cycle plant (WG-plant). Wood processing and transport For storage and drying the biomass it is assumed that the biomass is first stored for 6 to 10 weeks on the field until it has lost around 90% of the moisture For the two fictional wood fired plants it is assumed that the wood is chipped at the production site and transported in containers to the power plants. The containers are stored in an unloading area for a short period and then placed on an automated traverse and dumping system. This system consists of 27 containers for the WCF plant and 39 containers for the WG plant to supply the plants with the needed wood input for one day. The wood chips are unloaded into a reception hopper and conveyed to the grinding area. In this area two respectively three grinders (10 t/h capacity each) reduce the material from the original size to a particle size of 1-8 mm. Electricity production WCF-plant For the fictional WCF plant it is assumed that approximately 20 MWe of the 600 MWe produced in the coal fired E8-station will be replaced with biomass input. The E8-station has been discussed extensively in Chapter 3. Therefore only adjustments needed for making the plant suitable for biomass co-firing are discussed here. After the first milling stage the biomass chips are transported to two intermediate storage bins with a chain conveyer. Each bin contains 50 m3 at most and feeds two mill units with two variable screw conveyers. In the mills the biomass chips are reduced in size and dried with preheated air. The material leaving the mills enter a static classifier which removes approximately 15-25% of the material <800 µm. Rejects from the classifier fall into a vibrating screen where further separation between product and oversize occur. Oversize particles are reentered into the mills for further reduction. The final product is then collected in a dust collector. The specifications of the wood powder are given in Table 5.7. 109 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 5.7 Specifications of wood powder. Particle size distribution Moisture 90% < 800µm 99% < 1000µm 100% < 1500µm 8% Dry Weight Source: Penninks (1995) Each of the mill systems operates independently and produces 2.5 t/hour of final product with a density between 200 and 240 kg/m3. Wood powder from all four systems is combined in a central collection bin and then conveyed over 600 meters to a 1000m3 storage silo adjacent to the boiler. A metering system feeds the powder into four separate burner injection lines, each capable of conveying 1.1 to 3.5 t/hour. Four special Dual Air Zone (DAZ) Scroll Feed wood burners with a capacity of 20 MWth each are mounted in the side walls of the boiler (two on each side). The DAZ wood burner is two registers in one, with concentric louver zones, which divide the combustion air stream into two counter rotating concentric streams. The result is a compact and controllable flame pattern. The secondary air supply to the burners can be used as cooling air when the wood burners are not in operation and only coal is used as a fuel (Pennink, 1995) The technical data of this fictional WCF plant are given in Table 5.8. Table 5.8 Other technical data of the WCF plant. Technical data Biomass part Coal part Total Unit Gross electricity production 19.785 660 680 MWe Sent out electricity production a 16.996 610 627 MWe 8 9 9 Net produced electricity 1.07*10 3.85*10 3.95*10 kWh/y Average full load hours (over 25 years) 6305 6305 6305 h/y Average load factor 72 72 72 % Thermal efficiency b 44 44 44 % Expected lifetime 25 25 25 y a Gross electricity production minus 1.025 MW for crushing and grinding and 1.764 MW for the production of the wood powder and burning. b Based on 10 t/h input with an average moisture content of 15%. Sources: Pennink (1995) and UNA (1996) WG plant In the province of Noord-Holland a concrete initiative is taken to realise a Biomass Integrated Gasifier/Combined Cycle (BIG/CC) unit. There are several types of BIG/CCs. An inventory of potential technologies and a first feasibility study for Noord-Holland are given by Broek et al. (1995) and van Ree (1994). The wet biomass chips are first dried in a conventional rotary 110 Biomass Fuel Cycle dryer (Faaij and Meuleman, 1996). After that basically three concepts with circulating fluidised bed (CFB) gasifiers can be applied (Faaij et al., 1995a): • Direct (near) atmospheric gasification with ‘conventional’ low temperature gas cleaning and compression of the fuel gas before combustion in a gas turbine. Heat from gas cooling is used for steam production. • Direct pressurised gasification with high temperature gas cleaning. This system is pressurised by the compressor of the gas turbine. • Indirect (near) atmospheric gasification , ‘conventional’ low temperature gas cleaning and compression of the fuel gas before combustion in a gas turbine. In this concept middle caloric gas (approx. 10 instead of 5-6 MJ/Nm3 for direct gasification) is produced. The first two concepts are described in more detail by Elliot and Booth (1993) while the last concept is described in more detail by Consonni and Larson (1994). The advantage of CFB technology is that it has high flexibility for various fuel types and particle size and a high conversion efficiency (Faaij et al., 1995a). This study focuses on the direct atmospheric gasification process based on TPS (Swedish TPS Thermiska Processor AB) gasification technology with low temperature gas cleaning. This system is chosen because of the expected high flexibility for various biomass fuels with varying degree of contamination and properties and because all parts of the system are commercially proven (Faaij et al., 1995a). This process is described in detail by amongst others Studsvik Energietechnik , TSSI (1994) and Waldheim (1993). More details on the equipment assumed for the system are given in Table 5.9. Table 5.9 Equipment assumptions for the WG plant. Unit Description Dryer Flue gas direct rotary dryer, 13.8 tonne water ev./hr. Mass flows and temperatures for fuel of approximately 50% moisture: ‘Wet’ fuel gas: 81.5 kg/s, 80 oC, 1.1 bar. Output moisture content fuel is approximately 15%. Gasifier ACFB type TPS technology, 1.3 bar, 900 oC (depending on fuel), heat loss 2% of thermal input, Bed material: sand. Gasifier air: 1.3 bar, 400 oC. Tar cracker CFB reactor using dolomite. Fuel gas cooler T cooled from 900 oC to 140 oC. Dust filter Baghouse filter Fuel gas scrubber Spray tower using recirculating water. Fuel gas compressor Multi storage compressor with intercooler Gas turbine General Electric LM 2500 (modified for Low Caloric Value gas - LCV gas). This turbine is used in Sweden and under further development under the GEF World bank Project in Brazil (van Ree et al., 1995) HRSG Superheater Steam turbine Two stage partly condensing steam turbine Steam/Water cycle Condenser, dearator and water pumps FGD A 70% effective flue gas desulpherisation unit using lime Wet scrubber A 100% effective wet scrubber for removal of H2S and NaOH Source: Faaij et al. (1995a) 111 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Faaij et al. (1995a) assessed this system by applying ASPENplus by taking Poplar thinnings as input (see Table 2.6 for the composition). They did not model the gasification process. Instead data on delivered gas composition were generated by gasification tests at laboratory scale and calculated gas composition. Other technical data on the selected fictional WG plant are given in Table 5.10. The operation and maintenance costs (incl. personnel, use of catalyst, chemicals , etc.) is set at 2.1 MECU/year. Table 5.10 Other technical data of the "WG plant". Technical data Gross electricity production Net electricity production Net produced electricity Average full load hours (over 25 years) Average load factor (over 25 years) Thermal efficiency (LHV a.r.) Expected lifetime Source: Value 36.55 29.04 2.035*108 7008 80 42 25 Unit MWe MWe kWh/y h/y % % y Faaij et al. (1995a) Bulk materials input for building and operating Building materials The amount of building material for construction of the WCF plant is assumed equal to the amount of materials needed for constructing the E8 station (Dorland et al., 1995). On the amount of building materials for the WG plant no data was readily available. Therefore, it is assumed that it can be estimated with data from the WCF-plant and assuming proportionality with the capacity. The results are given in Table 5.11. Table 5.11 Building materials for the WCF and the WG plants. Materials WCF-plant Concrete (ton) 175,000 Steel (ton) 63,000 Others (ton) 2,200 WG-plant 9,400 3,440 118 Inputs for operating The most important inputs for operating the WCF and the WG plants are listed in Table 5.12 and Table 5.13 respectively. 112 Biomass Fuel Cycle Table 5.12 Average yearly bulk inputs for the 627 MW WCF plant. Input Average amount Poplar thinnings (50 weight % moisture) approx. 128,000 Coal 1,260,000 a Limestone 29,300 Cooling water a 670,000 Suppletion water for FGD a max. 750,000 Bottom ash cooling water a 14,600 3 m /y Other water (sanitary, etc.) a not quantified a Assumed equal to 100% coal fired plant. Table 5.13 Average yearly bulk inputs for the WG plant. Input Poplar thinnings (50weight % moisture) Dolomite NaOH Cooling water Other water (sanitary, etc.) Average amount 235,000 7,920 16.2 assumed negligible not quantified Unit t/y t/y t/y m3/y m3/y Unit t/y t/y t/y 5.2 Overview of burdens 5.2.1 Solid wastes Only data on solid wastes in the power generation stage are readily available. Power generation stage WCF-plant The solid wastes due to the fictional WCF plant are assumed to be equal to the solid wastes from the E8 station, see Table 3.7 on page 61. As in the coal fuel cycle it is assumed that all wastes are commercial materials and are sold. Therefore they are not treated as waste materials but as commercial by-products. WG-plant The solid wastes due to the fictional WG plant are not well quantified in the available literature. Estimates made by Faaij et al. (1995a) are given in Table 5.14. 113 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 5.14 Solid wastes from the WG-plant. Product Source Ash burner and scrubber Gypsum FGD Quantity (t/y) 10,000 8,000 Source: Faaij et al. (1995a) It is assumed that all wastes are commercial materials and are sold. According to Swedish experience the ash can be used as a fertiliser (TPS, 1995). As the wastes are treated as commercial by-products the external impact should be accounted for in the product cycle in which the waste is used. 5.2.2 Atmospheric emissions Power generation The major emissions to air by the biomass plants can be divided into flue gas, fly ash from storage, coal dust from open storage (WCF-plant only) and in-house transport. They are dealt with below. Smaller emissions to air, e.g. from the unit for emergency power, have not been taken into account because they are expected to be negligible in comparison to the emissions mentioned above. Flue gas emissions WCF-plant The air emission factors from the coal part of the fictional WCF plant are assumed to be equal to the emissions from the E8 coal fired power plant upon which it is based. The emission factors for the biomass part of the plant are derived from Faaij et al. (1995a). The emission factors are given in Table 5.15. The emission factors are given for the production of one kWh from biomass, coal and average. The total flue gas emission, 516.8 Nm3/s with a temperature of 60oC, is calculated from the E8 station emission when 100% coal fired, the coal and biomass input and the relative density ratio of coal to biomass. 114 Biomass Fuel Cycle Table 5.15 Expected WCF plant air emissions. Parameter Emission factor Flue gas emission (g/kWh) (mg/Nm3) e Biomass Coal Average Biomass Coal e Average a 3 5 CO2 1077 900 906.4 9.7*10 2.95*10 3.05*105 b SO2 0.010 0.411 0.40 0.087 134.6 134.7 NOx c 0.17 0.714 0.70 1.54 234.2 235.7 Particles d 0.0039 0.017 0.017 0.036 5.62 5.66 a The CO2 capture with biomass production not included. b It is assumed that 90 % of the SO2 in the flue gas is captured with the FGD. c It is assumed that the NOx emission from biomass firing is proportional to N contents of biomass and coal. d It is assumed that the particle emission from biomass firing relative to the emission from coal is proportional to the ash contents of biomass and coal. With this assumption it is assumed that the ESP is 99.95% effective. e see page 64 WG-plant No reliable emission measurement data for the gasification plant were readily available for this project. Results from modelling work performed by Faaij et al. (1995a) was used here. The emission factors are given in Table 5.16. The total flue gas emission is assumed to be conform to a STEG installation, i.e. 60 Nm3/s with a temperature of 70oC (Faaij et al, 1995a). The stack is assumed to be 60 meters high and 7.7 meters in diameter (similar to the natural gas plant stacks). Table 5.16 Expected WG plant emissions. Parameter Emission factor (g/kWh) CO2 1035 SO2 0.0744 NOx 0.223 Particles 0.0298 CO 0.298 HCl negligible HF not quantified VOC 0.0744 Total heavy metals (excl. Cd and Hg) 0.00744 Cd and Cd compounds 0.000372 Hg and Hg compounds 0.000372 Total dioxins and dibenzofuranes Flue gas emission (mg/Nm3) 1.39*105 10 30 4 40 negligible not quantified 10 1.0 0.05 0.05 0.1 ng TEQ/Nm3 Source: Faaij et al. (1995a) and Faaij, personal communication. 115 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Fly ash and coal from storage These emissions are only occur in the WCF-plant option. It is assumed the emissions do not change because of the partial biomass replacement of coal. They are described in Section on page 64. In-house transport (workers, etc.) Data on this subject are not readily available. As the relative contribution of these impacts is expected to be negligible compared to the impacts of power generation emissions these emissions are, therefore, not dealt with. Transport of waste materials The transport distance of the main solid waste materials (i.e. fly ash (WCF-plant only), gypsum and furnace bottom ash) to the customer is estimated at an average of 200 km (return journey). Transport takes place by barge. Emission factors for barge transport and the resulting emissions per MWh electricity produced are given in Table 5.17. The results for the coal part of the WCF-plant are given in Table 3.14. Table 5.17 Emission (in g/MWh) and emission factor (in g/(t * km)) for barge transport of waste materials. SO2 NOx Particles CO2 a Emission factor barge transport 0.045 0.36 0.0024 24.7 Emission from transport of: WCF-plant (Biomass part only) fly ash 0.29 2.4 gypsum 0.11 0.92 furnace bottom ash 0.019 0.15 total waste 0.42 3.4 WG-plant ash 0.44 3.5 gypsum 0.35 2.8 total waste 0.80 6.4 a Source: Dorland et al. (1998) Barge transport: Push vessel (1990 built). 0.016 0.0061 0.0010 0.023 160 63 10 233 0.024 0.019 0.042 243 194 437 The emissions of SO2, NOx and particles from transport are small relative to these emissions from the power generation phase. Power plant construction and dismantling Specific data on emissions due to construction and dismantling are not readily available for the plants. The WCF-plant construction and dismantling emissions are equal to those of the E8station emissions discussed in Section page 67. Only the relative share, based on the share of capacity biomass fuelled (2.9 %), is considered for the biomass part. For the WG plant 116 Biomass Fuel Cycle it is assumed that the materials are transported by truck over 100 km (return journey). The results are given in Table 5.18. The results for the coal part of the WCF-plant were given in Table 3.13. For truck transport the emission factors mentioned in the Auto Oil programme (EC, 1995) for new technology pullers >16 t, 1998 built under SELA 1 and EURO 3C emission constraints, are used. Table 5.18 Emissions due to transport of construction and dismantling of the plants (in g/MWh) and the emission factor (in g/(t * km) for truck transport. SO2 NOx Particles CO2 Emission factors : Truck transport 0.076 0.47 0.0076 69 Construction or Dismantling WCF-plant (Biomass part only) Truck 0.019 0.12 0.0019 WG-plant Truck 0.0011 0.0066 0.00011 18 0.98 Coal, biomass and limestone production and transport Coal production and transport The coal production and transport emission figures for the WCF-plant can be scaled down from the E8-station data based on the amount of coal input, see Table 3.8. Biomass production and transport The biomass production and transport emissions are estimated based on the energy input in the different stages of the productions phase and of transport, see Table 5.5 the poplar 1996 data. It is assumed that the transport distance for the biomass from the production site to the plant is 100 km (return journey) by barge for the co-firing plant and 50 km (return journey) by truck for the gasification plant. Furthermore, for simplicity reasons, it is assumed that the emission factors for the agricultural machines and the cutting equipment are equal to the emission factors for trucks. The energy input for the production of seedlings, fertilisers and protection compounds (pesticides, etc.) are assumed to be 100% related to electricity use. The energy input data of these production stages were already given in Table 5.5. The emission factors for truck and barge transport, listed in Table 5.17 and Table 5.18 respectively, are used. Furthermore, the CO2 emissions from the power generation stage are cancelled out by the CO2 plant uptake during growth. Therefore there are negative CO2 emissions in this stage. 117 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands The results for the biomass part of the WCF-plant and the WG-plant are given in Table 5.19. The results for the coal part of the WCF-plant were already given in Table 3.8. Table 5.19 Emissions to air from biomass production and biomass transport in g/MWh. SO2 NOx Particles CO2 WCF-plant (Biomass part only) Biomass production Biomass growth -1,035,000 Seedlings 0.67 1.49 0.04 821 Fertiliser 5.81 12.91 0.31 7,106 Protection 0.046 0.10 0.0025 57 Machines 14 86 1.4 12,795 Chipping 3.0 19 0.30 2,772 Biomass transport 5.4 43 0.29 2,955 WG-plant Biomass production Biomass transport Biomass growth Seedlings Fertiliser Protection Machines Chipping 0.65 5.60 0.045 14 2.9 4.4 1.44 12.46 0.10 84 18 27 0.03 0.30 0.0024 1.4 0.29 0.44 -1,035,000 793 6,860 55 12,351 2,676 39,801 Limestone extraction Data on emissions from limestone extraction were not readily available for the actually used limestone from Belgium. As other studies showed that these emissions are relatively low compared to the power generation stage emissions, they were not quantified (Linares et al., 1997). Limestone transport According to the environmental impact assessment of the coal plant (the E8-station), lime is transported in silos and loaded and unloaded under high pressure (EIA (1988). No limestone emissions take place at these stages. It is assumed this is also the case for the gasification plant. The lime transport from Belgium to the E8-station will be by barge; the emission factors given in the methodology report are probably good estimates and therefore used in this study. The transport distance is estimated to be 400 km (return journey). The limestone transport to the gasification plant is assumed to take place by truck as there is no easy access from the Belgium limestone extraction site to the plant. The transport distance is estimated at 700 km (return journey). The emission factors for truck and barge transport, listed in Table 5.17 and Table 5.18 respectively, are used. The estimated emissions due to limestone transport for the coal part of the co-firing fuel cycle were already given in Table 3.8. The emissions for the biomass part of the co-firing fuel cycle and for the gasification fuel cycle are given in Table 5.20. 118 Biomass Fuel Cycle Table 5.20 Emissions due to transport of limestone (in g/MWh) SO2 NOx WCF-plant (Biomass part only) Barge 0.70 5.6 Truck 1.2 1.8 WG-plant Truck 2.1 Particles 13 CO2 0.037 0.029 384 268 0.21 1,878 Summary of air emissions The air emissions in the different stages of the biomass fuel cycles of the biomass part of the co-firing cycle and of the gasification cycle are given in Table 5.21. The air emissions of the coal part of the co-firing cycle are given in Table 3.15. Table 5.21 Summary of air emissions of the biomass fuel cycles in g/MWh. Fuel cycle stages Particles SO2 NOx WCF-plant (Biomass part only) 1. Biomass production • Biomass growth 0.35 6.5 15 • Seedlings/Fertiliser/Protection 1.7 17 105 • Machines/Chipping 2. Biomass transport 0.29 5.4 43 3. Limestone extraction ng ng ng 4a. Limestone transport by barge 0.037 0.70 5.6 4b. Limestone transport by truck 0.029 1.2 1.8 5. Power generation 3.9 10 169 6. Power plant construction 0.00011 0.00108 0.0066 7. Power plant dismantling 0.00011 0.00108 0.0066 8. Waste transport 0.023 0.42 3.4 -1,035,000 7,984 15,567 2,955 ng 384 268 1,077,000 0.98 0.98 301 WG-plant 1. Biomass production • Biomass growth • Seedlings/Fertiliser/Protection • Machines/Chipping 2. Biomass transport 3. Limestone extraction 4. Limestone transport 5. Power generation 6. Power plant construction 7. Power plant dismantling 8. Waste transport -1,035,000 7,707 15,027 39,801 ng 1,878 1,035,000 18 18 437 0.34 1.7 0.44 ng 0.21 30 0.0019 0.0019 0.042 6.3 17 4.4 ng 2.1 74 0.019 0.019 0.80 14 102 27 ng 13 223 0.12 0.12 6.4 CO2 119 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 5.2.3 Water and soil emissions Only data on the emissions from the power generation stages are available. The emissions to water from the WCF-plant were discussed in Section 3.2.3. They will not be discussed here. It is assumed that they do not change due to the limited shift in input from coal to biomass. Emissions to soil were not quantified. The emissions to water from the WG-plant is mainly consisting of condenser water and drying water. The condenser water used is recirculated so almost no water is emitted. The drying water use is estimated at 96,700 t/y. This effluent can be discharged to a normal water treatment plant where it can be cleaned sufficiently. 5.2.4 Biomass production emissions The emissions of nutrients and plant protection compounds are estimated in the appendix to the biomass fuel cycle. The summary results are given in Table 5.22 to Table 5.24. Table 5.22 Emissions of Nutrients to water (leaching to groundwater, run off and erosion). Nitrogen Phosphate Kaliumoxides (N) (P2O5) (K2O) Emission to water in kg/ha.y a 6.6 2.1 2.1 Emission to water in g/MWh 138 WCF-plant 483 WG-plant a Tree concept as defined in appendix biomass fuel cycle. Table 5.23 Emissions of Nutrients to air. Pollutant N2 Emission to water in kg/ha.y a 6.2 b 44 154 44 154 N2O 0.80 b NH3 1.0 c Emission to water in g/MWh 130 17 21 WCF-plant 454 56 56 WG-plant a Poplar data from appendix biomass fuel cycle. b Emission factor is 7 (attainable N2+N2O for poplar)-0.8 (estimated attainable N2O for poplar). c Attainable for poplar. 120 Biomass Fuel Cycle Table 5.24 Emissions of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides for tree cultivation. Air release Surface water Ground water Land erosion Emission in kg/ha.y Herbicides a 0.16 0.022 0.017 0.0011 Fungicides a n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. a Insecticides 0.0074 0.00087 0.00087 0.00043 Emission in g/MWh WCF-plant Herbicides 3.4 0.46 0.36 0.23 Fungicides n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. Insecticides 0.16 0.018 0.018 0.0091 WG-pant Herbicides 12 1.6 1.3 0.80 Fungicides n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. Insecticides 0.54 0.064 0.064 0.032 a Source: see appendix to the biomass fuel cycle n.d.: no data 5.2.5 Occupational accidents and diseases No data on the occupational accidents and diseases of biomass production stage are readily available. As the labour input in this stage is low the accident and disease rates will probably also be low. Therefore, the damages are probably negligible compared to the occupational damages in the other fuel cycle stages. The impacts in the other fuel cycle stages are assumed to be similar to those from the coal fuel cycle stage. The impacts mainly occur in the limestone/dolomite extraction, transport and power plant construction, operation and dismantling stages. The method in which the impacts are estimated for each individual fuel cycle stage is given in the appendix to the biomass fuel cycle. In Table 5.25 the results are summarised for the biomass part of the co-firing fuel cycle and for the gasification fuel cycle. The results for the coal part of the co-firing fuel cycle were already given in Table 3.18. 121 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 5.25 Occupational health impacts of the biomass fuel cycles. Fuel cycle stage Fatal Major accidents accidents & diseases & diseases per TWh per TWh WCF fuel cycle(biomass part only) Biomass production 0.0 0.0 Limestone extraction 0.000050 0.0010 Biomass transport 0.00087 0.0048 Limestone transport 0.0047 0.055 Power plant construction 0.0099 0.26 Power plant dismantling 0.0013 0.030 Power plant operation 0.0085 0.21 Operation- and waste material transport 0.0124 0.056 WG fuel cycle Biomass production Limestone extraction Biomass transport Limestone transport Power plant construction Power plant dismantling Power plant operation Operation- and waste material transport Minor accidents & diseases per TWh 0.0 0.027 0.13 1.5 9.2 0.98 8.8 2.6 0.0 0.000050 0.057 0.027 0.0092 0.0012 0.0085 0.0 0.0010 0.75 0.35 0.24 0.028 0.21 0.0 0.027 21 9.9 8.5 0.91 8.8 0.011 0.0058 1.5 5.3 Quantification of impacts and damages The priority impacts that should be considered in this fuel cycle are shown in the next table. Table 5.26 Priority impacts of the coal fuel cycle. Impacts Biomass production/ limestone extraction Global warming x Public health Occupational health x Crops Forests Ecosystems x Materials Noise x Visual impact x Transport Generation Construction x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x In the next sections the impacts and damages are given by fuel cycle stage. The non-power generation fuel cycle stages are discussed together. 122 Biomass Fuel Cycle 5.3.1 Non-power generation fuel cycle stages In this section only the biomass fired part of the co-firing fuel cycle is dealt with. The impacts and damages of the coal fired part are assumed to be equal to the impacts and damages estimated in the coal fuel cycle study in this report. Impacts and damages of the complete gasification fuel cycle are given here as the gasification plant is 100% biomass fuelled. The impacts considered most relevant are those caused by occupational accidents and diseases, atmospheric emissions on human health, materials, crops and ecosystems, and global warming impacts. Occupational accidents and diseases occur in all stages of the biomass fuel cycles. The summary of the impacts was given in Table 5.25. Fatal , major and minor accidents and diseases are valued at 3.1 MECU, 95,050 ECU and 6,970 ECU respectively. For a discussion on the valuation we refer to the methodology part of this report. The resulting damage estimates are given in Table 5.27. Table 5.27 Occupational health damages in the non-power generation fuel cycle stages in mECU/kWh. Fuel cycle stages Fatal Major Minor accidents accidents accidents & diseases & diseases & diseases WCF fuel cycle (biomass part only) Biomass production 0.00 0.00 0.00 Limestone extraction 0.00016 0.00010 0.00019 Biomass transport 0.0027 0.00046 0.00088 Limestone transport 0.015 0.0053 0.011 Power plant construction 0.031 0.025 0.064 Power plant dismantling 0.0039 0.0029 0.0068 Power plant operation 0.026 0.020 0.062 Operation- and waste material transport 0.039 0.0053 0.018 WG fuel cycle Biomass production Limestone extraction Biomass transport Limestone transport Power plant construction Power plant dismantling Power plant operation Operation- and waste material transport 0.00 0.00016 0.18 0.0828 0.028 0.0036 0.026 0.00 0.00010 0.071 0.0337 0.023 0.0027 0.020 0.00 0.00019 0.147 0.0693 0.059 0.0063 0.062 0.033 0.0006 0.0103 123 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands The global warming damages in the non-power generation fuel cycle stages are quantified by using the damage estimates from the ExternE core assessment for different discount rates (1, 3 and 5%) and the estimates from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The low, mid and high estimates are given. The low and high estimate give an indication of the range of model uncertainty of the impacts. For a description of the methodology see the methodology part of this report. The results are given in Table 5.28 and Table 5.29 for WCF and WG fuel cycles respectively. A methodology for analysing the impacts and damages related to non-CO2 emissions in the non power generation fuel cycle stages is not given in this study. However, for transport related emissions a methodology was developed in the ExternE transport study (ExternE transport, 1997). In this study the ExternE accounting framework was adjusted to fit transport emission specific questions such as low to the ground emission dispersion. The Dutch results from this study, are used here (Dorland et al., 1997). The impacts are too diverse and many to be mentioned separately here. As mentioned before, new (1998 built) truck transport technologies were assumed as the biomass fuel cycles will not become fully operational before the year 2000. For barge transport old (1990) technologies were assumed as data on new technologies was not readily available. The core (YOLL based) damage results are given in Table 5.30. The damage estimates based on VSL (Value of Statistical Life) are on average higher than the YOLL estimate by: • a factor 30 for acute mortality impacts (as with NOx ozone damages); • a factor 4 higher for chronic mortality impacts (the main sulphate, nitrate and particle damages). 124 Biomass Fuel Cycle Table 5.28 Global warming damages due to CO2 emissions in mECU/kWh and ECU/t. Fuel cycle stage mECU/kWh low mid 1. Biomass production Seedlings/Fertiliser/Protection ExternE - 1% 0.18 0.37 ExternE - 3% 0.062 0.14 ExternE - 5% 0.029 0.068 IPCC 0.012 0.048 Machines/Chipping ExternE - 1% 0.34 0.73 ExternE - 3% 0.12 0.28 ExternE - 5% 0.056 0.13 IPCC 0.023 0.09 2. Biomass transport ExternE - 1% 0.065 0.14 ExternE - 3% 0.023 0.053 ExternE - 5% 0.011 0.025 IPCC 0.0044 0.018 3. Limestone extraction ExternE - 1% ng ng ExternE - 3% ng ng ExternE - 5% ng ng IPCC ng ng 4a. Limestone transport - barge ExternE - 1% 0.0085 0.0179 ExternE - 3% 0.0030 0.0069 ExternE - 5% 0.0014 0.0033 IPCC 0.00058 0.0023 4b. Limestone transport - truck ExternE - 1% 0.0059 0.013 ExternE - 3% 0.0021 0.0048 ExternE - 5% 0.0010 0.0023 IPCC 0.0004 0.0016 5. Power generation ExternE - 1% 24 50 ExternE - 3% 8.4 19 ExternE - 5% 3.9 9.2 IPCC 1.6 6.5 6. Power plant construction ExternE - 1% 2.2E-05 4.6E-05 ExternE - 3% 7.7E-06 1.8E-05 ExternE - 5% 3.5E-06 8.4E-06 IPCC 1.5E-06 5.9E-06 7. Power plant dismantling ExternE - 1% 2.2E-05 4.6E-05 ExternE - 3% 7.7E-06 1.8E-05 ExternE - 5% 3.5E-06 8.4E-06 IPCC 1.5E-06 5.9E-06 8. Waste transport ExternE - 1% 5.2E-03 1.1E-02 ExternE - 3% 1.8E-03 4.2E-03 ExternE - 5% 8.4E-04 2.0E-03 IPCC 3.5E-04 1.4E-03 TOTAL ExternE - 1% 24 52 ExternE - 3% 8.6 20 ExternE - 5% 4.0 9.4 IPCC 1.7 6.6 the WCF fuel cycle stages in high ECU/t low mid high 1.1 0.43 0.20 0.30 2.2 0.83 0.39 0.58 0.41 0.16 0.075 0.11 ng ng ng ng 0.054 0.021 0.010 0.014 0.037 0.014 0.0068 0.010 151 58 27 40 1.4E-04 5.2E-05 2.5E-05 3.7E-05 1.4E-04 5.2E-05 2.5E-05 3.7E-05 3.3E-02 1.2E-02 5.9E-03 8.7E-03 154 59 28 41 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 22.1 7.8 3.6 1.5 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 46.7 18.0 8.5 6.0 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 139.8 53.5 25.2 37.5 125 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 5.29 Global warming damages due to CO2 emissions in the WG fuel cycle stages in mECU/kWh and ECU/t. Fuel cycle stage mECU/kWh ECU/t low mid high low mid high 1. Biomass production Seedlings/Fertiliser/Protection ExternE - 1% 0.17 0.36 1.1 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 0.060 0.14 0.41 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 0.028 0.066 0.19 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 0.012 0.046 0.29 1.5 6.0 37.5 Machines/Chipping ExternE - 1% 0.33 0.70 2.1 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 0.12 0.27 0.80 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 0.054 0.13 0.38 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 0.023 0.09 0.56 1.5 6.0 37.5 2. Biomass transport ExternE - 1% 0.09 0.2 0.6 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 0.03 0.07 0.2 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 0.01 0.03 0.1 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 0.006 0.02 0.1 1.5 6.0 37.5 3. Limestone extraction ExternE - 1% ng ng ng 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% ng ng ng 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% ng ng ng 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC ng ng ng 1.5 6.0 37.5 4. Limestone transport ExternE - 1% 0.042 0.088 0.26 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 0.015 0.034 0.10 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 0.0068 0.016 0.047 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 0.0028 0.011 0.070 1.5 6.0 37.5 5. Power generation ExternE - 1% 22.9 48.3 144.7 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 8.1 18.6 55.3 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 3.7 8.8 26.1 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 1.6 6.2 38.9 1.5 6.0 37.5 6. Power plant construction ExternE - 1% 3.9E-04 8.2E-04 2.5E-03 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 1.4E-04 3.2E-04 9.4E-04 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 6.3E-05 1.5E-04 4.4E-04 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 2.6E-05 1.1E-04 6.6E-04 1.5 6.0 37.5 7. Power plant dismantling ExternE - 1% 3.9E-04 8.2E-04 2.5E-03 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 1.4E-04 3.2E-04 9.4E-04 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 6.3E-05 1.5E-04 4.4E-04 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 2.6E-05 1.1E-04 6.6E-04 1.5 6.0 37.5 8. Waste transport ExternE - 1% 0.010 0.020 0.061 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 0.0034 0.0079 0.023 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 0.0016 0.0037 0.011 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 0.0007 0.0026 0.016 1.5 6.0 37.5 TOTAL ExternE - 1% 23.5 49.7 148.7 22.1 46.7 139.8 ExternE - 3% 8.3 19.2 56.9 7.8 18.0 53.5 ExternE - 5% 3.8 9.1 26.8 3.6 8.5 25.2 IPCC 1.6 6.4 39.9 1.5 6.0 37.5 126 Biomass Fuel Cycle Table 5.30 Particles, SO2 and NOx emission damages from the non power generation fuel cycle stages. Fuel cycle stage Particles SO2 NOx mECU/kWh kECU/t a mECU/kWh kECU/t a mECU/kWh kECU/t a WCF fuel cycle (biomass part only) 1. Biomass production -Seedlings/Fertiliser/Protection 0.0063 -Machines/Chipping 0.33 2. Biomass transport 0.056 3. Limestone extraction ng 4a. Limestone transport - barge 0.007 4b. Limestone transport - truck 0.006 6. Power plant construction 0.000021 7. Power plant dismantling 0.000021 8. Waste transport 0.004 18 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 0.046 0.14 0.043 ng 0.006 0.002 0.000009 0.000009 0.0034 7.0 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 0.096 0.65 0.27 ng 0.03 0.01 0.000041 0.000041 0.021 6.6 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 WG fuel cycle 1. Biomass production -Seedlings/Fertiliser/Protection -Machines/Chipping 2. Biomass transport 3. Limestone extraction 4. Limestone transport 6. Power plant construction 7. Power plant dismantling 8. Waste transport 18 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 0.044 0.13 0.035 ng 0.016 0.00015 0.00015 0.0063 7.0 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 0.093 0.63 0.17 ng 0.079 0.00074 0.00074 0.039 6.6 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 0.0060 0.32 0.09 ng 0.040 0.00038 0.00038 0.008 a Source: Dorland et al. (1998): Barge transport: the Rotterdam to Nijmegen transport task (1990 built push vessel). Truck transport: the Amsterdam to Schiphol transport task (1998 built puller >16 t). Impacts on ecosystems from the biomass production stage arise from all nutrient uses, agrochemical use and machine use. In the appendix the burdens are analysed in more detail and a qualitative approach towards quantifying the impacts is given. The impacts could not be quantified. In a study performed by Faaij and Meuleman (1997) the impacts and damages quantified are from nitrogen leaching to groundwater and the use of agrochemicals for plant protection. Faaij and Meuleman (1997) analysed a comparable biomass system as the WG fuel cycle analysed in this report. The damages of nitrogen leaching were estimated using the willingness to pay (WTP) for avoiding nitrogen emission to groundwater. The WTP study was performed by Silvander (1991) and was mainly based on inquiries using health standards as a reference. It is however highly questionable if the WTP value found (0.65-6.6 ECU/kg N in ground and surface water) can also be used if nitrogen leaching is lower than the standards, as is the case with most wood production systems. Therefore, these estimates are not used here. The damages of agrochemical use were based on shadow prices of pesticide use. Davidson et al. (1996) estimated these shadow prices at 44-110 ECU/kg active matter. They were estimated by estimating the costs of average production losses due to lower agrochemical use in the agricultural sector in the Netherlands. However, the use of shadow prices for estimating externalities is not in line with the ExternE approach. Furthermore, the avoided damages with shifting from normal agricultural use of the area to biomass production for nitrogen leaching 127 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands were estimated at 0.8 mECU/kWh by Faaij and Meuleman (1997). Faaij and Meuleman (1997) estimated the employment increment effects and the GDP- increment due to biomass cultivation at 0.8 and 6.0 mECU/kWh respectively. These benefits are not dealt with within the ExternE approach. 5.3.2 Power generation As with the non-power generation stage, in the power generation stage the impacts considered most relevant are those caused by occupational accidents and diseases and by atmospheric emissions on human health, materials, crops and ecosystems, and global warming impacts. The individual impacts and damages are given in the appendix to the coal fuel cycle. The impacts of SO2 emissions on monuments are not analysed for the biomass fuel cycles as it was shown in the coal fuel cycle analysis that the damages are negligibly low compared to most other damages categories. The global warming damages are given in Table 5.28 and Table 5.29. It should be noted that damages ascribed to CO2 emissions due to the power generation stage are cancelled out by the CO2 uptake during tree growth. The global warming damages of this stage should be zero therefore. Also with the power generation damages due to SO2, NOx and particles the damage estimates based on VSL are on average higher than the YOLL estimate by: • a factor 30 for acute mortality impacts (as with NOx ozone damages); • a factor 4 higher for chronic mortality impacts (the main sulphate, nitrate and particle damages). Impacts of emissions to water could not be quantified because of the lack of relevant exposureresponse functions and valuation methods for water ecosystems. These impacts are probably mainly local. In case of the co-firing plant they will probably be negligible because the water emissions into a harbour and a canal and then to sea. The ecosystems affected probably have a low sensitivity as they are already highly polluted. It must be kept in mind that only marginal costs of additional production is analysed. In the case of the gasification plant the emissions go directly into a very sensitive and unique ecosystem. The impacts may be significant but could not be quantified due to the lack of exposure-response functions and monetary values. With respect to solid wastes it should be kept in mind that they are marketable and thus should be treated as by-products. Therefore, externalities arising from these wastes should not be attributed to the coal fuel cycle. They are not considered here. Noise and visual amenity losses are not analysed because the methodology to do so is not well enough established in the project. These impacts are probably small as a relative small number of people are affected. A short summary of the damages is given in the next section. 128 Biomass Fuel Cycle 5.4 Summary and interpretation of results The summary results in mECU/kWh for the wood co-firing (WCF) and the wood gasification (WG) fuel cycle are given in Table 5.31 and Table 5.32 respectively. The core estimates are based on the Years Of Life lost (YOLL) approach for valuing mortality impacts. In the Sensitivity 1 analysis the same set of functions as in the core assessment is used but now mortalities are valued with the Value of Statistical Life (VSL) approach. In the Sensitivity 2 analysis additional exposure-response functions on health, ecosystems and forests are added on which scientists are in disagreement or for which impacts there is no agreement on the monetary valuation. The global warming damages are quantified by using the damage estimates from the ExternE core assessment and the estimates from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In the ExternE range the low and high estimate represents the lower and upper “boundary” of the so called “Conservative 95% confidence interval” (the low 5% and high 1% discount rate estimates). The mid range represents the so called “mid 3% and mid 1% discount rate estimates”. For the IPCC estimates the mid estimate represents the best guess at a 3% discount rate. For a further discussion see the global warming appendix. The results have to be interpreted as order of magnitude estimates of the geometric mean of the damages for each category. The geometric standard deviation ( g) classes A, B and C represent ranges of multiplication factors 2.5-4, 4-6 and 6-10 respectively. It is clear that public human health impacts due to aerosols formed from SO2 and NOx emissions are high. The impacts in the non-power generation stage are mainly due to the high impacts of emissions related to truck and barge transport of the biomass from the plantations to the power plant. The direct and indirect (aerosols) local range (100*100 km around the power plant) public health impacts due to SO2 and NOx emissions in the power generation stage are about 1/3 and 1/10 of the total public health impacts in the regional range (the whole of Europe) of the WCF and the WG power generation stages, respectively. The contribution of the local range impacts for the WCF plant is relatively high compared to the WG plant as the local range population density around the WCF plant is higher than around the WG plant. The impacts outside the regional range increase exponentially with the distance from the plant as the population exposed grows exponentially, the pollutants disperse over large distances and, as for the local range, the linearity of exposure-response function and the no threshold assumptions. The relatively high public health impacts of the WG plant compared to the WCF plant are due to the higher emission factors. For the air emission related transport damages the local contribution is even higher (up to 95% for particle emission impacts and 50% for direct SO2 emission impacts) due to the low to the ground emission source and the following change in atmospheric distribution pattern (higher concentrations close to the source), see Dorland et al. (1998). 129 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Occupational health effects occur at all stages of the biomass fuel cycle. The occupational impacts in the biomass production stage could not be quantified. However, as this stage is labour extensive these damages are probably negligible. To the extent that labour markets function perfectly, occupational health effects are internal rather than external effects in the sense that they are reflected in salary and pension payments or other compensations; therefore they are included in the electricity price. However, to date there is no available data on the functioning of the labour markets of the energy sector. Therefore, the occupational health costs analysed in this study are assumed to be external damage costs. The occupational health impacts occur all inside the Netherlands. The global warming impacts are estimated to be of the same order of magnitude as these public health damages. With respect to the global warming damages the results show the IPCC estimates are roughly a factor 3 lower than the lower bound of the midrange estimates obtained by the core group on global warming in this project. The reasons for the observed difference are the higher value of a statistical life used in the ExternE project (a factor 1-1.5 higher than in IPCC) and the fact that in the ExternE estimates that all world citizens are valued equally while in IPCC a regional differentiated valuation is used. Furthermore, it is clear that damages to monuments, materials, forests, crops and ecosystems are probably relatively small compared to the public health and the global warming damages. With respect to the non quantified public accident, noise and visual impacts it is expected that these are negligibly low compared to the public health impacts. This resulted from analyses performed in the Spanish, the Greek and the Italian national implementation studies. Therefore, no attempt was made in analysing these damages. It should be noted that damages ascribed to CO2 emissions due to the power generation stage are cancelled out by the CO2 uptake during tree growth, see Table 5.33 and Table 5.34. 130 Biomass Fuel Cycle Table 5.31 Damages of the WCF fuel cycle. mECU/kWh Core a Sensitivity 1 b Sensitivity 2 b POWER GENERATION Public health - Mortality - PM10 - SO2 d - NOx e - NOx (via ozone) - Morbidity - PM10, SO2 d and NOx - NOx (via ozone) Public accidents Occupational health Crops - SO2 - NOx (via ozone) Ecosystems Forest Materials f Monuments f Noise Visual impacts Global warming c low mid (3% discount rate) upper OTHER FUEL CYCLE STAGES Public health Outside EU Inside EU Occupational health Outside EU Inside EU Ecological effects Road damages e 0.059 0.22 0.22 0.051 0.18 0.18 0.91 3.3 4.0 0.069 2.5 2.5 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.12 ng ng ng 0.11 0.11 0.11 6.9E-05 6.9E-05 4.0E-04 0.059 0.059 0.059 iq iq 2.4E-04 nq nq 2.4E-04 0.022 0.022 0.022 nq nq nq ng ng ng ng ng ng ExternE range IPCC range 3.9 1.6 19-50 6.5 151 40 g B B B B A B A A B B B B B B B B C C C 0 0 0 B 1.7 7.6 8.4 A 0 0 0 A 0.23 0.23 0.23 B ng A ng ExternE range IPCC range Global warming c low C 0.099 0.041 mid (3% discount rate) C 0.49-1.3 0.16 upper C 3.8 1.0 a The core estimates for mortality are obtained with the YOLL approach. b The sensitivity estimates for mortality impacts are obtained with the VSL approach. c The sensitivity estimates for the global warming impacts are obtained by using the IPCC estimates (second column). The core estimates are derived from the ExternE interpretation of the FUND model (first column) damage estimates. d Mainly impacts due to sulfates formed from SO2 in the atmosphere and direct SO2 impacts. e Mainly impacts due to nitrates formed from NOx in the atmosphere. f Including damage estimates estimated with extended methodology. ng: negligible; nq: not quantified; iq: only impact quantified; - : not relevant 131 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 5.32 Damages of the WG fuel cycle. mECU/kWh Core a Sensitivity 1 b Sensitivity 2 b POWER GENERATION Public health - Mortality - PM10 - SO2 d - NOx e - NOx (via ozone) - Morbidity - PM10, SO2 d and NOx - NOx (via ozone) Public accidents Occupational health Crops - SO2 - NOx (via ozone) Ecosystems Forest Materials f Monuments f Noise Visual impacts Global warming c low mid (3% discount rate) upper OTHER FUEL CYCLE STAGES Public health Outside EU Inside EU Occupational health Outside EU Inside EU Ecological effects Road damages e 0.40 1.5 1.5 0.39 1.3 1.3 1.1 4.0 4.9 0.092 3.3 3.3 0.24 0.24 0.35 0.16 0.16 0.16 ng ng ng 0.11 0.11 0.11 4.7E-03 4.7E-03 4.9E-03 0.078 0.078 0.078 iq iq 3.2E-04 nq nq 4.5E-04 0.023 0.023 0.023 nq nq nq ng ng ng ng ng ng ExternE range IPCC range 3.7 1.6 19-48 6.2 145 39 g B B B B A B A A B B B B B B B B C C C 0 0 0 B 1.7 7.5 8.2 A 0 0 0 A 0.75 0.75 0.75 B ng ng ng A ng ng ng ExternE range IPCC range Global warming c low C 0.10 0.044 mid (3% discount rate) C 0.52-1.4 0.17 upper C 4.1 1.1 a The core estimates for mortality are obtained with the YOLL approach. b The sensitivity estimates for mortality impacts are obtained with the VSL approach. c The sensitivity estimates for the global warming impacts are obtained by using the IPCC estimates (second column). The core estimates are derived from the ExternE interpretation of the FUND model (first column) damage estimates. d Mainly impacts due to sulfates formed from SO2 in the atmosphere and direct SO2 impacts. e Mainly impacts due to nitrates formed from NOx in the atmosphere. f Including damage estimates estimated with extended methodology. ng: negligible; nq: not quantified; iq: only impact quantified; - : not relevant 132 Biomass Fuel Cycle Table 5.33 Benefit estimates of the WCF fuel cycle in mECU/kWh. Tree growth ExternE range IPCC range global warming global warming low 3.9 1.6 mid (3% discount rate) 19-50 6.5 upper 151 40 Table 5.34 Benefit estimates of the WG fuel cycle in mECU/kWh. Tree growth ExternE range IPCC range global warming global warming low 3.7 1.6 mid (3% discount rate) 19-48 6.2 upper 145 39 g C C C g C C C For the power generation stage of the WCF and the WG fuel cycle the damages are also estimated in ECU/t pollutant emitted, see Table 5.35 and Table 5.36 respectively. Table 5.35 Damage estimates of the WCF power generation stage in ECU/t pollutant emitted. Pollutant Core a Sensitivity 1 b Sensitivity 2 b g SO2 NOx PM10 NOx (via ozone) CO2 c 7,211 6,085 16,830 1,494 ExternE range 28,145 20,505 56,718 15,731 IPCC range 29,735 24,710 56,730 15,731 low 3.6 1.5 mid (3% discount rate) 18-47 6.0 high 140 38 a The core estimates for mortality are obtained with the YOLL approach. b B B B B C C C The sensitivity estimates for mortality impacts are obtained with the VSL approach. c The sensitivity estimates for the global warming impacts are obtained by using the IPCC estimates (second column). The core estimates are derived from the ExternE interpretation of the FUND model (first column) damage estimates. 133 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 5.36 Damage estimates of the WG power generation stage in ECU/t pollutant emitted. Pollutant Core a Sensitivity 1 b Sensitivity 2 b g SO2 NOx PM10 NOx (via ozone) CO2 c 6,205 5,553 15,006 1,494 ExternE range 27,331 18,711 50,576 15,731 IPCC range 28,836 22,521 50,587 15,731 low 3.6 1.5 mid (3% discount rate) 18-47 6.0 high 140 38 a The core estimates for mortality are obtained with the YOLL approach. b B B B B C C C The sensitivity estimates for mortality impacts are obtained with the VSL approach. c The sensitivity estimates for the global warming impacts are obtained by using the IPCC estimates (second column). The core estimates are derived from the ExternE interpretation of the FUND model (first column) damage estimates. The results indicate that especially the impacts from SO2, NOx and particle emissions are very high per tonne pollutant emitted. The reason for these high numbers are the high public health impacts due to aerosols and particles in the air. The externalities could probably be lowered by lowering the transport needs or shifting from truck or barge transport of biomass to shipping. This would mean that importing biomass by ship would decrease the overall damages considerably. Per tonne pollutant the global warming impacts of CO2 are relatively small. However, the overall damage is large due to the very high emission factors associated with fossil fuel burning without CO2 removal. Comparison of the damage estimates in Sensitivity 1 and 2 indicates that inclusion of health, ecosystem and forest exposure-response functions not included in the core list of functions (used for both the Core analysis and the Sensitivity 1 analysis) does not lead to a significant increase in the damage estimates. Because of this and the disagreement about the functions or the valuation the Sensitivity 2 estimates are not included in the overall summary of the damages below. The sub-total damage estimates are given for four combinations of valuation: 1. Core (YOLL) public health estimates and ExternE global warming damage estimates; 2. Sensitivity 1 (VSL) public health estimates and ExternE global warming damage estimates; 3. Core (YOLL) public health estimates and IPCC global warming damage estimates and 4. Sensitivity 1 (VSL) ) public health estimates and ExternE global warming damage estimates. 134 Biomass Fuel Cycle The results are given in Table 5.37 and Table 5.38 for the WCF and the WG fuel cycle respectively. Table 5.37 Sub total damage estimates of the WCF fuel cycle in mECU/kWh. low mid (3% discount rate) high Core & Sensitivity 1 & Core & Sensitivity 1 & ExternE range ExternE range IPCC range IPCC range global warming global warming global warming global warming 3.6 14.6 3.5 14.5 4.0-4.8 15.0-15-8 3.7 14.6 7.3 18.3 4.5 15.5 g C C C Table 5.38 Sub total damage estimates of the WG fuel cycle in mECU/kWh. low mid (3% discount rate) high Core & Sensitivity 1 & Core & Sensitivity 1 & ExternE range ExternE range IPCC range IPCC range global warming global warming global warming global warming 19.1 5.1 19.1 5.1 19.2 5.6-6.5 19.5-20.4 5.2 20.1 9.1 23.1 6.1 g C C C The total damages, based on the conservative 95 % confidence interval over all combinations of valuation, are in the range of 3.5 to 18.3 mECU/kWh for the WCF fuel cycle and 5.1 to 23.1 mECU/kWh for the WG fuel cycle. The best estimate ranges are 3.7 to 14.6 mECU/kWh for the WCF fuel cycle and 5.2 to 19.2 mECU/kWh for the WG fuel cycle. This is surprisingly high for electricity production with a renewable energy source. The externalities are estimated to be roughly one order of magnitude lower than average current biomass based electricity production costs - 70 to 110 mECU/kWh (TEB, 1995). 135 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 136 Nuclear Fuel Cycle 6. NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE A short description of the methodology to assess the nuclear fuel cycle externalities is given in the appendix to this fuel cycle. 6.1 Definition of the nuclear fuel cycle, technology and site This chapter describes the results of a scoping study to determine the external costs of the Dutch nuclear fuel cycle performed within the framework of the ExternE project. The emphasis in the scoping study was on those stages of the Dutch nuclear fuel cycle which actually take place in the Netherlands. These stages were studied in detail to determine whether the external costs for these stages differ significantly from those calculated in the French reference study (Dreicer et al., 1994). The stages of the Dutch nuclear fuel cycle which do not take place in the Netherlands have been analysed in detail in the French reference study (Dreicer et al., 1994) and where applicable the results of that study have been used for this Dutch implementation. The electricity generating stage is the raison d'être of the civil nuclear fuel cycle. As of 1 January 1994 there were 429 operating nuclear power plant worldwide which represented an installed capacity of 338 GWe. There were recently two electricity generating nuclear reactors in the Netherlands: the Dodewaard boiling water reactor, operated by N.V. Gemeenschappelijke Kernenergiecentrale Nederland (GKN), and the Borssele pressurised water reactor, operated by N.V. Elektriciteits-Productiemaatschappij Zuid-Nederland (EPZ). Together these reactors have a capacity of 505 MWe, which represents circa 5% of the Dutch electricity requirement. Now (1997) no nuclear power plant is operated anymore in the Netherlands. The Dodewaard nuclear power plant is a 56 MWe boiling water reactor which started operation in 1968. The Dodewaard reactor was built and is operated with the primary objective of gaining experience of nuclear power. The Borssele nuclear power plant is a 449 MWe pressurised water reactor which started operation in 1973. These two plants contributed approximately 5% to the electricity needs of the Netherlands in 1990. Since there is no modern (i.e. 1990s technology) nuclear power plant in the Netherlands the reference technology for the electricity generating stage was defined to be a "generic" modern nuclear power plant. The nuclear fuel cycle spans all the operations required to mine and process uranium ore, to manufacture and supply fuel to nuclear power reactors, to generate electricity, to store and dispose of spent fuel and other wastes, and possibly the operations required to reprocess and 137 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands recycle spent fuel. The transport of materials between each stage in the cycle is also classified as part of the nuclear fuel cycle. The Dutch nuclear fuel cycle is assumed for this study to be a so-called once through fuel cycle with reprocessing. This is consistent with the current policy of the Dutch government, which is to reprocess used fuel, and with the current reality, which is that to date the plutonium extracted from the used fuel has not been reused in the nuclear power plants. The stages in the nuclear fuel cycle are shown in Figure 6.1. Figure 6.1 138 Stages of the nuclear fuel cycle Nuclear Fuel Cycle 6.1.1 Site description Mining and milling Mining and milling often occur at the same location to avoid the costly transportation of bulky ores. No uranium mining or milling activities occur in the Netherlands. The reference technology considered is the mining complex of Lodève in the Hérault region of France. Conversion The different stages of the conversion may take place at one location or may be spread over several locations. The reference technologies considered are the Malvesi plant - all stages to UF4 - and the Pierrelatte plant - the conversion of UF4 to UF6. Both are located in France. Uranium enrichment For the uranium enrichment stage the Urenco plant at Almelo (in the Netherlands) was chosen as the reference technology. Fuel fabrication There is currently no fabrication of fuel elements in the Netherlands - in the seventies uranium oxide fuel was fabricated at RCN for the Dodewaard plant and other reactors. The reference technology considered is the fuel element fabrication plant run by Franco-Belge de Fabrication de Combustibles at Pierrelatte. Power generation The reference location for this plant was chosen to be the location of the existing Borssele nuclear power plant. The existing Borssele reactor is located in the province of Zeeland. The site lies approximately 1.5 km to the north west of the Borssele village and 10 km to the south east of Vlissingen and Middelburg. The site is located on the northern bank of the Westerschelde and is approximately 20 km from the Belgium border. This location has been named by the government as a possible location for any future nuclear power plants. Reprocessing The two principle operating reprocessing facilities in the world are located at La Hague in France and at Sellafield in the UK. The reference facility considered is the UP3 plant at La Hague. Interim storage For the interim storage stage the COVRA (N.V. Centrale Organisatie voor Radioactief Afval) facility near Borssele was chosen as the reference technology. 139 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Final disposal The final disposal of high level radioactive waste is the last stage in the once-through nuclear fuel cycle. The present policy of the Dutch government is that this waste will be disposed of in a deep underground repository either in the Netherlands or elsewhere. Transports Since the various stages of the nuclear fuel cycle take place at different locations materials have to be transported between the various fuel cycle facilities. At present only three stages of the nuclear fuel cycle take place within the Netherlands. It therefore follows that only a relatively small number of the transports associated with the Dutch nuclear fuel cycle take place either entirely or partially in the Netherlands. An overview of these transports is given in Figure 6.2. Figure 6.2 The transport of nuclear fuel cycle materials in the Netherlands 140 Nuclear Fuel Cycle 6.1.2 Technology description Mining and milling Uranium mining and milling are the first stages in a once-through nuclear fuel cycle. Mining is defined as the extraction from the ground of ore containing between a tenth of a percent and several percent of uranium and its decay products (UNSCEAR, 1993). Mining is carried out by one of two general methods: open-pit mining, in which the surface layer of soils and rock is removed and the ore is extracted from an open pit, and underground mining. Milling is defined as the processing of the mined ores to extract the uranium in a partially refined form, known as yellow cake (UNSCEAR, 1993). Conversion Conversion is defined as the series of physical and chemical transformations involved in converting uranium from uranium concentrate to the metal or hexafluoride form required for enrichment (UNSCEAR, 1993). The first step involves the transformation of the uranium concentrates (from the mills) to uranium trioxide (UO3). The uranium to be used to make fuel for light water reactors is then transformed via UF4 to UF6. Uranium enrichment Uranium is enriched at the facility using ultracentrifuges and the first test facility started operation in 1970. Since then the facility has been expanded several times and a licence application for further expansion is currently being prepared. Uranium enrichment is the only front-end stage of the nuclear fuel cycle which takes place in the Netherlands. In a once-through fuel cycle this stage takes place after the mining, milling and conversion stages. The enrichment process serves to enrich the 235U content of the uranium hexafluoride (UF6) produced by the conversion process from about 0.7% to the 3-4% needed for the fuel of a typical light water reactor. The following description of the Urenco facility in Almelo is based on the information given in Urenco (1993). Uranium has been enriched at the Almelo site for more than twenty years. In 1970 the test facility, separation plant 1 (SP1), which had a capacity of 25 tonne Separative Work per year (tSW/yr), came into operation. SP1 remained in operation until 1981. In 1972 a licence was obtained for a second test facility SP2, which also had a capacity of 25 tSW/yr. In 1974 a licence was granted to build and operate a demonstration facility SP3, with a capacity of 200 tSW/yr. Since 1985 SP2 forms a part of SP3 and is as such no longer an independent enrichment facility. In the late seventies plans were made for a further plant SP4, with a maximum capacity of 1000 tSW/yr, and a site licence was granted for a maximum capacity of 1250 tSW/yr. Urenco Nederland is currently preparing a licence application to expand the site 141 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands capacity to 2500 tSW/yr. This expansion would be obtained by increasing the capacity of SP4 to 1500 tSW/yr, the phased construction of a new plant SP5 and the phased closure of SP3. The enrichment process used by Urenco is based on the ultracentrifuge technology. The main systems of an ultracentrifuge enrichment facility are: the UF6 gas feed system; the ultracentrifuge cascades and; the UF6 take-off systems. The function of the UF6 gas feed system is to transform the UF6 from its solid to its gaseous form and to purify the UF6 gas of gases such as HF. The UF6 containers are first heated in hermetically sealed autoclaves using hot air (the pressure in the autoclaves is above atmospheric pressure). Following purification the UF6 gas is lead through a number of pressure relief stations and the pressure of the gas reduced to below that of the atmosphere. In the recently installed autoclaves in SP4 the pressure reduction takes place within the autoclave. The function of the ultracentrifuge cascades is to increase the fraction of 235U to 3-4%, which is needed for the fuel of a typical LWR. An ultracentrifuge consists of a high speed rotor within an evacuated mantle. Partial separation of the uranium isotopes is achieved in the ultracentrifuge due to the difference in their weight. A slightly enriched and a slightly depleted stream of UF6 is produced by the centrifuge. Because the enriching power of an individual centrifuge is low, the ultracentifuges are arranged in "cascades", whilst in the cascade the pressure of the UF6 gas is below atmospheric pressure. The function of the UF6 take-off systems is to transfer the enriched stream (the product) and the depleted stream (the 'tails') of UF6 to storage containers. Once in the containers the UF6 is solidified by means of cooling. UF6 streams of different enrichment grades are homogeneously mixed to ensure that the enriched uranium leaving the site meets the specification of the customer. This takes place in the central services building. In addition to the above systems there are a number of auxiliary and support systems such as the ventilation systems and the waste water treatment system. Fuel fabrication The fuel fabrication stage refers to the production of the reactor fuel from the enriched UF6 from the enrichment plant. The UF6 is first converted into uranium oxide and then made into fuel pellets with the required fuel composition. These are then placed as columns in a zircaloy fuel rods, which are components of fuel element. As for the conversion stage the fuel fabrication stage may be spread over several locations. Power generation The existing reactor at Borssele is a two loop pressurised water reactor which was designed and built by KWU. The reactor has a net electrical power of 449 MWe and started operation in 1973. The average load factor for the plant over the ten year period 1982 - 1991 was 78.8% (EPZ/KEMA, 1993). The Borssele reactor is a thermal reactor and the basic working of a 142 Nuclear Fuel Cycle pressurised thermal reactor is as follows. As a result of the nuclear fission heat is produced in the reactor core. This heat is transferred to the water coolant which is pumped around the primary circuit. The water in the primary circuit is maintained under high pressure in order to prevent it from boiling. The heated water in the primary circuit is used to transform the water in the secondary circuit to steam which is then used to drive the turbine. Reprocessing At the reprocessing stage of the nuclear fuel cycle uranium and plutonium are extracted from the used fuel elements for possible reuse in nuclear power reactors. Most reprocessing plants now make use of the plutonium uranium recovery by extraction (PUREX) process. The following operations make up the PUREX process (Roelofsen and Rij, 1993): the head end plant (i.e. where the used fuel elements are received and the fuel is separated from the fuel cladding in a dissolver); the extraction of uranium and plutonium from other actinides and fission products; the purification and concentration of the uranium and plutonium and their conversion to oxides; and the treatment of the various process waste streams. At present approximately 50% of the countries with civil nuclear power plants (including the Netherlands) either reprocess their used fuel or have expressed the intention to do so (UNSCEAR, 1993). This represents about 50% of the used fuel generated annually. Currently only circa 5% of the used fuel generated annually is actually reprocessed (UNSCEAR, 1993). Other countries, including the United States of America, have chosen to treat the used fuel elements directly as waste. Interim storage This is a new facility and is currently (in 1995) only partly operational. The facilities for storing high level radioactive waste still have to be built. Following interim storage, the remaining waste will be placed in a deep underground repository, either in the Netherlands or elsewhere. The organisation responsible for the interim storage of radioactive waste in the Netherlands is the Centrale Organisatie Voor Radioactief Afval (COVRA). In addition to the radioactive waste produced by nuclear fuel cycle activities the COVRA is responsible for the radioactive waste produced by hospitals, industry and research institutions. The COVRA is also responsible for the transport of all radioactive waste from the diverse customer locations to the COVRA storage facility. The waste treatment and storage facility operated by the COVRA is located in the municipality of Borssele. The site lies approximately 2 km to the north west of the Borssele village and approximately 10 km from the towns of Vlissingen and Middelburg. The site is located on the Vlissingen-Oost industrial complex on the north bank of the Westerschelde. The site is several hundred meters from the site of the existing Borssele nuclear power plant. 143 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands The activities which (will) take place at the facility are: - the treatment of low/intermediate level waste; the storage of low/intermediate level waste; the storage of high level waste with a low heat output; the storage of heat producing high level waste. At present only the first two of the above activities take place. The low and intermediate level radioactive waste originates at the nuclear power plants, hospitals, research institutions and industry. This waste consists of gloves, clothing, packaging, liquids, filter resins, sediments, etc. Low and intermediate level waste is categorised in the Netherlands according to its isotopic composition and place of origin by the scheme reproduced from COVRA (1987) in Table 6.1. Table 6.1 Specification of low/intermediate level waste in the Netherlands Group A a emitting wastes from hospitals, industry and research institutes Group B b/g emitting wastes from nuclear power plant Group C B/g emitting wastes with a halflife greater than 15 years from hospitals, industry and research institutes Group D B/g emitting wastes with a halflife less than 15 years from hospitals, industry and research institutes Exactly how each assignment of low and intermediate level radioactive waste is treated depends upon the characteristics of that assignment. The waste treatment facilities available include incinerators for organic liquids, corpses and solid wastes, shredders, solidification facilities and high pressure compactors. The way in which low and intermediate level waste from nuclear power plants will be treated in the future depends to some extent on policy decisions. After packaging, the low and intermediate level wastes are stored in the low and intermediate level waste storage building. The high level radioactive waste originates in the used fuel elements from the nuclear power plants. The form in which this waste reaches the COVRA facility depends upon whether the used fuel elements are reprocessed or not. In this study it is assumed that the used fuel elements from the reference electricity generating plant are reprocessed. This conforms with the present policy in the Netherlands. The high level radioactive waste returned from the reprocessing plant will have two components; vitrified heat producing high level waste and high level waste with a low heat output made up of compacted fuel cladding. The high level wastes are not treated in any way, only stored and if necessary repackaged. The high level wastes described above are received and stored in either the building for heat producing high level radioactive wastes or the building for non-heat producing high level wastes respectively. 144 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Final disposal The Dutch government has recently stated that the waste should be retrievable from deep underground repository. Recent research in the Netherlands has concentrated on rock salt formations as the host rock for such a repository (Prij et al., 1993). The designs considered in this research do not explicitly account for the waste being retrieved. A substantial amount of research has been carried out world-wide into the safety of the various final disposal options. In particular, in the 1980's the Commission of the European Communities funded the Performance Assessment on Geological Isolation Systems (PAGIS) study (PAGIS, 1988) Four different high level waste disposal concepts were studied in the PAGIS study: three continental options based upon clay, granite and rock salt as the host rock and a sub-seabed option. In this study the rock salt option is analysed. Transports Radioactive materials are transported between the various stages of the nuclear fuel cycle. These transports generally take place by road, rail or sea and are governed by national and international regulations. The packaging of the materials to be transported plays a central role in the legislation. For the Dutch fuel cycle it is assumed that used fuel elements are transported by rail while all other radioactive wastes are transported by road. With respect to construction and decommissioning of the plant it is assumed all transports take place by road. 6.2 Overview of burdens and impacts The burdens related to radiological emissions associated with the different stages of Dutch nuclear fuel cycle are analysed in this study. Instead of giving the burdens by type of release (air, water and waste) they are categorised by fuel cycle stage only. In this section only a qualitative discussion of the burdens related to normal operation is given. Accident burdens are not identified here. The impacts and damages of accidents are quantified in the next section. Furthermore, burdens associated with non-radiological emissions are not analysed. 6.2.1 Mining and milling Atmospheric emissions Mining and milling operations result in radiological releases to the atmosphere. The releases from open cast mines consist of gases and particles which arise from surface mining activities. These releases are virtually unmonitorable. In underground mines, dusts and gases are generated underground and released via the chimneys of the underground ventilation systems. Such releases can in principle be monitored. For both types of mining, there are releases resulting from the above ground activities such as moving material around the site and releases from stockpiled ore. Radon (222Rn) is the most important radionuclide released from uranium 145 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands mines. The atmospheric releases from milling facilities are principally the dusts which arise from the crushing of the uranium ores. In the UNSCEAR (1993) report normalised releases are defined using release data from a number of existing facilities for a reference mine and mill site. Surface water emissions Mining and milling operations also result in radiological releases to nearby surface water bodies. Releases from open cast mines are primarily in the form of liquid run-off from site operations. In underground mines water is pumped from underground and released. The liquid releases from the mill plant arise from the dissolving, filtering and drying operations needed to produce uranium oxide. Stockpiled waste emissions Radiological releases from the stockpiled mill wastes (mill tailings) form an additional public radiological impact from this stage in the nuclear fuel cycle. These mill tailings contain the decay products of 234U and hence form a long term source of atmospheric radon (the radon release rate will remain essentially the same for the next 10 000 years and will only decrease by a factor of 2 in the next 100 000 years (UNSCEAR, 1993)). The magnitude of this impact will depend largely upon how the mill tailings are treated. In UNSCEAR (1993) it is assumed that a reasonably impermeable cover is placed over the tailings and this essentially remains intact. 6.2.2 Conversion The emissions from the normal operation of the processes in the conversion stage are generally relatively small. These releases consist primarily of the long-lived uranium isotopes (234U, 235U and 238U) and the radioisotopes 234Th and 234mPa (UNSCEAR, 1993). The majority of this is released to the atmosphere 6.2.3 Uranium enrichment During the normal operation of a uranium enrichment plant radioactive materials are released both to the atmosphere and to the surrounding surface water bodies. For a once-through nuclear fuel cycle releases will consist essentially of the long-lived uranium isotopes 234U, 235U and 238U and the short-lived decay products of 238U, 234Th and 234mPa (UNSCEAR, 1993). For "closed" fuel cycles the situation is different. The 235U content in reprocessed uranium is below that needed for the fuel for light water reactors. Enrichment of the reprocessed uranium is therefore necessary. Trace elements of fission products and transuranic elements are present in reprocessed uranium and a fraction may be present in the discharges from the enrichment plant. Atmospheric emissions The amount of radioactive material which may be released to the atmosphere from the Urenco facility is limited by licence limits. These limits are reproduced in Table 6.2. 146 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Table 6.2 Annual atmospheric radiological discharge limits for Urenco. Release Point a-activity (MBq/yr) b-activity (MBq/yr) SP2 1.3 130 SP3 3.5 350 SP4 2.4 240 Central Services Building 3.7 370 Source: Urenco (1993). The actual atmospheric releases from the Urenco site over recent years were a fraction of the limits given in the table above. The assessment of the public radiological impact was based on realistic release levels rather than the licence limit values (Dekker, 1995). Water emissions The amount of radioactive material which may be released in liquid form to the sewage system from the Urenco facility is limited as specified in the licence. These limits are reproduced in Table 6.3. Table 6.3 Annual liquid radiological discharge limits for Urenco. a-activity (MBq/yr) Release Limit 20 b/g-activity (MBq/yr) 200 Source: Urenco (1993). Liquid releases from the Urenco plant over recent years were only a fraction of the release limits given above. In this scoping study releases to the sewage system from the Urenco plant were not considered a priority impact and were therefore not analysed. Direct Shine Considerable quantities of UF6 are stored at the Urenco site. This leads to an enhanced level of gamma radiation at the site fence adjacent to those areas where the UF6 containers are stored. 6.2.4 Fuel fabrication Atmospheric emissions The emissions from the normal operation of the processes in the fuel fabrication stage are generally relatively small. These releases consist primarily of the long-lived uranium isotopes (234U, 235U and 238U) and the radioisotopes 234Th and 234mPa (UNSCEAR, 1993). The majority of these releases are to water. 6.2.5 Power plant operation During the normal operation of the Borssele nuclear reactor radioactive materials are released to the atmosphere and in liquid form to the Westerschelde. Low and intermediate level solid 147 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands radioactive wastes are also produced and are transported to the nearby COVRA facility for storage and possible treatment (see the ‘interim storage’ section). The other category of radioactive waste is formed by the used fuel elements. New fuel elements consist primarily of the elements 235U and 238U. As a result of the processes of neutron capture and nuclear fission the fuel elements in the reactor core also contain substantial amounts of transuranic elements and nuclear fission products. The reactor core is the largest source of radioactive material in a nuclear power plant and used fuel elements are classified as heat producing high level radioactive waste. At the existing Borssele reactor the used fuel elements are stored in the used fuel pond before being transported to La Hague (France) for reprocessing. The radiological burden of the normal operations of a nuclear power plant depends on a complex interaction of many factors such as plant design, plant management and the location of the plant. The design of the existing Borssele reactor dates from approximately thirty years ago. However, the radiological burden has been a factor when maintaining or modifying the plant (for example in the choice of construction materials) since it first started operation. Given that plant design is only one factor which contributes to the radiological burden and that the design has been modified with this burden in mind it seems reasonable to use the existing Borssele reactor as the reference technology for the normal operations of the electricity generating stage. The main source of the atmospheric and liquid releases of radioactive materials and the low and intermediate level solid wastes is the reactor coolant. There are three processes which contribute to the amount of radioactive material in the reactor coolant: the activation of the coolant water and any impurities; the activation of primary circuit corrosion products present in the coolant water; and the leakage of fission products and neutron capture products from the fuel elements. The reactor coolant is continually cleaned and the radioactive materials are transferred to other reactor systems. This results in three streams of liquid radioactive waste: liquid wastes from the cleaning of the reactor coolant; leakage liquids from inside the controlled area; and liquid wastes from the laboratories, showers, etc. These liquid radioactive wastes are processed in the liquid waste treatment system. After treatment all radioactive liquids are monitored before being released to the Westerschelde. Atmospheric emissions Atmospheric radioactive releases are composed of material which has become airborne in the various facility buildings and the release of radioactive gases directly from systems which contain reactor coolant. The principal sources of airborne activity are the leakage and evaporation of radioactive liquids from the primary system and from auxiliary reactor systems and the activation of air surrounding the reactor vessel. Radioactive materials (principally noble gases) are released via hold-up systems from systems which contain reactor coolant. All airborne radioactive material is filtered and monitored before being released to the atmosphere. The amount of radioactive material which may be released to the atmosphere from the Borssele nuclear power plant is limited by the licence limits. In recent years the actual amounts released have been significantly below these limits. The licence limits and an overview of the atmospheric release data over the ten year period from 1982 to 1991 are given in Table 6.4. 148 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Table 6.4 Atmospheric radiological releases for the Borssele nuclear power plant Average Release Maximum Release Licence 1982-1991 1982-1991 Limit [TBq/a] [TBq/a] [TBq/a] Noble Gases 8 46 444 Aerosols < 10-5 4 10-6 3.7 10-2 131 I 10-5 4.6 10-5 8.9 10-3 -5 -6 Other Halogens < 10 2 10 3.7 10-2 Tritium (HTO) 0.4 0.6 1.9 14 a -3 -2 C (CO2) 8.10 1 10 a The data for 14C are the average and maximum for the years 1991 and 1992. Source: EPZ/KEMA (1993) Detailed release data for the period 1980 to 1987 are given in Hienen et al. (1990). The average release data for this period can be taken as representative for the period 1982 to 1991. A number of long-lived radionuclides (tritium, 14C, 85Kr and 129I) discharged from nuclear power plants become widely dispersed throughout the world's atmosphere and oceans. Liquid Releases The amount of radioactive material which may be released in liquid form to the Westerschelde from the Borssele nuclear power plant is limited by licence limits. In recent years the actual amounts released have been below these limits. The license limits and an overview of the liquid release data over the ten year period from 1982 to 1991 are given in Table 6.5 Table 6.5 Liquid radiological releases for the Borssele nuclear power plant. Average Release Maximum Release 1982-1991 1982-1991 [TBq/a] [TBq/a] tritium 5 8 b and g activity 6 10-3 2 10-2 Licence Limit [TBq/a] 28 1.85 10-1 Source: EPZ/KEMA (1993). A more detailed breakdown of the releases of radioactive materials to the Westerschelde for the period 1980 to 1987 is given in Hienen et al. (1990). For this period the average releases of tritium and b/g activity were 6.1 and 8.5 10-3 TBq/a respectively. Solid wastes The low and intermediate level solid radioactive wastes consist of contaminated solid materials and solidified liquid and gaseous wastes. The main sources of solid radioactive waste are: evaporation concentrates; filter resins; air filters; contaminated clothing and materials; and 149 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands solvents, oils etc. The low and intermediate level solid radioactive wastes are transported to the nearby COVRA facility for storage. Direct Shine There is no measurable contribution from the existing nuclear power plant at Borssele to the gamma dose rate in the surrounding area (EPZ/KEMA, 1993). The direct shine pathway is therefore not a priority pathway and is not considered further in the present study. 6.2.6 Power plant construction Large construction projects such as the building of a nuclear power plant inevitably have health risks associated with them. These risks are primarily borne by the construction workforce in the form of accidental deaths and injuries. Health risks to the public are a result of accidents involving the transport of the construction materials. Before a nuclear power plant starts operation there are no additional radiological risks to either the workforce or the general population. Since this scoping study is restricted to quantifying the external costs of the radiological impacts, the construction of the reference electricity generating facility is not considered further. 6.2.7 Power plant dismantling Most modern plants are built to operate for 30 to 40 years. After operation ceases at a facility, it has to be dismantled and the site made available for other activities. This process is known as decommissioning. To date there is only limited experience world-wide in the decommissioning of nuclear facilities and no nuclear power plant has yet been decommissioned in the Netherlands. The radiological impacts associated with the decommissioning of a nuclear power plant will depend to a large extent on whether the plant is decommissioned immediately or whether it is left for a number of years to take advantage of radioactive decay before decommissioning. The timescale in which the existing reactors in the Netherlands will be decommissioned is currently unclear. Given the lack of data and the uncertainty with respect to the policy decisions to be made it was considered inappropriate to attempt a detailed assessment of the radiological impact associated with the decommissioning of a nuclear power plant. The analysis here is restricted to a qualitative discussion of the radiological impacts quoted in the French reference study (Dreicer et al., 1994). 6.2.8 Reprocessing As a result of the operations at a reprocessing plant radionuclides are released both to the atmosphere and to surface water bodies. The most important radionuclides released are the long-lived nuclides 3H, 14C, 85Kr, 129I, 134Cs, 137Cs and isotopes of the transuranic elements UNSCEAR (1993). 150 Nuclear Fuel Cycle 6.2.9 Interim storage In the present study only the radiological consequences of treating and/or storing the wastes from the nuclear power plant are considered. The radiological consequences of treating and/or storing the operating wastes from Urenco are not explicitly included. Such wastes will fall into category A, C or D. The quantities of low and intermediate level wastes produced annually by Urenco and the existing Borssele nuclear power plant are given in Table 6.6 and Table 6.7. The information given in these tables suggests that the radiological consequences of treating and/or storing the operational wastes from Urenco are expected to be negligible in comparison with those of the operating wastes for a nuclear power plant. Table 6.6 Quantities of radioactive waste from Urenco Type of Waste Active carbon Active alumina (Al2O3) Ventilation system filters Water treatment wastes Other wastes Source; Urenco (1993) kg/yr ca. 100 ca. 300 ca. 200 ca. 1800 ca. 3000 Table 6.7 Quantities of radioactive waste from the Borssele Nuclear Plant Type of Waste Activity (Bq/yr) Quantity Filter resins 1.1013 1 m3 12 Evaporation concentrates 5.10 25 m3 11 Compressible waste < 8.10 500 casks (100 l) Organic liquid waste < 6.109 20 casks (60 l) Ventilation system filters < 5.109 30 filter packets Filter cakes 8.1011 4 Source: EPZ/KEMA (1993) The quantity of waste that the COVRA will have to treat and store in the next 50 to 100 years will depend to a large extent on whether or not new nuclear power plants are built. Therefore in the environmental impact report for the COVRA facility (COVRA, 1987) three scenarios are considered: Scenario 1. Assumes a constant production of radioactive waste from hospitals, research institutes and industry and the waste from 30 years life of the existing nuclear power plants at Borssele and Dodewaard. In this scenario it is assumed that where possible the low and intermediate level waste is compressed. Scenario 2a. As scenario 1 but assumes that the waste from 30 years life of an additional 2000 MWe also has to be dealt with. In this scenario it is assumed that where possible the low and intermediate level wastes are incinerated. 151 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Scenario 2b. As scenario 1 but assumes that the waste from 30 years life of an additional 4000 MWe also has to be dealt with. In this scenario it is assumed that where possible the low and intermediate level wastes are incinerated. For these three scenarios the total volume operating and decommissioning wastes produced by the nuclear power plants is given in COVRA (1987). In this study the data associated with an additional 2000 MWe and the assumption that all low and intermediate level wastes are incinerated are used. The associated waste quantities are given in Table 6.8 below. Table 6.8 Waste quantities assumed for interim storage Type of Waste low/intermediate level wastes • operating wastes • decommissioning wastes high level wastes • vitrified wastes • reprocessing wastes • decommissioning wastes Source: COVRA (1987) Volume 200 m3/yr 18 000 m3 6 m3/yr 66 m3/yr 2 000 m3 Atmospheric releases Assuming that the used fuel elements from the reference nuclear power plant are reprocessed, then the only atmospheric releases are from the low/intermediate level waste treatment building and from the storage building for the high level waste with low heat content. The processing of low and intermediate level radioactive waste results in the release of radioactive materials to the atmosphere. The magnitude and breakdown of the release depends upon the characteristics of the waste being treated and the treatment process used. In Table 6.9 the release data for an installed capacity of 2000 MWe are given for the cobalt and caesium nuclide groups. For this study, all cobalt released is assumed to be 60Co and all caesium is assumed to be 137Cs. Table 6.9 Atmospheric radiological release data from the low and intermediate level waste treatment building. Radionuclide Release rate(1) [bq/s] cobalt 60 0.269 caesium 137 0.269 total (1) Data taken from COVRA (1987). Release rate data based on 2000 MWe/incineration scenario (i.e. scenario2a - scenario2b) The containers containing the used fuel element cladding are stored in the storage building for high level radioactive waste with low heat content. Tritium is emitted from these containers and released via the building's ventilation system. The quantity of tritium released is given in Table 6.10. 152 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Table 6.10 Tritium release from the high level waste storage building . Radionuclide Release rate [Bq/s] tritium 0.21 Source: COVRA (1987). Liquid releases During normal operations radioactive materials are released to the Westerschelde as a result of the treatment of low and intermediate level waste. The only radionuclide released in significant quantities from the treatment of low and intermediate level wastes from nuclear power plant is 60 Co. The liquid release data is given in Table 6.11 Table 6.11 Liquid radiological release data from the COVRA facility. Radionuclide Release rate [Bq/s] cobalt 60 3.17 Source: COVRA (1987). Direct Shine Those individuals living or working in the vicinity of the COVRA facility will receive a dose via the direct irradiation exposure pathway. The sources of this direct irradiation are the storage buildings for low/intermediate and high level radioactive wastes. Decommissioning Wastes The release from the treatment of low and intermediate level wastes from the decommissioning of 2000 MWe of modern nuclear power plant capacity are given in Table 6.12. Table 6.12 Radiological release data from the treatment of decommissioning wastes Release (Bq) 137 Atmospheric release Cs 7.6 108 60 Co 7.6 108 60 Liquid release Co 9.0 109 6.2.10 Final disposal High level waste disposal facilities are designed to ensure that the radioactive material is contained for as long as possible. All facility designs are based on a multi-barrier concept which means that a number of engineered barriers (e.g. the waste container and facility containment) and natural barriers (e.g. the host rock and the geosphere) are present between the waste and man's immediate environment. In the PAGIS study two types of release scenarios are defined which result in the failure of these barriers and the exposure of the public to radioactive material released from the disposal facility: normal evolution scenarios and altered evolution 153 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands scenarios (PAGIS, 1988). As no results on emissions but only on exposure are given these scenarios and the results are discussed further in the appendix to this fuel cycle. 6.2.11 Transports For the transport stage no data on emissions were readily available. The impacts of releases are available from the French nuclear fuel cycle (Dreicer et al., 1994). 6.3 Quantification of the impacts and damages In this section only a summary of the impacts is given. A discussion and the methodology to estimate the impacts is given in the appendix to this fuel cycle. The impacts and the damages are discussed by fuel cycle stage. The valuation of impacts and the relevant time-frame in which impacts occur (for discount rates other than zero only !!) are discussed in the methodology section of the appendix to this fuel cycle. 6.3.1 Mining and milling The normalised collective doses from the mining and milling stage are given in Table 6.13. Table 6.13 Collective doses from the mining and milling stage. Impact category Burden • Atmospheric emission with normal operation • Surface water emission • Atmospheric emission from stockpiled wastes • Accidents Occupational health • Normal operation mining • Normal operation milling n.q. = not quantified, ng = negligible Public health Collective Dose (manSv) 0.17 ng 1.1 10-5-1.1 10-3 n.q. 0.49 0.046 For the monetary evaluation in this study the figures from UNSCEAR (1993) for mining as a whole and milling are used. The external costs associated with the normal operation of the mine and mill facility are given in Table 6.14 Table 6.14 External costs associated with mine and mill operation Discount Rate External Cost (mECU/kWh) Public (local/regional) Workforce 0% 3.2 10-2 7.8 10-2 3% 6.1 10-3 1.6 10-2 -4 10% 2.9 10 7.5 10-4 154 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Clearly the external costs associated with releases of radon from the mill tailings depend very much on the assumptions concerning the treatment of the tailings made and the time period over which the release is integrated. Assuming a collective dose of 1.7 10-3 manSv/TWh per year of release and an integration time of 10 000 years gives a collective dose of 17 manSv/TWh (which is equivalent to an external cost of 3.2 mECU/TWh for a 0% discount rate). This demonstrates that this pathway could make an important contribution to the external cost of the nuclear fuel cycle as a whole. The non-radiological occupational health impacts have been considered in the French reference report (Dreicer et al., 1994). For the zero percent discount rate the external costs associated with these impacts are of a similar magnitude to the external costs associated with the radiological occupational health effects. 6.3.2 Conversion The normalised collective doses from the conversion stage are given in Table 6.15. Table 6.15 Collective doses from the conversion stage Impact category Burden • Atmospheric emission with normal operation • Accidents Occupational health • Normal operation n.q. = not quantified, ng = negligible Public health Collective Dose (manSv) 3.5 10-5 n.q. 2.3 10-3 The normalised collective doses associated with the operation of the conversion facilities have been converted to normalised external cost data. For discount rates other than zero the time frame given in the appendix to this fuel cycle was used. The external costs associated with the normal operation of the conversion facility are given in Table 6.16 Table 6.16 External costs for conversion stage of fuel cycle Discount Rate External Cost (mECU/kWh) Public Workforce -6 0% 6.5 10 3.3 10-4 -6 3% 1.3 10 6.8 10-5 10% 5.9 10-8 3.2 10-6 In Dreicer et al. (1994) the costs resulting from occupational non-radiological health impacts associated with the normal operation of the conversion facility are also quantified. These costs are greater than the occupational radiological health effect costs and dominate the total costs (i.e. public and occupational) for all discount rates. 155 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 6.3.3 Uranium Enrichment The monetary evaluation of the radiological impact on the public and on the workforce is based on the collective dose to these two groups resulting from one years operation of the enrichment plant. These collective doses were assessed to be 1.37 10-5 and 2.3 10-2 manSv respectively. These doses have to be normalised to the unit of electricity production (i.e. TWh) by taking into account the production capacity of the facility. According to UNSCEAR (1993) for a once-through nuclear fuel cycle circa 130 tSW are required at the enrichment stage to produce 1 GWy (i.e. 8.766 TWh) of electricity. The normalised collective doses to the public and the workforce from the uranium enrichment stage are given in Table 6.17 Table 6.17 Normalised collective doses from uranium enrichment Collective Dose manSv per years operation manSv/TWh(1) Public 1.37 10-5 8.1 10-8 -2 2.73 10-4 Workforce 2.30 10 (1) In converting the collective dose per years operation to collective dose per TWh a production of 2500 tSW was assumed for the public and a production of 1250 tSW for the workforce. The normalised collective doses have been converted to normalised external costs. The external costs for the uranium enrichment stage are given in Table 6.18 Table 6.18 External cost data for uranium enrichment Discount Rate External Cost (mECU/kWh) Public Workforce 0% 1.5 10-8 4.0 10-5 3% 2.9 10-9 8.1 10-6 -10 10% 1.4 10 3.8 10-7 The results can be compared with those given in the French reference report (Dreicer et al., 1994). In the French reference report the costs of the non-radiological occupational health effects have been included in the analysis. These costs dominate the total costs for all discount rates and explain why the total external costs for all discount rates presented in the reference report are significantly higher than the total of the public and occupational costs in the table above. With respect to the radiological impact the occupational costs presented here are significantly (by a factor of a few tens) larger than those in the reference report whereas the public costs presented here are significantly (by a factor of a few hundreds) lower than those presented in the reference report. These differences are primarily due to the differences in worker collective dose data and atmospheric release data respectively. 6.3.4 Fuel fabrication The normalised collective doses from the fuel fabrication stage are given in Table 6.19 156 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Table 6.19 Collective doses from the fuel fabrication stage Impact category Burden • Atmospheric emission with normal operation • Accidents Occupational health • Normal operation n.q. = not quantified, ng = negligible Public health Collective Dose (manSv) 9.2 10-6 n.q. 7.1 10-3 The normalised collective doses associated with the operation of the fuel fabrication facility have been converted to normalised external cost data. The external costs associated with the normal operation of the fuel fabrication facility are given in Table 6.20 Table 6.20 External cost data for fuel fabrication stage Discount Rate External Cost (mECU/kWh) Public 0% 1.7 10-6 3% 3.3 10-7 10% 1.5 10-8 Workforce 1.2 10-3 2.4 10-4 1.1 10-5 In the French reference report (Dreicer et al., 1994) the costs resulting from occupational nonradiological health impacts associated with the normal operation of the fuel fabrication facility are also quantified. These costs are comparable to the occupational radiological health effect costs at the zero discount rate and dominate the total costs (i.e. public and occupational) for the other discount rates. 6.3.5 Power generation The monetary evaluation of the public and occupational radiological impacts associated with the normal operation of the reference nuclear power plant is based on the collective dose data given in the appendix. These collective doses were normalised to the unit of electricity production (i.e. TWh) by taking into account the electricity production of the reference nuclear power plant (449 MWe). The normalised collective doses to both the Dutch and the global populations (to 10 000 years) and to the workforce are given in Table 6.21. Table 6.21 Normalised collective doses from electricity generation Population Group Collective Dose (manSv/TWh) Public (Dutch) Atmospheric Releases 6.6 10-4 Liquid Releases 7.9 10-4 Public (Global) Atmospheric Releases 2.4 10-1 Workforce 3.9 10-1 157 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands The normalised collective doses have been converted to normalised external costs. The external costs associated with the normal operation of the reference electricity generation technology are given in Table 6.22 Table 6.22 External cost data for electricity generating stage Discount Rate External Cost (mECU/kWh) Public (Dutch) Public (Global) -4 0% 2.7 10 4.4 10-2 3% 5.2 10-5 2.5 10-4 -6 10% 2.4 10 1.6 10-5 Workforce 5.6 10-2 1.2 10-2 5.4 10-4 The results can be compared with the corresponding results given in the French reference report(Dreicer et al., 1994). The differences in the external costs associated with the collective dose to the global public are due entirely to differences in the 14C release data used. The occupational radiological impact data used in the reference report is very similar to the data given here. The differences in the occupational external cost data for the normal operation of the electricity generation stage are primarily due to the inclusion of non-radiological health effects in reference report. These differences can be substantial for discount rates other than zero since non-radiological health impacts are generally immediate. Due to differences in the exposed population, the release data and the models used, any comparison of the external costs due to the collective dose to the Dutch population with the data in the reference reports remains limited. However, it should be noted that the external cost associated with the collective dose to the Dutch population falls between the values for the local and regional populations given in reference report. This indicates that the results are broadly comparable. The external costs associated with the decommissioning of the electricity generating technology are based on the radiological impacts quoted in the reference report and given in Table 6.23 Table 6.23 External cost data for decommissioning the electricity generating technology Discount Rate External Cost (mECU/kWh) Public Workforce -5 0% 2.7 10 3.1 10-3 3% 3.3 10-6 4.0 10-4 -8 10% 4.4 10 5.5 10-6 The monetary evaluation of the public radiological impact associated with severe accidents at the electricity generating stage of the nuclear fuel cycle was performed using the COSYMA code. For each accident scenario a CCDF of the offsite costs of that accident was constructed as described in the methodology section in the appendix to this fuel cycle. In order to be comparable with the French reference study the mean offsite costs of all scenarios for each discount rate are used here to derive external cost per kWh data. The mean cost data (i.e. ECUs/yr) and the normalised cost data are given in Table 6.24. 158 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Table 6.24 External cost data for severe accidents at the electricity generating stage. Discount Rate "Expected" Cost (ECU/yr) Normalised Cost (mECU/kWh) 0% 24980 2.97 10-3 3% 15784 1.87 10-3 10% 18410 2.19 10-3 In the French reference study the offsite costs associated with severe accidents at the electricity generating stage of the nuclear fuel cycle were not systematically evaluated. However, illustrative calculations were carried out to assess the offsite costs associated with four accident scenarios. These costs were then normalised (i.e. mECU/kWh). The sum of the resulting normalised costs obtained is significantly higher than the values given in Table 6.24. This is primarily due to the higher scenario probabilities used in the reference report. It is emphasised that the costs associated with severe accidents cannot be represented by a single value such as those given in Table 6.24. Such values should not simply be added to the values obtained from normal operations from the facility to give a total for that facility. The CCDFs presented in the appendix to this fuel cycle give a fuller representation of the external costs associated with severe accidents. 6.3.6 Reprocessing The normalised collective doses associated with the operation of a reprocessing facility are given in Table 6.25. Table 6.25 Collective doses from the reprocessing stage. Impact category Burden Public health • Atmospheric emission with normal operation • local • regional • Accidents Occupational health • Normal operation n.q. = not quantified, ng = negligible Collective Dose (manSv) 1.1 10-2 5.0 10-2 ng 1.8 10-5 The external costs associated with the normal operation of a reprocessing facility are given in Table 6.26 and Table 6.27. 159 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 6.26 External costs to the regional population and workforce associated with reprocessing operations. Discount Rate External Cost (mECU/kWh) Public (local/regional) Workforce -2 0% 1.1 10 2.6 10-4 -3 3% 2.2 10 5.2 10-5 10% 1.02 10-4 2.4 10-6 Clearly the total external costs from the reprocessing stage of the nuclear fuel cycle are dominated by the costs associated with the long term radiological impact to the global population. In the French reference report (Dreicer et al., 1994) the costs resulting from occupational non-radiological health impacts associated with the normal operation of the reprocessing facility are also quantified. These costs are significantly greater than the occupational radiological health effect costs but only contribute a significant amount to the total costs (i.e. public and occupational) when the discount rate is set to 10%. Table 6.27 External costs resulting from the radiological impact to the global population associated with reprocessing operations. Discount Rate External Cost (mECU/kWh)(1) Global Population (to 10 000 years) 0% 3.9 3% 2.3 10-2 10% 1.5 10-3 (1) Based on release data for the reprocessing of metal fuel. 6.3.7 Interim storage The normalised collective doses to the public from the interim storage stage of the nuclear fuel cycle are given in Table 6.28. The external costs for the interim storage stage are given in Table 6.29. Table 6.28 Normalised collective doses from interim storage. Impact category Burden Collective dose (manSv/TWh) Public health 1.1 10-5 • operational wastes 3.0 10-5 • decommissioning wastes Occupational health • operational wastes not considered not considered • decommissioning wastes 160 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Table 6.29 External cost data for interim storage. Discount Rate Stage 0% 3% 10% • • • • • • Operation Decommissioning Operation Decommissioning Operation Decommissioning Public External Cost (mECU/kWh) 2.05 10-6 5.58 10-6 3.95 10-7 6.78 10-7 1.84 10-8 9.21 10-9 6.3.8 Final disposal The probabilities of the scenarios used for assessing the risks of Final disposal are either very low or virtually impossible to estimate. It was therefore considered inappropriate to attempt to quantify the public health external costs associated with the altered evolution scenarios in this study. Since only very limited experience is available world-wide in operating such a facility, it is not possible to assess the occupational radiological impact using occupational monitoring data. In the French reference study (Dreicer et al., 1994) a normalised occupational radiological impact of 6 10-7 manSv/TWh was used. An impact of this magnitude is negligible in comparison with the occupational radiological impact of the nuclear fuel cycle as a whole. This impact is not monetised as it is too uncertain. 6.3.9 Transport The normalised collective dose for transport in the nuclear fuel cycle is given in Table 6.30#. Table 6.30 Normalised collective doses associated with transport of nuclear fuel cycle materials. Normalised Collective Dose (manSv/TWh) Public 1.33 10-3 Workforce 1.18 10-3 The external costs associated with the normal operation of transport between the various stages of the nuclear fuel cycle are given in Table 6.31. Table 6.31 External cost data for transport stage. Discount Rate External Cost (mECU/kWh) Public 0% 2.5 10-4 3% 4.8 10-5 10% 2.2 10-6 Workforce 1.7 10-4 3.5 10-5 1.6 10-6 161 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands In addition to normal operations a number of accident scenarios involving the transport of radioactive materials between stages in the French nuclear fuel cycle were considered in Dreicer et al. (1994). The radiological impact of these scenarios (i.e. taking into account the magnitude of the radiological consequences and the probability of occurrence of the scenario) was estimated to be negligible in comparison with the radiological impact of normal operation. This impact is not considered further in this study. In the reference study the external costs associated with non-radiological health impacts are also analysed. These impacts are the deaths and injuries to the public and to the workforce associated with traffic accidents and constitute approximately 50% of the total external cost at the 0% discount rate. 6.4 Summary and interpretation of results In this scoping study only the external costs of the radiological health impacts associated with the Dutch nuclear fuel cycle have been analysed. For the nuclear fuel cycle facilities which currently exist in the Netherlands the radiological impacts to the public and the workforce associated with the normal operation of each facility were assessed using up to date site specific data. For those stages in the fuel cycle which do not take place in the Netherlands the radiological impact data given in the French reference study (Dreicer et al., 1994) or the UNSCEAR (1993) report were used. The offsite costs of severe accidents at the electricity generating stage of the fuel cycle were quantitatively assessed using a source term for a modern pressurised water reactor (Corbett et al, 1994)]. Where possible a qualitative discussion of the radiological impacts associated with accidental situations at other stages in the nuclear fuel cycle has been given. The external cost data calculated using a zero percent discount rate are summarised in Table 6.32. The normalised external cost data for the regional population and the workforce associated with the normal operation of the various fuel cycle stages have been derived by analysis and by reference to other studies. The data is therefore not strictly comparable but does give an indication of the magnitude of the radiological impacts and associated external costs for each facility. The results for those stages which take place in the Netherlands are broadly comparable with those given in the French reference study. The collective radiological impacts to the global population are made up of very low individual dose levels integrated over thousands of years. When making assessments of such impacts, a number of important assumptions have to be made which play an important role in the result obtained. Since these assumptions are intended to enable illustrative assessments to be performed, the results obtained should be seen in this light. It is however reasonable to state that these global radiological impacts dominate the total collective radiological impact from nuclear fuel cycle activities and hence the external costs for zero percent discount rate. For non-zero discount rates these impacts are less important. The collective dose to the global population is made up essentially from the releases of 14C from the reprocessing plant and from the releases of radon from the mine and mill wastes. 162 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Table 6.32 Damages of the nuclear fuel cycle. mECU/kWh Core POWER GENERATION Public health - Mortality - PM10 - SO2 - NOx - NOx (via ozone) - Morbidity - PM10, SO2 and NOx - NOx (via ozone) Public accidents Occupational health Crops - SO2 - NOx (via ozone) Ecosystems Forest Materials Monuments Noise Visual impacts Global warming low mid (3% discount rate) high OTHER FUEL CYCLE STAGES Public health Occupational health Outside EU Inside EU Ecological effects Road damages 0.058 0.050 nq nq ng ng ng ng ExternE range ng ng ng 7.1 0.13 nq ng ExternE range Global warming nq low nq mid (3% discount rate) nq high ng: negligible; nq: not quantified; iq: only impact quantified; - : not relevant g B B B B A B A A B B B B B B B B C C C B A A B A C C C The radiological impact used to calculate the external cost of severe accidents is determined by the magnitude of the release and the probability of occurrence of the accident scenarios analysed. It must be emphasised that the costs associated with severe accidents cannot be represented by one value. Such values should not simply be added to the values obtained from normal operations from the facility to give a total for that facility. In the French reference study it was concluded that more work is needed to (1) assess the uncertainty associated with the assessments, (2) develop methodologies to deal with large spans of time and space, and (3) assess the costs associated with major accidents. Clearly the first two conclusions are related and, given the dominance of the global radiological impact 163 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands under the present methodology, very important. The fundamental assumption in the ExternE methodology for assessing the radiological health impacts associated with nuclear fuel cycle activities is that the dose-response relationship is linear and goes through the origin. This assumption has been adopted from the field of radiological protection. There is currently insufficient data to determine with certainty what shape the dose-response function has at very low doses and dose rates. The objective of the field of radiological protection is to protect mankind from the harmful effects of ionising radiation and the assumption that the doseresponse relationship is linear is made within this framework. Different assumptions with respect to the dose-response relationship could have profound effects on the results of the study. With respect to the third conclusion made in the French study it should be stated that within the framework of accident consequence assessment a reasonable amount of work has already been carried out into the assessment of the offsite economic costs associated with major accidents. One conclusion of the present scoping study is that future work in the context of external cost research should be directed at developing ways to present the costs from accidental situations and to combine these costs with the external costs associated with normal operations. In keeping with welfare economics future work should take into account the concept of risk as experienced by the general public. In particular, it has been established that members of the public are more concerned about low probability - high consequence events than about high probability - low consequence events having the same mean damage. Additionally, in this scoping study the radiological impacts associated with accidental situations at stages other than the electricity generating stage have been qualitatively discussed. To date, most work in this area has been performed within the framework of license applications. The qualitative discussions in this scoping study indicate that the external costs associated with such accidents may be as (or more) important as (than) the external costs associated with the normal operation of that stage. Although these accident situations are unlikely to contribute significantly to the external costs associated with the whole fuel cycle they may form priority impacts for particular stages. More work is thus needed into accident scenarios at all stages of the nuclear fuel cycle in the context of external cost research. Furthermore, as stated before, the non-radiological externalities associated with transport in the nuclear fuel cycle have not been estimated in this scoping study. The main impacts are normal accidents and impacts from transport air emissions. Seen the large amount of transport movements and the large transport distances these damages could easily be one or more mECU/kWh. The total externalities are of the same order of magnitude as the current nuclear based electricity production costs - 45 to 52 mECU/kWh (Hilten et al., 1994) 164 Aggregation 7. AGGREGATION From a policy and environmental science perspective it is important to know not only the externalities of individual plants but more so total and the average externalities of the total electricity production. For this aggregation two procedures are followed: 1. Estimation of the total and average externalities due to non SO2, NOx and particle power generation emissions. The most ideal way to do this is by applying a multi source version of the software applied for single sources. However, this software was not readily available. It would be too time consuming to analyse all power stations separately. Thus the aggregation was made possible by performing a sensitivity analysis. The most influential parameters, such as stack height, emission factor and location, on the regional and local damages of SO2, NOx, and PM10 emissions of the Dutch coal reference power plant was analysed by using the Ecosense model. From this analysis simple relations (so called ‘impact factor functions’) between the damage and the above mentioned parameters are obtained. Emission factor data and other operation, location and technical data concerning all power plants in the Netherlands are obtained from the Emission Registration Office in the Netherlands. The ‘impact factor functions’ are applied to all Dutch power plants of which data are available. 2. Estimating the total and average externalities of the non SO2, NOx and particle power generation emission related impacts: • The externalities of ‘non-power station air emissions’ estimated in the gas and coal fuel cycle analysis are linked to electricity production and fuel cycle type data. The same is done for global warming impacts due to CO2 emissions in the full fuel cycle. • Assumptions on the extent of the externalities from other fuel cycles (wind and hydro) are made based on ExternE results from other countries. For the nuclear electricity production the results from the nuclear reference plant is used. From these results the total and average externalities of electricity production in the Dutch electricity sector are quantified. 7.1 Sensitivity analyses In order to find mathematical relations between emissions and public health impacts for simplifying the aggregation work several tests are performed to analyse the influence of the damage determining variables on the total damage on both the regional and the local scale. 165 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands The variables tested are: 1. Stack height; 2. Flue gas temperature; 3. Emission and 4. Geographic location. As there are hardly any direct NOx impacts the influence of these parameters on the NOx impacts are not analysed. 7.1.1 Stack height test The influence of the stack height on both the regional (R) and the local (L) impact was tested by varying the stack height of the ‘Centrale Hemweg’ coal fired plant between 2 and 175 meters. The highest stack height in the Netherlands is 175 meters. The results for the relative secondary aerosol impacts from SO2 and NOx emissions and the relative impacts from SO2 and PM10 (primary particles) emission are given in the figures below. Figure 7.1 and Figure 7.2 indicate that for both SO2 and primary particles (PM10) the R-L impact (i.e. the regional (incl. local) minus the local impact) is independent of the stack height when keeping all other emission variables constant. A second preliminary conclusion would be that the higher the stack the lower the local impact and that with lower stacks the local impact can in fact be higher than the R-L impact. Figure 7.3 gives the R-L impacts of secondary aerosols formed aerosols from SO2 and NOx emissions as modelled with the Ecosense model. However, the Ecosense model does not give secondary aerosol impacts in the local range separated from the regional range. The regional impact seems to be independent of the stack height when keeping all other variables constant. The Ecosense model assumes that secondary aerosols are not formed significantly within the local range. However, the OPS model (Jaarsveld et al., 1994) predicts substantial secondary aerosol impacts of 1.2 mECU/kWh for this plant emissions in the local range. In the OPS model a moderate rate of formation of secondary aerosols is assumed. Furthermore, Figure 7.1 indicates that the local aerosol impact might increase with lower stack height as the SO2 impact increases. This means that the aerosol impacts are probably underestimated. 166 Aggregation 3.00 RSO2 LSO2 RELATIVE IMPACT 2.50 R-L SO2 2.00 1.50 1.00 y = -0.0096x + 2.5814 R2 = 0.9756 0.50 y = 0.0004x + 0.6299 R2 = 0.8153 y = -0.01x + 1.9514 R2 = 0.9724 0.00 0 50 100 150 STACK HEIGHT (METERS) Figure 7.1 Relative SO2 impact with stack height. 3.00 R PM10 L PM10 2.50 RELATIVE IMPACT R-L PM10 2.00 1.50 1.00 y = -0.0103x + 2.701 R2 = 0.9749 0.50 y = 0.25 R2 = 1 y = -0.0103x + 2.0236 R2 = 0.9749 0.00 0 50 100 150 STACK HEIGHT (METERS) Figure 7.2 Relative PM10 impacts and stack height. 167 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands y=1 RELATIVE IMPACT 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 RAERTOT 0.20 0.00 0 50 100 150 200 STACK HEIGHT (METERS) Figure 7.3 Relative regional aerosol impact with stack height. 7.1.2 Flue gas temperature test The influence of the flue gas temperature on the impact is analysed by keeping all data of the Centrale Hemweg coal fired plant constant and vary the temperature at the stack outlet at 100 meters above ground level. The results are presented in Figure 7.4 to Figure 7.6. Again the observation that the aerosol impacts are constant with temperature is due to model shortcomings. For SO2 and PM10 a sharp decrease of the local damage with flue gas temperature is observed. 168 Aggregation 1.00 y=1 R2 = 1 RELATIVE IMPACT 0.90 0.80 RAERTOT Linear (RAERTOT) 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 283 293 303 313 323 333 343 353 363 373 383 TEMPERATURE (K) Figure 7.4 Relative regional secondary aerosol impact with temperature. 1.60 RSO2 RELATIVE IMPACT 1.40 y = 383661x -2.2054 R2 = 0.9496 1.20 LSO2 R-L SO2 Power (RSO2) 1.00 -4.0737 y = 1E+10x R2 = 0.9716 0.80 Power (LSO2) Linear (R-L SO2) 0.60 0.40 0.20 y = 0.0001x + 0.4388 R2 = 0.5 0.00 283 293 303 313 323 333 343 353 363 373 383 TEMPERATURE (K) Figure 7.5 Relative SO2 impact with temperature. 169 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 1.60 R PM10 RELATIVE IMPACT 1.40 y = 635719x -2.2924 R2 = 0.9528 1.20 L PM10 R-L PM10 Power (R PM10) 1.00 y = 7E+09x-3.9974 R2 = 0.9679 0.80 0.60 0.40 Power (L PM10) Linear (R-L PM10) y = -0.0001x + 0.5081 R2 = 0.125 0.20 0.00 283 293 303 313 323 333 343 353 363 373 383 TEMPERATURE (K) Figure 7.6 Relative PM10 impact with temperature. 7.1.3 Emission test The influences of the quantity of the emissions of primary emitted particles (PM10), SO2 and secondary aerosols from NOx and SO2 on the impacts are given in Figure 7.7 to Figure 7.9. For regional impacts of secondary aerosols (RAER) both the total (RAERTOT) as the SO2 (RAERSO2) and the NOx (RAERNOX) parts, analysed separately with two model runs, are given. These aerosol results are also given in Table 7.1. For the direct SO2 and NOx impacts, the regional ( R), local (L) and regional minus local (R-L) scores are given. The equations given in the figures were obtained with linear regression fits to the data. The results indicate that all dependencies are linear. Table 7.1 and Figure 7.7 indicate that the total aerosol concentration can be explained by summing the SO2 and the NOx aerosol parts. Hence, for the aggregation it will be assumed that: 1. All impacts are linearly correlated to the emission, 2. The impacts of secondary aerosols from SO2 and NOx emission can be summed to give the total secondary aerosol impacts and 3. Each tonne of NOx and SO2 emitted has a relative contribution to the secondary aerosol impact of 0.35 and 0.65 respectively for a stack height of 175 meters. 170 Aggregation 1.00 RAERTOT RAERSO2 RAERNOX RAERSO2+RAERNOX Linear (RAERTOT) Linear (RAERNOX) Linear (RAERSO2) 0.90 RELATIVE IMPACT 0.80 0.70 0.60 y = 0.0101x 2 R = 0.9996 0.50 y = 0.0066x 0.40 R =1 2 0.30 y = 0.0035x 0.20 2 R = 0.9997 0.10 0.00 0 20 40 60 80 100 EMISSION (mg/m3) Figure 7.7 Relative secondary aerosol impact with emission change. 1.00 RSO2 RELATIVE IMPACT 0.90 LSO2 0.80 y = 0.01x 2 Linear (RSO2) 0.70 R =1 Linear (LSO2) 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 y = 0.0031x 0.10 R = 0.9995 2 0.00 0 20 40 60 80 100 EMISSION (mg/m3) Figure 7.8 Relative SO2 impact with emission change. 171 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 1.00 R PM10 RELATIVE IMPACT 0.90 L PM10 0.80 y = 0.01x 0.70 Linear (R PM10) 0.60 Linear (L PM10) 2 R =1 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 y = 0.0033x 0.10 R = 0.9999 2 0.00 0 20 40 60 80 100 EMISSION (mg/m3) Figure 7.9 Relative PM10 impact with emission change. Table 7.1 Emission (mg/m3) 100 50 25 1 Relative impact to emission. Relative impacts RAERTOT 1.000 0.517 0.252 0.010 RAERSO2 0.345 0.176 0.090 0.003 RAERNOX 0.655 0.328 0.166 0.007 RAERSO2+RAERNOX 1.000 0.503 0.255 0.010 7.1.4 Location test It was analysed if the location of the power plant is of influence on the impacts. With this analysis it is postulated that the geographic co-ordinates are representative for the receptor density. As receptor the human population was analysed as this receptor has the largest impacts. The Centrale Hemweg coal fired plant was assumed to be situated in five alternative locations. 172 Aggregation A map with the six tested locations is given in Figure 7.10, showing the geographic distribution of the sites over the Netherlands and the location of the Netherlands in Europe. 6 5 % % 2 % 3 % % % 4 1 Figure 7.10 Location of ‘site test’ plants in the Netherlands and Europe. 173 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands For each pollutant the human health impacts, relative to the impacts in Amsterdam, are given in Table 7.2 to Table 7.4. (X and Y are the geographical co-ordinates). Table 7.2 Secondary human health impacts relative to the total regional impacts of the E8station in Amsterdam. NR SITE X Y R AERTOT R AERSO2 R AERNOX 1 BUGGENUM 5.99 51.13 2.03 0.42 1.61 2 AMSTERDAM 4.85 52.40 0.24 0.77 1.00 3 MAASVLAKTE 4.05 51.96 1.23 0.27 0.95 4 NIJMEGEN 5.85 51.86 1.42 0.34 1.10 5 EEMSHAVEN 6.80 53.40 0.94 0.19 0.74 6 LAUWERSOOG 6.15 53.38 0.94 0.19 0.74 Table 7.3 SO2 human health impacts relative to the total regional impacts of the E8-station in Amsterdam. NR SITE X Y R SO2 L SO2 R-L SO2 1 BUGGENUM 5.99 51.13 1.75 0.48 1.27 2 AMSTERDAM 4.85 52.40 0.31 0.69 1.00 3 MAASVLAKTE 4.05 51.96 1.40 0.62 0.79 4 NIJMEGEN 5.85 51.86 1.40 0.35 1.06 5 EEMSHAVEN 6.80 53.40 0.58 0.062 0.52 6 LAUWERSOOG 6.15 53.38 0.52 0.002 0.52 Table 7.4 PM10 human health impacts relative to the total regional impacts of the E8-station in Amsterdam. NR SITE X Y R PM10 L PM10 R-L PM10 1 BUGGENUM 5.99 51.13 1.81 0.52 1.29 2 AMSTERDAM 4.85 52.40 0.32 0.68 1.00 3 MAASVLAKTE 4.05 51.96 16.1 15.5 0.65 4 NIJMEGEN 5.85 51.86 9.67 8.39 1.29 5 EEMSHAVEN 6.80 53.40 0.58 0.065 0.521 6 LAUWERSOOG 6.15 53.38 0.58 0.058 0.52 The coefficients of the explanatory variables X, Y were estimated with ordinary least square regression in Micro TSP. The results are given in the next equation and Table 7.5. 174 Aggregation RI = α⋅X + β⋅Y + C (7-1) with: RI = Relative human health impact estimate for regional ( R), local (L) and outside local (R-L) range for aerosols total, aerosols from SO2 only, aerosols from NOx only, SO2, NOx and PM10 (primary particles emission). X = X co-ordinate in degrees Y = Y co-ordinate in degrees C = Constant α and β = Parameters Table 7.5 Least square estimates of equation parameters a with standard deviations and R2. Impact RAERTOT RAERSO2 Variable C sd C α sd α β sd β R2 Log likelihood Sum of squared residuals (SSR) F-statistics a RAERNOx RSO2 LSO2 R-L SO2 RPM10 LPM10 R-L PM10 20.9 29.6 3.0 2.1 0.16 -0.0080 0.05 0.037 -0.40 -0.54 0.06 0.04 10.3 2.2 -0.11 0.04 -0.18 0.04 19.3 1.1 0.10 0.02 -0.36 0.02 90.7 164.0 -4.0 2.9 -1.2 3.2 68.9 162.6 -4.2 2.9 -0.78 3.2 21.8 4.2 0.18 0.08 -0.42 0.08 26.5 3.4 0.19 0.06 -0.50 0.07 5.7 0.2 0.030 0.004 -0.107 0.005 0.949 6.1 0.046 0.994 22.2 0.00021 0.936 6.8 0.037 0.986 9.1 0.017 0.930 8.7 0.019 0.989 12.8 0.0049 0.492 -17.2 107.2 0.493 -17.11 105.4 0.893 11.78 0.0069 27.6 272.9 21.9 107.5 20.0 138.9 1.4 1.4 12.5 The italic numbers in the table express that the explanatory value of the variable is low (t-statistics <2). The results lead to the following conclusions: 1. SO2 impacts The X variable in the RSO2 function is not significant. Leaving out this variable did not result in significant changes in the estimates of the Y parameter or in C. However, the LSO2 and the impacts outside the local range are found to be correlated to the geographic co-ordinates although the explanatory value of the variable X in the LSO2 relation is rather low (3). 2. PM10 impacts For the regional and local impacts from PM10 no correlation to X, Y or C was found. However, for the regional minus the local impact a reasonable correlation with the co-ordinates could be found. 3. Secondary aerosol impacts For the regional impacts due to secondary aerosols from NOx and SO2, a correlation with the geographic co-ordinates exists. However, as no local range impact estimates were available a correlation test of the impacts outside the local range to the co-ordinates could not be 175 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands performed. The influence of leaving out the local impacts is not expected to give significant changes in the relation found as secondary aerosols from high stack emissions are formed at some distance from the plant. The parameters in the functions for RAERSO2 and RAERNOx can be summed to give the parameters for RAERTOT. In other words, the individual SO2 and NOx secondary aerosol impacts can be added to give the total secondary aerosol impact. As the parameters of the RAERTOT, R-L SO2 and R-L PM10 functions indicate that one function could be used for all three pollutants, some additional statistical tests were performed to investigate whether one function suffices. First of all it was tested if X and Y are correlated to see whether they should be dealt with as two different variables. The correlation showed to be small (0.42). This indicates that as a first approximation a normal test to see whether the functions are not statistically different can be performed. The test showed that the functions are significantly different from each other. This means that, as a first approximation, one function can be used for scaling the secondary aerosol, SO2 and PM10 impacts in the Netherlands relative to the impacts at the Centrale Hemweg site. The function is given below. Relative impact = 0.20⋅X - 0.55⋅Y + 28.8 (7-2) Some statistics on this relation are given in Table 7.6. Table 7.6 Least square estimates of equation parameters with standard deviations and R2. Relative impacts Variable all pollutants C 28.8 sd C 2.2 0.20 α 0.04 sd α -0.55 β 0.04 sd β R2 Log likelihood Sum of squared residuals (SSR) F-statistics 0.915 11.7 0.29 80.6 The results and conclusions are only valid for high stack emissions (175 m). For small stacks (<125 m, see stack height test) the functions could change significantly as less of the pollutants is transported out of the local range. As a first approximation for simplifying the aggregation task Equation 7.2 will be used although the number of observations on which the function is based is limited. 7.1.5 Conclusions Combining the results from the sensitivity test of the relative impacts with respect to stack height, temperature of the flue gas and emission quantity gives the following equations: 176 Aggregation Regional range impacts: • SO2: I = (-0.0096 ⋅ H + 2.58) ⋅ (3.83E+05 ⋅ T-2.20) ⋅ ((En/Eb) ⋅ (0.2 ⋅ X - 0.55 ⋅ Y + 28.8) ⋅ BIR • (7-3) PM10: I = (-0.0103 ⋅ H + 2.70) ⋅ (6.35E+05 ⋅ T-2.29) ⋅ ((En/Eb) ⋅ (0.2 ⋅ X - 0.55 ⋅ Y + 28.8) ⋅ BIR (7-4) Outside local range impacts: • SO2 and PM10: I = (En/Eb)⋅ (0.2 ⋅ X - 0.55 ⋅ Y + 28.8) ⋅ BIR-L • (7-5) Aerosols 3: I = (0.35 ⋅ En(NOx)/Eb(NOx)+ 0.65 ⋅ En(SO2)/Eb(SO2)) ⋅ (0.2 ⋅ X - 0.55 ⋅ Y + 28.8) ⋅ BIR-L (7-6) Local range impacts • Aerosols: not analysed • SO2 I = (-0.01 ⋅ H + 1.95) ⋅ (1.0E+10 ⋅ T-4.07) ⋅ ((En/Eb) ⋅ (0.2 ⋅ X - 0.55 ⋅ Y + 28.8) ⋅ BIL (7-7) • PM10 I = (-0.0103 ⋅ H + 2.024) ⋅ (7.0E+09 ⋅ T-4.00) ⋅ ((En/Eb) ⋅ (0.2 ⋅ X - 0.55 ⋅ Y + 28.8) ⋅ BIL (7-8) With: I = BIR, R-l, L= En = Eb = H = T = X = Y = Impact of new plant Impact of reference plant Emission factor new plant Emission factor reference plant Height of stack new plant (in meters) Temperature of flue gas at outlet of stack of the new plant (in Kelvin) X co-ordinates of new plant (in degrees) Y co-ordinates of new plant (in degrees) It should be noted that the relations only hold for human health impacts. Aggregation rules for other impact categories are more simple as they are mainly independent of the location of the plant. They are discussed later. 7.2 Electricity production in the Netherlands Data on the type, location, capacities and emissions to air and water of all electricity plants in the Netherlands for the years 1990, 1992, 1993 and 1994 were obtained from the ‘Emission 3 Equation is valid if base impact includes both NOx and SO2 impacts. If one of the emissions are not considered in the base impacts the relative contribution emission factors should be set to 1 for the pollutants separately. 177 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Registration Office’ (ER, 1996). The ‘Emission Registration Office’ gathers the information from the electricity producers on a voluntary basis. All electricity producers are co-operative in providing data as long as the actual data is not published in any form. Therefore, only manipulated data is given in this paragraph. In the Netherlands electricity is produced by large electricity companies and smaller producers. The four large production companies cover each a different region of end-users in the Netherlands. They are united in the so called “Combined Electricity Producers” (“Samenwerkende Elektriciteits-producenten - Sep”). Thus, the companies are not in competition with each other. The production takes place in large centralised locations and decentral units. The amount of electricity produced with different fuels in the Netherlands is given in Table 7.7. More detailed data is provided in the appendix to this chapter. 7.3 Aggregation methods Power production impacts of non global warming atmospheric emissions To enable aggregation of impacts of SO2, NOx and PM10 emissions of all electricity plants with Equations 7.4 to 7.8, data on the location, the flue gas emission temperature and stack height of the individual plants have to be known. Location data of the plants was known from ER (1996) and is presented in the appendix to the aggregation chapter. The other power plant characteristics were not readily available. Therefore, the following assumptions are made: • Gas fired installation (< 10 MW): Flue gas temperature = Stack height = 343 K 35 meters • Gas fired STEG installation (>10 MW): Flue gas temperature = Stack height = 343 K 60 meters • Coal fired STEG installation: Flue gas temperature = Stack height = 343 K 75 meters • Pulverised coal installation: Flue gas temperature = Stack height = 323 K 175 meters 178 Aggregation Table 7.7 Electricity produced in the Netherlands in 1990, 1992, 1993 and 1994. 1990 kW kWh/y 1993 kW kWh/y % 1994 kW Central Coal Gas Oil Nuclear CHP (gas) kWh/y % 4,135,000 9,799,913 960,000 452,000 1,141,900 2.46E+10 2.98E+10 3.30E+09 3.90E+09 4.5E+09 27.8 3,670,000 2.29E+10 25.1 33.8 9,664,915 3.31E+10 36.4 3.7 960,000 3.99E+09 4.4 4.4 452,000 3.90E+09 4.3 5.1 1,208,900 5.5E+09 6.1 4,080,000 9,667,916 960,000 452,000 1,104,900 2.39E+10 3.13E+10 4.36E+09 3.90E+09 5.6E+09 25.7 33.7 4.7 4.2 6.1 4,234,000 9,381,417 833,000 452,000 1,105,200 2.52E+10 2.76E+10 3.89E+09 3.90E+09 5.6E+09 27.2 29.8 4.2 4.2 6.0 Decentral PV Water Wind MWI CHP (gas) 1,000 37,000 82,500 167,000 2,100,000 7.00E+05 8.00E+07 8.00E+07 8.35E+08 1.17E+10 0.0 2,500 0.1 37,000 0.1 84,000 0.9 253,000 13.2 2,238,000 2,500 37,000 120,000 253,000 2,400,000 1.75E+06 8.00E+07 1.16E+08 1.27E+09 1.20E+10 0.0 0.1 0.1 1.4 12.9 2,500 37,000 190,000 253,000 2,932,000 1.75E+06 8.00E+07 1.84E+08 1.27E+09 1.43E+10 0.0 0.1 0.2 1.4 15.4 Import 1,500,000 9.50E+09 10.8 1,500,000 8.50E+09 1,500,000 1.04E+10 11.2 1,500,000 1.07E+10 11.5 Total 20,376,313 8.83E+10 100.0 20,070,315 9.11E+10 100.0 20,577,316 9.30E+10 100.0 20,920,117 9.27E+10 100.0 Sep 15,672,000 6.19E+10 Sep+Decentral 8.41E+10 Other 4.19E+09 % 1992 kW kWh/y % 1.75E+06 0.0 8.00E+07 0.1 8.15E+07 0.1 1.27E+09 1.4 1.17E+10 12.8 15,139,000 6.53E+10 8.69E+10 4.12E+09 9.3 15,353,000 6.49E+10 8.88E+10 4.22E+09 15,032,000 6.19E+10 8.84E+10 4.38E+09 Source: ER (1996) MWI = Municipal waste incineration CHP = combined heat and power PV = photovoltaic 179 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands The aggregation is performed on the basis of the ‘Centrale Hemweg E8’ coal fired plant impact and emission data, the emission and electricity production data of the Dutch electricity plants mentioned in the previous section and Equations 7.4 to 7.8 in Section 7.1. For testing the applicability of the method a different aggregation techniques was applied as well. In the second method (named ‘emission approach’) the average impact values per tonne emitted pollutant of the analysed coal fuel cycle were applied on the emission data provided by Emission Registration (discussed previously) without any additional operations. Global warming and Ozone damages due to the power generation stage In both methods mentioned above the CO2 and ozone damages are assumed to be proportional to the amount of CO2 and NOx emitted respectively. These are assumed global and regional damages respectively without local specificity. Other damages Other damages are occupational health damages, public health damages and global warming damages outside the power generation stage. They have been assumed constant for each fuel. This means they are proportional to the amount of kWh produced with the different fuels. The impacts from municipal waste incineration fuel cycle have been assumed equal to the wood cofiring fuel cycle analysed in this report (on kWh basis). The oil fuel cycle impacts in these categories have been assumed equal to that of the coal fuel cycle analysed in this report (on kWh basis). In the category “other damages also the damages due to the nuclear, hydro and wind fuel cycles are included. For the wind and hydro fuel cycles the damage estimates from the Danish and Norwegian implementation (0.76 and 2.3 mECU/kWh respectively) are used. For the Nuclear fuel cycle the damage estimates given in this report (in total 7.3 mECU/kWh) are used 7.4 Results The sub-total damage estimates are given for the four combinations of valuation: 1. Core (YOLL) public health estimates and ExternE global warming mid range damage estimates; 2. Sensitivity 1 (VSL) public health estimates and ExternE global warming mid range damage estimates; 3. Core (YOLL) public health estimates and IPCC global warming mid damage estimate and 4. Sensitivity 1 (VSL) ) public health estimates and ExternE global warming mid damage estimate. The results for the detailed method are given in Table 7.8 and Table 7.9. The results for the ‘emission approach’ method are given in Table 7.10. 180 Aggregation Table 7.8 Best estimate damages of electricity production in the Netherlands by applying location and technology specific analysis in billion ECU/y. Impact categories 1990 1992 1993 1994 Core + ExternE GW 1.11 0.86 0.73 0.64 • Power generation (I) a 0.69-1.8 0.70-1.8 0.71-1.8 0.72-1.9 • Power generation Global Warming 0.20 0.20 0.21 0.21 • Others b Subtotal 2.0-3.1 1.8-2.9 1.7-2.8 1.6-2.7 Sens 1 + ExternE GW 6.21 4.81 4.14 3.43 • Power generation (I) a 0.69-1.8 0.70-1.8 0.71-1.8 0.72-1.9 • Power generation Global Warming 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 • Others b Subtotal 7.1-8.2 5.7-6.9 5.1-6.2 4.4-5.5 Core + IPCC GW 1.11 0.86 0.73 0.64 • Power generation (I) a 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.24 • Power generation Global Warming 0.17 0.16 0.18 0.18 • Others b Subtotal 1.51 1.25 1.15 1.06 Sens 1 + IPCC GW 6.21 4.81 4.14 3.43 • Power generation (I) a 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.24 • Power generation Global Warming 0.18 0.18 0.20 0.19 • Others b Subtotal 6.63 5.23 4.57 3.86 a Public health, materials, monuments and crop damages. b Other damages include all hydro, wind and nuclear damages, all occupational damages for fossil fuel cycles and the public health and global warming damages outside the power generation stage of fossil fuel cycles. 181 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 7.9 Best estimate average damages of electricity production applying location and technology specific analysis in mECU/kWh. Impact categories 1990 1992 Core + ExternE GW 12.6 9.4 • Power generation (I) a 7.9-20.4 7.7-20.0 • Power generation Global Warming 2.3 2.2 • Others b Subtotal 22.8-35.3 19.3-31.6 Sens 1 + ExternE GW 70.4 52.9 • Power generation (I) a 7.9-20.4 7.7-20.0 • Power generation Global Warming 2.5 2.4 • Others b Subtotal 80.7-93.3 63.0-75.3 Core + IPCC GW 12.6 9.4 • Power generation (I) a 2.6 2.6 • Power generation Global Warming 1.9 1.8 • Others b Subtotal 17.1 13.8 Sens 1 + IPCC GW 70.4 52.9 • Power generation (I) a 2.6 2.6 • Power generation Global Warming 2.1 2.0 • Others b Subtotal 75.1 57.5 in the Netherlands by 1993 1994 7.9 7.6-19.7 2.3 17.8-29.9 6.94 7.7-20.1 2.3 16.9-29.3 44.5 7.6-19.7 2.5 54.6-66.7 37.0 7.7-20.1 2.5 47.2-59.6 7.9 2.5 1.9 12.3 6.9 2.6 1.9 11.4 44.5 2.5 2.1 49.1 37.0 2.6 2.1 41.7 a Public health, materials, monuments and crop damages. b Other damages include all hydro, wind and nuclear damages, all occupational damages for fossil fuel cycles and the public health and global warming damages outside the power generation stage of fossil fuel cycles. Table 7.10 Damage estimates for electricity production in the Netherlands using only emission data in t/y and average impacts from the ‘Coal Fuel Cycle’ analysed in this report. 1990 1992 1993 1994 Core + ExternE GW Total damage in billion ECU/y 1.1-2.2 0.91-2.0 0.83-2.0 0.73-1.9 Average damage in mECU/kWh 12.2-24.8 10.0-22.3 8.9-21.0 7.9-20.3 % of detailed analysis (Table 7.9) 53-70 52-70 50-70 46-69 Sens 1 + ExternE GW Total damage in billion ECU/y 4.3-5.4 3.6-4.7 3.1-4.3 2.7-3.9 Average damage in mECU/kWh 48.6-61.2 39.1-51.4 33.6-45.7 29.1-41.5 % of detailed analysis (Table 7.9) 60-66 62-68 62-69 62-70 Core + IPCC GW Total damage in billion ECU/y 1.04 0.87 0.79 0.69 Average damage in mECU/kWh 11.8 9.6 8.5 7.5 % of detailed analysis (Table 7.9) 69 70 69 66 Sens 1 + IPCC GW Total damage in billion ECU/y 4.26 3.52 3.09 2.66 Average damage in mECU/kWh 48.2 38.7 33.2 28.7 % of detailed analysis ((Table 7.9) 64 67 68 69 182 Aggregation The results indicate that if location and technology parameters are not included, aggregation does not lead to a proper estimate of the damages. Admittedly, the detailed analysis is still rough because the equations used are based on 6 locations only and rough assumptions on technical characteristics are used. However, this ‘detailed’ analysis probably gives a better estimate of the damages than the ‘emission approach’ because the results in Section 1 indicate that location and technology are important damage parameters. The subtotal average damages, based on the conservative 95 % confidence interval over all combinations of valuation, are in the range of 17.1 to 93.3, 13,8 to 75.3, 12.3 to 66.7 and 11.4 to 59.6 mECU/kWh for 1990, 1992, 1993 and 1994 respectively. The best estimate ranges are 17.1 to75.1, 13.8 to 57.5, 12.3 to 49.1 and 11.4 to 41.7 mECU/kWh for 1990, 1992, 1993 and 1994 respectively. There seems to be a trend towards decreasing damages with time. This will be analysed further in the “Policy Case Study”. However, at present the average externalities of electricity production in the Netherlands are estimated to be of the same order of magnitude as the average private electricity production costs ( ± 40 mECU/kWh). The damage estimates per fuel type are given in Table 7.11. Table 7.11 Aggregate and average externalities by fuel type (Core public health and ExternEGW mid range estimates are used). 1990 Damage in ECU/y Coal 1.3E+09 -1.9E+09 Natural gas 5.3E+08 -9.8E+08 Oil 1.1E+08 -2.5E+08 Nuclear 2.8E+07 Biomass + Waste 2.1E+06 -2.8E+06 Wind 6.1E+04 Hydro 1.8E+05 PV n.q. Import 4.6E+07 Damage in mECU/kWh Coal 52.6 -77.4 Natural gas 12.6 -23.5 Oil 34.8 -75.3 Nuclear 7.3 Biomass + Waste 2.6 -3.4 Wind 0.76 Hydro 2.3 PV n.q. Import 4.8 1992 1993 1994 9.7E+08 - 1.5E+09 5.9E+08 - 1.1E+09 1.3E+08 - 2.7E+08 2.8E+07 3.2E+06 - 4.2E+06 6.2E+04 1.8E+05 n.q. 4.1E+07 8.5E+08 -1.4E+09 5.7E+08 -1.1E+09 1.5E+08 -3.2E+08 2.8E+07 3.2E+06 -4.2E+06 8.8E+04 1.8E+05 n.q. 5.0E+07 8.6E+08 - 1.4E+09 4.8E+08 - 9.5E+08 1.5E+08 - 3.2E+08 2.8E+07 3.2E+06 - 4.2E+06 1.4E+05 1.8E+05 n.q. 5.1E+07 42.3 - 66.3 13.1 - 24.5 31.7 - 68.3 7.3 2.6 - 3.4 0.76 2.3 n.q. 4.8 35.7 -58.4 13.1 -24.6 33.5 -73.6 7.3 2.6 -3.4 0.76 2.3 n.q. 4.8 34.0 - 57.3 11.6 - 22.7 37.4 - 82.6 7.3 2.6 -3.4 0.76 2.3 n.q. 4.8 A decrease in the externalities of coal fuelled electricity production is observed. This is mainly due to a decrease in the average SO2, NOx and PM emissions. For the same reason also for 183 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands natural gas and oil fuelled electricity production a decrease in the externalities was expected. Partly due to data inaccuracies and problems with several plants in 1992 and 1993 this is not observed. For wind, nuclear, PV and hydro the central estimate of the externalities (the Core human health and lower bound of the midrange ExternE-GW estimates) in 1995 was held representative for all years analysed. It is clear that renewable electricity production has smaller externalities than fossil fuel electricity production and that nuclear is probably somewhere between these two. Furthermore, there seems to be a trend towards decreasing damages with time. This will be analysed further in the “Policy Case Study”. However, at present the average externalities of electricity production in the Netherlands are estimated to be of the same order of magnitude as the average private electricity production costs ( ± 40 mECU/kWh). 184 Policy Case Study 8. POLICY CASE STUDY In this policy case study the total and average externalities of different electricity production scenarios for the Netherlands are estimated. First the scenarios are discussed shortly. Second, the power generation technologies of the future are discussed and the related emission factors are given. Finally, the externalities of the full fuel cycles are estimated and the results are discussed. 8.1 Scenarios Up to the year 2004 the centralised electricity production is already planned by the “Combined Electricity Producers” - Sep. The planned production is described in the Electricity Plan 19952004 (Sep 1, 1994; Sep 2, 1994). This plan is approved by the Dutch government and it will probably be realised with possible small variations. The influence of these variations on the externality estimates for the total and average electricity production up to 2004 will probably be small as the main part of the production capacity used until 2004 is already existing and little new capacity will be built. In the year 2030 all currently operational power plants will be written off and closed down. The amount of kWh produced with the currently available and already planned power stations for 1999 and 2004, 2010, 2015 and 2020 are modelled with the Sep plans and the Emission Registration data (ER, 1996). The results by fuel are given in Table 8.1. In the same table some forecasts for the electricity demand, according to the Sep, are given. From the difference between the total and the Sep forecast it is clear that from 2004 on new capacity is needed. There are a large number of power generation scenarios available in the literature. In these scenarios not only the amount of electricity needed is forecasted but also predictions of the technologies with which the electricity will be produced are made. The scenarios from the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation are the most commonly used in policy analysis and developed for policy makers. The best known scenarios are given in the National Energy Investigation -“Nationale Energieverkenning” (Bonekamp et al., 1992), the Third Energy Bill - “de Derde Energienota” ( Hilten et al., 1996) and the Coal Application Study - “Koleninzetstudie- KIS” (Kram et al., 1991). The scenarios use different assumptions with regard to policy, in particular with respect to global warming (CO2), and therefore they cannot be interpreted as subsequent in time, but rather as different possible future developments. They are discussed separately below. 185 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 8.1 Electricity production between 1999 and 2020 by in 1994 existing and in 1994 planned units according to Sep. 1999 kW installed kWh/y produced Central Coal Gas Oil Nuclear CHP (gas) 3,981,000 7,344,445 820,000 0 1,750,200 2.39E+10 4,581,000 3.37E+10 6,892,272 3.89E+09 361,000 0.00E+00 0 1.1E+10 1,950,900 2.84E+10 4,581,000 2.84E+10 3.22E+10 2,420,121 1.41E+10 1.71E+09 361,000 1.71E+09 0.00E+00 0 0.00E+00 1.3E+10 1,505,600 9.3E+09 3,306,000 1,842,515 0 0 1,122,600 Decentral PV Hydro Wind MWI CHP (gas) 13,000 37,000 470,000 439,000 3,732,000 9.10E+06 50,000 8.00E+07 37,000 4.56E+08 470,000 2.20E+09 439,000 1.81E+10 4,100,000 3.50E+07 130,000 9.10E+07 8.00E+07 37,000 8.00E+07 4.56E+08 1,000,000 9.70E+08 2.31E+09 484,000 2.54E+09 1.99E+10 3,913,000 1.90E+10 Import Total 2004 kW installed 700,000 1.40E+10 1,300,000 kWh/y produced 4.00E+09 2010 kW installed kWh/y produced 600,000 3.00E+09 2020 kW installed kWh/y produced 2.17E+10 1.22E+10 1.71E+09 0.00E+00 8.1E+09 1,800,000 1,405,520 0 0 1,053,600 1.18E+10 1.09E+10 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.4E+09 250,000 37,000 1,000,000 508,000 3,729,000 1.75E+08 8.00E+07 9.70E+08 4.61E+08 1.81E+10 250,000 37,000 1,000,000 508,000 3,729,000 1.75E+08 8.00E+07 9.70E+08 4.61E+08 1.81E+10 600,000 3.00E+09 19,286,645 1.07E+11 20,181,172 1.02E+11 15,031,721 7.93E+10 12,395,115 Sep 12,977,523 6.78E+10 12,867,345 Sep+Decentral 8.87E+10 Other 1.83E+10 7.06E+10 8,639,611 5.34E+10 9.74E+10 7.91E+10 4.33E+09 2.50E+08 Sep forecast 1.02E+11 1.07E+11 Sources: Sep (1994) and ER (1996) MWI = municipal waste incineration CHP = combined heat and power PV = Photo voltaic 186 2015 kW installed 1.10E+11 6,043,000 kWh/y produced 600,000 3.22E+09 6.65E+10 10,383,120 5.32E+10 4.34E+10 6.62E+10 2.50E+08 4,033,000 3.00E+10 5.30E+10 2.44E+08 1.20E+11 1.30E+11 Policy Case Study 8.1.1 Coal Applications Study (2010 and 2030) For the years 2010 and 2030 scenarios of coal use in the Dutch electricity sector are given in the “Coal Applications Study” or ” KIS” (Kram et al., 1991). In this study the role of coal use is analysed using the MARKAL model. Therefore, the influence of variables such as the development of energy demand, energy prices, and restrictions on acidifying emissions are included in the scenarios. The scenarios do not take CO2 reduction measures into account. With the introduction of CO2 emission reduction strategies, the coal use would be significantly lower than in these scenarios. The starting point of the scenarios is the energy demand in the Netherlands in the year 2000. The population growth is assumed to be 0.56% per year up to the year 2000, 0.26% per year between 2000 and 2010, 0.05% per year between 2010 and 2020 and a decrease in population of 0.08% per year between 2020 and 2030. The scenarios can be devided in a scenario with high economic growth ( the DG scenario) and a scenario in which the economic growth is slightly lower (the GO scenario) due to a stronger position of Southern-European countries in the EU. The economic growth rates in the Netherlands are assumed to be 1.9 and 1.3 % respectively. Furthermore, the scenarios are divided in subscenarios of which the scenarios with the specifications given in Table 8.2 are analysed here. Table 8.2 Details of sub-scenarios of KIS for the years 2010 and 2030. Scenario Gas price linked to Reduction of acidifying Proportion of emissions in 2030 nuclear (%) relative to 1980 (%) a KIS - GO 1 Oil 90 33 KIS - GO 2 Oil 90 0 KIS - GO 3 Coal 90 33 KIS - DG 1 Oil 90 33 KIS - DG 2 Oil 90 MAX KIS - DG 3 Coal 90 33 a In 2000 a 65% decrease relative to 1980 levels and in 2010 a 75% decrease relative to 1980. Source: Kram et al. (1991) The planned electricity production over the different fuels and renewables are given in Table 8.3 and Table 8.4. 187 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 8.3 Electricity production in kWh/y according to KIS scenarios for the year 2010. Year Scenario 1990 2010 KIS-GO 1 2 3 2010 KIS-DG 1 2 3 Fossil fuels Coal Gas Oil CHP (Sep) Private CHP CHP total Nuclear Import Sub total fossil 3.4E+10 3.4E+10 3.4E+10 3.3E+10 3.9E+09 9.6E+09 0.0E+00 5.8E+09 2.6E+10 9.5E+09 3.0E+09 3.0E+09 3.0E+09 3.0E+09 8.7E+10 9.2E+10 9.2E+10 9.2E+10 1.0E+11 2.5E+10 3.6E+10 3.0E+09 1.0E+11 Renewable sources Wind-Nutsbedrijf - land Private wind -land Wind land total Wind-Nutsbedrijf - sea Wind - total Hydropower Wind + Hydro 5.6E+07 0.0E+00 5.6E+07 0.0E+00 5.6E+07 1.9E+08 3.5E+08 2.2E+09 2.2E+09 2.2E+09 2.2E+09 2.2E+09 2.2E+09 0.0E+00 7.00E+05 7.0E+05 9.1E+07 9.1E+07 9.1E+07 9.1E+07 9.1E+07 9.1E+07 Photovoltaic (Sep) Private PV cells PV total Biomass burning Refuse derived fuel (waste wood) Sewer water cleaning Waste water cleaning Sub-total biomass Municipal waste incineration Manure fermentation Waste fermentation biomass total Sub-total Renewables Total 188 2.5E+10 3.0E+10 3.3E+09 4.5E+09 1.2E+10 2.5E+10 2.1E+10 3.3E+10 2.2E+10 2.4E+10 2.5E+10 2.4E+10 1.7E+10 2.3E+10 1.8E+10 1.6E+10 2.3E+10 3.7E+10 2.1E+10 3.0E+09 1.0E+11 8.3E+07 1.4E+08 5.6E+07 0.0E+00 2.8E+08 8.1E+08 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 1.1E+09 5.5E+09 5.5E+09 5.5E+09 5.5E+09 1.3E+09 7.8E+09 7.8E+09 7.8E+09 7.8E+09 5.5E+09 5.5E+09 7.8E+09 7.8E+09 8.86E+10 9.96E+10 9.95E+10 9.93E+10 1.10E+11 1.11E+11 1.09E+11 Policy Case Study Table 8.4 Electricity production in kWh/y according to KIS scenarios for the year 2030. Year Scenario 1990 2030 KIS-GO 2030 KIS-DG 1 2 3 1 2 3 4.3E+10 9.8E+09 7.2E+10 1.1E+10 2.5E+10 2.4E+10 6.8E+10 1.2E+10 1.1E+10 6.9E+09 2.8E+10 3.1E+10 Fossil fuels Coal Gas Oil CHP (Sep) Private CHP CHP total Nuclear Import Sub total fossil 3.3E+10 3.9E+10 3.2E+10 6.0E+10 2.4E+10 5.6E+10 3.9E+09 2.8E+10 0.0E+00 2.8E+10 3.1E+10 1.1E+11 3.1E+10 9.5E+09 3.2E+09 9.1E+09 3.5E+09 3.2E+09 9.1E+09 3.5E+09 8.7E+10 1.2E+11 1.3E+11 1.1E+11 1.7E+11 1.7E+11 1.5E+11 Renewable sources Wind-Nutsbedrijf - land Private wind -land Wind land total Wind-Nutsbedrijf - sea Wind - total Hydropower Wind + Hydro 5.6E+07 0.0E+00 5.6E+07 0.0E+00 5.6E+07 1.9E+08 3.5E+08 5.3E+09 5.3E+09 3.1E+09 5.3E+09 5.3E+09 5.3E+09 Photovoltaic (Sep) Private PV cells PV total Biomass burning Refuse derived fuel (waste wood) Sewer water cleaning Waste water cleaning Sub-total biomass Municipal waste incineration Manure fermentation Waste fermentation biomass total Sub-total Renewables Total 2.5E+10 3.0E+10 3.3E+09 4.5E+09 1.2E+10 0.0E+00 7.00E+05 7.0E+05 1.1E+08 1.1E+08 1.1E+08 1.1E+08 1.1E+08 1.1E+08 8.3E+07 1.4E+08 5.6E+07 0.0E+00 2.8E+08 8.1E+08 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 1.1E+09 8.4E+09 8.4E+09 8.4E+09 8.4E+09 8.4E+09 8.4E+09 1.3E+09 1.4E+10 1.4E+10 1.2E+10 1.4E+10 1.4E+10 1.4E+10 8.86E+10 1.31E+11 1.44E+11 1.24E+11 1.87E+11 1.79E+11 1.63E+11 189 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 8.1.2 National Energy Investigation (2015) For the year 2015 the scenarios from the National Energy Investigation -“National Energieverkenning” (Bonekamp et al., 1992) are used. In these scenarios three economic world scenarios are scaled down to the Netherlands: 1. The Balanced Growth (BG) scenario, 2. The Global Shift (GS) scenario and 3. The European Renaissance (ER) scenario. The base year is 1990. The BG scenario is the most optimistic scenario. The growth in GNP is assumed 2.3% on average per year from 1990 on. In this scenario the global warming impacts are abated worldwide, the European integration is limited in progress, the technological innovation is high and price incentives are stimulated as steering mechanism. In the GS scenario the economic conditions are poor at first. Between 2000 and 2005 a change in the trend is observed. This will be followed by far stretching reconstruction measures comparable with the BG philosophy. There will be no European integration. The average economic growth is 1.8% per year. In the ER scenario the European integration is successful as is the integration with EasternEurope and the GOS countries through the Energy Charter. Partly because of this integration the economic growth is high (2.8% per year). In this scenario there will be a larger role in coordination as steering mechanism than in the other scenarios. The increase in the production prices is high. On top of this, the CO2 tax in the ER scenario is moderate (due to lack of world-wide consensus) and in the BG scenario the tax is high. The end user prices do not increase as rapid as the oil price due to the included tax and distribution costs. The planned electricity production over the different fuels and renewables is given in Table 8.5. 190 Policy Case Study Table 8.5 Electricity productions in kWh/y according to the ‘National Energy Investigation’ for the year 2015 and the ‘Third Energy Bill’ scenarios for the year 2020. Year Scenario 1990 2015 BG GS ER 2020 Trend Progressive low high Fossil fuels Coal Gas Oil CHP (Sep) Private CHP CHP total Nuclear Import Sub total fossil 7.7E+09 3.3E+10 3.0E+10 2.5E+10 1.2E+10 2.1E+10 1.9E+10 2.4E+10 3.8E+10 2.9E+10 4.6E+10 3.9E+09 1.1E+10 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 9.5E+09 6.0E+09 3.1E+09 1.0E+10 8.7E+10 9.0E+10 8.5E+10 9.6E+10 2.8E+10 3.0E+10 5.8E+10 0.0E+00 3.2E+09 1.2E+11 3.0E+10 3.3E+10 6.3E+10 0.0E+00 9.1E+09 1.0E+11 3.5E+10 4.0E+10 7.5E+10 0.0E+00 3.5E+09 1.2E+11 Renewable sources Wind-Nutsbedrijf - land Private wind -land Wind land total Wind-Nutsbedrijf - sea Wind - total Hydropower Wind + Hydro 5.6E+07 2.3E+09 2.9E+09 2.9E+09 0.0E+00 9.7E+08 5.8E+08 9.7E+08 5.6E+07 3.3E+09 3.5E+09 3.9E+09 3.5E+09 0.0E+00 2.6E+09 0.0E+00 3.1E+09 0.0E+00 5.6E+07 5.8E+09 3.5E+09 6.9E+09 3.5E+09 1.9E+08 5.0E+08 2.7E+08 5.0E+08 4.7E+08 3.5E+08 6.3E+09 3.7E+09 7.4E+09 4.0E+09 3.6E+09 2.9E+09 6.5E+09 4.4E+08 7.0E+09 3.6E+09 2.9E+09 6.6E+09 4.4E+08 7.0E+09 Photovoltaic (Sep) Private PV cells PV total Biomass burning Refuse derived fuel (waste wood) Sewer water cleaning Waste water cleaning Sub-total biomass Municipal waste incineration Manure fermentation Waste fermentation biomass total Sub-total Renewables Total 2.5E+10 3.0E+10 3.3E+09 4.5E+09 1.2E+10 1.5E+10 2.0E+10 3.3E+10 2.0E+10 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 7.00E+05 1.2E+09 7.0E+05 1.5E+09 1.1E+08 7.0E+05 1.2E+09 7.0E+05 1.5E+09 1.1E+08 1.0E+09 1.0E+09 8.3E+07 1.4E+08 5.0E+08 1.4E+08 1.9E+08 1.4E+08 4.4E+08 1.4E+08 5.3E+09 6.1E+08 7.5E+09 7.5E+09 1.2E+09 1.2E+09 5.6E+07 0.0E+00 2.8E+08 8.1E+08 5.6E+08 1.9E+08 1.4E+09 6.1E+09 4.7E+08 1.1E+08 9.2E+08 5.7E+09 5.0E+08 1.4E+08 1.2E+09 5.2E+09 5.9E+09 2.5E+09 8.7E+09 8.7E+09 1.5E+09 1.6E+09 0.0E+00 1.1E+09 1.1E+09 2.8E+08 0.0E+00 3.9E+08 1.7E+08 3.6E+08 1.1E+09 9.0E+09 7.8E+09 7.1E+09 8.4E+09 1.3E+09 1.7E+10 1.2E+10 1.6E+10 1.3E+10 1.0E+10 1.0E+10 1.8E+10 1.8E+10 8.86E+10 1.06E+11 9.69E+10 1.12E+11 1.30E+11 1.21E+11 1.41E+11 191 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 8.1.3 Third Energy Bill (2020) For the year 2020 scenarios from the Third Energy Bill - “de Derde Energienota” ( Hilten et al., 1996) are used. In the scenarios economic growth (2.3% per year), world market prices for energy and demographic growth are assumed exogenous and identical for the three scenarios. The basis for these assumptions was extracted from recent scenarios from the Central Planning Bureau, the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM), the National Energy Research Foundation (ECN) and in 1995 published energy scenarios for the European Union. The first scenario (Trend) is the reference scenario. In this scenario it is assumed there is no change in the European nor in the National policy between 1990 and 2020. The annual growth in energy use between 1990 and 2020 is assumed to be 0.7% and the increase in CO2 emission 0.5%. To analyse which influences additional energy policy in a European context would have, two additional scenarios are developed: The ‘Progressive low and high scenarios’. Both scenarios have the basic National/European energy policy as a starting point. This policy is focused on energy savings and decreasing environmental burdens due to energy use. This is translated into: • a European energy/CO2 tax; • standards for energy use of electrical equipment, buildings and cars; • legislation or other policy focused on recycling or the use of less environmentally impacting materials; • financial stimulation of consumers towards energy saving investments, etc. Furthermore, it is assumed that in the ‘Progressive’ scenarios there is a European liberalised energy market. Because it is uncertain how economic structures and energy trade will develop, and because both aspects have a large influence on the energy use, a low and high scenario are developed. In the ‘Progressive low’ scenario the total size of the energy intensive industry in the Netherlands is small and the Netherlands is a net importer of electricity. The annual growth in energy use between 1990 and 2020 is assumed to be 0.1% and the decrease in CO2 emission 0.2%. In the ‘Progressive high’ scenario the opposite is assumed: the size of the energy intensive industry is large and the Netherlands is a net exporter of electricity. The annual growth in energy use between 1990 and 2020 is assumed to be 0.5% and the increase in CO2 emission 0.2%. The share of renewables in the total energy use is 6% in Trend, 9% in ‘Progressive high’ and 10% in ‘Progressive low’. The planned electricity production over the different fuels and renewables is given in Table 8.5. 192 Policy Case Study 8.2 Future power generation technologies and emissions In this section the technologies and emissions future power generation technologies are discussed shortly. 8.2.1 Coal, gas and oil Future electricity production based on coal, gas and oil technologies are discussed in detail the ‘Coal Application Study’ by Kram et al., 1991), in the study ‘Prospects for Energy technology in the Netherlands’ by Ybema et al. (1995), the study ‘Overview of Energy RD&D options for a sustainable future’ by Blok et al. (1995) and a study on environmental impact assessment by KEMA (1992). Future coal and gas technologies are divided into four categories in this study: • a base variant : This variant represents average base technology between 1994 and 2000; • a low base variant : This variant represents the base technology with additional emission reduction between 1994 and 2000; • a new variant : This variant represents base technology from the year 2000 on. • a low new variant : This variant represents base technology with additional emission reduction from the year 2000 on. Some technical data of the technologies are given in Table 8.6. The selection of the relevant technologies for the scenarios is given in the respective scenario studies. The emission from the power generation stage of the different technologies are given in (Kram et al., 1991), KEMA (1992), Hilten et al. (1994), Ybema et al. (1995), Blok (1995) and KEMA (1994). The emission factors of the power generation stages are given in Table 8.7. In the table also the high average price estimates of electricity production in the years 2000 to 2010 are given (Hilten et al., 1994 and DEN, 1996). For old technologies average prices in the year 2000 are given (Hilten et al., 1996). After the year 2020 prices could drop with several mECU/kWh. A selection of sites for new technologies was made based on the of the current sites and technologies available and the year the current plants are decommissioned. New coal technologies are assumed to be constructed in Rotterdam only. New natural gas fed ‘steam and gas turbines’ are assumed to be built in Lelystad while new ‘heat and power plants’ are assumed to be built in Almere and Amsterdam. The impacts and damages are estimated by using the assumptions and equations discussed in the aggregation chapter, see Section 7.3. With respect to the non-power generation stages and the accidents and diseases associated with the all stages the same assumption as with the aggregation task are assumed to be valid, see Section 7.3. 193 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 8.6 Current and future coal, gas and oil electricity production technology characteristics. Technology Pulverized fuel base variant (Coal) low base variant (8) new variant >2000 low new variant >2000 A (1) low new variant >2000 B (1) CG-STEG base variant (8) (Coal) new variant >2000 low new variant >2000 A (1) low new variant >2000 B OV-STEG base variant (Oil) new variant >2000 low new variant >2000 STEG base variant (Gas) low base variant new variant >2000 (8) low new variant >2000 A low new variant >2000 B CHP central base variant SV-STEG 2000 (Gas) base variant SV-STEG 2010 new variant SV-STEG 2010 low new variant SV-STEG 2010 A low new variant SV-STEG 2010 B base variant - Heat plan 2000 low base variant - Heat plan 2000 new variant Heat plan 2010 low new variant heat plan 2010 A low new variant heat plan 2010 B CHP decentral base variant large (Gas) base variant small base variant SV 2000 new variant large new variant small CHP industry low new variant > 2005 A (1-DCG) (Coal) low new variant > 2005 B (1-DCG) Eff. Emission reduction Waste (1) Price of SO2 NOx CO2 bottom + Gypsum Electr. prod. fly ash in 2000 % % % % kg/GJin kg/GJin mECU/kWh 40 40 42 42 42 43 47 47 44 48 51.5 51.5 55 55 55 45 45 50 50 50 46.5 46.5 50 50 50 35 35 38 38 40 42 42 CHP = Combined Heat and Power CH-STEG = City heating - Steam and gas turbine CG - STEG = Coal gasification - Steam and gas turbine OG - STEG = Oil gasification - Steam and gas turbine 194 90 90* 95 95 95 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 - - 80 90 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 - 90 - 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 38 30-40 40 40-50 50-70 39 38-47 50-70 30 30-40 40-60 50-80 90 90 90 90 90 90 - 38 38 40-60 50-80 38 40 40-60 50-70 3.8 3.8 1.5 1.5 38 38 38 40-60 40-60 50-70 Policy Case Study Table 8.7 Current and future coal, gas and oil technology related emission factors in g/GJ fuel used and mg/kWh electricity produced. Technology Pulverized fuel (Coal) base variant low base variant (8) new variant >2000 low new variant >2000 A (1) low new variant >2000 B (1) CG-STEG base variant (8) (Coal) new variant >2000 low new variant >2000 A (1) low new variant >2000 B OG-STEG base variant (Oil) new variant >2000 low new variant >2000 STEG base variant (Gas) low base variant new variant >2000 (8) low new variant >2000 A low new variant >2000 B CHP central base variant SV-STEG 2000 (Gas) base variant SV-STEG 2010 new variant SV-STEG 2010 low new variant SV-STEG 2010 A low new variant SV-STEG 2010 B base variant - Heat plan 2000 low base variant - Heat plan 2000 new variant Heat plan 2010 low new variant heat plan 2010 A low new variant heat plan 2010 B CHP decentral base variant large (Gas) base variant small base variant SV 2000 new variant large new variant small CHP industry low new variant > 2005 A (1 - DCG) (Coal) low new variant > 2005 B (1 - DCG) CHP = Combined Heat and Power SV-STEG = City heating - Steam and gas turbine CG - STEG = Coal gasification - Steam and gas turbine OG - STEG = Oil gasification - Steam and gas turbine g/GJ SO2 NOx CO2 74 144 94 37 37 37 29 15 15 94 9 94 7.4 7.4 7.6 36 15 15 94 9 94 mg/kWh SO2 NOx PM 666 1296 26 429 609 17 317 249 317 129 317 129 155 620 7 62 301 7 57 115 7 58 115 7 19 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.6 7.6 36 16 45 20 45 20 20 104 75 45 20 20 45 20 45 20 20 60 50 60 50 65 70 70 77 8 57 57 57 6 57 57 57 57 6 57 57 6 57 6 57 57 57 57 57 57 9 57 160 146 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 65 295 120 315 140 295 131 131 832 600 324 144 144 348 155 324 144 144 617 514 568 474 585 600 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO2 846 806 806 77 806 787 787 69 720 630 60 398 398 373 39 373 456 456 410 43 410 441 46 410 43 410 586 586 540 540 513 77 489 195 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 8.2.2 Nuclear With respect to future nuclear technologies it is assumed that they will be comparable to the nuclear fuel cycle discussed in the nuclear implementation study in this report. As no data on new technologies were readily available for this project no better assumptions could be made. It should be noted that the nuclear fuel cycle analysed in this report is one of the most advanced systems in the world to date. New nuclear facilities would probably be built at the site of old facilities. Thus, Borssele was selected as the most probable site and the impacts of the nuclear plant analysed in this report are used for future technologies as well. The price of electricity production with nuclear energy will probably be in the range of 45-52 mECU/kWh in the next three decades (Hilten et al., 1994 and 1996). 8.2.3 Wind With respect to wind technologies it is assumed that the current technologies used in Denmark, for both land and sea options, are representative for technologies in the Netherlands. As no emissions take place during electricity production only impacts due to the other stages are relevant for this study. This assumption implies that the impacts in the other stages are mainly due to air emissions from the material production and manufacturing stages. As the emissions in these stages will probably not change dramatically in the next decades the assumption is probably justified as long as the results are only interpreted as an order of magnitude of the impacts. There are no direct emissions from the power generation stage. The possible sites for wind power are manifold. The land based turbines will probably be situated along the coast as the wind force and the amount of open space is high. Several studies on suitable land and sea sites have been performed in the last decade. As no analysis of site specific impacts of the wind fuel cycle is performed in this study the impacts and damages are assumed to be site independent and equal to the impacts and damages of the turbines analysed in the Danish implementation study. The price of wind based electricity on land and at sea will probably be somewhere between 42 to 52 and 60 to 78 mECU/kWh respectively in the next two decades (Hilten et al., 1994). After 2020 prices could be reduced with several mECU/kWh (Hilten et al., 1996). 196 Policy Case Study 8.2.4 Hydro The amount of hydro power in the Netherlands is very small and is not envisaged to increase very much. As it is assumed that around 50% of the energy imported in the Netherlands is produced with hydro power, the current (1997) situation, this is an important category in some of the scenarios. With respect to hydro power it is assumed all hydro based electricity comes from sites in Norway. Furthermore, it is assumed that future hydro power impacts and damages are equal to current technology impacts and damages. Reference is made to the Norwegian implementation study for a more elaborate discussion. It is assumed there are no direct emissions associated with the power generation stage. 8.2.5 Photovoltaic Photovoltaic (PV) cells will mainly be used for space heating in the Netherlands. Technologies are described in Blok et al (1995). The amount of PV for electricity production is very small. Therefore, the damages due to PV cells are neglected in this study and they are not analysed further. Photovoltaic electricity production is very expensive, 280 mECU/kWh in 1995 and probably between 82 and 113 mECU/kWh in the next two decades (Hilten et al., 1994). After 2020 prices could drop to 55-95 mECU/kWh (Hilten et al., 1996), which is still high compared to other electricity production technologies. 8.2.6 Biomass Biomass is assumed to become an important fuel for electricity production in all scenarios. Electricity production based on biomass is discussed in detail in Biewinga and Bijl (1996), Blok et al. (1995), Faaij and Meuleman (1996) and TEB (1995). The prospects are that in the Netherlands special grown biomass crops in and outside the Netherlands and the use of demolition wood and cutting wood from parks in cities will be most important. For demolition wood the focus is expected to be on co-firing in coal plants. Furthermore, for crops input it is assumed that gasification will dominate co-firing in the future. Some technology characteristics are given in Future plants with energy from biomass from crops that are grown in the Netherlands are assumed to be built at the Eemshaven site (the site of the reference gas plant analysed in this report). This assumption was made as large areas of agricultural land that could be used for energy crop production are situated around this site. This is the situation analysed in the biomass gasification reference study in this report. Table 8.8. The average emission factors associated with the power generation stage in the categories are listed in Table 8.9. The prices of electricity production with biomass are also given in Future plants with energy from biomass from crops that are grown in the Netherlands are assumed to be built at the Eemshaven site (the site of the reference gas plant analysed in this report). This assumption was made as large areas of agricultural land that could be used for energy crop production are situated around this site. This is the situation analysed in the biomass gasification reference study in this report. 197 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 8.8. 1995 prices are from TEB (1995) and prices between 2000 and 2010 from Hilten et al. (1994). After 2020 prices could even drop under coal based electricity production prices as no CO2 removal is needed (Hilten et al., 1996). Future plants with energy from biomass from crops that are grown in the Netherlands are assumed to be built at the Eemshaven site (the site of the reference gas plant analysed in this report). This assumption was made as large areas of agricultural land that could be used for energy crop production are situated around this site. This is the situation analysed in the biomass gasification reference study in this report. Table 8.8 Future biomass electricity production technology characteristics. Eff. Technology Biomass - import gasification co firing Biomass - waste gasification co firing Biomass - crops gasification co-firing % 42 44 42 44 42 44 Emission reduction SO2 % 70 90 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. Prices 1995 90 70 100 70 110 100 2000 to 2020 40-50 40-50 50-60 n.d. = not defined Table 8.9 Current and future renewable technology emission factors in mg/kWh electricity produced. Technology Biomass - import gasification co firing Biomass - waste gasification co firing Biomass - crop gasification co-firing mg/kWh SO2 74 10 74 10 74 10 NOx 223 170 223 170 223 170 PM 30 3.9 30 3.9 30 3.9 CO2 0 0 0 0 0 0 n.q. = not quantified. For plants fuelled with imported energy crops and for waste biomass plants, the stations are assumed to be situated in Amsterdam at the site of the reference biomass co-firing plant analysed in this study. This means that this option is comparable to the reference biomass cofiring reference plant analysed in this report with the difference that imported biomass and biomass wastes are used instead of energy crops grown in the Netherlands. The impacts and damages of the power generation stage are estimated by using the results from the reference case studies and the assumptions and equations discussed in the aggregation chapter, see Section 7.3. 198 Policy Case Study With respect to the non-power generation stages and the accidents and diseases associated with the all stages, the results from the reference case studies in this report are used. For import it is assumed that the damages of transport are equal to coal transport as discussed in the reference coal fuel cycle study. The transport distance is assumed to be 2000 km (return journey). 8.2.7 Municipal waste incineration and waste and manure fermentation With respect to municipal waste incineration and waste and manure fermentation no data was readily available for this study. However, the emissions of SO2, NOx and PM10 could be high leading to high impacts. It can be discussed if the CO2 emissions should be accounted to this process or if the process should be seen as ‘CO2 neutral’ because the CO2 would be emitted anyway if the products would not be burned for power generation. There could also be significant impacts due to other emissions such as heavy metals and dioxins. However, it was not possible to study these impacts in this implementation study. The impacts of these electricity productions processes are not quantified. This probably leads to only a small underestimation of the average damages of electricity production as the amount of electricity produced is small. 8.2.8 Selection of technologies for the scenarios The selection of the relevant technologies for the scenarios is given in the respective scenario studies. A summary of the technologies as fitted in the mentioned categories in this study is given in the appendix to this chapter. In the appendix also the total amount of kWh produced with the technologies in the different scenarios are given. These are electricity production estimates additional to the production capacity already planned by Sep for the respective years. 8.3 Externalities of future electricity production The average and total externalities associated with electricity generation according to the different scenarios, based on the core externality estimates (Years of Life Lost - YOLL based public health impacts and ExternE “illustrative restricted range” global warming damage estimate), are presented in Table 8.10 and Table 8.11. The results with the lower bound estimate of the ExternE mid range global warming damage (at 3 % discount rate) are also presented in Figure 8.1. For the analysis of the externality impacts the equations derived in the aggregation task were used. This assumes a steady state population at 1995 levels and no economic discounting for future impacts. As sensitivity analysis the results are also shown for three other combinations of valuation: 1. With sensitivity 1 data for public health impacts (Value of Statistical Life -VSL- instead of the YOLL approach) and with high global warming damage valuation (ExternE mid estimate with a 3 % discount rate - 18 ECU/t CO2). 2. With core data for public health impacts (YOLL approach) and with low global warming damage valuation (IPCC mid estimate with a 3 % discount rate - 6.0 ECU/t CO2). 199 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 3. With sensitivity 1 data for public health impacts (Value of Statistical Life -VSL- instead of the YOLL approach) and with low global warming damage valuation (IPCC mid estimate with a 3 % discount rate - 6.0 ECU/t CO2). The results for the sensitivity analyses are given in Figure 8.2 to Figure 8.4. Table 8.10 Average electricity production damages estimated with Core (YOLL approach) and ExternE global warming mid estimates for the scenario’s analysed. Year Scenario mECU/kWh Power Power Others Total generation (I) generation GW 1990 1992 1993 1994 1999 2004 2010 KIS-GO 2010 KIS-GO 2010 KIS-GO 2010 KIS-DG 2010 KIS-DG 2010 KIS-DG 2015 BG 2015 GS 2015 ER 2020 Trend 2020 Progressive 2020 Progressive 2030 KIS-GO 2030 KIS-GO 2030 KIS-GO 2030 KIS-DG 2030 KIS-DG 2030 KIS-DG 1 2 3 1 2 3 low high 1 2 3 1 2 3 12.6 9.4 7.9 6.9 4.9 5.0 4.4 4.7 4.1 3.5 2.4 2.7 1.9 3.5 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 1.1 1.4 1.0 1.2 0.42 1.1 7.9 - 20.4 7.7 - 20.0 7.6 - 19.7 7.7 - 20.1 7.2 - 18.6 7.0 - 18.3 5.7 - 14.9 6.9 - 17.8 5.8 - 15.0 4.6 - 12.0 3.9 - 10.2 4.6 - 12.0 3.1 - 8.1 6.8 - 17.7 3.4 - 8.7 2.9 - 7.5 3.0 - 7.8 2.9 - 7.6 6.9 - 17.9 9.2 - 23.9 6.0 - 15.7 7.8 - 20.2 2.2 - 5.6 6.4 - 16.5 (I) = Public health, materials, monuments and crop damages 200 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.3 1.9 1.6 2.9 2.5 2.6 3.6 4.0 3.2 2.2 1.9 1.3 2.8 3.0 2.9 4.7 3.5 4.4 4.0 6.2 3.7 22.8 - 35.3 19.3 - 31.6 17.8 - 29.9 16.9 - 29.3 13.9 - 25.3 13.6 - 24.9 13.0 - 22.2 14.1 - 25.1 12.4 - 21.6 11.7 - 19.1 10.3 - 16.6 10.5 - 17.8 7.1 - 12.1 12.3 - 23.2 6.8 - 12.2 7.8 - 12.4 8.1 - 12.9 8.0 - 12.7 12.7 - 23.7 14.2 - 28.9 11.5 - 21.1 13.1 - 25.5 8.8 - 12.2 11.1 - 21.3 Policy Case Study Table 8.11 Total electricity production damages estimated with Core (YOLL approach) and ExternE global warming mid estimates for the scenario’s analysed. Year Scenario Billion ECU/y Power Power Others Total generation (I) generation GW 1990 1.1 0.69 - 1.8 1992 0.86 0.70 - 1.8 1993 0.73 0.71 - 1.8 1994 0.64 0.72 - 1.9 1999 0.52 0.77 - 2.0 2004 0.51 0.71 - 1.9 2010 KIS-GO 1 0.44 0.57 - 1.5 2010 KIS-GO 2 0.47 0.68 - 1.8 2010 KIS-GO 3 0.41 0.57 - 1.5 2010 KIS-DG 1 0.38 0.51 - 1.3 2010 KIS-DG 2 0.27 0.44 - 1.1 2010 KIS-DG 3 0.29 0.50 - 1.3 2015 BG 0.20 0.33 - 0.9 2015 GS 0.34 0.66 - 1.7 2015 ER 0.24 0.38 - 1.0 2020 Trend 0.27 0.37 - 1.0 2020 Progressive low 0.25 0.36 - 0.9 2020 Progressive high 0.31 0.41 - 1.1 2030 KIS-GO 1 0.15 0.90 - 2.3 2030 KIS-GO 2 0.21 1.3 - 3.4 2030 KIS-GO 3 0.13 0.75 - 1.9 2030 KIS-DG 1 0.23 1.5 - 3.8 2030 KIS-DG 2 0.08 0.39 - 1.0 2030 KIS-DG 3 0.18 1.0 - 2.7 (I) = Public health, materials, monuments and crop damages 0.20 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.16 0.29 0.25 0.25 0.40 0.44 0.35 0.23 0.19 0.15 0.36 0.36 0.41 0.62 0.51 0.54 0.76 1.1 0.60 2.0 - 3.1 1.8 - 2.9 1.7 - 2.8 1.6 - 2.7 1.5 - 2.7 1.4 - 2.5 1.3 - 2.2 1.4 - 2.5 1.2 - 2.1 1.3 - 2.1 1.1 - 1.8 1.1 - 1.9 0.75 - 1.3 1.2 - 2.2 0.76 - 1.4 1.0 - 1.6 0.98 - 1.6 1.1 - 1.8 1.7 - 3.1 2.0 - 4.2 1.4 - 2.6 2.4 - 4.8 1.6 - 2.2 1.8 - 3.5 201 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 2030/KIS-GD 3 2030/KIS-GD 2 Others 2030/KIS-GD 1 2030/KIS-GO 3 2030/KIS-GO 2 Power generation GW 2030/KIS-GO 1 2020/Progressive high Power generation (publ health, materials, monuments, crops) 2020/Progressive low 2020/TREND 2015/ER 2015/GS 2015/BG 2010/KIS-GD 3 2010/KIS-GD 2 2010/KIS-GD 1 2010/KIS-GO 3 2010/KIS-GO 2 2010/KIS-GO 1 2004 electricity plan 1999 electricity plan 1994 1993 1992 1990 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Figure 8.1 Average electricity production damage estimates with Core (YOLL approach) and ExternE global warming mid estimate (3 % discount rate) in mECU/kWh. 202 Policy Case Study 2030/KIS-GD 3 2030/KIS-GD 2 Others 2030/KIS-GD 1 2030/KIS-GO 3 2030/KIS-GO 2 Power generation GW 2030/KIS-GO 1 2020/Progressive high Power generation (publ health, materials, monuments, crops) 2020/Progressive low 2020/TREND 2015/ER 2015/GS 2015/BG 2010/KIS-GD 3 2010/KIS-GD 2 2010/KIS-GD 1 2010/KIS-GO 3 2010/KIS-GO 2 2010/KIS-GO 1 2004 electricity plan 1999 electricity plan 1994 1993 1992 1990 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 Figure 8.2 Average electricity production damages estimated with Sensitivity 1 (VSL approach) and ExternE global warming mid estimate (3 % discount rate) in mECU/kWh. 203 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 2030/KIS-GD 3 2030/KIS-GD 2 Others 2030/KIS-GD 1 2030/KIS-GO 3 2030/KIS-GO 2 Power generation GW 2030/KIS-GO 1 2020/Progressive high Power generation (publ health, materials, monuments, crops) 2020/Progressive low 2020/TREND 2015/ER 2015/GS 2015/BG 2010/KIS-GD 3 2010/KIS-GD 2 2010/KIS-GD 1 2010/KIS-GO 3 2010/KIS-GO 2 2010/KIS-GO 1 2004 electricity plan 1999 electricity plan 1994 1993 1992 1990 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 Figure 8.3 Average electricity production damage estimates for Core (YOLL approach) and IPCC global warming mid estimate (3 % discount rate) in mECU/kWh. 204 Policy Case Study 2030/KIS-GD 3 2030/KIS-GD 2 Others 2030/KIS-GD 1 2030/KIS-GO 3 2030/KIS-GO 2 Power generation GW 2030/KIS-GO 1 2020/Progressive high Power generation (publ health, materials, monuments, crops) 2020/Progressive low 2020/TREND 2015/ER 2015/GS 2015/BG 2010/KIS-GD 3 2010/KIS-GD 2 2010/KIS-GD 1 2010/KIS-GO 3 2010/KIS-GO 2 2010/KIS-GO 1 2004 electricity plan 1999 electricity plan 1994 1993 1992 1990 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 Figure 8.4 Average electricity production damage estimates for Sensitivity 1 (VSL approach) and IPCC global warming mid estimate (3 % discount rate) in mECU/kWh. 205 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 8.4 Conclusions and discussion The damages are estimated by using four combinations of valustion: 1. With core data for public health impacts (YOLL approach) and with ExternE global warming damage valuation (ExternE mid range estimates - 18-47 ECU/tCO2); 2. With sensitivity 1 data (Value of Statistical Life -VSL- instead of the YOLL approach) and with ExternE global warming damage valuation (ExternE mid range estimates - 18-47 ECU/tCO2) and 3. With core data for public health impacts (YOLL approach) and with IPCC global warming damage valuation (IPCC mid estimate at 3% discount rate - 6.0 ECU/t CO2). 4. With sensitivity 1 data (VSL instead of YOLL approach) and with IPCC global warming damage valuation (IPCC mid estimate at 3 % discount rate - 6.0 ECU/tCO2). The damages are estimated for the past and future power production. The past power production is included to see whether trends in the externalities of average and total power production can be observed. The power production in the years 1999 and 2004 is already set, so for these years no scenarios have to be analysed. For the years 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2030 electricity production scenarios are analysed. The most plausible electricity production scenarios most in line with policy (except for the KIS scenarios) for these years are discussed shortly below. • 2010/2030 scenarios In the KIS-GO 2 scenario (a “coal use study” scenario) no nuclear electricity production takes place in the Netherlands and because gas prices are linked to the oil price. However, the KIS scenario is probably not very realistic as no policy for CO2 reduction is prescribed in these scenarios. This means that in the scenarios no CO2 removal technologies are implemented as these raise the internal costs considerably. The resulting damages are given in Table 8.12, Table 8.13 and Figure 8.5. • 2015 scenario In the European Renaissance (ER) scenario (a ‘National Energy Investigation’ scenario) the European integration is successful, the economic growth is high and a moderate CO2 tax is implemented leading to the introduction of CO2 removal technologies. The resulting damages are given in in Table 8.12, Table 8.13 and Figure 8.5. • 2020 scenario In the ‘Progressive low’ scenario is held the most plausible scenario from all ‘Third Energy Bill’ scenarios. In this scenario the policy is focused on energy savings and decreased environmental burdens (especially CO2 reduction) from energy use. Furthermore, there is a liberalised energy market, the Netherlands will have a relative small energy intensive industry and will be a net importer of electricity. The resulting damages are given in in Table 8.12, Table 8.13 and Figure 8.5. 206 Policy Case Study As already mentioned earlier, the ‘Progressive low’ scenario from the ‘Third Energy Bill’ and the ‘European Renaissance (ER)’ scenario from the ‘National Energy Investigation’ are probably most in line with Dutch energy policy as: 1. The relative share of gas is high in this scenario compared to all other scenarios; 2. The share of renewables is more than 10% of total electricity production; 3. The European integration is successful and also the Eastern European and the GOS countries are members of an Energy Charter, and 4. The CO2 emission reduction policies will lead to implementation of CO2 removal technologies. From the different combinations of valuation a number of conclusions can be drawn. First of all the power generation stage damages appear to be very sensitive to changing from the YOLL to the VSL approach. The difference is roughly a factor 6 on average. With respect to the global warming damages the difference between the lower bound of the mid range from this project (the ExternE range) and IPCC is only a factor 3. The high and low estimates (i.e. the 95% confidence intervals) of global warming impacts are roughly a factor 8 higher and lower than the mid estimate. For both the public health impacts estimated with the YOLL and the VSL approach the uncertainty is roughly a factor 4-6. Based on the results it can be concluded that there is a trend towards decreasing total and average externalities of electricity production in the next decades. In some scenarios (2015 ER and 2020 Progressive low) the CO2 damages decrease because CO2 removal takes place while in the KIS scenarios the amount of coal technology is increased without implementing CO2 removal leading to increasing CO2 damages. In all scenarios the emissions of other air pollutants (SO2 and NOx) decrease considerably leading to a decrease in the damages to public health, materials, monuments and crops. With the KIS scenario the ‘other’ impacts increase considerably as more coal is used leading to increased coal mining occupational damages. The ‘other’ impacts in the 2020 Progressive low scenario is also high. This is due to the large amount of biomass transport associated externalities. Thus, it can be concluded that the introduction of strict CO2 reduction policy could lead to a decrease in the externalities with up to 70 % in the next two decades (relative to 1990 levels). Without any CO2 reduction policy the average externalities would probably decrease less. 207 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands Table 8.12 Average and total externality estimates of electricity production in the Netherlands for the most plausible scenarios. Year Core + ExternE GW 1990 1992 1993 1994 1999 2004 2010/KIS-GO-2 2015/ER 2020/Progessive - low 2030/KIS-GO-2 Sens 1 + ExternE GW 1990 1992 1993 1994 1999 2004 2010/KIS-GO-2 2015/ER 2020/Progessive - low 2030/KIS-GO-2 Core + IPCC GW 1990 1992 1993 1994 1999 2004 2010 2015 2020 2030 Sens 1 + IPCC GW 1990 1992 1993 1994 1999 2004 2010 2015 2020 2030 a Power generation a Power generation GW Total 12.6 9.4 7.9 6.9 4.9 5.0 4.7 2.1 2.1 1.4 7.9 7.7 7.6 7.7 7.2 7.0 6.9 3.4 3.0 9.2 - 20.4 20.0 19.7 20.1 18.6 18.3 17.8 8.7 7.8 23.9 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.3 1.9 1.6 2.5 1.3 3.0 3.5 22.8 19.3 17.8 16.9 13.9 13.6 14.1 6.8 8.1 14.2 - 35.3 31.6 29.9 29.3 25.3 24.9 25.1 12.2 12.9 28.9 70.4 52.9 44.5 37.0 26.8 27.7 26.1 12.0 11.6 7.8 7.9 7.7 7.6 7.7 7.2 7.0 6.9 3.4 3.0 9.2 - 20.4 20.0 19.7 20.1 18.6 18.3 17.8 8.7 7.8 23.9 2.5 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.1 1.8 4.9 2.2 7.3 6.5 80.7 63.0 54.6 47.2 36.1 36.5 37.8 17.5 21.9 23.5 - 93.3 75.3 66.7 59.6 47.5 47.8 48.7 22.9 26.7 38.2 12.6 9.4 7.9 6.9 4.9 5.0 4.7 2.1 2.1 1.4 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.3 1.1 1.0 3.1 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.5 1.2 2.0 1.0 2.5 2.8 17.1 13.8 12.3 11.4 8.8 8.6 9.0 4.3 5.6 7.3 70.4 52.9 44.5 37.0 26.8 27.7 26.1 12.0 11.6 7.8 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.3 1.1 1.0 3.1 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.1 1.7 1.4 4.4 1.9 6.8 5.7 75.1 57.5 49.1 41.7 31.0 31.5 32.7 15.0 19.5 16.6 Public health, materials, monuments and crop damages 208 Others Policy Case Study Table 8.13 Total externality estimates of electricity production in the Netherlands for the most plausible scenarios. Year Core + ExternE GW 1990 1992 1993 1994 1999 2004 2010/KIS-GO-2 2015/ER 2020/Progessive - low 2030/KIS-GO-2 Sens 1 + ExternE GW 1990 1992 1993 1994 1999 2004 2010/KIS-GO-2 2015/ER 2020/Progessive - low 2030/KIS-GO-2 Core + IPCC GW 1990 1992 1993 1994 1999 2004 2010 2015 2020 2030 Sens 1 + IPCC GW 1990 1992 1993 1994 1999 2004 2010 2015 2020 2030 a Power generation a Power generation GW Others Total 1.1 0.86 0.73 0.64 0.52 0.51 0.47 0.24 0.25 0.21 0.69 0.70 0.71 0.72 0.77 0.71 0.68 0.38 0.36 1.33 - 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.8 0.98 0.94 3.4 0.20 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.16 0.25 0.15 0.36 0.51 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 3.2 0.76 0.98 5.5 - 3.1 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.5 2.5 1.4 1.6 4.2 6.2 4.8 4.1 3.4 2.9 2.8 2.6 1.3 1.4 1.1 0.69 0.70 0.71 0.72 0.77 0.71 0.68 0.38 0.36 1.3 - 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.8 0.98 0.94 3.4 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.22 0.18 0.48 0.25 0.88 0.93 7.1 5.7 5.1 4.4 3.9 3.7 5.5 2.0 2.6 6.8 - 8.2 6.9 6.2 5.5 5.1 4.9 4.8 2.6 3.2 5.5 1.1 0.86 0.73 0.64 0.52 0.51 0.47 0.24 0.25 0.21 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.24 0.26 0.24 0.23 0.13 0.12 0.44 0.17 0.16 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.12 0.20 0.12 0.30 0.41 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.1 0.94 0.87 1.5 0.48 0.68 2.2 6.2 4.8 4.1 3.4 2.9 2.8 2.6 1.3 1.4 1.1 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.24 0.26 0.24 0.23 0.13 0.12 0.44 0.18 0.18 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.15 0.44 0.22 0.83 0.83 6.6 5.2 4.6 3.9 3.3 3.2 3.3 1.7 2.4 2.4 Public health, materials, monuments and crop damages 209 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands 100.0 Combinations of valuation: Core +ExternE GW Sens 1 + ExternE GW Core + IPCC GW Sens 1 + IPCC GW 90.0 80.0 Scenarios: 70.0 2010/2030 KIS-GO 2 scenario 2015 European Renaissance scenario 2020 Progressive low scenario mECU/kWh 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Year Figure 8.5 Average damage estimates for electricity production in the Netherlands for the different scenarios and the different combinations of valuation. 210 Conclusions 9. CONCLUSIONS This study is the first comprehensive attempt to estimate the externalities of electricity production using a bottom-up approach which uses atmospheric dispersion modelling of air pollutants in combination with stock at risk data, relevant exposure-response relations and monetary valuation through a Willingness to Pay (WTP) approach. In this report the results of the implementation of this approach, with some minor elaborations in certain fields, for the Netherlands is given. The total damages (using the Years of life lost approach for valuing the mortality impacts and using the ExternE global warming damage estimates) for electricity production at the analysed reference plants are given in the table below. Table 9.1 Externalities of the analysed Dutch coal, natural gas and biomass mECU/kWh. Externality estimate ranges Coal Natural gas Biomass co-firing Conservative 95% confidence interval 12-175 3.1-69 3.5-18.3 Mid range 28-56 9.9-22 4.0-4.8 fuel cycles in Biomass gasification 5.1-23.1 5.6-6.5 For the nuclear fuel cycle only radiological impacts were analysed thus far. They were estimated at around 7 mECU/kWh. The externalities of electricity production with coal are roughly once as high as with natural gas and nuclear while the externalities of biomass based electricity production are even lower. It was found that the long-range (100-3000 km from the power plant) impacts of PM10, SO2 and NOx emissions from the power plant during normal operation were higher than expected. The high damages of SO2 and NOx emissions are not due to these pollutants themselves but due to ammoniumsulphate and -nitrate aerosols (particles) formed in the atmosphere causing severe health impacts. Local impacts can, depending on the population density within a short distance (0-100 km) from the power plant, also be substantial. This is especially the case for PM related damages. Furthermore, it was found that for fossil fuel cycles the global warming damages due to CO2 emissions dominate the overall damages. Partial substitution of coal with biomass in coal technology electricity plants and a shift from coal and natural gas based to biomass based 211 ExternE National Implementation - the Netherlands electricity production could thus decrease the externalities of the electricity sector. The main benefits are due to reduced CO2 emissions. The externalities from non-power generation fuel cycle stages are found to be low relative to the power generation stage externalities. The externalities, although still considered to be order of magnitude estimates, are significant compared to the private costs of electricity production (around 40 mECU/kWh) in the Netherlands in 1997 even though the analysis represents the best available technologies in 1995. The results (using the Years of Life Lost approach for valuing the mortality impacts and using the ExternE global warming damage estimates) for the average externalities of the current (1990, 1992, 1993 and 1994) and future (1999, 2004, 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2030) electricity sector in the Netherlands are given in the next figure. The division over the different fuel sources is already set until 2004. Between now and 2004 no new large power generation capacity will be installed. The scenarios for the years 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2030 use different assumptions with regard to policy, in particular with respect to global warming. The results for these years can thus not be interpreted as subsequently in time, but rather as different possible future developments. 40.0 35.0 mECU/kWh 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 year Figure 9.1 Illustrative restricted ranges of the average externalities for the planned electricity production until 2004 and the scenarios for 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2030. 212 Conclusions The introduction of strict CO2 reduction policy (assumed for the estimates in the years 2015 and 2020) would, according to electricity scenarios analysed, lead to a decrease in the average externalities of up to 70% in the next two decades relative to 1990. Without any CO2 reduction policy the average externalities would probably decrease with only some 25% in the next three decades relative to 1990. 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