COORDONNATEUR DE LA FIABILITÉ Demande R-3699-2009 Direction Contrôle des mouvements d’énergie NORMES DE FIABILITÉ DE LA NERC - INT (VERSION ANGLAISE) Original : 2013-03-27 HQCMÉ-8, Document 2.5 (En liasse) Standard INT-001-3 — Interchange Information A. Introduction 1. Title: Interchange Information 2. Number: INT-001-3 3. Purpose: To ensure that Interchange information is submitted to the NERCidentified reliability analysis service. 4. Applicability: 4.1. Purchase-Selling Entities. 4.2. Balancing Authorities. 5. Effective Date: August 27, 2008 (U.S.) NERC Board Approved: October 9, 2007 B. Requirements R1. The Load-Serving, Purchasing-Selling Entity shall ensure that Arranged Interchange is submitted to the Interchange Authority for: R1.1. All Dynamic Schedules at the expected average MW profile for each hour. R2. The Sink Balancing Authority shall ensure that Arranged Interchange is submitted to the Interchange Authority: R2.1. If a Purchasing-Selling Entity is not involved in the Interchange, such as delivery from a jointly owned generator. R2.2. For each bilateral Inadvertent Interchange payback. C. Measures M1. The Purchasing-Selling Entity that serves the load shall have and provide upon request evidence that could include but is not limited to, its Interchange Transaction tags operator logs, voice recordings or transcripts of voice recordings, electronic communications, computer printouts or other equivalent evidence that will be used to confirm that Arranged Interchange was submitted to the Interchange Authority for all Dynamic Schedules at the expected average MW profile for each hour as specified in Requirement 1. M2. Each Sink Balancing Authority shall have and provide upon request evidence that could include but is not limited to, Interchange Transaction tags operator logs, voice recordings or transcripts of voice recordings, electronic communications, computer printouts, or other equivalent evidence that will be used to confirm that Arranged Interchange was submitted to the Interchange Authority as specified in Requirements 2.1 and 2.2. D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility Regional Reliability Organizations shall be responsible for compliance monitoring. Approved by Board of Trustees: October 9, 2007 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 1 of 3 Standard INT-001-3 — Interchange Information 1.2. Compliance Monitoring and Reset Time Frame One or more of the following methods will be used to assess compliance: - Self-certification (Conducted annually with submission according to schedule.) - Spot Check Audits (Conducted anytime with up to 30 days notice given to prepare.) - Periodic Audit (Conducted once every three years according to schedule.) - Triggered Investigations (Notification of an investigation must be made within 60 days of an event or complaint of noncompliance. The entity will have up to 30 days to prepare for the investigation. An entity may request an extension of the preparation period and the extension will be considered by the Compliance Monitor on a case-by-case basis.) The Performance-Reset Period shall be 12 months from the last finding of noncompliance. 1.3. Data Retention The Purchasing-Selling Entity that serves load and Sink Balancing Authority shall each keep 90 days of historical data (evidence). If an entity is found non-compliant the entity shall keep information related to the noncompliance until found compliant or for two years plus the current year, whichever is longer. Evidence used as part of a triggered investigation shall be retained by the entity being investigated for one year from the date that the investigation is closed, as determined by the Compliance Monitor, The Compliance Monitor shall keep the last periodic audit report and all requested and submitted subsequent compliance records. 1.4. Additional Compliance Information None. 2. Levels of Non-Compliance for Sink Balancing Authorities: 2.1. Level 1: One instance of not submitting Arranged Interchange to the Interchange Authority as specified in R2.1 and R2.2. 2.2. Level 2: Two instances of not submitting Arranged Interchange to the Interchange Authority as specified in R2.1 and 2.2. 2.3. Level 3: Three instances of not submitting Arranged Interchange to the Interchange Authority as specified in R2.1 and 2.2. 2.4. Level 4: Four or more instances of not submitting Arranged Interchange to the Interchange Authority as specified in R2.1 and 2.2. 3. Levels of Non-Compliance for Purchasing-Selling Entities that Serve Load: 3.1. Level 1: One instance of not submitting Arranged Interchange to the Interchange Authority as specified in R1. Approved by Board of Trustees: October 9, 2007 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 2 of 3 Standard INT-001-3 — Interchange Information 3.2. Level 2: Two instances of not submitting Arranged Interchange to the Interchange Authority as specified in R1. 3.3. Level 3: Three instances of not submitting Arranged Interchange to the Interchange Authority as specified in R1. 3.4. Level 4: Four or more instances of not submitting Arranged Interchange to the Interchange Authority as specified in R1. E. Regional Differences MISO Energy Flow Information Waiver effective on July 16, 2003. 1. Version History Version Date Action Change Tracking 0 April 1, 2005 Effective Date New 1 May 2, 2006 Adopted by Board of Trustees Revised 2 November 1, 2006 Adopted by Board of Trustees Revised 3 October 9, 2007 Adopted by Board of Trustees (Remove WECC Waiver) Revised 3 July 21, 2008 Regulatory Approval (Remove WECC Waiver) Revised Approved by Board of Trustees: October 9, 2007 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 3 of 3 Standard INT-001-3 — Interchange Information Appendix QC-INT-001-3 Provisions specific to the standard INT-001-3 applicable in Québec This appendix establishes specific provisions for the application of the standard in Québec. Provisions of the standard and of its appendix must be read together for the purposes of understanding and interpretation. Where the standard and appendix differ, the appendix shall prevail. A. Introduction 1. Title: Interchange information 2. Number: INT-001-3 3. Purpose: No specific provision 4. Applicability: No specific provision 5. Effective Date: 5.1. Adoption of the standard by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.2. Adoption of the appendix by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.3. Effective date of the standard and its appendix in Québec: Month xx 201x 6.Scope: Main Transmission System (MTS) B. Requirements No specific provision C. Measures No specific provision D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility The Régie de l’énergie is responsible, in Québec, for compliance monitoring with respect to the reliability standard and its appendix that it adopts. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time fFrame No specific provision 1.3. Data Retention No specific provision 1.4. Additional Compliance Information No specific provision 2. Levels of Non-Compliance for Sink Balancing Authority: No specific provision 3. Levels of Non-Compliance for Purchasing-Selling Entities that Serve Load: No specific provision Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Decision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page QC-1 of 2 Standard INT-001-3 — Interchange Information Appendix QC-INT-001-3 Provisions specific to the standard INT-001-3 applicable in Québec E. Regional Differences No specific provision F.Violation Risk Factor No specific provision Version History of the Appendix Version 1 Date Month xx, 201x Action Change Tracking Effective Date Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Decision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x New Page QC-2 of 2 S ta n d a rd INT-003-3 — In te rc h a n g e Tra n s a c tio n Im p le m e n ta tio n A. Introduction 1. Title: Interchange Transaction Implementation 2. Number: INT-003-3 3. Purpose: To ensure Balancing Authorities confirm Interchange Schedules with Adjacent Balancing Authorities prior to implementing the schedules in their Area Control Error (ACE) equations. 4. Applicability 4.1. Balancing Authorities. 5. Effective Date: First day of first calendar quarter after applicable regulatory approval, or in those jurisdictions where no regulatory approval is required, the first day of the first calendar quarter after Board of Trustees adoption. B. Requirements R1. Each Receiving Balancing Authority shall confirm Interchange Schedules with the Sending Balancing Authority prior to implementation in the Balancing Authority’s ACE equation. (Violation Risk Factor: Medium) R1.1. The Sending Balancing Authority and Receiving Balancing Authority shall agree on Interchange as received from the Interchange Authority, including: (Violation Risk Factor: Lower) R1.1.1. Interchange Schedule start and end time. (Violation Risk Factor: Lower) R1.1.2. Energy profile. (Violation Risk Factor: Lower) R1.2. If a high voltage direct current (HVDC) tie is on the Scheduling Path, then the Sending Balancing Authorities and Receiving Balancing Authorities shall coordinate the Interchange Schedule with the Transmission Operator of the HVDC tie. (Violation Risk Factor: Medium) C. Measures M1. Each Receiving and Sending Balancing Authority shall have and provide upon request evidence that could include, but is not limited to, interchange transaction tags, operator logs, voice recordings or transcripts of voice recordings, electronic communications, computer printouts, or other equivalent evidence that will be used to confirm that each Interchange Schedule’s start and end time, and energy profile were confirmed prior to implementation in the Balancing Authority’s ACE equation. (Requirement R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 & R1.1.2) M2. Each Receiving and Sending Balancing Authority shall have and provide upon request evidence that could include, but is not limited to, interchange transaction tags, operator logs, voice recordings or transcripts of voice recordings, electronic communications, computer printouts, or other equivalent evidence that will be used to confirm that it coordinated the Interchange Schedule with the Transmission Operator of the HVDC tie as specified in Requirement 1.2. D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility Regional Reliability Organizations shall be responsible for compliance monitoring. Approved by the Board of Trustees: November 5, 2009 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x 1 S ta n d a rd INT-003-3 — In te rc h a n g e Tra n s a c tio n Im p le m e n ta tio n 1.2. Compliance Monitoring and Reset Time Frame One or more of the following methods will be used to assess compliance: - Self-certification (Conducted annually with submission according to schedule.) - Spot Check Audits (Conducted anytime with up to 30 days notice given to prepare.) - Periodic Audit (Conducted once every three years according to schedule.) - Triggered Investigations (Notification of an investigation must be made within 60 days of an event or complaint of noncompliance. The entity will have up to 30 days to prepare for the investigation. An entity may request an extension of the preparation period and the extension will be considered by the Compliance Monitor on a case-by-case basis.) The Performance-Reset Period shall be 12 months from the last finding of noncompliance. 1.3. Data Retention Each Balancing Authority shall keep 90 days of historical data (evidence). If an entity is found non-compliant the entity shall keep information related to the noncompliance until found compliant or for two years plus the current year, whichever is longer. Evidence used as part of a triggered investigation shall be retained by the entity being investigated for one year from the date that the investigation is closed, as determined by the Compliance Monitor, The Compliance Monitor shall keep the last periodic audit report and all requested and submitted subsequent compliance records. 1.4. Additional Compliance Information None. Approved by the Board of Trustees: November 5, 2009 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x 2 S ta n d a rd INT-003-3 — In te rc h a n g e Tra n s a c tio n Im p le m e n ta tio n 2. R# Violation Severity Levels: Lower VSL Moderate VSL High VSL R1 There shall be a separate Lower VSL, if either of the following conditions exists: One instance of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. One instance of not coordinating the Interchange Schedule with the Transmission Operator of the HVDC tie as specified in R1.2 There shall be a separate Moderate VSL, if either of the following conditions exists: Two instances of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. Two instances of not coordinating the Interchange Schedule with the Transmission Operator of the HVDC tie as specified in R1.2 There shall be a separate High VSL, if either of the following conditions exists: Three instances of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. Three instances of not coordinating the Interchange Schedule with the Transmission Operator of the HVDC tie as specified in R1.2 There shall be a separate Severe VSL, if either of the following conditions exists: Four or more instances of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. Four or more instances of not coordinating the Interchange Schedule with the Transmission Operator of the HVDC tie as specified in R1.2 R1.1 The Balancing Authority experienced one instance of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. The Balancing Authority experienced two instances of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. The Balancing Authority experienced three instances of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. The Balancing Authority experienced four instances of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. R1.1.1 The Balancing Authority experienced one instance of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. The Balancing Authority experienced two instances of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. The Balancing Authority experienced three instances of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. The Balancing Authority experienced four instances of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. R1.1.2 The Balancing Authority experienced one instance of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. The Balancing Authority experienced two instances of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. The Balancing Authority experienced three instances of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. The Balancing Authority experienced four instances of entering a schedule into its ACE equation without confirming the schedule as specified in R1, R1.1, R1.1.1 and R1.1.2. R1.2 The sending or receiving Balancing Authority experienced The sending or receiving Balancing Authority experienced The sending or receiving Balancing Authority experienced The sending or receiving Balancing Authority experienced Approved by the Board of Trustees: November 5, 2009 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Severe VSL 3 S ta n d a rd INT-003-3 — In te rc h a n g e Tra n s a c tio n Im p le m e n ta tio n R# Lower VSL one instance of not coordinating the Interchange Schedule with the Transmission Operator of the HVDC tie as specified in R1.2 Moderate VSL two instances of not coordinating the Interchange Schedule with the Transmission Operator of the HVDC tie as specified in R1.2 Approved by the Board of Trustees: November 5, 2009 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x High VSL three instances of not coordinating the Interchange Schedule with the Transmission Operator of the HVDC tie as specified in R1.2 Severe VSL four instances of not coordinating the Interchange Schedule with the Transmission Operator of the HVDC tie as specified in R1.2 4 S ta n d a rd INT-003-3 — In te rc h a n g e Tra n s a c tio n Im p le m e n ta tio n E. Regional Differences MISO Energy Flow Information Waiver dated July 16, 2003. Version History Version Date Action Change Tracking 0 April 1, 2005 Effective Date New 1 May 2, 2006 Adopted by Board of Trustees Revised 2 November 1, 2006 Adopted by Board of Trustees Revised 3 November 5, 2009 Added approved VRFs and VSLs to document. Revised Removed MISO Scheduling Agent Waiver, and MISO Enhanced Scheduling Agent Waiver (Project 2009-18). 3 November 5, 2009 Approved by the Board of Trustees 3 January 6, 2011 Approved by FERC Approved by the Board of Trustees: November 5, 2009 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x 5 Standard INT-003-3 — Interchange Transaction Implementation Appendix QC-INT-003-3 Provisions specific to the standard INT-003-3 applicable in Québec This appendix establishes specific provisions for the application of the standard in Québec. Provisions of the standard and of its appendix must be read together for the purposes of understanding and interpretation. Where the standard and appendix differ, the appendix shall prevail. A. Introduction 1. Title: Interchange Transaction Implementation 2. Number: INT-003-3 3. Purpose: No specific provision 4. Applicability: No specific provision 5. Effective Date : 5.1. Adoption of the standard by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.2. Adoption of the appendix by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.3. Effective date of the standard and its appendix in Québec: Month xx 201x 6.Scope: Main Transmission System (MTS) B. Requirements No specific provision C. Measures No specific provision D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Authority The Régie de l’énergie is responsible, in Québec, for compliance monitoring with respect to the reliability standard and its appendix that it adopts. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time fFrame No specific provision 1.3. Data Retention No specific provision 1.4. Additional Compliance Information No specific provision 2. Violation Severity Levels No specific provision Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Decision D-201x-xxxx) : Month xx, 201x Page QC-1 de 2 Standard INT-003-3 — Interchange Transaction Implementation Appendix QC-INT-003-3 Provisions specific to the standard INT-003-3 applicable in Québec E. Regional Differences No specific provision F.Violation Risk Factor No specific provision. Version History of the Appendix Version Date Action Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Decision D-201x-xxxx) : Month xx, 201x Change Tracking Page QC-2 de 2 Standard INT-004-2 — Dynamic Interchange Transaction Modifications A. Introduction 1. Title: Dynamic Interchange Transaction Modifications 2. Number: INT-004-2 3. Purpose: To ensure Dynamic Transfers are adequately tagged to be able to determine their reliability impacts. 4. Applicability 4.1. Balancing Authorities 4.2. Reliability Coordinators 4.3. Transmission Operators 4.4. Purchasing-Selling Entities 5. Effective Date: August 27, 2008 (U.S.) NERC Board Approval: October 9, 2007 B. Requirements R1. At such time as the reliability event allows for the reloading of the transaction, the entity that initiated the curtailment shall release the limit on the Interchange Transaction tag to allow reloading the transaction and shall communicate the release of the limit to the Sink Balancing Authority. R2. The Purchasing-Selling Entity responsible for tagging a Dynamic Interchange Schedule shall ensure the tag is updated for the next available scheduling hour and future hours when any one of the following occurs: R2.1. The average energy profile in an hour is greater than 250 MW and in that hour the actual hourly integrated energy deviates from the hourly average energy profile indicated on the tag by more than +10%. R2.2. The average energy profile in an hour is less than or equal to 250 MW and in that hour the actual hourly integrated energy deviates from the hourly average energy profile indicated on the tag by more than +25 megawatt-hours. R2.3. A Reliability Coordinator or Transmission Operator determines the deviation, regardless of magnitude, to be a reliability concern and notifies the PurchasingSelling Entity of that determination and the reasons. C. Measures M1. The Sink Balancing Authority shall provide evidence that the responsible Purchasing- Selling Entity revised a tag when the deviation exceeded the criteria in INT-004 Requirement 2. D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process Periodic tag audit as prescribed by NERC. For the requested time period, the Sink Balancing Authority shall provide the instances when Dynamic Schedule deviation Approved by Board of Trustees: October 9, 2007 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx) : Month xx, 201x Page 1 of 2 Standard INT-004-2 — Dynamic Interchange Transaction Modifications exceeded the criteria in INT-004 R2 and shall provide evidence that the responsible Purchasing-Selling Entity submitted a revised tag. 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility Regional Reliability Organization. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time Frame One calendar year without a violation from the time of the violation. 1.3. Data Retention Three months. 1.4. Additional Compliance Information Not specified. Levels of Non-Compliance 2. 2.1. Level 1: Not specified. 2.2. Level 2: Not specified. 2.3. Level 3: Not specified. 2.4. Level 4: Not specified. E. Regional Differences None 1. Version History Version Date Action Change Tracking 0 April 1, 2005 Effective Date New 1 May 2, 2006 Board of Trustees Approval Revised 2 October 9, 2007 Board of Trustees Approval (Removal of WECC Waiver) Revised 2 July 21, 2008 FERC Approval Revised Approved by Board of Trustees: October 9, 2007 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx) : Month xx, 201x Page 2 of 2 Standard INT-004-2 — Dynamic Interchange Transaction Modifications Appendix QC-INT-004-2 Provisions specific to the standard INT-004-2 applicable in Québec This appendix establishes specific provisions for the application of the standard in Québec. Provisions of the standard and of its appendix must be read together for the purposes of understanding and interpretation. Where the standard and appendix differ, the appendix shall prevail. A. Introduction 1. Title: Dynamic Interchange Transaction Modifications 2. Number: INT-004-2 3. Purpose: No specific provision 4. Applicability: No specific provision 5. Effective Date: 5.1. Adoption of the standard by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.2. Adoption of the appendix by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.3. Effective date of the standard and its appendix in Québec: Month xx 201x 6.Scope: B. Main Transmission System (MTS) Requirements No specific provision C. Measures No specific provision D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility The Régie de l’énergie is responsible, in Québec, for compliance monitoring with respect to the reliability standard and its appendix that it adopts. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time fFrame No specific provision 1.3. Data Retention No specific provision 1.4. Additional Compliance Information No specific provision 2. Levels of Non-Compliance No specific provision E. Regional Differences 1. No specific provision Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Decision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page QC-1 of 2 Standard INT-004-2 — Dynamic Interchange Transaction Modifications Appendix QC-INT-004-2 Provisions specific to the standard INT-004-2 applicable in Québec F.Violation Risk Factor No specific provision Version History of the Appendix Version 1 Date Month xx, 201x Action Change Tracking Effective Date Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Decision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x New Page QC-2 of 2 S ta n d a rd INT-005-3 — In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Dis trib u te s Arra n g e d In te rc h a n ge A. Introduction 1. Title: Interchange Authority Distributes Arranged Interchange 2. Number: INT-005-3 3. Purpose: To ensure that the implementation of Interchange between Source and Sink Balancing Authorities is distributed by an Interchange Authority such that Interchange information is available for reliability assessments. 4. Applicability: 4.1. Interchange Authority. 5. Effective Date: July 1, 2010 B. Requirements R1. Prior to the expiration of the time period defined in the timing requirements tables in this standard, Column A, the Interchange Authority shall distribute the Arranged Interchange information for reliability assessment to all reliability entities involved in the Interchange. R1.1. When a Balancing Authority or Reliability Coordinator initiates a Curtailment to Confirmed or Implemented Interchange for reliability, the Interchange Authority shall distribute the Arranged Interchange information for reliability assessment only to the Source Balancing Authority and the Sink Balancing Authority. C. Measures M1. For each Arranged Interchange, the Interchange Authority shall be able to provide evidence that it has distributed the Arranged Interchange information to all reliability entities involved in the Interchange within the applicable time frame. D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility Regional Reliability Organization. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time Frame The Performance-Reset Period shall be twelve months from the last noncompliance to Requirement 1. 1.3. Data Retention The Interchange Authority shall keep 90 days of historical data. The Compliance Monitor shall keep audit records for a minimum of three calendar years. 1.4. Additional Compliance Information Each Interchange Authority shall demonstrate compliance to the Compliance Monitor within the first year that this standard becomes effective or the first year the entity commences operation by self-certification to the Compliance Monitor. Subsequent to the initial compliance review, compliance may be: 1.4.1 Verified by audit at least once every three years. 1.4.2 Verified by spot checks in years between audits. Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e s : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Effe c tive Da te : J u ly 1, 2010 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 1 of 6 S ta n d a rd INT-005-3 — In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Dis trib u te s Arra n g e d In te rc h a n ge 1.4.3 Verified by annual audits of noncompliant Interchange Authorities, until compliance is demonstrated. 1.4.4 Verified at any time as the result of a specific complaint of failure to perform R1. Complaints must be lodged within 60 days of the incident. The Compliance Monitor will evaluate complaints. Each Interchange Authority shall make the following available for inspection by the Compliance Monitor upon request: 1.4.5 For compliance audits and spot checks, relevant data and system log records for the audit period which indicate the Interchange Authority’s distribution of all Arranged Interchange information to all reliability entities involved in an Interchange. The Compliance Monitor may request up to a three month period of historical data ending with the date the request is received by the Interchange Authority. 1.4.6 For specific complaints, only those data and system log records associated with the specific Interchange event contained in the complaint which indicate that the Interchange Authority distributed the Arranged Interchange information to all reliability entities involved in that specific Interchange. Levels of Non-Compliance 2. One occurrence 1 of not distributing information to all involved reliability entities as described in R1. 2.1. Level 1: Two occurrences1 of not distributing information to all involved reliability entities as described in R1. 2.2. Level 2: Three occurrences1 of not distributing information to all involved reliability entities as described in R1. 2.3. Level 3: Four or more occurrences1 of not distributing information to all involved reliability entities as described in R1 or no evidence provided. 2.4. Level 4: E. Regional Differences None Version History Version Date Action Change Tracking 1 May 2, 2006 Approved by BOT New 2 May 2, 2007 Approved by BOT Revised 3 April 8, 2010 Approved by FERC, Effective July 1, 2010 1 This does not include instances of not distributing information due to extenuating circumstances approved by the Compliance Monitor. Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e s : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Effe c tive Da te : J u ly 1, 2010 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 2 of 6 S ta n d a rd INT-005-3 — In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Dis trib u te s Arra n g e d In te rc h a n ge Timing Requirements for all Interconnections except WECC Request for Interchange Submitted Ramp Start Interchange Timeline with Minimum Reliability-Related Response Times A B C D If Arranged 2 Interchange (RFI) is Submitted IA Assigned Time Classification IA Makes Initial Distribution of Arranged Interchange BA and TSP Conduct Reliability Assessments IA Compiles and Distributes Status >1 hour after the RFI start time ATF < 1 minute from RFI submission Entities have up to 2 hours to respond. < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments NA <15 minutes prior to ramp start and <1 hour after the RFI start time Late < 1 minute from RFI submission Entities have up to 10 minutes to respond. < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments < 3 minutes after receipt of confirmed RFI <1 hour and > 15 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1 minute from RFI submission < 10 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start >1 hour to < 4 hours prior to ramp start On-time < 1 minute from RFI submission < 20 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 39 minutes prior to ramp start > 4 hours prior to ramp start On-time < 1 minute from RFI submission < 2 hours from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 1 hour 58 minutes prior to ramp start 2 BA Prepares Confirmed Interchange for Implementation Time Classifications and deadlines apply to both initial Arranged Interchange submittal and any subsequent modifications to the Arranged Interchange. Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e s : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 3 of 6 S ta n d a rd INT-005-3 — In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Dis trib u te s Arra n g e d In te rc h a n ge Example of Timing Requirements for all Interconnections except WECC Ramp Start Time RFI submit time relative to start time 5:55 4 hours before ramp start 2 hours ATF Late On Time Time Classification Assessment Interchange Start Time 8:55 9:40 1 hour before ramp start 15 minutes before ramp start 20 minutes Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e s : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x 9:55 10:00 10 minutes 11:00 2 hours Page 4 of 6 S ta n d a rd INT-005-3 — In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Dis trib u te s Arra n g e d In te rc h a n ge Timing Requirements for WECC A B IA Makes Initial Distribution of Arranged Interchange BA and TSP Conduct Reliability Assessments Entities have up to 2 hours to respond. If Arranged Interchange (RFI) 3 is Submitted IA Assigned Time Classification >1 hour after the start time ATF < 1minute from RFI submission <10 minutes prior to ramp start and <1 hour after the start time Late < 1minute from RFI submission 10 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission 11 minutes prior to ramp start On-time 12 minutes prior to ramp start C D IA Compiles and Distributes Status BA Prepares Confirmed Interchange for Implementation < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments NA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments < 3 minutes after receipt of confirmed RFI < 5 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start < 1minute from RFI submission < 6 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 7 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start 13 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 8 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start 14 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 9 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start <1 hour and > 15 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 10 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start > 1hour and < 4 hours prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 20 minutes from Arranged interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 39 minutes prior to ramp start > 4 hours prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 2 hours from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 1 hour 58 minutes prior to ramp start Submitted before 10:00 PPT with start time > 00:00 PPT of following day On-time < 1minute from RFI submission By 12:00 PPT of day the Arranged Interchange was received by the IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 1 hour 58 minutes prior to ramp start 3 Entities have up to 10 minutes to respond. Time Classifications and deadlines apply to both initial Arranged Interchange submittal and any subsequent modifications to the Arranged Interchange. Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e s : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 5 of 6 S ta n d a rd INT-005-3 — In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Dis trib u te s Arra n g e d In te rc h a n ge Example of Timing Requirements for WECC Ramp Start Time 9:35 RFI submit time relative to start time 5:50 9:40 8:50 9:50 10:00 11:00 1 hour before ramp start 4 hours before ramp start 2 hours ATF Late On Time Time Classification Assessment* Interchange Start Time 20 minutes *If submitted before 10:00 PPT with start time >= 00:00 PPT of the following day then assessment is >= 2 hours and by 12:00 PPT 10 minutes 10 minutes 2 hours Submittal & Assessment Times 9:35 - 10 9:36 - 9 9:37 - 8 9:38 - 7 9:39 - 6 9:40 - 5 Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e s : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 6 of 6 Standard INT-005-3 — Interchange Authority Distributes Arranged Interchange Appendix QC-INT-005-3 Provisions specific to the standard INT-005-3 applicable in Québec This appendix establishes specific provisions for the application of the standard in Québec. Provisions of the standard and of its appendix must be read together for the purposes of understanding and interpretation. Where the standard and appendix differ, the appendix shall prevail. A. Introduction 1. Title: Interchange Authority Distributes Arranged Interchange 2. Number: INT-005-3 3. Purpose: No specific provision 4. Applicability: No specific provision 5. Effective Date: 5.1. Adoption of the standard by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.2. Adoption of the appendix by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.3. Effective date of the standard and its appendix in Québec: Month xx 201x 6.Scope: Main Transmission System (MTS) B. Requirements No specific provision C. Measures No specific provision D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility The Régie de l’énergie is responsible, in Québec, for compliance monitoring with respect to the reliability standard and its appendix that it adopts. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset TimeframeTime Frame No specific provision 1.3. Data Retention No specific provision 1.4. Additional Compliance Information No specific provision 2. Levels of Non-Compliance No specific provision E. Regional Differences No specific provision Timing Requirements for all Interconnections except WECC Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page QC-1 of 3 Standard INT-005-3 — Interchange Authority Distributes Arranged Interchange Appendix QC-INT-005-3 Provisions specific to the standard INT-005-3 applicable in Québec No specific provision Example of Timing Requirements for all Interconnections except WECC No specific provision Timing Requirements for WECC No specific provision Example of Timing Requirements for WECC No specific provision Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page QC-2 of 3 Standard INT-005-3 — Interchange Authority Distributes Arranged Interchange Appendix QC-INT-005-3 Provisions specific to the standard INT-005-3 applicable in Québec F.Violation Risk Factor No specific provision Version History of the Appendix Version 0 Date Action Change Tracking Month xx, 201x Effective date New Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page QC-3 of 3 S ta n d a rd INT-006-3 — Re s p o n s e to In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity A. Introduction 1. Title: Response to Interchange Authority 2. Number: INT-006-3 3. Purpose: To ensure that each Arranged Interchange is checked for reliability before it is implemented. 4. Applicability: 4.1. Balancing Authority. 4.2. Transmission Service Provider. 5. Effective Date: July 1, 2010 B. Requirements R1. Prior to the expiration of the reliability assessment period defined in the timing requirements tables in this standard, Column B, the Balancing Authority and Transmission Service Provider shall respond to each On-time Request for Interchange (RFI), and to each Emergency RFI and Reliability Adjustment RFI from an Interchange Authority to transition an Arranged Interchange to a Confirmed Interchange. 1 R1.1. Each involved Balancing Authority shall evaluate the Arranged Interchange with respect to: R1.1.1. Energy profile (ability to support the magnitude of the Interchange). R1.1.2. Ramp (ability of generation maneuverability to accommodate). R1.1.3. Scheduling path (proper connectivity of Adjacent Balancing Authorities). R1.2. Each involved Transmission Service Provider shall confirm that the transmission service arrangements associated with the Arranged Interchange have adjacent Transmission Service Provider connectivity, are valid and prevailing transmission system limits will not be violated. C. Measures M1. The Balancing Authority and Transmission Service Provider shall each provide evidence that it responded, relative to transitioning an Arranged Interchange to a Confirmed Interchange, to each On–time Request for Interchange (RFI), and to each Emergency RFI or Reliability Adjustment RFI from an Interchange Authority within the reliability assessment period defined in the Timing Table, Column B. The Balancing Authority and Transmission Service Provider need not provide evidence that it responded to any other requests. D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility Regional Reliability Organization. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time Frame The Performance-Reset Period shall be twelve months from the last non-compliance to Requirement 1. 1 The Balancing Authority and Transmission Service Provider need not provide responses to any other requests. Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Effe c tive Da te : J u ly 1, 2010 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 1 of 7 S ta n d a rd INT-006-3 — Re s p o n s e to In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity 1.3. Data Retention The Balancing Authority and Transmission Service Provider shall each keep 90 days of historical data. The Compliance Monitor shall keep audit records for a minimum of three calendar years. 1.4. Additional Compliance Information The Balancing Authority and Transmission Service Provider shall demonstrate compliance to the Compliance Monitor within the first year that this standard becomes effective or the first year the entity commences operation by self-certification to the Compliance Monitor. Subsequent to the initial compliance review, compliance may be: 1.4.1 Verified by audit at least once every three years. 1.4.2 Verified by spot checks in years between audits. 1.4.3 Verified by annual audits of non-compliant Interchange Authorities, until compliance is demonstrated. 1.4.4 Verified at any time as the result of a complaint. Complaints must be lodged within 60 days of the incident. The Compliance Monitor will evaluate complaints. The Balancing Authority, and Transmission Service Provider shall make the following available for inspection by the Compliance Monitor upon request: 2. 1.4.5 For compliance audits and spot checks, relevant data and system log records and agreements for the audit period which indicate a reliability entity identified in R1 responded to all instances of the Interchange Authority’s communication under Reliability Standard INT-005 Requirement 1 concerning the pending transition of an Arranged Interchange to Confirmed Interchange. The Compliance Monitor may request up to a three month period of historical data ending with the date the request is received by the Balancing Authority, or Transmission Service Provider. 1.4.6 For specific complaints, agreements and those data and system log records associated with the specific Interchange event contained in the complaint which indicates a reliability entity identified in R1 has responded to the Interchange Authority’s communication under INT-005 R1 concerning the pending transition of Arranged Interchange to Confirmed Interchange for that specific Interchange. Levels of Non-Compliance 2.1. Level 1: in R1. One occurrence 2 of not responding to the Interchange Authority as described 2.2. Level 2: Two occurrences1 of not responding to the Interchange Authority as described in R1. 2.3. Level 3: Three occurrences1 of not responding to the Interchange Authority as described in R1. 2 This does not include instances of not responding due to extenuating circumstances approved by the Compliance Monitor. Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Effe c tive Da te : J u ly 1, 2010 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 2 of 7 S ta n d a rd INT-006-3 — Re s p o n s e to In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity 2.4. Level 4: Four or more occurrences1 of not responding to the Interchange Authority as described in R1 or no evidence provided. E. Regional Differences None. Version History Version Date Action Change Tracking 1 May 2, 2006 Approved by BOT New 2 May 2, 2007 Approved by BOT Revised 3 April 8, 2010 Approved by FERC, Effective July 1, 2010 Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Effe c tive Da te : J u ly 1, 2010 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 3 of 7 S ta n d a rd INT-006-3 — Re s p o n s e to In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Timing Requirements for all Interconnections except WECC Request for Interchange Submitted Ramp Start Interchange Timeline with Minimum Reliability-Related Response Times A B C D If Arranged 3 Interchange (RFI) is Submitted IA Assigned Time Classification IA Makes Initial Distribution of Arranged Interchange BA and TSP Conduct Reliability Assessments IA Compiles and Distributes Status >1 hour after the RFI start time ATF < 1 minute from RFI submission Entities have up to 2 hours to respond. < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments NA <15 minutes prior to ramp start and <1 hour after the RFI start time Late < 1 minute from RFI submission Entities have up to 10 minutes to respond. < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments < 3 minutes after receipt of confirmed RFI <1 hour and > 15 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1 minute from RFI submission < 10 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start >1 hour to < 4 hours prior to ramp start On-time < 1 minute from RFI submission < 20 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 39 minutes prior to ramp start > 4 hours prior to ramp start On-time < 1 minute from RFI submission < 2 hours from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 1 hour 58 minutes prior to ramp start 3 BA Prepares Confirmed Interchange for Implementation Time Classifications and deadlines apply to both initial Arranged Interchange submittal and any subsequent modifications to the Arranged Interchange. Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 4 of 7 S ta n d a rd INT-006-3 — Re s p o n s e to In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Example of Timing Requirements for all Interconnections except WECC Ramp Start Time RFI submit time relative to start time 5:55 4 hours before ramp start 2 hours ATF Late On Time Time Classification Assessment Interchange Start Time 8:55 9:40 1 hour before ramp start 15 minutes before ramp start 20 minutes Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x 9:55 10:00 10 minutes 11:00 2 hours Page 5 of 7 S ta n d a rd INT-006-3 — Re s p o n s e to In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Timing Requirements for WECC A B IA Makes Initial Distribution of Arranged Interchange BA and TSP Conduct Reliability Assessments Entities have up to 2 hours to respond. If Arranged Interchange (RFI) 4 is Submitted IA Assigned Time Classification >1 hour after the start time ATF < 1minute from RFI submission <10 minutes prior to ramp start and <1 hour after the start time Late < 1minute from RFI submission 10 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission 11 minutes prior to ramp start On-time 12 minutes prior to ramp start C D IA Compiles and Distributes Status BA Prepares Confirmed Interchange for Implementation < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments NA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments < 3 minutes after receipt of confirmed RFI < 5 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start < 1minute from RFI submission < 6 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 7 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start 13 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 8 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start 14 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 9 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start <1 hour and > 15 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 10 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start > 1hour and < 4 hours prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 20 minutes from Arranged interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 39 minutes prior to ramp start > 4 hours prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 2 hours from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 1 hour 58 minutes prior to ramp start Submitted before 10:00 PPT with start time > 00:00 PPT of following day On-time < 1minute from RFI submission By 12:00 PPT of day the Arranged Interchange was received by the IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 1 hour 58 minutes prior to ramp start 4 Entities have up to 10 minutes to respond. Time Classifications and deadlines apply to both initial Arranged Interchange submittal and any subsequent modifications to the Arranged Interchange. Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 6 of 7 S ta n d a rd INT-006-3 — Re s p o n s e to In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Example of Timing Requirements for WECC Ramp Start Time 9:35 RFI submit time relative to start time 5:50 9:40 8:50 9:50 10:00 11:00 1 hour before ramp start 4 hours before ramp start 2 hours ATF Late On Time Time Classification Assessment* Interchange Start Time 20 minutes *If submitted before 10:00 PPT with start time >= 00:00 PPT of the following day then assessment is >= 2 hours and by 12:00 PPT 10 minutes 10 minutes 2 hours Submittal & Assessment Times 9:35 - 10 9:36 - 9 9:37 - 8 9:38 - 7 9:39 - 6 9:40 - 5 Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 7 of 7 Standard INT-006-3 — Response to Interchange Authority Appendix QC-INT-006-3 Provisions specific to the standard INT-006-3 applicable in Québec This appendix establishes specific provisions for the application of the standard in Québec. Provisions of the standard and of its appendix must be read together for the purposes of understanding and interpretation. Where the standard and appendix differ, the appendix shall prevail. A. Introduction 1. Title: Response to Interchange Authority 2. Number: INT-006-3 3. Purpose: No specific provision 4. Applicability: No specific provision 5. Effective Date: 5.1. Adoption of the standard by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.2. Adoption of the appendix by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.3. Effective date of the standard and its appendix in Québec: Month xx 201x 6.Scope: B. Main Transmission System (MTS) Requirements No specific provision C. Measures No specific provision D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility The Régie de l’énergie is responsible, in Québec, for compliance monitoring with respect to the reliability standard and its appendix that it adopts. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time Fframe No specific provision 1.3. Data Retention No specific provision 1.4. Additional Compliance Information No specific provision 2. Levels of Non-Compliance 2.2 to 2.4: Refer to footnote #2 instead of footnote #1. E. Regional Differences No specific provision Timing Requirements for all Interconnections except WECC Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page QC-1 of 3 Standard INT-006-3 — Response to Interchange Authority Appendix QC-INT-006-3 Provisions specific to the standard INT-006-3 applicable in Québec No specific provision Example of Timing Requirements for all Interconnections except WECC No specific provision Timing Requirements for WECC No specific provision Example of Timing Requirements for WECC No specific provision Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page QC-2 of 3 Standard INT-006-3 — Response to Interchange Authority Appendix QC-INT-006-3 Provisions specific to the standard INT-006-3 applicable in Québec F.Violation Risk Factor No specific provision Version History of the Appendix Version 0 Date Action Change Tracking Month xx, 201x Effective date New Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page QC-3 of 3 Standard INT-007-1 — Interchange Confirmation A. Introduction 1. Title: Interchange Confirmation 2. Number: INT-007-1 3. Purpose: To ensure that each Arranged Interchange is checked for reliability before it is implemented. 4. Applicability 4.1. Interchange Authority. 5. Effective Date: January 1, 2007 B. Requirements R1. The Interchange Authority shall verify that Arranged Interchange is balanced and valid prior to transitioning Arranged Interchange to Confirmed Interchange by verifying the following: R1.1. Source Balancing Authority megawatts equal sink Balancing Authority megawatts (adjusted for losses, if appropriate). R1.2. All reliability entities involved in the Arranged Interchange are currently in the NERC registry. R1.3. The following are defined: R1.3.1. Generation source and load sink. R1.3.2. Megawatt profile. R1.3.3. Ramp start and stop times. R1.3.4. Interchange duration. R1.4. Each Balancing Authority and Transmission Service Provider that received the Arranged Interchange information from the Interchange Authority for reliability assessment has provided approval. C. Measures M1. For each Arranged Interchange, the Interchange Authority shall show evidence that it has verified the Arranged Interchange information prior to the dissemination of the Confirmed Interchange. D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility Regional Reliability Organization. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time Frame The Performance-Reset Period shall be twelve months from the last noncompliance to Requirement 1. 1.3. Data Retention The Interchange Authority shall keep 90 days of historical data. The Compliance Monitor shall keep audit records for a minimum of three calendar years. Adopted by Board of Trustees: May 2, 2006 Effective Date: January 1, 2007 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx) : Month xx, 201x Page 1 of 3 Standard INT-007-1 — Interchange Confirmation 1.4. Additional Compliance Information Each Interchange Authority shall demonstrate compliance to the Compliance Monitor within the first year that this standard becomes effective or the first year the entity commences operation by self-certification to the Compliance Monitor. Subsequent to the initial compliance review, compliance may be: 1.4.1 Verified by audit at least once every three years. 1.4.2 Verified by spot checks in years between audits. 1.4.3 Verified by annual audits of noncompliant Interchange Authorities, until compliance is demonstrated. 1.4.4 Verified at any time as the result of a complaint. Complaints must be lodged within 60 days of the incident. Complaints will be evaluated by the Compliance Monitor. Each Interchange Authority shall make the following available for inspection by the Compliance Monitor upon request: 2. 1.4.5 For compliance audits and spot checks, relevant data and system log records for the audit period which indicate an Interchange Authority’s verification that all Arranged Interchange was balanced and valid as defined in R1. The Compliance Monitor may request up to a three-month period of historical data ending with the date the request is received by the Interchange Authority. 1.4.6 For specific complaints, only those data and system log records associated with the specific Interchange event contained in the complaint which indicate an Interchange Authority’s verification that an Arranged Interchange was balanced and valid as defined in R1 for that specific Interchange Levels of Non-Compliance 2.1. Level 1: in R1. One occurrence1 where Interchange-related data was not verified as defined 2.2. Level 2: in R1. Two occurrences where Interchange-related data was not verified as defined 2.3. Level 3: Three occurrences where Interchange-related data was not verified as defined in R1. 2.4. Level 4: Four or more occurrences where Interchange-related data was not verified as defined in R1. E. Regional Differences None 1 This does not include instances of not verifying due to extenuating circumstances approved by the Compliance Monitor. Adopted by Board of Trustees: May 2, 2006 Effective Date: January 1, 2007 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx) : Month xx, 201x Page 2 of 3 Standard INT-007-1 — Interchange Confirmation Version History Version Date Action Adopted by Board of Trustees: May 2, 2006 Effective Date: January 1, 2007 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx) : Month xx, 201x Change Tracking Page 3 of 3 Standard INT-007-1 — Interchange Confirmation Appendix QC-INT-007-1 Provisions specific to the standard INT-007-1 applicable in Québec This appendix establishes specific provisions for the application of the standard in Québec. Provisions of the standard and of its appendix must be read together for the purposes of understanding and interpretation. Where the standard and appendix differ, the appendix shall prevail. A. Introduction 1. Title: Interchange Confirmation 2. Number: INT-007-1 3. Purpose: No specific provision 4. Applicability: No specific provision 5. Effective Date: 5.1. Adoption of the standard by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.2. Adoption of the appendix by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.3. Effective date of the standard and its appendix in Québec: Month xx 201x 6.Scope: Main Transmission System (MTS) B. Requirements R1. No specific provision R1.1. No specific provision R1.2. All reliability entities involved in the Arranged Interchange are currently in the NERC registry or the register of entities approved by the Régie de l'énergie R1.3. No specific provision R1.4. No specific provision C. Measures No specific provision D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility The Régie de l’énergie is responsible, in Québec, for compliance monitoring with respect to the reliability standard and its appendix that it adopts. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time fFrame No specific provision 1.3. Data Retention No specific provision 1.4. Additional Compliance Information No specific provision 2. Levels of Non-Compliance Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Decision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page QC-1 of 2 Standard INT-007-1 — Interchange Confirmation Appendix QC-INT-007-1 Provisions specific to the standard INT-007-1 applicable in Québec No specific provision E. Regional Differences No specific provision F.Violation Risk Factor No specific provision Version History of the Appendix Version 1 Date Month xx, 201x Action Change Tracking Effective Date Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Decision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x New Page QC-2 of 2 S ta n d a rd INT-008-3 — In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Dis trib u te s S ta tu s A. Introduction 1. Title: Interchange Authority Distributes Status 2. Number: INT-008-3 3. Purpose: To ensure that the implementation of Interchange between Source and Sink Balancing Authorities is coordinated by an Interchange Authority. 4. Applicability: 4.1. Interchange Authority. 5. Effective Date: July 1, 2010 B. Requirements R1. Prior to the expiration of the time period defined in the Timing Table, Column C, the Interchange Authority shall distribute to all Balancing Authorities (including Balancing Authorities on both sides of a direct current tie), Transmission Service Providers and Purchasing-Selling Entities involved in the Arranged Interchange whether or not the Arranged Interchange has transitioned to a Confirmed Interchange. For Confirmed Interchange, the Interchange Authority shall also communicate: R1.1. R1.1.1. Start and stop times, ramps, and megawatt profile to Balancing Authorities. R1.1.2. Necessary Interchange information to NERC-identified reliability analysis services. C. Measures M1. For each Arranged Interchange, the Interchange Authority shall provide evidence that it has distributed the final status and Confirmed Interchange information specified in Requirement 1 to all Balancing Authorities, Transmission Service Providers and Purchasing-Selling Entities involved in the Arranged Interchange within the time period defined in the Timing Table, Column C. If denied, the Interchange Authority shall tell all involved parties that approval has been denied. For each Arranged Interchange that includes a direct current tie, the Interchange Authority shall provide evidence that it has communicated the final status to the Balancing Authorities on both sides of the direct current tie, even if the Balancing Authorities are neither the Source nor Sink for the Interchange. M1.1 D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility Regional Reliability Organization. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time Frame The Performance-Reset Period shall be twelve months from the last noncompliance to R1. 1.3. Data Retention Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e s : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Effe c tive Da te : J u ly 1, 2010 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 1 of 7 S ta n d a rd INT-008-3 — In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Dis trib u te s S ta tu s The Interchange Authority shall keep 90 days of historical data. The Compliance Monitor shall keep audit records for a minimum of three calendar years. 1.4. Additional Compliance Information Each Interchange Authority shall demonstrate compliance to the Compliance Monitor within the first year that this standard becomes effective or the first year the entity commences operation by self-certification to the Compliance Monitor. Subsequent to the initial compliance review, compliance will be: 1.4.1 Verified by audit at least once every three years. 1.4.2 Verified by spot checks in years between audits. 1.4.3 Verified by annual audits of noncompliant Interchange Authorities, until compliance is demonstrated. 1.4.4 Verified at any time as the result of a complaint. Complaints must be lodged within 60 days of the incident. Complaints will be evaluated by the Compliance Monitor. Each Interchange Authority shall make the following available for inspection by the Compliance Monitor upon request: 2. 1.4.5 For compliance audits and spot checks, relevant data and system log records for the audit period which indicate the Interchange Authority’s distribution of all Arranged Interchange final status and Confirmed Interchange information to all entities involved in an Interchange per R1. The Compliance Monitor may request up to a three-month period of historical data ending with the date the request is received by the Interchange Authority 1.4.6 For specific complaints, only those data and system log records associated with the specific Interchange event contained in the complaint which indicate that the Interchange Authority distributed the Arranged Interchange final status and Confirmed Interchange information to all entities involved in that specific Interchange. Levels of Non-Compliance One occurrence 1 of not distributing final status and information as described in R1. 2.1. Level 1: Two occurrences1 of not distributing final status and information as described in R1. 2.2. Level 2: Three occurrences1 of not distributing final status and information as described in R1. 2.3. Level 3: 1 This does not include instances of not distributing information due to extenuating circumstances approved by the Compliance Monitor. Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e s : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Effe c tive Da te : J u ly 1, 2010 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 2 of 7 S ta n d a rd INT-008-3 — In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Dis trib u te s S ta tu s Four or more occurrences1 of not distributing final status and information as described in R1 or no evidence provided. 2.4. Level 4: E. Regional Differences None. Version History Version Date Action Change Tracking 1 May 2, 2006 Approved by BOT New 2 May 2, 2007 Approved by BOT Revised 3 April 8, 2010 Approved by FERC, Effective July 1, 2010 Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e s : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Effe c tive Da te : J u ly 1, 2010 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 3 of 7 S ta n d a rd INT-008-3 — In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Dis trib u te s S ta tu s Timing Requirements for all Interconnections except WECC Request for Interchange Submitted Ramp Start Interchange Timeline with Minimum Reliability-Related Response Times A B C D If Arranged 2 Interchange (RFI) is Submitted IA Assigned Time Classification IA Makes Initial Distribution of Arranged Interchange BA and TSP Conduct Reliability Assessments IA Compiles and Distributes Status >1 hour after the RFI start time ATF < 1 minute from RFI submission Entities have up to 2 hours to respond. < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments NA <15 minutes prior to ramp start and <1 hour after the RFI start time Late < 1 minute from RFI submission Entities have up to 10 minutes to respond. < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments < 3 minutes after receipt of confirmed RFI <1 hour and > 15 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1 minute from RFI submission < 10 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start >1 hour to < 4 hours prior to ramp start On-time < 1 minute from RFI submission < 20 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 39 minutes prior to ramp start > 4 hours prior to ramp start On-time < 1 minute from RFI submission < 2 hours from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1 minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 1 hour 58 minutes prior to ramp start 2 BA Prepares Confirmed Interchange for Implementation Time Classifications and deadlines apply to both initial Arranged Interchange submittal and any subsequent modifications to the Arranged Interchange. Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e s : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 4 of 7 S ta n d a rd INT-008-3 — In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Dis trib u te s S ta tu s Example of Timing Requirements for all Interconnections except WECC Ramp Start Time RFI submit time relative to start time 5:55 4 hours before ramp start 2 hours ATF Late On Time Time Classification Assessment Interchange Start Time 8:55 9:40 1 hour before ramp start 15 minutes before ramp start 20 minutes Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e s : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x 9:55 10:00 10 minutes 11:00 2 hours Page 5 of 7 S ta n d a rd INT-008-3 — In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Dis trib u te s S ta tu s Timing Requirements for WECC A B IA Makes Initial Distribution of Arranged Interchange BA and TSP Conduct Reliability Assessments Entities have up to 2 hours to respond. If Arranged Interchange (RFI) 3 is Submitted IA Assigned Time Classification >1 hour after the start time ATF < 1minute from RFI submission <10 minutes prior to ramp start and <1 hour after the start time Late < 1minute from RFI submission 10 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission 11 minutes prior to ramp start On-time 12 minutes prior to ramp start C D IA Compiles and Distributes Status BA Prepares Confirmed Interchange for Implementation < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments NA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments < 3 minutes after receipt of confirmed RFI < 5 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start < 1minute from RFI submission < 6 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 7 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start 13 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 8 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start 14 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 9 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start <1 hour and > 15 minutes prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 10 minutes from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 3 minutes prior to ramp start > 1hour and < 4 hours prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 20 minutes from Arranged interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 39 minutes prior to ramp start > 4 hours prior to ramp start On-time < 1minute from RFI submission < 2 hours from Arranged Interchange receipt from IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 1 hour 58 minutes prior to ramp start Submitted before 10:00 PPT with start time > 00:00 PPT of following day On-time < 1minute from RFI submission By 12:00 PPT of day the Arranged Interchange was received by the IA < 1minute from receipt of all Reliability Assessments > 1 hour 58 minutes prior to ramp start 3 Entities have up to 10 minutes to respond. Time Classifications and deadlines apply to both initial Arranged Interchange submittal and any subsequent modifications to the Arranged Interchange. Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e s : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 6 of 7 S ta n d a rd INT-008-3 — In te rc h a n g e Au th o rity Dis trib u te s S ta tu s Example of Timing Requirements for WECC Ramp Start Time 9:35 RFI submit time relative to start time 5:50 9:40 8:50 9:50 10:00 11:00 1 hour before ramp start 4 hours before ramp start 2 hours ATF Late On Time Time Classification Assessment* Interchange Start Time 20 minutes *If submitted before 10:00 PPT with start time >= 00:00 PPT of the following day then assessment is >= 2 hours and by 12:00 PPT 10 minutes 10 minutes 2 hours Submittal & Assessment Times 9:35 - 10 9:36 - 9 9:37 - 8 9:38 - 7 9:39 - 6 9:40 - 5 Ad o p te d b y NERC Bo a rd o f Tru s te e s : Oc to b e r 29, 2008 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page 7 of 7 Standard INT-008-3 — Interchange Authority Distributes Status Appendix QC-INT-008-3 Provisions specific to the standard INT-008-3 applicable in Québec This appendix establishes specific provisions for the application of the standard in Québec. Provisions of the standard and of its appendix must be read together for the purposes of understanding and interpretation. Where the standard and appendix differ, the appendix shall prevail. A. Introduction 1. Title: Interchange Authority Distributes Status 2. Number: INT-008-3 3. Purpose: No specific provision 4. Applicability: No specific provision 5. Effective Date: 5.1. Adoption of the standard by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.2. Adoption of the appendix by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.3. Effective date of the standard and its appendix in Québec: Month xx 201x 6.Scope: Main Transmission System (MTS) B. Requirements No specific provision C. Measures No specific provision D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility The Régie de l’énergie is responsible, in Québec, for compliance monitoring with respect to the reliability standard and its appendix that it adopts. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time fFrame No specific provision 1.3. Data Retention No specific provision 1.4. Additional Compliance Information No specific provision 2. Levels of Non-Compliance No specific provision E. Regional Differences No specific provision Timing Requirements for all Interconnections except WECC Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page QC-1 of 3 Standard INT-008-3 — Interchange Authority Distributes Status Appendix QC-INT-008-3 Provisions specific to the standard INT-008-3 applicable in Québec No specific provision Example of Timing Requirements for all Interconnections except WECC No specific provision Timing Requirements for WECC No specific provision Example of Timing Requirements for WECC No specific provision Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page QC-2 of 3 Standard INT-008-3 — Interchange Authority Distributes Status Appendix QC-INT-008-3 Provisions specific to the standard INT-008-3 applicable in Québec F.Violation Risk Factor No specific provision Version History of the Appendix Version 0 Date Action Change Tracking Month xx, 201x Effective date New Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page QC-3 of 3 Standard INT-009-1 — Implementation of Interchange A. Introduction 1. Title: Implementation of Interchange 2. Number: INT-009-1 3. Purpose: To ensure that the implementation of Interchange between Source and Sink Balancing Authorities is coordinated by an Interchange Authority such that the Balancing Authorities implement the Interchange exactly as agreed upon in the Interchange confirmation process. 4. Applicability 4.1. Balancing Authority. 5. Effective Date: January 1, 2007 B. Requirements R1. The Balancing Authority shall implement Confirmed Interchange as received from the Interchange Authority. C. Measures M1. The Balancing Authority shall provide evidence that Implemented Interchange matches Confirmed Interchange as submitted by the Interchange Authority. M2. Evidence shall demonstrate that the Interchange was implemented in the Balancing Authority’s Area Control Error (ACE) equation, or the system that calculates the ACE equation. Evidence may be on a net basis or an individual Interchange basis. M3. Balancing Authorities that are interconnected with a direct current tie shall demonstrate that the Interchange was implemented in the ACE equation or modeled as an equivalent generator/load within its area. D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility Regional Reliability Organization. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time Frame The Performance-Reset Period shall be twelve months from the last noncompliance to Requirement 1. 1.3. Data Retention The Balancing Authority and Interchange Authority shall each keep 90 days of historical data. The Compliance Monitor shall keep audit records for a minimum of three calendar years. 1.4. Additional Compliance Information Each Balancing Authority shall demonstrate compliance to the Compliance Monitor within the first year that this standard becomes effective or the first year the entity commences operation by self-certification to the Compliance Monitor. Subsequent to the initial compliance review, compliance may be: 1.4.1 Verified by audit at least once every three years. Adopted by Board of Trustees: May 2, 2006 Effective Date: January 1, 2007 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx) : Month xx, 201x Page 1 of 2 Standard INT-009-1 — Implementation of Interchange 1.4.2 Verified by spot checks in years between audits. 1.4.3 Verified by annual audits of non-compliant Balancing Authorities, until compliance is demonstrated. 1.4.4 Verified at any time as the result of a complaint. Complaints must be lodged within 60 days of the incident. The Compliance Monitor will evaluate complaints. The Balancing Authorities shall make the following available for inspection by the Compliance Monitor upon request: 2. 1.4.5 For compliance audits and spot checks, relevant data and system log records for the audit period which indicate a Balancing Authority implemented all instances of the Interchange Authority’s communication under R1 concerning the implementation of a Confirmed Interchange. The Compliance Monitor may request up to a three month period of historical data ending with the date the request is received by the Balancing Authority 1.4.6 For specific complaints, only those data and system log records associated with the specific Interchange event contained in the complaint which indicates a Balancing Authority implemented the Interchange Authority’s communication under R1 concerning the implementation of the Confirmed Interchange for that specific Interchange. Levels of Non-Compliance 2.1. Level 1: in R1. One occurrence1 of not implementing a Confirmed Interchange as described 2.2. Level 2: Two occurrences1 of not implementing a Confirmed Interchange as described in R1. 2.3. Level 3: Three occurrences1 of not implementing a Confirmed Interchange as described in R1. 2.4. Level 4: Four or more occurrences1 of not implementing a Confirmed Interchange as described in R1 or no evidence provided. E. Regional Differences None identified. Version History Version Date Action Change Tracking 1 This does not include instances of not implementing due to extenuating circumstances approved by the Compliance Monitor. Adopted by Board of Trustees: May 2, 2006 Effective Date: January 1, 2007 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx) : Month xx, 201x Page 2 of 2 Standard INT-009-1 — Implementation of Interchange Appendix QC-INT-009-1 Provisions specific to the standard INT-009-1 applicable in Québec This appendix establishes specific provisions for the application of the standard in Québec. Provisions of the standard and of its appendix must be read together for the purposes of understanding and interpretation. Where the standard and appendix differ, the appendix shall prevail. A. Introduction 1. Title: Implementation of Interchange 2. Number: INT-009-1 3. Purpose: No specific provision 4. Applicability: No specific provision 5. Effective Date: 5.1. Adoption of the standard by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.2. Adoption of the appendix by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.3. Effective date of the standard and its appendix in Québec: Month xx 201x 6.Scope: B. Main Transmission System (MTS) Requirements No specific provision C. Measures No specific provision D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility The Régie de l’énergie is responsible, in Québec, for compliance monitoring with respect to the reliability standard and its appendix that it adopts. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time fFrame No specific provision 1.3. Data Retention No specific provision 1.4. Additional Compliance Information No specific provision 2. Levels of Non-Compliance No specific provision E. Regional Differences No specific provision Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Decision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page QC-1 of 2 Standard INT-009-1 — Implementation of Interchange Appendix QC-INT-009-1 Provisions specific to the standard INT-009-1 applicable in Québec F.Violation Risk Factor No specific provision Version History of the Appendix Version Date 1 Month xx, 201x Action Change Tracking Effective Date Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Decision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x New Page QC-2 of 2 Standard INT-010-1 — Interchange Coordination Exemptions A. Introduction 1. Title: Interchange Coordination Exemptions 2. Number: INT-010-1 3. Purpose: Allow certain types of Interchange schedules to be initiated or modified by reliability entities, and to be exempt from compliance with other Interchange Standards under abnormal operating conditions. 4. Applicability 4.1. Balancing Authority. 4.2. Reliability Coordinator. 5. Effective Date: January 1, 2007 B. Requirements R1. The Balancing Authority that experiences a loss of resources covered by an energy sharing agreement shall ensure that a request for an Arranged Interchange is submitted with a start time no more than 60 minutes beyond the resource loss. If the use of the energy sharing agreement does not exceed 60 minutes from the time of the resource loss, no request for Arranged Interchange is required. R2. For a modification to an existing Interchange schedule that is directed by a Reliability Coordinator for current or imminent reliability-related reasons, the Reliability Coordinator shall direct a Balancing Authority to submit the modified Arranged Interchange reflecting that modification within 60 minutes of the initiation of the event. R3. For a new Interchange schedule that is directed by a Reliability Coordinator for current or imminent reliability-related reasons, the Reliability Coordinator shall direct a Balancing Authority to submit an Arranged Interchange reflecting that Interchange schedule within 60 minutes of the initiation of the event. C. Measures M1. The Balancing Authority that uses its energy sharing agreement where the duration exceeds 60 minutes shall have evidence it submitted Arranged Interchange per Requirement 1. M2. The Reliability Coordinator that directs a modification to an existing Interchange shall have evidence that a directive was issued to submit the Arranged Interchange in accordance with Requirement 2. M3. The Reliability Coordinator that directs the initiation of a new Interchange shall have evidence that a directive was issued to submit the Arranged Interchange in accordance with Requirement 3. D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility Regional Reliability Organization. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time Frame The Performance-Reset Period shall be twelve months from the last noncompliance to R1, R2, or R3. Adopted by Board of Trustees: May 2, 2006 Effective Date: January 1, 2007 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx) : Month xx, 201x Page 1 of 3 Standard INT-010-1 — Interchange Coordination Exemptions 1.3. Data Retention The Balancing Authority and Reliability Coordinator shall each keep 90 days of historical data. The Compliance Monitor shall keep audit records for a minimum of three calendar years. 1.4. Additional Compliance Information Each Balancing Authority and Reliability Coordinator shall demonstrate compliance to the Compliance Monitor within the first year that this standard becomes effective or the first year the entity commences operation by self-certification to the Compliance Monitor. Subsequent to the initial compliance review, compliance may be: 1.4.1 Verified by audit at least once every three years. 1.4.2 Verified by spot checks in years between audits. 1.4.3 Verified by annual audits of non-compliant Balancing Authorities and Reliability Coordinators, until compliance is demonstrated. 1.4.4 Verified at any time as the result of a complaint. Complaints must be lodged within 60 days of the incident. The Compliance Monitor will evaluate complaints. The Balancing Authority and Reliability Coordinator shall make the following available for inspection by the Compliance Monitor upon request: 2. 1.4.5 For compliance audits and spot checks, relevant data and system log records for the audit period which indicate a Balancing Authority or Reliability Coordinator acted in compliance with INT-010. The Compliance Monitor may request up to a three month period of historical data ending with the date the request is received by the Balancing Authority 1.4.6 For specific complaints, only those data and system log records associated with the specific Interchange event contained in the complaint which indicates a Balancing Authority or Reliability Coordinator failed to act in compliance with INT-010. Levels of Non-Compliance 2.1. Level 1: There shall be a level one non-compliance if either of the following conditions is present: 2.1.1 One occurrence of not submitting an Arranged Interchange as described in R1. 2.1.2 One occurrence of not directing the submittal of a new or modified Arranged Interchange as described in R2 or R3. 2.2. Level 2: There shall be a level two non-compliance if either of the following conditions is present: 2.2.1 Two occurrences of not submitting an Arranged Interchange as described in R1. 2.2.2 Two occurrences of not directing the submittal of a new or modified Arranged Interchange as described in R2 or R3. 2.3. Level 3: There shall be a level three non-compliance if either of the following conditions is present: Adopted by Board of Trustees: May 2, 2006 Effective Date: January 1, 2007 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx) : Month xx, 201x Page 2 of 3 Standard INT-010-1 — Interchange Coordination Exemptions 2.3.1 Three occurrences of not submitting an Arranged Interchange as described in R1. 2.3.2 Three occurrences of not directing the submittal of a new or modified Arranged Interchange as described in R2 or R3. 2.4. Level 4: There shall be a level three non-compliance if any of the following conditions is present: 2.4.1 Four or more occurrences of not submitting an Arranged Interchange as described in R1. 2.4.2 Four or more occurrences of not directing the submittal of a new or modified Arranged Interchange as described in Requirements 2 or 3. 2.4.3 No evidence provided. E. Regional Differences None identified. Version History Version Date Action Adopted by Board of Trustees: May 2, 2006 Effective Date: January 1, 2007 Adopted by the Régie de l'énergie (Décision D-201x-xxxx) : Month xx, 201x Change Tracking Page 3 of 3 Standard INT-010-1 — Interchange Coordination Exemptions Appendix QC-INT-010-1 Provisions specific to the standard INT-010-1 applicable in Québec This appendix establishes specific provisions for the application of the standard in Québec. Provisions of the standard and of its appendix must be read together for the purposes of understanding and interpretation. Where the standard and appendix differ, the appendix shall prevail. A. Introduction 1. Title: Interchange Coordination Exemptions 2. Number: INT-010-1 3. Purpose: No specific provision 4. Applicability: No specific provision 5. Effective Date: 5.1. Adoption of the standard by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.2. Adoption of the appendix by the Régie de l’énergie: Month xx 201x 5.3. Effective date of the standard and its appendix in Québec: Month xx 201x 6.Scope: B. Main Transmission System (MTS) Requirements No specific provision C. Measures No specific provision D. Compliance 1. Compliance Monitoring Process 1.1. Compliance Monitoring Responsibility The Régie de l’énergie is responsible, in Québec, for compliance monitoring with respect to the reliability standard and its appendix that it adopts. 1.2. Compliance Monitoring Period and Reset Time fFrame No specific provision 1.3. Data Retention No specific provision 1.4. Additional Compliance Information No specific provision 2. Levels of Non-Compliance No specific provision E. Regional Differences No specific provision Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Decision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x Page QC-1 of 2 Standard INT-010-1 — Interchange Coordination Exemptions Appendix QC-INT-010-1 Provisions specific to the standard INT-010-1 applicable in Québec F.Violation Risk Factor No specific provision Version History of the Appendix Version 0 Date Month xx, 201x Action Change Tracking Effective Date Adopted by the Régie de l’énergie (Decision D-201x-xxxx): Month xx, 201x New Page QC-2 of 2