Department of Political Science and International Relations List of Classes Fall 2016 BY NUMBER Course PS 1005 Intro to American Politics ------ various sections and times – MWF 9:10; 9:10 (H); 10:20; 11:30 W 4:30 TR 8:00; 11:20; 1:00; 2:40 (EXL) On-line PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics ------ various sections and times --- MWF 9:10; 10:20 MW 12:40 W 12:40 TR 8:00 (H); 9:40; 11:20; 1:00 (H) On-line Course PS 2000 PS 2020 PS 2100 PS 2105 PS 2120 PS 2130 PS 2440 PS 2440 PS 2440 PS 3001 PS 3001 PS 3010 PS 3050 PS 3100 PS 3200 PS 3210 PS 3220 PS 3220 PS 3250 PS 3330 PS 3330 PS 3330 PS 3370 PS 3370 PS 3400 PS and IR as a Profession State & Local Govt Legal Courtroom Procedure “Mock Trial” Intro to Latin American St. Mediation Procedure Model UN Law and the Legal System Law and the Legal System Law and the Legal System Research Methods in PS Research Methods in PS Women and the Law U.S. Presidency Politics and Film British Govt & Films International Relations Comparative Politics Comparative Politics Public Administration Political Parties Political Parties Pol. Parties & Electoral Sys. Constitutional Law I Constitutional Law I Municipal Government Day Start Time On-line On-line R 6:00 TR 1:00 T 2:40 R 2:40 MW 2:20 M 6:00 TR 8:00 TR 9:40 TR 11:20 TR 2:40 TR 1:00 M 2:40 TR 1:00 MW 9:40 MWF 9:10 TR 8:00 TR 9:40 MWF 11:30 On-line On-line MW 2:20 TR 8:00 TR 11:20 Instructor Staff Carleton Snow Special (1 cr. hr) (EXL) (1 cr. hr) (Honors section available) Team taught Interdisciplinary Willis (EXL) (1 cr. hr) Lefler (EXL) (1 cr. hr) Staff Delgado Staff Livingston Livingston Robertson Franklin Byrnes Vernardakis Tesi Wang Morris Vernardakis Langenbach (EXL) Langenbach (EXL) Langenbach RODP Staff Staff Franklin 1 PS 3530 Legal Writing / Research W 2:40 Huff PS 3530 Legal Writing / Research R 6:00 Colston PS 4040 Pre Law Internship TBA Langenbach PS 4070/5070 Pol. Violence & Terrorism TR 8:00 Carleton PS 4210 International Conflict MW 12:40 Lefler PS 4230 Classical Pol. Theory MW 2:20 McDaniel PS 4230(H) Classical Pol. Theory MW 2:20 McDaniel PS 4240/5240 American Foreign Policy MWF 11:30 Korobkov PS 4270 Pol Campaign Internship TBA Langenbach PS 4280 Washington Experience TBA Carleton PS 4290 Public Service Internship TBA Langenbach PS 4310/5310 Comparative Asian Govt MW 12:40 Wang PS 4800 Senior Seminar MWF 10:20 McDaniel PS 4800 Senior Seminar TR 1:00 Maynor PS 4820 Adv Studies Amn. Politics T 6:00 Syler (Topic: Advertising & Comm. Strategy in 2016 Presidential election) PS 4850 Adv. Studies in Comparative MW 12:40 Tesi (Topic: International Development) PS 4850/6250 Adv. Studies in Comparative MWF 11:30 Morris (Topic: Political Corruption) PS 4870 Adv. Studies in Pol. Theory R 2:40 Maynor (Topic: Social Media and Politics) PS 4930 Intro Contemporary Pol. Phil T 2:40 Maynor Graduate credit possible* Graduate credit possible* (credit hours may vary) (12 cr. hrs) (credit hours may vary) Graduate credit possible* (EXL) (EXL) Graduate credit possible* Paralegal PLEG 3010 PLEG 3410 PLEG 4010 Litigation Trial Practice Family Law Paralegal Internship TR T TBA 4:20 6:00 Colston Staff Langenbach Master in International Affairs PS 6100 Seminar in IR PS 6110 Int. Security Changing World PS 6400 Global Governance PS 6500 Research Methods in IA *Plus cross-listed 4000/5000/6000 classes* W R T M 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 Tesi Lefler Korobkov Livingston 2 Department of Political Science and International Relations List of Classes Fall 2016 BY AREAS General & Required PS 1005 Intro to American Politics ------ various sections and times -- MWF 9:10; 9:10 (H); 10:20; 11:30 W 4:30 TR 8:00; 11:20; 1:00; 2:40 (EXL) On-line PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics ------ various sections and times --MWF 9:10; 10:20 MW 12:40 W 12:40 TR 8:00 (H); 9:40; 11:20; 1:00 (H) On-line PS 2000 PS and IR as a Profession On-line Staff (1 cr. hr) PS 3001 Research Methods in PS TR 9:40 Livingston PS 3001 Research Methods in PS TR 11:20 Livingston PS 4800 Senior Seminar MWF 10:20 McDaniel PS 4800 Senior Seminar TR 1:00 Maynor (EXL) American Government PS 2020 State & Local Govt On-line Carleton PS 3050 U.S. Presidency TR 1:00 Franklin PS 3100 Politics and Film M 2:40 Byrnes PS 3330 Political Parties MWF 11:30 Langenbach PS 3330 Political Parties On-line Langenbach PS 3330 Pol. Parties & Electoral Sys. On-line Langenbach PS 3400 Municipal Government TR 11:20 Franklin PS 4820 Adv Studies Amn. Politics T 6:00 Syler (Topic: Advertising & Comm. Strategy in 2016 Presidential election) Pre-law PS 2440 PS 2440 PS 2440 PS 3010 PS 3370 PS 3370 PS 3530 PS 3530 Law and the Legal System Law and the Legal System Law and the Legal System Women and the Law Constitutional Law I Constitutional Law I Legal Writing / Research Legal Writing / Research MW M TR TR MW TR W R 2:20 6:00 8:00 2:40 2:20 8:00 2:40 6:00 Staff Staff Staff Robertson Staff Staff Huff Colston Public Administration PS 3250 Public Administration PS 3400 Municipal Government TR TR 9:40 11:20 Vernardakis Franklin Comparative Politics PS 2105 Intro to Latin American St. PS 3200 British Govt & Films PS 3210 International Relations TR TR MW 1:00 1:00 9:40 Team taught Vernardakis Tesi (EXL) (EXL) RODP (EXL) Interdisciplinary 3 PS 3220 Comparative Politics PS 3220 Comparative Politics PS 4310/5310 Comparative Asian Govt PS 4850 Adv. Studies in Comparative (Topic: International Development) PS 4850/6250 Adv. Studies in Comparative (Topic: Political Corruption) International Relations PS 3210 International Relations PS 4070/5070 Pol. Violence & Terrorism PS 4210 International Conflict PS 4240/5240 American Foreign Policy Political Theory PS 4230 Classical Pol. Theory PS 4230(H) Classical Pol. Theory PS 4870 Adv. Studies in Pol. Theory (Topic: Social Media and Politics) PS 4930 Intro Contemporary Pol. Phil Simulations & Internships PS 2100 Legal Courtroom Procedure “Mock Trial” PS 2120 Mediation Procedure PS 2130 Model UN PS 4040 Pre Law Internship PS 4270 Pol Campaign Internship PS 4280 Washington Experience PS 4290 Public Service Internship MWF TR MW MW 9:10 8:00 12:40 12:40 Wang Morris Wang Tesi MWF 11:30 Morris MW TR MW MWF 12:40 8:00 12:40 11:30 Tesi Carleton Lefler Korobkov MW MW 2:20 2:20 McDaniel McDaniel Maynor T 2:40 Maynor R 6:00 Snow T R TBA TBA TBA TBA 2:40 2:40 Willis Lefler Willis Langenbach Carleton Langenbach Graduate credit possible* Graduate credit possible* Graduate credit possible* (EXL) (1 cr. hr) (Honors section available) (EXL) (1 cr. hr) (EXL) (1 cr. hr) (credit hours may vary) (12 cr. hrs) (credit hours may vary) 4