DEMANDE DE RENSEIGNEMENTS NO 1 DE l’EXPERT HARPER À L’AGENCE DE L’EFFICACITÉ ÉNERGÉTIQUE (AEÉ) DEMANDE RELATIVE A L'APPROBATION ANNUELLE DU BUDGET 20102011 DES PROGRAMMES ET DES INTERVENTIONS DE L'AEÉ R-3709-2009 Question #1 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2, pages 5-6 and page 7 (Footnote #6) ii) AEE-4, Doc 2, pages 11-12 1.1 Please provide a schedule that sets out which of the four categories (Regulated Program; Activities Related to the Comprehensive Plan; Complementary Activities and Administrative Activities) each of the P/As described in AEE-4, Doc 2.3 are associated with. 1.2 Please confirm that the process set out on pages 11-12 describes how the budget for Complementary activities is allocated between the three funding sources (i.e., the Quota, Green Fund and Federal Gov’t). 1.3 Please provide a similar example showing how the budget for Administrative activities is allocated between the three funding sources. Question #2 Reference: AEE-4, Doc 2, page 8 (lines 10-16) 2.1 The term “energy balance” (“bilan énergétique”) is used throughout this document and the supporting documents. Please confirm that this is a generic term where the values used may be based on customer count or volumes and may or may not be weighted in some manner. Question #3 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2, page 9 (lines 21-24) and page 10 (lines 6-11) ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, page 32 3.1 To what sectors and sub-sectors are the 2010-2011 costs related to Activity 1 (Development of the Comprehensive Plan) related? If it is not all sectors and subsectors please explain the basis for excluding specific sectors and sub-sectors. Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 2 de 20 3.2 Please explain how the overall energy balance set out in Table 3 was determined: Is it based on volumes or customer count? If volumes, were they based on end-use consumption? If volumes, how were the value for different energy forms converted into a common form (i.e., what were the conversion factors used)? Question #4 Reference: AEE-4, Doc 2, page 14 (line 18) to page 15 (line 9) 4.1 The application states (page 14) that, with some exceptions, the time spent by Agency staff is monitored by P/A and energy source. 4.1.1 Is actual staff time monitored for all P/As such that no allocation of actual remuneration costs is required between P/As? If not, provide a schedule setting out for which P/As staff time is not fully monitored and how AEE proposes to allocate staff remuneration to these P/As. 4.1.2 For those P/As where staff time is fully monitored, please provide a schedule that sets out those P/As where the monitoring does not track all staff time by energy source. In each instance, please indicate how AEE proposes to allocate the staff remuneration attributed to the P/A between energy sources and what data will be used to establish the allocation factors. 4.1.3 For each P/A where staff time must be allocated (first bullet), please indicate how AEE proposes to allocate the staff remuneration attributed to the P/A between energy sources and what data will be used to establish the allocation factors. 4.2 The application states (page 15) that for P/As, actual expenses (other than remuneration) can be specifically tracked by P/A and energy source. 4.2.1 Can other (non-remuneration) expenses be tracked for all P/As? If not, provide a schedule setting out those P/As where the expenses are not all tracked and indicate how AEE proposes to allocate the actual expenses across the various P/As. 4.2.2 For those P/As where actual other expenses are specifically monitored, please provide a schedule that sets out those P/As where the monitoring does not track all such expenses by energy source. In each instance, please indicate how AEE proposes to allocate the expenses attributed to the P/A between energy sources and what data will be used to establish the allocation factors. Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 3 de 20 4.2.3 For each P/A where other expenses must be allocated (first bullet), please indicate how AEE proposes to allocate the expenses attributed to the P/A between energy sources and what data will be used to establish the allocation factors. 4.3 After having established the allocation of actual costs to P/As and energy sources, please describe precisely how AEE plans to use the results and what AEE proposes to true-up. In particular, please indicate whether the true-up process will affect the Quota value assigned to each energy source (and subsequently each energy distributor) in subsequent years. For example, if there is a difference between the forecast and actual value for the Quota overall does AEE plan to refund/recover the difference in future years? If yes, please outline how this will be done. Even if AEE does not plan on truing up the total difference between forecast and actual costs, does AEE plan on truing up the allocation of forecast costs using actual allocation values (e.g., actual participants by program) and reflecting the differences in future allocations by energy source. If so, please outline how this will be done. In the alternative, does the AEE simply plan to use the observed differences between forecast and actual cost by P/A and energy source to determine where its allocation methodology should be improved/revised for future Applications? Question #5 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2, pages 10-11 and page 16 ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, Agency Administration 5.1 The discussion in Reference (i) on page 10-11 and 16 suggests that P/As related to the administration of the Agency are all allocated to the non-administrative P/As based on the FTEs (“ETC”) associated with each and then subsequently allocated to energy sources per the treatment of the non-administrative P/As. However, Reference (ii) suggests that the cost for the P/As associated with the administration of the Agency are allocated to energy sources based on the how the total costs in non-administrative P/As are allocated to energy sources. Please reconcile and clarify which approach is used. Question #6 Reference: i) AEE-1, Doc 3 ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3 6.1 In comparing Reference (i) and Reference (ii), it appears that all of the Legal (i.e., “Juridique”) costs are assigned to be recovered through the Quota. Why is this the case? Since Legal is a Complementary activity, does the reported $576,127 for legal Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 4 de 20 costs exclude the amounts allocated to the Green Fund and Federal Government program areas as suggested in AEE-4, Doc 2, page 5 (lines 26-28)? 6.2 In comparing Reference (i) and Reference (ii), it appears that all of the Monitoring System (i.e., “Système de suivi”) costs are assigned to be recovered through the Quota. Why is this the case? Since Monitoring Systems is a Complementary activity, does the reported $118,391 in costs exclude the amounts allocated to the Green Fund and Federal Government program areas as suggested in AEE-4, Doc 2, page 5 (lines 26-28)? 6.3 In comparing Reference (i) and Reference (ii), it appears that all of the Support for Communications (i.e., “Soutien communicationnel”) costs are assigned to be recovered through the Quota. Why is this the case? Since Support for Communications is a Complementary activity, does the reported $1,990,070 in costs exclude the amounts allocated the Green Fund and Federal Government funding sources as suggested in AEE-4, Doc 2, page 5 (lines 26-28)? 6.4 The budget items set out in Reference (i) do not separately list the Customer Service (P/A #1055) activity, which is described in Reference (ii). Where are the Customer Service costs included in the Budget shown in Reference (i)? 6.5 The Administration costs reported in Reference (i) do not match those reported in Reference (ii), page 44. 6.5.1 Are any of the Administration costs reported in Reference (i) allocated to the Green Plan programs and Federal Government programs? If so, please provide a schedule that sets out the allocation and shows the net amount recoverable from the Quota. 6.5.2 Please reconcile the Administration cost totals reported in References (i) and (ii). Question #7 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2, page 15 (lines 26-30) ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.1 7.1 Please provide a schedule that sets out those P/As that are in the operation or in the pilot phase and for which the projected number of participants by energy source is known or explicitly forecast for 2010-2011 and, subsequently, used as the allocation factor. Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 5 de 20 Question #8 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_6020_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #6020 8.1 Please provided the supporting schedules that set out how the “Percentages by Energy Source” (“Pourcentages par forme d’énergie”) were derived including: The specific types of equipment included in the calculation, by energy source and how this relates to the types of equipment targeted by the P/A for 2010-2011. The basis for the “number” for each type of equipment (e.g., is it the existing stock of each equipment type by energy or a projection of the new stock anticipated for each over some future period?) Is there any weighting of the different equipment types or is it based strictly on numbers? If there is, explain the weighting used, the rationale and provide the weights used by equipment type. Question #9 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, B_REG_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, Activities in the design phase – Building regulation sector (i.e. “Activités en conception - Secteur de la réglementation des bâtiments”) 9.1 Please provide the supporting schedules that set out how the “Percentages by Energy Source” were derived. In doing so, please indicate: The types of buildings included in the calculation, by energy source and how this relates to the types of buildings targeted by the P/A for 2010-2011. The basis for the “number” for each type of building (e.g., is it the existing stock by type by energy or a projection of the new stock anticipated for each over some future period?) 9.2 The Application makes reference to a “weighted energy balance as a function of the P/As in the design phase in the building regulation sector”. Please fully describe the weighting factors used, the rationale for employing them and (as part of the response to 9.1) provide the resulting weights employed. Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 6 de 20 Question #10 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_7080_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #7080 iii) AEE-2, Doc 2, pages 8-11 10.1 Please describe more fully the activities associated with this P/A for 2010-2011 and for which sectors (e.g., Residential, Transportation, Business, etc.) the AEE anticipates energy use could be impacted. 10.2 Reference (ii) notes that the targeted sectors are residential (existing & new), vehicles (light & heavy), commercial, institutional and municipal. Why is industrial not included on the list? 10.3 Reference (ii) notes that the targeted sectors are residential (existing & new), vehicles (light & heavy), commercial, institutional and municipal. However, it also states that the energy balance used for the allocation factor only includes the residential and transportation sectors. Please reconcile. If only the residential and transport sectors are included please explain why.. 10.4 Reference (i) indicates that the allocation factor is the “number of participants projected by energy source”; while Reference (ii) states the allocation is based on the “weighted energy balance for the residential and transportation sectors”. Please reconcile and clarify whether the allocation is based on “projected participants” or “energy balance”. 10.5 Please provide the supporting schedules that set out how the “Percentages by Energy Source” were derived. In doing so, please address the following: Reference (ii) indicates that the “energy balance” for the residential and the transportation sectors was based on number of consumers. Please confirm that this is the case and indicate how the “number” in each case is defined/determined. Reference (ii) indicates that the values for each were weighted. Please describe how the balances were weighted and the rationale for choosing the weighting approach used. Question #11 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, B_1905_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #1905 11.1 Please provide the supporting schedules that set out how the “Percentages by Energy Source” were derived. In doing so, please explain how the values for the energy used in buildings by various energy sources were combined into one allocation factor (i.e., what conversion (weighting) factor was used for each source of energy?). Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 7 de 20 Question #12 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, B_2010_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #2010 12.1 Please confirm that the allocation factor is based on number of participants by energy source over the periods 2007-2008 and 2008-2009. 12.2 Have there been any changes to this P/A for 2010-2011 (relative to the program offered over the period 2007-2009) that would suggest that future participation by energy source may be different from that experienced in the past. If yes, please explain what the changes are. Question #13 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_2011_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #2011 13.1 The allocation method used for P/A 2011 appears to be the same as that used for P/A #2010. However, the reported percentages by energy source are different – please reconcile. Question #14 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_2014_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #2014 14.1 The description in Reference (i) states that the allocation factor is based on “historical participation by energy source for the periods 2007-2008 and 20082009”. However, Reference (ii) states the allocation factor is based on “number of participants projected by energy source”. Please reconcile. 14.2 Have there been any changes to this P/A for 2010-2011 (relative to the program offered over the period 2007-2009) that would suggest that future participation by energy source may be different from that experienced in the past. If yes, please explain what the changes are. Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 8 de 20 Question #15 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_2020_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #2020 15.1 Have there been any changes to this P/A for 2010-2011 (relative to the program offered over the period 2007-2009) that would suggest that future participation by energy source may be different from that experienced in the past. If yes, please explain what the changes are. Question #16 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_2032_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #2032 16.1 Reference (i) suggests that the allocation factor is based on the energy balance specific to Low Income Households weighted applicable measures and according to particular characteristics of multi-unit dwellings. However, Reference (ii) sets out a projection of participants by energy source. Please clarify precisely how the “Percentage by Energy Source” was determined and provide the supporting schedules that detail the calculations. In particular, was the allocation factor based on the consultant’s forecast of participation by energy source? Question #17 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_2033_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #2033 17.1 Is the energy balance with respect to propane “zero” or does the value round off to “zero”? Question #18 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_2031_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #2031 18.1 Reference (i) suggests that the allocation factor is based on historical program participation over the periods 2007-2008 and 2008-2009. However, Reference (ii) suggests that the allocation is based on a projection of future participation in 20102011. Please reconcile. Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 9 de 20 18.2 Have there been any changes to this P/A for 2010-2011 (relative to the program offered over the period 2007-2009) that would suggest that future participation by energy source may be different from that experienced in the past. If yes, please explain what the changes are. Question #19 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_2034_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #2034 19.1 Is the relative importance of each energy source based on total use in Remote Communities or use for space heating? 19.2 Please explain how the values for the different energy sources were combined into one allocation factor (i.e., what conversion (weighting) factor was used for each source of energy?). Question #20 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, B_RES_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, Activities in the Design Phase (Residential) 20.1 Reference (i) describes the allocation factor as a “weighted energy balance as a function of the P/As in the design phase in the residential sector”. Please provide supporting schedules that set out how the “Percentages by Energy Source” were derived and in doing so indicate: The various energy balances used (including the definition of each), The weighting factors applied to each energy balance (including the rationale for the weightings used). How the inputs were used to calculate the proposed percentages by energy source. Question #21 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_3050_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #3050 21.1 Both references include statements that the allocation factors are based on the historical importance of light fuel oil and propane and also suggest that the allocation factors are based on projected participation. Please reconcile. Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 10 de 20 21.2 If based on “historical importance”, please clarify whether the energy balance used is based on number of customers or volumes. If number of customers, please clarify whether it is number of “heating customers” by energy source or customers measured in some other manner. Question #22 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_4020_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #4020 22.1 Both references include statements that the allocation factors are based n the historical importance of light fuel oil and propane and also suggest that the allocation factors are based on projected participation. Please reconcile. 22.2 If based on “historical importance”, please clarify whether the energy balance used is based on number of customers or volumes. If number of customers, please clarify whether it is number of “heating customers” by energy source or customers measured in some other manner. 22.3 In AEE-4, Doc 2.2 and Doc 2.3 the allocation factors for P/As #3050 and #4020 have exactly the same description – “relative importance of light fuel oil and propane in the energy balance of the commercial and institutional sectors of Québec”. However, the allocation factor values for Remuneration and Operating costs are different for the two P/As. Please explain why. If a different allocation factor was used for each P/A please explain the difference and why a different factor was used in each case. Question #23 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, B_AFF_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, Activities in the Design Phase (Business Sector) 23.1 Reference (i) describes the allocation factor as a “weighted energy balance as a function of the P/As in the design phase in the business sector”. Please provide supporting schedules that set out how the “Percentages by Energy Source” were derived and in doing so indicate: The various energy balances used (including a full description of each), The weighting factors applied to each energy balance (including description of and the rationale for the weightings used). How the inputs were used to calculate the proposed percentages by energy source. Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 11 de 20 Question #24 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_8022_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #8022 24.1 Both references include statements that the allocation factors are based on the 2005 energy balance for greenhouses in Québec but also suggest that the allocation factors are based on projected participation. Please reconcile. 24.2 If based on “2005 energy balance” please clarify whether the energy balance used is based on number of customers or volumes. If number of customers, please clarify whether it is number of “heating customers” by energy source or customers measured in some other manner. If volumes, please explain how the values for the different energy sources were combined into one allocation factor (i.e., what conversion (weighting) factor was used for each source of energy?). 24.3 The percentages by energy source differ for Audit vs. Support vs. Implementation. 24.3.1 How were the different values for each component determined? 24.3.2 For purposes of allocating remuneration and operating costs were all participants given equal weighting? If not, how were the percentages by energy source established? 24.4 With regard to Reference (ii), first footnote, why was the factor used to allocate financial assistance the same as that used for remuneration and operating costs? 24.5 Please provide a schedule that shows the percentage by energy source if the participants in each sub-program (Audit/Support/Implementation) are weighted by the unit financial assistance offered for each. Question #25 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_8030_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #8030 25.1 Both references include statements that suggest the allocation factors are based on the relative importance of electricity, natural gas, heavy fuel oil, light fuel oil and diesel in the 2006 energy balance for the industrial sector. However, Reference (ii) uses “number of participants projected” to derive the allocation factors. Please reconcile. If the allocation is based on “number of participants projected” please explain how the projection, by energy source, was established. Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 12 de 20 If the allocation is based on the 2006 energy balance please indicate whether the balance was based on volumes or customer count and provide the results by energy source. 25.2 Please provide a schedule that shows separately the allocation of the financial assistance associated with the standard unit amount ($6,975) and that associated with the three large projects. In each case show the derivation of the allocation factors used. Question #26 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, B_IND_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, Activities in the Design Phase (Industrial Sector) 26.1 Reference (i) describes the allocation factor as a “weighted energy balance as a function of the P/As in the design phase in the industrial sector”. Please provide supporting schedules that set out how the “Percentages by Energy Source” were derived and in doing so indicate: The various energy balances used (including a full description of each), The weighting factors applied to each energy balance (including description of and the rationale for the weightings used). How the inputs were used to calculate the proposed percentages by energy source. Question #27 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_7020_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #7020 27.1 Both references include statements that suggest the allocation factors are based on the proportions of the light vehicle fleet in Québec that use gas and diesel. Reference (i) also describes the allocation factor as a projection of the number of participants by energy source. Please confirm that the participants by energy source were derived using the current fleet breakdown. If not, please explain. Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 13 de 20 Question #28 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_7050_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #7050 28.1 The portion of Reference (ii) setting out the “Number of Participants Projected” and “Unit Financial Assistance” has no values. Please provide. (Note: Similar issue exists with AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #2015, please also provide values.) 28.2 Please confirm that the participants by energy source was derived using the current fleet breakdown. If not, please explain. Question #29 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, B_TR_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, Activities in the Design Phase (Transportation Sector) 29.1 Reference (i) describes the allocation factor as a “weighted energy balance as a function of the P/As in the design phase in the transportation sector”. Please provide supporting schedules that set out how the “Percentages by Energy Source” were derived and in doing so indicate: The various energy balances used (including a full description of each), The weighting factors applied to each energy balance (including description of and the rationale for the weightings used). How the inputs were used to calculate the proposed percentages by energy source. Question #30 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_9010_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #9010 30.1 Are Remuneration and Operating costs allocated to energy sources based on number of participants in 2007-2009 by energy source or by total financial assistance provide by energy source over 2007-2009? 30.2 If the response to Question 30.1 is that it was based on “total financial assistance by energy source”, please explain why number of participants wasn’t used as the allocator, similar to the approach used for other P/As. 30.3 Have there been any changes to this P/A for 2010-2011 (relative to the program offered over the period 2007-2009) that would suggest that future participation Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 14 de 20 and/or financial assistance provided by energy source may be different from that experienced in the past. If yes, please explain what the changes are. Question #31 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_9021_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #9021 31.1 Please explain why there is no allocation to “propane”. Are there no residential propane water heaters in Québec or is the number so small its proportion rounds to “zero”? Question #32 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_9030_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #9030 32.1 Please confirm that Remuneration and Operating costs are allocated to energy sources based on the total potential financial assistance to be provided by energy source (i.e., number of participants weighted by potential financial assistance). 32.2 If the response to Question 32.1 is yes, please explain why number of participants wasn’t used as the allocator, similar to the approach used for other P/As. Question #33 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, B_NT_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, Activities in the Design Phase (New Technology Sector) 33.1 Please provide supporting schedules that set out how the “Percentages by Energy Source” were derived and in doing so indicate: The various energy balances used (including a full description of each), The weighting factors applied to each energy balance (including description of and the rationale for the weightings used). How the inputs were used to calculate the proposed percentages by energy source. Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 15 de 20 Question #34 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, FD_GLOBAL QP_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #110 34.1 AEE-4, Doc 2, page 6, Footnote #5 states that activities related to the development of the Comprehensive Plan are considered non-administrative P/As. Reference (i) states that all non-administrative P/As previously allocated are used as the allocation base for P/A #110. 34.1.1 Please explain how all non-administrative P/As can be used to determine the allocation base for P/As #110, #121 and #160 when all three are also non-administrative P/As. Does the allocation factor FD_GLOBAL_QP_1011 P include all non-administrative P/As except these three? 34.1.2 Please provide a schedule that sets out the derivation of the allocation factor FD_GLOBAL_QP_10-11 P (i.e., list the non-administrative P/As used, showing the allocation by energy source for each and the resulting total dollars and percentages. Also include the specific adjustments noted in the footnote in Reference (ii)). 34.2 Please confirm whether it is the Remuneration and Operating costs from the nonadministrative P/As that are used to determine this allocation factor or whether the total costs (including Financial Assistance) are used. Please provide the rationale for the approach used as it applies to P/A #110. 34.3 Please provide the rationale for including Complementary Activities in the allocation base for the “Planning and Design of the Comprehensive Plan”. 34.4 Please explain why the approach proposed by AEE is preferable to using the historic overall Québec energy balance (i.e., volumes by energy source) to allocate the costs of “Planning and Design of the Comprehensive Plan” to energy sources. Question #35 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, B_140_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #140 35.1 Reference (ii) describes the allocation factor as the “energy balance weighted as a function of the sectors targeted”. Reference (i) provides an identical description of the allocation factor. Please provide supporting schedules that set out how the “Percentages by Energy Source” shown in Reference (ii) were derived and in doing so indicate: The energy balance used (including a full description), Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 16 de 20 The weighting factors applied to each energy source (including description of and the rationale for the weightings used). How the inputs were used to calculate the proposed percentages by energy source. 35.2 Please provide the rationale for using a different allocation factor for P/A #140 than was used for P/A #110. Question #36 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, FD_PA OPERATION_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #150 iii) AEE-2, Doc 8, page 6 36.1 Please provide a more detailed description as to the types of activities/results that are “monitored” under this P/A. For example, does it include results/activities related to pilot programs financed by the Quota? 36.2 Does the AEE’s monitoring program also provide monitoring support for programs financed by the Green Fund or the Federal Government? If so, does the budget amount for the monitoring system included in the Quota represent total cost of the monitoring system or has a portion of the total costs for the monitoring system been allocated to these non-Quota programs and excluded from the Quota value shown here? 36.3 Please provide a schedule that sets out the derivation of the allocation factors (i.e., list the relevant operational P/As showing the allocation by energy source for each and the resulting total dollars and percentages). 36.4 Please explain why the P/As related to pilot projects are excluded from the allocation factor for P/A #150. 36.5 Please clarify if the derivation of the allocation factors includes or excludes operational P/As financed by the Green Fund or the Federal Government and provide the rationale as it applies to P/A #150. Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 17 de 20 Question #37 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, FD_GLOBAL QP_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #160 Preamble: The first part of Questions 37.1-37.2 is similar to the first part of Questions #34.2 – 34.3 and is repeated here for context. What differs is the second part of each question which focuses here on P/A 160. 37.1 Please confirm whether it is the Remuneration and Operating costs from the nonadministrative P/As that are used to determine this allocation factor or whether the total costs (including Financial Assistance) are used. Please provide the rationale for the approach used as it applies to P/A #160. 37.2 Please provide the rationale for including Complementary Activities in the allocation base for P/A #160. Question #38 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, B_120_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #120 38.1 Please confirm that the energy balance used is based on volumes by energy source. If yes, please explain how the values for the different energy sources were combined into one allocation factor (i.e., what conversion (weighting) factor was used for each source of energy?). Question #39 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, B_130_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #130 iii) AEE-2, Doc 8, pages 9-10. 39.1 Please describe more fully the activities associated with this P/A for 2010-2011 and for which sectors (e.g., Residential, Transportation, Business, etc.) the AEE anticipates energy use could potentially be impacted. 39.2 Reference (i) describes the allocation factor as the “weighted energy balance as a function of the efforts to be made in education and training”. Reference (ii) provides as similar description of the allocation factor. Please provide supporting schedules that set out how the “Percentages by Energy Source” shown in Reference (ii) were derived and in doing so indicate: The energy balances used (including a full description), Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 18 de 20 The weighting factors applied to each energy source (including description of and the rationale for the weightings used). How the inputs were used to calculate the proposed percentages by energy source. Question #40 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, FD_GLOBAL QP_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #121 iii) AEE-2, Doc 8, page 10 Preamble: The first part of Questions 40.3-40.4 is similar to the first part of Question #34.2 – 34.3 and is repeated here for context. What differs is the second part of each question which focuses here on P/A #121. 40.1 Please describe more fully the activities associated with this P/A for 2010-2011. In doing so please confirm whether this P/A excludes communication support specific to pilot and operational P/As and how it relates to P/A #120 (Information and Awareness). 40.2 Please explain why the allocation factor only includes P/As financed by the Quota. 40.3 Please confirm whether it is the Remuneration and Operating costs from the nonadministrative P/As that are used to determine this allocation factor or whether the total costs (including Financial Assistance) are used. Please provide the rationale for the approach used as it applies to P/A #121. 40.4 Please provide the rationale for including Complementary Activities in the allocation base for P/A #121. Question #41 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, FD_GLOBAL AEE_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #1030 iii) AEE-2, Doc 8, page 11 41.1 Please describe more fully the activities associated with this P/A for 2010-2011. In doing so please confirm whether this P/A: Excludes legal support required for hearings before the Régie, Includes legal support specific to pilot and operational P/As. Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 19 de 20 41.2 Please provide a schedule that sets out the derivation of the allocation factors (i.e., list the non-administrative P/As regardless of source of financing showing the allocation by energy source for each and the resulting total dollars and percentages). 41.3 Please explain why the allocation factor for “Legal” includes all non-administrative P/As regardless of the source of financing. 41.4 If the allocation factor includes P/As funded by the Green Fund and Federal Government, how are the energy sources associated with each of the P/As determined? 41.5 Please confirm whether it is the Remuneration and Operating costs from the nonadministrative P/As that are used to determine this allocation factor or whether the total costs (including Financial Assistance) are used. Please provide the rationale for this approach used as it applies to P/A #1030. 41.6 Please provide the rationale for including Complementary Activities in the allocation base for P/A #1030. Question #42 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, FD_PA OPERATION_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #1055 iii) AEE-2, Doc 8, page 11 42.1 Please provide a more detailed description as to the activities associated with this P/A. For example, do the budgets for the operational and pilot P/As include the associated customer service support required or are such customer service support costs included here? 42.2 Does the AEE’s Customer Service program also provide customer service support for programs financed by the Green Fund or the Federal Government? If so, is the budget amount included in the Quota the total cost of the program or has a portion of the costs been allocated to these funding sources and excluded from the Quota amount shown here? 42.3 Please explain why the P/As related to pilot projects are excluded from the allocation factor for P/A #1055. 42.4 Please clarify if the derivation of the allocation factors includes or excludes operational P/As financed by the Green Fund or the Federal Government and provide the rationale as it applies to P/A #1055. Le 4 décembre 2009 No de dossier : R-3709-2009 Demande de renseignements no 1 de l’expert Harper à l’AEÉ Page 20 de 20 42.5 Please provide a schedule that sets out the derivation of the allocation factors (i.e., list the relevant operational P/As showing the allocation by energy source for each and the resulting total dollars and percentages) and provide the rationale for using these P/As as the allocation base. Question #43 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, FD_GLOBAL AEE_10-11 P ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, Administration 43.1 Is a portion of AEE’s total cost for “Administration” allocated and recovered separately from the programs financed by the Green Fund and the Federal Government? If so, please explain why the allocation factor for “Administration” includes all non-administrative P/As regardless of the source of financing. 43.2 Please confirm whether it is the Remuneration and Operating costs from the nonadministrative P/As that are used to determine this allocation factor or whether the total costs (including Financial Assistance) are used. Please provide the rationale for the approach used as it applies to the “Administration” P/A. 43.3 Please provide the rationale for including Complementary Activities in the allocation base for “Administration”. Question #44 Reference: i) AEE-4, Doc 2 and Doc 2.3 ii) AEE-1, Doc 3 44.1 Please provide a schedule that sets out the resulting allocation of AEE’s 2010-2011 Quota budget by energy source, listing separately the allocation for each P/A as described in AEE-4, Doc 2.3. Please ensure the result reconciles with the total reported in AEE-1, Doc 3. 44.2 With respect to Reference (ii) please explain how Depreciation ($365,173) is allocated to energy sources and provide the rationale.