CAMERON UNIVERSITY Staff Evaluation Policy Policy Statement As an integral part of staff development, all university supervisors are required to formally evaluate all administrative and classified staff assigned to their work group at least once a year. All staff are to be included in this review process except students and temporary employees. New employees will receive an evaluation prior to the completion of their probationary period. Contents • • • • • • Who should know this Policy? Responsibilities Procedure Contacts Forms Policy History Who Should Know This Policy √ √ √ √ √ President Vice Presidents Deans Department Chairs Directors Faculty √ Other Accounting/Finance Personnel Students Other Groups √ All Employees Responsibilities Responsible for Policy University Officer Responsible Ninette Carter Page 1 of 6 Vice President for Business and Finance Procedure STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: In support of the above policy statement, the following procedures and information are provided: 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 Evaluations can be a positive means of assisting staff members to develop professionally and improve job performance. An evaluation system is one method management uses to make objectives known so the employee can achieve the goals and performance standards of the department and the University. 1.2 A strong evaluation system should consist of a planning phase and an appraisal phase which are designed to: 1.2.1 Ensure understanding of responsibilities and standards expected of the employee. 1.2.2 Assist the employee and supervisor in identifying new goals and objectives. 1.2.3 Encourage continuous communication between the employee and supervisor. 1.2.4 Serve as a basis for professional development opportunities. 1.2.5 Assess past levels of performance, and goal achievement. 1.3 Staff performance evaluations must not reflect personal prejudice, bias or favoritism on the part of those conducting the ratings or reviews. The results of the evaluation process will be used to assist management in the decision-making process of the following: 1.3.1 Determining staff merit pay increases. 1.3.2 Identifying staff for promotion. 1.3.3 Justifying disciplinary actions. 1.3.4 Identifying and informing staff of deficiencies, training needs and improvement needed. 2.0 TIMING OF PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS 2.1 The performance evaluation process will be conducted: 2.1.1 Two weeks prior to the completion of the 90 day probationary period for new employees. 2.1.2 Annually in April. 2.1.3 As deemed appropriate by the supervisor for below-standard job performance or superior performance. 3.0 PROCESS FOR CONDUCTING PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 3.1. The process for conducting the performance evaluation should consist of the following steps: 3.1.1 Schedule a Performance Evaluation–The supervisor must schedule the performance evaluation. Adequate time should be allowed for preparation, performance review, and the feedback session. Each employee may be afforded an opportunity to provide the supervisor with a self-assessment of his or her job performance for the rating period on the Self-Evaluation Form. The self-evaluation should be submitted to the supervisor prior to the evaluation meeting. The final rating decision is the Page 2 of 6 3.1.2 supervisor’s responsibility, subject to approval of the reviewer and appropriate Vice President, Director of Physical Facilities, or the President. The supervisor must present a draft of his/her proposed ratings to the reviewer prior to conducting the performance appraisal process with the employee. After the performance appraisal draft has been reviewed, the supervisor may provide the employee a copy of the appraisal prior to their performance evaluation meeting. Discuss and complete the performance appraisal process for the current evaluation year using the performance evaluation criteria on the Performance Appraisal Form, which are: 0 The employee has not demonstrated competence in performance. (Performance shows significant limitation. If the individual is to continue in the position, substantial and prompt improvement is necessary.) 1 The employee has demonstrated competence in some aspects of performance, but not all. (Performance is below standard position requirements; improvement is expected.) 2 The employee has demonstrated consistent competence in performance. (Fully meets standard performance requirements for this position. Performance is what is expected.) 3 The employee has consistently performed above standards for position, demonstrating proficiency and effectiveness in all areas. (Results clearly exceed position requirements. Performance is of high quality and is achieved on a consistent basis.) 4 The employee has demonstrated extraordinary and exceptional mastery and expertise in performance. (Performance is unique and extremely significant to the mission of the organization. It is marked with eminence and distinction.) N/A NOT APPLICABLE to the position. 3.1.3 Conduct Performance Planning Evaluation–The supervisor should: Review the employee’s current job description, and other data pertinent to performance and training. These items may be reviewed and discussed with the employee during the performance evaluation. Review with the employee performance standards. Review with the employee developmental activities that have occurred since the previous performance evaluation. Plan for the next evaluation period by discussing with the employee the goals and expected performance standards to achieve those goals. When new, revised, or additional goals are established, the supervisor must ensure the employee is aware of the new standards. 3.1.4 Obtain the Appropriate Signatures–Upon completion of the performance review for the appraisal process, the appraisal document will be signed and dated by the employee, the supervisor, the reviewer and the appropriate Vice President, Director of Physical Facilities, or the President. The supervisor will then forward the appraisal forms to the Personnel Office. (The employee’s signature does not indicate agreement with the evaluation. It acknowledges that the individual has been given an evaluation). Any disagreements with ratings received by the employee should be noted in the Employee Comments section. These comments will be become a permanent part of the employee’s evaluation. Page 3 of 6 3.1.5 File the Paperwork–Copies of the documents will be retained by the supervisor and the employee. 3.1.6 Records for the Personnel Office–Originals of the performance appraisal forms will be maintained in the employee’s official file located in the Personnel Office. 4.0 RESPONSIBILITY 4.1 The supervisor will be responsible for conducting the performance evaluation in a constructive manner that will assist employees in attaining the department’s goals and objectives. The supervisor is also responsible for ensuring that continuous communication occurs between the supervisor and the employee so the employee is aware of the supervisor’s expectations. All personnel actions should be based on proper documentation of performance, which should contain the dates of accomplishments, problems and discussions. The supervisor should apply the same standards when conducting the performance evaluation of probationary employees. Evaluation of probationary employees should be completed 2 weeks prior to the end of their probationary period. 4.2 It is expected that each supervisor will conduct a performance evaluation for employees as outlined. Adhering to timelines and completing evaluation documents is an essential part of management and is an important factor in a supervisor’s performance. 4.3 If the employee’s supervisor leaves during an employee’s performance cycle, the departing supervisor should complete an interim evaluation of the employee’s performance. If a new supervisor is assigned during the performance cycle, the new supervisor should review the performance evaluation of the former supervisor and make necessary modifications prior to determining the employee’s overall evaluation at the end of the performance cycle. 4.4 The new supervisor is responsible for completing the performance evaluation. However, in some cases, the reviewer or other designated person may need to assist the new supervisor in completing the evaluation. 4.5 The reviewer has two responsibilities. First, they review the supervisor’s draft performance evaluation prior to the evaluation being given to the employee. The purpose of this review is to ensure fairness, consistency and to allow the reviewer an opportunity for input to the employee’s evaluation. Second, after the performance evaluation meeting has been conducted and the evaluation signed by the supervisor and employee, the reviewer reviews any changes or comments added to the evaluation. At this time, the reviewer signs the evaluation. A reviewer, appropriate Vice President or Director and the President have the authority to change a supervisor’s evaluation. 4.6 If an employee disagrees with an evaluation and cannot resolve the disagreement with the supervisor, the employee should indicate the reasons for disagreement in the Employee Comments section of the Appraisal Form. 4.7 The Personnel Office will provide all supervisors with notice when evaluations on their employees are due, and maintain the original, completed appraisal forms in each employee’s Page 4 of 6 personnel record. Additionally, the Personnel Office will ensure that all employees have an evaluation completed at least annually. 5.0 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION TRAINING 5.1 All supervisors who conduct performance evaluations are required to attend a training session conducted by the Personnel Office in the techniques of an effective performance evaluation. Training sessions will include presentations and discussions of such subjects as: 5.1.1 Detailed explanation of the employee performance evaluation and rating system. 5.1.2 The requirements and desirability of maintaining an effective and uniform evaluation program within all units of the department. 5.1.3 Caution about the pitfalls or common errors, which can cause problems in performance ratings to include: rating all staff the same, allowing one aspect of a staff member’s performance to influence the entire evaluation, over-valuing or undervaluing a given factor, and discriminating based on race, sex, nationality, religion, etc. NOTE: The following types of leave taken by an employee must not be used to impact the employee’s overall performance rating: overtime, workers’ compensation, military, and Family and Medical Leave. 6.0 DEFICIENCY REVIEW 6.1 In the event that a staff member receives an overall rating of 0 or 1, indicating that he/she has a serious problem concerning performance and/or behavior, the supervisor will conduct a staff deficiency review. This type of review should not be used for minor deficiencies. With documentation as needed, minor matters should be reviewed in the supervisor’s daily contact with the staff member. The following procedures are suggested for conducting a staff deficiency review: 6.1.1 The immediate supervisor or reviewer should initiate the action for a staff deficiency review. 6.1.2 The staff member should be given a clear explanation of the deficient performance or problem behavior(s). 6.1.3 The expected level of performance or behavior and the action necessary to meet the expectations should be outlined, along with a time frame for improvement and the consequences for failure to meet the standards set forth. 6.1.4 At the closing of the review, the staff member should be advised as to when the matter will be discussed again and this date should be noted. 6.1.5 The supervisor will “follow up” the review on the date set to determine whether the staff member is making progress in the correction of the problems outlined in the review, or whether further corrective action is needed. 6.1.6 In the event that the staff member’s performance does not improve, the department may find it necessary to take further disciplinary action, including termination. 6.1.7 Appropriate records should be shared with the employee and reviewer and maintained in the employee’s personnel file. Contacts Policy Questions: Page 5 of 6 Ninette Carter, Vice President for Business and Finance, (580) 581-2226 Forms In support of this policy, the following forms are included: Administrative Staff Self-Evaluation Form (A10) Administrative Staff Performance Appraisal Form (A11) Classified Staff Self-Evaluation Form (C8) Classified Staff Performance Appraisal Form (C9) Staff Performance Planning Form (S12) Policy History Policy Issue Date: Reviewed, no revision: Revised: Revised: Page 6 of 6 March 17, 2005 February 2016 April 5, 2007 March 5, 2009