Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3605-2006 THE TRANSMISSION PROVIDER’S CORPORATE PERFORMANCE REGULATION Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 1 of 16 Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie Original : 2006-07-06 Application R-3605-2006 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 2 of 16 Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3605-2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. CONTEXT .....................................................................................................................4 2. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS................................................................................... 8 3. CORPORATE OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................... 10 Tables Table 1 – Results of performance indicators for 2005…………...………………………9 Table 2- Basic data for the cost ratios……………………………………………………10 Table 3 – 2005 Corporate objectives and results……………………………………….11 Table 4 – 2006 Corporate objectives……………………………………………………..14 Table 5 - Annex- Corporate objectives 2006…………………………………………….15 Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 3 of 16 1 1. CONTEXT 2 In order to adequately set the context for the information presented in the current exhibit, 3 the Transmission Provider considers it important to reiterate the key elements of the 4 Régie‘s recent decisions and orders relative to the Transmission Provider‘s performance 5 indicators and benchmarking, as well as the responses and steps taken by the 6 Transmission Provider to this effect. The following paragraphs report on those key 7 issues. 8 Decision D-2005-50 on Phase 1 of the Transmission Provider’s Rate Application for 9 2005 10 In decision D-2005-50, the Régie upheld the performance indicators that it had selected 11 in its decision D-2002-95 relative to its rate application for 2001, with the exception of the 12 indicator for telecommunication services. It accepted the performance indicators 13 proposed by the Transmission Provider and added indicators regarding the evolution of 14 costs, as a function of the energy and power offered, of net capital assets and of total 15 cost-of-service. It also added environmental indicators. In this way the Régie set the list 16 of the 23 indicators it had selected. Furthermore, the Régie indicated that it continued to 17 expect that the Transmission Provider develop an indicator related to the evaluation of 18 investments relative to projects for which the individual project cost is inferior to $25 19 million. 20 Moreover, the Régie addressed the topic of incentive regulation and pointed out that it 21 sought to put in place incentives. It ordered the Transmission Provider to set new and 22 more ambitious targets and it added a target for the re-establishment of service following 23 a service interruption to the indicator related to the service continuity index. Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 4 of 16 Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3605-2006 1 As for the Benchmarking, the Régie ordered the Transmission Provider to continue its 2 participation in the program of the Committee on Corporate Performance and 3 Productivity Evaluation (COPE) of the Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) and to 4 extend its benchmarking, over time, with data coming from other organizations. In 5 particular, the Régie ordered the Transmission Provider to examine the possibilities 6 offered by the International Council on Large Electric Systems (ICLES), of which it is a 7 member, and to submit its report of the results obtained when it submits its annual 8 report. The Régie also asks the Transmission Provider to submit, in its annual report, the 9 progress status for the works carried out as well as the results. 10 Phase 2 of the Last Rate Application for 2005 (R-3549-2004) 11 In exhibit HQT-1, document 2, Phase 2 of its rate application for 2005, the Transmission 12 Provider commented on the performance indicators selected by the Régie and their 13 targets. The Transmission Provider namely explained that, in its opinion, certain 14 indicators selected by the Régie in decision D-2005-50 did not constitute performance 15 indicators but rather management information or benchmarking indicators. The 16 Transmission Provider also pointed out that it was carrying out the required work to 17 validate and classify these indicators. The Transmission Provider specified that the 18 setting of targets would take place following its evaluation of the work results and that 19 the targets would be included in Hydro-Quebec’s strategic plan and integrated in the 20 Transmission Provider’s business plan. 21 In that same exhibit, the Transmission Provider stated that it would submit, as it had 22 committed itself to doing, a report to present the results of its reflections on incentive 23 regulation as well as a working plan with the Régie and with intervenors. Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 5 of 16 Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3605-2006 1 Report on the Transmission Provider’s Performance Regulation 2 In the Report dated December 2005 regarding its performance regulation, following the 3 example of the expert it called upon, the Transmission Provider states that it believes 4 that it is premature to put in place an incentive regulation regime. As for improving its 5 performance, it proposes to hold technical meetings with Régie representatives and with 6 the interested intervenors. The objective of these meetings is to provide information on 7 the different aspects of the Transmission Provider’s activities and responsibilities as well 8 as to present the main performance indicators and the analysis of their evolution so as to 9 guide the Transmission Provider in the development of strategies and of means geared 10 at improving its efficiency. 11 All the while remembering the difficulties related to benchmarking which are caused by 12 its particular situation, in its report, the Transmission Provider mentions that the 13 benchmarking question can be discussed during the technical meetings, insofar as 14 reliable and relevant data permits. 15 Transmission Provider’s Annual Report 16 In its 2005 annual report, the Transmission Provider presents the results of the 17 performance indicators selected by the Régie as well as information regarding the 18 progress status of the benchmarking work that was carried out. The Transmission 19 Provider reiterates its position insofar as holding technical meetings with the Régie and 20 with intervenors regarding its performance. 21 Decision D-2006-99 Concerning the Creation of a Working Group on the Transmission 22 Provider’s Performance Regulation Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 6 of 16 Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3605-2006 1 In decision D-2006-99 of June 7 2006, the Régie orders the creation of a working group 2 to examine, as a follow-up of decision D-2005-50, the Transmission Provider’s 3 performance regulation. It entrusted the following mandate to the working group: 4 To determine whether indicators must be added to those specified by the Régie 5 in its decision; 6 To set targets for those indicators in compliance with the Régie’s instructions; 7 To determine the means of implementation of these indicators within the 8 Transmission Provider’s activities; 9 To exchange on the use of benchmarking and identify the sources of 10 benchmarking useful to the Transmission Provider’s regulation; and 11 To examine incentives adapted to the Transmission Provider’s regulation. 12 The Régie specified that the meetings must be held between now and October 31, 2006 13 and that the working group will have to produce a report in the 45 days following the date 14 of the last meeting. The report will have to summarize the common and individual 15 positions and recommendations of the participants with respect to the stakes raised by 16 the mandate that was entrusted to the group. 17 Letter from the Transmission Provider Dated July 4, 2006 and Sent to the Working 18 Group 19 Following decision D-2006-99 by the Régie, the Transmission Provider sent a letter to 20 the working group on July 4 2006, within the scope of the work related to its performance 21 regulation, to propose that meetings aimed at addressing four thematic blocks be held. 22 A copy of this letter, including the suggested dates for the meetings and the identification 23 of subjects to be discussed, is included in annex 1. Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 7 of 16 Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3605-2006 1 Because the corporate performance indicators, targets, incentives and benchmarking 2 are subject to discussion, to the taking of positions and to recommendations to the Régie 3 resulting from the working group created by the Régie in decision D-2006-99, in the 4 current application, the Transmission Provider considers it appropriate, as an 5 exceptional and transitional measure, to present only the results until December 31, 6 2005 of the 23 performance indicators selected by the Régie in its decision D-2005-50, 7 as well as the basic data for the cost ratios. It consists of the results and data which 8 were presented in the 2005 Annual Report submitted to the Régie on June 1, 2006, in 9 compliance with Article 75 of the Act respecting the Régie de l’énergie. 10 Moreover, the Transmission Provider supplied information on the corporate objectives 11 established for the profit-sharing and variable remuneration regimes. 12 2. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 13 Table 1 hereafter shows the measure units as well as the results of the Transmission 14 Provider’s corporate performance indicators on December 31, 2005. 15 Thereafter, table 2 shows the basic data for the establishment of the ratios related to the 16 evolution of costs. 17 Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 8 of 16 Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie 1 Application R-3605-2006 Table 1 – Results of Performance Indicators for 2005 Measure units Results Customer satisfaction Quality of partnership with the Distributor Quality of partnership with point-to-point customers Indicator 1 to 10 Indicator 1 to 10 7.8 7.9 Reliability of service Number of scheduled outages and service interruptions Average duration of scheduled outages and service interruptions G1 and G2 Gravity indicators IC-Transmission Average duration of service interruptions by delivery point (SAIDI) Average frequency of service interruptions by delivery point (SAIFI) Number Minutes Number Hour/customer Minutes Number 1 086 48 82 0.93 56.0 0.75 Optimization of operation and management (O&M) CPS1 (Control Performance Standard 1) CPS2 Compliance rate with NERC/NPCC % % % 165.3 99.8 100 Rate 3.63 0 $k/230kV 1.80 $k/GWh $k/MW 3.43 17.31 $k/GWh $k/MW 74.83 377.76 $k/GWh 12.48 $k/MW 63.01 Number Hectares 59 4 713 % 89.9 Corporate social responsibility Frequency of work accidents Deaths by million of population served Evolution of net O&M costs Direct O & M, maintenance and administration costs by 230 kV equivalent kilometer of circuit Net O&M charges as a function of the energy transmitted Net O&M charges as a function of the capacity of the transmission system Evolution of the cost of capital assets Cost of net capital assets as a function of the energy transmitted Cost of net capital assets as a function of the capacity of the transmission system Evolution of the cost-of-service Total cost-of-service, excluding taxes, as a function of the energy transmitted Total cost-of-service, excluding taxes, as a function of the capacity of the transmission system Environmental indicators Accidental spills Surfaces treated with phytocides in the right-of way of transmission lines Rate of reuse of insulating mineral oils 2 Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 9 of 16 Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie 1 Application R-3605-2006 Table 2- Basic data for the cost ratios Numerators Measure 2005 actual Direct operation, management, maintenance and administration costs $ million 372.7 Net operation and management costs $ million 666.0 Cost of capital assets (on December 31, 2005) $ million 14 537.0 Total cost of service excluding taxes $ million 2 424.7 Denominators Measure 2005 actual 230 kV equivalent kilometer of circuit Km 206 839 Transmitted energy GWh 194 257 Network capacity MW 39 233 2 3 3. CORPORATE OBJECTIVES 4 In this section, the Transmission Provider provides information regarding the corporate 5 objectives established for the profit-sharing and variable remuneration regimes during 6 the annual planning process of the business plan. 7 The Transmission Provider begins by indicating the corporate objectives and results 8 achieved for 2005 in table 3 hereafter, which it summarily comments upon. Later, it 9 presents the 2006 corporate objectives approved by Hydro-Quebec’s administration 10 council. Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 10 of 16 Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie 1 Application R-3605-2006 Table 3 – 2005 Corporate objectives and results Hydro 2005 Corporate objectives Quebec Hydro Quebec TransEnergy Division For profit-sharing and variable remuneration regimes Trigger Hydro Quebec's net consolidated benefit must at least be equal to $1 785 million. This financial trigger applies to all corporate objectives. Note: The administration council can revise the financial trigger in events circumstances or events outside of the Board's control that have occurred during the year and that have had one or several major impacts on the net benefit. Results Net Benefit on December 31 2005 Maximum weighting Actual results Actual weighting Threshold Target Ideal Continuity index- Transmission 6.0 0.85 0.65 0.55 0.93 0.00 Reduction rate for point-to-point service transactions (originating from HQT's activities) 2.0 1.0% 0.6% 0.40% 0.18% 2.00 Quality of partnership with Distributor Results for the division CATEGORY A: CUSTOMERS - 40% 2.0 7.1 7.5 7.7 7.8 2.00 Rate of compliance with NERC/NFCC norms 2.0 90% 93% 97% 100% 2.00 Total for category A 12.0 CATEGORY B: EMPLOYEES - 20% Employee mobilization index 3.0 6.24 6.34 6.58 6.60 3.00 Rate for frequency of accidents involving lost time and medical assistance (per 200 000 hours worked) 3.0 4.23 3.83 3.43 3.63 2.50 Total for category B 6.0 $496.8 M + 2006 optimizati-on plan approved by the PDG 8.00 $1227.2 M 4.00 CATEGORY C: SHAREHOLDER – 40% Net O&M costs excluding participations, retirement costs and the impact of norm 3110 ($million) (Net O&M costs minus the revenues from internal billing) Benefit prior to financial fees, taxes and corporate charges (BAII) ($M) (activities of the electric transmission and telecommunications network, excluding the wholesale market point-to-point transmission service, the revenues for the return on equity, the rate case, the retirement charge and the impact of the norm 3110.) 8.0 $530.6 M $525.3 M $525.3 M + 2006 optimizati-on plan approved by the PDG 4.0 $1 173.5 M $1 188.5M $1 193.5M Total for category C 12.0 TOTAL WEIGHTING 30 23.50 Revised objectives approved by the AC on November 11, 2005 2 Continuity index of the transmission service Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 11 of 16 78.33% Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3605-2006 1 The continuity index of the transmission service measures the average duration, in 2 hours, of service interruptions per customer, taking into account scheduled outages and 3 service interruptions on the transmission network. 4 Since the beginning of the 1990s, we observe a net improvement of the continuity index 5 (CI). However, in 2005, this indicator deteriorated and reached 0.93 hour/customer on 6 December 31, 2005. This result can be explained by five major events which, on their 7 own, have contributed to 0.55 hour/customer in the final value of the index. 8 The main causes to have affected the CI in 2005 are related to equipment, atmospheric 9 conditions, fires, human interventions, animals, programmed works or load shedding. 10 However, three causes are at the root of 66% of cases having affected the CI. These 11 are: equipment failure (21%), atmospheric conditions (30%) and planned works (15%). 12 Reduction Rate for Point-to-Point Service Transactions 13 The index measures, as a percentage, the reduction in transactions of confirmed point- 14 to-point transmission services (import-export) with neighbouring networks caused by the 15 Transmission Provider. 16 Quality of Partnership with the Distributor 17 This indicator, developed jointly with Hydro-Quebec’s personnel in its distribution 18 activities (the Distributor) over the past few years, allows for an annual evaluation of the 19 quality of services rendered by the Transmission Provider in following 27 different 20 criteria, grouped in the three following spheres of activity: 21 Native load transmission service; 22 Customer service, communication and billing; and 23 General appreciation. Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 12 of 16 Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3605-2006 1 Essentially, this evaluation is carried out by following a format developed jointly with the 2 Distributor, which is based on the quality partnership model with its Large power 3 customers. 4 Compliance Rate with NERC and NPCC Standards 5 The compliance rate with the regulation of the North-American Electric Reliability 6 Council (NERC) and the Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) measures, as a 7 percentage and on an annual basis, the number of standards with which the 8 Transmission Provider has complied relative to all the standards included in the annual 9 compliance program of the NERC and of the NPCC. 10 Employee Mobilization Index (Indice de mobilization des employés) 11 The employee mobilization index measures the level of satisfaction in the work 12 environment. The index is measured by a survey which is led by a research consulting 13 company. 14 This survey evaluates 29 expectations (defined by the Human Resources function) 15 related to corporate and operational aspects. It consists of a single questionnaire for all 16 units and divisions. The study is carried out via a paper questionnaire and the Internet. 17 The average score or mobilization index corresponds to the average of the 29 18 expectations. 19 Frequency Rate of Accidents Involving Lost Time and Medical Assistance (per 20 200 000 hours worked) 21 The indicator represents the number of accidents involving medical assistance and lost 22 time per 200 000 hours worked. 23 For 2005, we notice an increase in hours worked annually, which amount to 6 088 563, 24 compared with 5 966 695 in 2004. Despite this fact, we note an increase in the rate 25 relative to previous years. 26 The main increase for 2005 is attributable to medical assistance. Falling on the ice at 27 the end of the winter has contributed to the frequency rate. 28 Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 13 of 16 Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie 1 Application R-3605-2006 Table 4 – Corporate Objectives 2006 Hydro Quebec CORPORATE OBJECTIVES 2006 For profit-sharing and variable remuneration regimes Hydro Quebec TransEnergy Division Trigger Hydro Quebec's net consolidated benefit must at least be equal to $2 100 million on December 31, 2006. This financial trigger applies to all corporate objectives. Note: The administration council can revise the financial trigger in events circumstances or events outside of the Board's control that have occurred during the year and that have had one or several major impacts on the net benefit. Maximum weighting Threshold Target Ideal 6.0 0.80 0.60 0.45 CATEGORY A: CUSTOMERS - 50% Continuity index- Transmission Quality of partnership with Distributor - 3 priority actions: Strategic and regulatory harmonization (arrimage) HQT-HQD - Step-down voltage - Satellite posts 5.0 Rate of compliance with NERC/NFCC norms 3.0 Security of TransEnergy's installations of levels 3 and 4 1.0 Total for category A 15.0 See Annex A 94% 97% 100% Threshold + Threshold + 95% No 80% compliance compliance with intrusions in with interior interior perimeters by installations perimeters by DSI audits DSI audits CATEGORY B: EMPLOYEES - 20% Employee mobilization index 3.0 6.30 6.45 6.60 Rate of frequency of accidents involving lost time and medical assistance (per 200 000 hours worked) 3.0 4.57 3.85 3.51 Total for category B 6.0 CATEGORY C: SHAREHOLDER - 30% Benefit prior to financial fees, taxes and corporate charges (BAII) ($M) (activities of the electric transmission network, excluding variations for the following elements: inter-unit sales, revenues for the return on equity, the security of installations and amortization (1) 9.0 $1 388.2 M $1 403.2M $1 410.7M Total for category C 9.0 TOTAL WEIGHTING 30.0 (1) Budget to be revised after validation of budget transfers – April 2006 review. Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 14 of 16 Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie 1 Application R-3605-2006 Table 5 – Annex- Corporate Objectives 2006 Hydro 2006 CORPORATE OBJECTIVES For profit-sharing and variable remuneration regimes Quebec Hydro Quebec TransEnergy Division Maximum weighting CATEGORY A: CUSTOMERS Threshold Target Ideal 50% Quality of partnership with Distributor 5.0 1-Strategic and regulatory harmonization (arrimage) HQT-HQD: 1.5 2- Step-down voltage 2.0 A-Threshold A Establish action plan, complete March 15, 2006 (CME + VPEI + HQD) - Tests calendar (CME) - Availability (VPEI) - Step-down addition (HQD) B-Target B Draw up action plan + carry out tests to quantify the expected contribution C- Ideal C Integrate as management means to a level superior to alert 2 3- Satellite posts: 1.5 a) % of solutions identified on May 31, 2006 - for substations in exceeding capacity (postes en dépassement) between 2005 and 2010, conditional to obtaining the required information from HQD 0.75 70% 85% 100% 0.75 70% 85% 100% b) % of new developments for projects concluded by 23 December 2006 2 3 Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 15 of 16 Hydro- Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3605-2006 1 Annex 1 2 Letter from the Transmission Provider dated July 4, 2006, sent to the working group 3 (original letter attached hereafter)1 1 Please note that the translator has not translated the letter sent by HQT to the working group on July 4, 2006. The original French letter is attached. The word count for the letter was not included in the word count submitted to the Régie in the intervention request submitted by the intervenor, OC, on August 1, 2006. Original : 2006-07-06 HQT-3, Document 1 Page 16 of 16