TAB C-7a New Student Success Initiatives 2015-16

TAB C-7a
New Student Success Initiatives 2015-16
Ben Kearns, Director of the Math Tutoring Center; Jeff Lawson, Department Chair, Mathematics and
Computer Science; John Wagaman, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer
In order to better support the increased demand for STEM programming, and to address specific
concerns related to MATH 130, the Math Department will use the McGraw-Hill product ALEKS
(Assessment and Learning in Knowledge System) to prepare students. Students with a lower probability
of success in this course needing to take this course as part of their degree path will complete the ALEKS
assessment. As a result of assessment, ALEKS will create a personalized remediation program which will
prepare them for the coursework of MATH 130. They will not be able to register for the course until the
remediation is completed, resulting in increased student preparedness and success in course
Proposal to Expand Writing Tutoring Support
Chesney Reich, Director of the Writing and Learning Commons
To address the growing need for writing tutors and the waning availability of graduate tutors, the
Writing and Learning Commons will recruit undergraduate writing tutors. This will provide increased
support for student-clients of the WaLC, create year-to-year continuity in that support, and create new
experiential learning opportunities for undergraduate students.
Clearing the Murk from the Middle: Enhancing the Sophomore Experience with High-Impact Practice
and Strategic Attentiveness
Glenda Hensley, Director of First Year Experience
Designed to foster student satisfaction, as well as the persistence and grit required to complete a degree
path, the proposed program will recruit student participants from middle-range GPAs (known as the
“murky middle”), and tie them to their program of study in various ways. Strategies include: learning
communities, internships, service learning, research opportunities, and others. Intended outcomes are
a greater sense of connection with their program and with WCU, measurable increases in student
satisfaction, persistence, and retention.
Incentivizing Peer Leadership Positions to Support Summer Learning Communities
Chesney Reich, Director of the Writing and Learning Commons; Ben Kearns, Director of the Math
Tutoring Center; Glenda Hensley, Director of First Year Experience; Mattie Davenport, Associate Director
of the Writing and Learning Commons
Due to recent growth of WCU’s Summer Learning Communities, an increased number of upper-class
peer leaders to serve as peer educators. Recently this increased need has led to hiring outside staff, as
the compensation for this work (5 weeks at $10/hr) do not offset the costs (housing, food, tuition, etc.)
of a summer at WCU. This program will provide each of these students with a $1000 stipend for either
summer tuition or study abroad expenses, simultaneously providing peer educator support for SLCs, as
well as increasing the upper-classman participation in summer classes and educational travel.
Enhancing Student Success Initiatives to Support First Generation College Students
Glenda Hensley, Director of First Year Experience; Chesney Reich, Director of the Writing and Learning
Commons; Travis Bulluck, Director of the Advising Center
This First Generation Program (FGP) will assist first-generation students in the transition to college life
via an academic learning community, Peer Academic Coaches, and enhanced academic advising. This
program seeks to boost retention in first-generation students so that it may be equal to the rate of the
student body as a whole.