AGSH Student Funding Opportunities for Travel to Conferences HOW & WHERE TO APPLY: 

AGSH Student Funding Opportunities for Travel to Conferences
HOW & WHERE TO APPLY: Plan your travel as far ahead as possible and submit funding requests to all funding sources that are applicable to your situation.
A. AGSH/SGA Funding
If you are a member of AGSH, you are entitled to apply for Student Government Association (SGA) student activity fee funds through AGSH to attend and present at conferences. To apply for these funds:
1. Complete the Application for Student Activity Fee Form in conjunction with others attending the conference. 2. Submit your application to the AGSH treasurer on or before the date indicated by the treasurer.
B. MTSU College of Graduate Studies Funding
All graduate students in the history department who are presenting at a conference are eligible for up to $500 per academic year from the College of Graduate Studies; Students may apply for funds multiple times as long as the total requested in the course of the year does not exceed $500. For example, if you present at two conferences you could apply for $250 for one conference and $250 for another conference. These funds are distributed on a first come, first served basis. So apply early­­ preferably at the same time you apply for all other funds. To apply for these funds:
1.Complete the College of Graduate Studies Student Travel Application Form and a Travel Authorization Request.
2. Submit both forms to Kathy Slager, the history department graduate program secretary and she will forward them to CGS.
C. Public History Program Funding
If you are a public history student and you are presenting at a conference, you are eligible for up to $250 per conference from the Public History budget. If you are not presenting, you are eligible for up to $150 per conference. Funds are limited, however, and are intended to defray travel costs not covered by AGSH and/or the College of Graduate Studies. So apply early—preferably at the same time you apply for all other funds. To apply for these funds:
1. Complete and file the Request for Student Travel Assistance [see student handbook] with Kathy Slager, the history department graduate program secretary.
2. Complete and file Travel Authorization Request with Kathy Slager, the history department graduate program secretary Rev. February 2014
AGSH Student Funding Opportunities for Travel to Conferences
A. AGSH/SGA Funding
1. If AGSH/SGA awards you funding, as soon as you return from your conference, complete the Student Activity Fee Reimbursement Request.
2. Submit the form along with your travel receipts to the AGSH treasurer. As a courtesy to the treasurer, please provide a list of any receipts you will NOT submit to AGSH and the name of the office or offices to which you plan to submit those receipts.
IMPORTANT: Give the treasurer ORIGINAL RECEIPTS THAT HAVE YOUR NAME ON THEM and keep a copy for yourself. NOTE: You may request reimbursement for registration fees, travel costs (such as airfare, fuel, and rental cars), and lodging costs. It is rare for all of the costs to be covered, and you will not be reimbursed until after you submit your receipts and the treasurer receives the funding from SGA. B. MTSU College of Graduate Studies Funding
1. Complete the Request for Student Travel Reimbursement [see student handbook] and Travel Expenses Claim
2. Submit the forms with your receipts to Kathy Slager, the history department graduate program secretary, within 30 days of your return.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT SUBMIT RECEIPTS THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY SUBMITTED TO THE AGSH TREASURER. Instead submit receipts for uncovered costs. You may also submit a request for per diem costs to cover meals; this does not require receipts and is not covered by AGSH funding.
NOTE: Give Kathy Slager, the history department graduate program secretary, ORIGINAL RECEIPTS THAT HAVE YOUR NAME ON THEM and keep a copy for yourself.
C. Public History Program Funding
1. Complete the Request for Student Travel Reimbursement [see student handbook] and the Travel Expenses Claim
2. Submit the forms with your receipts to Kathy Slager, the history department graduate program secretary, within 30 days of your return.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT SUBMIT RECEIPTS THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY SUBMITTED TO THE AGSH TREASURER OR TO THE COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES. Instead submit receipts for uncovered costs. If you have not already requested per diem costs from the College of Graduate Studies, you may request a per diem from the Public History program.
NOTE: Give Kathy Slager, the history department graduate program secretary, ORIGINAL RECEIPTS THAT HAVE YOUR NAME ON THEM and keep a copy for yourself.
Rev. February 2014
AGSH Student Funding Opportunities for Travel to Conferences
Quick Reference Guide to Forms
Form Title
Association of Graduate Students in History (AGSH) & Student Government Association (SGA)
Application for Student Activity Fee Form
MTSU College of Graduate Studies
Public History Program Funding
Student Activity Fee Reimbursement Request
Student Travel Application, College of Graduate Studies
For Access Online
Find both forms here:
Student Travel Application, CGS
Travel Authorization Request
Travel Authorization Request (individual); interactive form found here: MTSU Business Office
Travel Expenses Claim
Request for Student Travel Assistance, Public History Program
Travel Expenses Claim; Excel spreadsheet found here: MTSU Business Office
Request for Student Travel Assistance Forms:
Refer to MAPH Handbook, page 32
Refer to Ph.D. Handbook, page 24
Travel Authorization Request
Travel Authorization Request (individual) interactive form found here: MTSU Business Office
Request for Student Travel Reimbursement, Public History Program
Request for Student Travel Reimbursement Forms:
Refer to MAPH Handbook, page 33
Refer to Ph.D. Handbook, page 25
Travel Expenses Claim
Travel Expenses Claim; Excel spreadsheet found here: MTSU Business Office
Often conferences will offer their own scholarships or waive registration fees for volunteers, so be creative. If you have additional questions, please contact AGSH faculty advisor Mary Hoffschwelle at
Rev. February 2014