2002-2006 Goal 2: Design, implement, and evaluate a high quality curriculum and set of experiences related to diversity. OBJECTIVES 2.1 Continue the integration issues in diversity into the curriculum and faculty/staff development activities. ACTION AGENT EVALUATION Dean, Department Heads, Diversity Committee, Assess annual progress review reports. Faculty. 2.2 Establish a diversity component of portfolios required Professional Education Faculty. of pre-service teachers that contain documentation of knowledge, skills and dispositions that should be acquired both before and during the internship or student teaching. Required activities include attendance at workshops and presentations about topics related to diversity and service learning activities. Review sample portfolios. Graduate Assistant in Office of Field Experience to collect evidence of student attendance and papers 2.3 Continue to build on and correlate content of methods and core courses with INTASC Standard 3 Diverse Learners for beginning teachers. Professional Education Faculty. Assess course syllabi relative to Standard 3. 2.4 Continue to collaborate with Emporia State University via a diversity-related assessment training grant from the US Department of Education's Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education (FIPSE). Dean's Office, Grant Coordinator, Teacher Education Faculty. Use assessment devices established for the grant. 2.5 Locate and maintain a pool of resources for diversity in the community, e.g. The Center for Diversity in Asheville. Dean's Office, Department Heads, Faculty, Staff. Annually review activities/experiences with Center and other sources in the community. 2.6 Lesson plans assigned in methods courses include a component that addresses the "Unique Learner." Professional Education Faculty. Review lesson plans developed by candidates. 8 2002-2006 OBJECTIVES 2.7 Support and participate in initiatives related to closing the achievement gap and providing attention to diverse learners sponsored by the UNC system Center for School Leadership Development (CSLD). ACTION AGENT Dean, SUTEP, Professional Education Faculty, Staff. EVALUATION Assess faculty activity sheets. 2.8 Encourage and reward Professional Education Faculty/ Dean, Department Heads, SUTEP Director. Staff to participate in special seminars and course development activities related to commanding and modeling the specific knowledge, skills and dispositions needed to assist teacher education candidates to be successful in teaching diverse student populations sponsored by the state in response to the implementation plan from the NC Advisory Commission on Raising Achievement and Closing Gaps. Assess faculty activity sheets. Surveys on workshops. 2.9 Establish a Diversity Book Club for Faculty/Staff and Candidates in the College of Education and Allied Professions. Maintain minutes of club meetings and records of attendance. Faculty, Staff, Candidates. 2.10 Schedule meetings every semester at which Professional Professional Education Faculty. Education Faculty can share teaching strategies that address issues related to diversity. Maintain minutes of meetings and records of attendance. 2.11 Review curricula in the professional core and in methods Professional Education Faculty. CEAP Curriculum Committee. courses to ensure that candidates receive adequate instruction in all the dimensions of diversity and exceptionality. Review records of Curriculum Committee. 9