General Education Report General Education Test (MAPP, Short Form) Middle Tennessee State University AY 2006 - 07 Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Planning and Research June, 2007 Table of Contents General Education Test (MAPP, Short Form) Middle Tennessee State University AY 2006 - 07 Table of Contents i Executive Summary ii Average Total Scores: College, University & National 3 Summary by College and Major AY 06 - 07 4 Comparison by College and Year (graph) 10 Percentage of Students Proficient at Each Skill Level (Subscores Graph) 11 Percentage of Students Proficient at Each Skill Level (Subscores Table) 12 Comparison of Subscores 13 Scaled Subscore Distributions (graphs) 14 i Middle Tennessee State University General Education Report: 2006-2007 Executive Summary This report presents results for seniors who took the ETS Measure of Academic Proficiency and Progress (MAPP) exam during 2006-07. The MAPP test, ETS's successor to the Academic Profile, was MTSU’s chosen instrument to assess general education as required by the Tennessee Performance Funding program. The goal of the MAPP is to assess student skills in college-level reading, writing, critical thinking, and mathematics in context of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Fall 2006 was the first administration of the MAPP test at MTSU. In summary, the 446.83 average Total Score for seniors tested was below the 451.31 average Total Score for doctoral/research institutions. MTSU will receive 14 out of a maximum of 15 points for this Performance Funding standard. MTSU’s average Total Score was 446.83 compared to the national average of 451.31 for doctoral/research institutions. Mean scores in all colleges were lower compared to 2005-2006. Subscore means for the year are not available; however, spring 2007 means were all higher than those for fall 2006. (p. 12) Critical thinking scores continue to improve and are above the national mean. The Performance Funding general education standard carries a maximum value of 15 points. An institution's annual average score must equal or exceed its comparison score to receive the full 15 points. The 2006-07 results equate to 14 points. Each point resulted in an additional $62,468 in state funding for MTSU's 2005-06 Performance Funding results, and the amount will likely increase for the 2006-07 report. MTSU will use the California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) as its General Education Exam for Performance Funding purposes beginning Summer, 2007. ii Summary by College General Education Test (MAPP, Short Form) Middle Tennessee State University AY 2006-07 % Mean Std Dev Median Min Max Range Basic & Applied Sciences Business Education and Behavioral Science Liberal Arts Mass Communication Continuing Education & Distance Learning MTSU Total Graduates COLLEGE: No. Tested Score Range 400 - 500 217 242 729 748 35.4 40.5 449.81 443.23 17.53 17.75 447 442 413 409 494 498 81 89 258 212 217 826 620 584 38.2 41.1 47.3 443.97 450.28 448.11 16.38 21.24 17.76 443 447 447 406 400 411 494 499 500 88 99 89 18 1164 121 3628 20.0 39.5 444.89 446.83 15.93 18.28 447 444 418 400 477 500 59 100 Average Total Scores: College, University & National Score Range 400 - 500 Average Total Score College: Basic & Applied Sciences 2001-02 Business Education & Behavioral Science Liberal Arts Mass Communication Continuing Education & Distance Learning 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 453.25 452.10 452.66 451.77 451.12 449.81 449.13 448.99 448.72 447.61 447.77 443.23 445.18 446.28 445.50 444.85 445.29 443.97 453.48 452.49 452.34 449.93 452.07 450.28 451.61 452.17 452.27 450.95 451.05 448.11 MTSU Grand Total 443.56 450.15 450.05 449.88 449.95 449.98 446.24 446.50 448.71 449.09 444.89 446.83 National 449.70 450.76 450.40 450.40 451.84 451.31 Page 3 Gen. Ed. Report AY 2006-07 IEPR, 06/07 College of Basic and Applied Sciences General Education Test (MAPP, Short Form) Middle Tennessee State University AY 2006-07 No. Tested Graduates % Mean Std Dev Median Min. Value Max. Value Range Score Range 400 - 500 47 155 35.4 448.17 17.96 443 414 494 80 AGRIBUSINESS 2 19 11.8 422.00 1.41 422 421 423 2 ANIMAL SCIENCE 12 43 35.3 443.00 14.61 439 423 471 48 BIOLOGY 35 93 46.1 458.26 19.17 464 425 491 66 Major AEROSPACE CHEMISTRY 14 32 51.9 443.64 13.17 440 423 473 50 CONCRETE INDUSTRY MANAGEMENT 14 55 34.2 438.29 11.57 435 425 460 35 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT TECHNO 4 14 28.6 432.25 5.74 433 425 439 14 COMPUTER SCIENCE 10 35 30.3 451.90 17.44 451 425 481 56 ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 12 32 48.0 445.33 16.89 445 413 471 58 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE TECHNOLO 1 7 16.7 440.00 0.00 440 440 440 0 INDUSTRIAL TECHOLOGY 3 7 42.9 449.33 8.33 452 440 456 16 MATHEMATICS 9 28 36.0 465.44 20.42 460 440 494 54 NURSING 44 145 33.6 452.14 13.07 449 435 483 48 0 429 0 SCIENCE 5 29 29.4 463.80 20.84 464 440 490 50 UNIVERSITY STUDIES 3 17 23.1 437.67 17.62 443 418 452 34 Range 473 429 Max 473 429 Min 473 0.00 Median 0.00 429.00 Std Dev 473.00 11.1 Mean 20.0 13 % 5 1 Graduates 1 PLANT AND SOIL SCIENCE No. Tested PHYSICS Basic & Applied Sciences 217 729 35.4 449.81 17.53 447 413 494 81 Business 242 748 40.5 443.23 17.75 442 409 498 89 Education & Behavioral Science 258 826 38.2 443.97 16.38 443 406 494 88 Liberal Arts 212 620 41.1 450.28 21.24 447 400 499 99 Mass Communication Continuing Education & Distance Learning MTSU Total 217 584 47.3 448.11 17.76 447 411 500 89 18 1164 121 3628 20.0 39.5 444.89 446.83 15.93 18.28 447 444 418 400 477 500 59 100 COLLEGE: Page 4 Gen. Ed. Report AY 2006-07 IEPR, 06/07 Jennings A. Jones College of Business General Education Test (MAPP, Short Form) Middle Tennessee State University AY 2006-07 Range Max. Value Min. Value Median Std Dev Mean % Graduates Major No. Tested Score Range 400 - 500 68 482 64 BUSINESS EDUCATION 6 22 30.0 433.50 11.88 434 414 447 33 ECONOMICS 3 8 42.9 472.00 14.18 477 456 483 27 ENTREPRENEURSHIP 11 41 30.6 443.09 14.22 444 421 464 43 FINANCE 26 101 29.9 446.50 18.68 448 423 477 54 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 25 72 43.1 438.20 22.47 428 409 498 89 MANAGEMENT 39 105 48.8 440.77 16.94 437 409 478 69 MARKETING 64 177 47.8 442.39 16.43 442 409 489 80 OFFICE MANAGEMENT 2 11 28.6 444.50 27.58 445 425 464 39 Range 477 418 Max 409 438 Min 450 18.18 Median 14.72 443.18 Std Dev 449.04 39.2 Mean 39.4 118 % 93 38 Graduates 28 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION NO. Tested ACCOUNTING Basic & Applied Sciences Business 217 242 729 748 35.4 40.5 449.81 443.23 17.53 17.75 447 442 413 409 494 498 81 89 Education & Behavioral Science Liberal Arts Mass Communication Continuing Education & Distance Learning MTSU Total 258 212 217 826 620 584 38.2 41.1 47.3 443.97 450.28 448.11 16.38 21.24 17.76 443 447 447 406 400 411 494 499 500 88 99 89 18 1164 121 3628 20.0 39.5 444.89 446.83 15.93 18.28 447 444 418 400 477 500 59 100 COLLEGE: Page 5 Gen. Ed. Report AY 2006-07 IEPR, 06/07 College of Education and Behavioral Science General Education Test (MAPP, Short Form) Middle Tennessee State University AY 2006-07 No. Tested Graduates % Mean Std Dev Median Min. Value Max. Value Range Score Range 400 - 500 4 11 40.0 449.25 15.44 453 428 464 36 Criminal Justice Administration 51 112 56.7 443.10 18.78 440 418 494 76 Early Childhood Education 13 41 31.7 449.54 13.21 450 429 473 44 Family and Consumer Studies 9 32 56.3 441.22 20.10 432 425 478 53 Health Education 5 26 26.3 437.80 10.90 433 427 450 23 Interior Design 14 39 36.8 447.93 21.34 446 418 477 59 I/O Psychology 5 19 35.7 454.40 16.13 452 437 481 44 Interdisciplinary Studies 63 211 30.3 444.02 13.17 443 415 478 63 Nutrition and Food Science 4 28 40.0 455.00 8.29 455 447 464 17 Physical Education 29 97 40.3 442.62 15.89 443 415 482 67 Psychology 37 128 36.6 446.16 18.34 443 406 491 85 Recreation and Leisure Services 3 23 42.9 445.00 2.00 445 443 447 4 Special Education 4 15 28.6 436.00 9.31 434 427 449 22 Textiles Merchandising and Design 17 44 47.2 434.53 14.55 437 409 478 69 Major NO. Tested Graduates % Mean Std Dev Median Min Max Range Athletic Training Basic & Applied Sciences Business Education & Behavioral Science 217 242 258 729 748 826 35.4 40.5 38.2 449.81 443.23 443.97 17.53 17.75 16.38 447 442 443 413 409 406 494 498 494 81 89 88 Liberal Arts Mass Communication 212 217 620 584 41.1 47.3 450.28 448.11 21.24 17.76 447 447 400 411 499 500 99 89 Continuing Education & Distance Learning MTSU Total 18 1164 121 3628 20.0 39.5 444.89 446.83 15.93 18.28 447 444 418 400 477 500 59 100 COLLEGE: Page 6 Gen. Ed. Report AY 2006-07 IEPR, 06/07 College of Liberal Arts General Education Test (MAPP, Short Form) Middle Tennessee State University AY 2006-07 No. Tested Graduates % Mean Std Dev Median Min. Value Max. Value Range Score Range 400 - 500 Anthropology 8 21 50.0 458.38 18.52 456 437 483 46 Art Education 5 14 35.7 444.60 13.24 449 425 460 35 Major Art History 2 3 66.7 457.50 21.92 458 442 473 31 Art 11 28 50.0 449.00 18.08 450 425 478 53 Economics 2 5 50.0 461.00 16.97 461 449 473 24 English 39 89 51.3 457.08 19.06 456 421 499 78 Foreign Languages 8 27 36.4 474.13 18.80 480 442 499 57 Geoscience 5 14 45.5 452.60 22.55 445 432 491 59 Global Studies 0 3 0.0 History 9 40 28.1 455.11 16.33 452 435 478 43 International Studies 6 15 50.0 434.00 22.44 433 400 464 64 55 447 36 Philosophy Political Science Sociology Social Work 4 35 10 19 16 87 27 52 28.6 49.3 40.0 36.5 468.50 448.94 439.50 442.16 19.43 20.42 22.90 22.15 467 447 431 442 447 418 414 409 494 499 482 494 47 81 68 85 Speech and Theatre 11 45 36.7 447.64 21.75 447 418 478 60 University Studies 17 70 34.0 440.35 19.67 437 416 481 65 Range 486 411 Max 431 432 Min 474 9.89 Median 18.63 430.50 Std Dev 464.82 27.8 Mean 45.8 40 % 24 10 Graduates 11 Organizational Communication NO. Tested Music Basic & Applied Sciences Business Education & Behavioral Science Liberal Arts 217 242 258 212 729 748 826 620 35.4 40.5 38.2 41.1 449.81 443.23 443.97 450.28 17.53 17.75 16.38 21.24 447 442 443 447 413 409 406 400 494 498 494 499 81 89 88 99 Mass Communication 217 584 47.3 448.11 17.76 447 411 500 89 Continuing Education & Distance Learning MTSU Total 18 1164 121 3628 20.0 39.5 444.89 446.83 15.93 18.28 447 444 418 400 477 500 59 100 COLLEGE: Page 7 Gen. Ed. Report AY 2006-07 IEPR, 06/07 College of Mass Communication General Education Test (MAPP, Short Form) Middle Tennessee State University AY 2006-07 Range 89 70 Range Max. Value 500 491 Max Min. Value 411 421 Min Median 442 450 Median Std Dev 17.92 17.45 Std Dev Mean 446.24 450.11 Mean % 43.75 51.72 % 324 260 Graduates 112 105 NO. Tested MASS COMMUNICATION RECORDING INDUSTRY Graduates Major No. Tested Score Range 400 - 500 Basic & Applied Sciences Business Education & Behavioral Science Liberal Arts Mass Communication 217 242 258 212 217 729 748 826 620 584 35.4 40.5 38.2 41.1 47.3 449.81 443.23 443.97 450.28 448.11 17.53 17.75 16.38 21.24 17.76 447 442 443 447 447 413 409 406 400 411 494 498 494 499 500 81 89 88 99 89 Continuing Education & Distance Learning MTSU Total 18 1164 121 3628 20.0 39.5 444.89 446.83 15.93 18.28 447 444 418 400 477 500 59 100 COLLEGE: Page 8 Gen. Ed. Report AY 2006-07 IEPR, 06/07 College of Continuing Education & Distance Learning General Education Test (MAPP, Short Form) Middle Tennessee State University AY 2006-07 Range 44 59 Range Max. Value 467 477 Max Min. Value 423 418 Min Median 447 447 Median Std Dev 14.11 19.68 Std Dev Mean 444.73 445.14 Mean % 15.3 38.9 % 90 31 Graduates 11 7 NO. Tested LIBERAL STUDIES PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Graduates Major No. Tested Score Range 400 - 500 Basic & Applied Sciences Business Education & Behavioral Science Liberal Arts Mass Communication 217 242 258 212 217 729 748 826 620 584 35.4 40.5 38.2 41.1 47.3 449.81 443.23 443.97 450.28 448.11 17.53 17.75 16.38 21.24 17.76 447 442 443 447 447 413 409 406 400 411 494 498 494 499 500 81 89 88 99 89 Continuing Education & Distance Learning MTSU Total 18 1164 121 3628 20.0 39.5 444.89 446.83 15.93 18.28 447 444 418 400 477 500 59 100 COLLEGE: Page 9 Gen. Ed. Report AY 2006-07 IEPR, 06/07 College: Basic & Applied Sciences Business Education & Behavioral Science Liberal Arts Mass Communication Continuing Education & Distance 454 AY 2005-06 AY 2006-07 451.12 447.77 445.29 452.07 451.05 446.50 449.81 443.23 443.97 450.28 448.11 444.89 Comparison by College and Year General Education Test (MAPP, Short Form) Middle Tennessee State University AY 2006-07 Score Range 400 - 500 452 450 448 446 444 442 440 438 Basic & Applied Sciences Business Education & Behavioral Science Liberal Arts Mass Communication Continuing Education & Distance Learning AY 2005-06 451.12 447.77 445.29 452.07 451.05 446.50 AY 2006-07 449.81 443.23 443.97 450.28 448.11 444.89 Page 10 Gen. Ed. Report AY 2006-07 IEPR, 06/07 Fall 2006 Skill Dimension Critical Thinking Reading Level 1 Reading Level 2 Writing Level 1 Writing Level 2 Writing Level 3 General Spring 2007 7% Education - Skills Subscores Percentage of Students Proficient at Each Level AY 2006-07 10% 71% 72% 44% 45% 69% 70% 60% 21% 24% 50% 8% 11% 60% 59% 30% 32% 8% 9% 80% 70% Mathematics Level 1 40% Mathematics Level 2 Mathematics 30% Level 3 20% 10% 0% Critical Thinking Reading Level 1 Reading Level 2 Writing Level 1 Writing Level 2 Writing Level 3 Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Fall 2006 7% 71% 44% 69% 21% 8% 60% 30% 8% Spring 2007 10% 72% 45% 70% 24% 11% 59% 32% 9% The skills measured by the MAPP test are grouped into proficiency levels - three proficiency levels for writing, three for mathematics, and three for the combined set of skills involved in reading and critical thinking. The table and graph show the number and percentage of students who are proficient, marginal, and not proficient at each proficiency level in reading and critical thinking, writing, and mathematics. A student classified as marginal is one whose test results do not provide enough evidence to classify the student either as proficient or as not proficient. Page 11 AY 2006-07 IEPR, 06/07 Subscores General Education Test (MAPP, Short Form) Middle Tennessee State University Spring 2004 - Spring 2007 Percent of Students Proficient at Each Level Skill Dimension Critical Thinking Spring 2004 Summer 2004 Fall 2004 Spring 2005 Summer 2005 Fall 2005 Spring 2006 Fall 2006 Spring 2007 Nat'l 5% 4% 4% 5% 4% 6% 6% 7% 10% 6% Reading Level 1 87% 75% 75% 75% 75% 74% 74% 71% 72% 74% Reading Level 2 43% 43% 41% 44% 41% 41% 43% 44% 45% 42% Writing Level 1 76% 73% 72% 75% 75% 74% 76% 69% 70% 73% Writing Level 2 26% 24% 21% 25% 23% 22% 25% 21% 24% 23% Writing Level 3 12% 11% 9% 12% 11% 11% 12% 8% 11% 11% Mathematics Level 1 61% 61% 55% 58% 59% 58% 59% 60% 59% 61% Mathematics Level 2 34% 32% 27% 30% 29% 26% 31% 30% 32% 33% Mathematics Level 3 8% 5% 6% 7% 7% 5% 6% 8% 9% 9% Summary of Subscore Means Spring 2004 Summer 2004 Fall 2004 Spring 2005 Summer 2005 Fall 2005 Spring 2006 Fall 2006 Spring 2007 Nat'l Critical Thinking 112.5 111.7 111.8 112.2 111.8 112.0 112.5 112.7 113.1 112.1 Reading 120.4 120.2 120.1 120.3 120.0 120.2 120.2 118.9 119.4 120.1 Writing 116.0 115.6 115.4 115.8 115.8 115.6 115.9 114.8 114.9 115.5 Mathematics 114.7 114.4 113.9 114.3 114.1 113.9 114.4 113.2 113.7 114.7 Skill: Page 12 Gen. Ed. Report AY 2006-07 IEPR, 06/07 Scaled Scores Distribution General Education Test (MAPP, Short Form) Middle Tennessee State University AY 2006-07 Possible Range Mean Score 95% Confidence Limits* for Mean Standard Deviation 400 to 500 447.04 446 to 448 18.26 433 444 460 Critical Thinking 100 to 130 112.91 112 to 114 6.21 108 111 117 Reading 100 to 130 119.16 118 to 120 6.3 115 119 124 Writing 100 to 130 114.81 114 to 116 4.35 112 114 117 Mathematics 100 to 130 113.46 113 to 114 5.88 108 113 117 Humanities 100 to 130 115.86 115 to 117 6.14 111 115 120 Social Sciences 100 to 130 114.66 114 to 115 5.74 111 114 119 Natural Sciences 100 to 130 116.17 115 to 117 5.45 113 117 121 Total Score 25th 50th 75th Percentile Percentile Percentile Skills Subscores: Context-Based Subscores: *The confidence limits are based on the assumption that the questions contributing to each scaled score are a sample from a much larger set of possible questions that could have been used to measure those same skills. If the group of students taking the test is a sample from some larger population of students eligible to be tested, the confidence limits include both sampling of students and sampling of questions as factors that could cause the mean score to vary. The confidence limits indicate the precision of the mean score of the students actually tested, as an estimate of the "true population mean" - the mean score that would result if all the students in the population could somehow be tested with all possible questions. These confidence limits were computed by a procedure that has a 95 percent probability of producing upper and lower limits that will surround the true population mean. The population size used in the calculation of the confidence limits for the mean scores in this report is 1167. Page 13 Gen. Ed. Report IEPR, 06/07 Scaled Scores Distribution General Education Test (MAPP, Short Form) Middle Tennessee State University AY 2006-07 Mean: 115.86 Mean: 114.66 Mean: 116.17 Page 14 Gen. Ed. Report AY 2006-07 IEPR, 06/07 Scaled Scores Distribution General Education Test (MAPP, Short Form) Middle Tennessee State University AY 2006-07 Mean: 112.91 Mean: 119.16 Mean: 114.81 Mean: 113.46 Page 15 Gen. Ed. Report IEPR, 06/07