Summary of Budget Suggestions, Spring 2011 Theme Staff Suggestion Administration Response The college will be installing a scoreboard on the athletic field that will generate some income from advertising. Advertising Generate revenue by selling advertising space on fields and signage along 202. Advertising space has also been sold in the Bradley Center Arena. However, the college will limit the type and amount of advertising in order to maintain the aesthetics of our property. The college will be installing a score board on the athletic field that will generate some income from advertising. Have also sold advertising space in the Bradley Center. Assets Sell outdated equipment to help reduce the budget. Currently being reviewed through on-line auction selling as well as through salvage companies. Outside entities that are renting space pay the college to cover the costs. Budgeting Benefits Budgeting Eliminate outside events if they cost more than they are worth. Some events are held as a cost of doing business and are needed to support our own programs. Currently reviewing further operating support from outside events. Eliminate the employee Eliminating this benefit may further reduce dependent waivers and/or the morale of employees. The College temporarily suspend encourages development of its employees tuition reimbursement and the amount allocated per year for this benefit. benefit is minor. Implement across the This option continues to be under board, unit or consideration. Cost reductions are being departmental based cuts. reviewed strategically rather than across the board. Implement a “use it or lose it” policy at year end Most year end purchasing is scheduled and for budget surpluses. planned. We have instituted cuts to units in 4 out of the past 5 years. 2007: 2% cut to all academic units and 3% to all administrative units, 2008: 2% across the board cuts to all units. 2009: targeted amounts to be cut by division. 2011: targeted cuts. FY12: targeted cuts. Most units do not have excess discretionary funds left at year end. A use it or lose it methodology is known to increase spending at year end on unnecessary items. A review of the budgets with discretionary funds at year end will be undertaken. Capital Suspend improvements to Havemeyer House. Closing Limit workforce during the Christmas break and negotiate working the following holidays, Columbus Day, Election Day, Veterans Day, and Presidents Day, to give everyone off during the winter breaks. Closing Declare a financial crisis; Close the College during spring break and the week following Commencement. Closing Close the college the week before or after July fourth and ask that people consider taking 2 days furlough that week to help the College out. The Havemeyer House which is occupied by the President is a college owned asset and is repaired and renovated as are all other buildings on campus. “Eligibility – Employees will be paid special project rates for work done in excess of normal work hours on emergency maintenance, construction or other related activities in situations which constitute unreasonable safety hazards to the public, employees, or property of the State.” See website for additional details: contacting our snow removal contractor. Using inhouse staff, during normal or overtime hours, realizes a significant cost savings as opposed to utilizing an outside contractor. The college does institute a flex week for the week of spring break. Closing the college after Commencement is not feasible as summer school begins the day after Commencement and the college must remain open and offices staffed. However, voluntary furlough is an option for any employee who wishes to take this time off. Closing the college in July is not feasible as summer school is in session and the college and offices must remain open. It is also fiscal year end and the start of a new fiscal year and a very busy time for Also, close the College March 18th (Spring Break week) and ask everyone to take a furlough day. Closing If the college closed for the first week of 2012 (with Monday 1/2/12 being a holiday) there would be energy savings. many offices on campus. Closing the college for a week is considered a layoff under state statute and would have to be negotiated. The College is already closed at the end of December. This closing was locally negotiated. Closing for two weeks straight would have to be negotiated. Any forced closure would be considered a layoff. Again, employees are encouraged to take voluntary furlough. Closing Make some holidays furlough days. Holidays are state benefits and can not be converted to furlough days. Contracting Contract for outside transportation services Purchasing is currently exploring the idea of issuing an RFP for all transportation services including vans, and car rentals. Enrollment Develop and implement income generating graduate programs. The Provost is open to any suggestions for graduate education programs that meet the three criteria established for graduate programs: 1) Respond to societal need. 2) Build off an area where we have demonstrated undergraduate strength. 3) Will not dilute from the undergraduate program. Enrollment Management is open to any experienced individual willing to help out at graduate enrollment events. Enrollment Expand our “earn Ramapo credits while in high school” program The College does have some of these programs in place with Clarkstown, Morris County and Mahwah High School and is exploring expansion, Enrollment Enrollment Expand summer camps. Partner with Kean University to promote sustainability through their new Bachelor of Science degree, which they are currently touting as one of the only of its kind in the nation. Enroll 750 more students into the college. Offer a full schedule of Saturday courses. Enrollment Add another time period to our regular schedule at night, eg. 8:00PM to 10:00PM to attract even more non-traditional students who work and have money. The college is always looking for new contracts and will accept any contracts we can accommodate that meet our standards. Currently entering into a partnership with Bergen Community College. Will explore a Kean partnership promoting enrollment in our MASS program through their BS graduates. The college is beginning an Adult Learning program and we have already expanded winter on-line offerings and will be expanding summer. We are currently reviewing time slots and class schedules to foster greater space utilization. Expand online courses during the Winter session. Enrollment Facilities Stop spending so much money buying students. About 7% of our expense budget goes to college funded aid. Perhaps we cannot afford to raise the academic standard so high. Review snow removal practices. 7% is low relative to other institutions. We have reduced the amount of student waivers over the past few years by eliminating full rides and capping waiver amounts to a specific dollar value. This initiative is specifically tied to our strategic plan. When the current snow removal contract expires the new RFP will modified to be priced on snow fall accumulations rather than an hourly rate. When we install trees on campus the supplier provides us with at least a one year warranty, in many cases it is longer. Facilities Facilities Don't lose money by letting newly purchased and planted trees/shrubbery wither and die. In addition, we require the supplier to provide adequate water during the initial season until they are fully established. If the trees do not survive they are replaced at no additional cost. If we observe any remaining dead trees they will be replaced by the landscape contractor at little or no cost. Space utilization needs to be improved to allow for more teaching sections which should bring in more students and thus Enrollment Mgmt and Academic Affairs is revenue. currently doing an analysis of class, time, and space utilization. The common lunch hour should be Some changes in class size and times have abolished. This will already been implemented and more are allow the use of many planned. more rooms. Students can meet at other times, Common lunch hour elimination or especially since they say reduction in number of days will be they have little to do so reviewed. often. A reduction of faculty offices should be considered. Facilities Facilities Expand the student center to include a pub/restaurant. The idea of a "coffee house" setting for students is currently under review. The College will not serve alcohol. Pay for parking in staff/faculty lots Contractually the college must provide free parking to faculty, however reserved/named parking can be purchased. The college will be requiring payment for parking in any reserved/named spot or lot. Each unit should designate one, two or more representatives to perform a quick survey of their areas at the end of each day. Facilities Reduce utility expenses by installing sensor lighting inside classrooms and other campus spaces. If they find any unnecessary lights, computers or equipment on they should shut them. If thermostats are high they should lower them to 60 degrees. The college will renew our efforts on energy savings. We will add reminders in the Daily Digest to shut down and unplug all lights and computers. A 4 day work week year round is not feasible as students are here on Fridays and services must be open and staffed. Facilities Calculate energy savings if the entire College were to go to a 4 day work week year round. We are currently reviewing expanding the use of campus for further revenue generation. We will continue to review 4 day work weeks for energy savings where feasible. Voluntary furloughs are available for those employees who wish to work a four day work week year round. Our Facilities staff inspects all academic and resident buildings. They make sure all unnecessary lights and appliances are turned off, all windows are closed and thermostats are adjusted to a minimal setting. Facilities Reduce utility expenses by better aligning facilities management with administrative units to prevent inefficient use of heating, lighting, and cooling mechanisms. In the older academic buildings, in particular A-E, most of the hallway lights have manual switches. There are some instances when other Collage staff come in during the break and turn the lights on. Current codes require sufficient lighting in these common areas for emergency response. Public restroom lights should also remain on at all times. Fortunately, the energy and cost associated with these requirements is very minimal. The big energy consumer is our heating/cooling and ventilation equipment. We turn off most air handling electrical equipment and all main boilers during this holiday period except for one; this maintains enough hot water for heating to prevent our other systems (water pipes, fire sprinklers, fire detection, etc.) from freezing. There may be areas that seem unnecessarily warm during this period for the following reasons, however the energy consumption is considerably less. When a building is occupied during normal conditions we are required to constantly deliver fresh outside air to replace the previously “stale” heated air. When the College is closed we shut down the electric powered air delivery system thereby eliminating the need to constantly heat the fresh cold outside air, the existing warm air becomes captured within the building. An additional benefit is that no one is entering or leaving the buildings so this further reduces the escape of heat. These conditions are why we save big on energy and cost. We recycle throughout the entire campus. Facilities Recycle We have door-to-door pick-up of paper and commingled items weekly in the resident halls as well as centrally located drop-off points. Throughout the academic buildings there are blue containers for paper and centrally located bins for commingled. For complete guidelines see the Facilities website ronmental.html The college is committed to not permitting freshmen to have cars on campus. This decision was made primarily to promote student engagement. This program will have to be implemented and its effectiveness assessed before any decision to reinstate freshman cars on campus is considered. The College does not have the level of production equipment required to produce a high quality production. Facilities/ Enrollment Reinstate first-year student parking privileges Misc. Create recruitment and other video productions in house. Misc. Lease roof space for cellular tower antenna The college will entertain any solid proposal for leasing our roof space. Personnel Repurpose or eliminate centers like the Faculty Resource Center and Instructional Design Center. This information will be reviewed through the college-wide essential functions exercise. Personnel Eliminate the practice of permitting select personnel to live on campus for free. An analysis of the four positions was undertaken to determine if time spent during the evening hours attending to issues is being reasonably compensated by free housing. Determination was to maintain arrangement. Personnel Eliminate the picnic, retirement gifts and service awards Costs of these items have been reduced over the years and the Foundation covers some of the costs. Eliminating such items would negatively affect effect employee morale. Personnel Review professional membership fees. We will undertake a complete audit of all professional memberships for further review. Purchasing such equipment is not within the mission of the College. A new recruitment video will be part of the overall marketing plan currently under development by Stamats. Personnel Utilize staff to help run components of courses or programs. Decrease expenses for adjunct faculty by hiring our own personnel. Personnel Delegate the experiential component to staff to administer. Most of the suggestions made are faculty functions and can not be absorbed by administrators or professional staff. Committee administrative support is generally absorbed by the school/unit. Any professional staff member who has the qualifications can teach courses. This does not save money on adjunct faculty expenses as professional staff members who teach are paid. The out-of-classroom experience portion of a course is the prerogative of the faculty member and is part of his/her teaching load. The Design Team Task force has developed a standard curriculum with student learning assessment matrix for evaluation. Personnel Personnel Personnel Have staff members who are qualified – and willing – help out overburdened faculty by teaching and administering with courses or programs – in exchange for maintaining their current employment status. Don't pay faculty additionally for teaching Summer Session 1. Outsource Public Safety to reduce overtime. Some professional staff have teaching responsibilities as part of their base. Teaching and administering courses are faculty responsibilities. Contractually, faculty are required to teach 24 credits under the terms of the current contract. These credits are taught within fall and spring semesters. While part of the credit load could be taught during summer I, this would create course coverage problems during the fall and spring semesters. Outsourcing options are being reviewed as part of the college wide essential functions exercise. Public Safety is reviewing the option of officers working 12 hour shifts instead of 8. This would help reduce the overtime costs in the unit. Personnel Review overtime rates for winter weather and emergency conditions. Personnel Review overtime assignments to better assign overtime to those whose really require it. Personnel Personnel When performing snow & ice removal operations we follow the New Jersey Civil Service Commission’s Compensation Compendium which has established eligibility requirements for winter weather and emergency condition rates, available at 2/eligibility.htm Overtime assignments are based on the needs of the college not the individual. Supervisors and managers are responsible for determining the need for overtime in a particular unit or area. The college has promoted from within where appropriate. Internal candidates can apply for any open Transfer personnel within position on campus for which they qualify. departments and you will save. The college continues to strive to hire the best person for a particular position which sometimes results in the hiring of an external candidate. Based on the current contract for faculty If layoffs are necessary, they can not teach an additional course see that they affect all unless they are compensated. employees, have faculty teach an extra class. The college has temporarily suspended adding new faculty lines. Personnel Make it clear that all jobs We are currently undertaking a collegeare on the block if layoffs wide essential functions exercise. Decisions are needed. will be based on the needs of the college. Personnel Start checking out all the positions that are truly not necessary. We are currently undertaking a collegewide essential functions exercise. Positions that are deemed not critical may be eliminated. The college has reorganized upper level management and has eliminated executive level lines in the past. Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Put a freeze on hiring and limit management We are currently undertaking a review of positions. the entire organization and reviewing all functions at the college. Non critical functions and resulting positions may be eliminated. VP’s and Directors routinely evaluate departmental structures and levels of responsibilities currently assigned. In addition, such organizational evaluations Why are there so many take place during the Position Review "Assistant Directors" at Committee meetings. Efficiencies will be Ramapo? Some offices reviewed through the college-wide essential have as many as 5 or 6. functions exercise. Review the efficiency of these offices. Some departments are larger and more complex than others and require more supervision. Also, some of the employees with “local titles” of Assistant Director are in fact AFT professionals, not managers. We can explore job sharing if the individuals are willing to give up their full time benefits. Two people working anything less than 35 hours are part time in terms of benefits and pension eligibility. Ask if any employee is interested in going partIt would require a change in statute to allow time or in job sharing. two part timers sharing a single job to both get the full benefit/pension entitlement. Give back unused vacation days. Also there are no contract provisions for job sharing. Each of these issues (and others) would need to be considered. Giving back accrued and unused vacation days could potentially raise legal (Wage and Hour under of Department of Labor Regulations) and contractual issues. Employees may take volunteer furlough days instead. Personnel Permit employees to take vacation days (or paid leave balance days) and convert them into voluntary furlough days in order to help. We would prefer that individuals take furlough days to “balance out” unused paid leave bank or unused vacation as there is no contract, or MOA, language allowing us to make a direct conversion. Personnel Outsource more than housekeeping. We are currently reviewing outsourcing options. We currently outsource some grounds and housekeeping already. Personnel Revisit the AFT compensation time policy. Some schools don't allow this at all. This was a contractual agreement and the college will review this in the future. Personnel Sell the idea of unpaid leave or a four-day work week year round instead of two months of it in the summer This is already being done through the promotion of voluntary furlough. The average savings over the past 5 years is approximately $125,000 per year. Personnel Personnel Personnel Stop paying VP's and upper management compensation time, they make enough money. Strongly suggest that those employees at the highest pay scale take voluntary furlough Offer incentives for employees to take voluntary furlough days, i.e. like a year gym membership, free tickets to events in Berrie Center, free class for a family member. Managers do not get paid for comp time. VP's and upper management are entitled to comp time only when a state holiday is worked. Any work performed in the evening or on weekends is neither paid nor is comp time received. Furlough is voluntary and all employees have been encouraged to take furlough. Early retirement incentives have always been funded, and run centrally, by the State. The previous administration in Trenton made clear that the results of previous retirement incentive programs did not realize any actual savings, largely because any headcount reduction was transitory. Any savings from hiring lower salaried replacements was consumed by the increased cost of retiree pensions and benefits. The current Governor is not likely to revisit the topic. Even if the college wanted to fund an ERI with our own money, again we operate under a State system which is not set up for that and we would have to make some hard cost to benefit targets as part of a long range plan Personnel Offer incentives for near retirement aged employees to retire early, freeing up the position or allowing the hire for a younger and less costly replacement. See comment above. Some student aides are federally funded through the federal college work study program. Personnel Review the cost benefit of student aides. The other student aides that are funded by the college are designed to provide essential functions to offices throughout the college. Working in offices also provides our students with valuable work experience. The Cahill Center has been reviewing unit allocations and reallocating funds between units. We only have one advisement center. CAAFYE advises all first year students. Students who have declared their major are assigned a faculty advisor. Personnel Reduce the redundancy in advisement. EOF and OSS advise specific populations with special needs. Both of these units are partially grant funded to offset some of the costs. We will review advisement redundancy as part of the college-wide essential functions exercise. Personnel Review the organizational structure in Financial Aid. There is only one manager in the financial aid office. While other functions have the title of assistant director these titles are based on union classification. These functions all have distinct functions and are not assisting the director. Personnel Review CIPL and require a profit driven structure to continue its operation. This is currently under review. Many printed items continue to be put online. We are currently reviewing the possibility of implementing document imaging that would further reduce the paper trail. Move documents online. Put all recap time sheets on line. Printing Better utilize copy machine double sided and scanning capacity. Reduce desktop printers. Printing Put all forms for Employee Charitable Campaign on line or only send one copy per department. Several departments are currently using online recaps. Total implementation of all units is expected to be completed by the end of fiscal year. Purchasing is working on a procedure handout on the use and features of the copy machines. This handout will be available by the end of the fiscal year. As current desk top printers begin to break down and are disposed of, replacements will be analyzed and will not automatically be replaced. Post July 1 we will do a printing cost/benefit analysis to determine where we can affect cost savings. The State Employee Chartable Campaign is centrally administered. We asked them last year if there was an on-line ability (More about being “Green” really) and they said no. We will recommend it again this year. The bulk of printing costs are bore by the Campaign, not the College. If the suggestion is to put the Ramapo College Foundation Annual Fund on-line that will require review by Institutional Advancement. Travel Change the mileage reimbursement to the State’s rate of $0.31 from Ramapo’s rate of $0.50. Travel Freeze, reduce or limit travel and paid expenses to workshops and conferences. When traveling, employees should share a hotel room with others or pay out-ofpocket for a private room. Travel Don't pay employees for time spent traveling and prevent abuse of the release time policy is clearly abused. Changing the mileage rate shall be considered in concert with a rental vehicle option for personnel use. Travel will be reduced by 10%. Cuts will be applied to units based on the average amount spent over the past three years. Travel policy will be updated to capture accountability and effectiveness of trips. Updates to the policy will include conference agenda attached to the travel authorization request, and an assessment report completed by the traveler at the end of the trip. Compensatory time/overtime policies are specific to job classification. While some employees may be eligible for compensation either in the form of compensatory time or overtime, others are not. See es2.aspx?id=19162 for full policy rules.