2013-2014 Academic Year Student Achievement Data Major Enrollment Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Family and Consumer Studies 203 220 Interior Design 60 55 Nutrition and Food Science 219 237 160 Sophomore to Junior 146 Junior to Senior See below See below 100% 85% Nutrition and Food Science See below See below Textiles, Merchandising & Design See below See below Textiles, Merchandising & Design Major Family and Consumer Studies Retention Rate Interior Design Major Graduation Rate Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Summer 2014 Family and Consumer Studies 10 19 Not available Interior Design 0 9 0 Nutrition and Food Science 4 22 Not available Textiles, Merchandising & Design 5 10 Not available 1|Page Family and Consumer Studies Program Undergraduates in the Family and Consumer Studies program may pursue a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Child and Family Studies, http://www.mtsu.edu/programs/family-studies/ or in Family and Consumer Sciences Education, http://www.mtsu.edu/programs/family-studies/#t-4. The Academic Maps may be found at http://www.mtsu.edu/programs/family-studies/#t-4 and http://www.mtsu.edu/programs/consumer-education/#t-4. The following information is based on the data provided by Banner MT Blue regarding student enrollment in the FCS program area for 2012-2013-2014.* Retention rate for sophomore to juniors a. Fall 2012 - Fall 2013 148% b. Spring 2013 - Spring 2014 146% c. Average 147% Retention rate for juniors to seniors a. Fall 2012 – Fall 2013 b. Spring 2013 – Spring 2014 c. Average 130% 151% 141% Percentage of FCS majors by classification (over 5 semesters reported: Spring 2012-Spring 2014, omitting summer sessions) Range Average (n) a. Freshman: 7% - 18% 12% 120 b. Sophomores: 16% - 29% 21% 217 c. Juniors: 23% - 30% 27% 267 d. Seniors: 36% - 45% 40% 404 Graduation information a. Summer semesters (2012 and 2013) b. Spring semesters (2012, 2013, 2014) c. Fall semesters (2012 and 2013) n = 45 average = 23 n = 54 average = 18 n = 15 average = 8 2|Page Findings/Summary a. Enrollment has steadily increased each semester over this time period: Range: Spring 2012 (188) – Spring 2014 (220) = 117% increase b. The FCS program graduates more students in the summer (implications for CDFS students taking the Major Field Test) c. Spring semesters have slightly higher numbers of majors (average = 205 vs 197) d. Total number of FCS majors over 5 semesters, omitting summer sessions: 1008 with an average of 202 per semester. *Note: This data was used because: 1) Checking individual advisee information would not yield useful data as there is no way to determine student classification other than by accumulated credit hours. The majority of our students transfer into the major, usually with several semesters’ worth of credits before they begin to take classes in the program. 2) As a result of the above, for CDFS, there are no courses that define students as sophomores or juniors. CDFS 3390 CDFS Professional Seminar (fall only) is the only course that identifies student classification as it is a prerequisite to their Internship (spring/summer only), which is taken at the end of their academic career. Therefore, seniors graduating in a spring or summer semester must be in CDFS 3390 in the preceding fall semester. Fall 2012 to Fall 2013 Retention by Concentration for Family & Consumer Studies* Academic Load = Full-Time Student Level = Sophomore, Junior, Senior Concentration Retained/Graduated Not Retained Total Child Dev & Family Studies 89 88.1% 12 11.9% 101 Family & Consumer Sci Ed 15 83.3% 3 16.7% 18 Family & Consumer Studies Total 104 87.4% 15 12.6% 119 *MTSU Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Planning and Research 3|Page Interior Design Program The Interior Design program is a candidacy program where students are admitted as sophomores based on prescribed courses and GPA, http://www.mtsu.edu/humansciences/pdfs/IDES%20Application%20Info%20sequence%202014.pdf. The curriculum is based on a tracked, studio and lecture course load where students move through the program as a cohort. The Academic Map is found at http://www.mtsu.edu/programs/interior-design/#t-4. Fall 2012 to Fall 2013 Retention by Concentration for Interior Design Majors* Academic Load = Full-Time Student Level = Sophomore, Junior, Senior Concentration Retained/Graduated Not Retained Total No Concentration 34 82.9% 7 17.1% 41 Interior Design Total 34 82.9% 7 17.1% 41 *MTSU Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Planning and Research 4|Page Nutrition and Food Science Undergraduates in the Nutrition and Food Science major program may pursue a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree with a major in Nutrition and Food Science or a concentration in Dietetics, Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD), http://www.mtsu.edu/programs/nutrition/#t-0. The Academic Maps may be found at http://www.mtsu.edu/programs/nutrition/#t-4. Fall 2012 to Fall 2013 Retention by Concentration for Nutrition & Food Science* Academic Load = Full-Time Student Level = Sophomore, Junior, Senior Concentration Retained/Graduated Not Retained Total No Concentration 26 83.9% 5 16.1% 31 Dietetics 94 83.2% 19 16.8% 113 Nutrition & Food Science Total 120 83.3% 24 16.7% 144 *MTSU Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Planning and Research 5|Page Textiles, Merchandising & Design Program Undergraduates in the Textile, Merchandising, and Design program may pursue a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Apparel Design or Fashion Merchandising. The Textile, Merchandising, and Design program is a candidacy program where students are admitted as sophomores based on prescribed courses and GPA, http://www.mtsu.edu/humansciences/pdfs/TXMD%20Admissions%20Packet%20S2014.pdf. The curriculum is based on a tracked, studio and lecture course load where students move through the program as a cohort. The Academic Maps are found at http://www.mtsu.edu/programs/apparel-design/#t-4 and http://www.mtsu.edu/programs/fashion/#t-4. 6|Page Fall 2012 to Fall 2013 Retention by Concentration for Textiles Merchandising Design* Academic Load = Full-Time Student Level = Sophomore, Junior, Senior Concentration Retained/Graduated Not Retained Total Apparel Design 41 89.1% 5 10.9% 46 Fashion Merchandising 57 81.4% 13 18.6% 70 Textiles Merchandising Design Total 98 84.5% 18 15.5% 116 *MTSU Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Planning and Research 7|Page