HRS Forms Training Regular Payroll Processing Lisa Batey Cindy Camp Alicia Haynes Becky Young MTSU Human Resource Services Sam H. Ingram Building 1 HRS Forms Training General Overview – What we plan to cover! Personnel Appointment Form Personnel Event Form W4 and Social Security Card Requirements TLEA I9 Requirements Questions and Answers 2 Appointment Form - PAF The PAF is located on the HRS web page at ppointment_Form.pdf . Please note the revision date on the forms. Old forms should not be used. 3 Appointment Form - PAF 4 Appointment Form - PAF 5 Appointment Form - PAF When to use the Appointment Form - PAF: New Hires Administrative Classified Adjunct Faculty Graduate Assistants (GA’s and GTA’s) Housing Resident Assistants (RA’s) Promotions for Classified/Administrative Transfers – If there is a pay change or change to another department Athletic Coaches Faculty Grant Position 6 Appointment Form - PAF Completion Requirements PPAIDEN – General Person Information Complete all Problem areas Include department contact name, phone and box number of the person completing the form. Who should we contact with an issue? Banner ID – Must be complete, not partial – if no Banner ID, use last 4 digits of SSN. Campus Telephone – at minimum, use department number Employee e-mail address – before employees can be set up on Pipeline, they must have a personal e-mail address entered. Ethnicity - Codes for form are listed on the back of the PAF Division Code 7 PPAIDEN Section 8 Appointment Form - PAF Completion Requirements PEAEMPL – Employee Information Organization Codes can be located on the HRS website on the Banner Information tab: Timekeeping Org Codes can be located on the HRS web page on the Web Time Entry tab: ourly_Alpha_Order_by_Dept.pdf 9 Appointment Form PAF Completion Requirements NBAJOBS – Job and Pay Information Job Information – what action is being taken. Pay Information – what type of employee is the action being taken on. 10 Appointment Form - PAF Completion Requirements Complete Job begin and end date If you want a full payment to be made to an individual, you must you a whol month on the begin and end date. Adjunct Faculty – Paid in three month contracts (10/1 - 12/31) or (2/1 – 4/30) Graduate Assistants 4-month contracts (9/1 – 12/31 and 1/1 – 4/30) 8-month contracts (9/1 – 4/30) 10 or 12-month contracts (actual start date and end date) Suffix Number – HRS entry - always 00 unless paying two different rates under the same position number for the same time period. Each additional rate would be next suffix (01, 02 etc.). FTE – Percentage of full-time Salary – Annual Salary Labor Distribution – tied to position number and not needed by HRS. It is reviewed by Research Services on grant positions, but is not reviewed or changed by HRS. 11 Appointment Form - PAF Completion Requirements Contract Type – must be completed: 12 Appointment Form - PAF Completion Requirements Appointee’s Signature The employee should indicate whether or not they are or are not employed as a regular benefited employee for another State of Tennessee agency or another TBR Institution. Regular Benefited employees are eligible for retirement, leave and other benefits. 13 PAF Signature Requirements Signatures Required Administrative – this is the contract! Classified – this is the contract! Employee, Department Head, Dean (if applicable), VP/University Provost or designee Adjunct Faculty – this is the contract! Employee, Department Head, Dean (if applicable), VP/University Provost or designee Employee, Department Head, Dean and Provost or designee Grant Positions – this is the contract! additional signature requirement! Employee, Department Head, Sponsored Programs, Dean (if applicable) and VP/Provost or designee 14 PAF Signature Requirements Graduate Assistants Housing RA’s – have a separate contract! Department Head, Dean and Provost or designee Promotions – Classified and Administrative Employee, Athletic Director, President Faculty – have a separate contract! Employee, Department Head, Associate VP Athletic Coaches – have a separate contract! Employee, Department Head and Graduate Dean Employee, Department Head, Dean (if applicable), VP/Provost or designee Transfers Employee, Department Head, Dean (if applicable), VP/Provost or designee 15 Appointment Form - PAF Completion Requirements What should accompany the PAF – New Adjunct Faculty Completed I9 Supporting documentation if required Completed W4 Copy of social security card or receipt with name TLEA Document Direct Deposit Graduate Assistants and Resident Assistants Completed I9 Supporting documentation if required Completed W4 Copy of social security card or receipt with name TLEA Document Direct Deposit Summary Sheet – which indicates hours worked, degree level, etc. 16 Appointment Form - PAF Completion Requirements What should accompany the PAF for Benefited Employees: Faculty Promotions Athletic Contract Housing Resident Assistants Position support documentation Athletic Coaches Supporting documentation with signatures Transfers Academic Contract Resident Contract Graduate Assistants Workload Assignment Form 17 Personnel Event Form - PEF When to use the PEF Terminations Pay Changes Allowances Faculty Promotions Stipends Rank Changes Tenure Changes Housing Allowances Coach Allowances Degree Changes CAP Raises Summer Pay Extra Compensation 18 Personnel Event Form- PEF Terminations of: Faculty Administrative Classified GA’s and RA’s Adjunct Faculty 19 Personnel Event Form - PEF Completion Requirements PPAIDEN Banner ID and Employee Name Department contact information 20 Personnel Event Form - PEF Completion Requirements NBAJOBS Action Job Dates Position Number Salary if action is other than termination 21 Personnel Event Form - PEF Completion Requirements PEAEMPL Last Day Worked – Last physical day to work on separating employees Termination Reason – Codes listed on back of PEF Form Remarks – any information relevant to event Make sure the Home Org and Timekeeping Org T Orgs can be found on the HRS web page at ha_Order_by_Dept.pdf 22 Personnel Event Form - PEF Completion Requirements What should accompany a PEF? Supporting documentation (i.e. resignation letter etc.) Any information relevant to the event Termination PEF Signature Requirements: Department Head Grants require Research Programs signature Graduate Assistant’s require Graduate Office signature 23 Personnel Event Form Pay Changes Signature Requirements Housing Allowances Coach Allowances Athletic Director, Athletic Business Manager, President CAP Raises Department Head and VP Department Head Degree Changes Classified/Administrative Faculty Department Head, Dean, University College and Provost or designee Extra Compensation Department, Provost or designee Summer Pay Department Head Department Head, Dean (if applicable) and VP/Provost or desingee Classified Employee Teaching Adjunct Department Head, Dean (if applicable) and VP/Provost or designee 24 Personnel Event Form - PEF Pay Changes What should accompany the PEF Coach Allowances CAP Raises Verification of successful exam completion Degree Changes Letter of approval from President Copy of transcript Dual Services Agreement Extra Comp Copy of Dual Services Contract 25 Personnel Event Form - PEF Pay Changes Faculty Promotions Stipends Processed through Academic Affairs Require TBR Approval Tenure Changes Processed through Academic Affairs Require TBR Approval Processed through Academic Affairs Require TBR Approval Rank Changes Processed through Academic Affairs Require TBR Approval 26 Regular Payroll Processing Questions and Answers Thank You For Attending! Contact Information Human Resource Services Staff Cindy Camp – 5713 Alicia Haynes - 2382 Becky Young – 7627 Lisa Batey – 2929 27