18 Academic Inventory Academic Inventory Middle Tennessee State University has been authorized to grant the following degrees: Undergraduate Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) Bachelor of Music (B.M.) Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.) Bachelor of University Studies (B.Unv.S.) Graduate Master of Arts (M.A.) Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Master of Business Education (M.B.E.) Master of Criminal Justice (M.C.J.) Master of Education (M.Ed.) Master of Science (M.S.) Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N) Master of Science in Teaching (M.S.T.) Specialist in Education (Ed.S.) Doctor of Arts (D.A.) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) On the following pages is a summary of the degrees offered in each department or school with the available majors, concentrations, and certificate programs listed. Degree requirements are outlined in the appropriate catalog sections following. Department/School Major Concentration Degree Offered Undergraduate Minor Graduate Minor Aerospace Aerospace Agriculture Agriculture Biology Biology Chemistry Chemistry College of Basic and Applied Sciences Aerospace, p. 98 Aerospace Aviation Administration Aerospace Education Agribusiness and Agriscience, p. 105 Agribusiness Animal Science Plant and Soil Science Biology, p. 112 Chemistry, p. 117 Biology Chemistry Science Administration Flight Dispatch and Sched. Maintenance Mgmt. Professional Pilot Technology Airline/Airport Mgmt. Aviation Asset Mgmt. Agri. Communication ‡Pre-Agri. Engineering Agri. Communication Horse Science Agri. Communication ‡Pre-Forestry B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. M.S. M.S. M.Ed. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. Animal Biology General Biology Genetics and Biotechnology Physiology Plant Biology Microbiology M.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. Prof. Chemistry B.S.;M.S.;D.A. B.S. General Science B.S. Health Science B.S. ‡Pre-cytotechnology ‡Pre-dental ‡Pre-dental Hygiene ‡Pre-health Info. Mgmt. ‡Pre-medical ‡Pre-medical Tech. ‡Pre-occupational Ther. ‡Pre-pharmacy ‡Pre-physical Therapy ‡Pre-nuclear Medicine Tech. ‡Pre-radiation Therapy Tech. Science ‡These programs are not officially recognized concentrations within the degree programs and do not lead directly to a degree at MTSU. Academic Inventory Department/School Major Computer Science, p. 126 Computer Science Engineering Technology and Industrial Studies, p. 129 Concrete Industry Management Engineering Technology Environmental Sci. and Technology Industrial Technology Eng. Tech. and Ind. Studies Mathematical Sciences, p. 142 Mathematics Concentration Degree Offered Business Applications B.S.;M.S. B.S. Computer Eng. Tech. Electro-Mech. Eng. Tech. Mechanical Eng. Tech. Energy Technology Environ. Health and Safety Planning and Site Analysis Water and Waste Mgmt. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. Construction Mgmt. Tech. Ind. Mgmt. Tech. ‡Pre-engineering ‡Pre-architecture B.S. B.S. Eng. Technology Ind. Relations Occup. Health and Safety M.S. M.S. M.S. Actuarial Science Applications of Math Math Education Professional Math General Math Industrial Math Research Preparation Middle Grade Math Secondary Math B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S.T. M.S.T. Military Science, p. 150 none Nursing, p. 152 Nursing Critical Care Nursing Informatics B.S.N. Grad. Cert. Grad. Cert. Physics and Astronomy, p. 156 Physics B.S. University Studies B.Unv.S. Undergraduate Minor Graduate Minor Computer Science Computer Science Env. Sci. Tech. Construction Mgmt. Electronics Industrial Technology Industrial Education Industrial Studies Voc. Tech. Ed. Mathematics Mathematics Math for Mng. Soc. and Life Sci. Statistics Military Science Physics Electro-Acoustics Physics Accounting Business Law Comb. Actg./Infs. Accounting Business Educ. Marketing Educ. Business Educ. Jennings A. Jones College of Business Accounting, p. 165 Accounting Accounting/Information Systems Business Education, Business Education Marketing Education, and Office Management, p. 168 Office Management Entrepreneurship B.B.A. Actg. as primary field M.S. B.S.;M.B.E. B.B.A. B.B.A. 19 Office Mgmt. Business Comm. Entrepreneurship ‡These programs are not officially recognized concentrations within the degree programs and do not lead directly to a degree at MTSU. 20 Academic Inventory Department/School Major Computer Information Systems, p. 172 Information Systems Accounting/Information Systems Economics and Finance, p. 175 Economics Finance Concentration Degree Offered B.B.A. Infs. as primary field Labor Relations Public Finance Industrial Rel. Financial Economics Business Fin. Fin. Inst. Mgmt. Insurance Real Estate M.S. Undergraduate Minor Graduate Minor Information Sys. Comb. Actg./Infs. Information Sys. B.B.A.;§B.S.;§M.A.;Ph.D. B.B.A. B.B.A.. M.A. M.A. Economics Economics/Finance Industrial Rel. B.B.A. B.B.A. B.B.A. B.B.A. Finance Insurance Real Estate Real Estate/Ins. Economics §Liberal arts degrees administered by the Department of Economics and Finance Management and Marketing, p. 181 Business Administration B.B.A.;M.B.A. Management B.B.A. Marketing B.B.A. Business Admin. Entrepreneurship Management Marketing Mgmt./Mkt. College of Education and Behavioral Science Law Enforcement Criminal Justice, p. 191 Educational Leadership, p. 193 Elementary and Special Education, p. 195 Administration and Supervision Curriculum and Instruction Interdisciplinary Studies Special Education Library Science English as a Second Lang. ‡Grades K-6 ‡Grades 5-8 ‡Mildly/Mod. Disabled ‡Sev./Profoundly Disabled Mildly/Mod. Dis. Stu. Preschool Dis. Stu. Sev./Profoundly Dis. Stu. Vision Disabilities Reading Curriculum and Instruction B.S. M.Ed.;Ed.S. M.Ed. M.Ed.;Ed.S. M.Ed. Dyslexic Studies ‡These programs are not officially recognized concentrations within the degree programs Second. Education Crim. Just. Admin. Education (Non-Teach.) Library Science Education Special Educ. Special Educ. B.S. B.S. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Early Childhood Elementary School Educ. Middle School Educ. Crim. Just. Admin. M.Ed. M.Ed.;Ed.S. M.Ed. Grad. Cert. Reading Curric. and Inst. Academic Inventory Department/School Major Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Safety, p. 199 Athletic Training Health Education Physical Education Recreation and Leisure Services Exer. Sci. and Hlth. Promotion Hlth., Phy. Ed., Rec. Concentration B.S. Hlth. Sci. and Tech. B.S. Hlth. Educ. and Lifetime Well. B.S. Community and Public Health B.S. Wellness and Exer. Science B.S. B.S. Outdoor Recreation Recreation Administration Recreational Therapy B.S. B.S. B.S. M.S. Health Physical Education Recreation Sport Management Human Performance Human Sciences, p. 210 Early Childhood Education Fam. and Con. Studies Textiles, Merchandising, and Design Apparel Design Fashion Merch. B.S. B.S. Human Sciences Child Dev. and Fam. Stud. Nutr. and Food Science M.S. M.S. Pre-graduate School B.S. B.S. Clinical Experimental Indus./Organizational Pre-Spec. Ed.-Sch. Psy. Quantitative M.A. M.A. M.A. M.A. M.A. Fam. and Con. Sci. Educ. Child Dev. and Fam. Stud. Indus./Organizational B.S. School Counseling Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed. Ed.S. School Psychology Graduate Minor Ath. Trn./Sports Med. Health Hlth. and Phy. Educ. Health Physical Ed. Athletic Coaching Physical Ed. Recreation Driv. and Tr. Sfty. Ed. Recreation Safety Ph.D. Dietetics Psychology Undergraduate Minor M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. Interior Design Nutrition and Food Science Psychology, p. 218 Degree Offered Nutrition and Food Science Tex., Merch., and Design Human Sciences Human Sciences Mental Health Services Life Span Development Behavioral Research** Psychology Psychology Indus./Organizational College of Liberal Arts Art, p. 226 Art Art History* Graphic Design Studio Modern and Contem. Art Medieval and Renaissance Non-Western: pre-Colum, Lat. Am., African, Afr. Am. Art Education English, p. 232 English *Pending THEC approval; **Interdisciplinary Minors B.F.A. B.F.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.S.;Grad. Cert. Sec. English Teacher Lic. B.A.;M.A.;Ph.D. B.A. 21 Art Art History Art Art Education English Film Studies** Great Books** Writing** English 22 Academic Inventory Department/School Major Concentration Degree Offered Foreign Languages and Literatures, p. 237 Foreign Languages French B.A.;B.S.;M.A.T. German B.A.;B.S.;M.A.T. Spanish B.A.;B.S.;M.A.T. Geosciences, p. 243 History, p. 249 Geoscience Geography Grad. Cert. B.S. Geology B.S. History B.A.;M.A.;§D.A. Public History Hist. Preservation §D.A. is being phased out to coincide with 2005 implementation of Ph.D. Music, p. 254 Music Philosophy, p. 267 Philosophy Political Science, p. 269 Political Science Inst. Music Educ. Inst. Perform. Jazz Studies Music Industry Theory-Comp. Vocal/General Music Educ. Voice Perform. M.A. §D.A. M.A. B.M. B.M. B.M. B.M. B.M. B.M. B.M. B.A. Pre-law Public Admin. B.A.;B.S. B.A.;B.S. B.A.;B.S. International Relations B.S. Social Work, p. 274 Social Work B.S.W. Sociology and Anthropology, p. 277 Sociology Anthropology **Interdisciplinary Minors Sociology Anthropology B.S.;M.A. B.A. B.A. B.S. Undergraduate Minor Graduate Minor French German Spanish Classical Studies** Early Mod. Eur. Studies** Latin Am. Studies** Linguistic Studies** Russian Studies** Foreign Languages Geography Geography Geology/Earth Science Remote Sensing Earth Sci./Geology History History American Culture** Environment and Human Society** Media, History, and Culture** Medieval Studies** Southern Studies** Twen. Cent. Eur. Stud.** American Music Studies Music Music Industry Music Philosophy Religious Studies Political Science Public Administration Political Science International Rel. Paralegal Studies** Russian Studies** Urban Studies** Urban Planning Social Welfare Health Care Services** Criminology Sociology Family Studies Anthropology Archaeology** Asian Studies** Native American Studies** Sociology Gerontology Academic Inventory Department/School Major Concentration Degree Offered Speech and Theatre, p. 282 Speech and Theatre Communication Disorders Communication Studies Theatre B.A.;B.S. B.A.;B.S. B.A.;B.S. Organizational Communications B.S. University Studies B.Unv.S. 23 Undergraduate Minor Graduate Minor Speech and Theatre Comm. Disorders Dance Entertainment Arts Design Leadership Studies** Speech and Theatre African-American Studies** Aging Studies** Global Studies** Women’s Studies** College of Mass Communication Mass Communication M.S. Electronic Media Communication, p. 294 Mass Communication Digital Media Communication B.S. Photography B.S. Electronic Media Comm. B.S. Journalism, p. 302 Mass Communication Adv./Public Rel. Media Design and Graphics Journalism B.S. B.S. B.S. Recording Industry, p. 307 Recording Industry Music Business Prod. and Tech. B.S. B.S. Gerontology Grad. Cert. Health Care Management Grad. Cert. Mass Comm Mass Comm Entertainment Technology Recording Industry **Interdisciplinary Minors Following are degree programs offered in cooperation with the Tennessee Board of Regents. For additional information about the Regents Online Degree Program (RODP), see page 15. Regents Online Degree Program, (615) 898-5611 Liberal Studies Professional Studies Adv. Studies in Teach. and Learning Nursing Information Technology Organizational Leadership Childhood Literacy Reading B.S. B.S. B.S. M.Ed. M.S.N.