Middle Tennessee State University TN eCampus Registration and Other Fees Per Semester Fall 2015, Spring 2016, or Summer 2016 All fees are subject to change by the Tennessee Board of Regents. Charges for all course work will be assessed by STUDENT level. The University reserves the right to correct errors in student fee assessments and charges which are discovered subsequent to initial billings or fee statements. TN eCampus (formerly RODP, ROCC) courses are all charged per hour and viewed separately from MTSU courses so as not to mix with the full-time cap applicable to MTSU courses. TN eCampus fees are computed in addition to any MTSU course fees and do not apply to the full-time maximum for MTSU registration fees. Note: TN eCampus courses DO NOT even exchange with MTSU courses unless the course is dropped during the 100% fee adjustment period. Student Registration Fees per Hour Undergraduate In-state Resident - Maintenance Fees Out-of-state Resident – Maintenance Fees Online Course Fee (Required of all students ) 268.00 965.00 107.00 Nursing Course Fee (Upper Division NURS Courses) Late Registration Fee Return Check Service Charge Deferred Payment Plan Service Charge Deferred Payment Plan Late Fee ($100 max) Books (Estimated cost) Graduate 432.00 1,197.00 107.00 $ 35.00 per credit hour $ 100.00 $ 30.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 500 - $800 TOTALS PER HOUR UNDERGRADUATE IN-STATE UNDERGRADUATE OUT-OF-STATE GRADUATE IN-STATE GRADUATE OUT-OF-STATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 375 750 1,125 1,500 1,875 2,250 2,625 3,000 3,375 3,750 4,125 4,500 4,875 5,250 5,625 6,000 6,375 6,750 1,072 2,144 3,216 4,288 5,360 6,432 7,504 8,576 9,648 10,720 11,792 12,864 13,936 15,008 16,080 17,152 18,224 19,296 539 1,078 1,617 2,156 2,695 3,234 3,773 4,312 4,851 5,390 5,929 6,468 7,007 7,546 8,085 8,624 9,163 9,702 1,304 2,608 3,912 5,216 6,520 7,824 9,128 10,432 11,736 13,040 14,344 15,648 16,952 18,256 19,560 20,864 22,168 23,472