Raider Entertainment General Council Application Raider Entertainment is a student group under the supervision of the MTSU Student Programming & Activities office. It is Raider Entertainment’s mission to provide quality, low-cost entertainment for students throughout the year. Why join? Students involved with Raider Entertainment will have opportunities to get event planning and coordination experience, paid employment, and network through meeting new friends and getting involved. With paid employment positions, general council members will have first priority of shifts for both the Video Theater, and Football Game Day Activities. Events held throughout the school year include concerts, trivia nights, movie screenings, and much more. Our motto in Raider Entertainment is “your campus, your entertainment.” Being involved with the council is your chance to provide creative input and skills that will shape MTSU’s campus life and continue to grow the foundation that has been laid before you. The majority of our funding comes from student activity fees that are built into tuition, and you will be entrusted to spend this money on cost-effective, high-quality programming. Through this, Raider Entertainment transforms your campus into your entertainment. To become a member of Raider Entertainment’s General Council, you must be able to meet the following requirements: 1. Attend all weekly general meetings. The meeting time is on Mondays at 4:30pm in Student Union Room 224. 2. Provide at least 20 hours of service including Raider Entertainment events and promotions throughout the semester. Students will be required to support both event logistics and event promotion (handbilling, tables, etc.) 3. Attend Raider Entertainment trainings and other mandatory events. 4. Be a currently enrolled student in good standing with the university. If you are interested in joining, please complete the application. General Council membership is limited to 50 students. Completed applications are due to the Student Programming & Activities office located in the Student Union Building, Room 340. Raider Entertainment General Council Application Please type responses or use blue or black ink. Name: Local Address: City: State: Zip Code: State: Zip Code: Permanent Address: City: Home Phone: Cell Phone: M#: Email Address: Major: GPA: Hours currently enrolled: Are you available to attend general meetings? Fall 2015 Classification (choose one): Fr. So. Jr. Sr. Grad Student How did you learn about Raider Entertainment (choose all that apply): Brochure Flier Current Member Facebook Twitter Attend an event CUSTOMS Other: ______________________________ T-Shirt Size (choose one): S M L Preferred Method of Contact (choose one): XL 2XL Cell Phone Other: _________ Email I hereby give my permission to the group advisor to verify my current standing with the university as well as any other information which I have provided on this application. Signature: Date: Raider Entertainment Questionnaire 1. Do you have any other involvement with organizations or volunteering? List all that apply. 2. What experiences do you want to gain from Raider Entertainment? 3. Please give an example of a time when you went above and beyond the minimum requirements for a job or project. 4. What is the biggest asset that you bring to Raider Entertainment? 5. If you could create one new program/activity, what would it be? Explain. SEE BACK FOR MORE QUESTIONS Raider Entertainment Personality Survey 1. What is your favorite genre of music? 2. What is your favorite genre of film? 3. You’re driving an empty bus. At the first stop 9 children get on. At the second stop 4 children get off the bus and 7 children get on. At the third stop 5 children get off the bus but only one gets on. At the final stop 2 children get off the bus and no one gets on. What color are the bus driver’s eyes? How do you know? 4. Which area of Raider Entertainment interests you most? Please choose. Concerts Variety Films Games Athletic Event Promotion 5. Do you keep up with industry news pertaining to the above choice? If so, which sources do you prefer? 6. If you could be any celebrity, who would you be and why? 7. What do you hope to gain from your involvement with Raider Entertainment? 8. Pick and choose two words from each column that describe you: Easy-going Courteous Intuitive Enthusiastic Assertive Witty Cooperative Analytical Judicious Creative Punctual Self-Starting Introverted Exuberant Listener Extroverted Reserved Outspoken