Advising Guide for School Psychology Course Sequence: Fall Year 1 Course prefix PSY 5260 PSY 6060 PSY 6065 PSY 6280/ 6281(lab) Course name Credits Notes Intro to Psychological Testing 3 Program prerequisite – must take before any assessment courses in the program if students have not had a test and measurement course previously School Psychology: Ethics & Practice Introduction to SchoolBased Mental Health Services Psychological Statistics: Regression 3 Required this semester – only offered in the fall 3 Required this semester – only offered in the fall 4 If not taken previously, it should be taken here. It is offered at other times but will conflict with core school psychology courses if taken later in the program If a student has had a test and measurement course previously and would like to take a 4th class (13 or 14 hrs load) the following are options: Course Course name Credits Notes prefix SPSE School Law 3 This course is offered in the spring and the fall; however, school psychology students cannot take it 6390 spring year 2 because they have 4 courses + thesis that semester PSY Intellectual Assessment 6100/ 6101(lab) 4 Spring Year 1: In addition to 1 credit of thesis Course Course name Credits prefix PSY Intellectual Assessment 4 6100/ 6101(lab) PSY Psychology & Assessment 4 6750/ of Learning Disabilities/ 6760 Educational Assessment PSY Psychological Statistics: 4 6290/ Anova 6291(lab) Also offered spring year 1;must be completed by summer year 1 to be eligible for courses later in the sequence Notes If not taken previously, then this course should be taken here; required to be eligible for courses later in the sequence Required this semester to be eligible for courses later in the sequence – only offered in spring year 1 If not taken previously, it should be taken here. It is offered at other times but will conflict with core school psychology courses if taken later in the program If a student has had PSY 6100/6101 the following are options for additional courses spring year 1: Course Course name Credits Notes prefix SPSE School Law 3 This course is offered in the spring and the fall; however, school psychology students cannot take it 6390 spring year 2 because they have 4 courses + thesis that semester PSY 6120 or 6130 SPSE 6640 Developmental Psychology: Child or Adolescent 3 Also offered June year 1; must be completed by summer year 1 if a student plans to take an internship site outside the local area; if staying local could be taken spring of internship year. Micro Computers K-12 3 This course is offered every fall and spring. The faculty member teaching it does not feel students do as well if they take this class early in their program (i.e., before completing PSY 6060). Summer Year 1 Course Course name Credits Notes prefix PSY Advanced Applied Behavior 3 Required this semester – only offered in summer year 1 (May); required for courses later in the 6440 Analysis sequence PSY Psychological Disorders of 3 Required this semester - only offered in summer (June); cannot be take summer year 2’s because it 6400 Children conflicts with other required summer courses that term PSY Psychological Assessment 3 Only offered in summer year 1 (July term) 6105 of Preschool Children PSY Developmental Psychology: 3 If not taken previously, it should be taken here if a student plans to take an internship site outside the 6120 or Child or Adolescent local area; if staying local could take spring of internship year.(June term) 6130 Note: The university only allows students to register for 1 class in May term and 2 classes in June or July terms Fall Year 2: In addition to 1 credit of thesis Course Course name Credits prefix PSY Assessment & therapeutic 3 6770 interventions for children’s emotional problems PSY Interventions with children 3 6080 and adolescents PSY Consultation 3 6875 Notes Required this semester – only offered in the fall for year 2’s Required this semester – only offered in the fall for year 2’s Required this semester – only offered in the fall for year 2’s If a student would like to take a 4thclass the following are options for fall year 2: SPSE School Law 3 If not taken previously, this should be taken here for students who do not plan to do a local internship 6390 site. It is offered in spring; however, students have 4 required classes in spring of year 2 SPSE Micro Computers K-12 3 This course is offered every fall and spring semester. 6640 Spring Year 2: In addition to 1 thesis credit Course Course name Credits prefix PSY Practicum: Advanced 7080 Interventions with Children PSY Multicultural and Social 7100 Basis for Assessment and Intervention PSY School Neuropsychology 7200 PSY Practicum: School 6140 Psychology Notes Required this semester – only offered in the spring for year 2’s Required this semester – only offered in the spring for year 2’s Required this semester – only offered in the spring for year 2’s Required this semester – only offered in the spring for year 2’s Summer Year 2: If turning in thesis to the graduate school and graduating with an MA, students must in role in a thesis credit. Course Course name Credits Notes prefix PSY Psychology of Reading & Required this semester – only offered in the summer for year 2’s (May-June term) 7530 Reading Development PSY Program Evaluation Required this semester – only offered in the summer for year 2’s (June term) 6661 Fall Year 3 Course prefix Course name Credits PSY 7810 Advanced Internship: School Psychology 3 If a student would like to take an additional class and have a local internship sight the following are options: SPSE 6390, SPSE 6640 Spring Year 3 Course prefix Course name Credits PSY 7810 Advanced Internship: School Psychology 3 If a student would like to take an additional class and have a local internship sight the following are options: SPSE 6390, SPSE 6640, PSY 6120 or 6130