Gyrokinetic Fokker-Planck Collision Operator The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Li, B., and D. Ernst. “Gyrokinetic Fokker-Planck Collision Operator.” Physical Review Letters 106.19 (2011). © 2011 American Physical Society As Published Publisher American Physical Society Version Final published version Accessed Thu May 26 11:22:51 EDT 2016 Citable Link Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms PRL 106, 195002 (2011) week ending 13 MAY 2011 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Gyrokinetic Fokker-Planck Collision Operator B. Li and D. R. Ernst Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA (Received 1 March 2011; published 9 May 2011) The gyrokinetic linearized exact Fokker-Planck collision operator is obtained in a form suitable for plasma gyrokinetic equations, for arbitrary mass ratio. The linearized Fokker-Planck operator includes both the test-particle and field-particle contributions, and automatically conserves particles, momentum, and energy, while ensuring non-negative entropy production. Finite gyroradius effects in both fieldparticle and test-particle terms are evaluated. When implemented in gyrokinetic simulations, these effects can be precomputed. The field-particle operator at each time step requires the evaluation of a single twodimensional integral, and is not only more accurate, but appears to be less expensive to evaluate than conserving model operators. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.195002 PACS numbers: 52.65.Ff, 52.30.Gz, 52.65.Tt Collisions play an important role in plasma turbulence and can strongly influence turbulent transport in magnetic fusion experiments. Within terms of the order of the inverse Coulomb logarithm, large angle Coulomb collisions and long time correlations, which relax on the short time scale of plasma oscillations, can be neglected [1]. Considering small-angle Coulomb collisions results in the Fokker-Planck collision operator [1,2]. The linearized full collision operator includes the test-particle and fieldparticle operators, and satisfies Boltzmann’s H theorem and the conservation of particles, momentum, and energy [3,4]. The field-particle operator, which involves the Rosenbluth potentials of the non-Maxwellian distribution, has generally been considered intractable. It is often approximated by ‘‘conserving’’ terms that restore the conservation of low-order moments to the test-particle operator. In situations involving frequencies much less than the gyrofrequency, where the equilibrium varies weakly on the gyroradius (Larmor radius) spatial scale, the FokkerPlanck equation can be averaged over the particle gyration, reducing its dimensionality from six to five phase space dimensions. When finite gyroradius effects are accounted for, this transformation results in the gyrokinetic equation [5–7]. This equation describes low-frequency turbulence driven by gradients of the plasma density, temperature, and flows across the magnetic field, in magnetically confined laboratory plasmas. However, a gyrokinetic version of the exact Fokker-Planck collision operator for this equation has not been developed. Significant effort has been made to construct a model gyrokinetic operator which includes the effect of finite gyroradius [5], and conserves particles, momentum, and energy. The test-particle terms of this operator, including energy scattering, were implemented in the gyrokinetic code GS2 [8], and shown to strongly damp short wavelength trapped electron modes. Most recently, new conserving terms were formulated to ensure non-negative entropy production [9,10]. Upon implementation in the GS2 code 0031-9007=11=106(19)=195002(4) [11], this model operator yields a similar damping of short wavelength entropy modes, in general providing physical dissipation at short wavelengths. Quantitative accuracy is suggested in comparisons with analytic theory for the damping of electromagnetic waves by resistivity [11]. However, calculation of the classical collisional ion heat transport across the magnetic field, using the same model operator, reveals a 50% discrepancy [10] relative to the linearized full Fokker-Planck operator. This shows that present model operators still do not have all of the properties of the full collision operator. In this Letter, we present the gyrokinetic linearized full Fokker-Planck collision operator for arbitrary mass ratio, including both the test-particle and field-particle contributions. The gyrokinetic operator we obtain accounts for finite gyroradius effects in both the test-particle and fieldparticle terms within the usual gyrokinetic ordering. The gyrophase averages resulting from the field-particle operator are independent of the guiding-center (gyroaveraged) distribution, and can therefore be precomputed. Once precomputed, these gyroaverages can be efficiently reused in successive time steps in gyrokinetic simulations. Further, the field-particle operator at each time step is reduced to the evaluation of a single two-dimensional velocity integral over the evolving guiding-center distribution. In contrast, recent model operators typically require the evaluation of several more complex integrals for the conserved moments. Thus the exact operator is not only more accurate, but much less expensive to evaluate than conserving model operators. For completeness, the linearized full collision operator is first derived in a symmetric form, utilizing Rosenbluth potentials. This simplifies both the test-particle and fieldparticle terms. The Fokker-Planck collision operator gives the time rate of change in the distribution function fa of species a due to Coulomb P collisions with particles of species b [1,3], ð@fa =@tÞc ¼ b Cðfa ; fb Þ. It is often convenient to express the operator in terms of the Rosenbluth 195002-1 Ó 2011 American Physical Society week ending PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 13 MAY 2011 PRL 106, 195002 (2011) R 3 0 0 R 3 0 0 potentials GðvÞ ¼ d v fb u and HðvÞ ¼ d v fb =u, v2 @2 fa1 ma @fa1 0 0 0 C ðf ; f Þ ¼ 1 v E a1 b0 k s where f ¼ fðvÞ, f ¼ fðv Þ, and u ¼ jv v j is the rela2 @v2 mb @v tive velocity [2,12]. Employing the properties of the @f m Rosenbluth potentials r2v H ¼ 4fb and r2v G ¼ 2H, þ D v a1 þ 4 a fb0 fa1 ; (5) @v mb the full Fokker-Planck collision operator may be written in the symmetric form [5] where the frequencies D ¼ ð=v3 ÞdG0 =dv, k ¼ s ¼ ð=vÞdH0 =dv. For a ð=v2 Þd2 G0 =dv2 , 1 @ 2 G @ 2 fa ma Cðfa ; fb Þ= ¼ þ 4 fa fb Maxwellian background fb0 , the frequencies can be 2 @vi @vj @vi @vj mb expressed as [4,10] k ¼ 2ðnb =v3 ÞðxÞ, D ¼ m @H @fa ðnb =v3 ÞerfðxÞ k =2, s ¼ x2 k , where erfðxÞ is the þ 1 a ; (1) error function, ðxÞ ¼ ½erfðxÞ xerf 0 ðxÞ=ð2x2 Þ is the mb @vi @vi Chandrasekhar function, and x ¼ v=vTb . where ¼ 4Z2a Z2b e4 ln=m2a and the sum over repeated Because of the symmetry in Eq. (1), the differential form indices i and j is understood. The form Eq. (1) is symof the field-particle operator is similar to the test-particle metric in the sense that exchanging the distribution operator and the Lorentz operator on G1 can be removed function and Rosenbluth potentials results in the same by employing the property r2v G1 ¼ 2H1 . Thus the fielddifferential form. For small departures from thermodyparticle operator Eq. (3) can be rewritten as namic equilibrium, the distribution functions for all species 1 d2 fa0 @2 G1 1 dfa0 @2 G1 are nearly Maxwellian, f ¼ f0 þ f1 , where f0 ¼ Cðf 2H ; f Þ= ¼ þ a0 b1 1 ðn=3=2 v3T Þ expðv2 =v2T Þ is Maxwellian for a species of 2 dv2 @v2 2v dv @v2 density n, the perturbed distribution f1 f0 , and vT ¼ m @H1 dfa0 m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ 4 a fa0 fb1 : þ 1 a 2T=m is the thermal speed. It follows from Eq. (1) that mb @v dv mb the linearized full Fokker-Planck collison operator consists (6) of the sum of the test-particle operator [5] pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi For the Maxwellian fa0 with vTa ¼ 2Ta =ma , the field1 @2 G0 @2 fa1 ma particle operator Eq. (6) becomes [4,13] Cðfa1 ; fb0 Þ= ¼ þ 4 f f 2 @vi @vj @vi @vj mb b0 a1 2v2 @2 G1 2v ma @H1 ma @H0 @fa1 Cðf ; f Þ=ðf Þ ¼ 1 a0 b1 a0 þ 1 ; (2) mb @v v2Ta v4Ta @v2 mb @vi @vi 2 m 2 H1 þ 4 a fb1 : (7) and the field-particle operator mb vTa 1 @2 G1 @2 fa0 m The collision operator in the gyrokinetic equation is Cðfa0 ; fb1 Þ= ¼ þ 4 a fa0 fb1 2 @vi @vj @vi @vj mb obtained via the transformation from guiding-center to m @H1 @fa0 particle coordinates, application of the collision operator, þ 1 a ; (3) and transformation back to guiding-center coordinates, mb @vi @vi followed by the average over the gyroangle [5,6,9]. Thus where the Rosenbluth the gyrokinetic linearized full Fokker-Planck collision opR 3 0 0 potentials of Maxwellian R 3 0 0distribution G0 ðvÞ ¼ d v fb0 u and H0 ðvÞ ¼ R d v fb0 =u are erator consists of the gyrokinetic test-particle operator 0 u and isotropic Rin velocity space; G1 ðvÞ ¼ d3 v0 fb1 0 =u evaluated using the perturbed distriCgk ðha ; fb0 Þ ¼ heiLa Cðha eiLa ; fb0 Þi; (8) H1 ðvÞ ¼ d3 v0 fb1 bution are in general anisotropic in velocity space. and the gyrokinetic field-particle operator It is convenient to write the collision operator in terms of spherical velocity variables v ¼ jvj, pitch angle ¼ (9) Cgk ðfa0 ; hb Þ ¼ heiLa Cðfa0 ; hb eiLb Þi; vk =v, and gyrophase defined with respect to the magH with the gyrophase average h i ¼ d=2. The pernetic field B ¼ Bb, where the velocity v ¼ v? ðe^ 1 cos þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi turbed guiding-center distribution h is independent of the e^ 2 sinÞ þ vk b and v? ¼ v 1 2 . Then the testgyroangle, Ls ¼ ðv bÞ k? =s and s ¼ Zs eB=ms c particle operator Eq. (2) can be rewritten as the sum of for species s. The binormal basis vector e^ 1 may be the Lorentz operator (pitch-angle scattering) [5] chosen in the direction of the perpendicular wave number so that k? ¼ ke^ 1 . Then Ls ¼ k sinv? =s and L0s ¼ @ @ 1 @2 ð1 2 Þ þ CL ðfa1 ; fb0 Þ ¼ D f k sin0 v0? =s . @ 1 2 @2 a1 2 @ It is well known that the gyroaverage of the test-particle (4) operator results in finite gyroradius terms that are proporand energy scattering tional to k2 v2 =2 [5,9,10]. Inserting the test-particle 195002-2 PRL 106, 195002 (2011) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS operator into the formula Eq. (8), the gyroaverage of the Lorentz operator Eq. (4) yields [9,10] Cgk L ðha ; fb0 Þ ¼ D @ @ ð1 2 Þ ha @ 2 @ 2 k v2 D ð1 þ 2 Þ ha ; 42a (10) and the gyroaverage of energy scattering Eq. (5) gives v2 @2 ha ma @ha @h gk þ D v a s 1 v CE ðha ; fb0 Þ ¼ k 2 2 @v mb @v @v þ 4 ma k2 v2 fb0 ha k ð1 2 Þ ha : mb 42a (11) For the calculations of the field-particle operator, it is convenient to normalize the velocities to the thermal speed, i.e., v=vTa ! v and the wave number k to the thermal gyroradius a ¼ vTa =a , i.e., ka ! k, then La ¼ Lb = ¼ kv? sin, where ¼ a =b ¼ Za mb =ðma Zb Þ. Inserting the field-particle operator Eq. (7) into the formula Eq. (9), the gyrokinetic field-particle operator then takes the form m Cgk ðfa0 ; hb Þ=ðfa0 Þ ¼ heiLa Pi þ 4 a hb heiðLb La Þ i; mb (12) where the normalized quantity @2 G 1 ma @H1 ; (13) 2H 2 1 v 1 mb @v @v2 R the Rosenbluth G1 ¼ d3 v0 h0b expðiL0b Þu and R 3 0 0 potentials H1 ¼ d v hb expðiL0b Þ=u. The integral representation of Bessel functions gives P ¼ 2v2 heiðLb La Þ i ¼ J0 ½kv? ð1 Þ: (14) Since the guiding-center distribution h0 is independent of gyroangle 0 , we have Z heiLa Pi ¼ 2 d2 v0 h0b ðv0 ; 0 ÞIðv; ; v0 ; 0 ; kÞ; (15) where the normalized gyrophase integral I d I d0 Iðv; ; v0 ; 0 ; kÞ ¼ expðiL0b iLa ÞU; (16) 2 2 U ¼ 2v2 @2 u 2 ma @ 1 2 1 ; v 2 u mb @v u @v (17) u ¼ ½v2 þ v02 2v? v0? cosð 0 Þ 2vk v0k 1=2 : (18) The velocity derivatives in Eq. (17) can be expressed as 2v2 @2 u=@v2 ¼ ðv2 þ v02 Þ=u u=2 ðv2 v02 Þ2 =ð2u3 Þ and 2v@ð1=uÞ@v ¼ 1=u ðv2 v02 Þ=u3 , so that week ending 13 MAY 2011 m 1 u U ¼ v2 þ v02 1 a mb u 2 m ðv2 v02 Þ2 1 þ 1 a ðv2 v02 Þ : mb 2 u3 (19) The finite gyroradius effects described by I in gyrophase integral Eq. (16) can be precomputed independently of the evolving distribution function h0 , given the velocity grid (v, , v0 , 0 ) and wave number k. Thus the field-particle operator at each time step in gyrokinetic simulations is reduced to the evaluation of a single two-dimensional velocity integral, Eq. (15). Note that the quantity U defined in Eq. (17) depends only on the difference 0 through the relative velocity u which is periodic and even in 0 . In the limit k ¼ 0, the gyrophase integral Eq. (16) reduces to I0 ¼ Iðv; ; v0 ; 0 ; k ¼ 0Þ ¼ I d0 Uð0 Þ 2 (20) The relative velocity given by Eq. (18) can be rewritten as pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u ¼ 1 2 sin2 , where ¼ ð þ 0 Þ=2, 2 ¼ ðv? þ v0? Þ2 þ ðvk v0k Þ2 , and 2 ¼ 4v? v0? =2 . Thus I0 , the gyrophase integral I evaluated at wave number k ¼ 0, may be expressed in terms of complete integrals K H elliptic and E [1,14] using the results d0 =u ¼ 4KðÞ=, H 0 H d u ¼ 4EðÞ, d0 =u3 ¼ 4EðÞ=½3 ð1 2 Þ. The periodic function U may be decomposed into a P 0 Fourier series Uð 0 Þ ¼ n cn einð Þ where the coefficient c0 is equal to I0 . Using H the integral representation of Bessel functions d expðikv? sin inÞ ¼ 2Jn ðkv? Þ, the gyrophase integral Eq. (16) then becomes X I ¼ cn Jn ðkv? ÞJn ðkv0? Þ: (21) n Since the Fourier coefficients cn are real for even functions, the gyrophase integral Eq. (16) is real and can be rewritten as I¼ I d I d0 cosðkv0? sin0 kv? sinÞU: (22) 2 2 The gyrophase integral in the form of Eq. (22) can be accurately precomputed numerically using an adaptive multidimensional integration algorithm [15]. For large kv? and kv0? , the gyrophase integral can be asymptotically approximated using the saddle point method as well. For unlike particle collisions such as electron-ion collisions, the collision operators can be simplified using a large mass ratio mi =me 1 expansion [2]. However, for like particle and ion-impurity collisions, the exact operator is necessary. Figure 1 shows the typical wave number dependence of the gyrophase integral I=I0 versus k for self-collisions. Here ¼ vT = is the thermal gyroradius. Since the integrand in the gyrophase integral becomes oscillatory for large k values, the wave number dependence is 195002-3 PRL 106, 195002 (2011) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 1 ξ=0.5 ξ=0.8 ξ=1 I/I0 0.5 0 -0.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 kρ FIG. 1 (color online). Typical wave number dependence of gyrophase integral I=I0 for self-collisions. Here v0 ¼ 1, 0 ¼ 0, v ¼ 0:5, ¼ 1 (solid line), ¼ 0:8 (dashed line), ¼ 0:5 (dash-dotted line). characterized by oscillatory decay and the largest integral value is at k ¼ 0. For v? ¼ 0 or v0? ¼ 0 the gyrophase integral becomes I=I0 ¼ J0 ðkv0? Þ or J0 ðkv? Þ. Thus in Fig. 1 for the case ¼ 1 with v? ¼ 0 and v0? ¼ 1, the zeros of gyrophase integral I=I0 ¼ J0 ðkÞ occur at k 2:4; 5:5; . . . the roots of Bessel function of order n ¼ 0, verifying the accuracy of numerical integration. The Debye length D characterizes charge shielding, and effectively limits the range of interaction between charges, limiting the maximum impact parameter for small-angle deflections in the plasma [1]. This excludes the value u ¼ 0 for the case v ¼ v0 from the calculation, since the classical distance of closest approach e2 =ðmu2 =2Þ should be smaller than the Debye length. If the function Uð 0 Þ is smooth with no jumps, as is the case when v and v0 differ significantly, then the Fourier series converges quickly so that the gyrophase integral may be approximated by a small number of terms in Eq. (21). Thus in Fig. 1 for the case ¼ 0:8 with v? ¼ 0:3 and v0? ¼ 1, the gyrophase integral I=I0 J0 ðkv? ÞJ0 ðkv0? Þ. In gyrokinetic simulations, the full expression in Eq. (22) can be readily precomputed. The gyrokinetic linearized Fokker-Planck operator is finally @ha gk ¼ Cgk L ðha ;fb0 Þ þ CE ðha ;fb0 Þ @t c 2 2ma kv? a þ a pffiffiffiffi h J 1 b m b b 0 a Z 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 þ d v hb ðv ; ÞIðv;;v ; ;kÞ expðv2 =v2Ta Þ; (23) where the frequency a ¼ na =v3Ta and the sum over all species b including b ¼ a is understood. week ending 13 MAY 2011 In summary, the gyrokinetic linearized full FokkerPlanck collision operator for arbitrary mass ratio has been obtained, including both field-particle and testparticle contributions. Finite gyroradius effects are included in both field-particle and test-particle terms. These effects were obtained via the transformation from guiding-center to particle coordinates, application of the collision operator, and transformation back to guidingcenter coordinates, averaging over the gyroangle. The full operator automatically conserves particles, momentum, and energy, while ensuring positive entropy production. We find that the finite gyroradius effects can be precomputed independently of the evolving distribution function, leaving a single two-dimensional velocity integral over the evolving distribution function. Accordingly, this operator is both more accurate and appears to be less computationally expensive than model operators which approximate the field-particle terms with conserving terms. We thank Peter J. Catto for helpful discussions, and Steven G. Johnson for help with numerical integration using the CUBATURE code. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Grants No. DE-FC0299ER54966 and No. DE-FG02-91ER54109. [1] M. N. Rosenbluth, W. MacDonald, and D. Judd, Phys. Rev. 107, 1 (1957). [2] R. D. Hazeltine and F. L. Waelbroeck, The Framework of Plasma Physics (Perseus Books, Massachusetts, 1998). [3] F. L. Hinton, in Handbook of Plasma Physics, edited by M. N. Rosenbluth and R. Z. Sagdeev (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1983), Vol. 1, p. 147. [4] P. Helander and D. J. 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