Residential Life Office Use Only Application sent Application received Application complete Cancellation date Cancellation code APPLICATION Middle Tennessee State University Murfreesboro, Tennessee _ _ Log No .. _ _ _ Please retum the completed application along with the appropriate payment to Housing and Residential Life, P. O. Box 6, MTSU, Murfreesboro, TN 37132. No assignment will be made until both the application/agreement and current prepayment are received. Please print with ink or type. I am requesting on-campus housing for the following periods: SPRING TERM 20__ ONLY SUMMER APPLICATIONS UPON REQUEST UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE FAMILY o Freshman (0-29 hours) o Upperclassman (30-120+ hours) o Master's o Doctorate o Single with dependents o Married o Married with dependents ACADEMIC YEAR 20 -(Fall and Spring Terms) APPLICATION TYPE STUDENT INFORMATION Legal Name (do not use nicknames) Gender . Birthdate (mo., day, year) M Number o Male o Female High School Graduation Date . Home Address No., Street, Apt. Area Code/Student's City Cell Phone Zip State Student's Area Codel Phone Country Email Address . Name of parent/guardian to notify in case of emergency Area Codel Phone ," City Address Name State Zip . Area Code/Parent's Parent's Cell Phone . Email Address ALL REQUESTS Preferences stated are requests only and are not to be understood as contractual stipulations. Preferences may not be honored due to space limitations. Students checking Learning Communities also must agree to meet and accept all conditions and terms associated with their assignments. If preferred accommodation type is unavailable, an alternative will be assigned. ROOMMATE REQUEST Mutual roommate requests take priority over building choices or assignment location. If you add a roommate request or a requested roommate applies later than you, your assignment location could be changed (including a building change) to accommodate your roommate request. To help insure you receive your requested roommate we make the following recommendations: 1. Apply early. 2. Apply at the same time. 3. Request the same accommodations. 4. List the same roommates. 5. Insure roommate requests are mutual. M Number Roommate's 'Legal Name 1. 2. 3. ROOMMATE MATCH I would prefer a roommate who matches the following: o Freshman o Upperclassman o Older Student o Graduate o Night o Loud o Early Riser o Tidy Owl Music Student Do you have a physical disability or cOndition warranting special consideration in making your assignment? 0 Yes ,0 No Specify special needs _ (A physician's statement must be attached, if YES. If a seeing-eye dog will accompany you, you must provide a copy of the dog's credential at the time of application.) We encourage each student with special needs to contact the Disabled Student Services Office at (615) 898-2783. FAMILY REQUESTS At the time of application, all students requesting accommodations for a spouse and/or dependent(s) MUST provide a copy of a marriage certificate and/or birth certificates for each dependent. Spouse's legal name (do not use nicknames) MS Number (for office use only) Will spouse be a student? 0 Yes _ ,Birthdate (mo., day, yr.) 0 No _ .. Dependent(s) who will reside with you: Name (last, first, middle) 8irthdate MD Number (for office use only) Male Female Because TCA ~40-39-211 prohibits sex offenders required to register under TCA Title 40, Chapter 39, Part 2 from knowingly establi~hing a primary or secondary residence or any other living accommodation within one thousand feet (1,000') of the property line of any public, private or parochial school, licensed day care center, other child care facility, public park, playground recreation center or public athletic field available for use by the general public, registered sex offenders are not eligible for housing at our institution. By my signature on page 4, I verify that I am not required to register as a sex offender under TCA Title 40, Chapter 39, Part 2. Beginning with the Fall 2013 term, all students under age 22 who are enrolling in a TBR institution for the first time, regardless of the level at which the student is matriculating, AND who will be living in on-campus housing, must show proof of adequate immunization against meningitis prior to being assigned to on-campus housing. "Adequate Immunization" means that students must have been vaccinated on or alter their 16th birthday and within the last 5 years. YOU WILL NOT BE ASSIGNED TO ON-CAMPUS HOUSING UNTIL AN ACCEPTABLE FORM IS ON FILE. Proof of adequate immunization should be included with this application or returned to: MTSU Health Services, Middle Tennessee State University, Box 237, Murfreesboro, TN 37132; Phone 615-898-2988; FAX 615-898-5004. ACCOMMODATIONS REQUESTS Select Accommodations Requests in order from 1 to 3. First three requests will be recorded only. Requests for specific room may be considered for returning students only. Room Number requested: [M/F refers to Male and Female]. Accommodation types: Residence Halls-single [a room specifically designed to house one student]; private [a room designed to house two students; one student assigned]; shared [a room designed to house two students; two students assigned]; Scarlett-single [private bedroom: apt shared by four students]; Womack-private [one student assigned to apt]. COMMUNITIES __ Aerospace Learning Community [First-Vear Students Only] Building: Cummings [M/F] __ Private [limited] -- Shared Aerospace Learning [Upperclassmen __ __ Private [limited] Shared __ Cummings[M/FJ __ Smith [MfF] __ Sims[M] __ __ Room Type: Single [limited: Smith ONLY] Private [limited] __ Shared __ Give Me A Beat Community [FOR RIM MAJORS] Building: Sims[MJ __ Beasley [F] __ Smith [M/F] First-Year Experience [First~Year Students Only] Building: Corlew [M/F] "Diverse __ World Diverse Arts" Community SPEECH & THEATRE Building: Monahan Complex [M/F] __ Single {limited) __ Private [limited] Building: Room Type: __ Communities ONLY] Room Type: --Shared Global Learning Community Building: __ Deere Hall [M/F] __ Private [limited] Shared Room Type: Room Type: __ __ Room Type: Single [limited; Smith ONL YJ Private [limited) Shared -- -[Restricted --House -- House --House House -- __ __ __ 1 3 6 8 Greek Row Community to Greek Memberships ONLY] Building: House 2 -- House 4 -- House 7 Learning Community Building: Beasley [F! __ Smith [MfF] __ Sims 1M] __ __ __ __ Room Type: Single [iimited; Smith ONL YJ Private [limited] Shared Women __ In Science and Engineering __ __ __ Beasley [F] Smith [M/F] Room Type: Single [limited; Smith ONL YJ Private [limited] Shared Music at Middle Building: Monahan Complex [MfF) __ Room Type: __ __ -- Room Type: Single [limited] Private [limited] Shared __ __ Single [limited] Private [limited] Shared -- Pre-Professional Health and Sciences Building: Beasley [F] __ Smith [M/FJ __ True Blue Community Building: Nicks [MfFj __ __ __ Private [limited] Shared __ Sims[M] __ __ __ Room Type: Single [limited; Smith ONL YJ Private {limited] Shared __ Traditional Buildings [interior} No Learning Community Building: Monahan Complex [M/F] __ Rutledge (M/F] _Judd __ Lyon Complex [M/F] __ Nicks [M/F] __ __ Sims[MJ Room Type: Single [limited; Monahan, Lyon, Smith and Rutledge ONL YJ Private [limited] Shared __ __ Private [limited] Shared Community Building: __ __ Learning Community Building: Lyon Complex [M/F] -- Room Type: Single [limited; Houses 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 ONL YJ Private [limited) Shared Nursing Honors __ __ __ __ Room Type: __ Smith [M/F] Quad Buildings [exterior} No Learning Community Building: __ Gracy [M/F] (M/F) __ Beasley [F] __ __ Apartment Community Single Students ONLY Building: Womack Lane 1M/F) Scarlett [M/F] __ __ Room Type: One-bedroom, private apt [Womack Private bedroom, shared apt Room Type: Family Community Building: __ ONLY! Deere [M/F] Womack Lane One-bedroom Two-bedroom Room Type: Semi-Furnished Un-furnished Deere [M/F] TERMS OF APPLICATION AND LICENSE AGREEMENT This is my application and license agreement to reside in a Middle Tennessee State University residential community. I agree to pay the required prepayment fees (see current rates) for the academic year for which I am applying. (One-half of the prepayment for spring term only.) Failure to cancel this application in 'writing by the deadlines stated in the license agreement will result in financial penalties. By signing this application and license agreement, I accept all terms and provisions of the attached license agreement and understand the agreement is for the full academic year; including both fall and spring terms (and remaining portion thereof). I agree to accept the accommodations assigned, I verify all information included in this application is complete and accurate. Applicant signature, Spousesignature______ _ Legal guardian signature (if student is under legal age) _ __ _ _ _ Date _ Date _ Date _ MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY 1015-2358- Middle Tennessee Slato University does not discriminate against students, employees, or applicants for admission or employment on the basis of race, color, religion. creed. national origin. SO)(, sexual orientation, gender idontityfexpression. disability. age, status !!IS a protected veteran, genellc Information, or agaInst any other legally protected class with respect to aD employment, programs. and activities. The following person has been designated 10 handle Inquiries mlaled 10 nondlSCl1m1natJon policies for MTSU: Assistant to the President for Institutiona! Equity and Compliance. For additional information about these policies and lhe procedures for resolution, please oont8d Marian V, WlI$on, assistant to the president and nUe IX Coordinator, Institutional Equity and Complianco, Middle Tennessee Stalo University, Cope Administration Building 116, 1301 East MaIn Street, Murf~boro, TN 37132:;orcan(615)898-2185.MTSU'spolicyon nondiscrimination can be found BI htlp:llwww.m1$u.eduftiUebrJ. Certificate of Immunization MIDDLE TENNESSEE MTSU On-Campus Housing Meningitis STATE UNIVERSITY Requirement Beginning with the Fall 2013 term, all students under age 22 who are enrolling in a TBR institution for the first time, regardless of the level at which the student is matriculating, AND who will be living in on-campus housing, must show proof of adequate immunization against meningitis prior to being assigned to on-campus housing. "Adequate Immunization" means that students must have been vaccinated on or after their 16th birthday and within the last S years. YOU WILL NOT BEASSIGNEDTO ON-CAMPUS HOUSING UNTIL AN ACCEPTABLEFORM IS ON FILE. PART I (to be completed by student) Name --------------------------------------Last First Middle Date of Birth _ Student ID No. M _ PART II (to be completed and signed by physician) (Dates must include month and year) MONTH DAY YEAR MENINGITIS Meningitis vaccine must be quadrivalent to meet requirement. Meningitis conjugated B vaccination meningococcal is also recommended vaccine (MCV4 - Serogroups by the CDC, but not required A,C,W-135,&Y) at this time. Health Care Provider (Please print unless office stamp is used) Name _ Address _ Signature Office phone Please return to: MTSU Health Services, Middle Tennessee State University, Box 237, Murfreesboro, _ TN 37132; Phone 615-898-2988; FAX 615-898-5004 A Tennessee Board of Regents University MTSU is an equal opportunity, nonracially identifiable, educational institution that does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities.