Fall 2015 Course Syllabus INTD 101-XX 4 Credits RAMAPO COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY First-Year Seminar American Law Enforcement and the Public: A Controversial Relationship Course Information Prerequisites and/or Co-requisites: First-time, first-year student status Class Meeting Day(s), Time and Room Location: Tue, 8:00am - 9:50am and Fri, 8:00am – 9:50am. Instructor Information Instructor's Name, Title: Peter Schwartz, MSW Office Hours: By appointment E-mail: pschwar2@ramapo.edu School Office Location: A-217 School Office Phone No.: (201) 684-7292 Common FYS Description Designed for first-time, full-time, first-year students, First-Year Seminar (FYS) provides a comprehensive introduction to college-level learning. Seminar courses are developed around an academic theme or topic that is based on one of Ramapo College’s academic pillars. First-Year students will have the opportunity to select a seminar that best suits their interests while learning about Ramapo’s academic foundation. The First-Year Seminar course helps students in their transition from high school to college life both in and out of the classroom. The common learning outcomes of FYS are: critical and creative thinking, college-level writing, oral communication, information literacy, and technological competency. FYS classes are small to emphasize open discussion and experiential learning within the context of the theme of the seminar course. Peer facilitators play an essential role in each FYS class ensuring that first-year students have guidance from a more experienced student. FYS is also the home of the Ramapo Summer Reading Program; all first-year students read the same book and discuss and write about it in their seminars. FYS encourages new students to participate in a community of learners, to strengthen their critical thinking skills, and to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Course Description This first-year seminar will lead you on an exploration of law enforcement throughout periods of history. Learn the truth about the rights and responsibilities of policemen and women as sworn officers, and be ready to visit, discuss and debate many of the recent officer-related incidents 1 Fall 2015 Course Syllabus INTD 101-XX 4 Credits throughout the United States that have resulted in nation-wide unrest and widened an already existing schism between law enforcement and the general public, especially minority communities. This introductory course will give you an insider’s perspective on some of the challenges faced by law enforcement, and help you understand the roles civilians can play in interaction and even oversight of law enforcement. Through lectures, videos, and class discussions, you will learn about different cultural perspectives related to law enforcement. This course will challenge and encourage you to question your beliefs and defend your positions while providing you with a new lens to explore law enforcement. Course Goals Students will learn, understand and be sensitive to ethnic and cultural differences as it applies to the interactions between civilians and law enforcement in the United States. Through readings, videos and class discussions students will explore their inner-thoughts, feelings as it applies to questioning their preconceived notions and biases about the roles that civilians and police play. Measurable Student Learning Outcomes Students will: Research Paper Class discussions and essays Final Project demonstrate the ability to think critically and creatively x x x demonstrate proficiency in written communication x x X demonstrate proficiency in oral communication x x x demonstrate information literacy x x Peer Facilitators As an added resource for first-year students, each section of First-Year Seminar (FYS) will have a peer facilitator. These upper-level students will attend FYS classes and assist the instructor with the academic topics covered in this seminar. They will serve as discussion leaders on issues that pertain to your personal and social development and they will facilitate weekly discussions on the class readings. Your peer facilitator will be your mentor and will be available to you to provide guidance on navigating the different personal and social hurdles that you may encounter in your first year at Ramapo. First-Year Academic Advising Each First-Year Seminar course is assigned a professional Academic Advisor from the Center for Student Success who serves as your Academic Advisor during your first year. This advisor will attend 2 Fall 2015 Course Syllabus INTD 101-XX 4 Credits your First-Year Seminar class for a group advisement session to review general academic advising policies and procedures. They will also be available to answer any general questions regarding college policies/practices. Students are encouraged to schedule individual appointments with their Student Success Advisor for assistance with course selection and the development of a personal academic plan. If you have any questions regarding Academic Advisement please call CAAFYE at (201) 684-7441 or via email at: success@ramapo.edu Texts, Readings, Materials Conlon, E. (2004). Blue Blood. New York: Penguin Group (USA) Inc. ISBN: 1-57322-266-6 Alexander, M. (2011). The New Jim Crow. New York: The New Press. ISBN: 978-1-59558-643-8 Hacker, D., & Sommers, N. (2012). Rules for Writers (7th ed.). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. ISBN: 9780312647957. Tobar, H. (2014). Deep, Down Dark. New York: Macmillan Publishers. ISBN: 9780374280604. Other articles and readings may be added as appropriate throughout the course Course Requirements General Course Policies You are expected to devote at least two hours of study time outside of class for every hour of class time. Talking and texting on your mobile phone are strictly prohibited activities in the classroom. Please keep laptops closed during class time. Classroom Participation In seminar courses, student participation is key! A successful and lively class helps to increase ones learning capacity and provide the confidence to interact with others. This successful interaction indicates that the student is not only prepared for class, but possesses the ability to discuss assigned readings and the willingness to ask questions, share ideas, and actively participate in class activities. Your attendance and respect for others in class along with the above mentioned accounts for 10% of your final grade. Writing Assignments 1. 2. 3. 10-page research paper based on the “Impact of law enforcement in the community” (topics to be distributed during the second week of classes). The paper will be written during the course of the semester with the required components (proposal, working bibliography, outline, and final paper) to be submitted for credit on specified due dates (Total of 25% of grade): Research paper proposal (5%) Research paper outline (5%) Research paper draft (10%) Research paper working bibliography (5%) 2-3 pages paper on Phil Klay’s Redeployment (5% assignment 1) 500 word summary on a workshop provided by the Center for Reading and Writing (5%, assignment 2) Examinations and Presentations 3 Fall 2015 Course Syllabus INTD 101-XX 4 Credits Examination Choose 3 out of 5 essay questions based on course material throughout semester (15%). 1. Oral Presentations 2-3 page PowerPoint research paper proposal with a (5 minute) PowerPoint presentation (5%) 2. PowerPoint presentation (10-15 minutes) on the research paper (10%) General Education Program Course This course fulfills the First-Year Seminar category of the general education curriculum at Ramapo College. Common to all First-Year Seminar (FYS) courses, you will develop critical thinking skills that are basic to college level study, regardless of your area of interest. You will be reading, writing, and participating in thoughtful group discussions with the aim of developing the skills of a scholar. You will learn to support your arguments using a foundation of knowledge and facts rather than simply using personal opinions and experiences. This course is classified as a intercultural understanding because students will explore issues related to law enforcement, society/civilians throughout the United States resulting in nation-wide unrest pertaining to but not limited to the general public, especially the minority communities. This course if also classified as an interdisciplinary studies course because students will read texts and explore and discuss issues from different disciplinary contexts. Writing Intensive (WI) Course Writing will be integrated into the life of this course. You will receive comments, direction, and support as you work on strengthening your writing skills. Your writing will be evaluated and returned in a timely fashion, allowing you to incorporate my comments into your future work. For help outside the classroom, please see me during my office hours and/or work with a writing tutor in the Center for Reading and Writing (CRW), Room: L-211, x7557, crw@ramapo.edu. Grading Structure and Policy A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D F 94100 8993 8588 8084 7779 7476 7073 6769 6466 6063 <59 An incomplete grade will be granted in exceptional circumstances and when requested by a student who has satisfactorily completed at least two-thirds of course requirements prior to the end of a term, for reasons of illness or other emergency. No make-up final exams will be given in this course. Class Policies and Values 1. Participation: I am eager for you to learn and excited to teach you. This I feel will be accomplished through open exploration and interactive discussions. To facilitate this, we are going to tackle a number of important issues relevant to your lives and to challenge your assumptions. However, I will do my best to make this exciting and lively to capture the attention of those easily distracted. However, I ask that your participation and respect for others always be kept in check. The reading and 4 Fall 2015 Course Syllabus INTD 101-XX 4 Credits writing assignments have been selected because they are relevant to your lives and are interesting. 2. Attendance: Attendance is important to your ability to assimilate information and to contribute to the work and study of others. Attendance is required. In utopia, you would be in class every session; however, I realize the world isn’t perfect. You should notify me whenever an emergency prevents you from meeting with the rest of us. (I check my e-mails regularly). You will be allowed FOUR absences (excused or unexcused). If you exceed FIVE absences prior to the withdrawal date, you will be asked to drop the course to avoid a failing grade. If you accrue SIX or more absences, you will automatically fail the course. Note that every four late arrivals count as an absence. Every 3 absences will result in a final average deduction of one full grade (e.g., from A to A-). College policy states that students must notify faculty within the first three weeks of the semester if they anticipate missing any classes due to religious observances. 3. Quality of Work: What I am talking about here is not content, although that is important. What I am addressing is the quality of the written page. I require your work to be neatly printed, using a word processing program. There are a number of computer labs on campus with extended hours. These services are free. All work must be completed in either a Times New Roman or Arial font. Do not use Courier New or other fonts to s t r e t c h out your work. Make sure that each page has oneinch margins all around and follows the assignment format for this class. I also expect your writing to be at an undergraduate level or higher. The use of slang, colloquialism, and jargon is fine if used intentionally and for purpose. However, the use of Standard English to convey ideas is mandatory. I am mostly interested in your content, but your ability to communicate well is also important. 4. Late papers and assignments: I do not accept late papers. If you have a valid excuse (use good judgment) I will make some exceptions. If you don’t have a valid excuse I expect you to responsibly take ownership of your mistake. Any late assignments will be given a grade of zero. If you are absent on the day an assignment is due, you should email me your assignment or make sure that I have a hard copy by the date due. 5. Smart phones, laptops, Ipads and other electronic devices: If you need these devices for medical emergencies, use them and let me know. Otherwise, please make sure that you turn them off before you come to class. You should avoid text messaging in class at all times. They are extremely distracting during discussions in class. Unauthorized use of these devices WILL have a negative impact on your participation grade. 6. Academic Integrity: Students are expected to read and understand Ramapo College’s Academic Integrity Policy, which can be found in the Ramapo College Catalog. Members of the Ramapo College community are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. Students who are suspected of violating this policy will be referred to the Office of the Provost and the Dean of SSHS. All 5 Fall 2015 Course Syllabus INTD 101-XX 4 Credits assignments, unless explicitly noted otherwise, must be independently completed. Note that copying another student’s assignment (completely or in part) constitutes plagiarism and will result in failure of this course. 7. Turnitin.com, Moodle, and Connect: To facilitate instruction and feedback, I will be using Turnitin.com, Moodle, and Connect, Ramapo’s new Early Alert system. Course documents (Syllabus, assignments, and some readings) will be uploaded onto Moodle. Grades will also be recorded on Moodle. All students should also register with www.turnitin.com for this course. You must submit all written work into the appropriate assignment folder. Papers will not be graded unless a printed copy has been presented to the instructor and the electronic version to turnitin.com. Assignments will be considered late if either part is submitted after the due date. Electronic Forms of Communication In accordance with College policy, I will use your Ramapo College email address (@ramapo.edu) to communicate with you about all course-related matters. Students with Disabilities If you need course adaptation or accommodations because of a disability that has been documented with the Office of Specialized Services, please make an appointment with me. Please note: Students must be registered with the Office of Specialized Services (OSS) to receive accommodations. As you develop or revise your course syllabus, consider ways to make your course material accessible to students with disabilities. For additional information, contact the Office of Specialized Services (OSS) at x7514 or email at oss@ramapo.edu. Please do not place a time limit on when students may request accommodation, as they may not be aware of their need until later in the semester. Academic Integrity There are four (4) broad forms of academic dishonesty: 1. Cheating Cheating is an act of deception by which a student misrepresents his or her mastery of material on a test or other academic exercise. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to: o o o o o copying from another student’s work; allowing another student to copy his/her work; using unauthorized materials such as a textbook, notebook, or electronic devices during an examination; using specifically prepared materials, such as notes written on clothing or other unauthorized notes, formula lists, etc., during an examination; collaborating with another person during an examination by giving or receiving information without authorization from the instructor; 6 Fall 2015 Course Syllabus o 2. INTD 101-XX 4 Credits taking a test for another person or asking or allowing another to take the student’s own test. Plagiarism Plagiarism occurs when a person represents someone else’s words, ideas, phrases, sentences, or data as one’s own work. When a student submits work that includes such material, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific footnote or endnote references; additionally, verbatim statements must be acknowledged through quotation marks. To avoid a charge of plagiarism, a student should be sure to include an acknowledgment of indebtedness: o o o o whenever he or she quotes another person’s words directly; whenever he or she uses another person’s ideas, opinions, or theories, even if they have been completely paraphrased in one’s own words; whenever he or she allows another individual to contribute to the work in some significant fashion (for instance, through editing or sharing of ideas); whenever he or she uses facts, statistics, or other illustrative material taken from a source, unless the information is common knowledge. Examples of standard citation formats can be found on the George T. Potter Library Website: Library Website: Citation Manuals and Style Guides 3. Academic Misconduct Academic misconduct includes the alteration of grades, involvement in the acquisition or distribution of unadministered tests, and the unauthorized submission of student work in more than one class. Examples of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to: o o o o o o 4. changing, altering, falsifying, or being the accessory to the changing, altering, or falsifying of a grade report or form, transcript, or other academic record, or entering any computer system or College office or building for that purpose; stealing, buying, selling, giving way, or otherwise obtaining all or part of any unadministered test or paper or entering any computer system or College office or building for the purpose of obtaining an unadministered test; submitting written work (in whole or in significant part) to fulfill the requirements of more than one course without the explicit permission of both instructors; disregarding policies governing the use of human subjects or animals in research; sabotaging another student’s work through actions designed to prevent the student from successfully completing an assignment; knowingly facilitating a violation of the academic integrity policy by another person. Fabrication Fabrication refers to the deliberate use of invented information or the falsification of research or other findings with the intent to deceive. Examples of fabrication include, but are not limited to: 7 Fall 2015 Course Syllabus o o o o o INTD 101-XX 4 Credits citing information not taken from the source indicated; citing of sources in a “works cited” that were not used in that project; altering, stealing, and/or falsifying research data used in research reports, theses, or dissertations; submitting as one’s own any academic work prepared in whole or in part by others, including the use of another’s identity; falsifying information or signatures on registration, withdrawal, or other academic forms and records. More details on Ramapo College’s academic integrity policy can be found here: http://www.ramapo.edu/catalog-2015-2016/academic-policies/ Disclaimer: This syllabus is subject to change at any time. Although the main content of this course will not change, assignments, projects and due dates are subject to change if I deem it appropriate and in the best interest of the course. Weekly Class Schedule Use this schedule to prepare for each class. Keep track of all due dates and required readings. E-mail notifications will be sent when changes are made to the schedule. This is a tentative schedule, which will be revised shortly before classes begin in September. Date Class topic, reading assignment September 1st Opening Convocation, Hector Tobar, author of Deep, Down Dark Course introduction, Discussion on the summer reading (PPT 1, A little history about law enforcement) Discussion on college academic integrity policy, more discussion on the summer reading & introduction to Blue Blood & The New Jim Crow Essay revision session – peer review Week 1 9/4 Week 2 9/8 & 9/11 Week 3 9/15 9/18 Week 4 9/22, 25 Blue Blood Reading 1 – Discussion (PPT 2, Police and their roles in society) Blue Blood Reading 2 - Discussion & Video (PPT 3, Cops die doing their jobs) Exam/assignment/paper due date Summer reading essay Read Blue Blood pg.’s 1124 for 9/18 discussion Read Blue Blood pg.’s 9399 for 9/22 discussion Read Blue Blood pg.’s 126136 for 9/25 discussion / Read The New Jim Crow Introduction pg. 1-19 for 8 Fall 2015 Course Syllabus INTD 101-XX 4 Credits 9/29 discussion Week 5 9/29 10/2 Distribution of Research Paper assignments and The New Jim Crow Reading 1 – (PPT 4 The New Jim Crow) Discussion & Video PowerPoint research proposal draft due (not mandatory) Peer Facilitators to review academic performance tasks: time management, note-taking skills and test-taking strategies. Week 6 10/6, 9 Week 7 10/13 Academic advisement 10/16 Blue Blood Reading 3 (PPT 5, Law Enforcement a Dangerous Job)/ The New Jim Crow Reading 2 & Discussion (PPT 6, Perception)/ Societal views of the Legal System / Law Enforcement. Information Literacy session (library) Rights and Responsibilities of Sworn Law Enforcement Officer & Class interaction and scenarios/role playing Week 8 10/20 Pier Facilitator and academic course registration advisement 10/23 Cultural perspectives within Law Enforcement and views on cultural diversity. The New Jim Crow Reading 3 (PPT 7, Harsh Punishments) & Discussion (Bring News Paper Article involving a Cultural Diverse Issue for Discussion) PowerPoint research proposal due Read Rules for Writers, p. 536 – 539 / Read Blue Blood pg.’s 168-174 for 10/16 discussion / Read The New Jim Crow pg.’s 34-47 for 10/16 discussion. Research paper working bibliography Read The New Jim Crow pg.’s 89-96 for 10/23 discussion **(Don’t forget to bring in a News Paper Article)** Read pg.’s 244-252 for 10/27 discussion Week 9 10/27, 10/30 Week 10 11/3, 6 Blue Blood Reading 4 (PPT 8, Doing things by the book) & Discussion, Bring newspaper article discussing current law enforcement related events for discussion. “Movie” PowerPoint presentations (8-10 minutes per student) Peer Facilitators to review adjustment issues with first-year students, particularly as they relate to alcohol education and bystander intervention. The New Jim Crow Reading 4 (PPT 9, Racial Disparity) & Lecture: What law enforcement was Research paper working bibliography Final Research Paper Drafts. Read The New Jim Crow pg.’s 101-113 for 11/6 discussion 9 Fall 2015 Course Syllabus Week 11 11/10 11/13 Week 12 11/17 INTD 101-XX like as a former police officer / detective and how it can change your views on society (Class Participation) Where we are now? Exploration of civilian roles (discussion) Lecture, video, class discussion PowerPoint presentations (8-10 minutes per student) 11/20 Exploring your inner-self and capabilities, Mindfulness exercises Week 13 11/24 Blue Blood Reading 5 (PPT 10, NYPD Infamous Cases)l / The New Jim Crow Reading 5 (PPT 11, How True is the word Free?) & Discussions, research paper class discussion Thanksgiving recess (Wednesday, November 25th to Saturday, November 29th) 11/27 (NO CLASS) Week 14 12/1 12/4 Blue Blood Reading 6 (PPT 12, Working Cases)/ The New Jim Crow Reading 6 (PPT 13, The Ghetto) & Discussions Week 15 12/8 Research paper presentations / Personal perspective discussion related to course topic Research paper presentations 12/11 Final Exam 4 Credits Read Blue Blood pg.’s 313322 for 11/24 discussion / Read The New Jim Crow pg.’s 140-151 for 11/24 discussion Read Blue Blood pg.’s 497504 for 12/1 discussion and Read The New Jim Crow Pg.’s 171-177 for 12/1 discussion Final Research Papers Due Research paper presentations; review for final exam. Final Exam Important Dates First Day of Classes: September 2nd Last day for Schedule Adjustments (on the Web): September 9 th Last day to withdraw from courses with “W” grade: November 13th Thanksgiving Recess: Nov 25th – 29th Reading Day (no classes): December 15th Final Exam Week: December 16th – 22nd Common Finals: December 19th Last day to request “I” grades: December 22nd Final Exam Snow Make-Up Day: December 23rd 10