Western Carolina University Reading Center Annual Report – July 2006 – June 2007 Submitted by Dr. Barbara Halliwill Bell Reading Center Director I. The MISSION of the Reading Center is to promote literacy and improve the quality of literacy education in Western North Carolina and across the state by providing services, support, resources and information to children, pre-service and in-service teachers, WCU students, faculty, and staff, and the general public. II. Goals Actions 1. Provide services to improve the reading development of the children in the service area. Provide two sections of the Reading Enrichment programs for children in the area. III. Method of Assessment Parent Surveys. V. Results of Assessment VI. Follow-up 100% of parents surveyed were happy with the results of the oneto-one tutoring their child received. Survey results for each semester are attached. Continue the program – number of WCU students will increase dramatically for fall ’07 – so even more children will be able to be serviced by the program. Response from teachers with students in the program. The comments from the one teacher who responded were very positive. The comments are attached. The Reading Center Director will seek more ways to seek responses from teachers, administrators and school coordinators. Responses from administrators and No administrator responded. Goals Actions Method of Assessment Results of Assessment school coordinators of the program. 2. Make resources and programs available for faculty, students and in-service teachers. Support was provided for the Graham County GearUp program through providing on-site inservice for Graham county Middle School teachers and through work with the Gear-Up coordinator to plan and provide a week (June 1015) on campus which will include both literacy and cultural experiences, as well as direct experiences to expand background and world knowledge. Increase number of new and relevant resources for students, faculty and staff. Offer book club ordering Follow-up When the Director has multiple responses, sharing results with administrators, teachers and school program coordinators will be more beneficial. Responses from students and coordinator. On-going. Number of books added to the Reading Center Resources. Approximately 350 to 400 new books were added to the Reading Center this school year. Continue to add new books and remove unused or outdated resources. Number of book orders, including total Over 1,100 books were ordered. Continue to provide book club ordering 2 Goals Actions Method of Assessment Results of Assessment Follow-up for WCU students, faculty and staff. dollar amount. $6,753 of book orders were processed. possibilities and more widely disseminate information about book ordering. Survey attached. 5 surveys were returned. Those who had used the Reading Center and its resources were very satisfied. Those who had not used the Reading Center planned to start. Send out more information about what resources available and ask all of CEAP who teach education courses for resource suggestions. Survey faculty for Send out survey to suggestions about faculty. how the Reading Center can provide better service. Install software that will allow resources to be listed on the Reading Center Website for better access to resources. Collaborate with the Hunter Library Instructional Materials Lab Supervisor to coordinate (and not repeat) resources and services. Meet with Beth Donough, the new supervisor of the Instructional Materials Lab. The Reading Center Director and Beth Donough have had several successful meetings, as well as phone calls and emails. Continue this collaboration. The Reading Center Director will become a member of the Instructional Materials Advisory committee and the Instructional Materials Supervisor will become a member of the Reading Center Advisory Team. 3 Goals Actions Method of Assessment Results of Assessment Follow-up 3. Provide support for inservice teachers through professional development in literacy. Plan and manage the Pathways to Literacy Conference. Participant Surveys. On surveys, the 50 participants who completed evaluations indicated a high level of satisfaction. Evaluation questions will be revamped for 2007 survey so more appropriate data can be collected. Plans for the 2007 Pathways Conference are in progress. Speakers, dates, and location have been chosen. Flyers are in process. Provide in-service for teachers, teaching assistants and tutors. Over 50 hours of onsite in-service was provided to more than 60 teachers, teaching assistants and tutors. Comments from administrators and coordinators. Positive comments from the one administrator who responded are attached. Continue offering inservice. Offer help and support in the choosing of developmentally appropriate materials, which fit the needs of the learner and the goals of the pre/in-service teacher. Numbers of students checking out materials and seeking help. 1352 students and faculty ‘signed in’ as they came to use the Reading Center. Many others did not ‘sign in’. To determine a more accurate way to assess number of students, faculty, staff and public who use the Reading Center. Possibly look into a people counter. 4. / 5. Provide services to support WCU undergraduate and graduate preservice and inservice teachers in their teaching 4 Goals and learning of literacy and their careers in teaching. 6. Make appropriate clientele aware of the services offered by the Reading Center. Actions Method of Assessment Results of Assessment Follow-up Offer support in passing the reading section of the Praxis I required test for admission. Number of students and amount of time tutoring education students in reading for the Praxis I test. Tutoring was provided for 7 students seeking help in passing the reading section of Praxis I. Approximately 5 to 8 hours were spent with each student. Continue this effort. Work with David Strahan and Terre Folger on an on-line Middle Grades Reading course to be offered to NC-Teach and MAT students. Work completed so far. This work is in the planning stage. The Reading Center Director has numerous readings already on Web Cat specifically for middle grades reading. Continue this effort. Find a middle grades practicing teacher who is willing to help with the on-line Middle Grades Reading Course. Make contact with a middle grades practicing language arts teacher. Contact has been made with April Bryson who has agreed to help with this class. Maintain a website which explains the services, resources and programs offered by the Reading Center as well as existing opportunities for continuing education. Changes made to the Reading Center’s Website. Both the Reading Center Administrative Support Associate and the Reading Center Director have worked with Sue Grider to learn how to make changes to the website. Both the ASA and the Director will continue their work with Sue Grider to update, upgrade and maintain the Reading Center Website. Many changes have been made to the Reading Center’s Website. Pictures of WCU students 5 Goals Actions Method of Assessment Results of Assessment working with children in the Reading Enrichment Program have been included. Links taking browsers to lists of websites for more information, booklists, strategies for teaching reading, the list of multicultural books available in the Reading Center, as well as a list of books available for check-out to use as literature circle books have all been added to the website. Follow-up Continue to make additions and changes to the website. Install software that will allow resources to be listed on the Reading Center Website for better access to resources. Continue to inform appropriate public school personnel of website address so they may include it as a link on their website. 7.Support summer courses and programs across campus and at distance education sites. Support recruitment and To design a brochure for the Reading Center. Work done on the brochure for the Reading Center. An outline of the brochure is being prepared. Continue work on the brochure. Provide resources and support for courses – especially in BKEMGE and CEAP in general as well as courses and programs across campus and at distance education sites. How many courses supported. The Reading Center has/will support 8 courses out of BKEMGE this summer. Find ways to inform more faculty and program coordinators of support available from the Reading Center. Help find or order resources requested by summer school faculty. 6 Goals retention through being available to consult with current students and new or transfer students. Actions Method of Assessment Results of Assessment Follow-up Support the Graham County Gear-up College 101 program during the planning period and during the week on campus. Feedback from Graham County gearUp coordinator and from instructors from EMGE whose work the Reading Center supported. In Process. Determine what went well and changes needed to be made for next year’s planning and implementation. Marylou Matoush, EMGE faculty, April Bryson, Jackson County 8th grade language arts teacher and the Reading Center Director have collaborated on preliminary research in Ms. Bryson’s classroom. The research focused on comprehension, critical literacy and visual literacy. Their proposal to NCTE’s ‘Literacies for All’ conference to present their on-going research was accepted. The presentation will Ongoing. Work with students who call, drop by or are sent to me by the EMGE departmental secretary, the Admissions Office, the Registrar’s Office, the Graduate School or other departments in CEAP. 8. To examine the Collaborate with other Research taken part nature of faculty, graduate and in. practices which undergraduate students are proving and in-service teachers to successful in conduct and report Research reported. teaching reading, research. especially with students who have not previously read well. 7 Goals Actions Method of Assessment Results of Assessment Follow-up be in July, 2007. Coordinate Reading Number of successful Center resources and research projects from activities with other EDRD 631. WCU initiatives. Specifically to collaborate with graduate students to support their research in their own classrooms through the required project in EDRD 631 (graduate course taught each summer by the Reading Center Director) and with the culminating research course in the Elementary and Middle Grades MAED in Education Program. To support and help implement initiatives in the teaching of reading in their classes and design, carry out and report findings of collaborative research in order to improve the body of existing knowledge about best practice in reading instruction. Over 20 students completed their research project in EDRD 631 with the help of Reading Center Resources and the Reading Center Director. Continue the requirement for EDRD 631. Develop a research project rubric that will yield useful data. Continue to provide the support of the Reading Center and its Director. 8 Goals Actions Method of Assessment Submit a research grant to continue research Write a grant – collaborating with Marylou Matoush and April Bryson to support our on-going research. Collaborate with colleague to research and Submit column. review new outstanding books for adolescents for column in NCTE’s Language Arts monthly journal. Results of Assessment Follow-up NCTE Research Grant was submitted June 14, 2007. Continue to seek ideas for research and grant possibilities. Column submitted and printed in July 2006 journal. Not on-going. The three-year term as editors for “Books for Children” ended with that column. VII. Stakeholders Involvement: o Public School Partners – Reading Center Advisory Board o Faculty – Reading Center Team VIII. The Reading Center Director is responsible for the annual assessment 9