Western Carolina University Program Assessment Plan Undergraduate Admission Assessment Plan for 2007-08 Alan Kines, Director of Undergraduate Admission (828) 227-3162 akines@wcu.edu Program Mission Statement The Office of Undergraduate Admission is the University’s lead administrative unit responsible for the identification, recruitment, assessment, and admission of prospective freshmen and transfer students. To this end, the Office of Undergraduate Admission initiates and implements policies, programs, and procedures to provide an ethical, fair, and inclusive methodology for the admission of new students. The office assists the institution in meeting its objectives pertaining to diversity, enrollment, and retention. Statement on Alignment of Program Mission with University and Division Mission The Office of Undergraduate Admission designs its recruitment programs to attract the prospective students whose academic abilities best align with the level of instruction offered at the University and the expectations of its faculty. The Office of Admission seeks to attract students who will most benefit from the University’s co-curricular programs and support services. Furthermore, recruitment programs support the University’s goals of cultural and social inclusiveness by historically underrepresented populations. Program Goals and Objectives 1. The Office of Undergraduate Admission seeks to position the University in the minds of prospective students, their families, guidance counselors and other secondary school educators, and members of the community at large as an institution of first choice for earning a post-secondary degree. 2. By maintaining appropriate levels of academic criteria in the admission process, the office will bolster the University’s strategy to improve student retention, specifically the retention rate between the freshman and sophomore years. 3. Aggressively identifying and recruiting students from historically underrepresented populations will increase student diversity on campus and, ideally, lead to an enriched and more inclusive learning and social environment. 4. The Office of Undergraduate Admission will develop a set of policies and procedures that will continue to meet or exceed the standard of best practices and ethics in the profession of post-secondary admission. Intended Outcome The University is repositioned in the marketplace as a first-choice school to which to be admitted for prospective students. Course/Experience/Activity The marketing plan and recruitment programs will be recalibrated to appeal to academically talented students. Freshman and transfer classes are recruited by trained staff members in pre-selected geomarkets determined on the basis of data analysis. In collaboration with Institutional Research and Planning, data will be compiled to tier geomarkets according to recruitment potential. Retention rates, especially the rate by which freshmen return for the sophomore year, improves as the admit profile (grade point average, standardized test scores, et al.) improves. A targeted search program will identify potential students by SAT band and self-reported SAT. Scholarships will be consolidated to better attract valedictorians, salutatorians, and other academically talented students. A diversity plan is created and implemented by the Admission Office, and includes recruitment programs designed to increase the percentage of students of color. The student population becomes more racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse, enriching the academic and social experience for WCU students. Admission policies and procedures reflect best practices as defined by the National Association of College Admission Counselors (NACAC), of which the University is a member. Admission personnel will receive copies of the NACAC Statement of Principles of Good Practice. Method(s) of Assessment The number of freshmen placing in the top 25% of their graduating high school class will increase as a percentage of the applicant pool, and the mean SAT composite score will increase. Expenditures per geomarket will more closely align with measurable admission activity. Recruitment territories will yield increased numbers of applicants overall. Retention rates, specially the freshman-to-sophomore rate, will be monitored to determine the impact more rigorous admission standards are having on student success. Populations of historically underrepresented students (i.e. African Americans, Native Americas, Latinos) increase as percentages of the incoming freshman and transfer classes. Compliance with the NACAC Statement of Principles of Good Practice is used as a criterion for satisfactory job performace.