College of Education & Allied Professions As of 07/21/2006

College of Education & Allied Professions
Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes
As of 07/21/2006
Department: Educational Leadership & Foundations
Program: M.Ed. College Student Personnel
Program Goals:
1. Prepare students for student affairs careers in four and two-year higher education settings.
2. Provide students with the necessary skills to help contribute to the personal, social, and intellectual growth of students with whom they will
work in their professional roles.
Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Describe and explain the following:
a. existing models and philosophies of student affairs practice.
b. the historical and philosophical roots of the student affairs profession.
c. goals and activities involved in the various student affairs functional areas.
d. the characteristics, needs, and values of college students from diverse backgrounds
e. the importance of diversity in student affairs.
f. factors involved in the growth and development of students.
g. the principles of organizational development and administration as they apply to higher education and student affairs.
h. the standards of professional practice as described in the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education.
i. basic counseling theories and techniques as they apply in student affairs settings.
j. the basic principles of enrollment management and their role in both recruitment and retention of students.
k. the principles of group dynamics as they apply to student affairs.
l. the historical development of higher education as well as the current role, functions and structure, and issues facing higher education.
m. the basic differences between academic and student affairs cultures which impinge on their work in higher education.
n. the legal and ethical issues facing the student affairs profession.
o. basic research principles.
p. basic budget principles and resource management in student affairs work.
q. basic teaching methodologies in their work as student affairs professionals.
2. Respect the worth and dignity of all people and value difference.
3. Be sensitive to their impact on others.
4. Be sensitive to professional and ethical responsibilities as student affairs practitioners.
5. Understand learning and professional dev elopement as continuing processes throughout their career.
6. Apply principles of organizational development and administrative practice in their work settings.
7. Work effectively with students in one-on-one situations or in groups.
8. Demonstrate effective helping skills – listening, responding, and referral.
Office of Assessment
College of Education & Allied Professions
Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes
As of 07/21/2006
Department: Educational Leadership & Foundations
Program: M.Ed. College Student Personnel, cont’d.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Use and integrate various theoretical approaches in analyzing current problems and issues in student affairs.
Design effective programs and interventions which draw upon various student affairs theory bases.
Analyze, synthesize and integrate student affairs literature.
Communicate effective orally and in writing.
Office of Assessment