Annual Faculty Evaluation Department: Management and International Business

Annual Faculty Evaluation
Department: Management and International Business
College: Business
Academic Year: 2006-2007
Teaching Expectations:
Criteria for meeting expectations:
• Teach the equivalent of 18 semester hours
To qualify for an Outstanding rating:
per academic year
• Be clearly recognized by students and
• Participate in professional development
colleagues as one of the better professors
activities, including teaching enhancement
in the department and College of Business
conferences and workshops
• Update syllabi and course materials
• Advise students
• Update syllabi and course materials
• Actively engage in student development
outside the classroom
• Experiment with and adopt innovative
• Demonstrate innovative teaching/learning
teaching/learning techniques
• Be accessible to students outside the
To qualify for an Exceeds Expectations rating:
• Provide individualized instruction when
• Be clearly recognized as one of the better
professors in the department and College
• Maintain academic integrity
Regularly update course materials
• Integrate current scholarly material into
• Demonstrate some evidence of
each class
innovation in the classroom
• Qualify for membership on the graduate
• Be frequently available to students
faculty and support graduate-level
outside of class
instruction when needed
• Engage students in research
To qualify for a Meets Expectations rating:
• Be recognized as an effective classroom
Evidence needed:
teacher by students and colleagues
• List of courses taught
Meet posted office hours and
• Number of advisees
• Course syllabi and other instructional
Provide basic academic advising
materials; reading lists
• Student evaluations
To qualify for a Needs Improvement rating:
• Peer evaluations (for non-tenured faculty)
• Be recognized as a below average
• Listing of teaching conferences attended
teacher by students and colleagues
• Posted office hours
• Fail to update course syllabi regularly
• Letters, emails, and other correspondence
• Demonstrate little or no evidence of
from students and graduates attesting to
innovation in the classroom
teaching effectiveness and impact on
• Minimal student development activities
• List of sponsored field trips, internships
To qualify for an Unacceptable rating:
and other academic endeavors
• Be recognized as a poor teacher
• List of invited speakers
• Fail to update course syllabi
• Teaching awards or nominations
• Fail to honor office hours
• Subject of frequent student complaints
To qualify for an Outstanding rating:
Service Expectations:
• Chair a major or several minor committees
• Institutional service (to the University,
• Serve as officer of the college, General
College, Department, or University system)
Faculty, or UNC system
• Service to professional societies or
• Participate in a significant activity that serves
the university
• Service to the local and regional communities
• Serve as officer of a recognized professional
that utilizes the academic expertise of the
society or organization
faculty member
• Advise or counsel executives of businesses
• Meet all departmental, college, and university
A faculty member is not required to perform all of the
activities listed in the norm to qualify for rating noted.
Rather, the activities listed should be considered as
To qualify for an Exceeds Expectations rating:
examples of the type or level of activity the would
• Membership on a major university committee
justify the noted rating.
• Chair of minor university committee
• Departmental representative to a community
• Assume more than “normal” departmental
• Initiate new departmental initiative
• Engage in consulting
• Meet all departmental, college, and university
Evidence needed:
To qualify for a Meets Expectations rating:
List of University, College, and Departmental
• Assume a fair share of departmental
committees, supported by written appointment
Complete work in timely manner
Letter acknowledging appointment as officer in
• Engage in consulting occasionally
a professional organization
• Occasionally serve on university committees
Program of professional meeting showing
• Meet departmental, college, and university
involvement in activities (chair of session,
discussant, etc.)
Acknowledgement of consulting services
To qualify for a Needs Improvement rating:
rendered by client(s)
• Avoid departmental, college, and university
• Failure to prepare adequately for departmental
meetings or frequently fails to attend
scheduled meetings
• Little if any engagement in external affairs
• Routinely lax in providing required or
requested information
To qualify for an Unacceptable rating:
• Irresponsible behavior
• Failure to participate in service activities or
accomplish required departmental, college, or
university responsibilities
Scholarly/Creative Activities
Scholarly/creative expectations (be specific about
Criteria for meeting expectations:
preferred format): Listed in order of importance
To qualify for an Outstanding rating:
• Publication of at least three refereed journal
• Publication of manuscripts in refereed business
articles over the current year and the previous
two years, plus other evidence of significant
• Textbooks
scholarship in all years
• Research grants
• Proceedings, cases in textbooks, chapters in
To qualify for an Exceeds Expectations rating:
textbooks, and instructional tools
• Publication of at least two refereed journal
articles over the current year and the previous
Evidence needed:
two years, plus other evidence of significant
scholarship in all years
• Copy of articles, textbooks, textbook chapters,
cases or other scholarly work with page
To qualify for a Meets Expectations rating:
• Publication of at least one refereed journal
• Copy of proceedings of conferences listing
article over the current year and the previous
paper, authors, and session
two years, plus other evidence of significant
• Letter of grant award
scholarship in all years
Proceedings are customarily reduced to writing;
however, in cases where proceedings are not
published, the proposal, together with reviewers’
comments and text of presentation shall be
To qualify for a Needs Improvement rating:
• Publication of at least one refereed conference
paper in a Proceedings in the current year,
plus other evidence of significant scholarship
To qualify for an Unacceptable rating:
• No publications and no conference papers or
manuscripts were submitted for publication/
presentation consideration
In order to be recommended for Tenure in this department, a faculty member must receive “meets
expectations” ratings in teaching and service and “exceeds expectations” ratings in the category of scholarship.
In addition, a faculty member must show a high level of sustained promise in all categories of responsibility.
In order to be recommended for promotion to Associate Professor in this department, a faculty member must
receive “exceeds expectations” ratings in the categories of teaching and scholarship, and “meets expectations”
ratings in the category of service.
In order to be recommended for promotion to Full Professor in this department, a faculty member must be
regarded as one of the better professors in the College of Business over a sustained period of time, receive
“outstanding” ratings in teaching and/or scholarship, and receive “exceeds expectations” ratings in the
remaining categories of responsibility.
Department Head
Feedback from the Office of the Provost:
Dr. Leroy Kauffman
Dean, College of Business
Jerry Kinard
Head, Management and International Business
Annual Faculty Evaluation (AFE) for
(name of faculty member)
The AFE is a summary assessment of the effectiveness of a faculty member for the year indicated. The process
and instruments used to arrive at this evaluation include: (1) student evaluations, (2) faculty activity report, (3)
discussions with the faculty member, (4) departmental documents, including course syllabi, and (5) other
available information that provides evidence of effectiveness. The instrument used to evaluate each faculty
member in the Department of Management and International Business, and the performance norms for each
category of the rating scale, are listed below:
Teaching (60 to 75 percent)
Rating: __________ x Weight Factor: __________ =
Scholarship (10 to 30 percent)
Rating: __________ x Weight Factor: __________ =
Service (10 to 30 percent)
Rating: __________ x Weight Factor: __________ =
Overall Rating:
Head, Department of Management and International Business
My signature below indicates that I have read the AFE summary statement. Rebuttals and/or comments are
attached to the statement and should become a part of my permanent record.