Instructional Design Center Instructional Technologies Moodle

Instructional Design Center
Instructional Technologies
Moodle is an Open Source Course Management System (CMS) that has become very popular among educators around
the world as a tool for creating online dynamic web sites for their students. Its focus is on giving educators multiple tools to
manage and promote learning, but there are many ways to use Moodle:
• It can be used as a platform to organize and conduct fully online courses, while some use it simply to augment face-toface courses (known as blended learning).
• Users have a choice of many activity modules (such as Forums/Discussion, Wikis, Databases and so on) to build richly
collaborative communities of learning around their subject matter (in the social constructionist tradition). Other tools
allow the delivery of content to students and assess learning using assignments or quizzes.
• Moodle can be used to communicate directly with students in a course, either within the CMS or through Ramapo email.
To find out more about using Moodle, contact the Instructional Design Center. Your name, e-mail, course name, course
number and section will be necessary to get your course accounts set up (email or
Turn-it-in is an online program that contains three components targeted toward improving student writing: OriginalityCheck, PeerMark and GradeMark. OriginalityCheck checks the originality of student papers and is used in the context of
partnering with students to avoid "cut and paste" plagiarism. GradeMark provides a paperless grading system. GradeMark simplifies the online grading of papers for the instructor with drag-and-drop grading comments for commonly used
writing issues, as well as customizable comments. Another feature of GradeMark is the ability for the instructor to create
and share rubrics to be used in the grading process. PeerMark allows anonymous peer review of papers, to engage students in the writing process. Turnitin is available to all instructors at Ramapo College and, if you choose, to your students
as well. Turnitin can be integrated with Moodle or can be used as a stand-alone application, but is easiest when used with
Moodle. To use without Moodle, login to and go to the “Tech Connect” tab for more information.
Google Apps
Ramapo has implemented Google Apps for educators, allowing you to login with your Ramapo e-mail user name and
password. Google Apps are built around collaboration and can be used in several ways. There is no software to install on
your computer; everything is online "in the cloud." Google Docs/Drive is a suite of collaborative web-based tools that include text documents, spreadsheets, forms, presentations, and a drawing tool that are stored on your Google Drive.
Google Docs are ideal for sharing and collaboration of files over the Internet. You can upload documents, create new documents, view, edit and share documents with others. Google docs in very useful for collaboration with colleagues (e.g.
units, schools, committees), or for collaborative projects within your courses, as well as other uses. Google sites is a type
of web site called a wiki. Google sites allows you to create your own Web site without requiring any knowledge of HTML or
FTP. A simple edit and save button makes adding content easy. Google sites can be used individually or collaboratively to
develop and edit sites with ease. You can insert text, pictures, and videos and customize your site. Make your site available to the Ramapo community, only to individuals you specify, or public. Google calendar is a web-based calendar to
manage your events and tasks. Calendars and notifications can by synced with mobile devices or e-mail clients. Calendars can be private, public, shared with the Ramapo community, or shared only select individuals for collaboration.
Web Conferencing
For those interested in full-fledged web conferencing for live collaboration, you can use Adobe Connect, a cross-platform
tool that includes video and audio of the presenter, a whiteboard, uploading of presentations and recording capability. With
a web cam attached to your computer (for video) and a personal headset (required for quality audio), you can meet in a
virtual room with others from multiple locations. This tool can be used for meetings or classes. Training and testing, as
well as a high speed internet connection, is highly recommended for those looking to use this tool in their courses. You
need to request access from John Bragg in the Instructional Design Center.
Camtasia Relay
Camtasia Relay is an application that allows you to easily record and share videos that capture your computer screen,
and/or your webcam and audio narration, depending on your needs. Camtasia Relay is great for recording lectures, presentations or meetings; and is simple to use. Camtasia Relay is installed on classroom teaching stations.
Ramapo has implemented eFolio, a web-based application that allows students to easily build an e-portfolio(s) without
needing any Web design skills. eFolio supports multimedia and can include text, links, images, video, and other files. Eportfolios are a valuable tool for student assessment — promoting active learning by allowing students to develop their individual portfolios, while reflecting on and assessing their work. Additionally, e-portfolios can be shared beyond the
classroom, to help with the job search process or other goals. More than one e-porftolio site can be developed on a single
user's account, to support different needs. Students can pay a small fee to maintain their portfolio after graduation. For
more information on eFolio account setup, contact Trish Williams in the Instructional Design Center.
Online Surveys
Qualtrics is an online survey tool that allows you to create, edit, distribute and view results of surveys and polls. Once you
login, you have access to help and video tutorials. Qualtrics allows you to create your own survey, but also contains libraries of entire surveys, as well as individual questions, messages, and graphics. Survey data can be viewed inside
Qualtrics or downloaded to SPSS, CSV, XML, HTML; and reports can be exported to PDF, Excel, Word or PowerPoint.
To create a Qualtrics account contact Trish Williams in the Instructional Design Center.
URL: Once you login, click on “Help & Tutorials” button for online training and guides.
Be sure to review Ramapo's Campus Survey Development and Implementation Policy and Procedure for all surveys administered to the College community at:
Review Ramapo's Institutional Review Board for research involving human subjects at:
My Ramapo/Luminis Portal
My Ramapo is a single login portal that gives users access to secured information on Ramapo’s intranet. Features include
College announcements; web self-service for faculty (grading, course capacity overrides,) students (registration, degree
evaluations), and employees (paystubs, benefits); e-mail, calendars, groups, and course tools.
Technology Training
IDC offers a variety of hands-on workshops and online training each semester — check our Web site. For one-on-one
assistance or consultations, contact our staff. Skilled student assistants are available to assist you in the IDC lab.
Instructional Design Center
Location: Anisfield School of Business (ASB-020)
Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Main Phone: 201-684-7103 Web Site:
Dr. Michael Bitz
Trish Williams
Team Implementation Specialist
Ray Fallon
Course Management System (CMS) Administrator
John Bragg
Asst. Course Management System (CMS) Administrator
revised 8/11/14