Australian Forest Growers Protect Your Investment ! Insure Against Fire and Selected Perils Plantation Insurance Scheme Season 2008/09 Presented by: Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd A.C.N. 009 098 864 A.B.N. 69 009 098 864 Level 15, 500 Collins Street, Melbourne Vic. 3000 Telephone: (03) 9613 1415 Facsimile: (03) 9614 3600 DX: 30936 Melbourne Stock Exchange Index EXECUTIVE SUMMARY....................................................................................................................................1 GLOSSARY..........................................................................................................................................................10 FORESTRY TERMS AND SPECIES (AS PER FORESTRY PACIFIC PTY LTD)..............................................................10 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................13 HOW TO PARTICIPATE ..................................................................................................................................14 (a) (b) (c) (d) Procedure – Renewals........................................................................................................................14 Procedures – New Business ...............................................................................................................14 Closing Dates .....................................................................................................................................14 When Cover Becomes Effective (WAITING PERIOD) .......................................................................15 POLICY INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................16 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Special Conditions .................................................................................................................................16 Special Acceptance ................................................................................................................................16 Valuation................................................................................................................................................16 Salvage - Pinus Radiata .........................................................................................................................17 Cancellation ...........................................................................................................................................17 No Claims Bonus....................................................................................................................................17 Continuity Discount ...............................................................................................................................18 Claims Preparation Costs ......................................................................................................................18 Loss Mitigation Expenses.......................................................................................................................18 Public & Products Liability Insurance ..................................................................................................18 VALUATIONS .....................................................................................................................................................19 HARDWOOD SCHEDULES.....................................................................................................................................19 Gippsland.......................................................................................................................................................19 Central Victoria .............................................................................................................................................24 Green Triangle...............................................................................................................................................28 Mount Lofty....................................................................................................................................................29 Kangaroo Island ............................................................................................................................................33 Murray Valley ................................................................................................................................................34 East Gippsland and Bombala ........................................................................................................................38 Tasmania........................................................................................................................................................39 Western Australia...........................................................................................................................................48 North Coast New South Wales .......................................................................................................................51 South East Queensland ..................................................................................................................................55 Northern Territory .........................................................................................................................................59 Far North Queensland ...................................................................................................................................60 Central Queensland .......................................................................................................................................65 SOFTWOOD SCHEDULES ......................................................................................................................................66 Gippsland.......................................................................................................................................................66 Central Victoria .............................................................................................................................................69 Green Triangle...............................................................................................................................................72 Mount Lofty....................................................................................................................................................75 Kangaroo Island ............................................................................................................................................78 Murray Valley ................................................................................................................................................81 East Gippsland and Bombala ........................................................................................................................87 Tasmania........................................................................................................................................................90 Western Australia...........................................................................................................................................96 Tablelands NSW...........................................................................................................................................102 THE POLICY COVERING TREES ................................................................................................................105 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................105 Cover............................................................................................................................................................105 Policy Schedule...........................................................................................................................................106 Definitions....................................................................................................................................................107 Insurers Rights .............................................................................................................................................109 Basis Of Settlement ......................................................................................................................................110 Conditions 1. Non-Disclosure ..................................................................................................................111 Special Conditions ......................................................................................................................................113 Exclusions ....................................................................................................................................................115 Endorsement No 1......................................................................................................................................116 PUBLIC AND PRODUCTS LIABILITY INSURANCE................................................................................118 SUM INSURED AND RATES ................................................................................................................................118 PUBLIC & PRODUCTS LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY ........................................................................................119 Public Liability Insurance............................................................................................................................120 Part 1 - General Liability Cover ..................................................................................................................121 Part 1 - Exclusions.......................................................................................................................................122 Part 2 - Products Liability Cover................................................................................................................123 Part 2 - Exclusion ........................................................................................................................................124 General Exclusions Applicable to Parts 1 and 2 .........................................................................................125 General Conditions Applicable to Parts 1 and 2 .........................................................................................128 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................132 PLANTATION STATISTICS...........................................................................................................................134 Executive Summary We set out the features of the 2008/09 renewal of the Australian Forest Growers Plantation insurance policy: Coverage This season (2008/09) Underwriters of the forest facility have renewed coverage on the perils of Fire, Lightning, and Aircraft. The perils of Windstorm (Cyclone), Hail and Snow were withdrawn from the season 2003/2004. Windstorm (Cyclone) Damage This peril is available for season 2008/09 except for any alpine region of New South Wales or to the Northern Territory on a prior submission basis to the Insurers. Insurer The lead Insurer in respect to the Fire, Lightning and Aircraft Perils policy is Lloyds of London. Master Policy No. BIND B0793NM969695 Price The Underwriter has maintained the expiring rates for all States/Territories for the 2008/09 season. Policy Fee A Policy Fee of $58.00 will apply for 2008/09. Limits The maximum loss limit has remained at A$12,000,000 any one plantation for 2008/09. Net of Salvage An option exists to ensure “Net of Salvage” for older pine trees. While this reduces the cost of insurance it leaves the obligation of realising the value of the salvaged material to the plantation owner. This may be a problem in the event of a widespread loss because access to a processing facility may not be available in the time available before the salvaged timber deteriorates. Salvage The residual value of the property insured following loss, destruction or damage insured by this policy, remains the property of the Insured, after it is deducted from the insured value of the loss. It is agreed that the quantum of residual value will be assessed by the appointed Loss Adjuster at the time. Special Conditions Fire breaks conditions to remain in force however will only apply to new growers and for those who do not comply will have to be agreed by underwriters as a special acceptance. Continuity Discount and No Claims Bonus In keeping with the continued intention to support the loyal supporters of the Forestry Facility, the continuity and the No Claim Bonus Discounts has changed to 3% per annum, subject to a maximum of 27% over a period of nine(9) years reaching in aggregate 54% for both. Special Valuations Special Valuations will have to be agreed by underwriters as a special acceptance. 1 Cut Off Date st Cut off date for acceptance, 1 December 2008. Valuations 2008/09 Australian Forest Growers (AFG) maintains a plantation insurance scheme for the benefits of its members. As a basis for the insurance, AFG provides a schedule of indicative agreed plantation values by Region. By their nature these values are representative averages. These values were reviewed in 1995, 1998 and 2002. AFG decided that it was time to carry out another review in 2008 to: 1. Ensure that the methodology is consistent with that prepared by the Association of Consulting Foresters of Australia (Leech and Ferguson, 2007) including any impact of Australian Accounting Standard AAS35 (Self generating or regenerating assets). 2. Bring the valuations into line with current costs and prices paid for various products. 3. Consider the adequacy of the National Plantation Inventory (NPI) basis for Regions used in the scheme to reflect different values between Regions, and recent industry expansion. 4. Consider the application of eucalypt pulpwood valuations to other hardwood crops (e.g. Acacia mangium) Over the past six years the level of investment in hardwood plantations has seen the development of nodes of critical mass in plantations to support the development of industrial plants to process logs on several new areas in various States. There have been export chip processing plants installed and pulp mills planned on the hardwood resources planted in the Green Triangle, Great Southern region of Western Australia, Tasmania and plans for developments in northern NSW, South East Queensland as well as Far North Queensland and Central Queensland coast regions. With the rise in plantation area to 1.9 million hectares and firm plans for continued plantings at the rate of 60-75,000 hectares per year there are ten softwood regions and fourteen hardwood regions proposed as a basis for plantation insurance schedules in this review. These have been stratified into three productivity levels of low, medium and high and then stratified further into four transport distances with rages of 0-50, 51-100, 101-150 and >150 km. These distance ranges are then used as the midpoint of the range 25, 75, 125, and 150 km which is a standard industry practice. Four transport ranges were considered in view of the impact that volatile fuel prices are having on stumpages as there are monthly changes in fuel prices paid by most processing operators to transport contractors over the past twelve months. FORPAC has used eight log regimes in addition to these two levels of stratification and hence with twenty four regions there are a considerable number of valuation schedules. We recognise the need for simplicity but also the need for as complete a coverage as possible for an increasingly complex range of variables. In order to ensure a complete understanding of the changes made in the basic assumptions and the resultant changes in the valuations that ensue from these changes a comparative table of previous and current assumptions used is provided. These changes are summarised in Table 1 and explained in more detail in Table 2 and 3. 2 Table 1: Key differences between 2002 and 2008 valuations Factor 2002 2008 Softwood Regions 7 Regions 10 Regions Hardwood Regions 3 Regions 14 Regions Softwood Regimes Silvicultural 7 Regimes A diverse range of regimes reflecting the regional differences and different silvicultural practices. Hardwood Regimes Silvicultural 3 Regimes Yield Tables transport costs and Proxy use of low, medium and high site “productivity” to account for differences in both yield and haulage differences. Three productivity classes (± 20% from medium) and 4 transport distances to give 12 valuations for each Region / Regime. Discount Rate 8% 9% Compound Rate 5% 6.5% 3 Table 2: Comparison of critical factors between 2002 and 2008 reports Factor Softwood Regions Hardwood Regions 2002 There were only seven softwood regions: • • • • • • • Western Australia Green Triangle & Lofty Block Central Victoria North East Victoria & Gippsland New South Wales Australian Capital Territory Tasmania Three hardwood regions as there were no major markets for hardwood in place, other than in Tasmania and Western Australia. The Green Triangle also was seeing some domestic lift in hardwood consumption with a local mill at Millicent. • • • Western Australia Green Triangle Tasmania 2008 Softwood markets have seen increased levels of activity and there have been mills established on Kangaroo Island and increased levels of investment in both plantation and mill development in the East Gippsland and Bombala region which have seen markets develop as well. Ten Regions were selected: • • • • • • • • • • Gippsland Central Victoria Green Triangle Mount Lofty Kangaroo Island Murray Valley East Gippsland and Bombala Tasmania Western Australia Tablelands New South Wales There have seen huge developments of hardwood plantation area in every region and as these areas develop there have been export chip mills and ports developed and new hardwood sawmills and plywood mills in Tasmania. There are veneer log regimes, sawlog regimes as well as the ten and 12 year pulpwood regimes now actual silvicultural regimes and hence we have fourteen hardwood regions identified. Some measure of this need is the increased number of hardwood species planted in various regions instead of just Eucalyptus globulus and E. nitens which had been the only species of consequence in 2002. There are now Acacia mangium, teak, South African mahogany, Red Mahogany, Spotted gum , Dunns White Gum, Gympie Messmate, Blackbutt and emerging hybrids of spotted gum and more frost resistant species. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Gippsland Central Victoria Green Triangle Mount Lofty Kangaroo Island Murray Valley East Gippsland and Bombala Tasmania Western Australia North Coast New South Wales SE Queensland Northern Territory Far North Queensland Central Queensland 4 Softwood Silvicultural Regimes There were seven softwood regimes which matched the seven regions chosen at the time. There were no major areas of these high value silvicultural regimes planted in 2002 such as there are now. The comments made above to elucidate the increased number of softwood and hardwood regions examined really are worthy of repetition here as the increased market opportunities are being followed by increased numbers of hardwood and softwood plantation regimes. There are pruned stands and veneer log and clearwood regimes in both softwood and hardwood plantation regimes and the increased range of species aimed at both pulpwood and sawlog and higher value logs for a more sophisticated market. Thinning in Eucalyptus stands is becoming a common practice in Tasmania and there are significant volumes of sawlogs arising from thinning as well as pulpwood. These yields are preventing losses to mortality in dry seasons and also provide earlier cash flows which boost economic returns and valuations Hardwood Silvicultural Regimes In this early stage there were only three very straight forward pulpwood regimes with no thinning and these were also based on the three production regions chosen for hardwood based on the areas of plantation developed at the time. Yield Tables and transport costs When URS did the previous modelling there were ten regions and ten yield tables and there were assumptions made to take account of distance by a proxy use of low and high site quality on either side of the median site productivity. The impact of distance has been separated from actual site productivity which is shown as three classes of low, medium and high while there were four values calculated for stumpage in each of these classes taking four bands of distance to either port or mill at which the logs were processed. This gives much more realistic values for given site productivities and distance of a plantation from a point of sale. FOB Price per BDMT Hardwood chip prices were at levels of US$80-92 and most of the export was of Native forest chip Hardwood plantation chip prices are now at US$197 (AUD$208) with rising volumes of plantation chip. Softwood Prices were US$ 82-86 per BDU Softwood prices have been lifted in the past two years to US$170/BDU Compound Rate 5% 6.5% Discount Rate 8% 9% Establishment costs Approximately $1150 - $1350 per hectare in years 1 and 2 depending on species and productivity. Approximately $3150 - $3700 per hectare in years 1 to 3 depending on species and regime. 5 Annual Maintenance $65 - $78 per hectare depending on species and value. $75 per hectare Smoothing Thinning revenue was smoothed over a number of years based on the fact that in practice the operation is likely to occur a year or two each side of the scheduled age. However the same logic was not applied to clearfell, even though this operation is also likely to occur a few years before or after the scheduled age. While it is acknowledged that such variation occurs, this review assumes that both thinning operations and clearfell occur in the year scheduled. Because of the different approaches taken in the two valuations, especially with the introduction of three productivity classes and four transport distances in 2008 and the significant increase in the number of Regions, it is difficult to make comparisons between the values in the two reports. Nevertheless some examples have been prepared and are shown in Table 8. The 2002 values are for medium value crops and the 2008 values for medium productivity crops in the 51-100km transport distance class. 6 Table 3: Examples of differences between 2002 and 2008 valuations Valuation Region Regime Clearfell age (yrs) Medium MAI 3 (m /ha/yr) Stumpage at clearfell 3 ($/m ) Pulp Hardwood 2002 Green Triangle Tasmania Western Australia 2008 Softwood 2002 2008 Value at clearfell ($/ha) Saw Unthinned Unthinned Unthinned 12 18 12 24 20 24 27 28 27 7,576 10,183 7,576 Green Triangle Tasmania Western Australia Unthinned Unthinned Unthinned 12 12 11 19 20 17 39 38 41 9,330 9,590 8,010 Central Victoria Green Triangle Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales Thin at 15 & 20 Thin at 12, 19 & 26 Thin at 15 & 20 Thin at 15 & 20 Thin at 15 & 20 30 35 30 30 30 13 21.7 15.7 18.8 18.8 18 10 7 10 10 36 37 40 30 41 11,455 16,125 10,474 9,425 12,747 Central Victoria Green Triangle Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales Thin at 14 & 21 Thin at 13, 18 & 23 Thin at 13 & 18 Thin at 12, 18 & 24 Thin at 14 & 18 30 30 25 30 30 16 20.8 22 20 16 23 20 15 13 20 76 81 55 45 50 21,210 28,770 17,590 12,810 14,100 This table is based on those regimes that are virtually comparable with the URS schedules from 2002 and still in place in 2008. It is important to recognise that there has been a large increase in the FOB price for both hardwood chips and softwood chips and there are forecast to be ongoing demands on resource from Asian and likely European countries if the Russian log tariff is fully implemented as outlined by the Russians. In Australia the likely impact of transport costs is still to be considered and it is really hard to forecast where this is headed with the increases in fuel costs and the foreshadowed Emissions Trading Scheme planned by the Federal Government. All of these factors will need monitoring on a relatively constant basis to ensure valuations remain meaningful. The insurance scheme provides indicative agreed plantation valuations by region, which necessarily can only be a representative average value. Plantation owners have the option to provide alternative valuations, prepared by a professional forester, if they believe their circumstances are sufficiently different to warrant a revision. In the selection of a low, medium, or high valuation schedule should be made with reference to schedule description below:- 7 Schedule Description The appropriate value should be determined on the quality of establishment techniques, ongoing management, productivity of the site and distance from processing. The distance from processing is based on the assumption that stumpage rates reflect haulage distances. Low Value For self established plantations to minimum standards on low productivity sites; ongoing management and maintenance, other than firebreaks, to minimum standard. May also apply to reasonable managed plantations on poor sites where productivity is low, or medium productivity. Medium Value For professionally managed plantations on reasonable to high quality sites; establishment and ongoing management to acceptable industry standards. May also apply to intensively managed plantations on high quality sites. High Value For intensively managed plantations on high quality sites with establishment and ongoing management to the highest industry standard. May also apply to professionally managed plantations on medium quality sites. - Binder Authority – Fire, Lightning and Aircarft Perils In accordance with the Financial Services Reform Act 2001, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Limited hereby gives notice that this contract is effected under an authority given to Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Limited by Lloyds of London Underwriters and that Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Limited has effected the contract as an agent of the named Insurers and not as an agent for the Insured. In accordance with the Financial Services Reform Act 2001, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Limited hereby gives notice that in dealing with or settling claims up to and including $40,000 they will be acting under an authority given to them by the named insurers and that they will be dealing with or settling the claim as agent of the named insurers and not as an agent of the Insured. Goods and Services Tax remains unchanged. State Stamp Duties remain unchanged. Fire Service Levy of nil now applies to New South Wales (2.5% in 2005/2006) 8 PUBLIC & PRODUCTS LIABILITY INSURANCE Insurer The Insurer in respect to the Public & Products Liability policy is CGU Insurance Limited A.C.N. 004 478 371. Policy Nos. 10M 6630524/10M9304371. Price The price for plantations up to 400ha has been maintained as expiring for season 2008/09. Plantations in excess of 400ha must be referred to the Insurer for individual rating. Cut Off Date st Cut off date for acceptance, 1 December 2008. - Binder Authority - Public & Products Liability Insurance Binder Authority: In accordance with the Financial Services Reform Act 2001, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd gives notice that this contract is effected under an authority given to Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd by CGU Insurance Limited (ACN 004 478 371) and that Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd has effected the contract as an agent of the named Insurer and not as an agent for the Insured. Limit of Liability Limit of Liability to $10,000,000 is available under the above binding authority. State Stamp Duties remain unchanged. Bushfire Liability Endorsement An endorsement limiting the Insurers liability to $10,000,000 in the aggregate during the period of insurance in respect to Bushfire Liability applies effective from 1 October 2005. 9 Glossary Forestry Terms And Species (as per Forestry Pacific Pty Ltd) African mahogany Khaya senegalensis a tall hardwood tree from Africa that has shown promise for sawn timber production in Northern Australia. BDMT Bone dry metric tonne. Blackbutt Eucalyptus pilularis, a eucalypt abundant along the east coast of New South Wales from just north of the Victorian border and extending into coastal south east Queensland. Blue Gum or Tasmanian Blue Gum Eucalyptus globulus subspecies globulus, a eucalypt native to Tasmania and parts of southern Victoria, one of the hardwood species preferred for production of wood fibre for paper manufacture in temperate climate regions. Clear felling Harvesting operation where all trees on a given area are felled in a single operation. Usually applied to even aged stands that have or have not had earlier thinning(s). Clearwood Wood showing no (or negligible) defects caused by knots, resin pockets or mechanical damage and usually displaying straight and even grain patterns. Clearwood in small amounts exists in all trees. Pruning at the appropriate age(s) is often used to increase the amount of clearwood in the lower bole segment of the tree. Corymbias A group of Eucalypts classified into the genus Corymbia, rather than Eucalyptus. Corymbia species with the common names spotted gum and lemon scented gum are native to east coast of Australia. Dunns White Gum Eucalyptus dunnii a eucalypt native to north eastern NSW and straddling the border into Queensland. Final felling The last harvest in a stand managed under a single or multiple thinning regime. First rotation Crop or land established for the first time with a plantation. Flooded or Rose Gum Eucalyptus grandis A eucalypt native too NSW and Queensland and widely planted in sub-tropical regions for pulpwood and sawlog production. FOB Free on Board, refers to the price of a product on board ship without service charges such as insurance. Gympie Messmate (Eucalyptus cloeziana) a Queensland eucalypt native to a number of locations from near Gympie in the south and Cooktown in the north. Hardwoods Tree species defined by anatomical characteristics (bear flowers) that commonly (but not always) produce harder/denser timber. Eucalyptus is the principal hardwood plantation genus in Australia Lemon scented gum Corymbia citriodora a eucalypt native to central coastal Queensland and up to 400 km inland in a disjunct distribution. Management Regime Specified set of operations applied throughout the life of forest stands according to management objectives, and their ages and/or condition. 10 Mangium Acacia mangium, a medium sized hardwood tree native to Queensland and Papua New Guinea grown in tropical regions for pulpwood. The common name “brown salwood” is sometimes used for this species. Maritime Pine Pinus pinaster, a softwood tree species introduced to Australia from Southern Europe and planted for sawlog production in lower rainfall, temperate climate areas not suitable for radiata pine. Mean Annual Increment MAI, is the total per hectare volume of an even-aged stand of trees divided by its age. The mean annual increment in volume expressed as cubic metres/ha/year is an average growth rate at a point in time. Because the age growth relationship is not linear, half the growth will not be achieved at half the age. Mountain Ash Eucalyptus regnans, a eucalypt native to Victoria and Tasmania and used as a plantation species for reforestation in the Strzelecki Ranges, Gippsland , from the 1960’s to the 1980’s. Plantation Intensively managed stands of trees of native or exotic (that is introduced) species established by the regular placement of seedlings or seeds usually to produce timber. Plantations established primarily to produce eucalyptus oil, sandalwood oil, Bioenergy, carbon or other non-timber products are not currently recorded by the National Plantation Inventory. Pulpwood timber cut and prepared primarily for the manufacture of wood pulp, plus roundwood for poles and posts, chips for manufacture of particleboard and medium density fibreboard (MDF). Pruning The removal of branches usually with hand held equipment (saw or shears) while the tree is still growing to eliminate or prevent the formation of knots and deformation of grain in the wood subsequently grown. A strategy to grow clearwood. Radiata pine Pinus radiata, a softwood tree species introduced to Australia from California and found to be the most productive plantation species in medium to high rainfall temperate climate regions of southern Australia. Red Mahogany Eucalyptus pellita, an Australian native hardwood that has shown promise for sawn timber production in northern Australia. River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis, is the most widely distributed of eucalypts found on floodplains and along watercourses throughout inland Australia west of the Great Dividing Range. Rotation In silviculture, the planned number of years between plantation establishment and final harvest. Short rotations, typically of 10-15 years as used for pulp production. Rotations of 20-30 years or more are typically required to produce sawlogs. Sawlog A log considered suitable in size and quality for processing into sawn timber, plus roundwood for veneer, ply and other solid wood products manufacture. Straightness, diameter and knot size are important characteristics on determination of suitability for purpose. Second rotation Second crop of plantation on a given area of land. Shining Gum Eucalyptus nitens, a eucalypt native to eastern Victoria and New South Wales, one of the hardwood species preferred for production of wood fibre for paper manufacture. Silviculture The science and technology of managing forest establishment, composition and growth. (excludes harvest and subsequent operations). 11 Silvertop stringybark Eucalyptus laevopinea, a native hardwood from the northern tablelands of New South Wales and adjacent areas in Southern Queensland which has shown promise for sawn timber production in the sub-tropics. Softwoods Tree species defined by anatomical characteristics (Cone production) that commonly (but not always) produce softer, lighter timber. Pinus is the principal softwood plantation genus in Australia. Spatial Data Information on the location and extent of geographical phenomena such as plantations and streams, stored as either digital data in a geographical information system (GIS) or hardcopy maps. Spotted Gums Corymbia maculata and Corymbia variegata, two eucalypts native to south east Queensland and costal New South Wales and shown some promise as a sawn timber species. Trials to hybridise these with C. torelliana to give resistance to frost and fungus as well as improved vigour. Thinnings Trees harvested at intervals before final harvest to eliminate defective stems and reduce competition between retained stems to increase their future yields in larger, higher value products. Teak Tectona grandis, a hardwood originating from tropical parts of Asia and planted widely in Indonesia and India and other countries to produce cabinet and furniture timber. Now being planted in Northern Queensland. Wood availability Estimated volume of wood on an area of plantation at a specified date under current knowledge and trends in growing and utilisation. Woodchips Wood in the form of small pieces and generated either by chipping whole logs or as a by-product of the manufacture of sawn timber and plywood. Used in the manufacture of pulp and paper and various composite products such as medium density fibreboard, particle board and hardboard. Yield The volume of logs harvested, often expressed in cubic metres per hectare. Yield Table Table, mathematical equation or computer model that gives expected yields at specified ages of forest stands managed according to specified regimes. 12 Introduction In Conjunction With The Australian Forest Growers We Are Pleased To Offer Our Plantation Insurance Package For The 2008/09 Year. This Booklet Should Be Retained As Your Copy Of The Master Policy Wording. It Contains Full Details Of The Scheme Including: • Explanatory Notes • Policy Wording • Application Form The Renewal Package Features: • Alternative Deductibles • Optional Additional Claims Preparation Costs • No Claims Bonus • Optional Liability Insurance All of which enables you to control your costs by selecting the most cost effective options for you. 13 How To Participate (a) Procedure – Renewals 1. Simply check the attached proposal form which has been pre-completed using details from the previous year. Applications can only proceed on this proposal form. 2. Before completing and signing the Proposal Form, applicants should carefully read the instructions. All questions on the Proposal Form must be answered in full. 3. Sign the Proposal Form and mail (Pages 1 and 2) With Cheque to and in the name of th ‘Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd’, 15 Floor, 500 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000 in order that we may issue the Insurance Certificate. Any variance to premium will be adjusted accordingly. Provided the Proposal is acceptable to Insurers and you are not seeking a special valuation or exemption from special conditions a Certificate of Insurance will be mailed to you within 4 working days of receipt by Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd. You Must Retain This Booklet As Your Policy Copy. (b) Procedures – New Business 1. Applications can only proceed on the Proposal Form contained at the back of the Booklet. Before completing and signing the Proposal Form, applicants should carefully read the instructions. All questions on the Proposal Form must be answered in full. 2. th Sign the Proposal Form and forward it to Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd, 15 Floor, 500 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000. Provided the Proposal is acceptable to Insurers and you are not seeking a special valuation or exemption from special conditions a quotation will be forwarded to you within 4 working days of receipt by Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd. 3. Cover will commence upon receipt of payment of the due premium, subject to terms and conditions, refer waiting period part ( d ). A Certificate of Currency will be forwarded to you. (c) Closing Dates • 1st Closing Date All proposal forms and premium cheques should be received by 1st October 2008. • 2nd Closing Date rd Any proposal forms submitted after 23 November 2008 will be subject to a 30% premium loading. 14 • Final Closing Date st No proposal forms will be accepted after 1 December2008, except for newly purchased plantations. (d) When Cover Becomes Effective (WAITING PERIOD) Cover will be in force as follows: • Proposals received prior to 1st October 2008 - from 1st October 2008 after acceptance by lead insurer and receipt of cheque by Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd. • Proposals received prior to 23 November 2008 - 7 days after acceptance by lead insurer and receipt of cheque by Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd. rd • Proposals received after 23 November 2008 – 14 days after acceptance by lead insurer and receipt of premium (including 30% premium loading) by Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd. rd 15 Policy Information 1. Special Conditions These are stated in the policy and must be Strictly complied with The possibility to participate even if plantation fails to comply with special conditions exists. However, the Lead Insurer retains the right to accept or reject the application, or charge an additional premium if in their view the circumstances warrant it. Full details of the variation must be supplied in writing in support of the application. 2. Special Acceptance Are those clients whose policies have been accepted on this basis by the underwriters. Terms and conditions may vary. 3. Valuation (i) (a) Hardwoods AFG Hardwood values form part of the policy and appear on Pages 19-65 of this booklet. These are the values used for premium calculation and claims settlements. Values have been produced for plantations of Hardwood grown in the regions and states Australia, with three scales of value for each. These scales reflect the different levels of management which are explained in Item 3(ii) below. Should this method of valuation not be satisfactory for you, you must submit the alternative values for your plantation, (from a professional valuer), together with supporting documentation, in order that individual agreement can be sought from the lead insurer. (b) Softwoods AFG Softwood Values form part of the policy and appear on Pages 66-104 of this booklet. These are the values used for premium calculation and claims settlements. This policy is a valued policy with loss settlement being based on the value selected and adjusted in accordance with the Basis of Settlement. Values on trees aged 1-30 years have been established by the AFG based on Softwood species and on a replacement cost with 3 scales of values for regions and states. These scales are to reflect the different levels of management employed and are explained in Item 3(ii) below. For trees in excess of the maximum value provided, you have the option of using the highest age valuation or indicating your own valuation and forwarding it to us for rating by insurers. The AFG insurance scheme provides indicative agreed plantation valuations by region, which necessarily can only be a representative average value. Plantation owners have the option to provide alternative valuations prepared by a professional forestry consultant, if they believe their circumstances are sufficiently different to warrant a revision. 16 These AFG insurance valuations should not be used for other purposes. (ii) The Australian Forest Growers In the current 2008 review have identified ten (10) Softwood regions and fourteen (14) Hardwood regions. These have been stratified into three productivity levels of Low, Medium and High, and then stratified further into four transport distances with ranges of 0-50kms, 50-100kms, 101-150kms, and in excess of 150kms. These distance ranges are then used as the midpoint of the range 25kms, 75kms, 125kms and 150kms which is standard forestry practice:Schedule Description The appropriate value should be determined on the quality of establishment techniques, ongoing management, productivity of the site and distance from processing. The distance from processing is based on the assumption that stumpage rates reflect haulage distances. Low Value For self established plantations to minimum standards on low productivity sites; ongoing management and maintenance, other than firebreaks, to minimum standard. May also apply to reasonable managed plantations on poor sites where productivity is low, or medium productivity sites Medium Value For professionally managed plantations on reasonable to high quality sites; establishment and ongoing management to acceptable industry standards. May also apply to intensively managed plantations on high quality sites. High Value For intensively managed plantations on high quality sites where establishment and ongoing management to the highest industry standard. May also apply to professionally managed plantations on medium quality sites. 4. Salvage - Pinus Radiata Where growers have elected the optional valuation for Pine Plantations, the salvage becomes the property of the grower, not the insurer. This may be a problem in the event of a widespread loss because access to processing facility may not be available in the time available before the salvaged timber deteriorates. 5. Cancellation You may cancel the Policy at any time however, because of the seasonal nature of the risk, No Premium Refunds Apply. 6. No Claims Bonus A No Claim Bonus of 3% per annum of continuous participation up to a maximum of 27% applies to the Fire Premium. The discount is not applicable to the Removal of Debris premium and Public & Products Liability premium. 17 7. Continuity Discount A Continuity Discount of 3% per year of continuous participation up to a maximum of 27%, applies to the Fire Premium. This discount is in addition to the No Claim Bonus. The discount is not applicable to the Removal of Debris premium and Public & Products Liability premium. 8. Claims Preparation Costs We have again included this year, at no additional cost, an amount of $5,000 for the costs you could incur in the preparation of a claim. These costs being subject to prior consent from the insurer before being incurred. If you desire a higher amount than the $5,000 automatic limit, then you have the option to increase this figure up to a total of $30,000 at the premium stated in the booklet. 9. Loss Mitigation Expenses Which means costs and expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred for the purpose of extinguishing fire at or in the vicinity of property hereby insured or threatening to involve such property or for the purpose of preventing or diminishing damage to property hereby insured by any other Peril insured against by this Policy, including damage to gain access and the cost of replenishment of fire fighting appliances and charges incurred for the purpose of shutting off the supply of water or other substance following accidental discharge from any fire protective equipment or otherwise escaping from intended confines; 10. Public & Products Liability Insurance This is again an option this year. A separate Master Policy has been arranged and your participation is simply arranged by completing question 7. on the Proposal. The policy covers your Legal Liability for Personal Injury or Property Damage to Third Parties arising from your activities as a property owner used for commercial plantation purposes and / or by goods sold or supplied by the Insured. The Limit of Liability is $5,000,000, and options to increase the limit to $10,000,000 or $20,000,000 also applies. You are liable for the first $500 of each and every claim in respect to third party property damage only. We Strongly Suggest You Read Both Policy Documents Contained In Sections 5 And 7. We Recommend This Insurance To You, As The Available Legal Defences To Claims Arising From The Escape Of Fire Are Limited. 18 Valuations Hardwood Schedules Gippsland Unthinned pulpwood, 12 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,700 $5,500 $5,300 $5,100 9 $5,840 $5,410 $4,970 $4,540 10 $6,040 $5,330 $4,620 $3,910 11 $6,320 $5,290 $4,260 $3,230 12 $6,970 $5,840 $4,720 $3,600 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,010 $5,760 $5,510 $5,260 9 $6,520 $5,980 $5,430 $4,890 10 $7,150 $6,270 $5,380 $4,490 11 $7,930 $6,640 $5,360 $4,070 12 $8,730 $7,320 $5,920 $4,520 19 Gippsland, unthinned pulpwood, 12 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,320 $6,020 $5,720 $5,420 9 $7,200 $6,550 $5,900 $5,250 10 $8,260 $7,200 $6,140 $5,070 11 $9,550 $8,000 $6,460 $4,910 12 $10,490 $8,800 $7,120 $5,430 20 Gippsland, Thinned sawlog, 40 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,700 $5,650 $5,600 $5,550 9 $5,810 $5,700 $5,590 $5,480 10 $5,910 $5,730 $5,560 $5,380 11 $6,020 $5,760 $5,510 $5,250 12 $6,130 $5,780 $5,430 $5,090 13 $6,250 $5,790 $5,340 $4,890 14 $6,380 $5,800 $5,220 $4,650 15 $6,530 $5,810 $5,090 $4,370 16 $6,690 $5,810 $4,930 $4,050 17 $6,890 $5,820 $4,750 $3,680 18 $7,590 $6,420 $5,260 $4,090 19 $8,350 $7,080 $5,810 $4,540 20 $9,180 $7,800 $6,420 $5,040 21 $5,020 $4,370 $3,710 $3,050 22 $5,560 $4,840 $4,130 $3,410 23 $6,140 $5,360 $4,580 $3,800 24 $6,770 $5,920 $5,070 $4,220 25 $7,470 $6,540 $5,610 $4,680 26 $8,220 $7,210 $6,200 $5,190 27 $9,040 $7,940 $6,840 $5,730 28 $9,940 $8,730 $7,530 $6,330 29 $10,910 $9,600 $8,290 $6,980 30 $11,980 $10,550 $9,120 $7,690 31 $13,140 $11,580 $10,020 $8,470 32 $14,400 $12,700 $11,010 $9,310 33 $15,780 $13,930 $12,080 $10,230 34 $17,280 $15,260 $13,250 $11,230 35 $18,920 $16,720 $14,520 $12,330 36 $20,700 $18,310 $15,910 $13,520 37 $22,650 $20,040 $17,430 $14,820 38 $24,770 $21,920 $19,080 $16,230 39 $27,080 $23,980 $20,870 $17,770 40 $29,600 $26,220 $22,840 $19,460 21 Gippsland, thinned sawlog, 40 year rotation Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,790 $5,730 $5,670 $5,610 9 $6,000 $5,860 $5,730 $5,600 10 $6,220 $6,000 $5,790 $5,570 11 $6,470 $6,160 $5,840 $5,520 12 $6,750 $6,320 $5,880 $5,450 13 $7,060 $6,500 $5,930 $5,360 14 $7,420 $6,690 $5,970 $5,250 15 $7,820 $6,920 $6,020 $5,120 16 $8,280 $7,180 $6,070 $4,970 17 $8,800 $7,470 $6,130 $4,800 18 $9,680 $8,220 $6,770 $5,310 19 $10,630 $9,050 $7,460 $5,870 20 $11,670 $9,940 $8,210 $6,480 21 $6,470 $5,650 $4,820 $4,000 22 $7,130 $6,230 $5,340 $4,440 23 $7,850 $6,880 $5,900 $4,930 24 $8,640 $7,580 $6,510 $5,450 25 $9,500 $8,340 $7,180 $6,020 26 $10,440 $9,180 $7,910 $6,650 27 $11,460 $10,080 $8,700 $7,330 28 $12,570 $11,070 $9,570 $8,070 29 $13,790 $12,150 $10,510 $8,880 30 $15,110 $13,330 $11,540 $9,760 31 $16,550 $14,610 $12,660 $10,720 32 $18,120 $16,000 $13,880 $11,760 33 $19,840 $17,520 $15,210 $12,900 34 $21,700 $19,180 $16,660 $14,140 35 $23,740 $20,990 $18,250 $15,500 36 $25,960 $22,960 $19,970 $16,980 37 $28,370 $25,110 $21,850 $18,590 38 $31,010 $27,450 $23,900 $20,340 39 $33,880 $30,010 $26,130 $22,250 40 $37,010 $32,790 $28,560 $24,340 22 Gippsland, thinned sawlog, 40 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,880 $5,810 $5,730 $5,660 9 $6,190 $6,030 $5,870 $5,710 10 $6,540 $6,280 $6,010 $5,750 11 $6,930 $6,550 $6,170 $5,790 12 $7,380 $6,850 $6,330 $5,810 13 $7,880 $7,200 $6,520 $5,840 14 $8,450 $7,590 $6,720 $5,860 15 $9,110 $8,030 $6,950 $5,870 16 $9,860 $8,540 $7,220 $5,890 17 $10,720 $9,120 $7,520 $5,920 18 $11,770 $10,030 $8,280 $6,530 19 $12,910 $11,010 $9,110 $7,200 20 $14,160 $12,080 $10,010 $7,930 21 $7,910 $6,920 $5,940 $4,950 22 $8,700 $7,630 $6,550 $5,480 23 $9,570 $8,400 $7,230 $6,050 24 $10,510 $9,230 $7,960 $6,680 25 $11,540 $10,150 $8,750 $7,360 26 $12,660 $11,140 $9,620 $8,110 27 $13,880 $12,230 $10,570 $8,920 28 $15,210 $13,410 $11,610 $9,800 29 $16,660 $14,700 $12,730 $10,770 30 $18,240 $16,100 $13,960 $11,820 31 $19,970 $17,630 $15,300 $12,960 32 $21,850 $19,300 $16,760 $14,210 33 $23,890 $21,120 $18,350 $15,570 34 $26,130 $23,100 $20,080 $17,060 35 $28,560 $25,260 $21,970 $18,670 36 $31,210 $27,620 $24,030 $20,440 37 $34,100 $30,190 $26,270 $22,360 38 $37,250 $32,980 $28,720 $24,450 39 $40,690 $36,040 $31,380 $26,730 40 $44,430 $39,360 $34,290 $29,220 23 Central Victoria Unthinned pulpwood, 12 year rotation Low productivity table Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 0 – 50 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $6,000 $6,510 $7,130 $7,900 $8,690 51 - 100 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,800 $6,070 $6,420 $6,870 $7,570 101 - 150 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,600 $5,640 $5,710 $5,840 $6,450 >151 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,410 $5,210 $5,000 $4,810 $5,330 Medium productivity table Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 0 – 50 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $6,390 $7,350 $8,520 $9,910 $10,890 51 - 100 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $6,140 $6,810 $7,630 $8,630 $9,480 101 - 150 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,890 $6,270 $6,740 $7,340 $8,080 >151 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,640 $5,730 $5,860 $6,050 $6,680 High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,780 $6,480 $6,180 $5,880 9 $8,200 $7,550 $6,900 $6,250 10 $9,900 $8,840 $7,770 $6,710 11 $11,920 $10,380 $8,830 $7,290 12 $13,080 $11,390 $9,710 $8,030 24 Central Victoria, Unthinned sawlog, 25 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,780 $5,750 $5,710 $5,670 9 $5,980 $5,900 $5,820 $5,740 10 $6,200 $6,070 $5,940 $5,810 11 $6,430 $6,250 $6,060 $5,870 12 $6,700 $6,440 $6,190 $5,930 13 $6,990 $6,660 $6,330 $5,990 14 $7,320 $6,900 $6,480 $6,050 15 $7,700 $7,180 $6,650 $6,120 16 $8,140 $7,490 $6,840 $6,200 17 $8,630 $7,850 $7,070 $6,290 18 $9,490 $8,640 $7,790 $6,930 19 $10,430 $9,500 $8,570 $7,640 20 $11,450 $10,440 $9,420 $8,410 21 $12,560 $11,460 $10,350 $9,250 22 $13,770 $12,570 $11,360 $10,160 23 $15,090 $13,780 $12,470 $11,160 24 $16,540 $15,100 $13,670 $12,240 25 $18,110 $16,550 $14,990 $13,430 25 Central Victoria, unthinned sawlog, 25 year rotation Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,890 $5,840 $5,800 $5,750 9 $6,210 $6,110 $6,010 $5,910 10 $6,570 $6,410 $6,250 $6,090 11 $6,980 $6,740 $6,510 $6,280 12 $7,440 $7,120 $6,800 $6,480 13 $7,960 $7,540 $7,130 $6,710 14 $8,560 $8,030 $7,500 $6,970 15 $9,240 $8,580 $7,920 $7,260 16 $10,020 $9,210 $8,400 $7,600 17 $10,910 $9,940 $8,960 $7,980 18 $11,980 $10,910 $9,850 $8,780 19 $13,140 $11,980 $10,810 $9,650 20 $14,400 $13,140 $11,870 $10,600 21 $15,780 $14,400 $13,020 $11,640 22 $17,280 $15,780 $14,270 $12,770 23 $18,920 $17,280 $15,640 $14,000 24 $20,700 $18,920 $17,130 $15,340 25 $22,650 $20,700 $18,750 $16,800 26 Central Victoria, unthinned sawlog, 25 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,990 $5,940 $5,880 $5,830 9 $6,440 $6,320 $6,200 $6,080 10 $6,940 $6,750 $6,560 $6,370 11 $7,520 $7,240 $6,960 $6,680 12 $8,180 $7,800 $7,420 $7,030 13 $8,930 $8,430 $7,930 $7,430 14 $9,790 $9,160 $8,520 $7,890 15 $10,770 $9,980 $9,190 $8,400 16 $11,900 $10,930 $9,960 $8,990 17 $13,200 $12,020 $10,850 $9,670 18 $14,470 $13,190 $11,910 $10,620 19 $15,850 $14,450 $13,060 $11,660 20 $17,360 $15,840 $14,320 $12,790 21 $19,000 $17,340 $15,690 $14,030 22 $20,790 $18,990 $17,180 $15,370 23 $22,750 $20,780 $18,810 $16,840 24 $24,870 $22,730 $20,580 $18,430 25 $27,200 $24,860 $22,520 $20,180 27 Green Triangle Unthinned pulpwood, 12 year rotation Low productivity table Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 0 - 50 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,990 $6,480 $7,090 $7,850 $8,630 51 - 100 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,780 $6,030 $6,350 $6,760 $7,450 101 - 150 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,570 $5,570 $5,600 $5,670 $6,260 >151 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,360 $5,110 $4,850 $4,580 $5,080 Medium productivity table Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 0 - 50 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $6,380 $7,320 $8,470 $9,840 $10,810 51 - 100 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $6,110 $6,750 $7,530 $8,480 $9,330 101 - 150 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,850 $6,180 $6,600 $7,130 $7,850 >151 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,590 $5,610 $5,660 $5,770 $6,370 High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 - 50 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $6,760 $8,160 $9,840 $11,840 51 - 100 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $6,450 $7,480 $8,720 $10,210 101 - 150 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $6,130 $6,790 $7,600 $8,580 >151 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,820 $6,100 $6,470 $6,950 12 $12,990 $11,210 $9,430 $7,650 28 Mount Lofty Unthinned pulpwood, 12 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,630 $5,440 $5,250 $5,060 9 $5,690 $5,280 $4,870 $4,460 10 $5,790 $5,120 $4,450 $3,780 11 $5,960 $4,980 $4,010 $3,040 12 $6,580 $5,510 $4,450 $3,390 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,920 $5,690 $5,450 $5,220 9 $6,330 $5,820 $5,310 $4,790 10 $6,840 $6,010 $5,170 $4,330 11 $7,480 $6,270 $5,050 $3,830 12 $8,240 $6,910 $5,590 $4,260 High productivity table, Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,220 $5,930 $5,650 $5,370 9 $6,970 $6,360 $5,740 $5,130 10 $7,890 $6,890 $5,880 $4,880 11 $9,010 $7,550 $6,090 $4,630 12 $9,900 $8,310 $6,720 $5,130 29 Mt Lofty,Thinned sawlog, 25 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,110 $5,170 $4,220 $3,280 9 $6,700 $5,790 $4,870 $3,960 10 $5,420 $4,860 $4,310 $3,750 11 $6,160 $5,640 $5,120 $4,600 12 $6,950 $6,480 $6,010 $5,530 13 $7,320 $6,710 $6,090 $5,470 14 $7,750 $6,960 $6,180 $5,390 15 $8,230 $7,250 $6,270 $5,290 16 $5,740 $5,050 $4,360 $3,670 17 $5,730 $4,900 $4,060 $3,230 18 $6,330 $5,420 $4,510 $3,600 19 $6,980 $5,990 $5,000 $4,010 20 $7,690 $6,610 $5,530 $4,450 21 $8,470 $7,290 $6,110 $4,930 22 $9,310 $8,030 $6,740 $5,460 23 $10,230 $8,830 $7,430 $6,030 24 $11,230 $9,710 $8,180 $6,650 25 $12,330 $10,660 $9,000 $7,330 30 Mt Lofty, thinned sawlog, 25 year rotation Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $7,650 $6,470 $5,290 $4,100 9 $8,190 $7,050 $5,900 $4,760 10 $6,370 $5,670 $4,980 $4,280 11 $7,050 $6,400 $5,750 $5,100 12 $7,750 $7,160 $6,570 $5,980 13 $8,380 $7,600 $6,830 $6,060 14 $9,090 $8,100 $7,120 $6,140 15 $9,900 $8,670 $7,450 $6,230 16 $7,030 $6,160 $5,300 $4,440 17 $7,290 $6,240 $5,200 $4,160 18 $8,030 $6,890 $5,750 $4,610 19 $8,830 $7,590 $6,350 $5,110 20 $9,710 $8,360 $7,000 $5,650 21 $10,660 $9,190 $7,720 $6,240 22 $11,700 $10,100 $8,490 $6,890 23 $12,840 $11,090 $9,340 $7,590 24 $14,080 $12,170 $10,260 $8,350 25 $15,430 $13,350 $11,270 $9,190 31 Mt Lofty, thinned sawlog, 25 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $9,190 $7,770 $6,350 $4,930 9 $9,680 $8,310 $6,940 $5,560 10 $7,320 $6,480 $5,650 $4,810 11 $7,930 $7,150 $6,370 $5,600 12 $8,560 $7,850 $7,140 $6,440 13 $9,430 $8,500 $7,580 $6,650 14 $10,420 $9,250 $8,070 $6,890 15 $11,560 $10,100 $8,630 $7,160 16 $8,310 $7,280 $6,240 $5,210 17 $8,840 $7,590 $6,340 $5,090 18 $9,720 $8,360 $6,990 $5,630 19 $10,680 $9,190 $7,700 $6,210 20 $11,720 $10,100 $8,480 $6,860 21 $12,860 $11,090 $9,320 $7,550 22 $14,100 $12,170 $10,240 $8,320 23 $15,450 $13,350 $11,250 $9,150 24 $16,920 $14,630 $12,340 $10,050 25 $18,530 $16,030 $13,530 $11,040 32 Kangaroo Island Unthinned pulpwood, 12 year rotation Low productivity table Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 0 - 50 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,600 $5,640 $5,710 $5,840 $6,450 51 - 100 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,390 $5,180 $4,960 $4,750 $5,260 101 - 150 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,180 $4,720 $4,220 $3,660 $4,070 >151 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $4,970 $4,260 $3,470 $2,580 $2,890 Medium productivity table Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 0 - 50 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,890 $6,270 $6,740 $7,330 $8,080 51 - 100 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,630 $5,700 $5,810 $5,970 $6,590 101 - 150 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,370 $5,120 $4,870 $4,610 $5,110 >151 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,110 $4,550 $3,930 $3,260 $3,630 High productivity table Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 0 – 50 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $6,180 $6,900 $7,770 $8,830 $9,710 51 - 100 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,870 $6,210 $6,650 $7,200 $7,930 101 - 150 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,550 $5,520 $5,520 $5,570 $6,150 >151 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,240 $4,840 $4,400 $3,940 $4,370 33 Murray Valley Unthinned pulpwood, 13 year rotation Low productivity table Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 0 - 50 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,680 $5,790 $5,580 $5,770 $6,370 $7,030 51 - 100 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,540 $5,490 $4,930 $4,880 $5,410 $5,970 101 - 150 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,410 $5,190 $4,270 $4,000 $4,440 $4,920 >151 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,270 $4,890 $3,620 $3,110 $3,470 $3,860 Medium productivity table Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 0 - 50 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,910 $6,290 $6,680 $7,270 $8,000 $8,810 51 - 100 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,740 $5,920 $5,860 $6,160 $6,790 $7,490 101 - 150 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,570 $5,550 $5,040 $5,050 $5,580 $6,170 >151 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,400 $5,170 $4,230 $3,940 $4,370 $4,850 High productivity table Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 0 - 50 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $6,140 $6,800 $7,770 $8,760 $9,630 $10,580 51 - 100 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,940 $6,350 $6,790 $7,430 $8,180 $9,000 101 - 150 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,730 $5,900 $5,820 $6,100 $6,730 $7,420 >151 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,400 $4,760 $5,140 $5,600 $5,530 $5,450 $4,840 $4,770 $5,280 $5,830 34 Murray Valley, Unthinned sawlog, 25 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,650 $5,610 $5,580 $5,540 9 $5,690 $5,610 $5,530 $5,450 10 $5,720 $5,590 $5,460 $5,340 11 $5,740 $5,560 $5,370 $5,180 12 $5,760 $5,500 $5,250 $4,990 13 $5,760 $5,430 $5,100 $4,760 14 $5,760 $5,340 $4,920 $4,490 15 $5,760 $5,230 $4,700 $4,180 16 $5,750 $5,100 $4,460 $3,810 17 $5,740 $4,960 $4,180 $3,390 18 $6,340 $5,490 $4,630 $3,780 19 $6,990 $6,060 $5,130 $4,200 20 $7,710 $6,690 $5,680 $4,660 21 $8,480 $7,380 $6,270 $5,170 22 $9,330 $8,120 $6,920 $5,710 23 $10,250 $8,930 $7,620 $6,310 24 $11,250 $9,820 $8,390 $6,960 25 $12,350 $10,790 $9,230 $7,670 35 Murray Valley, unthinned sawlog 25 year rotation Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,720 $5,680 $5,630 $5,590 9 $5,850 $5,750 $5,650 $5,550 10 $5,980 $5,820 $5,660 $5,500 11 $6,120 $5,880 $5,650 $5,410 12 $6,260 $5,940 $5,630 $5,310 13 $6,420 $6,010 $5,590 $5,180 14 $6,600 $6,070 $5,550 $5,020 15 $6,810 $6,150 $5,490 $4,830 16 $7,040 $6,230 $5,420 $4,610 17 $7,300 $6,320 $5,340 $4,370 18 $8,040 $6,970 $5,910 $4,840 19 $8,850 $7,680 $6,520 $5,360 20 $9,720 $8,460 $7,190 $5,920 21 $10,680 $9,300 $7,920 $6,540 22 $11,720 $10,220 $8,710 $7,210 23 $12,860 $11,220 $9,580 $7,940 24 $14,100 $12,310 $10,520 $8,730 25 $15,450 $13,500 $11,550 $9,600 36 Murray Valley, unthinned sawlog. 25 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,790 $5,740 $5,690 $5,630 9 $6,000 $5,890 $5,770 $5,650 10 $6,230 $6,040 $5,850 $5,650 11 $6,490 $6,210 $5,930 $5,650 12 $6,770 $6,390 $6,010 $5,620 13 $7,090 $6,590 $6,090 $5,590 14 $7,450 $6,810 $6,180 $5,540 15 $7,860 $7,060 $6,270 $5,480 16 $8,320 $7,350 $6,380 $5,410 17 $8,860 $7,690 $6,510 $5,340 18 $9,740 $8,460 $7,180 $5,900 19 $10,700 $9,300 $7,910 $6,510 20 $11,740 $10,220 $8,700 $7,180 21 $12,880 $11,220 $9,560 $7,910 22 $14,120 $12,310 $10,510 $8,700 23 $15,470 $13,500 $11,530 $9,560 24 $16,950 $14,800 $12,650 $10,510 25 $18,560 $16,220 $13,880 $11,540 37 East Gippsland and Bombala Unthinned pulpwood, 12 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,710 $5,530 $5,340 $5,150 9 $5,880 $5,470 $5,060 $4,650 10 $6,100 $5,430 $4,760 $4,090 11 $6,410 $5,430 $4,460 $3,490 12 $7,070 $6,000 $4,940 $3,880 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,030 $5,800 $5,560 $5,330 9 $6,570 $6,050 $5,540 $5,030 10 $7,230 $6,390 $5,560 $4,720 11 $8,040 $6,830 $5,610 $4,390 12 $8,850 $7,520 $6,200 $4,870 High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,350 $6,060 $5,780 $5,500 9 $7,260 $6,640 $6,030 $5,410 10 $8,360 $7,350 $6,350 $5,340 11 $9,680 $8,220 $6,760 $5,300 12 $10,640 $9,040 $7,450 $5,860 38 Tasmania Unthinned pulpwood, 12 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,040 $5,820 $5,600 $5,380 9 $6,590 $6,100 $5,620 $5,140 10 $7,260 $6,470 $5,690 $4,900 11 $8,090 $6,950 $5,800 $4,660 12 $8,900 $7,650 $6,410 $5,160 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,440 $6,160 $5,880 $5,610 9 $7,450 $6,850 $6,250 $5,650 10 $8,680 $7,690 $6,710 $5,720 11 $10,150 $8,720 $7,290 $5,860 12 $11,150 $9,590 $8,030 $6,470 High productivity table, Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,830 $6,500 $6,170 $5,840 9 $8,320 $7,600 $6,870 $6,150 10 $10,090 $8,910 $7,730 $6,550 11 $12,210 $10,490 $8,770 $7,060 12 $13,390 $11,520 $9,650 $7,770 39 Tasmania,Thinned pulpwood, 14 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,240 $6,040 $5,840 $5,630 9 $7,020 $6,570 $6,130 $5,680 10 $5,950 $5,530 $5,110 $4,690 11 $6,140 $5,530 $4,920 $4,310 12 $6,400 $5,570 $4,740 $3,910 13 $7,060 $6,150 $5,250 $4,340 14 $7,780 $6,790 $5,800 $4,810 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,620 $6,360 $6,110 $5,850 9 $7,830 $7,280 $6,720 $6,170 10 $6,780 $6,260 $5,730 $5,210 11 $7,360 $6,590 $5,830 $5,070 12 $8,050 $7,010 $5,970 $4,930 13 $8,860 $7,730 $6,590 $5,460 14 $9,740 $8,500 $7,270 $6,030 40 Tasmania, Thinned pulpwood, 14 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,990 $6,690 $6,380 $6,070 9 $8,650 $7,980 $7,310 $6,650 10 $7,620 $6,990 $6,360 $5,730 11 $8,570 $7,650 $6,740 $5,820 12 $9,700 $8,460 $7,210 $5,960 13 $10,660 $9,300 $7,940 $6,580 14 $11,700 $10,220 $8,740 $7,260 41 Tasmania,Thinned sawlog, 18 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,340 $6,210 $6,080 $5,950 9 $6,450 $6,280 $6,110 $5,950 10 $6,960 $6,690 $6,410 $6,140 11 $7,550 $7,150 $6,750 $6,350 12 $8,210 $7,670 $7,130 $6,590 13 $8,980 $8,270 $7,560 $6,850 14 $9,850 $8,950 $8,040 $7,140 15 $10,850 $9,720 $8,600 $7,470 16 $11,990 $10,610 $9,230 $7,860 17 $13,300 $11,630 $9,960 $8,290 18 $14,580 $12,760 $10,940 $9,120 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 – 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,580 $6,420 $6,260 $6,100 9 $6,790 $6,580 $6,370 $6,160 10 $7,510 $7,170 $6,830 $6,490 11 $8,350 $7,850 $7,350 $6,860 12 $9,310 $8,630 $7,950 $7,270 13 $10,400 $9,520 $8,630 $7,740 14 $11,670 $10,540 $9,410 $8,280 15 $13,110 $11,710 $10,300 $8,900 16 $14,770 $13,040 $11,320 $9,600 17 $16,670 $14,580 $12,490 $10,400 18 $18,250 $15,970 $13,700 $11,420 42 Tasmania - Thinned sawlog, 18 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 – 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,820 $6,630 $6,430 $6,240 9 $7,120 $6,870 $6,620 $6,370 10 $8,070 $7,650 $7,240 $6,830 11 $9,150 $8,550 $7,960 $7,360 12 $10,400 $9,580 $8,770 $7,960 13 $11,830 $10,770 $9,700 $8,640 14 $13,480 $12,130 $10,780 $9,420 15 $15,380 $13,690 $12,000 $10,320 16 $17,540 $15,480 $13,410 $11,340 17 $20,030 $17,520 $15,020 $12,510 18 $21,910 $19,180 $16,450 $13,720 43 Tasmania,Clearwood, 16 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,920 $4,920 $4,920 $4,920 5 $5,320 $5,320 $5,320 $5,320 6 $6,270 $6,270 $6,270 $6,270 7 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 8 $8,440 $8,270 $8,110 $7,940 9 $9,770 $9,410 $9,050 $8,690 10 $9,890 $9,550 $9,210 $8,870 11 $11,230 $10,660 $10,090 $9,530 12 $12,640 $11,870 $11,090 $10,320 13 $14,270 $13,260 $12,250 $11,240 14 $16,160 $14,880 $13,600 $12,310 15 $18,350 $16,750 $15,150 $13,560 16 $20,080 $18,340 $16,600 $14,860 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,920 $4,920 $4,920 $4,920 5 $5,320 $5,320 $5,320 $5,320 6 $6,270 $6,270 $6,270 $6,270 7 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 8 $8,850 $8,640 $8,430 $8,230 9 $10,660 $10,210 $9,760 $9,310 10 $10,860 $10,440 $10,020 $9,600 11 $12,860 $12,160 $11,450 $10,740 12 $14,870 $13,900 $12,940 $11,980 13 $17,190 $15,930 $14,670 $13,410 14 $19,870 $18,270 $16,670 $15,060 15 $22,970 $20,980 $18,980 $16,980 16 $25,120 $22,950 $20,770 $18,590 44 Tasmania, clearwood, 16 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,920 $4,920 $4,920 $4,920 5 $5,320 $5,320 $5,320 $5,320 6 $6,270 $6,270 $6,270 $6,270 7 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 8 $9,260 $9,010 $8,760 $8,510 9 $11,550 $11,010 $10,470 $9,930 10 $11,840 $11,330 $10,830 $10,320 11 $14,500 $13,650 $12,800 $11,960 12 $17,100 $15,940 $14,790 $13,630 13 $20,110 $18,600 $17,080 $15,570 14 $23,590 $21,660 $19,740 $17,810 15 $27,600 $25,200 $22,800 $20,410 16 $30,160 $27,550 $24,940 $22,330 45 Tasmania, Clearwood, 20 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,920 $4,920 $4,920 $4,920 5 $5,320 $5,320 $5,320 $5,320 6 $6,270 $6,270 $6,270 $6,270 7 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 8 $8,290 $8,170 $8,050 $7,930 9 $8,700 $8,550 $8,400 $8,250 10 $9,550 $9,310 $9,060 $8,820 11 $10,540 $10,180 $9,820 $9,470 12 $11,670 $11,180 $10,690 $10,210 13 $12,960 $12,330 $11,690 $11,060 14 $14,450 $13,640 $12,830 $12,020 15 $16,150 $15,150 $14,140 $13,130 16 $18,110 $16,870 $15,640 $14,410 17 $20,350 $18,850 $17,360 $15,870 18 $22,260 $20,630 $19,000 $17,380 19 $24,350 $22,570 $20,800 $19,020 20 $26,620 $24,680 $22,750 $20,810 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,920 $4,920 $4,920 $4,920 5 $5,320 $5,320 $5,320 $5,320 6 $6,270 $6,270 $6,270 $6,270 7 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 8 $8,610 $8,460 $8,310 $8,160 9 $9,210 $9,030 $8,840 $8,650 10 $10,400 $10,090 $9,790 $9,480 11 $11,770 $11,320 $10,880 $10,430 12 $13,340 $12,730 $12,130 $11,520 13 $15,150 $14,360 $13,560 $12,770 14 $17,230 $16,220 $15,210 $14,200 15 $19,620 $18,360 $17,110 $15,850 16 $22,360 $20,820 $19,280 $17,740 17 $25,500 $23,630 $21,770 $19,900 18 $27,880 $25,840 $23,810 $21,770 19 $30,470 $28,250 $26,030 $23,810 20 $33,290 $30,870 $28,460 $26,040 46 Tasmania, Clearwood, 20 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,920 $4,920 $4,920 $4,920 5 $5,320 $5,320 $5,320 $5,320 6 $6,270 $6,270 $6,270 $6,270 7 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 8 $8,940 $8,760 $8,580 $8,390 9 $9,730 $9,510 $9,280 $9,060 10 $11,250 $10,880 $10,510 $10,140 11 $13,000 $12,460 $11,930 $11,390 12 $15,010 $14,290 $13,560 $12,830 13 $17,340 $16,390 $15,440 $14,480 14 $20,020 $18,810 $17,600 $16,380 15 $23,090 $21,580 $20,070 $18,570 16 $26,620 $24,770 $22,920 $21,070 17 $30,650 $28,410 $26,170 $23,930 18 $33,490 $31,050 $28,610 $26,170 19 $36,590 $33,930 $31,270 $28,600 20 $39,960 $37,060 $34,160 $31,260 47 Western Australia Unthinned pulpwood, 11 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,900 $5,710 $5,520 $5,340 9 $6,280 $5,870 $5,460 $5,050 10 $6,760 $6,100 $5,430 $4,760 11 $7,370 $6,400 $5,420 $4,450 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,260 $6,020 $5,790 $5,550 9 $7,060 $6,550 $6,040 $5,530 10 $8,040 $7,210 $6,370 $5,540 11 $9,230 $8,010 $6,800 $5,580 High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,620 $6,340 $6,050 $5,770 9 $7,850 $7,230 $6,620 $6,010 10 $9,320 $8,320 $7,320 $6,310 11 $11,090 $9,630 $8,170 $6,710 48 Western Australia, Unthinned sawlog, 20 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,820 $5,770 $5,720 $5,670 9 $6,060 $5,950 $5,840 $5,730 10 $6,330 $6,150 $5,960 $5,780 11 $6,630 $6,360 $6,090 $5,830 12 $6,970 $6,600 $6,240 $5,870 13 $7,340 $6,870 $6,390 $5,910 14 $7,770 $7,170 $6,560 $5,950 15 $8,260 $7,510 $6,750 $5,990 16 $8,820 $7,890 $6,970 $6,040 17 $9,460 $8,340 $7,220 $6,090 18 $10,400 $9,170 $7,950 $6,720 19 $11,420 $10,080 $8,740 $7,410 20 $12,530 $11,070 $9,610 $8,160 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,930 $5,870 $5,800 $5,740 9 $6,310 $6,170 $6,030 $5,890 10 $6,730 $6,500 $6,270 $6,040 11 $7,210 $6,880 $6,540 $6,210 12 $7,760 $7,300 $6,840 $6,390 13 $8,380 $7,780 $7,180 $6,590 14 $9,090 $8,330 $7,570 $6,810 15 $9,900 $8,950 $8,010 $7,060 16 $10,830 $9,670 $8,510 $7,350 17 $11,900 $10,490 $9,090 $7,680 18 $13,050 $11,520 $9,990 $8,450 19 $14,310 $12,640 $10,970 $9,300 20 $15,680 $13,860 $12,040 $10,220 49 Western Australia, unthinned sawlog, 20 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,050 $5,970 $5,890 $5,810 9 $6,550 $6,380 $6,210 $6,040 10 $7,130 $6,850 $6,580 $6,300 11 $7,790 $7,390 $6,990 $6,580 12 $8,550 $8,000 $7,450 $6,900 13 $9,410 $8,700 $7,980 $7,260 14 $10,400 $9,490 $8,580 $7,670 15 $11,540 $10,400 $9,270 $8,130 16 $12,840 $11,450 $10,050 $8,660 17 $14,330 $12,640 $10,960 $9,270 18 $15,700 $13,860 $12,020 $10,190 19 $17,200 $15,190 $13,190 $11,180 20 $18,830 $16,640 $14,460 $12,270 50 North Coast New South Wales Thinned pulpwood, 14 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,110 $5,920 $5,740 $5,550 9 $5,690 $5,440 $5,190 $4,950 10 $5,770 $5,360 $4,960 $4,560 11 $5,880 $5,300 $4,710 $4,130 12 $6,040 $5,240 $4,450 $3,650 13 $6,670 $5,800 $4,930 $4,060 14 $7,350 $6,400 $5,460 $4,510 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,450 $6,220 $5,980 $5,750 9 $6,170 $5,860 $5,550 $5,250 10 $6,550 $6,050 $5,550 $5,050 11 $7,030 $6,300 $5,570 $4,830 12 $7,600 $6,610 $5,610 $4,620 13 $8,370 $7,280 $6,200 $5,110 14 $9,200 $8,020 $6,840 $5,650 51 North Coast NSW – Thinned pulpwood, 14 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,790 $6,510 $6,230 $5,950 9 $6,650 $6,280 $5,910 $5,540 10 $7,340 $6,740 $6,140 $5,530 11 $8,170 $7,300 $6,420 $5,540 12 $9,160 $7,970 $6,770 $5,580 13 $10,070 $8,770 $7,470 $6,160 14 $11,060 $9,640 $8,220 $6,800 52 North Coast NSW, Thinned sawlog, 20 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $5,980 $5,900 $5,820 $5,730 9 $5,900 $5,800 $5,700 $5,600 10 $6,060 $5,900 $5,730 $5,570 11 $6,240 $6,000 $5,760 $5,520 12 $6,430 $6,110 $5,780 $5,450 13 $6,640 $6,220 $5,790 $5,360 14 $6,880 $6,340 $5,800 $5,260 15 $7,150 $6,480 $5,800 $5,130 16 $7,460 $6,640 $5,810 $4,980 17 $7,820 $6,820 $5,810 $4,810 18 $8,610 $7,510 $6,420 $5,320 19 $9,460 $8,270 $7,080 $5,880 20 $10,400 $9,100 $7,800 $6,500 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,130 $6,030 $5,930 $5,820 9 $6,100 $5,980 $5,850 $5,720 10 $6,390 $6,190 $5,980 $5,780 11 $6,720 $6,420 $6,120 $5,820 12 $7,090 $6,680 $6,270 $5,860 13 $7,500 $6,970 $6,440 $5,900 14 $7,980 $7,300 $6,620 $5,940 15 $8,520 $7,670 $6,830 $5,980 16 $9,130 $8,100 $7,060 $6,020 17 $9,840 $8,590 $7,330 $6,080 18 $10,810 $9,440 $8,070 $6,710 19 $11,860 $10,370 $8,880 $7,390 20 $13,010 $11,390 $9,760 $8,140 53 Nth Coast NSW, thinned sawlog, 20 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,290 $6,160 $6,040 $5,920 9 $6,300 $6,150 $6,000 $5,850 10 $6,730 $6,480 $6,230 $5,980 11 $7,200 $6,840 $6,480 $6,130 12 $7,750 $7,260 $6,770 $6,280 13 $8,360 $7,720 $7,080 $6,440 14 $9,070 $8,260 $7,440 $6,630 15 $9,880 $8,860 $7,850 $6,840 16 $10,800 $9,560 $8,320 $7,070 17 $11,860 $10,360 $8,850 $7,350 18 $13,010 $11,370 $9,730 $8,090 19 $14,260 $12,480 $10,690 $8,900 20 $15,630 $13,680 $11,730 $9,780 54 South East Queensland Thinned pulpwood, 14 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,240 $6,040 $5,840 $5,630 9 $7,020 $6,570 $6,130 $5,680 10 $5,950 $5,530 $5,110 $4,690 11 $6,140 $5,530 $4,920 $4,310 12 $6,400 $5,570 $4,740 $3,910 13 $7,060 $6,150 $5,250 $4,340 14 $7,780 $6,790 $5,800 $4,810 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,620 $6,360 $6,110 $5,850 9 $7,830 $7,280 $6,720 $6,170 10 $6,780 $6,260 $5,730 $5,210 11 $7,360 $6,590 $5,830 $5,070 12 $8,050 $7,010 $5,970 $4,930 13 $8,860 $7,730 $6,590 $5,460 14 $9,740 $8,500 $7,270 $6,030 55 South East Queensland, Thinned pulpwood, 14 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,990 $6,690 $6,380 $6,070 9 $8,650 $7,980 $7,310 $6,650 10 $7,620 $6,990 $6,360 $5,730 11 $8,570 $7,650 $6,740 $5,820 12 $9,700 $8,460 $7,210 $5,960 13 $10,660 $9,300 $7,940 $6,580 14 $11,700 $10,220 $8,740 $7,260 56 South East Queensland,Thinned sawlog, 20 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,050 $5,970 $5,880 $5,790 9 $6,570 $6,380 $6,180 $5,990 10 $7,170 $6,850 $6,530 $6,210 11 $7,840 $7,380 $6,920 $6,460 12 $8,620 $7,990 $7,360 $6,730 13 $9,500 $8,680 $7,850 $7,030 14 $7,660 $7,010 $6,360 $5,710 15 $8,130 $7,320 $6,510 $5,690 16 $8,660 $7,660 $6,670 $5,670 17 $9,260 $8,060 $6,850 $5,650 18 $10,180 $8,870 $7,550 $6,240 19 $11,180 $9,750 $8,310 $6,880 20 $12,270 $10,710 $9,150 $7,590 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,230 $6,110 $6,000 $5,890 9 $6,950 $6,700 $6,460 $6,220 10 $7,770 $7,380 $6,980 $6,580 11 $8,730 $8,150 $7,570 $6,990 12 $9,820 $9,030 $8,240 $7,460 13 $11,080 $10,050 $9,020 $7,990 14 $8,950 $8,140 $7,320 $6,510 15 $9,730 $8,720 $7,700 $6,690 16 $10,620 $9,380 $8,140 $6,890 17 $11,650 $10,140 $8,630 $7,130 18 $12,780 $11,130 $9,490 $7,850 19 $14,010 $12,220 $10,430 $8,640 20 $15,350 $13,400 $11,450 $9,500 57 South East Queensland, thinned sawlog, 20 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $6,400 $6,260 $6,130 $5,990 9 $7,320 $7,030 $6,730 $6,440 10 $8,380 $7,900 $7,430 $6,950 11 $9,610 $8,910 $8,220 $7,530 12 $11,020 $10,080 $9,130 $8,190 13 $12,650 $11,410 $10,180 $8,940 14 $10,240 $9,260 $8,290 $7,310 15 $11,340 $10,120 $8,900 $7,690 16 $12,590 $11,100 $9,610 $8,110 17 $14,030 $12,220 $10,410 $8,610 18 $15,370 $13,400 $11,430 $9,460 19 $16,840 $14,690 $12,540 $10,400 20 $18,440 $16,100 $13,760 $11,420 58 Northern Territory Unthinned pulpwood, 9 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $6,370 $5,960 $5,550 $5,140 8 $7,870 $6,960 $6,050 $5,140 9 $9,640 $8,160 $6,680 $5,210 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $7,040 $6,530 $6,020 $5,500 8 $9,360 $8,220 $7,090 $5,950 9 $12,070 $10,220 $8,370 $6,530 High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $7,720 $7,100 $6,480 $5,870 8 $10,850 $9,490 $8,130 $6,770 9 $14,490 $12,280 $10,060 $7,850 59 Far North Queensland Thinned sawlog, 18 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $6,720 $6,580 $6,450 $6,320 8 $7,840 $7,660 $7,480 $7,310 9 $9,490 $9,200 $8,920 $8,630 10 $11,410 $10,990 $10,570 $10,160 11 $13,630 $13,060 $12,490 $11,920 12 $16,190 $15,440 $14,700 $13,950 13 $19,130 $18,190 $17,240 $16,290 14 $22,520 $21,340 $20,160 $18,980 15 $26,390 $24,950 $23,500 $22,060 16 $30,830 $29,080 $27,330 $25,580 17 $33,690 $31,780 $29,870 $27,970 18 $36,810 $34,730 $32,650 $30,570 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 0 – 50 51 - 100 101 - 150 >151 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $7,150 $6,980 $6,820 $6,650 8 $8,610 $8,390 $8,170 $7,950 9 $10,760 $10,410 $10,050 $9,690 10 $13,260 $12,740 $12,220 $11,690 11 $16,150 $15,440 $14,730 $14,020 12 $19,490 $18,560 $17,620 $16,690 13 $23,330 $22,140 $20,960 $19,780 14 $27,740 $26,270 $24,790 $23,320 15 $32,800 $30,990 $29,190 $27,380 16 $38,590 $36,410 $34,220 $32,030 17 $42,150 $39,760 $37,380 $34,990 18 $46,030 $43,430 $40,830 $38,230 60 Far North Queensland, Thinned sawlog, 18 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $7,590 $7,390 $7,190 $6,990 8 $9,390 $9,130 $8,870 $8,600 9 $12,040 $11,610 $11,180 $10,740 10 $15,110 $14,490 $13,860 $13,230 11 $18,670 $17,820 $16,960 $16,110 12 $22,780 $21,670 $20,550 $19,440 13 $27,520 $26,100 $24,680 $23,260 14 $32,970 $31,200 $29,430 $27,660 15 $39,210 $37,040 $34,870 $32,700 16 $46,350 $43,730 $41,100 $38,480 17 $50,610 $47,750 $44,880 $42,020 18 $55,250 $52,130 $49,010 $45,890 61 Far North Queensland, Thinned teak sawlog, 20 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $12,380 $12,320 $12,270 $12,220 9 $20,350 $20,240 $20,120 $20,010 10 $29,690 $29,510 $29,320 $29,130 11 $40,580 $40,310 $40,040 $39,770 12 $53,220 $52,850 $52,480 $52,110 13 $67,850 $67,360 $66,880 $66,390 14 $84,720 $84,100 $83,480 $82,870 15 $71,700 $71,300 $70,890 $70,480 16 $86,610 $86,120 $85,620 $85,120 17 $103,680 $103,080 $102,470 $101,870 18 $113,090 $112,440 $111,780 $111,120 19 $123,350 $122,640 $121,920 $121,200 20 $134,540 $133,760 $132,980 $132,200 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $14,130 $14,060 $13,990 $13,930 9 $24,170 $24,020 $23,880 $23,740 10 $35,930 $35,700 $35,460 $35,230 11 $49,650 $49,310 $48,970 $48,630 12 $65,580 $65,120 $64,650 $64,190 13 $84,010 $83,400 $82,800 $82,190 14 $105,270 $104,500 $103,720 $102,950 15 $89,200 $88,690 $88,180 $87,680 16 $108,070 $107,450 $106,830 $106,210 17 $129,660 $128,910 $128,160 $127,410 18 $141,420 $140,600 $139,770 $138,950 19 $154,230 $153,330 $152,440 $151,540 20 $168,190 $167,210 $166,240 $165,260 62 Far North Queensland, thinned teak sawlog, 20 year rotation High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 8 $15,880 $15,800 $15,720 $15,640 9 $27,980 $27,810 $27,640 $27,470 10 $42,170 $41,890 $41,610 $41,330 11 $58,720 $58,310 $57,900 $57,490 12 $77,930 $77,380 $76,820 $76,270 13 $100,170 $99,440 $98,720 $97,990 14 $125,820 $124,890 $123,970 $123,040 15 $106,700 $106,090 $105,480 $104,870 16 $129,530 $128,780 $128,030 $127,290 17 $155,650 $154,750 $153,840 $152,940 18 $169,740 $168,760 $167,770 $166,790 19 $185,100 $184,030 $182,950 $181,880 20 $201,840 $200,670 $199,500 $198,330 63 Far North Queensland, Unthinned pulpwood, 10 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,990 $5,670 $5,350 $5,030 8 $6,770 $6,250 $5,720 $5,200 9 $7,690 $6,920 $6,150 $5,380 10 $9,090 $7,850 $6,600 $5,350 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $6,570 $6,170 $5,770 $5,380 8 $7,740 $7,080 $6,430 $5,770 9 $9,090 $8,140 $7,180 $6,220 10 $11,390 $9,830 $8,270 $6,710 High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $7,150 $6,680 $6,200 $5,720 8 $8,700 $7,920 $7,130 $6,340 9 $10,500 $9,350 $8,200 $7,050 10 $13,680 $11,810 $9,930 $8,060 64 Central Queensland Unthinned pulpwood, 10 year rotation Low productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $5,790 $5,500 $5,210 $4,920 8 $6,450 $5,970 $5,490 $5,010 9 $7,220 $6,510 $5,810 $5,110 10 $8,330 $7,190 $6,040 $4,900 Medium productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 – 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $6,330 $5,960 $5,600 $5,230 8 $7,340 $6,730 $6,130 $5,530 9 $8,510 $7,630 $6,750 $5,870 10 $10,430 $9,000 $7,570 $6,140 High productivity table Year Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) 1 0 - 50 $2,130 51 - 100 $2,130 101 - 150 $2,130 >151 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 5 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 $4,760 6 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 $5,140 7 $6,860 $6,420 $5,990 $5,550 8 $8,220 $7,500 $6,780 $6,050 9 $9,800 $8,740 $7,690 $6,630 10 $12,530 $10,820 $9,100 $7,380 65 Softwood Schedules Gippsland Unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Low productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 – 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,240 $4,190 $4,140 $4,080 5 $4,440 $4,320 $4,210 $4,100 6 $4,650 $4,470 $4,280 $4,100 7 $4,920 $4,650 $4,380 $4,110 8 $5,210 $4,850 $4,480 $4,110 9 $5,520 $5,040 $4,560 $4,080 10 $5,870 $5,260 $4,650 $4,040 11 $6,270 $5,510 $4,750 $3,990 12 $6,720 $5,790 $4,860 $3,930 13 $7,240 $6,110 $4,980 $3,860 14 $7,970 $6,740 $5,520 $4,290 15 $8,770 $7,430 $6,090 $4,750 16 $8,130 $7,120 $6,110 $5,110 17 $8,940 $7,840 $6,740 $5,650 18 $9,830 $8,630 $7,430 $6,240 19 $10,790 $9,490 $8,180 $6,880 20 $11,840 $5,920 $10,420 $5,210 $9,000 $4,500 $7,580 $3,790 21 $8,650 $3,980 $7,670 $3,530 $6,690 $3,080 $5,710 $2,630 22 $9,510 $3,990 $8,440 $3,540 $7,370 $3,100 $6,300 $2,650 23 $10,450 $3,970 $9,290 $3,530 $8,120 $3,090 $6,950 $2,640 24 $11,470 $3,900 $10,200 $3,470 $8,930 $3,040 $7,660 $2,600 25 $12,590 $3,780 $11,200 $3,360 $9,820 $2,950 $8,430 $2,530 26 $13,800 $3,590 $12,290 $3,200 $10,780 $2,800 $9,270 $2,410 27 $15,130 $3,330 $13,480 $2,970 $11,840 $2,600 $10,190 $2,240 28 $16,570 $2,980 $14,780 $2,660 $12,980 $2,340 $11,190 $2,010 29 $18,140 $2,540 $16,190 $2,270 $14,230 $1,990 $12,280 $1,720 30 $19,860 $1,990 $17,730 $1,770 $15,600 $1,560 $13,460 $1,350 66 Gippsland, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Medium productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 – 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,330 $4,270 $4,200 $4,140 5 $4,640 $4,500 $4,350 $4,210 6 $4,980 $4,750 $4,520 $4,290 7 $5,400 $5,060 $4,720 $4,390 8 $5,860 $5,400 $4,940 $4,490 9 $6,370 $5,770 $5,170 $4,570 10 $6,940 $6,180 $5,420 $4,660 11 $7,610 $6,660 $5,710 $4,760 12 $8,360 $7,200 $6,030 $4,870 With Salvage 13 $9,230 $7,820 $6,410 $5,000 14 $10,140 $8,600 $7,070 $5,530 15 $11,130 $9,460 $7,790 $6,110 16 $10,320 $9,060 $7,810 $6,550 17 $11,330 $9,960 $8,590 $7,220 18 $12,430 $10,940 $9,450 $7,950 19 $13,640 $12,010 $10,380 $8,750 20 $14,940 $7,470 $13,170 $6,590 $11,390 $5,700 $9,620 $4,810 21 $10,950 $5,040 $9,720 $4,470 $8,490 $3,910 $7,270 $3,340 22 $12,020 $5,050 $10,680 $4,490 $9,340 $3,920 $8,000 $3,360 23 $13,180 $5,010 $11,720 $4,450 $10,260 $3,900 $8,800 $3,340 24 $14,450 $4,910 $12,860 $4,370 $11,270 $3,830 $9,680 $3,290 25 $15,830 $4,750 $14,100 $4,230 $12,360 $3,710 $10,630 $3,190 26 $17,330 $4,510 $15,450 $4,020 $13,560 $3,530 $11,670 $3,030 27 $18,980 $4,180 $16,920 $3,720 $14,860 $3,270 $12,800 $2,820 28 $20,770 $3,740 $18,520 $3,330 $16,280 $2,930 $14,040 $2,530 29 $22,720 $3,180 $20,270 $2,840 $17,830 $2,500 $15,380 $2,150 30 $24,840 $2,480 $22,180 $2,220 $19,510 $1,950 $16,850 $1,690 67 Gippsland, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation High productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,420 $4,350 $4,270 $4,190 5 $4,840 $4,670 $4,500 $4,330 6 $5,310 $5,030 $4,750 $4,470 7 $5,870 $5,470 $5,060 $4,660 8 $6,510 $5,960 $5,410 $4,860 9 $7,210 $6,490 $5,770 $5,050 10 $8,020 $7,110 $6,190 $5,280 With Salvage 11 $8,940 $7,810 $6,670 $5,530 12 $10,000 $8,610 $7,210 $5,820 13 $11,220 $9,530 $7,840 $6,140 14 $12,310 $10,460 $8,620 $6,780 15 $13,500 $11,490 $9,480 $7,470 16 $12,520 $11,010 $9,500 $7,990 17 $13,730 $12,080 $10,440 $8,790 18 $15,040 $13,250 $11,460 $9,660 19 $16,480 $14,520 $12,570 $10,610 20 $18,040 $9,020 $15,910 $7,960 $13,780 $6,890 $11,650 $5,830 21 $13,240 $6,090 $11,770 $5,410 $10,300 $4,740 $8,830 $4,060 22 $14,520 $6,100 $12,910 $5,420 $11,310 $4,750 $9,700 $4,070 23 $15,900 $6,040 $14,150 $5,380 $12,410 $4,720 $10,660 $4,050 24 $17,420 $5,920 $15,510 $5,270 $13,600 $4,620 $11,700 $3,980 25 $19,070 $5,720 $16,990 $5,100 $14,910 $4,470 $12,830 $3,850 26 $20,860 $5,420 $18,600 $4,840 $16,330 $4,250 $14,070 $3,660 27 $22,820 $5,020 $20,350 $4,480 $17,890 $3,940 $15,420 $3,390 28 $24,960 $4,490 $22,270 $4,010 $19,580 $3,520 $16,890 $3,040 29 $27,290 $3,820 $24,350 $3,410 $21,420 $3,000 $18,490 $2,590 30 $29,830 $2,980 $26,630 $2,660 $23,430 $2,340 $20,230 $2,020 68 Central Victoria Unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Low productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,230 $4,180 $4,140 $4,090 5 $4,420 $4,310 $4,210 $4,110 6 $4,620 $4,450 $4,280 $4,110 7 $4,870 $4,630 $4,380 $4,140 8 $5,150 $4,810 $4,480 $4,150 9 $5,430 $5,000 $4,560 $4,120 10 $5,760 $5,200 $4,650 $4,090 11 $6,130 $5,440 $4,750 $4,050 12 $6,550 $5,700 $4,850 $4,010 13 $7,030 $6,010 $4,980 $3,950 14 $7,750 $6,630 $5,510 $4,390 15 $7,010 $6,240 $5,480 $4,710 16 $7,720 $6,890 $6,050 $5,220 17 $8,500 $7,590 $6,680 $5,770 With Salvage 18 $9,350 $8,350 $7,360 $6,370 19 $10,270 $9,190 $8,110 $7,020 20 $11,280 $5,640 $10,100 $5,050 $8,920 $4,460 $7,740 $3,870 21 $8,030 $3,690 $7,320 $3,370 $6,600 $3,040 $5,880 $2,700 22 $8,840 $3,710 $8,060 $3,390 $7,270 $3,050 $6,490 $2,730 23 $9,720 $3,690 $8,860 $3,370 $8,010 $3,040 $7,160 $2,720 24 $10,670 $3,630 $9,740 $3,310 $8,810 $3,000 $7,880 $2,680 25 $11,710 $3,510 $10,700 $3,210 $9,690 $2,910 $8,670 $2,600 26 $12,850 $3,340 $11,750 $3,060 $10,640 $2,770 $9,530 $2,480 27 $14,090 $3,100 $12,880 $2,830 $11,680 $2,570 $10,470 $2,300 28 $15,440 $2,780 $14,130 $2,540 $12,810 $2,310 $11,500 $2,070 29 $16,910 $2,370 $15,480 $2,170 $14,050 $1,970 $12,620 $1,770 30 $18,510 $1,850 $16,950 $1,700 $15,390 $1,540 $13,830 $1,380 69 Central Victoria, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Medium productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,320 $4,260 $4,200 $4,140 5 $4,610 $4,480 $4,350 $4,220 6 $4,940 $4,730 $4,520 $4,310 7 $5,330 $5,030 $4,720 $4,420 8 $5,780 $5,360 $4,940 $4,520 9 $6,260 $5,710 $5,170 $4,620 10 $6,810 $6,110 $5,420 $4,720 11 $7,430 $6,570 $5,700 $4,840 12 $8,150 $7,090 $6,030 $4,970 13 $8,970 $7,690 $6,400 $5,120 14 $9,860 $8,460 $7,060 $5,660 15 $8,930 $7,970 $7,020 $6,060 With Salvage 16 $9,820 $8,770 $7,730 $6,690 17 $10,780 $9,650 $8,510 $7,370 18 $11,840 $10,600 $9,360 $8,110 19 $12,980 $11,630 $10,280 $8,930 20 $14,230 $7,120 $12,760 $6,380 $11,290 $5,650 $9,810 $4,910 21 $10,170 $4,680 $9,280 $4,270 $8,380 $3,850 $7,480 $3,440 22 $11,170 $4,690 $10,190 $4,280 $9,210 $3,870 $8,230 $3,460 23 $12,260 $4,660 $11,190 $4,250 $10,120 $3,850 $9,060 $3,440 24 $13,440 $4,570 $12,280 $4,180 $11,120 $3,780 $9,950 $3,380 25 $14,730 $4,420 $13,470 $4,040 $12,200 $3,660 $10,930 $3,280 26 $16,140 $4,200 $14,760 $3,840 $13,380 $3,480 $12,000 $3,120 27 $17,680 $3,890 $16,170 $3,560 $14,670 $3,230 $13,160 $2,900 28 $19,350 $3,480 $17,710 $3,190 $16,070 $2,890 $14,430 $2,600 29 $21,170 $2,960 $19,380 $2,710 $17,590 $2,460 $15,810 $2,210 30 $23,160 $2,320 $21,210 $2,120 $19,260 $1,930 $17,310 $1,730 70 Central Victoria, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation High productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,410 $4,340 $4,270 $4,200 5 $4,810 $4,650 $4,500 $4,340 6 $5,260 $5,000 $4,750 $4,500 7 $5,800 $5,430 $5,060 $4,690 8 $6,400 $5,900 $5,400 $4,900 9 $7,080 $6,430 $5,770 $5,120 10 $7,850 $7,020 $6,190 $5,360 11 $8,740 $7,700 $6,660 $5,630 12 $9,750 $8,480 $7,210 $5,930 13 $10,910 $9,370 $7,830 $6,290 14 $11,970 $10,290 $8,610 $6,940 15 $10,860 $9,710 $8,560 $7,410 16 $11,910 $10,660 $9,410 $8,160 17 $13,070 $11,700 $10,340 $8,970 18 $14,330 $12,840 $11,350 $9,860 19 $15,700 $14,070 $12,450 $10,830 20 $17,190 $8,600 $15,420 $7,710 $13,650 $6,830 $11,890 $5,950 21 $12,310 $5,660 $11,240 $5,170 $10,160 $4,670 $9,080 $4,180 22 $13,500 $5,670 $12,330 $5,180 $11,150 $4,680 $9,980 $4,190 23 $14,800 $5,620 $13,520 $5,140 $12,240 $4,650 $10,960 $4,160 24 $16,210 $5,510 $14,820 $5,040 $13,420 $4,560 $12,030 $4,090 25 $17,750 $5,330 $16,230 $4,870 $14,710 $4,410 $13,190 $3,960 26 $19,430 $5,050 $17,780 $4,620 $16,120 $4,190 $14,460 $3,760 27 $21,270 $4,680 $19,460 $4,280 $17,650 $3,880 $15,840 $3,480 28 $23,260 $4,190 $21,290 $3,830 $19,320 $3,480 $17,350 $3,120 29 $25,440 $3,560 $23,290 $3,260 $21,140 $2,960 $19,000 $2,660 30 $27,810 $2,780 $25,470 $2,550 $23,130 $2,310 $20,790 $2,080 71 Green Triangle Unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Low productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,320 $4,250 $4,190 $4,120 5 $4,600 $4,460 $4,320 $4,180 6 $4,920 $4,690 $4,460 $4,230 7 $5,310 $4,980 $4,640 $4,300 8 $5,750 $5,290 $4,830 $4,370 With Salvage 9 $6,220 $5,620 $5,020 $4,420 10 $6,760 $6,000 $5,230 $4,470 11 $7,380 $6,430 $5,470 $4,520 12 $8,080 $6,920 $5,750 $4,580 13 $8,890 $7,480 $6,060 $4,650 14 $8,350 $7,440 $6,520 $5,610 15 $9,190 $8,190 $7,190 $6,190 16 $10,100 $9,010 $7,920 $6,830 17 $11,090 $9,900 $8,720 $7,530 18 $12,170 $10,880 $9,580 $8,290 19 $11,860 $10,820 $9,780 20 $13,010 $6,510 $11,870 $5,940 $10,740 $5,370 $9,600 $4,800 21 $14,260 $6,560 $13,020 $5,990 $11,790 $5,420 $10,550 $4,850 22 $15,620 $6,560 $14,280 $6,000 $12,930 $5,430 $11,580 $4,860 23 $17,110 $6,500 $15,640 $5,940 $14,170 $5,380 $12,700 $4,830 24 $14,490 $4,930 $13,350 $4,540 $12,200 $4,150 $11,050 $3,760 25 $15,880 $4,760 $14,630 $4,390 $13,380 $4,010 $12,130 $3,640 26 $17,390 $4,520 $16,030 $4,170 $14,670 $3,810 $13,300 $3,460 27 $19,040 $4,190 $17,550 $3,860 $16,070 $3,540 $14,580 $3,210 28 $20,830 $3,750 $19,210 $3,460 $17,590 $3,170 $15,980 $2,880 29 $22,790 $3,190 $21,030 $2,940 $19,260 $2,700 $17,490 $2,450 30 $24,920 $2,490 $23,000 $2,300 $21,080 $2,110 $19,150 $1,920 $8,740 72 Green Triangle, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Medium productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,430 $4,350 $4,260 $4,180 5 $4,840 $4,670 $4,490 $4,310 6 $5,320 $5,030 $4,740 $4,450 7 $5,890 $5,470 $5,050 $4,620 8 $6,530 $5,960 $5,380 $4,810 9 $7,240 $6,490 $5,740 $4,990 10 $8,060 $7,100 $6,150 $5,200 With Salvage 11 $8,990 $7,800 $6,620 $5,430 12 $10,060 $8,610 $7,150 $5,690 13 $11,290 $9,520 $7,760 $5,990 14 $10,620 $9,470 $8,330 $7,180 15 $11,660 $10,410 $9,160 $7,910 16 $12,790 $11,430 $10,070 $8,710 17 $14,020 $12,540 $11,050 $9,570 18 $15,360 $13,750 $12,130 $10,520 19 $14,970 $13,670 $12,370 $11,070 20 $16,400 $8,200 $14,980 $7,490 $13,560 $6,780 $12,140 $6,070 21 $17,950 $8,260 $16,410 $7,550 $14,860 $6,840 $13,320 $6,130 22 $19,650 $8,250 $17,970 $7,550 $16,280 $6,840 $14,600 $6,130 23 $21,500 $8,170 $19,670 $7,470 $17,830 $6,780 $15,990 $6,080 24 $18,220 $6,190 $16,790 $5,710 $15,350 $5,220 $13,920 $4,730 25 $19,940 $5,980 $18,380 $5,510 $16,820 $5,050 $15,250 $4,580 26 $21,820 $5,670 $20,110 $5,230 $18,410 $4,790 $16,710 $4,340 27 $23,860 $5,250 $22,010 $4,840 $20,150 $4,430 $18,290 $4,020 28 $26,090 $4,700 $24,070 $4,330 $22,040 $3,970 $20,020 $3,600 29 $28,520 $3,990 $26,320 $3,680 $24,110 $3,380 $21,900 $3,070 30 $31,170 $3,120 $28,770 $2,880 $26,360 $2,640 $23,960 $2,400 73 Green Triangle, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation High productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 – 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,540 $4,440 $4,340 $4,240 5 $5,080 $4,870 $4,660 $4,450 6 $5,710 $5,360 $5,020 $4,670 7 $6,460 $5,950 $5,450 $4,940 8 $7,310 $6,620 $5,930 $5,240 9 $8,260 $7,360 $6,460 $5,560 10 $9,360 $8,210 $7,070 $5,920 11 $10,610 $9,180 $7,760 $6,330 12 $12,050 $10,300 $8,550 $6,800 13 $13,690 $11,570 $9,450 $7,340 14 $12,880 $11,510 $10,130 $8,760 15 $14,120 $12,630 $11,130 $9,630 16 $15,480 $13,840 $12,210 $10,580 17 $16,950 $15,170 $13,390 $11,610 18 $18,560 $16,620 $14,680 $12,740 19 $18,080 $16,520 $14,960 $13,400 20 $19,790 $9,900 $18,090 $9,050 $16,380 $8,190 $14,680 $7,340 21 $21,650 $9,960 $19,790 $9,100 $17,940 $8,250 $16,090 $7,400 22 $23,680 $9,950 $21,660 $9,100 $19,640 $8,250 $17,620 $7,400 23 $25,890 $9,840 $23,690 $9,000 $21,490 $8,170 $19,280 $7,330 24 $21,950 $7,460 $20,230 $6,880 $18,510 $6,290 $16,780 $5,710 25 $24,000 $7,200 $22,130 $6,640 $20,250 $6,080 $18,380 $5,510 26 $26,250 $6,830 $24,200 $6,290 $22,160 $5,760 $20,110 $5,230 27 $28,690 $6,310 $26,460 $5,820 $24,230 $5,330 $22,000 $4,840 28 $31,350 $5,640 $28,920 $5,210 $26,500 $4,770 $24,070 $4,330 29 $34,260 $4,800 $31,610 $4,430 $28,960 $4,050 $26,310 $3,680 30 $37,420 $3,740 $34,540 $3,450 $31,650 $3,170 $28,760 $2,880 74 Mount Lofty Unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Low productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,260 $4,200 $4,130 $4,070 5 $4,480 $4,340 $4,200 $4,060 6 $4,730 $4,490 $4,260 $4,030 7 $5,030 $4,690 $4,350 $4,020 8 $5,350 $4,900 $4,440 $3,980 9 $5,710 $5,110 $4,510 $3,910 10 $6,100 $5,340 $4,580 $3,820 11 $6,560 $5,610 $4,660 $3,710 12 $7,080 $5,910 $4,750 $3,580 13 $7,680 $6,260 $4,850 $3,440 14 $7,610 $6,690 $5,780 $4,860 15 $8,380 $7,380 $6,380 $5,380 16 $9,210 $8,120 $7,030 $5,950 17 $10,120 $8,940 $7,750 $6,560 18 $11,110 $9,820 $8,530 $7,240 19 $11,070 $10,030 $8,990 20 $12,150 $6,080 $11,010 $5,510 $9,880 $4,940 21 $13,320 $6,130 $12,080 $5,560 $10,850 22 $14,600 $6,130 $13,250 $5,570 $11,910 23 $16,000 $6,080 $14,530 $5,520 24 $13,560 $4,610 $12,420 $4,220 25 $14,870 $4,460 $13,620 26 $16,290 $4,240 27 $17,830 $3,920 28 $19,520 29 $21,360 30 $23,360 With Salvage $7,950 $8,740 $4,370 $4,990 $9,610 $4,420 $5,000 $10,560 $4,440 $13,060 $4,960 $11,590 $4,400 $11,270 $3,830 $10,120 $3,440 $4,090 $12,370 $3,710 $11,110 $3,330 $14,920 $3,880 $13,560 $3,530 $12,200 $3,170 $16,350 $3,600 $14,860 $3,270 $13,380 $2,940 $3,510 $17,900 $3,220 $16,280 $2,930 $14,660 $2,640 $2,990 $19,590 $2,740 $17,830 $2,500 $16,060 $2,250 $2,340 $21,440 $2,140 $19,520 $1,950 $17,590 $1,760 75 Mount Lofty, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Medium productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,360 $4,280 $4,190 $4,110 5 $4,690 $4,510 $4,340 $4,160 6 $5,070 $4,780 $4,490 $4,200 7 $5,530 $5,100 $4,680 $4,260 8 $6,040 $5,460 $4,890 $4,320 9 $6,600 $5,850 $5,100 $4,350 10 $7,240 $6,280 $5,330 $4,380 11 $7,970 $6,780 $5,600 $4,410 12 $8,810 $7,350 $5,900 $4,440 13 $9,770 $8,010 $6,240 $4,480 14 $9,690 $8,540 $7,400 $6,250 15 $10,640 $9,390 $8,140 $6,900 16 $11,680 $10,320 $8,960 $7,600 17 $12,810 $11,330 $9,850 $8,360 18 $14,050 $12,430 $10,810 $9,200 19 $13,980 $12,680 $11,380 $10,080 20 $15,320 $7,660 $13,900 $6,950 $12,490 $6,250 $11,070 $5,540 21 $16,780 $7,720 $15,240 $7,010 $13,690 $6,300 $12,150 $5,590 22 $18,370 $7,720 $16,690 $7,010 $15,010 $6,300 $13,320 $5,590 23 $20,110 $7,640 $18,270 $6,940 $16,440 $6,250 $14,600 $5,550 24 $17,060 $5,800 $15,620 $5,310 $14,190 $4,820 $12,760 $4,340 25 $18,670 $5,600 $17,110 $5,130 $15,550 $4,670 $13,990 $4,200 26 $20,440 $5,310 $18,730 $4,870 $17,030 $4,430 $15,330 $3,990 27 $22,360 $4,920 $20,500 $4,510 $18,640 $4,100 $16,790 $3,690 28 $24,450 $4,400 $22,430 $4,040 $20,400 $3,670 $18,380 $3,310 29 $26,730 $3,740 $24,530 $3,430 $22,320 $3,120 $20,120 $2,820 30 $29,220 $2,920 $26,820 $2,680 $24,410 $2,440 $22,010 $2,200 76 Mount Lofty, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation High productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,450 $4,360 $4,260 $4,160 5 $4,900 $4,690 $4,480 $4,260 6 $5,410 $5,070 $4,720 $4,370 7 $6,030 $5,520 $5,020 $4,510 8 $6,720 $6,030 $5,340 $4,650 9 $7,490 $6,590 $5,690 $4,790 10 $8,370 $7,230 $6,080 $4,940 With Salvage 11 $9,380 $7,960 $6,530 $5,110 12 $10,540 $8,800 $7,050 $5,300 13 $11,870 $9,750 $7,630 $5,520 14 $11,760 $10,390 $9,020 $7,640 15 $12,900 $11,410 $9,910 $8,410 16 $14,150 $12,510 $10,880 $9,250 17 $15,500 $13,720 $11,940 $10,160 18 $16,980 $15,040 $13,100 $11,160 19 $16,890 $15,330 $13,770 $12,210 20 $18,500 $9,250 $16,800 $8,400 $15,090 $7,550 $13,390 $6,700 21 $20,240 $9,310 $18,390 $8,460 $16,540 $7,610 $14,680 $6,750 22 $22,150 $9,300 $20,130 $8,450 $18,100 $7,600 $16,080 $6,750 23 $24,220 $9,200 $22,020 $8,370 $19,820 $7,530 $17,610 $6,690 24 $20,550 $6,990 $18,830 $6,400 $17,110 $5,820 $15,390 $5,230 25 $22,480 $6,740 $20,610 $6,180 $18,730 $5,620 $16,860 $5,060 26 $24,590 $6,390 $22,540 $5,860 $20,500 $5,330 $18,450 $4,800 27 $26,880 $5,910 $24,650 $5,420 $22,430 $4,930 $20,200 $4,440 28 $29,380 $5,290 $26,950 $4,850 $24,530 $4,420 $22,100 $3,980 29 $32,110 $4,500 $29,460 $4,120 $26,810 $3,750 $24,170 $3,380 30 $35,080 $3,510 $32,200 $3,220 $29,310 $2,930 $26,420 $2,640 77 Kangaroo Island Unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Low productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,150 $4,090 $4,030 $3,970 5 $4,240 $4,120 $3,990 $3,860 6 $4,340 $4,130 $3,920 $3,710 7 $4,460 $4,160 $3,850 $3,540 8 $4,590 $4,170 $3,750 $3,330 9 $4,700 $4,160 $3,610 $3,060 10 $4,830 $4,140 $3,440 $2,750 11 $4,970 $4,110 $3,240 $2,370 12 $5,130 $4,070 $3,010 $1,950 13 $5,320 $4,030 $2,750 $1,460 14 $5,410 $4,540 $3,670 $2,800 15 $5,980 $5,030 $4,080 $3,130 16 $6,600 $5,560 $4,530 $3,500 17 $7,270 $6,150 $5,020 $3,890 18 $8,010 $6,780 $5,550 $4,330 19 $8,000 $6,990 $5,990 20 $8,810 $4,410 $7,710 $3,860 $6,610 With Salvage $4,980 $3,310 $5,510 $2,760 21 $9,680 $4,450 $8,480 $3,900 $7,280 $3,350 $6,080 $2,800 22 $10,630 $4,460 $9,330 $3,920 $8,020 $3,370 $6,710 $2,820 23 $11,670 $4,430 $10,250 $3,900 $8,820 $3,350 $7,400 $2,810 24 $10,190 $3,460 $9,080 $3,090 $7,960 $2,710 $6,840 $2,330 25 $11,190 $3,360 $9,970 $2,990 $8,760 $2,630 $7,540 $2,260 26 $12,280 $3,190 $10,950 $2,850 $9,630 $2,500 $8,300 $2,160 27 $13,470 $2,960 $12,020 $2,640 $10,580 $2,330 $9,130 $2,010 28 $14,760 $2,660 $13,190 $2,370 $11,610 $2,090 $10,030 $1,810 29 $16,170 $2,260 $14,450 $2,020 $12,740 $1,780 $11,020 $1,540 30 $17,710 $1,770 $15,840 $1,580 $13,970 $1,400 $12,090 $1,210 78 Kangaroo Island, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Medium productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,220 $4,150 $4,070 $4,000 5 $4,400 $4,230 $4,070 $3,910 6 $4,590 $4,320 $4,060 $3,790 7 $4,820 $4,440 $4,060 $3,670 8 $5,080 $4,560 $4,030 $3,510 9 $5,350 $4,660 $3,980 $3,290 10 $5,650 $4,780 $3,910 $3,040 11 $5,990 $4,910 $3,820 $2,740 12 $6,380 $5,050 $3,720 $2,400 13 $6,830 $5,220 $3,610 $2,000 14 $6,940 $5,850 $4,760 $3,670 15 $7,640 $6,460 $5,270 $4,090 16 $8,410 $7,120 $5,830 $4,540 17 $9,250 $7,840 $6,430 $5,030 18 $10,160 $8,630 $7,090 $5,560 19 $10,150 $8,890 $7,630 $6,370 20 $11,150 $5,580 $9,770 $4,890 $8,400 $4,200 $7,020 $3,510 21 $12,230 $5,630 $10,730 $4,940 $9,230 $4,250 $7,740 $3,560 22 $13,410 $5,630 $11,780 $4,950 $10,150 $4,260 $8,510 $3,570 23 $14,700 $5,590 $12,920 $4,910 $11,140 $4,230 $9,360 $3,560 24 $12,840 $4,370 $11,450 $3,890 $10,050 $3,420 $8,660 $2,940 25 $14,080 $4,220 $12,560 $3,770 $11,040 $3,310 $9,520 $2,860 26 $15,430 $4,010 $13,770 $3,580 $12,110 $3,150 $10,460 $2,720 27 $16,900 $3,720 $15,090 $3,320 $13,290 $2,920 $11,480 $2,530 28 $18,500 $3,330 $16,530 $2,980 $14,560 $2,620 $12,600 $2,270 29 $20,250 $2,840 $18,100 $2,530 $15,960 $2,230 $13,810 $1,930 30 $22,160 $2,220 $19,820 $1,980 $17,480 $1,750 $15,140 $1,510 79 Kangaroo Island, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation High productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,290 $4,200 $4,110 $4,020 5 $4,550 $4,350 $4,160 $3,970 6 $4,830 $4,520 $4,200 $3,880 7 $5,180 $4,720 $4,260 $3,800 8 $5,570 $4,940 $4,320 $3,690 9 $5,990 $5,170 $4,350 $3,530 10 $6,460 $5,420 $4,380 $3,330 11 $7,010 $5,710 $4,410 $3,110 12 $7,630 $6,030 $4,440 $2,850 13 $8,340 $6,410 $4,480 $2,550 14 $8,460 $7,160 $5,850 $4,550 15 $9,310 $7,880 $6,460 $5,040 16 $10,220 $8,670 $7,130 $5,580 17 $11,230 $9,540 $7,850 $6,160 18 $12,320 $10,480 $8,640 $6,800 19 $12,300 $10,780 $9,270 $7,760 20 $13,490 $6,750 $11,840 $5,920 $10,190 $5,100 $8,540 $4,270 21 $14,780 $6,800 $12,980 $5,970 $11,190 $5,150 $9,390 $4,320 22 $16,190 $6,800 $14,230 $5,980 $12,270 $5,150 $10,310 $4,330 23 $17,730 $6,740 $15,600 $5,930 $13,460 $5,110 $11,320 $4,300 24 $15,490 $5,270 $13,820 $4,700 $12,150 $4,130 $10,470 $3,560 25 $16,970 $5,090 $15,150 $4,550 $13,320 $4,000 $11,500 $3,450 26 $18,580 $4,830 $16,590 $4,310 $14,600 $3,800 $12,610 $3,280 27 $20,330 $4,470 $18,170 $4,000 $16,000 $3,520 $13,830 $3,040 28 $22,250 $4,010 $19,880 $3,580 $17,520 $3,150 $15,160 $2,730 29 $24,330 $3,410 $21,750 $3,050 $19,180 $2,690 $16,600 $2,320 30 $26,600 $2,660 $23,790 $2,380 $20,990 $2,100 $18,180 $1,820 80 Murray Valley Unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Low productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,240 $4,190 $4,130 $4,070 5 $4,450 $4,320 $4,190 $4,060 6 $4,670 $4,460 $4,250 $4,040 7 $4,940 $4,640 $4,330 $4,020 8 $5,240 $4,820 $4,410 $3,990 9 $5,560 $5,010 $4,470 $3,920 10 $5,910 $5,220 $4,530 $3,830 11 $6,320 $5,460 $4,590 $3,730 12 $6,790 $5,730 $4,670 $3,610 13 $7,320 $6,040 $4,760 $3,470 14 $8,060 $6,660 $5,270 $3,870 15 $7,500 $6,540 $5,580 $4,620 16 $8,250 $7,210 $6,170 $5,120 17 $9,080 $7,940 $6,800 $5,670 With Salvage 18 $9,980 $8,740 $7,500 $6,260 19 $10,960 $9,610 $8,250 $6,900 20 $12,020 $6,010 $10,550 $5,280 $9,080 $4,540 $7,610 $3,810 21 $13,190 $6,070 $11,580 $5,330 $9,980 $4,590 $8,370 $3,850 22 $11,660 $4,900 $10,590 $4,450 $9,520 $4,000 $8,450 $3,550 23 $12,790 $4,860 $11,620 $4,420 $10,460 $3,970 $9,290 $3,530 24 $14,020 $4,770 $12,750 $4,340 $11,480 $3,900 $10,210 $3,470 25 $15,370 $4,610 $13,980 $4,190 $12,590 $3,780 $11,210 $3,360 26 $16,830 $4,380 $15,320 $3,980 $13,810 $3,590 $12,300 $3,200 27 $18,430 $4,050 $16,780 $3,690 $15,130 $3,330 $13,490 $2,970 28 $20,170 $3,630 $18,370 $3,310 $16,580 $2,980 $14,780 $2,660 29 $22,060 $3,090 $20,110 $2,820 $18,150 $2,540 $16,200 $2,270 30 $24,130 $2,410 $22,000 $2,200 $19,870 $1,990 $17,740 $1,770 81 Murray Valley, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Medium productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,340 $4,260 $4,190 $4,120 5 $4,650 $4,490 $4,330 $4,160 6 $5,000 $4,730 $4,470 $4,210 7 $5,420 $5,040 $4,660 $4,270 8 $5,890 $5,370 $4,850 $4,330 9 $6,410 $5,730 $5,050 $4,370 10 $7,000 $6,130 $5,270 $4,400 11 $7,680 $6,600 $5,520 $4,440 12 $8,450 $7,120 $5,800 $4,480 With Salvage 13 $9,330 $7,730 $6,120 $4,520 14 $10,250 $8,510 $6,760 $5,010 15 $9,540 $8,340 $7,150 $5,950 16 $10,480 $9,180 $7,870 $6,570 17 $11,510 $10,090 $8,660 $7,240 18 $12,620 $11,070 $9,520 $7,970 19 $13,840 $12,150 $10,460 $8,770 20 $15,170 $7,590 $13,330 $6,670 $11,490 $5,750 $9,650 $4,830 21 $16,620 $7,650 $14,610 $6,720 $12,600 $5,800 $10,600 $4,880 22 $14,700 $6,170 $13,360 $5,610 $12,020 $5,050 $10,680 $4,490 23 $16,100 $6,120 $14,640 $5,560 $13,180 $5,010 $11,730 $4,460 24 $17,630 $5,990 $16,040 $5,450 $14,450 $4,910 $12,860 $4,370 25 $19,300 $5,790 $17,570 $5,270 $15,830 $4,750 $14,100 $4,230 26 $21,120 $5,490 $19,230 $5,000 $17,340 $4,510 $15,450 $4,020 27 $23,100 $5,080 $21,040 $4,630 $18,980 $4,180 $16,930 $3,720 28 $25,260 $4,550 $23,020 $4,140 $20,770 $3,740 $18,530 $3,340 29 $27,620 $3,870 $25,170 $3,520 $22,730 $3,180 $20,280 $2,840 30 $30,180 $3,020 $27,520 $2,750 $24,850 $2,490 $22,190 $2,220 82 Murray Valley, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation High productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,430 $4,340 $4,250 $4,160 5 $4,850 $4,660 $4,460 $4,270 6 $5,330 $5,010 $4,700 $4,380 7 $5,900 $5,440 $4,980 $4,520 8 $6,550 $5,920 $5,300 $4,670 9 $7,260 $6,450 $5,630 $4,810 10 $8,090 $7,050 $6,010 $4,970 With Salvage 11 $9,030 $7,730 $6,440 $5,140 12 $10,110 $8,520 $6,930 $5,340 13 $11,340 $9,420 $7,490 $5,570 14 $12,440 $10,350 $8,250 $6,150 15 $11,590 $10,150 $8,710 $7,280 16 $12,710 $11,140 $9,580 $8,010 17 $13,940 $12,230 $10,520 $8,820 18 $15,270 $13,410 $11,550 $9,690 19 $16,730 $14,700 $12,670 $10,650 20 $18,310 $9,160 $16,110 $8,060 $13,900 $6,950 $11,690 $5,850 21 $20,050 $9,220 $17,640 $8,110 $15,230 $7,010 $12,820 $5,900 22 $17,730 $7,450 $16,130 $6,770 $14,520 $6,100 $12,920 $5,430 23 $19,410 $7,380 $17,660 $6,710 $15,910 $6,050 $14,160 $5,380 24 $21,240 $7,220 $19,330 $6,570 $17,420 $5,920 $15,520 $5,280 25 $23,230 $6,970 $21,150 $6,350 $19,070 $5,720 $17,000 $5,100 26 $25,400 $6,600 $23,140 $6,020 $20,870 $5,430 $18,610 $4,840 27 $27,770 $6,110 $25,300 $5,570 $22,830 $5,020 $20,360 $4,480 28 $30,350 $5,460 $27,660 $4,980 $24,970 $4,490 $22,280 $4,010 29 $33,170 $4,640 $30,230 $4,230 $27,300 $3,820 $24,370 $3,410 30 $36,230 $3,620 $33,040 $3,300 $29,840 $2,980 $26,640 $2,660 83 Murray Valley, Unthinned sawlog, 30 year rotation Low productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,100 $4,080 $4,060 $4,030 5 $4,130 $4,080 $4,030 $3,990 6 $4,150 $4,070 $4,000 $3,920 7 $4,190 $4,080 $3,970 $3,850 8 $4,210 $4,060 $3,910 $3,760 9 $4,210 $4,020 $3,820 $3,620 10 $4,210 $3,960 $3,700 $3,450 11 $4,200 $3,880 $3,570 $3,250 12 $4,180 $3,800 $3,410 $3,020 13 $4,170 $3,700 $3,230 $2,760 14 $4,620 $4,110 $3,600 $3,090 15 $5,120 $4,560 $4,010 $3,450 16 $5,660 $5,060 $4,450 $3,840 17 $6,260 $5,590 $4,930 $4,270 18 $6,900 $6,180 $5,460 $4,740 19 $7,600 $6,820 $6,030 $5,250 20 $8,370 $4,190 $7,510 $3,760 $6,660 $3,330 $5,800 $2,900 21 $9,200 $4,230 $8,270 $3,800 $7,340 $3,380 $6,400 $2,940 22 $10,110 $4,250 $9,100 $3,820 $8,080 $3,390 $7,060 $2,970 23 $11,110 $4,220 $10,000 $3,800 $8,890 $3,380 $7,780 $2,960 24 $12,190 $4,140 $10,980 $3,730 $9,770 $3,320 $8,560 $2,910 25 $13,370 $4,010 $12,050 $3,620 $10,730 $3,220 $9,410 $2,820 26 $14,650 $3,810 $13,210 $3,430 $11,780 $3,060 $10,340 $2,690 27 $16,050 $3,530 $14,490 $3,190 $12,920 $2,840 $11,350 $2,500 28 $17,580 $3,160 $15,870 $2,860 $14,160 $2,550 $12,460 $2,240 29 $19,240 $2,690 $17,380 $2,430 $15,520 $2,170 $13,660 $1,910 30 $21,060 $2,110 $19,030 $1,900 $17,000 $1,700 $14,970 $1,500 84 Murray Valley, unthinned sawlog, 30 year rotation Medium productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,160 $4,130 $4,100 $4,070 5 $4,250 $4,190 $4,130 $4,070 6 $4,350 $4,250 $4,160 $4,060 7 $4,480 $4,340 $4,200 $4,060 8 $4,610 $4,420 $4,230 $4,040 9 $4,730 $4,480 $4,240 $3,990 10 $4,870 $4,550 $4,240 $3,920 11 $5,020 $4,620 $4,230 $3,840 12 $5,190 $4,710 $4,220 $3,740 13 $5,390 $4,800 $4,220 $3,630 14 $5,950 $5,320 $4,680 $4,040 15 $6,570 $5,880 $5,180 $4,480 16 $7,240 $6,490 $5,730 $4,970 17 $7,980 $7,150 $6,320 $5,500 18 $8,780 $7,880 $6,980 $6,070 19 $9,650 $8,670 $7,690 $6,700 20 $10,600 $5,300 $9,530 $4,770 $8,460 $4,230 $7,390 $3,700 21 $11,640 $5,350 $10,470 $4,820 $9,300 $4,280 $8,130 $3,740 22 $12,770 $5,360 $11,490 $4,830 $10,220 $4,290 $8,950 $3,760 23 $14,000 $5,320 $12,610 $4,790 $11,220 $4,260 $9,840 $3,740 24 $15,340 $5,220 $13,830 $4,700 $12,310 $4,190 $10,800 $3,670 25 $16,800 $5,040 $15,150 $4,550 $13,500 $4,050 $11,860 $3,560 26 $18,390 $4,780 $16,600 $4,320 $14,800 $3,850 $13,010 $3,380 27 $20,130 $4,430 $18,170 $4,000 $16,220 $3,570 $14,260 $3,140 28 $22,020 $3,960 $19,890 $3,580 $17,760 $3,200 $15,620 $2,810 29 $24,090 $3,370 $21,760 $3,050 $19,440 $2,720 $17,110 $2,400 30 $26,340 $2,630 $23,800 $2,380 $21,270 $2,130 $18,730 $1,870 85 Murray Valley, unthinned sawlog, 30 year rotation High productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,210 $4,180 $4,150 $4,110 5 $4,370 $4,300 $4,230 $4,160 6 $4,550 $4,430 $4,320 $4,200 7 $4,770 $4,600 $4,440 $4,270 8 $5,010 $4,780 $4,550 $4,320 9 $5,250 $4,950 $4,650 $4,360 10 $5,530 $5,150 $4,770 $4,390 11 $5,840 $5,370 $4,890 $4,420 12 $6,200 $5,620 $5,040 $4,460 13 $6,610 $5,910 $5,200 $4,500 14 $7,280 $6,520 $5,750 $4,990 15 $8,020 $7,190 $6,350 $5,520 16 $8,830 $7,920 $7,010 $6,090 17 $9,700 $8,710 $7,720 $6,730 18 $10,660 $9,580 $8,490 $7,410 19 $11,700 $10,520 $9,340 $8,160 20 $12,830 $6,420 $11,550 $5,780 $10,260 $5,130 $8,980 $4,490 21 $14,070 $6,470 $12,670 $5,830 $11,270 $5,180 $9,870 $4,540 22 $15,420 $6,480 $13,890 $5,830 $12,360 $5,190 $10,840 $4,550 23 $16,890 $6,420 $15,220 $5,780 $13,560 $5,150 $11,890 $4,520 24 $18,490 $6,290 $16,670 $5,670 $14,860 $5,050 $13,050 $4,440 25 $20,230 $6,070 $18,260 $5,480 $16,280 $4,880 $14,300 $4,290 26 $22,140 $5,760 $19,980 $5,190 $17,830 $4,640 $15,670 $4,070 27 $24,210 $5,330 $21,860 $4,810 $19,510 $4,290 $17,160 $3,780 28 $26,470 $4,760 $23,910 $4,300 $21,350 $3,840 $18,790 $3,380 29 $28,930 $4,050 $26,140 $3,660 $23,350 $3,270 $20,560 $2,880 30 $31,620 $3,160 $28,580 $2,860 $25,540 $2,550 $22,490 $2,250 86 East Gippsland and Bombala Unpruned sawlog, 28 year rotation Low productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,100 $4,050 $4,010 $3,960 5 $4,130 $4,030 $3,930 $3,830 6 $4,160 $3,990 $3,820 $3,650 7 $4,200 $3,960 $3,710 $3,470 8 $4,230 $3,900 $3,560 $3,230 With Salvage 9 $4,230 $3,800 $3,370 $2,930 10 $4,230 $3,680 $3,130 $2,580 11 $4,230 $3,540 $2,850 $2,170 12 $4,220 $3,380 $2,530 $1,690 13 $4,210 $3,190 $2,170 $1,150 14 $4,670 $3,560 $2,450 $1,330 15 $5,170 $3,960 $2,750 $1,540 16 $5,720 $4,400 $3,080 $1,760 17 $5,000 $4,180 $3,360 $2,550 18 $5,530 $2,770 $4,640 $2,320 $3,750 $1,880 $2,860 $1,430 19 $6,110 $2,810 $5,140 $2,360 $4,170 $1,920 $3,200 $1,470 20 $6,740 $2,830 $5,680 $2,390 $4,620 $1,940 $3,570 $1,500 21 $7,430 $2,820 $6,270 $2,380 $5,120 $1,950 $3,970 $1,510 22 $8,180 $2,780 $6,920 $2,350 $5,660 $1,920 $4,410 $1,500 23 $8,990 $2,700 $7,630 $2,290 $6,260 $1,880 $4,890 $1,470 24 $9,890 $2,570 $8,390 $2,180 $6,900 $1,790 $5,410 $1,410 25 $7,990 $1,760 $6,980 $1,540 $5,980 $1,320 $4,980 $1,100 26 $8,790 $1,580 $7,690 $1,380 $6,600 $1,190 $5,500 $990 27 $9,660 $1,350 $8,470 $1,190 $7,270 $1,020 $6,080 $850 28 $10,610 $1,060 $9,310 $930 $8,010 $800 $6,710 $670 87 East Gippsland and Bombala, unpruned sawlog, 28 year rotation Medium productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,160 $4,100 $4,040 $3,980 5 $4,260 $4,130 $4,000 $3,870 6 $4,360 $4,150 $3,940 $3,730 7 $4,490 $4,190 $3,880 $3,580 8 $4,630 $4,210 $3,800 $3,380 9 $4,750 $4,210 $3,670 $3,130 10 $4,890 $4,200 $3,510 $2,820 11 $5,050 $4,190 $3,330 $2,470 12 $5,230 $4,170 $3,120 $2,070 13 $5,430 $4,160 $2,880 $1,610 14 $6,000 $4,610 $3,220 $1,830 15 $6,620 $5,110 $3,590 $2,080 16 $7,300 $5,650 $4,000 $2,350 17 $6,390 $5,370 $4,350 $3,330 18 $7,050 $3,530 $5,940 $2,970 $4,820 $2,410 $3,710 $1,860 19 $7,770 $3,570 $6,550 $3,010 $5,340 $2,460 $4,130 $1,900 20 $8,550 $3,590 $7,220 $3,030 $5,900 $2,480 $4,580 $1,920 21 $9,400 $3,570 $7,960 $3,020 $6,510 $2,470 $5,070 $1,930 22 $10,320 $3,510 $8,750 $2,980 $7,180 $2,440 $5,610 $1,910 23 $11,340 $3,400 $9,620 $2,890 $7,910 $2,370 $6,200 $1,860 24 $12,440 $3,230 $10,570 $2,750 $8,700 $2,260 $6,840 $1,780 25 $10,050 $2,210 $8,790 $1,930 $7,540 $1,660 $6,290 $1,380 26 $11,040 $1,990 $9,670 $1,740 $8,300 $1,490 $6,930 $1,250 27 $12,110 $1,700 $10,620 $1,490 $9,130 $1,280 $7,640 $1,070 28 $13,280 $1,330 $11,660 $1,170 $10,030 $1,000 $8,410 $840 88 East Gippsland and Bombala, unpruned sawlog, 28 year rotation High productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,210 $4,140 $4,070 $4,000 5 $4,380 $4,220 $4,070 $3,920 6 $4,560 $4,310 $4,060 $3,800 7 $4,780 $4,420 $4,050 $3,690 8 $5,020 $4,530 $4,030 $3,530 9 $5,270 $4,620 $3,970 $3,320 10 $5,550 $4,730 $3,900 $3,070 11 $5,870 $4,840 $3,810 $2,780 12 $6,240 $4,970 $3,710 $2,450 13 $6,650 $5,120 $3,590 $2,060 14 $7,330 $5,670 $4,000 $2,330 15 $8,080 $6,260 $4,440 $2,620 16 $8,880 $6,900 $4,920 $2,940 17 $7,790 $6,560 $5,340 $4,110 18 $8,570 $4,290 $7,240 $3,620 $5,900 $2,950 $4,560 $2,280 19 $9,420 $4,330 $7,970 $3,670 $6,510 $2,990 $5,060 $2,330 20 $10,350 $4,350 $8,770 $3,680 $7,180 $3,020 $5,590 $2,350 21 $11,370 $4,320 $9,640 $3,660 $7,910 $3,010 $6,180 $2,350 22 $12,470 $4,240 $10,590 $3,600 $8,700 $2,960 $6,820 $2,320 23 $13,680 $4,100 $11,620 $3,490 $9,570 $2,870 $7,510 $2,250 24 $14,990 $3,900 $12,750 $3,320 $10,510 $2,730 $8,270 $2,150 25 $12,110 $2,660 $10,610 $2,330 $9,100 $2,000 $7,600 $1,670 26 $13,280 $2,390 $11,640 $2,100 $10,000 $1,800 $8,360 $1,500 27 $14,560 $2,040 $12,770 $1,790 $10,980 $1,540 $9,190 $1,290 28 $15,950 $1,600 $14,000 $1,400 $12,050 $1,210 $10,100 $1,010 89 Tasmania Unpruned sawlog, 25 year rotation Low productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,310 $4,240 $4,170 $4,100 5 $4,580 $4,430 $4,280 $4,130 6 $4,890 $4,640 $4,400 $4,150 7 $5,270 $4,910 $4,550 $4,190 8 $5,690 $5,190 $4,700 $4,210 9 $6,140 $5,500 $4,850 $4,210 10 $6,660 $5,840 $5,020 $4,200 11 $7,250 $6,230 $5,210 $4,190 12 $7,920 $6,670 $5,430 $4,180 13 $8,700 $7,180 $5,670 $4,160 14 $7,830 15 $8,610 $6,730 $4,310 $7,420 $5,640 $3,710 $6,230 With Salvage $4,550 $3,120 $5,040 $2,520 16 $9,470 $4,360 $8,170 $3,760 $6,870 $3,160 $5,580 $2,570 17 $10,410 $4,370 $8,990 $3,780 $7,570 $3,180 $6,160 $2,590 18 $11,420 $4,340 $9,880 $3,750 $8,340 $3,170 $6,790 $2,580 19 $9,080 $3,090 $8,010 $2,720 $6,940 $2,360 $5,870 $2,000 20 $9,980 $2,990 $8,820 $2,650 $7,650 $2,300 $6,480 $1,940 21 $10,960 $2,850 $9,690 $2,520 $8,420 $2,190 $7,150 $1,860 22 $12,030 $2,650 $10,650 $2,340 $9,260 $2,040 $7,870 $1,730 23 $13,200 $2,380 $11,690 $2,100 $10,180 $1,830 $8,670 $1,560 24 $14,460 $2,020 $12,820 $1,790 $11,170 $1,560 $9,530 $1,330 25 $15,850 $1,590 $14,050 $1,410 $12,260 $1,230 $10,470 $1,050 90 Tasmania, unpruned sawlog, 25 year rotation Medium productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,410 $4,330 $4,240 $4,230 5 $4,820 $4,630 $4,440 $4,410 6 $5,270 $4,960 $4,650 $4,580 7 $5,820 $5,370 $4,920 $4,780 8 $6,440 $5,830 $5,210 $4,960 9 $7,130 $6,330 $5,520 $5,140 10 $7,910 $6,890 $5,870 $5,320 11 $8,810 $7,540 $6,270 $5,520 12 $9,840 $8,280 $6,720 $5,730 13 $11,020 $9,130 $7,240 $5,960 14 $9,930 $8,560 $7,200 15 $10,910 $5,460 $9,420 $4,710 $7,930 $3,970 $7,000 $3,500 16 $11,970 $5,510 $10,350 $4,760 $8,720 $4,010 $7,620 $3,510 17 $13,130 $5,510 $11,360 $4,770 $9,590 $4,030 $8,310 $3,490 18 $14,390 $5,470 $12,460 $4,730 $10,540 $4,010 $9,060 $3,440 19 $11,460 $3,900 $10,120 $3,440 $8,780 $2,990 $7,860 $2,670 20 $12,570 $3,770 $11,110 $3,330 $9,650 $2,900 $8,560 $2,570 21 $13,780 $3,580 $12,190 $3,170 $10,610 $2,760 $9,330 $2,430 22 $15,100 $3,320 $13,370 $2,940 $11,640 $2,560 $10,170 $2,240 23 $16,550 $2,980 $14,660 $2,640 $12,770 $2,300 $11,090 $2,000 24 $18,120 $2,540 $16,060 $2,250 $14,000 $1,960 $12,090 $1,690 25 $19,830 $1,980 $17,590 $1,760 $15,340 $1,530 $13,180 $1,320 $6,420 91 Tasmania, unpruned sawlog, 25 year rotation High productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,520 $4,420 $4,310 $4,210 5 $5,050 $4,820 $4,590 $4,370 6 $5,660 $5,280 $4,910 $4,540 7 $6,380 $5,840 $5,300 $4,760 8 $7,200 $6,460 $5,720 $4,990 9 $8,120 $7,150 $6,190 $5,230 10 $9,170 $7,950 $6,720 $5,490 11 $10,380 $8,850 $7,330 $5,800 12 $11,770 $9,890 $8,020 $6,150 13 $13,350 $11,080 $8,810 $6,540 14 $12,030 $10,390 $8,760 15 $13,200 $6,600 $11,410 $5,710 $9,620 $4,810 $7,840 $3,920 16 $14,470 $6,660 $12,520 $5,760 $10,570 $4,860 $8,620 $3,970 17 $15,850 $6,660 $13,730 $5,770 $11,610 $4,880 $9,480 $3,980 18 $17,360 $6,600 $15,050 $5,720 $12,730 $4,840 $10,420 $3,960 19 $13,830 $4,700 $12,230 $4,160 $10,620 $3,610 $9,020 $3,070 20 $15,160 $4,550 $13,410 $4,020 $11,660 $3,500 $9,910 $2,970 21 $16,600 $4,320 $14,700 $3,820 $12,790 $3,330 $10,880 $2,830 22 $18,180 $4,000 $16,100 $3,540 $14,020 $3,080 $11,940 $2,630 23 $19,900 $3,580 $17,630 $3,170 $15,370 $2,770 $13,100 $2,360 24 $21,770 $3,050 $19,300 $2,700 $16,830 $2,360 $14,360 $2,010 25 $23,810 $2,380 $21,120 $2,110 $18,430 $1,840 $15,740 $1,570 $7,120 92 Tasmania, Pruned sawlog, 25 year rotation Low productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,300 $4,230 $4,160 $4,100 5 $5,020 $4,870 $4,730 $4,580 6 $5,470 $5,230 $4,990 $4,750 7 $6,190 $5,840 $5,490 $5,140 8 $6,880 $6,400 $5,930 $5,450 9 $7,420 $6,800 $6,170 $5,550 10 $8,190 $7,400 $6,610 $5,820 11 $9,310 $8,320 $7,340 $6,350 12 $10,170 $8,960 $7,750 $6,540 13 $11,150 $9,690 $8,220 $6,760 14 $12,240 $10,640 $9,040 $7,450 15 $11,830 $5,920 $10,580 $5,290 $9,340 $4,670 $8,100 $4,050 16 $12,970 $5,970 $11,620 $5,350 $10,260 $4,720 $8,910 $4,100 17 $14,220 $5,970 $12,750 $5,360 $11,270 $4,730 $9,790 $4,110 18 $15,580 $5,920 $13,980 $5,310 $12,370 $4,700 $10,760 $4,090 19 $17,070 $5,800 $15,310 $5,210 $13,560 $4,610 $11,810 $4,020 20 $18,690 $5,610 $16,770 $5,030 $14,860 $4,460 $12,950 $3,890 21 $16,550 $4,300 $15,030 $3,910 $13,510 $3,510 $12,000 $3,120 22 $18,120 $3,990 $16,470 $3,620 $14,810 $3,260 $13,160 $2,900 23 $19,830 $3,570 $18,030 $3,250 $16,230 $2,920 $14,420 $2,600 24 $21,700 $3,040 $19,730 $2,760 $17,770 $2,490 $15,800 $2,210 25 $23,730 $2,370 $21,590 $2,160 $19,450 $1,950 $17,310 $1,730 93 Tasmania, pruned sawlog, 25 year rotation Medium productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,430 $4,350 $4,260 $4,180 5 $5,320 $5,130 $4,950 $4,770 6 $5,960 $5,660 $5,360 $5,050 7 $6,890 $6,450 $6,010 $5,580 8 $7,840 $7,240 $6,650 $6,050 9 $8,670 $7,890 $7,110 $6,330 10 $9,780 $8,790 $7,800 $6,810 11 $11,290 $10,060 $8,820 $7,590 12 $12,600 $11,090 $9,570 $8,060 13 $14,100 $12,260 $10,430 $8,600 14 $15,450 $13,450 $11,450 15 $14,920 $7,460 $13,370 $6,690 $11,820 $5,910 $10,260 $5,130 16 $16,350 $7,520 $14,650 $6,740 $12,960 $5,960 $11,270 $5,180 17 $17,900 $7,520 $16,060 $6,750 $14,210 $5,970 $12,360 $5,190 18 $19,590 $7,440 $17,580 $6,680 $15,570 $5,920 $13,560 $5,150 19 $21,440 $7,290 $19,250 $6,550 $17,050 $5,800 $14,860 $5,050 20 $23,450 $7,040 $21,060 $6,320 $18,670 $5,600 $16,280 $4,880 21 $20,770 $5,400 $18,870 $4,910 $16,970 $4,410 $15,070 $3,920 22 $22,720 $5,000 $20,650 $4,540 $18,580 $4,090 $16,510 $3,630 23 $24,840 $4,470 $22,590 $4,070 $20,330 $3,660 $18,080 $3,250 24 $27,160 $3,800 $24,700 $3,460 $22,250 $3,120 $19,790 $2,770 25 $29,690 $2,970 $27,010 $2,700 $24,330 $2,430 $21,650 $2,170 $9,450 94 Tasmania, pruned sawlog, 25 year rotation High productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,570 $4,470 $4,370 $4,260 5 $5,610 $5,390 $5,170 $4,950 6 $6,440 $6,080 $5,720 $5,360 7 $7,590 $7,060 $6,540 $6,020 8 $8,790 $8,080 $7,360 $6,650 9 $9,920 $8,990 $8,050 $7,120 10 $11,370 $10,190 $9,000 $7,810 11 $13,270 $11,790 $10,310 $8,830 12 $15,030 $13,210 $11,400 $9,580 13 $17,040 $14,840 $12,640 $10,440 14 $18,650 $16,260 $13,860 15 $18,020 $9,010 $16,160 $8,080 $14,290 $7,150 $12,430 $6,220 16 $19,720 $9,070 $17,690 $8,140 $15,660 $7,200 $13,630 $6,270 17 $21,580 $9,060 $19,360 $8,130 $17,150 $7,200 $14,930 $6,270 18 $23,600 $8,970 $21,190 $8,050 $18,770 $7,130 $16,360 $6,220 19 $25,810 $8,780 $23,180 $7,880 $20,550 $6,990 $17,910 $6,090 20 $28,210 $8,460 $25,350 $7,610 $22,480 $6,740 $19,610 $5,880 21 $24,980 $6,490 $22,710 $5,900 $20,430 $5,310 $18,150 $4,720 22 $27,310 $6,010 $24,830 $5,460 $22,350 $4,920 $19,870 $4,370 23 $29,850 $5,370 $27,150 $4,890 $24,440 $4,400 $21,740 $3,910 24 $32,620 $4,570 $29,670 $4,150 $26,720 $3,740 $23,780 $3,330 25 $35,640 $3,560 $32,420 $3,240 $29,210 $2,920 $26,000 $2,600 $11,460 95 Western Australia Radiata, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Low productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,150 $4,090 $4,020 $3,960 5 $4,240 $4,100 $3,960 $3,820 6 $4,330 $4,100 $3,870 $3,650 7 $4,450 $4,120 $3,790 $3,460 8 $4,570 $4,120 $3,670 $3,220 With Salvage 9 $4,670 $4,090 $3,500 $2,920 10 $4,790 $4,050 $3,300 $2,560 11 $4,920 $4,000 $3,070 $2,140 12 $5,070 $3,940 $2,800 $1,660 13 $4,430 $3,500 $2,580 $1,650 14 $4,910 $3,900 $2,890 $1,890 15 $5,430 $4,330 $3,230 $2,140 16 $6,000 $4,800 $3,610 $2,410 17 $6,620 $5,320 $4,010 $2,710 18 $7,300 $5,880 $4,460 $3,040 19 $5,720 $4,740 $3,760 20 $6,320 $3,160 $5,250 $2,630 $4,180 $2,090 $3,110 $1,560 21 $6,970 $3,210 $5,800 $2,670 $4,640 $2,130 $3,470 $1,600 22 $7,680 $3,230 $6,410 $2,690 $5,140 $2,160 $3,860 $1,620 23 $8,450 $3,210 $7,070 $2,690 $5,680 $2,160 $4,290 $1,630 24 $9,300 $3,160 $7,780 $2,650 $6,270 $2,130 $4,760 $1,620 25 $7,410 $2,220 $6,330 $1,900 $5,250 $1,580 $4,170 $1,250 26 $8,160 $2,120 $6,980 $1,810 $5,800 $1,510 $4,620 $1,200 27 $8,980 $1,980 $7,690 $1,690 $6,410 $1,410 $5,120 $1,130 $2,780 28 $9,870 $1,780 $8,470 $1,520 $7,070 $1,270 $5,660 $1,020 29 $10,840 $1,520 $9,310 $1,300 $7,780 $1,090 $6,260 $880 30 $11,890 $1,190 $10,230 $1,020 $8,570 $860 $6,900 $690 96 Western Australia, Radiata, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Medium productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,220 $4,140 $4,060 $3,980 5 $4,390 $4,210 $4,040 $3,870 6 $4,570 $4,290 $4,010 $3,720 7 $4,800 $4,390 $3,980 $3,570 8 $5,050 $4,490 $3,930 $3,370 9 $5,310 $4,580 $3,840 $3,110 10 $5,600 $4,670 $3,740 $2,810 11 $5,930 $4,770 $3,610 $2,450 12 $6,310 $4,880 $3,460 $2,040 13 $5,710 $4,560 $3,400 $2,250 14 $6,310 $5,050 $3,790 $2,530 15 $6,960 $5,590 $4,210 $2,840 16 $7,670 $6,170 $4,670 $3,180 17 $8,440 $6,810 $5,180 $3,550 18 $9,280 $7,500 $5,720 $3,950 19 $7,300 $6,070 $4,840 $3,620 20 $8,040 $4,020 $6,700 $3,350 $5,360 $2,680 $4,020 $2,010 21 $8,850 $4,070 $7,390 $3,400 $5,930 $2,730 $4,470 $2,060 22 $9,720 $4,080 $8,130 $3,410 $6,540 $2,750 $4,950 $2,080 23 $10,680 $4,060 $8,950 $3,400 $7,210 $2,740 $5,480 $2,080 24 $11,720 $3,980 $9,830 $3,340 $7,940 $2,700 $6,050 $2,060 25 $9,360 $2,810 $8,000 $2,400 $6,650 $2,000 $5,300 $1,590 26 $10,280 $2,670 $8,810 $2,290 $7,330 $1,910 $5,860 $1,520 27 $11,290 $2,480 $9,680 $2,130 $8,070 $1,780 $6,470 $1,420 28 $12,380 $2,230 $10,630 $1,910 $8,880 $1,600 $7,130 $1,280 29 $13,580 $1,900 $11,670 $1,630 $9,760 $1,370 $7,860 $1,100 30 $14,890 $1,490 $12,810 $1,280 $10,730 $1,070 $8,650 $870 97 Western Australia, Radiata, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation High productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,290 $4,190 $4,100 $4,000 5 $4,540 $4,330 $4,120 $3,910 6 $4,820 $4,480 $4,140 $3,800 7 $5,160 $4,660 $4,170 $3,680 8 $5,530 $4,860 $4,190 $3,520 9 $5,940 $5,060 $4,180 $3,310 10 $6,400 $5,290 $4,170 $3,050 11 $6,930 $5,540 $4,150 $2,760 12 $7,540 $5,830 $4,120 $2,420 13 $7,000 $5,610 $4,230 $2,840 14 $7,710 $6,200 $4,690 $3,180 15 $8,490 $6,840 $5,190 $3,550 16 $9,330 $7,540 $5,740 $3,950 17 $10,250 $8,300 $6,340 $4,380 18 $11,260 $9,120 $6,990 $4,860 19 $8,880 $7,400 $5,930 $4,460 With Salvage 20 $9,760 $4,880 $8,150 $4,080 $6,550 $3,280 $4,940 $2,470 21 $10,720 $4,930 $8,970 $4,130 $7,220 $3,320 $5,470 $2,520 22 $11,770 $4,940 $9,860 $4,140 $7,950 $3,340 $6,040 $2,540 23 $12,910 $4,910 $10,830 $4,120 $8,750 $3,330 $6,660 $2,530 24 $14,150 $4,810 $11,880 $4,040 $9,610 $3,270 $7,350 $2,500 25 $11,300 $3,390 $9,680 $2,900 $8,060 $2,420 $6,430 $1,930 26 $12,400 $3,220 $10,630 $2,760 $8,860 $2,300 $7,090 $1,840 27 $13,600 $2,990 $11,670 $2,570 $9,740 $2,140 $7,820 $1,720 28 $14,900 $2,680 $12,800 $2,300 $10,700 $1,930 $8,600 $1,550 29 $16,330 $2,290 $14,040 $1,970 $11,750 $1,650 $9,460 $1,320 30 $17,880 $1,790 $15,380 $1,540 $12,890 $1,290 $10,390 $1,040 98 Western Australia, Pinaster, unpruned, 30 year rotation Low productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 – 50 Normal 51 - 100 With Salvage Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,000 $3,960 $3,920 $3,880 5 $3,900 $3,820 $3,740 $3,660 6 $3,780 $3,650 $3,510 $3,380 7 $3,650 $3,460 $3,270 $3,070 8 $3,480 $3,220 $2,960 $2,690 9 $3,260 $2,910 $2,570 $2,220 10 $2,990 $2,560 $2,120 $1,680 11 $2,690 $2,140 $1,590 $1,040 12 $2,330 $1,660 $990 $310 13 $1,100 $740 $380 $20 14 $1,280 $890 $500 $110 15 $1,480 $1,050 $630 $200 16 $1,700 $1,230 $760 $300 17 $1,930 $1,420 $910 $410 18 $2,180 $1,630 $1,080 $520 19 $2,460 $1,860 $1,260 $650 20 $2,770 $1,390 $2,110 $1,060 $1,450 $730 $790 $400 21 $3,100 $1,430 $2,380 $1,090 $1,660 $760 $950 $440 22 $3,460 $1,450 $2,680 $1,130 $1,900 $800 $1,110 $470 23 $2,440 $930 $2,040 $780 $1,640 $620 $1,240 $470 24 $2,740 $930 $2,310 $790 $1,870 $640 $1,440 $490 25 $3,070 $920 $2,590 $780 $2,120 $640 $1,650 $500 26 $3,430 $890 $2,910 $760 $2,390 $620 $1,880 $490 27 $3,820 $840 $3,250 $720 $2,690 $590 $2,130 $470 28 $4,240 $760 $3,630 $650 $3,020 $540 $2,400 $430 29 $4,700 $660 $4,040 $570 $3,370 $470 $2,700 $380 30 $5,210 $520 $4,480 $450 $3,750 $380 $3,030 $300 99 Western Australia, Pinaster, unpruned, 30 year rotation Medium productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 – 50 Normal 51 - 100 With Salvage Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,030 $3,980 $3,930 $3,890 5 $3,970 $3,870 $3,770 $3,660 6 $3,890 $3,720 $3,560 $3,390 7 $3,810 $3,570 $3,330 $3,080 8 $3,700 $3,370 $3,040 $2,710 9 $3,540 $3,110 $2,680 $2,240 10 $3,350 $2,800 $2,250 $1,700 11 $3,130 $2,450 $1,760 $1,080 12 $2,870 $2,030 $1,190 $360 13 $1,560 $1,110 $660 $210 14 $1,780 $1,290 $800 $310 15 $2,020 $1,490 $950 $420 16 $2,280 $1,700 $1,120 $540 17 $2,570 $1,940 $1,300 $670 18 $2,880 $2,190 $1,500 $810 19 $3,230 $2,470 $1,720 $960 20 $3,600 $1,800 $2,780 $1,390 $1,950 $980 $1,130 $570 21 $4,000 $1,840 $3,110 $1,430 $2,210 $1,020 $1,310 $600 22 $4,440 $1,860 $3,470 $1,460 $2,490 $1,050 $1,510 $630 23 $3,160 $1,200 $2,660 $1,010 $2,170 $820 $1,670 $630 24 $3,530 $1,200 $2,980 $1,010 $2,440 $830 $1,900 $650 25 $3,930 $1,180 $3,330 $1,000 $2,740 $820 $2,150 $650 26 $4,360 $1,130 $3,720 $970 $3,070 $800 $2,430 $630 27 $4,840 $1,060 $4,130 $910 $3,430 $750 $2,730 $600 28 $5,350 $960 $4,590 $830 $3,820 $690 $3,050 $550 29 $5,920 $830 $5,080 $710 $4,250 $600 $3,410 $480 30 $6,530 $650 $5,620 $560 $4,710 $470 $3,800 $380 100 Western Australia, Pinaster, unpruned, 30 year rotation High productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 – 50 Normal 51 - 100 With Salvage Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal With Salvage 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,060 $4,000 $3,940 $3,890 5 $4,040 $3,910 $3,790 $3,670 6 $4,000 $3,800 $3,600 $3,400 7 $3,970 $3,680 $3,390 $3,090 8 $3,910 $3,520 $3,120 $2,720 9 $3,820 $3,300 $2,780 $2,270 10 $3,710 $3,050 $2,390 $1,730 11 $3,570 $2,750 $1,930 $1,110 12 $3,420 $2,410 $1,400 $400 13 $2,010 $1,470 $930 $390 14 $2,270 $1,690 $1,100 $510 15 $2,560 $1,920 $1,280 $640 16 $2,870 $2,170 $1,470 $780 17 $3,210 $2,450 $1,690 $930 18 $3,580 $2,750 $1,920 $1,090 19 $3,990 $3,080 $2,180 $1,270 20 $4,430 $2,220 $3,440 $1,720 $2,450 $1,230 $1,470 $740 21 $4,910 $2,260 $3,830 $1,760 $2,760 $1,270 $1,680 $770 22 $5,430 $2,280 $4,260 $1,790 $3,090 $1,300 $1,920 $810 23 $3,880 $1,470 $3,290 $1,250 $2,690 $1,020 $2,090 $790 24 $4,310 $1,470 $3,660 $1,240 $3,010 $1,020 $2,360 $800 25 $4,780 $1,430 $4,070 $1,220 $3,370 $1,010 $2,660 $800 26 $5,300 $1,380 $4,520 $1,180 $3,750 $980 $2,980 $770 27 $5,860 $1,290 $5,010 $1,100 $4,170 $920 $3,330 $730 28 $6,460 $1,160 $5,550 $1,000 $4,630 $830 $3,710 $670 29 $7,130 $1,000 $6,130 $860 $5,120 $720 $4,120 $580 30 $7,850 $790 $6,760 $680 $5,670 $570 $4,580 $460 101 Tablelands NSW Unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Low productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 – 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,260 $4,210 $4,160 $4,110 5 $4,480 $4,370 $4,260 $4,150 6 $4,720 $4,550 $4,370 $4,190 7 $5,020 $4,770 $4,510 $4,250 8 $5,350 $5,000 $4,650 $4,300 With Salvage 9 $5,700 $5,240 $4,780 $4,330 10 $6,100 $5,520 $4,930 $4,350 11 $6,550 $5,830 $5,100 $4,370 12 $7,070 $6,180 $5,290 $4,400 13 $7,670 $6,590 $5,510 $4,430 14 $8,440 $7,260 $6,080 $4,910 15 $6,370 $5,540 $4,710 $3,880 16 $7,020 $6,120 $5,210 $4,310 17 $7,740 $6,750 $5,760 $4,780 18 $8,510 $7,440 $6,370 $5,290 19 $4,410 $3,810 $3,200 20 $4,890 $2,450 $4,230 $2,120 $3,570 $1,790 $2,920 $1,460 21 $5,410 $2,490 $4,700 $2,160 $3,980 $1,830 $3,260 $1,500 22 $5,980 $2,510 $5,200 $2,180 $4,420 $1,860 $3,640 $1,530 23 $6,600 $2,510 $5,750 $2,190 $4,900 $1,860 $4,040 $1,540 24 $7,280 $2,480 $6,350 $2,160 $5,420 $1,840 $4,490 $1,530 25 $8,020 $2,410 $7,000 $2,100 $5,990 $1,800 $4,980 $1,490 26 $8,820 $2,290 $7,720 $2,010 $6,610 $1,720 $5,510 $1,430 27 $9,700 $2,130 $8,490 $1,870 $7,290 $1,600 $6,080 $1,340 28 $10,650 $1,920 $9,340 $1,680 $8,020 $1,440 $6,710 $1,210 29 $11,690 $1,640 $10,260 $1,440 $8,830 $1,240 $7,400 $1,040 30 $12,830 $1,280 $11,270 $1,130 $9,710 $970 $8,150 $820 $2,600 102 Tablelands NSW, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation Medium productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal With Salvage 51 - 100 Normal With Salvage 101 - 150 Normal With Salvage >151 Normal 1 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 $2,130 2 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 $3,280 3 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 4 $4,360 $4,290 $4,230 $4,170 5 $4,690 $4,550 $4,420 $4,280 6 $5,070 $4,850 $4,620 $4,400 7 $5,520 $5,200 $4,880 $4,560 8 $6,030 $5,590 $5,160 $4,720 9 $6,590 $6,020 $5,450 $4,870 10 $7,230 $6,500 $5,770 $5,040 11 $7,970 $7,060 $6,150 $5,240 12 $8,800 $7,690 $6,570 $5,460 With Salvage 13 $9,760 $8,410 $7,060 $5,710 14 $10,720 $9,250 $7,780 $6,310 15 $8,130 $7,090 $6,050 $5,020 16 $8,940 $7,810 $6,680 $5,550 17 $9,830 $8,600 $7,360 $6,130 18 $10,800 $9,450 $8,110 $6,770 19 $5,660 $4,910 $4,150 $3,400 20 $6,260 $3,130 $5,430 $2,720 $4,610 $2,310 $3,780 $1,890 21 $6,900 $3,170 $6,000 $2,760 $5,100 $2,350 $4,210 $1,940 22 $7,600 $3,190 $6,620 $2,780 $5,650 $2,370 $4,670 $1,960 23 $8,370 $3,180 $7,300 $2,770 $6,240 $2,370 $5,170 $1,960 24 $9,200 $3,130 $8,040 $2,730 $6,880 $2,340 $5,720 $1,940 25 $10,110 $3,030 $8,850 $2,660 $7,580 $2,270 $6,310 $1,890 26 $11,110 $2,890 $9,720 $2,530 $8,340 $2,170 $6,960 $1,810 27 $12,190 $2,680 $10,680 $2,350 $9,180 $2,020 $7,670 $1,690 28 $13,370 $2,410 $11,720 $2,110 $10,080 $1,810 $8,440 $1,520 29 $14,650 $2,050 $12,860 $1,800 $11,070 $1,550 $9,280 $1,300 30 $16,050 $1,610 $14,100 $1,410 $12,150 $1,220 $10,200 $1,020 103 Tablelands NSW, unpruned sawlog, 30 year rotation High productivity table Values ($/ha) by transport distances (km) Year 0 - 50 Normal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,450 $4,900 $5,410 $6,020 $6,710 $7,480 $8,370 $9,380 $10,530 $11,860 $13,010 $9,890 $10,860 $11,920 $13,080 $6,910 $7,620 $8,380 $9,220 $10,130 $11,130 $12,210 $13,390 $14,680 $16,080 $17,610 $19,280 With Salvage $3,810 $3,850 $3,870 $3,850 $3,780 $3,660 $3,480 $3,230 $2,890 $2,470 $1,930 51 - 100 Normal $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,380 $4,740 $5,150 $5,640 $6,190 $6,800 $7,490 $8,290 $9,200 $10,240 $11,240 $8,650 $9,510 $10,440 $11,470 $6,010 $6,630 $7,310 $8,050 $8,850 $9,730 $10,690 $11,730 $12,870 $14,110 $15,460 $16,940 With Salvage $3,320 $3,360 $3,380 $3,360 $3,310 $3,210 $3,050 $2,830 $2,540 $2,160 $1,690 101 - 150 Normal $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,300 $4,580 $4,880 $5,250 $5,660 $6,110 $6,610 $7,190 $7,860 $8,620 $9,480 $7,400 $8,150 $8,970 $9,850 $5,100 $5,640 $6,230 $6,870 $7,570 $8,340 $9,170 $10,070 $11,060 $12,140 $13,310 $14,600 With Salvage $2,820 $2,870 $2,890 $2,880 $2,840 $2,750 $2,620 $2,430 $2,190 $1,860 $1,460 >151 Normal $2,130 $3,280 $4,060 $4,230 $4,410 $4,610 $4,860 $5,130 $5,420 $5,740 $6,100 $6,520 $7,000 $7,710 $6,160 $6,790 $7,490 $8,240 $4,190 $4,650 $5,150 $5,700 $6,290 $6,940 $7,650 $8,420 $9,260 $10,170 $11,170 $12,260 With Salvage $2,330 $2,370 $2,390 $2,390 $2,360 $2,300 $2,190 $2,040 $1,830 $1,560 $1,230 104 The Policy Covering Trees Introduction The Proposal Form, Policy and Certificate are to be read together as if contained as one document and any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been given in any part bears that meaning wherever it appears. The Insured having paid the Insurers a premium, the Insurers agree, subject to the terms exclusions, limitations and conditions contained herein or endorsed hereon or otherwise expressed in the Policy, to provide insurance in the manner and to the extent herein described during the Period of Insurance stated in the Policy Schedule, or any subsequent period in respect of which payment of the premium is made to and accepted by the Insurers. Cover The Insurers agree that if the property insured described in the Policy Schedule, or any part of such property be lost, destroyed or damaged by: 1. Fire resulting from explosion or otherwise. 2. Lightning. 3. Aircraft or other aerial devices and/or articles dropped therefrom. 4. Windstorm (prior submission basis only). At any time before 12.01am Local Standard Time of the last day of the period of insurance named in the Policy Schedule or of any subsequent or lesser period in respect of which the insured shall have paid or agreed to pay and the insurers shall have accepted or agreed to accept the Premium required for the renewal of this policy, the Insurers each for his own part and not one for another will pay to the Insured an amount calculated in accordance with Basis of Settlement at the time of the happening of its destruction or damage. Provided that the liability of the Insurers shall in no case exceed the Maximum Loss Limit expressed in the said Policy Schedule to be insured thereon, or such other sum or sums as may be substituted therefore by memorandum hereon or attached hereto signed by or on behalf of the Insurers. 105 Policy Schedule Master Policy No: BIND B0793NM969695 The Insured: Members of the Australian Forest Growers and clients of Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Limited as declared hereunder. Period Of Insurance: From the date stated on the Certificate Of Insurance issued to the st Insured to 12.01am Local Standard Time on 1 October 2009. The Location: Anywhere in Australia where the Insured' s Interests are situated. Property Insured: Growing Timber as declared by proposal and for which a Certificate has been issued. Maximum Loss Limits: A$12,000,000 any one plantation (as per definition). Deductible (Excess): (i) In respect of Fire, Lightning, and Aircraft 0.5% Insured Value of Plantation (non corporate clients as per the records of Jardine Lloyd Thompson), plus:(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Nil $ 2,000 per member applicable to each and every claim. $ 5,000 per member applicable to each and every claim. $10,000 per member applicable to each and every claim. $25,000 per member applicable to each and every claim. $50,000 per member applicable to each and every claim. As selected and declared on the proposal. 106 Definitions 1. Insured: Australian Forest Growers who have been declared to the Underwriters by Proposal and paid the appropriate premium subject to the conditions of entry shown on the Proposal Form and Booklet. 2. Insurers: Are the Insurance Companies who have subscribed and are listed in the Policy Document. 3. Certificate: Is a Certificate of Insurance showing the description of the property insured and is issued to each accepted member. 4. Removal of Debris: The cost actually expended in the removal of debris, (including the Insured’s legal liability for the cost of removal of debris, in regard to adjoining premises, roadways or waterways, as well as on site), consequent upon the destruction of or damage to the property insured by this Policy occasioned by any of the perils insured against, but limited to the amount selected on the proposal form, up to a maximum amount of 10% of the plantation value or $250,000 whichever is the lesser. 5. Salvage: (i) The residual value of the property insured following loss, destruction or damage insured by this policy, remains the property of the Insured, after it is deducted from the Insured value of the loss. It is agreed that the quantum of residual value will be assessed by the appointed Loss Adjuster at the time. (ii) Pinus Radiata In the event that the Insured elects to insure net of salvage for mature trees, then the schedule of values will be adjusted and agreed by underwriters prior to attachment date and such restricted cover will be recorded on the Certificate of Insurance. In the event of claims under this category, the salvage is the responsibility of the Insured. 6. Net of Salvage: Is the total amount of the loss calculated according to the Basis of Settlement in respect of each Insured Member less the value of any salvage as a result of the loss. 7. Age: For the purposes of this Policy, plantations will be aged from the st 1 October each year. Trees planted during a year will be deemed aged st 1 year on 1 October. 8. Event: An event means continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the same general conditions for 72 hours, which results in Loss or Damage neither expected nor intended from the standpoint of the insured. All Loss or Damage of a series consequent on or attributable to one source or original cause shall be deemed one event. However, only for the purposes of the application of the Deductible, losses caused by fire occurring within the same locality of a fire which has been declared controlled for a period exceeding 72 hours shall be deemed one Event. Losses caused by windstorm (where selected in the proposal form and premium paid) commencing during the period of insurance and during any one period of seventy two (72) hours producing damage for which payment is due under this policy will be deemed to have been caused by one Event. The Insured may select the time from which any such period shall commence provided such selected periods do not overlap. 107 9. Deductible (Excess): The first amount of any claim that the Insurers will not pay and the Insured must bear as stated on each individual owners certificate any one loss any one plantation. Where one proposer (Insured) has more than one allotment in the same forest area only one deductible will apply relating to any one event. 10. Forest Area: Is defined as a contiguous range of allotments upon which trees are planted. 11. Plantation: A plantation shall be considered any single area of discrete forest plantings which by virtue of ownership, situation and separation by continuous boundary fire break conforming with the special conditions of the policy can be recognised as a single plantation notwithstanding the fact that various species, ages or internal division may exist nor that separate registered identities may be contained therein. 12. Grower: All reference to insured property of a grower shall mean all forest plantations belonging to that grower whether adjacent, contiguous or not and whether wholly-owned or not. 13. Allotment: Small portion of land let out for plantation purposes. 14. Stocking Rate: Means the number of individual trees per hectare within the plantation. 15. Area Damaged: Means a contiguous area nominated by the Insured, and exceeding 0.5ha in area, bounded by four straight sides or within a circle, or part of a circle, which most closely corresponds to the actual extent of the damage. 16. Agreed Value: (A) The valuation of each hectare of plantation agreed between the Insurers and Insured’s and provided by the AFG and valued as follows: (B) The plantation value is obtained by multiplying the relevant rate by the number of hectares comprising the plantation. (b) 17. Such other value as is agreed between insured and insurer. High – Medium – Low values for insurance values: Schedule Description The appropriate value should be determined on the quality of establishment techniques, ongoing management, productivity of the site and distance from processing. The distance from processing is based on the assumption that stumpage rates reflect haulage distances Low Value For self established plantations to minimum standards on low productivity sites; ongoing management and maintenance, other than firebreaks, to minimum standard. May also apply to reasonable managed plantations on poor sites where productivity is low, or medium productivity. 108 Medium Value For professionally managed plantations on reasonable to high quality sites; establishment and ongoing management to acceptable industry standards. May also apply to intensively managed plantations on high quality sites. High Value For intensively managed plantations on high quality sites with establishment and ongoing management to the highest industry standard. May also apply to professionally managed plantations on medium quality. Insurers Rights Subject to the provisions of the Financial Services Reform Act 2001 the Insurers have the right to recover or obtain relief from any persons against whom the Insured may be able to claim and the Insurers shall have full discretion in the conduct defence or settlement of any claim and to take action in the Insured' s name. The Insured and any other person entitled to Indemnity under this Policy must not hinder these rights and must give all such information and co-operation as the Insurers may reasonably require. 109 Basis Of Settlement 1 2 Claims For Loss Or Damage Caused By Fire, Lightning, or Aircraft a. Subject to Clause 2 hereof each claim will be determined by applying the Agreed Values at inception or subsequent renewal to the area destroyed or damaged. b. For each and every claim accepted under the policy the amount payable to each insured shall be the amount calculated in accordance with Clause 1 of this Clause less the first amount of each and every loss as specified in the Policy Schedule under Deductible. c. Any monies recovered by way of salvage, shall accrue to underwriters. Claims For Loss Or Damage By Windstorm In respect of Pinus Radiata, provided the height:diameter ratio is less than 80:1 (and in respect of Blue Gums, provided the height:diameter ratio is less than 100:1) on the 200 largest trees per hectare in the damaged plantation then: a. Each claim will be determined by identifying the percentage stocking loss by actual count in the Area Damaged. b. The stocking loss identified in accordance with Clause 1 will determine the amount payable as a proportion of Agreed Value of the Area Damaged from the following table. Stocking Loss % Proportion of Agreed Value of The Area Damaged % Less Than 15% No Claim 15% - 26% 25% 27% - 38% 50% 39% - 50% 75% Above 50% 100% No claim is payable if the height:diameter ratio is exceeded. Clauses A and B of this Basis of Settlement are always subject to: a. The Deductible b. Any moneys recovered by way of salvage being paid to the insurers. c If the total amount of all losses as a result of one event exceed the Maximum Loss Limit or Sub-Limit stated in the schedule the payment to each Insured will be calculated by applying to the Maximum Loss Limit or Sub-Limit the same percentage that the amount of each insured loss (net of Salvage) bears to the total amount of the damage (net of salvage) of all insured members. Lead Insurer Clause All Insurers of this Policy agree that for the purposes of acceptance of risks under this Policy, including risks falling within the provision of Special Extension 3, they will follow the decisions of Lloyds Underwriters and be bound by the underwriting decisions of the lead Insurer. 110 Conditions 1. Non-Disclosure This Policy shall be voidable if the Insured has (a) fraudulently failed to disclose every matter which is known, or a reasonable person could be expected to know, being a fact relevant to the Insurers decision whether or not to provide insurance and if so on what terms; (b) fraudulently made a misrepresentation to the Insurers before the contract of insurance was entered into. If the Insurers are not entitled to avoid this Policy on the grounds described in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Condition, the liability of the Insurers in respect of a claim will be reduced to an amount that would place them in a position in which they would have been if the non-disclosure had not occurred or the misrepresentation had not been made. 2. Protection Of Interest Where this insurance covers the interest of more than one party, any act or neglect of an individual party will not prejudice the rights of the remaining parties; provided that the remaining party or parties shall upon becoming aware of any act or neglect whereby the risk of loss, destruction or damage has increased, give notice in writing to the Insurers and on demand pay such reasonable additional premium as the Insurers may require. 3. Insured’s Duty To Notify Material Changes The Insured must notify the Insurers as soon as reasonably possible of any changes which will materially alter the risk insured. The Insured must comply with the terms and conditions of the Policy. 4. Cancellation (a) This Policy may be cancelled at any time at the request of the Insured. No return premium will be allowed in the event of cancellation at the request of the insured. (b) The Insurer may also cancel this Policy by giving the Insured written notice to that effect where (i) the Insured or any person who was at any time the Insured failed to comply with the duty of utmost good faith; (ii) the person who was the Insured at the time when this Policy was entered into failed to comply with the duty of disclosure; (iii) the person who was the Insured at the time when this Policy was entered into made a misrepresentation to the Insurer during the negotiations for this Policy but before it was entered into; (iv) the Insured or any person who was at any time the Insured failed to comply with a provision of this policy, including a provision with respect to the payment of the premium. (v) the Insured has made a fraudulent claim under this Policy or any other policy of insurance (whether with the Insurer or some other Insurer) that provided insurance cover during any part of the period during which this Policy provides insurance cover; (vi) the Insured failed to notify the Insurer of any specific act or omission where such notification is required under the terms of this Policy; or (vii) the Insured acted in contravention of or omitted to act in compliance with any condition of this Policy which empowers the Insurer to refuse to pay, or reduce its liability in respect of, a claim in the event of such contravention or omission. (c) The Insurer' s notice of cancellation takes effect at the earlier of the following times: (i) the time when another policy of insurance between the Insured and the Insurer or some other Insurer, being a policy that is intended by the Insured to replace this Policy, is entered into; or (ii) 12.01am Local Standard Time on the thirtieth business day after the day on which notice was given to the Insured. In the event that the Insurer cancels this Policy, the Insurer will repay to the Insured a rateable proportion of the Premium for the unexpired Period of Insurance from the date of cancellation. 111 5. Claims Procedure After the happening of an event giving rise to a claim against the Insurers the Insured or his representative must: (a) Notify the Insurers as soon as possible giving details of the claim and send written confirmation of such. (b) Take all reasonable steps to prevent further loss. (c) Provide the Insurers with written proof of the value of the salvage and the exact amount recovered by the Insured as a result of the disposal of the salvage as soon as is reasonable. 6. Nominated Loss Adjusters: Agricultural Loss Management Group 7. Service Of Suit Clause (Australia) The Underwriters hereon agree that :(a) In the event of a dispute arising under this Policy, Underwriters at the request of the insured (or reinsured) will submit to the jurisdiction of any competent Court in the Commonwealth of Australia. Such dispute shall be determined in accordance with the law and practice applicable in such Court. (b) Any summons notice or process to be served upon the Underwriters may be served upon Mr. Keith Stern, Lloyd’s General Representative in Australia, Lloyd’s Australia Ltd., Suite 2, Level 21, Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 who has authority to accept service and to enter an appearance on Underwriters'behalf, and who is directed at the request of the insured (or reinsured) to give a written undertaking to the insured (or reinsured) that he will enter an appearance on Underwriters' behalf. (c) 8. If a suit is instituted against any one of the Underwriters all Underwriters hereon will abide by the final decision of such Court or any competent Appellate Court. Breach Of Conditions It is hereby declared and agreed that a breach or non-compliance with any policy condition(s) by one party comprising the Insured shall not prejudice the insurance in regard to any other such party. 9. Date Change Clause We will not pay for any equipment, integrated circuit, computer chip, computer software and any other computer-related equipment which fails to recognise correctly the date change to the year 2000 or any other date change 10. Several Liability Notice The subscribing insurers'obligations under contracts of insurance to which they subscribe are several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their individual subscriptions. The subscribing insurers are not responsible for the subscription of any co-subscribing insurer who for any reason does not satisfy all or part of its obligations. 112 Special Conditions The following are conditions which must be complied with in order for the Insured to be entitled to indemnity under this policy. The Insured Members must take all reasonable steps to maintain and keep clear, in accordance with sound forestry practice, all Fire Breaks and have in operation a Fire Hazard Reduction Programme. Maximum area undivided by Fire Breaks shall not exceed 125 hectares. The Plantation shall be provided with fire breaks to the satisfaction of the relevant responsible Authority but in any event internal fire breaks shall be at least 4.5 metres wide and boundary fire breaks shall be at least 6 metres wide and kept clear and accessible at all times. Fire Breaks, shall be maintained to a width of 6 metres on both sides from the centre of any powerlines through any plantation. Should normal timber harvesting practice require that some Fire Breaks have temporary harvesting debris on them, cover will be maintained provided suitable fire fighting equipment is readily available on site and operators comply at all times with the applicable Authority By-Laws. Cross Liabilities "The Insured" shall apply to each party comprising the Insured in the same manner as if that party were the only party named herein as the Insured and the Insurers waive their rights of subrogation against any Insured party where those rights accrue from the actions of that party in complying with the special conditions of this policy. In all other circumstances, subject to the provisions of the Financial Services Reform Act 2001, the Insurers retain their rights of subrogation. 113 Special Extensions 1) It is agreed that this policy extends to include loss destruction or damage to the property insured caused by fires deliberately started by the Insured as part of a Fire Protection Programme provided such fire complies with all relevant By-Laws and Regulations. 2) It is agreed that this policy extends to include loss destruction or damage to the property insured caused for the purposes of controlling or extinguishing fires threatening the property insured (Backburning). 3) It is agreed that the Special Conditions may be varied in the following circumstances. (a) A written application is made by the applicant to the Lead Insurer seeking the variation required and supported by the requirements of the local competent authority. (b) The applicant provides such additional information as required by the Lead Insurer and pays or agrees to pay any additional premium required. (c) The Lead Insurer retains the right to accept or reject the application and advises the Broker in writing of acceptance or otherwise. 4) Removal of Debris Removal of Debris for an aggregate of 10% of the Sum Insured or A$250,000 whichever the lesser. Additional premium calculated at 5% of premium, such additional premium not to benefit from any no claims discount or continuity discount. Removal of Debris Definition. The cost actually expended or incurred in removal of trees, which have been directly damaged or destroyed by a peril insured hereunder. 5) Claims Preparation Costs The Insured is indemnified with respect to such reasonable professional fees and such other reasonable expenses as are necessarily incurred by the Insured with the consent of the Insurer for preparation of claims up to a limit of A$5,000 unless an additional premium has been paid increasing the limit to an amount indicated on the proposal form subject to an overall maximum amount of A$30,000. Note - Policy automatically covers A$5,000. 6) Loss Mitigation Expenses Costs and expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred for the purpose of extinguishing fire at or in the vicinity of property hereby insured or threatening to involve such property or for the purpose of preventing or diminishing imminent damage to property hereby insured by any other peril insured against by this Policy, including damage to gain access and the cost of replenishment of fire fighting appliances and charges incurred for the purpose of shutting off the supply of water or other substance following accidental discharge from any fire protective equipment or otherwise escaping from intended confines. Subject to a maximum limit of $100,000 (Minimum $25,000), and payment of the additional premium. 7) Cost of Re-establishment Cost of Re-establishment may be included up to A$500,000 in the annual aggregate in any one year per Insured or higher limits to be agreed by leading Underwriter but not more than 5% of total value. 114 Exclusions The Insurers will not be liable for: any loss, damage, destruction, liability or disability directly or indirectly caused by or arising from or in consequence of or contributed to by: (i) Windstorm, Hail Or Snow. (ii) War and Civil War Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein this Policy does not cover Loss or Damage directly or indirectly occasioned by, happening through or in consequence of war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation or nationalisation or requisition or destruction of or damage to property by or under the order of any government or public or local authority. (iii) Radioactive Contamination and Explosive Nuclear Assemblies This Policy does not cover (a) loss or destruction of or damage to any property whatsoever or any loss or expense whatsoever resulting or arising therefrom or any consequential loss (b) any legal liability of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from (i) ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel (ii) the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof. (iv) Terrorism Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this insurance or any endorsement thereto it is agreed that this insurance excludes loss, damage, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any act of terrorism regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss. For the purpose of this endorsement an act of terrorism means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear. This endorsement also excludes loss, damage, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to any act of terrorism. If the Underwriters allege that by reason of this exclusion, any loss, damage, cost or expense is not covered by this insurance the burden of proving the contrary shall be upon the Assured. In the event any portion of this endorsement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder shall remain in full force and effect. 115 Endorsement No 1 Loan Endorsement Attaching To And Forming Part Of The Australian Forest Growers Fire Insurance Scheme 1998 To 1999 It is hereby agreed that plantation owners having been granted a loan under the Farm Forestry Agreement, may insure that amount of the outstanding loan only. In the event of a loss the amount payable will be calculated as follows: A --B xC Where, A is the amount of the damage determined in accordance with clause 1 of the Basis Of Settlement. B is the agreed value of the property insured as declared on the Proposal Form. C is the outstanding amount of the loan. The maximum amount payable in accordance with this endorsement is $8,000. In respect of claims payable under this Endorsement: Clause 2 of the Basis Of Settlement is deleted. 116 In Witness Whereof we the Insurers have subscribed our names hereto: Insurers Lloyds of London Date Participation % 1.10.2008 100 117 Public and Products Liability Insurance Sum Insured and Rates Limit: $5,000,000 STATE 50 Hectares 50-100 Hectares 100-200 Hectares 200-400 Hectares Exceeding 400 Hectares VIC $ 648.56 $ 834.90 $ 1,022.45 $ 1,203.95 ACT $ 648.56 $ 834.90 $ 1,022.45 $ 1,203.95 WA $ 648.56 $ 834.90 $ 1,022.45 $ 1,203.95 SA $ 654.46 $ 842.49 $ 1,031.75 $ 1,214.90 Upon TAS $ 589.60 $ 759.00 $ 929.50 $ 1,094.50 Application QLD $ 633.82 $ 815.93 $ 999.21 $ 1,176.59 NSW $ 642.66 $ 827.31 $ 975.98 $ 1013.16 NT $ 648.56 $ 834.90 $ 1,022.45 $ 1,203.95 Limit: $10,000,000 STATE 50 Hectares 50-100 Hectares 100-200 Hectares 200-400 Hectares Exceeding 400 Hectares VIC $ 878.46 $ 1,125.30 $ 1,379.40 $ 1,627.45 ACT $ 878.46 $ 1,125.30 $ 1,379.40 $ 1,627.45 WA $ 878.46 $ 1,125.30 $ 1,379.40 $ 1,627.45 SA $ 886.45 $ 1,135.53 $ 1,391.94 $ 1,642.25 Upon TAS $ 798.60 $ 1,023.00 $ 1,254.00 $ 1,479.50 Application QLD $ 858.50 $ 1,099.73 $ 1,348.05 $ 1,590.46 NSW $ 870.47 $ 1,115.07 $ 1,366.86 $ 1,612.66 NT $ 878.46 $ 1,125.30 $ 1,379.40 $ 1,627.45 Note: All Statutory Charges, including GST, Have Been Applied 118 Public & Products Liability Insurance Policy Policy Numbers: 10M 6630524/10M9304371 The Insured: Australian Forest Growers and clients of Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd declared by Proposal and to whom Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd have issued a Certificate of Insurance. Period of Insurance: From the date stated on the Certificate of Insurance issued to the st Insured to 4 p.m. on 1 October 2009. The Location: Anywhere in the Commonwealth of Australia Business Insured: Plantations consisting of growing timber including the Insured’s interest as property owners, occupation and leasing of land, planting, maintenance, thinning and harvesting and all other activities connected therewith. Limit of Indemnity: Primary Layer $5,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate in respect of Products Liability. Primary Layer $10,000,000 any one occurrence and in the aggregate in respect of Products Liability. Primary Layer $20,000,000 any one occurrence and in the aggregate in respect of Products Liability. Bushfire Liability Endorsement For Declared Clients with a Limit of Indemnity of $5,000,000 The Insurer’s total aggregate liability shall not exceed $5,000,000 during any one period of insurance for all claims or series of claims for Personal Injury or Damage to Property caused by or arising out of Bushfire Liability. For Declared Clients with a Limit of Indemnity of $10,000,000 or $20,000,000 The Insurer’s total aggregate liability shall not exceed $10,000,000 during any one period of insurance for all claims or series of claims for Personal Injury or Damage to Property caused by or arising out of Bushfire Liability. 119 Public Liability Insurance The Policy, Schedule (which expression includes any schedule substituted for the original schedules) and Endorsements (if any) are to be read together and any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been given in any part bears that meaning wherever it appears. The Insured named in the Schedule having paid or agreed to pay the Company the premium, the Company agrees, subject to the terms, exclusions, limitations and conditions contained in or endorsed on or otherwise expressed in this Policy, to provide insurance in the manner and to the extent herein provided, during the Period of Insurance stated in the Schedule, or any subsequent period in respect of which payment of the premium or a promise to pay the premium is made to and accepted by the Company. The insurance applies only in respect of those sections against which a Limit of Indemnity is shown in the Schedule or which are otherwise indicated in the Schedule as being operative, and is subject to the Variations and Extensions selected by the Insured and shown in the Schedule. Provided That: • 1. the Limit of Indemnity under any Section is as shown in the Schedule unless otherwise expressed in the Policy; • 2. the Company will not be liable under this Policy unless the event giving rise to the claim occurs during the Period of Insurance or any extension thereof; Definitions Insured - means • (a) any person, firm, partnership, company or subsidiary company named as Insured in the Schedule including their • (1) employees but only whilst acting within the terms and scope • (2) social club • (3) first aid services • (b) any principal in a contractual relationship arising out of the performance of work undertaken by the Insured on behalf of such principal. Where more than one party is named as the Insured, cover applies as though individual Policies had been issued to each party, provided that the Limit of Liability stated in the Schedule is not thereby increased. Personal Injury - means (a) bodily injury, death, sickness, disease, disability, shock, fright, mental anguish; (b) false arrest, false imprisonment, wrongful eviction, wrongful detention, malicious prosecution, humiliation; (c) libel, slander, defamation of character, invasion of right of privacy; (d) assault and battery not committed by or at the direction of the Insured, unless committed for the purpose of preventing or eliminating danger to persons or property. 120 Damage to Property - means • (a) physical damage to or destruction of tangible property, or • (b) loss of use of tangible property following physical damage or destruction of tangible property Occurrence - means an event, including continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the same general conditions, which results in Personal Injury or Damage to Property, neither expected nor intended from the standpoint of the Insured. Vehicle - means any type of machine (except garden appliances) on wheels or on caterpillar tracks, made or intended to be propelled other than by manual or animal power. Watercraft - means • any vessel craft or thing made or intended to float on or in or travel on or through water, and (a) which is powered or designed to be powered by a motor; or (b) which exceeds 3 metres in length and is propelled or designed to be propelled by sail(s) but does not mean a single person surfboard propelled or designed to be propelled by sail(s). Products - means any things altered, repaired, serviced, treated, sold, supplied, designed, manufactured or distributed by the Insured. Part 1 - General Liability Cover The Company will indemnify the Insured in respect of damages (other than aggravated, exemplary or punitive damages) which the Insured becomes liable to pay in respect of an Occurrence happening:• • (a) (b) in Australia in connection with 1. the business of the Insured, or 2. the ownership, occupancy or tenancy by the Insured of any building, structure, or land beyond Australia, arising out of the performance of duties in connection with the business of the Insured by any person (including the Insured or any employee of the Insured) who is normally resident or domiciled in Australia, other than a manual worker. Provided That indemnity under the Policy for liability arising from (a) fire, flood or explosion occurring during any one Period of Insurance (b) any Occurrence or number of Occurrences arising directly or indirectly from one source or original cause (including fire, flood or explosion) will not exceed the Limit of Indemnity stated in the Schedule. 121 The Company will also pay in respect of a claim against the Insured, to which the indemnity under this Section applies:(1) all costs and expenses of litigation recoverable by any claimant against the Insured; and (2) all costs and expenses of litigation incurred by the Insured with the written consent of the company. Excess In respect of claims arising from the Insured' s liability as a tenant the Insured will bear the first $500 of damage to property caused other than by fire or explosion. Part 1 - Exclusions The Company will not be liable for:• 1. Claims in respect of Personal Injury or Damage to Property arising directly or indirectly out of or caused by or in connection with the erection, demolition, alteration of or additions to buildings by or on behalf of the Insured, except an alteration or addition not exceeding in cost the sum of $20,000. • 2. Claims in respect of the cost of (a) rectifying faulty workmanship to any goods or building or structure; or (b) performing, completing, correcting or improving any work undertaken by the Insured. • 3. Claims in respect of a liability imposed upon the Insured by reason of the Insured' s ownership, occupation or control of any property or structure used as a landing area for aircraft provided such claims arise out of such use as aforesaid. The term "landing area" includes any area on which aircraft land, take off, are housed, maintained or operated. • 4. Claims arising out of a breach of duty owed in a professional capacity by the Insured or persons for whose breaches of such duty the Insured may be liable. • 5. Claims in respect of damage to any land or fixed property arising directly or indirectly from vibration or from the removal or weakening of or interference with the support to land, buildings or any other property. • 6. Liability arising directly or indirectly out of any defect or deficiency in goods (which expression includes containers) sold or supplied (other than from a canteen provided by the Insured primarily for the use of employees of the Insured) after such goods have passed from the control or actual physical custody of the Insured or of any person in the direct service of the Insured. • 7. Claims in respect of Personal Injury or Damage to Property arising directly or indirectly out of or caused by or in connection with the use of:(a) any aircraft or aerial device in the physical or legal control of the Insured or used in work undertaken by or on behalf of the Insured. 122 (b) any Vehicle or any attachment to any Vehicle in the physical or legal control of the Insured or used in work undertaken by or on behalf of the Insured in respect of which insurance is required by virtue of any legislation relating to motor vehicles. (c) any Watercraft whilst afloat in the physical or legal control of the Insured or used in work undertaken by or on behalf of the Insured. • 8. Claims arising directly or indirectly from explosion of boilers or other vessels under pressure in respect of which a certificate is required to be issued under the terms of any Statute or Regulation. • 9. Claims arising directly or indirectly out of or caused by treatment other than first aid services prescribed or administered by the Insured or persons for whose actions the Insured may be liable. • 10. Claims arising out of the publication or utterance of a libel or slander (a) made prior to the effective date of this policy; or (b) made at the direction of the Insured with knowledge of the falsity thereof; or (c) related to publishing, advertising, broadcasting or telecasting activities conducted by or on behalf of the Insured. Part 2 - Products Liability Cover The Company will indemnify the Insured for damages (other than aggravated, exemplary or punitive damages) which the Insured becomes liable to pay in respect of any Occurrence and caused by any of the Products. The total liability of the Company during any one Period of Insurance will not exceed the Limit of Indemnity specified in the Schedule. The Company will also pay in respect of a claim against the Insured to which the indemnity under this Section applies:(1) all costs and expenses of litigation recoverable by any claimant against the Insured (2) all costs and expenses of litigation incurred by the Insured with the written consent of the Company. 123 Part 2 - Exclusion The Company will not be liable for:• 1. Claims in respect of Personal Injury or Damage to Property caused by or arising out of:(a) any defective design, defect in design or error in formula (or in specification) of any of the Products; (b) the delivery, installation, repair, maintenance or application of any of the Products by the Insured unless such Personal Injury or Damage to Property is caused by a defect in the Products: (c) any defect or deficiency in any of the Products which defect or deficiency the Insured by himself or his employees or agents has knowledge of or has reason to suspect at the time when the said Products pass from the actual physical custody of the Insured or of any person under the control of the Insured. • 2. Claims in respect of the cost of repairing or replacing any of the Products which cause Personal Injury or Damage to Property or making any refund on the price paid for any such Products. • 3. Claims in respect of Personal Injury or Damage to Property caused by any of the Products manufactured specially for and installed in an aircraft or other aerial device or caused by Products which the Insured knew would be so installed. • 4. Claims arising from inherent vice or inefficiency or ineffectiveness of any Product. • 5. Claims for costs and expenses attributable to:(a) recall of any of the Products following a claim or incident giving rise to claim. (b) the investigation by the Insured as to the cause of any defect or happening giving rise to a claim. • 6. Claims in respect of any sum which the Insured would have been entitled to recover from any party but for a contract or agreement between the Insured and such party. • 7. Claims in respect of Personal Injury or Damage to Property arising out of the Products under the control or in the actual physical custody of the Insured or any person in the direct service of the Insured. • 8. Claims brought against the Insured in any Country (outside the Commonwealth of Australia) in which the Insured is represented by a branch or by any employee domiciled in the Country or by a Company firm or individual holding the Insured' s Power-of-Attorney. 124 General Exclusions Applicable to Parts 1 and 2 The Company will not be liable for:• • • 1. Claims - (a) In respect of Personal Injury to any member of the family of the Insured ordinarily residing with the Insured or with whom the Insured ordinarily resides; (b) In respect of liability imposed by the provisions of any workers’ or workmen’s compensation legislation or any industrial award or agreement or determination; 2. Damage to property owned by the Insured or held in trust or in the custody or control of the Insured but this general exclusion 2 does not apply to: (a) Personal effects of directors, employees and visitors of the Insured; (b) Premises (including fixtures and fittings) not owned by the Insured; (i) At which the Insured is undertaking work in connection with the Business but not indemnity is granted for damage to that part of the property on which the Insured is working and which arises out of such work; (ii) Which are leased or rented to the Insured. (c) Vehicles (including spare parts and accessories thereon) not owned or used by the Insured in connection with the Business whilst within a car park belonging to or under the control of the Insured provided that such car park is notused by the Insured for reward. (d) Any other property except property owned by the Insured and property described in (a), (b) and (c) above but the Insurer’s liability in respect of this property shall not exceed $50,000 3. (a) Claims in respect of Personal Injury or Damage to Property arising during or in consequence of:(1) Earthquake, subterranean fire, volcanic eruption; (2) Riot, strikes, civil commotion; unless it be proved by the Insured that such Personal Injury or Damage to Property was not occasioned thereby. (b) Any consequence of war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether or not war is declared), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power. • 4. Claims arising out of any liability assumed by express warranty or agreement unless such liability would have attached to the Insured notwithstanding such express warranty or agreement but excepting liability arising under any agreement entered into by the Insured where the Company has consented in writing to indemnify the Insured in terms of such agreement; • 5. Claims in respect of Personal Injury or Damage to Property directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from: (a) Ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste; 125 • 6. (b) Nuclear weapons or material; (a) (1) Claims in respect of Personal Injury or Damage to Property directly or indirectly arising out of the discharge, dispersal, release or escape of Pollutants; (2) The cost of removing, nullifying or cleaning up Pollutants; but this exclusion 6(a) will not apply to liability caused by an instantaneous, identifiable, unintended and unexpected happening which takes place in its entirety at one specific location; (b) • • 7. 8. Costs incurred in the prevention of discharge, dispersal, release or escape of Pollutants; Claims in respect of Personal Injury or Damage to Property or loss of use of property directly or indirectly caused by or arising from:(a) The mining, processing, transportation, distribution or storage of asbestos; (b) The manufacture of Products containing asbestos or processing of materials containing asbestos; (c) Any process of decontamination, treatment, removal or control of asbestos but this exclusion 7(c) applies only to those claims arising in consequent of inhalation of asbestos fibre or damage to or loss of use of property due to the presence of asbestos; Claims arising out of or incurred as a result of the rendering of or failure to render: (a) Professional advice or service (other than medical first aid); or (b) Advice (other than advice in respect of the use of the Insured’s Products), designs or specifications for a fee, by the Insured or by persons for whom the Insured may be liable, or any error or omission in connection therewith. • 9. Claims in respect of Personal Injury or Damage to Property happening in any country, state or territory (outside the Commonwealth of Australia) where the law of such country, state or territory requires that liability shall be Insured or secured with an Insurer or organisation which is licensed in that country, state or territory to grant such insurance or security. • 10. Claims of whatsoever nature which consist of or arise directly or indirectly out of or in connection with: 1) Total or partial destruction, distortion, erasure, corruption, alternation, misinterpretation or misappropriation of Electronic Data and/or Software, 2) Error in creating, amending, entering, deleting or using Electronic Data and/or Software, or 3) Total or partial inability or failure to receive, send, access or use Electronic Data and/or Software for any time or at all. 126 from any cause whatsoever, regardless of any other contributing cause or event whenever it may occur. Electronic Data means facts, concepts and information converted to a form useable for communications, display, distribution, interpretation, or, processing by electronic or electromechanical data processing or electronically controlled equipment. Software means programs, procedures, and routines associated with the operation of electronic or electromechanical data processing or electronically controlled equipment, including any operating system. • 11. Claims in respect of Liability directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by, or arising from or happening through or in connection with any act of terrorism. Terrorism is defined as being an act, which may include but is not limited to an act involving the use of force or violence and/or threat thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s), which from its nature or context is done for, or in connection with, political, religious, ideological or ethnic or similar purposes or reasons, including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear. • 12. Fines or penalties. • 13. Any loss, damage, destruction, or liability caused by or arising directly or indirectly from: terrorism; being an act, which may include but is not limited to an act involving the use of force or violence and/or threat thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s), which from its nature or context is done for, or in connection with, political, religious, ideological or ethnic or similar purposes or reasons, including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear. This also excludes loss, damage, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to an act of terrorism. • 14. Any claim of whatsoever nature which consists of or arises directly or indirectly out of or in connection with: (a) (1) total or partial destruction, distortion, erasure, corruption, alteration, misinterpretation or misappropriation of Electronic Data and/or Software, (2) error in creating, amending, entering, deleting or using Electronic Data and/or Software, or (3) total or partial inability or failure to receive, send, access or use Electronic Data and/or Software for any time or at all, from any cause whatsoever, regardless of any other contributing cause or event whenever it may occur. Electronic Data means facts, concepts and information converted to a form useable for communications, display, distribution, interpretation, or, processing by electronic or electromechanical data processing or electronically controlled equipment. Software means programs, procedures, and routines associated with the operation of electronic or electromechanical data processing or electronically controlled equipment, including any operating system. 127 General Conditions Applicable to Parts 1 and 2 1. Duty of the Insured The extent of the liability of the Company is conditional upon The notification as soon as possible by the Insured to the Company of any change materially varying any of the facts or circumstances existing at the commencement of this Policy. 2. Cancellation • (a) • 3. (b) Method of Cancellation (1) The Insured may cancel this Policy at any time by notifying the Company in writing (2) Subject to the provisions of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 the Company may cancel this Policy at any time by giving 30 days notice in writing to the Insured of the date from which cancellation is to take effect. Such notification is to be delivered personally or posted by certified mail to the Insured at the address last notified to the Company. Proof of mailing is sufficient proof in notification. Adjustment of Premium (1) After cancellation by the Insured the company will retain or be entitled to the premium for the period during which this Policy has been in force based on the company’s cancellation rates or if applicable after adjustment in accordance with condition 2. (2) After cancellation by the Company the premium for the period prior to cancellation will be adjusted in the manner provided by Condition 2 or if that Condition is not applicable the Insured will be entitled to a pro-rata refund of the unexpired portion of the premium. Transfer of Interest No interest in this Policy can be transferred without the written consent of the Company. 4. Claims Procedure • (a) After the happening of any occurrence or event which may give rise to a claim against the Company the Insured or his legal representative must (1) as soon as possible advise details to the Company and send written confirmation to the Company within 30 days. (2) take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss damage or liability. (3) advise the Company of any impending prosecution or inquest. (4) use his best endeavours to preserve any damaged or defective or other appliances, plant or things which might prove necessary or useful by way of evidence in connection with any claim and so far as may be reasonably practicable no alteration or repair shall be made to any premises, fencing, machinery, furnishings, fittings, appliances or plant without the consent of the Company until the Company has had an opportunity of inspection. (5) immediately forward to the Company every communication, Writ or Summons upon receipt or service thereof. 128 • (b) A person making a claim under this Policy must not make any admission of liability or promise or offer of payment in connection with any such claim without the written consent of the Company. • (c) The Insured must not authorise repairs in connection with any claim to any of the property insured without the consent of the Company. 5. Company Rights Subject to the provisions of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 the Company has the right to recover any money paid by it from any person against whom the Insured may be able to claim and the Company shall have full discretion in the conduct, defence or settlement of any claim and to take action in the Insured' s name. The Insured and any other person entitled to indemnity under this Policy must not hinder these rights and must give all such information and co-operation as the Company may reasonably require. 129 Bushfire Liability Endorsement Limit of Indemnity $5,000,000 For the purposes of determining the application of the ‘Declared Clients’ Liability with respect to liability for Personal Injury and/or Damage to Property arising out of Bushfire Liability, it is agreed that all related or unrelated Bushfires, which occur during any Period of one hundred and sixty eight (168) hours, shall be considered as one Occurrence. With the view to providing the most equitable interpretation of this Condition, from the standpoint of all interested Insureds: A) The Insurer will liaise with all Insureds who may be affected by any such related or unrelated Bushfires. B) Each Period of one hundred and sixty eight (168) hours shall be deemed to have commenced at a date and time nominated by the Insurer. C) Each such period shall be deemed to be expired one hundred and sixty eight (168) hours after the commencement of the Period as nominated by the Insurer. Should a Period of one hundred and sixty eight (168) hours expire while a Bushfire is continuing then: (i) (ii) A new Period of one hundred and sixty eight (168) hours shall be deemed to have commenced immediately upon the expiration of the prior Occurrence, and Such new Period shall be deemed to constitute the commencement of a separate Occurrence. Where any Period is nominated to commence prior to the expiry or cancellation of this insurance, the Insurer shall be liable for the whole Period of one hundred and sixty eight (168) hours, notwithstanding that the Policy may expire or be cancelled during the nominated Period of one hundred and sixty eight (168) hours. This Policy shall not apply to liability for Bushfires commencing prior to the inception of this Policy. This condition shall apply to all Bushfires whether continuous or sporadic in their nature and whether the Bushfire(s) were due to the same climatic or other condition(s). For the purposes of this endorsement “Bushfire” means any wildfire of which the initial effect is destruction of or damage to an environment of naturally occurring vegetation outside the confines of the Insured property. “Declared Client” means a client of Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd declared by Proposal and to whom Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd have issued a certificate of Insurance. Our total aggregate liability shall not exceed $5 000 000.00 during any one Period of Insurance for all claim or series of claims for Personal Injury or Damage to Property caused by or arising out of Bushfire Liability. Other than as amended above, the terms, conditions and exclusion of this Policy shall continue to apply. Limit of Indemnity $10,000,000 or $20,000,000 For the purposes of determining the application of the ‘Declared Clients’ Liability with respect to liability for Personal Injury and/or Damage to Property arising out of Bushfire Liability, it is agreed that all related or unrelated Bushfires, which occur during any Period of one hundred and sixty eight (168) hours, shall be considered as one Occurrence. With the view to providing the most equitable interpretation of this Condition, from the standpoint of all interested Insureds: 130 D) The Insurer will liaise with all Insureds who may be affected by any such related or unrelated Bushfires. E) Each Period of one hundred and sixty eight (168) hours shall be deemed to have commenced at a date and time nominated by the Insurer. F) Each such period shall be deemed to be expired one hundred and sixty eight (168) hours after the commencement of the Period as nominated by the Insurer. Should a Period of one hundred and sixty eight (168) hours expire while a Bushfire is continuing then: (i) (ii) A new Period of one hundred and sixty eight (168) hours shall be deemed to have commenced immediately upon the expiration of the prior Occurrence, and Such new Period shall be deemed to constitute the commencement of a separate Occurrence. Where any Period is nominated to commence prior to the expiry or cancellation of this insurance, the Insurer shall be liable for the whole Period of one hundred and sixty eight (168) hours, notwithstanding that the Policy may expire or be cancelled during the nominated Period of one hundred and sixty eight (168) hours. This Policy shall not apply to liability for Bushfires commencing prior to the inception of this Policy. This condition shall apply to all Bushfires whether continuous or sporadic in their nature and whether the Bushfire(s) were due to the same climatic or other condition(s). For the purposes of this endorsement “Bushfire” means any wildfire of which the initial effect is destruction of or damage to an environment of naturally occurring vegetation outside the confines of the Insured property. “Declared Client” means a client of Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd declared by Proposal and to whom Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd have issued a certificate of Insurance. Our total aggregate liability shall not exceed $10 000 000.00 during any one Period of Insurance for all claim or series of claims for Personal Injury or Damage to Property caused by or arising out of Bushfire Liability. Other than as amended above, the terms, conditions and exclusion of this Policy shall continue to apply. 131 Important Information DUTY OF DISCLOSURE Before you enter into a contract of general insurance with an insurer, you have a duty under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984, to disclose to the insurer every matter that you know, or could reasonably be expected to know, is relevant to the insurer’s decision whether to accept the risk of the insurance and, if so, on what terms. The same duty arises on renewal, extension, reinstatement - or variation of the policy. The disclosure required is especially important in matters relating to the physical risk, past claims, cancellation of insurance covers, the imposition of increased premiums, insolvency or criminal convictions. Disclosure is not limited to specific questions in a proposal or matters applying to the insured named in the policy but includes other relevant matters including past business or businesses or private insurances. If you breach the duty, even innocently, the insurer may be able to reduce its liability in respect of a claim or may cancel the contract. If the non-disclosure is fraudulent the insurer may also have the option of avoiding the policy from inception. CHANGE OF RISK OR CIRCUMSTANCES Please tell us about any changes to your circumstances or business, such as any alteration of risk, location changes, new or changed business activities, as they could affect your insurances. AVERAGE CLAUSE – UNDER INSURANCE Home buildings and contents, fire, business interruption, industrial special risks and other policies often contain an average clause. This means that you should insure for full value which may be replacement, indemnity or market value depending on the type of insurance cover arranged. If you are under insured your claim may be reduced in proportion to the amount of under-insurance. UNREPORTED LOSSES Please let us know whether there are any losses which have occurred that have not been reported to us/insurers, whether you intend making a claim or not. NEW CLAIMS Any quotation we have obtained on your behalf is based on the understanding that there will be no deterioration in the claims experience between the date insurers quoted their terms and the inception date of the cover. If claims do occur during this period, insurers have the right to revise the terms quoted or even withdraw their quotation. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENTS, CONTRACTING OUT, REMOVAL OF SUBROGATION RIGHTS You may prejudice your rights to a claim if, without prior agreement from your insurer, you make any agreement that could prevent the insurer from recovering the loss from a third party. These “hold harmless” clauses are often found in leases, licences and contracts for maintenance, supply, construction and repair. WARRANTIES Where any insurance is subject to a Warranty, there must be strict compliance with the stipulation in the Warranty. Failure to comply with any Warranties may invalidate policy cover and lead to nonpayment of claims, even though the breach may not have any bearing on a particular claim. INSURING THE INTEREST OF OTHER PARTIES If you require the interest of another party to be covered by the policy, you MUST request this. Most policies will attempt to exclude indemnity to other parties (e.g. mortgagees, lessors, principals etc.) unless their interest is expressly noted on the policy. SEVERAL LIABILITY Where your policy cover is provided by more than one insurer it is important to note that each insurer is only responsible to the extent of their individual subscription and there is no obligation for that insurer to make up the shortfall of any other subscribing insurer in a claim or return premium payment. 132 CONFIRMATION OF TRANSACTION You may contact us by telephone or in writing to confirm any transaction under your policy, such as renewals and endorsements. If necessary, we will obtain the information for you from the insurer. COOLING OFF PERIOD FOR RETAIL CLIENTS If you are a retail client as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 as amended (the ‘Act’), you may be entitled to a minimum 14 day cooling-off period during which you may return the insurance policy and receive a refund of the insurance premium paid (less amounts lawfully deducted), subject to the requirements of the Act and the terms and conditions of your policy. This does not affect any other cancellation rights you may have under your policy. Please check your policy and schedule upon receipt to be sure you have the cover you require. If the cover does not meet your needs, please contact your Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd (JLT) JLT adviser for advice as to your rights. REMUNERATION AND OTHER INCOME Our principal remuneration for arranging insurance on your behalf is either by way of: a) commission paid by the Insurer; OR b) a Fee; OR c) a combination of Commission paid by the Insurer and a Fee. In addition to the above the Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group may receive income from insurers as follows: interest earned on insurance monies passing through our bank accounts; profit commissions or profit shares paid by insurers on specific classes of business; administrative service fees or expense reimbursements for limited specific services we provide to insurers as part of the placing or claims process. We will disclose any potential conflict of interest not included above which may occur and affect our relationship. REFUND of PREMIUMS In the event of any refund premium being allowed for the cancellation or adjustment of this insurance policy, JLT reserves the right to retain all brokerage, fees and charges RECEIVING INFORMATION ABOUT OTHER PRODUCTS AND SERVICES JLT may, from time to time, offer you information about products and services which may be of interest to you. Please notify us if you do not wish to receive such additional information. PRIVACY POLICY JLT is committed to the protection of your privacy and is bound by the National Privacy Principles for the handling of your information. JLT’s Privacy Policy can be examined by accessing our website ( or by obtaining a copy from your JLT adviser or the JLT Privacy Officer (at Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd., 66 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000: or on telephone number (02) 9290 8000). SERVICE DIFFICULTIES We would like to know if you are not satisfied with our services. If you have any difficulties please contact your JLT adviser or our Complaints Manager. JLT subscribes to Insurance Brokers Dispute Limited, which is a free consumer service, and the General Insurance Broker’s Code of Practice. Additional information is available from your local JLT office. IF THERE IS ANY PART OF THE ABOVE THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND OR YOU REQUIRE FURTHER EXPLANATION, PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY. 133 Plantation Statistics Australian Forest Growers have asked that those insuring in the AFG Group give details to allow broad statistics on their plantations to be used for future planning by industry and by Governments. Federal and State Governments through the National Forest Policy Statement are clearly focusing on regional centres for resources aggregation and it is clearly in the grower' s interests for this to happen to assist in the development of processing plants and eventual marketing of produce for all concerned. You are asked to allow details of plantation areas by location, age, postcodes and name from this form to be sent by the insurers to the Administrative Officer, Australian Forest Growers. Yes No If you do not wish your name to be notified please cross out name. 134 Australian Forest Growers Name: ______________________________________________________ Phone No: _____________________ Postal Address: ______________________________________________________ Suburb: ______________________ Lot ID Post Code State Region Rotation Trans Distance Excess Value Option Post Code: Tree Type Age _________ State: ________ Area Please select required options: Excess (0.5% Insured Value per Plantation + Nil $2,000 $5,000 $10,000 $50,000 ) Additional Claims Preparation Costs ( in Excess of $5,000 ) Yes No Amount _______________ Loss Mitigation Expenses ( $25,000 / $50,000 / $100,000 ) Yes No Amount _______________ Removal of Debris ( Compulsory - Limit: 10% plantation value or A$250,000, whichever the lesser, Premium: 5% of Plantation Total Premium ) Public Products Liability Insurance ( Limit $5m / $10M ) Yes No Amount _______________ Insured Value Are you a current AFG Member? Yes No If so, for how many years? _____________ Do you maintain plantation personally? Yes No If "No", give names of your contractors: _________________________________ What Value Option have you selected? 1. Low 2. Medium Was the Pinus Radiata Salvage Option selected? Yes No Maximum area undivided by fire breaks is 3. High If Value Option 1 or 3 selected, please give reason: _____________ Ha Does your plantation comply with the special conditions, as set out in booklet. Yes No If "No", why not? Have you suffered any losses or damage by any perils covered by this policy to property owned by you (last 5 years)? Yes No If "Yes", please give details: Are you agreeable to you plantation details being forwarded to the AFG? Yes No DECLARATION: I hereby declare: 1. 2. I have read and understood the booklet accompanying this proposal. I agree to be bound by the basis of loss settlement described in the policy. 3. The answers on this proposal are correct in every particular. Signed: _______________________________ Date: _______________________________ 4. Date of Loss ________________________________ Amount of Loss ________________________________ Location of Loss ________________________________ Circumstances ________________________________ That I understand the insurance contract covering trees has been effected partly with an unauthorised foreign insurer that is not authorised under the Insurance Act 1973 to conduct insurance business in Australia. such insurers are not subject to the provisions of that act, which establishes a system of financial supervision of general insurers in Australia. It is a matter for my consideration whether I should obtain further information from Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd on such matters as:a) b) c) d) name and postal address of insurer; country of incorporation of insurer and whether that country has a scheme of financial supervision of insurers; paid up capital of the insurer; which country' s laws will determine disputes under the contract. Binder Authority - Fire and Selected Perils In accordance with the Financial Services Reform ACT 2001, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Limited hereby gives notice that this contract is effected under an authority given to Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Limited by Lloyds of London which Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Limited has effected the contract as an agent of the named Insurers and not as an agent for the Insured. In accordance with the Financial Services Reform ACT 2001, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Limited hereby gives notice that in dealing with or settling claims up to and including $40,000 they will be acting under an uthority given to them by the named insurers and that they will be dealing with or settling the claim as agent of the named insurers and not as an agent of the Insured Binder Authority - Public and Products Liability Insurance In accordance with the Financial Services Reform ACT 2001, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Limited hereby gives notice that this contract is effected under an authority given to Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Limited by CGU Insurance Limited (ACN 004 478 371) and that Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Limited has effected the contract as an agent of the named Insurer and not as an agent for the Insured.