Report of the Planning Committee to University Council Dec. 14, 2000 Items for Information Systematic Program Review update The enclosed report summarizes the activities of the University’s new Systematic Program Review process (SPR) throughout its first year of implementation. This report was received by the SPR Overview Committee on November 8, 2000, was subsequently forwarded to the Budget, Planning and Academic Program committees by their SPR Overview Committee representatives, and is now being forwarded to Council for information. This report provides a brief overview of the SPR process, a description of activities undertaken to ‘launch’ the process, a summary of reviews conducted in 1999/2000 and those underway in 2000/01, information on resource requirements, and comments on feedback, benefits, and plans for the future. Determination of outcomes of the 1999/2000 reviews is currently underway. Procedures have been established, including the creation of an SPR outcomes subcommittee to assist the Planning Committee in deciding the assessment categories for each program. The outcomes procedures are described briefly on page 4 of the enclosed report. It should be stressed that actions resulting from SPR reviews must be implemented through the normal approval processes of the University. For instance, proposals for major revisions or program termination must be approved by Council, even if they arise from SPR recommendations. This is in accordance with the role of Council and its committees as stated in the SPR Policy and Procedures, Section VII: Council, having approved policies and procedures for systematic program review, appoints the Vice-President Academic to administer the process... In so doing, Council retains its authority with respect to systematic program review and its right to make all final decisions involving implementation of changes. That is, proposals for program revision, program deletion, and new programs resulting from the review process, will continue to be subject to the normal procedures of Council and its committees. The Policy and Procedures also note that “Council committees are expected to use the information obtained in the program review process to inform their decisions.” We are confident that the committees will indeed find the reviews useful, and that the SPR process is well on its way to achieving its three main objectives of program improvement, accountability, and provision of information for decision-making. Subcommittee on Responding to the Needs of Aboriginal People In A Framework for Planning at the University of Saskatchewan (March, 1998) the goal of Responding to the Needs of Aboriginal Peoples is described as follows: In Saskatchewan, the task of responding to specific, local needs and, simultaneously opening doors to the world, is particularly pressing in the context of aboriginal peoples. Making available to aboriginal peoples the full resources of the University is one side of that equation; integrating aboriginal knowledge into the curriculum and practices of the University is the other. At the University of Saskatchewan we must dedicate ourselves to making available to all aboriginal peoples the full range of our programs and we must adopt strategies that will improve their ability to succeed. Above all, the University must appreciate the need for aboriginal peoples to have an effective, meaningful voice in their own educational experience and, in true -2 - Planning Committee Nov. 16, 2000 partnership, to find in the University a place where their culture is both reflected and at work in defining and achieving the institution’s objectives in research, teaching and community service. At its Nov. 7, 2000 meeting, the Planning Committee approved the creation of a Subcommittee with the following terms of reference: 1. Review the progress that has been made toward achieving the goal of Responding to the Needs of Aboriginal Peoples. 2. Determine additional strategies for the Planning Committee and Council which will help the university achieve these goals. Such strategies could include changes in university or college policies, introduction of new or revised programs, development of additional student services, etc. 3. Recommend a priority list for discussion in the university community and at Council. It is intended that the Subcommittee will report to the Planning Committee by early February, 2001. Other projects The Planning Committee has also established several other subcommittees to accomplish significant projects this year. Following the very successful workshop on Planning Our Future in November, a document on the university mandate is now being prepared. We are also completing draft procedures for Program Termination. Both will be presented to Council early in the new year. Recommendations on the final round of Priority Determination proposals will also be presented to Council in January. Student Outcomes Report workshop A workshop on the Student Outcomes report for Council committees and other interested faculty and staff has been scheduled for Monday, Dec. 18 at 1:30 to 4:00 pm in room 106 ARTS. The agenda has been sent to the Academic Programs Committee, the Instructional Development Committee, and the Budget Committee. Any other members of Council or Council committees who are interested in attending this workshop should contact the Planning Committee secretary Cathie Fornssler for more information and a copy of the agenda (email, or phone 5036). Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Committee, _______________________________________ Jene Porter, Chair Committee members: R.P. MacKinnon, President M. Atkinson, Vice-President (Academic) A.J. Whitworth, Vice-President (Finance and Administration) M. Corcoran, Vice-President (Research) J. Wallace (USSU academic vice-president) N. Garg (GSA president) R. Thompson (Sessional Lecturer) R.E. Bilson S. Fowler-Kerry D. Harris R. Hickie G. Khachatourians F. Leighton P. Li W.W.E. Slights E.B. Waygood B.L. Dubray, University Studies Group P.M. Melis, Office of the Vice-President (Academic) C. Fornssler, Committee Coordinator, Office of the University Secretary