UNIVERSITY COUNCIL John Rigby, Chair June 19, 2008







John Rigby, Chair

DATE OF MEETING: June 19, 2008

Planning and Priorities Committee Annual Report to


COUNCIL ACTION: For information only


Planning and Priorities Committee Annual Report for 2007/2008

Centres Subcommittee Annual Report for 2007/2008


John Rigby, Chair

Kevin Ansdell, Vice Chair

Ernie Barber

William Buschert

Bryan Bilokreli

Ron Cooley

Karen Chad/Jim Basinger

David Dodds

Barrie Dubray

Richard Florizone

Peter Grant

Mary MacDonald

Jim Greer

Jay Kalra

Heather Magotiaux

Pauline Melis

Yixi Lu/Janice Victor

James Pepler/Josie Steeves

Alison Renny

Chuck Rhodes

Jim Spinney

Robert Schultz

Colin Tennent

Andrew Van Kessel

Terry Wotherspoon

Sandra Calver, Secretary



During the past year, the Planning and Priorities Committee held 19 regular committee meetings. In addition, the College Plans Review Committee (CPRC), which comprises the Planning and Priorities Committee with representation from the Academic Programs and Research, Scholarly and Artistic Work Committees, met on 24 occasions. Members also contributed to the following joint and advisory committees: Capital Equipment

Start-up Fund Committee; CFI Advisory Committee; Indirect Costs Advisory

Committee; and Campus Advisory Board for Institutional Systems (CABIS). The

Annual Report of the Centres Subcommittee, as a standing committee of the Planning and

Priorities Committee, is appended to this report.

As the Planning and Priorities Committee reports monthly to Council, the following is intended as a brief summary only of the Committee’s activities.

Integrated Planning

Throughout the year, much of the focus and energy of the Committee was directed towards the development of the University’s Second Integrated Plan 2008/09 – 2011/12 and review of the College and Administrative Unit Plans. CPRC reviewed each plan individually, meeting with Deans and Administrative Unit heads to gain a broader appreciation of each plan, and then submitted its observations on each plan to Council in the form of a report, accompanied by the responses of Deans and Administrative Unit

Heads to the report. Most importantly, CPRC provided to Council its collective observations on Common Messages and Areas of Concern across the College Plans and the Administrative Unit Plans, commenting on opportunities for synergies and crosscollaborative activity.

In conjunction with CPRC’s review of the plans, the Planning and Priorities Committee contributed towards the development of the Multi-Year Operating Budget Framework

2008/09 – 2011/12, as the supporting financial framework for the University’s Second

Integrated Plan. The Committee focused on potential financial risks to the University, and the financial relationships between key budgetary assumptions, such as tuition revenue, investment income, salaries and benefits, and research activity, among other variables, upon which the framework is based. As a precursor to development of the

Multi-Year Operating Budget Framework, the Committee also provided its advice on

University priorities for expenditures within the University’s 2008/09 Operations

Forecast funding request from the Province.

The College Plans Review Committee of the College and Administrative Unit plans was undertaken to inform the development of the University’s Second Integrated Plan and to inform the Planning and Priorities Committee’s future deliberations on behalf of Council.

The Planning and Priorities Committee’s contribution towards Integrated Planning will continue with the review of the Planning Parameters set by the Provost’s Committee on

Integrated Planning (PCIP), which outline the University’s expectations for each College and Administrative Unit over the second planning cycle.

Strategic Planning

In keeping with its mandate to conduct and report to Council on university–wide planning and review activities in consultation with the Provost and Vice-President

Academic, the Committee reviewed and provided comment on the following planning documents:

A Framework for Assessment: Beyond Systematic Program Review

Land Use Task Force Report

Report of the Task Force on the Management of Centres

Teaching and Learning Foundational Document

The Committee also received an update on the Faculty Complement Plan Foundational

Document . This initiative is being revitalized, with an exploration of practices of other similar institutions, an analysis of statistically relevant factors, such as enrolment rates and faculty growth, and exploration of the impact on faculty renewal in other provinces upon the elimination of mandatory retirement.

Committee feedback was sought and provided to PCIP on the proposal for An

Information Strategy for the University of Saskatchewan , which proposes a single data warehouse and enhanced architecture and governance processes to coordinate information management activities.

Capital Planning

The Committee’s report on major capital projects is presented separately. In addition to reviewing all major capital projects proposed, the Committee received an annual update on all major capital projects underway, identifying as an area of concern the enormous demand for capital expansion balanced against the University’s ageing infrastructure.

Further Committee consultation and feedback is anticipated as the Multi-Year Capital

Plan in support of the University’s Integrated Plan is developed.

Notices of Intent

With the restructuring of Council committees, the Academic Priorities Committee presents new programs for approval to Council, and the Planning and Priorities

Committee views new programs only at the letter of intent stage, focusing on strategic alignment and resources. In 2007-08, the Committee reviewed the notices of intent for the following programs:

Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering

Master’s of Public Policy and Ph.D. in Public Policy in the Johnson-Shoyama

Graduate School of Public Policy


The following centres were recommended to Council for approval:

Interdisciplinary Centre for Culture and Creativity (Type A)

W. Brett Wilson Centre for Entrepreneurial Excellence (Type B)

Indigenous Land Management Institute (ILMI) (Type B)

University Academic Administration

The following departmental name changes were recommended to Council:

Dept. of Agricultural Economics to the Department of Bioresource Policy,

Business and Economics

Dept. of Religious Studies and Anthropology to the Department of Religion and


Dept. of Archaeology to the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Dept. of Geography to the Department of Geography and Planning

The disestablishment of the Virtual College of Biotechnology was also recommended to

Council, resulting in the removal of the organizational structure for the various programs associated with the VcB, while permitting the programs to continue to reside with the various Colleges offering the degrees.

The proposal for a Platform Model for Undergraduate Programs in support of interdisciplinary and inter-collegiate programming was considered at length by the

Planning and Priorities and Academic Programs Committees, with input from Council sought on the proposed structure. The outcome of the committees’ deliberations was that the model could be accommodated within existing Council processes and structures, and therefore formal approval from Council was not sought for the model. Rather, Colleges were encouraged to freely support and use the concept of platforms to enhance their undergraduate programming, entering the necessary agreements with other Colleges as mutually desired.

To facilitate the establishment of departments and centres, the Committee revised the

Guidelines for the Establishment of Centres and created Guidelines for Applications for the Establishment of Departments .

Student Outcome Surveys and the Student Experience

An overview of student survey outcomes was presented to the committee, including outcomes from the Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI); National Survey of Student

Engagement (NSSE); and the Canadian University Survey Consortium (CUSC), among

others. The committee also provided input into the University’s response to the McCall

Report on Post-Secondary Education Accessibility and Affordability Review .

It has been my pleasure to Chair the Committee for the past two years. As departing

Chair, I extend my thanks to members for their contributions and commitment, particularly in the light of the significantly increased workload faced this year by the committee through the activities of the College Plans Review Committee.

John Rigy, Chair




PRESENTED BY: John Rigby, Chair

DATE OF MEETING: June 19, 2008

SUBJECT: Centres Subcommittee Annual Report

COUNCIL ACTION: For information only


The Centres Subcommittee is a standing subcommittee of the Planning and Priorities

Committee with representation from the Research, Scholarly and Artistic Work

Committee, the Vice-President Research, the Vice-President Finance and Resources, the

Provost and Vice-President Academic, and resource personnel. The committee facilitates the creation of new centres, reviewing proposals for centres under the University’s

Centres Policy and recommending on their establishment to the Planning and Priorities

Committee. The subcommittee is also responsible for the Guidelines for the Application for Centres.

The Centres Subcommittee met on four occasions in 2007-08 to revise the Centres

Guidelines as reported by the Planning and Priorities Committee (Agenda item 11.4) and to review proposals for the following Centres:

Interdisciplinary Centre for Culture and Creativity (Type A); approved by Council

W. Brett Wilson Centre for Entrepreneurial Excellence (Type B); approved by


Indigenous Land Management Institute (ILMI) (Type B); submitted for Council approval

The attached listing provides a comprehensive list of centres, units, and research groups as of June 2008. If, in reviewing the list, any errors or omissions are found, please contact Sandra Calver, Committee Secretary.


John Rigby, Chair

Rose Olfert

Lawrence Martz

Barrie Dubray

Piya Sen

Bryan Schreiner

Karsten Liber

Sandra Calver, Secretary


Listing of Units, Centres, Divisions, Institutes, & Research Groups as of June, 2008



Animal Resources Centre

Director – Olfert, E. D., Department of Veterinary Pathology

Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture (CCHSA)

Director – Gordon, J., Department of Medicine, College of Medicine

Centre for Continuing and Distance Education (CCDE)

Director – Cram, R.

Centre for Distributed Learning

Director – Wong, A.T.

Community-University Institute for Social Research (CUISR)

University Co-Director – Clarke, L., Department of Industrial Relations and

Organizational Behaviour

Community Co-Director – Holden, W., City of Saskatoon

Division of Biomedical Engineering

Chair – Adams, G., Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences

Vice Chair – Gander, R., Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching Effectiveness

Acting Director - Greer, J., Department of Computer Science

Indigenous Peoples’ Health Research Centre (IPHRC)

Director – Hampton, E., Acting Director, University of Regina

International Centre for Governance and Development (ICGD)

Director – Sarkar, A. K., Department of Management and Marketing

Saskatchewan Drug Research Institute (SDRI)

Acting Director – Mitchell, D.G.

Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit, Inc. (SPHERU)

Director – Jeffrey, B., Faculty of Social Work, University of Regina

Saskatchewan Structural Sciences Centre (SSSC)

Director – Ward, D., Department of Chemistry

Toxicology Centre

Director – Liber, K.

University Learning Centre

Director – Greer, J., Department of Computer Science

University of Saskatchewan Language Centre

Director – Parkinson, D.M.

University of Saskatchewan Process Philosophy Research Unit (USPPRU)

Co-director – Flynn, M., Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education

Co-director – Regnier, R. H., Department of Educational Foundations

Co-director – Woodhouse, H., Department of Educational Foundations

Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO)

Director – Potter, A.

Women's Studies Research Unit

Executive Director – Green, M.


Centre for Northern Agroforestry and Afforestation

Director – Van Rees, K., AFIF Chair, Department of Soil Science

Centre for Studies in Agriculture, Law and the Environment (CSALE)

Director – Hesseln, H., Department of Bioresource Policy, Business and Economics

CIBC Centre for Agricultural Entrepreneurship

Director – Barber, E., Dean, College of Agriculture and Bioresources

Crop Development Centre (CDC)

Managing Director – Murrell, D.

Feeds Innovation Institute (FII)

Executive Director – Wright, S.

Saskatchewan Centre for Soil Research (SCSR)

Director – Walley, F., Department of Soil Science


Centre for Algebra, Logic and Computation (CALC)

Director – Marshall, M., Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Centre for High-Performance Computing (HPC)

Director – Spiteri, R., Department of Computer Science

Centre for the Study of Co–operatives

Director – Hammond Ketilson, L., Department of Management & Marketing

Diefenbaker Canada Centre

Acting Director - Carlson, T.

Eighteenth Century Studies

Acting Director – Stephanson, R. A., Department of English

Humanities Research Unit

Director – Findlay, L. M., Department of English

Co-director – Battiste, M., Department of Educational Foundations

Institute for Aboriginal and Indigenous Graduate Studies and Research (IAIGSR)

Director – Maaka, R., Department of Native Studies

Institute for Computer and Information Technology

Schneider, K., Department of Computer Science

Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies (ISAS)

Chair – Manson, A. H., Department of Physics and Engineering Physics

Interdisciplinary Centre for Culture and Creativity (ICCC)

Acting Director - tba

Social Research Unit

Director – Schissel, B., Department of Sociology

Subatomic Physics Institute (SPIN)

Spokesperson – Steele, T. G., Department of Physics and Engineering Physics


Centre for International Business Studies

Director – Buhr, N., Department of Accounting

W. Brett Wilson Centre for Entrepreneurial Excellence

Director – Painter, M., Department of Management and Marketing


Aboriginal Education Research Centre (AERC)

Academic Director – Battiste, M., Department of Educational Foundations

Child and Youth Development Institute

Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education

Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit (SELU)

Director – Scharf, M. P., Department of Educational Administration


Environmental Engineering Division

Acting Chair – Lin, Y.-H., Department of Chemical Engineering

Ron and Jane Graham Centre for the Study of Communication

Academic Director – MacLennan, J., D.K. Seaman Chair in Communication, College of


Transportation Research Centre


Native Law Centre of Canada

Research Director – Henderson, J. Y.


Centre for Integrative Medicine (CIM)

Managing Director - Epstein, M. Department of Community Health and Epidemiology

Medical Director - Schnurr, J. Department of Community Health and Epidemiology

Neuropsychiatry Research Unit (NRU)

Director – Li, X.–M., Department of Psychiatry

Prairie Region Health Promotion Research Centre

Director – Williams, L., Department of Community Health and Epidemiology

Prairie Women’s Health Centre of Excellence

Administrator – Willson, K., Department of Community Health and Epidemiology

Saskatchewan Cancer Control Research Program

Director – Leis, A. M., Department of Community Health and Epidemiology

Saskatchewan Neuroscience Network (SNN)

Coordinator – Doucette, J. R., Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Saskatchewan Sociobehavioural Cancer Research Satellite Centre

Director - Leis, A. M., Department of Community Health and Epidemiology

Saskatchewan Stroke Research Centre (SSRC)

Director – Kalra, J., Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine


Alvin Buckwold Child Development Program

Medical Director – Blakley, P.

Cardiovascular Risk Factor Reduction Unit

Director – Wilson, T.W., Department of Medicine

Division of Oncology

Head - Popkin, D. R., Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences

Geriatric Assessment Program

Department of Medicine

Northern Medical Services Division

Department of Family Medicine

Saskatchewan Institute on Prevention of Handicaps

Director – Shanks, J.

Saskatchewan Pediatric Auditory Rehabilitation Centre (SPARC)

Program Head – Brewster, L.

Sleep Disorder Clinic

Director – Skomro, R., Department of Medicine


Centre for the Advancement of the Study of Nursing Education and

Interprofessional Education (CASNIE)

Director – Ferguson, L., College of Nursing


Nutrition Resource and Volunteer Centre

Director – Berenbaum, S. L., College of Pharmacy and Nutrition


Canadian Co–operative Wildlife Health Centre (CCWHC)

Executive Director – Leighton, F. A., Department of Veterinary Pathology


Prairie Centre for the Study of Ukrainian Heritage

Director – Tataryn, Rev. M., Department of Religious Studies and Anthropology



Electronic Text Research at the U of S (ETRUS)

Coordinator – Liu, Y., Department of English


Bio-sciences, Bio-engineering, Bio-processing

Energy, Production and Processing, Transport, Electrical Energy, and Utilization

Environment, Infrastructure and Sustainable Development

Information and Communication Technologies and Intelligent Systems

Materials Science and Applications


Cardiovascular Research Group

Group Leader – Gopalakrishnan, V., Department of Pharmacology

Gene Expression Mapping Using Synchrotron Light (GEMS) Research Group

Group Leader – Roesler, B., Department of Biochemistry

Genomic Medicine and Pathobiology Research Group

Cancer Stem Cell Research Initiative

Co-Leader - Decoteau, J., Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Co-Leader - Geyer, R., Department of Biochemistry

Immunology Research Group

Co-Leader - Bretscher, P., Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Co-Leader - Gordon, J., Department of Veterinary Microbiology

Institute of Child and Adult Arthritis Research (ICAARe)

Group Leader – Rosenberg, A., Department of Pediatrics

Molecular Design Research Group

Group Leader - Delbaere, L., Department of Biochemistry

Neural Systems and Plasticity Research Group

Group Leader - Corcoran, M., Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Obesity Research Group

Group Leader - Chad, K., College of Kinesiology

Primary Health Care Research Group

Group Leader – Ramsden, V., Department of Family Medicine

Reproductive Biology Research Unit

Director – Pierson, R. A., Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive


Reproductive Science and Medicine Research Group (RBRU)

Co-Leader – Pierson, R., Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive


Co-Leader – Adams, G., Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences

Research Group on Aging

Group Leader – Juurlink, B., Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Saskatchewan Team for Research and Evaluation of Addictions and Mental Health

Services (STREAM)

Co-Leader – Dell, C., Canada Research Chair – Addictions, Department of Sociology

Co-Leader – Tempier, R., Department of Psychiatry

Tissue Engineering

Leader – Chen., X., Department of Mechanical Engineering

Quality End of Life Care

Principal Investigator – Duggleby, W., College of Nursing


Canadian Light Source Inc. (CLS)

Executive Director – Thomlinson, W.

Prairie Swine Centre Inc. (PSCI)

President and CEO – Patience, J. F.

Prairie Diagnostic Services, Inc.

Director – Jonas, M.

Saskatchewan Food Industry Development Centre Inc.

President – Prefontaine, D.

Western Beef Development Centre

President and CEO – Gullacher, D.


Cameco MS Neuroscience Research Center

Director – Verge, V.M.K., Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Health Research Division, Saskatchewan Cancer Agency

Executive Director – Carlsen, S. A., Department of Microbiology and Immunology

POS Pilot Plant Corporation

President and CEO – Morgan, R. E.

Regional Psychiatric Centre (Prairies) Correctional Service of Canada

Acting Executive Director – Guenther, P.
