Nature Journal

Nature Journal
Nature in the Classroom
developed by the
Slater Museum of Natural History
University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, Washington
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
School: ______________________________________________ Grade: _________
Start date: ___________________________ End date: ________________________
Table of Contents
Page 3
Lesson 1: Nature Journals―Naturalist-in-Training
Page 8
Lesson 2: Urban Bird Diversity―Birdiversity!
Page 12
Lesson 3: Tooth Sleuth―Tacoma Mammal Puzzler
Page 17
Personal Nature Journal Pages
The Slater Museum of Natural History’s goals are to preserve and provide a collection of
specimens to be used for research and education. We have one of the best regional collections
of Pacific Northwest bird, mammal, reptile, amphibian and plant specimens.
Lesson 1:
Nature Journals―Naturalists-in-Training
Students will hone their powers of observation and
develop their naturalist skills using their senses and the
tools provided.
Lesson 1: Naturalists-in-Training
Wild Thing Worksheet
Describe your object in detail. What color is it? What does it smell like? Does it make any sound?
Close your eyes and touch it—describe what you feel. Look at it closely from all angles—does its
shape remind you of any other object? Have you seen anything like it before? How does its shape
serve the animal/plant? (Some examples: feathers are shaped to help birds fly, a snail shell protects
the soft animal within, seed pods hold and protect seeds.) Use short phrases and descriptive words:
Feels light as a pencil, smooth like the top of my desk, purple like a grape Popsicle. Useful sentence
starters: I noticed…, I wonder about…
Descriptive notes:
Lesson 1: Naturalists-in-Training
Draw your object in the first box. In the second box, show how it looks under magnification or from
a different angle. Take your time. Try to fill up the whole box with your drawing. Label any parts
that you can.
Wild Thing object
Wild Thing object magnified or from a different angle
Lesson 1: Naturalists-in-Training
Wild Thing Prediction (Hypothesis) Worksheet
A prediction (also known as a hypothesis) is a suggested explanation for an observation or
scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation.
Write a prediction (hypothesis) about your object.
What is it and where do you think it could be found in Tacoma? Give a reason.
How did it get there? Give a reason.
What was it used for? Give a reason
Was it part of an animal or plant—if so, what kind, and how did it “lose” this part of itself?
Give a reason.
My prediction (hypothesis):
After the instructor asks you to find other students with objects like yours, use the Venn
diagram on the next page to compare and contrast your objects. A Venn can help you
understand relationships between objects. Each circle represents one of the objects, with any
shared characteristics noted in the shared (overlapping) parts of the circles.
Write in the object numbers on the lines provided.
Venn Diagram – Compare and Contrast
Three Wild Things
Lesson 1: Nature Journals – Naturalists in Training
Lesson 2:
Urban Bird Diversity―Birdiversity!
Students will compare beaks and feet of bird specimens
to understand how adaptations allow birds to get
different foods and live in a variety of habitats.
Lesson 2: Urban Bird Diversity—Birdiversity!
Bird Measuring Guide
Length of Beak
Length of Beak
Length of Body
Foot Measurement: Length of
Middle Toe
Lesson 2: Urban Bird Diversity—Birdiversity!
Bird Specimen Information Worksheet 1
Specimen #
(fill in number shown on bird specimen tag)
Measurements and Tool Types (from Beak and Feet Backgound Sheet)
Note: If your bird does not fit one of the tool types, write in a tool the beak/feet remind you of.
Beak length: ______________ centimeters
Beak type: ______________
Body length: ______________ centimeters
Foot length: ______________ centimeters
Foot type: ______________
How does the beak help the bird eat? How do the bird’s feet help it capture or eat its prey?
What kind of food do you think the bird eats? Where does it live? My prediction (hypothesis):
Lesson 2: Urban Bird Diversity—Birdiversity!
Bird Specimen Information Worksheet 2
After using the bird field guide card and field guide to learn more about your bird, check to see
if your prediction (hypothesis) on Worksheet 1 was correct and fill in the sections below:
My bird is a:___________________________________________________
Three facts about my bird:
Lesson 3:
Tooth Sleuth―Tacoma Mammal Puzzler
Students will use a dichotomous key to identify a
mammal skull, and learn that teeth provide information
about whether the animal is a carnivore or herbivore.
Observing the different types of teeth and their different
uses, students will notice how structure relates to
Lesson 3: Tooth Sleuth—Tacoma Mammal Puzzler
Tooth Type Diagram
Molars (and Premolars)
Molars (and Premolars)
Lesson 3: Tooth Sleuth
Mystery Skull Worksheet
By observing the teeth and skull characteristics, what kind of animal do you think your skull
belongs to? What sort of food do you think this animal eats?
Our prediction (hypothesis):
Sketches of teeth and skull:
Sketch and label the different kinds of teeth you observe. Your animal may not have all of the
types of teeth. Sketch the skull.
Note: Some animals are omnivores—they eat both meat and plants. It’s not easy to find this out
by observing only teeth, so in this lesson we will focus on whether the animal is mainly
carnivorous or herbivorous. The teeth of omnivores look similar to those of carnivores.
Skull #
After using the dichotomous key, what animal did you determine the skull to be from?
Is the animal mainly an herbivore or a carnivore? Why?
Skull #
After using the dichotomous key, what animal did you determine the skull to be from?
Is the animal mainly an herbivore or a carnivore? Why?
Skull #
After using the dichotomous key, what animal did you determine the skull to be from?
Is the animal mainly an herbivore or a carnivore? Why?
Skull #
After using the dichotomous key, what animal did you determine the skull to be from?
Is the animal mainly an herbivore or a carnivore? Why?
Skull #
After using the dichotomous key, what animal did you determine the skull to be from?
Is the animal mainly an herbivore or a carnivore? Why?
Skull #
After using the dichotomous key, what animal did you determine the skull to be from?
Is the animal mainly an herbivore or a carnivore? Why?
Skull #
After using the dichotomous key, what animal did you determine the skull to be from?
Is the animal mainly an herbivore or a carnivore? Why?
Lesson 3: Tooth Sleuth
Skull Comparison Worksheet
With your group, list what is the same (similarities) in the top box. Use the T-chart below it to
compare and contrast two skulls. Note differences using the characteristics listed on the left,
then add you own in the space provided. Be very specific and include details.
Skull #_____
Skull #_____
- Incisors
- Canines
- Molars
(small/large as a…)
(heavy as a…)
General shape
Eye socket placement/size/shape
On the remaining pages you can practice your naturalist skills. For each journal entry, begin by
writing down the date and time, location and weather. Sketch, write, doodle and explore!
Date and Time: _________________________________________________________________
Location: ______________________________________________________________________
Weather: ______________________________________________________________________
Date and Time: _________________________________________________________________
Location: ______________________________________________________________________
Weather: ______________________________________________________________________
Date and Time: _________________________________________________________________
Location: ______________________________________________________________________
Weather: ______________________________________________________________________
Date and Time: _________________________________________________________________
Location: ______________________________________________________________________
Weather: ______________________________________________________________________
Date and Time: _________________________________________________________________
Location: ______________________________________________________________________
Weather: ______________________________________________________________________