ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COUNCIL UC - Multipurpose February 10, 2016 SPACE UTILIZATION & STRATEGIC PLANNING RECAP Dr. Tim Metz, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Institutional Planning and Effectiveness o “Space Utilization & Strategic Planning” Power Point (attached to email) Discussed the following: The role of the Office for Institutional Planning & Effectiveness (OIPE) o Institutional Assessment o SACSCOC Accreditation o Federal and State reporting o Internal and external data requests o Standardized surveys and evaluations o Space utilization o Strategic Planning o Tim posed two questions to the group for further discussion: What opportunities exist at WCU to improve space utilization? What concerns regarding space management at WCU need attention? GROUP 1: Seek global solutions to help strengthen the effort People migrate to the best spaces, work on the poorer spaces to make them more desirable Flexibility of spaces Conversion of underutilized spaces to a “special project” space Master Plan as a living document so it can be updated as units move around Funding of renovations Repurposing of Moore/Graham Is the committee big enough to conquer the needs? GROUP 2: “Dead” spaces on campus that should be some of most vibrant campus areas (Moore, Graham) Lack of designated faculty/staff housing makes it difficult to recruit new employees. Lack of temporary housing for guests (international faculty) makes it difficult for us to fulfill our commitment to external partnerships and to increasing diversity. Offices on campus that regularly engage external partners (e.g., Center for Career and Professional Development) often have to pay for or charge those external partners for space fees and parking. Renovate/repurpose underutilized space to better meet our needs 1 Look for ways to bring eternal partners on campus without incurring fees that must be paid by on-campus units or passed on to the partners we’re trying to engage. GROUP 3: How big/bad is the space problem? Space reevaluated for change (future changes) Faculty office sharing to free up space Online courses – do their faculty need an office if they are not using it? Possibly offering more classes on M/W for 1:15 mins in an effort to free up more spaces on T/R. Keep a conversation going about the peak times GROUP 4: Too many classrooms –create a lab classrooms Improve accuracy of data in an effort to better manage Teaching in auditoriums or teaching in a meeting room. Changing space changes the pedagogy. Can a theater be taken offline as a theater and add it as a large classroom (space for an acting lab) Sustainability changes – better windows/more insulation GROUP 5: Space reservation process – fees of spaces (pricing internally vs. externally) Courses scheduled for emergency planning (e.g., faculty housed in ST but teaching in Belk) T/R scheduling has filed a little more than they should. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Tim Metz or x.3046. 2