University of Puget Sound Technology Services Sprint 8 Details – October 20 to December 5, 2014 Project Name Brief Description Owner Status Advising Notes Functionality for faculty advisors, peer advisors, and academic advising staff to enter notes regarding interactions with first-year students. Academic Advising Analysis Pre-Advising Questionnaire A questionnaire for incoming first-year students that captures advising and seminar selection, majors/programs/areas of interest, etc. Academic Advising Analysis Student Change Major Student self-service for change of major, minor, and advisor. Academic Advising Development Department Chairs View Majors/Minors A page for Department Chairs and Administrative Assistants to view information about students with majors/minors in their department. Academic Dean Development Admission Implementation Implement PeopleSoft for Admission. Admission Development Business Intelligence Implementation Implement Oracle Business Intelligence to provide campus analytics. Admission Development Programming Updates Changes to the academic rank calculation required for Admission for Academic Rank implementation. Development Admission Status Update Based on TouchNet Deposits Admission Development Admission Development Process the deposit status in Admission based on payments made through TouchNet. Admitted Student Provide deposit link on the admitted student page to Page Link to TouchNet lead directly to the Deposits page within TouchNet. Career and Flag Time Conflicts in Update the SWS file to include a flag for conflicts with Employment State Work Study File previously submitted time. Services Development Orientation for New Students Connect the tools that interact as part of orientation for new students. Dean of Students Analysis Student Alert Tool Ability for faculty and staff to submit an alert for any student for a variety of concerns, with automatic notification to Student Alert Group members and students' advisor(s) upon submission of alerts. Dean of Students Development Human Resources 9.2 Upgrade HR pillar from 9.1 to 9.2 to take advantage of Human Upgrade features available in the most current version. Resources Development Campus Bundle #35 Implement Campus Solutions Bundle #35. Multiple Departments Development Person Information Version 1.1 Enhancements to Person Information page. Registrar Development Housing Module Implementation Implement phase 2 of the housing module, which includes turning on self-service of meal plans. Residence Life Development Financial Aid 20152016 Support Support for Financial Aid process for 2015-16. Student Financials Development Terms and Conditions Requires students to accept terms and conditions before registration can occur. Student Financials Development Social Security Number Verification Ensures all students verify their SSN per IRS regulations. Student Financials Development Interface from PeopleSoft to Millennium Develop interface from PeopleSoft to Millennium. Office of University Relations Development