September 18, 2012
Cardinal Room, UC
Members Present: Bauer, Beaudet, Binkley, Bloom, Bryson, Buskey, Butcher, Carpenter, Carter, Catley, Corbin, Decatur,
Dinkelmeyer, Engel, Faughn, Fenton, Grist, Jaqua, Kantz, Lasher, McDonough, Newton, Nickles, Ogletree, Ray, Roberts,
Ruebel, Rundle, Schade, Schallock, Unruh, Walawender
Welcome and Introductions
Kim Ruebel called the meeting to order by welcoming everyone and started introductions.
Dean Dale Carpenter
Kim announced that Dean Carpenter would be joining the group towards the end of the meeting.
Approval of Minutes
April 16, 2012 meeting minutes were approved.
Chair’s Report
A. Orientation to the PEC - Bylaws
Kim explained the purpose of the PEC was to act in an advisory capacity to the Dean of the College of Education and Allied
Professions concerning curriculum and policies involving teacher and school professional education. The group also monitors
compliance for national and state accreditation.
B. Social Work Master’s License
This summer the State Board of Education approved the School Social Work licensure area program in the College of Health and
Human Sciences. The final course is on-line and there is excitement about this because we are the only institution in NC to do
C. Conceptual Framework
The new Conceptual Framework is rolling out this year. Several options for a logo are being narrowed down but a final decision
has not yet been made. There is a lot of work to be done looking at alignment of courses, how the framework and dispositions fit
in, and how assessment is done and in what courses.
D. Dispositions
Kim asked Marissa Ray to talk about the process. Marissa explained it’s a two level model of dispositions with 10 key acquired
professional dispositions*. These acquired dispositions would be nurtured and enhanced in the professional education courses
and assessed at three points – EDCI 201/BK 250, in a junior year course, and in internship or student teaching. At any point a
student may be found deficient in upholding one or more of the dispositions which will lead to the completion of a dispositional
deficiency form. Faculty, administrators and other school personnel will be working together so all are aware of issues through
the student’s program and not only at the end. Kim Ruebel and Lee Nickles are creating an evaluation tool and disposition rating
documents in TaskStream.
The next task to tackle is graduate programs. Catherine Carter mentioned the PEVA assessment for graduate students that is
already in TaskSream. Although it is unclear who is using it, the assessment has the student do a self-assessment and then when
they do their portfolio they would be assessed again.
PEC Minutes
September 18, 2012
Page 2.
A. Admissions – Barbara Schade
For those new to the Council, Barb explained that she reports new teacher education admissions for undergraduates and
certification and/ or graduates for informational purposes at least once a semester. She reported that there were 64 undergraduate
and 85 graduate and/or licensure-only certification admissions since last reported.
B. Curriculum – none
C. Appeals – none
D. Policy and Procedures – none
E. Field Experiences - Mary Beth Decatur
Mary Beth said she is working hard to create opportunities for our students to be in good settings with model teachers. She
shared that she did this same type of work for 12 years at another institution and is still learning about WCU. She will be
convening the Field and Clinical Experience Committee in the near future.
Assessment- none
G. Technology – Lee Nickles
Lee invited everyone to visit the Killian 105 student lounge that has 6 IMACS and presentation board. He also announced that
there is a new WCU technology component for graduate students effective spring 2013. Each program currently requires an
advanced portfolio and December 2012 graduates can use either the portfolio or new atomic learning videos on technology in this
transition semester. However, as of spring 2013 students will be required to complete three (3) modules/certificates of training in
atomic learning videos on technology and upload into TaskStream. Each module can be completed in a ½ to one hour sitting.
New Business
A. Quorum
Currently the PEC bylaws state that, “the presence of at least one-half of the Council voting members shall be necessary for a
quorum.” Because it has been consistently difficulty to maintain quorum for voting purpose at meetings in the past, a proposal to
change the necessary members for quorum to one-third has been suggested.
Some members present were uncomfortable with a change to one-third quorum. Discussion that followed included retaining the
one-half quorum but not “physical presence”, proxies versus absentee ballots, and how proxies would be used (specific vote or all
votes at the meeting). Lee reminded the group that the Council is governed by Roberts Rules of Order and does not recognize
proxies because groups need to deliberate. It was noted that the Faculty Senate allows proxy votes which covers all votes during
a meeting. The group’s secretary would need to be notified in advance of the meeting regarding the proxy. If the Council would
be in favor of proxies, a new item would be created and would require an amendment to bylaws. Motion and second to table
discussion. Motion passed.
B. Minimum Grade Requirement
In order to encourage quality candidates to enter and remain in teacher education programs, it has been suggested that candidates
in all majors and programs must earn a grade of C (2.0) or better [stressed not C minus] in all Professional Education Sequence
(PES) courses, e.g. PSY 323, SPED 339, EDSE 322, student teaching/internship courses, and seminars. It should be noted that
PES courses EDCI 201/BK250 are taken prior to admission to Teacher Education and a grade of C or better is already required.
Candidates cannot demonstrate mastery, or even satisfactory understanding of content, in a course without earning at least a C or
better. Many individual majors already have this requirement.
PEC Minutes
September 18, 2012
Page 3.
Renee provided the number of students in majors that achieved a grade less than C (2.0) during the last five years. There were 63
students with a grade less than “C” in PSY 320, 321, 322, 323 and/or SPED 335, 336 and/or 337. Two major programs had as
many as 19 students making a grade less than C in the PSY classes. Catherine Carter shared that the English department reviewed
their program and found that grades in seven courses could predict a student’s success. Two of these courses were PSY 323 and
SPED 339. Motion and second to require a C (2.0) or better in PES courses. Motion passed.
C. Curriculum Committee representative for Faculty Senate
Kim asked for nominations and Lori Unruh volunteered to be the PEC representative on the committee.
Next Kim introduced Dale Carpenter. Dale wanted to thank everyone for their participation on the Council. He complemented
Kim on getting an important agenda item passed at her first meeting and adjourned the Council at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Schade
PEC Secretary
*10 professional dispositions: Students will project a positive demeanor, behave responsibly, exhibit trustworthiness, build
positive interpersonal relationships, demonstrate cultural responsiveness, be engaged learners, demonstrate emotional and social
self-control, collaborate effectively, use effective communication, and engage in appropriate decision-making.